Alex was having trouble sleeping.
After all the things that have been going on, he could use some sleep.
He had visited Kelly after fifteen years, but she didn't seem happy about it. Alex had secretly hoping for some enthusiasm for his return, but he couldn't blame Kelly, she had been always like that, she never seemed happy.
And then there was Serena. He didn't know what happened, but he knew her too well. She would have fought with Kelly, since they never had been at peace with each other.
They were too emotional for Alex to understand. If only they had been logical.
He rolled restlessly in his bed and his hands fell on the sword.
They had taken too much trouble for it.
Over all these years, he and Devon had been working as paid mercenaries. Work was abundant and they had ran into trouble once or twice, but their gold got them out.
He had always despised the ways of Reyjins. He had once thought about going out to search for the dark prince, to help him back to throne, but had shunned the idea soon.
He was no one, Just a lowborn, so decided to better act like one.
Few winters back, the opportunity had presented itself. They had got a letter bound by black, it was unsigned, and the man who had brought it had a black cloak on and a greatsword at his side.
The letter was written in the ancient tongue, but he had no difficulty in reading it which quite surprised him, as he'd never read ancient.
'It's in your blood.'
The letter was addressed to him.
'Dear Alex,
By the time you will read this, our House would hae already been fallen.
I am leaving you with my two most loyal servants, who would help you in every action you take.
Rodrig is a dark knight and the most feared over Omar, he served as the Kingsguard while Maurice was the hand.
They both swore an oath to protect you.
The Oracle has spoken and the realm falls to pieces.
Only you could bring it back to peace.
' The one who holds darkness shall bring forth light.'
This is the prophecy you must act upon.
I want you to deem revenge upon the traitors and bring the realm back to glory.
Your father.
Regan of House Valhazar.
It has been a few years since the letter came. It was hard for him to believe at first, but even if he said that, he knew that it was true. All the children of the ancient house know the tongue by birth and House Valhazar was the only great ancient house that was left. If some doubt was left, when he took the dark sword in his hands, he had survived. Legend has it, that the sword only holds it's power to the dark house.
' The realm needs you. The darkness has to rise again.'
Yes, those were his words. And he had agreed with him.
Since then, he had always been preparing in the background for the fall of House Reyjin.
And now they had to strike them a full blow.
These thoughts were disturbed by a loud noise, which startled him.
He quickly got out of bed and went to the door.
Devon broke in, panting heavily. There was blood on his hands, but Alex didn't ask.
"It's the blue cloaks, we have to get out!"he managed the words between his gasps.
"What about Kelly?"
"She died!" He shouted.
The words hit him. He became unaware of the shouting downstairs and Devon shoving him out of the window.
He saw water. His body lost it's weight and he spotted something Blue at a distance, slowly approaching him. It was difficult to see with the tears burning his eyes.
The thing kept closing in, until it was right in front of him.
Then he felt the shock of the cold water.