Meet her

Hey..! Lisa, wake up!! Otherwise you are gonna late for the submission of your's assignment.

~Her friend ella said aloud...~ actually she's living in a dorm with her best friend ella~

Yeah yeah I know..... What type of life is this mine Lisa said with smelly mouth.

Drink the morning tea and rush towards the university with the piece of sandwich in her hand... And submit the assignment....

After the submission of the assignment she's going towards the singing class for the practice ( becoming singer is her dream but she gave up on it because of her parents).

In the way she bump into the handsome and the most smartest person of the university.....

When she looks up she suddenly felt that her heart beat is stretching towards him and for a while she fell into his eyes.... like she's dreaming ~~

Because in few minutes she realized that she's in university so she stood up and says : sorry, "I am just losing my mind for doing some crime"

And she ran towards the class.... she's

Seeing the other students who practice the lyrics of the songs.... She says " how flattered their eyes are"¿¿

Ahhhh! But what can I do now?? I already becomes the "garlic smell"


Mah poor luck why you don't satisfied my parents?


From whom I tell this.... Mah this luck never ever became mine..... "She's as cruel for me as the step mothers"

In this duration..... Lisa's belly sounds like... Ghaarssffggffffffff~~~

Ahhhh.... Mah poor belly now go with me to the cafeteria... And I will gives you what you want.... I am not as cruel as my luck....

In the way of cafeteria,,, she calls ella

Hey,..! Ella.... Is your's class finished now?? Actually mah hungry belly wanna eat with you..... Ella silently laugh and says of mah baby's belly I will come just wait for me a while.....

Come come.....! Lisa said to ella when she reached to the cafeteria.....!

So what you wanna eat???

Choco cake...? Or a peanut coffee cake....Or the mint cheese cake....?

You're looking happy today?? Is everything fine or you got a job?? Ella says.....

Do you think that I have a luck of princess??? Lisa says.... This...!

Ookay ookay.... Don't always blame your's luck.... Just order the Choco cake for me..... Ella said...!

After finishing the cheese cake... Lisa asked from her belly..... Am I a good person??? Oo what's the bullshit is this...! Cut this crap from your's mind.... Just what you do is only find the job... Ahhhhhhh.... Do it Lisa... Do it...!

Ella now if you finished the cake.... Then we go to home....!

Yeah... Yeah... I finished it.... let's go....!

In the way to home she said to ella that you know what today I bumped into the handsome boy.... he's really looking like the prince charmas of my every night dreams...! As long as my toung and he's like the lyrics of the songs.... In which I just flow myself...! And he's looking as muture as my father.....

Oooo...what the hell am I saying.... He's not as old as my father.....!

Ella laugh and know he's the son of the ceo of "Master corporation"...

Ooo.... The company who's given chance to every new singer...? Lisa said....

Ella yeah mah dear..... But he's only comes in your's dream because he's for you just like the Gucci's handbag which you never purchased.....

Lisa i know I can only afford him in my dreams but he's soo handsome.... ((And she stopped here))

O mah poor baby..... You just fell into your's dream again.... Ella said..!

Just slowly slap at Lisa's head and said now if you done the kissed with him, then we go??

Ahhhh..! Ella why you always interrupt in mah precious dream...! Are really mah bestie??.? Hugggghhhhhhgggg....

Oooo don't mad mah poor baby.... Ella slightly laugh...!...

Ookay now you make fun of me.... Ookay ookay... I am watching you... You become soo cruel...!...! Ughhhhhhhhhh

Now go to home quietly.....! Ella said...!!

((After they reached the home...!!))

Ella please off the light....

What are you doing???

Don't you do it by yourself??? How lazy you are....! Idiot...!

Ella don't shout that much just switch off the light....!



On the table..!

Lisa's fell in the thoughts..... Lisa are you ookay??? Ella said...!

