Finding a source

Hearing demonic magic made me unsettled it kind of gave me a bad feeling and reminded me of Mazza but he's long gone so there is nothing to worry about however I cant help but get this kind of tied up feeling but other than that everything's OK besides the world coming to an end.

"But sealing is the best option." Said Juumaa

"OK so what kind of powerful sealing object do we need?" Said Cedric

Colue says "Yes because if the pyramid is not going to work then-

"I didn't say it wouldn't work, I said we need something quite more powerful than dark magic." Followed my Juumaa

Flake said "So we need er demonic power flowing through an object such as the pyramid correct."

Juumaa looked at all of us and said "That is correct but it will not be easy just getting demonic power we need to trap it inside of the pyramid, and no one in the right mind will cease to exist."

*Narrating From Hell*

"The moon is set Devil the solar eclipse will not go down until the ritual is complete."

The Devil replies "Good collect the portal and bring him to me."

*Zero Narrating*

I standing in the conference room with the others and Juumaa and I feel a dark presents and a fiery portal opens up and Satan walks through with his 3 headed spear in hand and he looks over to me and points and says. "Mortal come here."

"No come get me." I reply

Juumaa snaps at me and says "Don't underestimate him he is basically god in this realm."

Satan laughs and says "Juumaa is that you, you pathetic archangel its been almost eons since I've seen you and your talents."

Juumaa says "Lord Satan you have caused too many problems for us here we cant allow you to kill all life."

"That's too bad you cant stop me." He says as he begins to point at him.

Juumaa starts shaking and giant wings similar to a phoenix wings erupt from his back but their not red in color but white and on his head lays a ring it is also white in color Juumaa says whilst panting.

"You evil bastard.", "You have no soul?" he says falling to his hands and knees.

Satan replies with "There shall be no souls living anymore and I will not be stopped by you."

Some thing creeps into our realm and it caught my eye and it is the Devil and now I can see him more clearly now he is tall, skinny, misty like fog and bones for hands followed with a black skull and red torching eyes. He walks next to Satan and says.

"An archangel, ah Juumaa the meddling one what brings him here Satan."

Satan replies "He plans to stop us with human mortals who posses nothing but a human soul."

The Devil looks at me in the eyes and walks over to me without me even noticing as soon as he was right in front of me I had only just noticed that he was there and my friends are trembling from his presence and he reaches out to me and with out hesitation I slap his hand down and everyone turns to me in shock and I say with my head down.

"I will stop you you evil bastard, and put you away for good."

Satan laughs and says. "You shouldn't have done that."

And the Devil snaps his head directly at me and he points at me and I freeze in place and he summons energy emitting from his finger tip and he says "Your going to a dark place." And he points in the center of my forehead and touches it. My mind is sent to a dark place and I begin to receive memories and the way it worked was like I was reliving them.

*Flakes perspective*

When the Dark being touched Zeros head a powerful energy blasted through the air and we were not frozen in place then and I am on the ground watching the Devil doing something to Zero and Zero beings levitating in the air and some red and black energy starts leaking from his eyes and mouth. Then a bubble forms around him and I stand and run up to him and I am immediately knocked back. Then all of a sudden Zero's hand moves and reaches for the pyramid, he then twists the top of it and they both vanish. and the energy stops, following was Satan shouted.

"Damn you." Looking upwards

Colue, Jax, Cedric, Jacc, and I get in a circle and the rest of us knights teleport us out of the walls and in the front gate. All of us are shaken from that dark presence.

*Zero perspective

I am in a place in the clouds and in front of me is some energy made of light and it speaks.

"Mortal you have gave me a window of opportunity to take down the Devil, this act will not go unknown."

His voice sounded like a light echo and I ask.

"What is your name?"

"No time for questions I need to seal the realm of hell. along with the Devil and Satan."

The being takes a human form and it looks like no human I've seen, as in that I mean he looks more than a human would look like. the being puts its hands together and white energy spits off of him in all directions.

One second i'm there and then one second I am back in the conference hall with the being and the powerful being said calmly now time for Satan to return to hell as well. Satan looks at him and his eyes caught fire and he attacked him the unnamed being blows me back and sits a barrier around me.

Satan swings his spear from above and the being put its hand on it and it created a wave and knocked Satan back and following that light was shot at Satan's chest and he begins to burn up and a triangle is marked on his chest and he disappears and the being said.


After the brief battle it closed the barrier and let me free, then walked over and said

"That was a hassle made me use almost all of my power, any who now its time for our last conversation before I departure."

He teleports me to the cloud realm and he begins with. "Now time for me to reward you with a wish you can only have one wish for me and I will grant it. I immediately have my wish dead set on and I tell him.

"I wish for you to-."

*End Of Chapter*