Time pass ... It is the 3rd week of school; I haven't spoken to Josh since the first day. I went on with my life as a regular kid. I always passed him in the hallways but never stopped to say hi. I took the bus to school even though I could have walked like I did the pass 2 weeks. I was on my way to school in the bus when it broke down. Talk about having a bad day. School was about to begin and if I wait until the bus driver fix the bus I won't reach until 2nd period. I exit the bus and start walking. I started to think about what would happen if I had spoken to josh and tell him how I felt about him being what he is.

I started to feel angry until I fall to my knees crying. A hand reached for me, I place my hands on theirs and took up myself to see it was josh. I was so distracted I didn't even realize I have already arrived at school. I hugged josh tight and rest my head on his chest and continued crying it's not like I could reach his shoulder after all he is 5'11 and i am 5'4.

Are you ok he said, I didn't want him to see me like this so I just hid my face. Let's go somewhere. He lifts me up off my feet and took me to his car. He put me on the front seat, as he was putting the seat belt across me his hand accidentally touch my nipples, I then realize that i forgot to put on my bra.

Sorry he said looking at me with those adorable eyes of his. He went to the other side of the car and get into the driver's seat. He took off his jacket and put it on the backseat and starts the car. First in reverse and then in drive, he exited the school. It was the first time in my life I had ever felt so safe like there was no-one in the whole entire universe that could hurt me.

We were about three blocks down from the school when I realize where he was heading, the UQ holders mansion (what a stupid name). We have arrived; the men at the gate nodded at him and then opened the gate. Josh drove to the back and parked. He got out and put his jacket on. Around the car he went to where I was and the car door. He took off the seatbelt and places his hands around me lifting me off the seat. At this time I was so tired of crying that I started to feel sick. He closed the car door and walk towards the backdoor of the house. As we enter the house, the first thing that caught my eyes was a shirtless portrait of josh with two guns that look like glocks in his hands. His eyes were red as blood and hair as dark as night. He took me to a master bedroom which I guess is his, he place me on the bed and covers me with a red fury blanket. The room was painted in red and everything else was also red except his bed spread it was black. He went into the closet and took out a red body shirt and grey sweats; he proceeded in changing his clothes right in front of me. He then places his hands on my head and realized I had a fever.

You're burning up he said I shifted my body nearly causing me to fall off the bed luckily he was there to catch me.

Be careful he said as he gently places me in the middle of the bed. He then calls one of his guys and tells them to prepare some soup. Couple minutes later, we hear a knock on the door.

Come in josh said as he stands up and walked over to the bed to check my temperature. A black woman entered the room with a bowl of soup and a spoon on a tray.

Here you go sir, she said in the sweetest tone ever. Thanks Kayla he said as he takes the soup and the spoon and places it on a small red foldable table beside the bed. You can leave now, I can feed her he said, as I try sitting up so that I can eat. She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. You don't have to feed me I mumbled as he climbs onto the bed. You're in no condition to feed yourself; after all, it's my fault this happened to you. I shouldn't have told you this so soon before us getting to know each other first. He takes up the bowl of soup and feeds me as if I was a baby. I watched him as he cools the soup and then taste it. I couldn't take my eyes off his lips. A few moments later I fell asleep or so I thought.