Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Jasper!" Avalyn called. Her small fox on the floor stopped chewing on his leather ball. The life belonging to a royal seemed to suit him rather well. He blinked his golden eyes at her. “Do you like the name Jasper?" He yipped and ran around excitedly, forgetting his ball. She laughed as he ran here and there, bouncing off furniture and walls.

"Come here, you." He booked it to her and jumped onto her bed, ramming into her, face first. She wrestled with him. He nibbled on her knuckles, little paws holding unto her hand, growling.

"Savage little beast, you are." She grabbed ahold of the tip of his tail and wiggled it in front of his face. He snapped at it but she moved it out of his reach. She brushed his nose with his own tail. He tried to follow it with an open mouth full of teeth. Avalyn froze, relinquishing Jasper's tail. Jasper stilled too, darting eyes looking for the next attack. She pounced, and rubbed his belly, he attacked her hands again.

A familiar quick rap sounded at the door and it opened, admitting Mikhail. She rolled her eyes, "You know you should really wait until I call you in here. What if I had been changing?”

"Not like there's much to see," he fired back. Avalyn threw the closest pillow at him which he ducked easily, letting it hit the wall behind him harmlessly. He sat a large dress box on her bed.

“Why are you so mean?”

"Go put it on." He pointed to it, then to her bathing chambers.

She scowled, not feeling very compliant, "No." She threw herself down on her bed, making sure her back was to him. Her fingers dug into Jasper’s fur.

The bed sank as the weight of a man came upon it. She continued to ignore him, but she started to slide as the weight drew nearer. His arm came down in front of her and she looked up to see that frightening, lascivious grin of his. Her heart started to hammer with panic and bolted out from underneath him.

Mikhail smiled sweetly, his tone not quite on pitch to be sincere, "Princess, since you're up, would you please put your dress on?" He pushed the box across the bed and she scowled at it, then at him, "I could force you into it, if you'd rather.”

Her eyes widened in surprise at his dark grin. Believing the threat, she grabbed the box and stomped into the other room, a chuckle following behind her.

With a sigh, she set her box down on her vanity, slid the lid out, and froze. Avalyn had always preferred neutral colors, nothing that was drastic, and this dress was just that. Drastic. The lid fell from her hands as she went for the dress.

It was made of fine silk and lace, both as black as the night sky and as bright and vivid as human blood. The startling colors were meant to draw every eye. Every guard tonight would remember her face.

She murmured, "Bastard!"

A few minutes later she was out of her gown and in Mikhail’s dress, "Have you seen my hand-maiden, today, Mikhail?”

"You gave her the day off.”

"I did?" She asked herself. She didn't doubt Mikhail's honesty, she just never really had a need to remember. She had her hand-maiden, Mary, more out of formal practice than necessity. Avalyn preferred simplicity. But the life of a princess wasn’t always simple, such as days like these where upstart Knight Commanders forced their liege into formal dinners.

"Yes," Mikhail responded, coming up behind her, "Tomorrow is the start of the Harvest Festival, she wished to help her family set up…" He started. Avalyn thought really hard, trying to remember that scenario, but she had a hard time focusing since Mikhail had yet again walked in on her without warning or asking. ”Mary's smart, she knows the best time to ask you."

"I could have been indecent!"

He shrugged, "You asked for Mary. I assumed you needed help."

She couldn't fault his logic, but he might have still asked if she wasn't actually ready for help from a man she wasn't wedded to. Avalyn's scowled deepened when she finally processed what he had said before, "What is that supposed to mean? The best time to ask me.”

"I'm saying she only ever asks for things when you're reading." He pointed down, spun his finger in a circle motion for her to turn around. She did as he bid, making sure the dress was sitting where she wanted it as he tightened up the ribbon in the back of her bodice.

"I don't know why she sees the need, it's not like I'd say no to begin with, or that I'd bite her head off just for asking for something like some people I know.”

"What are you insinuating, Princess?" He asked growling, cinching the ribbon a bit too roughly. Avalyn rolled her eyes.

"That may have worked if you were doing up my corset. And don't ruin my dress.”

He harrumphed, ”You always have to have protection, you don't always need someone around to help you dress in the morning. Let’s not try to compare the two.” He brushed her hair over her shoulder and did the buttons up on the lace above her bodice, up to the back of her neck. When he did up the last one he pulled her soft black hair back down and ran his fingers through it, straightening out the tangles. He found himself quickly captivated by her hair. What he had thought to have been the scent of flower in her hair earlier, was actually her hair alone. The sweet scent washed over him every time her hair moved. He wound strands of her hair through his fingers, moving it this way and that. He was fascinated; when his eyes darted up he caught her eyes in her vanity mirror. She looked a bit bemused and curious.