Yeah yeah..! I am ookay.....but you know what I see that handsome man in my dream...! You know what I am just join his..... Oo ooo stop Lisa...! Don't always thought the things like this....! Just finished your's breakfast and get ready for the university...! Otherwise your's bad luck wishes you best..!

You bi***??? Are you really mah friend?? Always wish me bad..... Ughhhddd..!

Don't act childishly..... Just go and get ready??

((Lisa in the bathroom talking with herself))

I will definitely get him.... Afterall he's mah prince charmas....

Ooooo...! Don't thought like this... Don't you know it's not what you want.... It's waste of time....! You need need something else..! Ookay..! Understand my dear mind..! Now let's go to university...!

Soooooooooo,,! In the class

(Sir came)

Students...! We combine your's section with the other section and then makes a team of ten peoples.... The team which will win the highest marks in the task will have the chance to get 20% concession in the fees and get 20% extra marks in the final and also these teams get a good job because university offer them job in some companies...!

So the 4 team has been made...

The captain of team A is Ha this captain select the members by picking up those paper pins.....

((The things goes like this))

Now it's the turn of team C 's captain Ling xiao... To select the remaining members....!

(He's the son of ceo of "Master corporation")

Please mah luck help me to me a part of his team.... Please mah luck... You know how much handsome is he...!

So now pick up the paper pin..!

The first one is Lee min

((Same the situation goes on))

The last member remains only..!

So the last member is Lisa....!

Hahhhhhhhhhhh!! (strange look)

Is it really me..?? How my luck is gonna this good... No way..! Am I gonna be luck¿?

The remaining members become the part of the team "D".....!

Now you guys adjust yourself and the captain tell the rules to all members of his team..!

You all of you first tell me your's name..??

One by one....!

((They all telling there's name to him))

Now the our first task is selling the dresses and earn profit...!

Are you ready guys for this first task??

Yessssss.....! (Sound aloud)

So guys I will gives you the further detail tomorrow... We have 1 week and 3 days to practice about this task....! And also we collect the clothes in good fabric and in less price then remake the design and sell in the high price...

((They are the students of desinging department))

Now you all go to home and draw the designs sample of a simple one dress and i will check it tommorow .... You must complete it in one night..! No excuse....!


Now you all can go..!!!!

Ella ella...!! ((shouting))

What's that Lisa..?? Why are you shouting like the dog is tracing you....!

What's lame joke is it..? Ella..!!!

Ookay ookay just tell me why are you happy that much??

Ella you know what today is the selection day..!

Yeah yeah I know it..! So what's the thing is

happy in it??

Oooohooooo....! Just listen me...! Not interrupt in the mid.....!


Ookay says it quickly.., Lisa...!

Ahhoooo..! The thing is like that...! I am now in the team of Ling xiao....!

Ookey..! By the way..! It's not a happy news~

Ooo.!..! It is...! You know I become lucky now..!



Let's cut this topic....! Your's voice is sound like you're definitely a bathroom singer..!

Ella....! Why you always do this...?? You are not really mah bestie..!!..!

Lisa...! Now start eating.....!

Ookay ookay...! Serve me please... You know what he's quite tough man...! He give us only tonight to complete the sketch of one design...! But he's also very handsome..! Awwwww...! Lisa just eat the dinner and start yours work....! You forget that he's very strict man also....! So do it quickly...!

Ooohoo.... You don't wanna forget this...! Mah evil friend_-_!

Ookay...! I eat the dinner know...! Please wash the plates for me...! You know how much I love you...!!

Yeah yeah...! I know that I am yours evil bitchy friend....!

No..... No..... It's not like this...! You're mah sweet and beautiful and wise friend...! You're the one and only piece who's land in the earth..! You are really nice.... Please do this for me...!



Ookay ookay..! Don't praise me...., I am not the crow.... And don't assume yourself as a fox.....!

I will wash all the plates you can go and start yours work...!

Love you mah Love....!!!♡


Hey...! Mikh...?

Hello..! Lisa...! Actually I call you because we need you know we are all in the back door room of campus...! Arrives here now....!