Two Faced

Right as I was about to object the car stopped. The door quickly opened and he grabbed my hand, taking it in his own.

I tried to force it out, to no avail. As he realized I was struggling right next to him, he sank his nails in my upper arm, causing me to whimper.

"Remember what I said, sugar. We wouldn't want an accident now would we?" He seethed. I didn't nod but stopped struggling.

I hated it.

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Jackson, and-" The tall man with slick black hair started while raising an eyebrow at me. His arm was looped with a woman who had stunning blue eyes, pale skin, and black hair.

"Miss Quill" Issac stated.

"Miss Quill. It's very nice to make your acquaintance." He said with a smile. "The table is ready. Shall we?" He asked cordially.

"We shall." Issac stated with a smile.

That motherfucker.

He led me to the table, with his hand on the small of my back.

Can you maybe not? I don't really want to be touched by you. Thanks.

I rolled my eyes and then felt his nails dig into my side. I looked up and he looked angry.

"Stop trying, sugar." He spat. I sat down in the seat as he sat next to me. He smiled at the couple before they started their conversation. As he talked he moved his hand to my knee.

I quickly tried to move his hand. It worked for some time before he placed his hand on my knee again.

Can't get a message I see.

He continued to rub the skin as I continued to try and move my knee away from him.

Eventually, he gave me a look that said "don't you fucking dare". I sighed and just let it be, much to his liking.

"Tell me a bit about yourself, Miss Quill." Mrs. Nix, or should I say, Amelia said with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Please, call me Camila. I have a younger sister who I love to death. I love reading, comics, and music. I think that's about it." I said with a polite smile.

"That's quite nice. We definitely have to talk more, you seem so nice! Also, please call me Amy. When did you meet Gerard, and how long have you guys been together?" She asked with a smile.

Right as I was about to answer, Issac dug his nails into my knee which caused me to look down and whimper. I looked up slightly through my long black hair.

He kindly smiled at her. "We've been together for six months, and we met eight months ago." He said happily.

Amy raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth, but was interrupted by the waitress.

"How may I help you guys today?" She asked with a smile as she kept her eye on Issac.

Hun, please take him. It would be my honor, truly.

"I'll have the Alfredo, please." Mr. Nix said first, she brought her attention to Amy, then Issac, then me.

To be honest, the whole conversation in the car made me lose my appetite, and quick.

The rest of them discussed stuff I didn't really pay attention though, instead, I thought about the next time I'll talk to May. I was brought back to reality once the food arrived. I noticed that Amy continued to watch me, intently, at that.

Eventually though, the dinner was done.

The guys talked an arms length away while me and Amy talked.

"We have to talk again. Maybe meet up sometime?" She asked with a warm smile. I could see Issac eyeing me intently just behind her.

His arms were crossed as he had a stone cold expression. He opened his mouth and talked with Mr. Nix, his gaze never leaving me.

"For sure, it was really nice talking to you guys." I said with a smile as I brought my attention away from him.

We continued to talk for sometime, before I felt arms wrap around my waist, which caused me to jump back.

"Relax sugar." Issac said with a lighthearted chuckle. "We really must be going, but we'll be seeing you both soon, for sure." He said with a smile before putting an arm around my waist and leading me to the car.

Amy's Point of View:

As we continued driving in the car, my mind kept replaying the events of the evening.

"Sweetheart?" Brendon asked bringing me out of my thoughts. He put a hand on my thigh which caused me to sigh.

"Bren? I just... something's off. With Issac and Camila. I just know it." I said anxiously. He gave me a sad smile. "You know something." I said seeing his nervousness.

"Amy, Camila is... how do I say this. Issac let me know that he got Camila because her father owed too much money. She's pretty much owned by him." He said with a sad sigh. I could see tears building up in his eyes.

My heart broke for the girl. She's done nothing wrong, yet she was in this horrid situation.

"Is there anything we can do?" I asked with tears building up in my eyes.

He gave me a sad shake of his head.

I'd do everything I could do to make it a bit better, even if futile.