"Have you taken a liking for hair styling?" She asked, "Perhaps that's good seeing as you have gone and scheduled an event whilst my hand maiden wasn't here to do it. You can do it in her stead.” Mikhail dropped her hair instantly and tried to step away, but Avalyn liked where this was going. She snatched his wrist and pulled him over to her vanity where she sat down in front of the mirror. Over her shoulder she handed him her brush, giving him a sweet, conniving smile through the vanity mirror.

He looked over his shoulder, hoping to see if anyone could save him, or to make sure there were no witnesses. Carefully he set the brush to her hair when she spoke, "Start at the ends." Mikhail paused momentarily before redirecting himself to the ends of her long, ebony hair. He brushed them gingerly, not meeting any resistance. He continued his way up only hitting small little snaggles. After what seemed like forever he made it to her scalp.

"Why do you do little brushes? I'm not made of glass, you can do long, full strokes." Mikhail froze. He looked to her through the vanity mirror. Her eyes that had closed during the grooming flew open as realization struck. Her cheeks turned bright red, hands flying to her mouth to cover her widening smile, "That is not what I meant!" A laugh in her voice.

But Mikhail couldn't handle it. He set the brush down and he walked out of room, her giggling followed him out. He walked out onto her landing and took a deep breath of the crisp, autumn air. He shook his head and pulled at his face. His hands fell on his hips and he took another few deep breaths and went back inside. She was still sitting in her chair, face composed but cheeks still pink, she was running the brush through her hair on her own. The moment they locked eyes again she burst into another fit of giggles and he walked back out. A smile savagely fighting to make itself present.

“Wait! Mikhail, come back! Help me finish my hair, please?”

Still silent, he turned back around, looking to the heavens rather than meet the Princess's eyes, "What do you need help with?" He croaked out. He cleared his throat and asked again, "Well, what do you need help with, Princess?"

Giggles finally under some control, she explained to him what she was going to need his help with. Some stylings requiring four hands. He held back the top half of her now glossy, soft hair. She pulled strands out and braided them below then, took a large chunk from the top that she made her base. All the braids she had made were coiled around the center. She took more hair from Mikhail and did draping twists that he couldn't keep track of. With the final bit of hair she made her center piece and staged it off center on the back of her head. He was baffled by her ability to make a hair braid look like a flower and the sheer amount of hair she had. When she finished she turned her head back and forth to look at the placement of jeweled pins in her hair. She handed Mikhail a handheld mirror making him stand back so she could see the back of her head to put three jeweled pins in the center of her rose braid. It was elegant and beautiful. He inched closer to peek in her box of precious hair baubles and pointed to the one that immediately caught his eye.

"You should use that one."

She picked up the silver rose, and admired the vine work and placed it in the back of her hair, "Good call."

She stood and went over to look at herself in her full length mirrors. The dress on her was breath taking. The collar was high, the sleeves tight. They were made of black lace. The bodice was black and soft to the touch with a sweetheart neck line. Black beads started at the chest and dissipated towards the waist, and the skirts under color was red, the top, sheer lace, black.

Mikhail came over with the dress' train and helped Avalyn attach it beneath the bodice skirt. It matched the skirts. Red silk with black lace atop. Except for the bright red bow, which he quickly centered. He took his time, making sure the fabric draped correctly all the way down. She took a deep breath. This dress definitely made her look more regal than most of her simple gowns did. The straight edges made her look severe and she even found herself a bit intimidating, though the gown was sleek and elegant. Many of the court ladies liked large skirts. Avalyn didn't get the sentiment. She turned, trying to see how she looked from differing angles, never quite sure how to deal with a new style.

"Alright, I'm ready." She said straightening her shoulders, giving herself a little smile, which quickly turned into pursed lips.

Mikhail was leaning against the wall, looking outside, his cheeks were red, "That's all well and good but dinner isn't for nearly another hour or so.”

Avalyn scowled at him, "Why did you ask me to get ready so early then?”

"I didn't know you could get ready so fast." He admitted, finally looking at her.

Avalyn growled and stalked to her vanity and messed with her eye kohl and lip paint and powdered her face ever so slightly. She wasn't massively fond of wearing make-up, but since she had time and she was dressed up any ways. Even so, it only stole a couple minutes. Mikhail watched silently. Somehow she had made her eyes look bigger and bluer. The pink tint to her lips was wonderfully inviting. A juxtaposition to the severity and sharpness of the dress. She was supposed to appear cold and unapproachable. A reminder that there were rules to be followed. There was an order to things and she and all her guards were part of that order. Her sweet face was going to break the idea of her he was trying build to his staff. At this point she could go up to any guard and ask them to take her out and they'd say yes! He kept a huff to himself.

"I wish to go out to the gardens."

Mikhail straightened up off the wall, "As you wish."

Avalyn proceeded Mikhail out of her rooms and smiled to her guards as she walked out. They both had to look twice to realize it was indeed their princess coming out of the suites and not some stranger. Mikhail closed the door behind him and locked them. He nodded to the guards posted further down the hall. They were Avalyn's tails throughout the palace, but they weren't needed as close when Mikhail was personally with her.

Avalyn strolled down the corridor, patiently waiting for her escort to catch up, when he did, he took her hand and placed it gently on the inside of his arm, and guided her to the gardens.

By the time they arrived, Mikhail's princess was scowling, "You shouldn't do that, your face will get stuck, or worse, you'll get wrinkles." Her scowl only deepened.

"Why do their manners change towards me on the premise of the type of gowns I wear?”

"They probably forgot they had a princess." Mikhail teased. She let out a fake laugh, only to make Mikhail genuinely laugh, "Amazing what happens when you actually dress like a princess."

"Which does beg the question, how did you even manage to get me a dress at this late hour?"

"It was ordered for the festival tomorrow when you and your father go through the city."

"Why didn't I know we were going out?"

"Because nobody cares what you think." She elbowed him hard, "Ow! That's not very princess like."

"Ow from a weak elbow, some protection you are.”

He stuck out his tongue, and she sent him a contemptuous look. Excited yipping made them both look over their shoulders. Jasper came bolting towards them. He sprinted between Mikhail's legs and dashed into the shrubs.

"You have weird taste in company," he remarked.

"Yes, I know. I've kept you around long enough, haven't I?" She mocked and stuck out her tongue when he scowled.

"Careful with that tongue of yours. Any farther out and I'll take it." He threatened. The danger in his face shifted subtly, one of feigned anger to one of promise. Avalyn's heart sped slightly and she pointedly ignored him after that. She took to gazing at the flowers, and watching, amused, as Jasper would disappear and reappear at random intervals throughout the hedges and bushes. His chittering never ceasing. They neared the giant fountain in the center of the garden and her heart melted a bit. This was one of her favorite places to be. Her fondness certainly stemmed from the fact that her mother had loved and spent so much time this place as well. Mikhail helped her sit on the fountains ledge and she took in the marble statues above her. The center piece was the god of love Saphraeti, he sat tempting, unclothed, with his arm extended to a beautiful wood nymph. Small pegasi, sprites, and satyrs danced around. The ledge on which she sat were of two dragons intertwined, Desire and Passion. It was indeed a lover's garden, requisitioned by her mother.

She peered into the water to look at the mosaic underneath to see it littered with coins, "This was often your mother's favorite spot to hide. Back then though, the willow here, covered it partially, but it grew to be quite troublesome when its leaves would fall come autumn, they would block up the fountain.”

Mikhail instantly bowed as her father came into the clearing. He returned the bow and sat down beside his daughter, "Those colors look absolutely lovely on you. It was a good choice, Lord Knight Commander," he complimented with an approving smile.

Mikhail bowed again, "Thank you, your Majesty. You're too kind.”

The King turned back to his daughter, "While I disapprove of you not wearing your tiaras as you should, I am glad you are not wearing one at the moment because I come bearing a gift. Your Knight Commander here tells me he believes that the guards of the palace do not recognize you well enough, and so has declared there be a dinner tonight in which you are the guest of honor. I agreed. If he is worried, than I am worried. I need to know that my child will always be recognized by her own and protected.

"I went through some of your mother's old things and found this." He presented a deep blue velvet box. She opened it carefully. Inside was a diamond tiara of vine and leaf design, diamonds and sapphires were studded through out. Small, thin, and light. Her father pulled it out and admired it a moment, "Your mother didn't much care for wearing head dresses either. I had it made for her after we were newlywed. She consented to this. It is light and doesn't move around too much, and didn't demand that she have her hair done up all the time to wear it." He secured it into her hair with easy efficiency. He was right. It was light. She shook her head slightly and it didn't move. She smiled at him.

"Thank you, papa." He gave her a sad smile.

"You are just like her, in so many ways. Don't think I don't know about your exploits, there was a reason I assigned the young Knight Commander to your guard rather than mine as tradition. He can keep up with you, and doesn't encourage you to break my rules like a previous Knight Commander, God of the Beyond guard his soul.”

Avalyn had the grace to look embarrassed.

"You do a good job. Your mother was the same way. Blessings, I should say, makes it easier to predict what I can expect of you. I miss her a great deal." Her father watched a memory far away and it tore at her heart, making her feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, papa," she said, reaching out to him. His sad eyes snapped to hers.

"My Heart, do not ever be sorry. The Gods decided it was her time, it was not your fault." He smiled, "I wouldn't trade you for anything." He stood and kissed her forehead.

"Now, since you will not be dining with me, I will go and do work instead. Perhaps I can get ahead and we can spend more time together tomorrow." He sniffed and rubbed at his nose, "And maybe man will sprout wings." He turned on his heel and marched away. Avayln watched her father walk away. Mikhail watched Avalyn’s eyes turn glassy and her lip tremble only a moment before she was poised once again. His stomach soured with guilt for taking her away from time with her father. She didn’t get much quality time with him and he had been in a melancholic mood. Those moods always worried Avalyn. Mikhail understood all too well.