Towards attraction


Ling xiao/// can you please stand stable for 5 mints...!


Lisa/// ookay...!

((how rude))

((Ling xiao start to cut the upper part according to the design and after 5 mints the cut is done...!))

So, here this is done now Lisa leave this dress and do yours own work...!

Lisa/// ookay captain...!

Ling xiao/// everyone...! As you know we have 4 days left after today...! So...! Fighting...!!!

Yeah fighting....!!!!!!!

((Teacher tong enters in the class))

So class...?? What's going on??

O hello sir....

Good morning sir....

((everyone says))

Oookay Oookay class...! So the thing which brought me here is that we makes monitors from every group so.... We selected 2 monitors from here too and monitors would be pick up by their's abilities....!!!

Class says//// So sir, who are the monitors of our team?.?

Sir//// it's Ling xiao and Lisa....!!!

((Whole class start clapping))

Xiao fei: sir...! Why it's Lisa??? We are same as Lisa so why you choose her??

Sir//// because from the last time's competition Lisa has the main score among you alls.....!!

((Yeah yeah..... Lisa is also very capable every student says))

Sir/// ookay calss...! Now do yours work bye..!

Whole class says///Bye sir...!

((everyone starts working and talks with each other and then it's getting drak))

Captain don't you thinks it's dark now... Can we leave?? And do remaining work tomorrow..?

Ling xiao//// but alot of work are left...!

Lisa//// ookay ookay...! You are all tired now.. You all can go but comes early tomorrow...!

((Ookay bye//all students said))

Ling xiao// what's this behavior lisa? Don't you know that it's too much difficult to complete this if they leave like this every day....!

Lisa// don't you think it's wrong to stay them here all the night?

Ling xiao// can you tell me how?

Lisa// because if they work continuously they can't be as concentrated as they are now because they all are tired...!

Ling xiao// so you tell me how we complete this?

Lisa// we both try our best...! Let's start it know...!

((with a smiley face))

Ling xiao//ookay (with the sarcastic way))

(( they start doing work))

Ling xiao// Lisa pass me the scissor...!

((When she moves forward to gives the scissor to ling xiao she bumps itno his arms and her eyes contract with his eyes for a second and her heart is pushing her towards him and for a second she felt like she's in the dream world))

Ling xiao// are you ookay Lisa??

Lisa// yes ((sounds embarrassing))

((They start doing their work together and do alot of work then Ling xiao said to Lisa that now it's time to go home after 4 hours the class is on back))

Lisa// ookay..! Let's close the class together..!

((they close the class and leaves towards their houses))

Lisa// I think ella is sleeping..!

((when she enters in the rooms she takes the steps quietly))

Ella// why you came home late??

Lisa// you are still awake??

Ella //Yes... You know if someday dorm aunt see you that you climbs the pipe and then enters in the room she surely kill you....!

Lisa// ella...! Don't need to worry... She don't know this way... Even that she's sleeping like the dead body...!

Ella// so, you tell me why you are that much late??

Lisa// I am working on the project as you know and I am also the monitor of the class I need to complete the work.... That's why I am late....!

Ella// ooaky but now go change your's clothes and sleep...! It's late already...!

Lisa // ookay good night...! And BTW you are waiting for me??

Ella// don't day dreaming... I just woke up because of your's foot steps....! You don't even walk like the human beings....!

Lisa// I know you are waiting for me.... Ba bye..!!

Ella// oky go and sleep...!

(( in the bed, when Lisa is lying on it she suddenly remembers that moment when she bumped into xiao and she starts blushing.... After this.... What are you thinking about Lisa?

It's just an accident just leave it and sleep right now you know that you need to wake up early))

In the morning*

Lisa Lisa??

Wake up wake up... It's time to get ready you need to go early as you know.... Quickly get up??

Lisa // ella please five more mints

Ella// tells me Lisa... Am I your's mom?? I wish that day also came when you wake me up in the morning but as I know it's my dream only...!

Lisa// okay okay...! Don't be act like the mothers I am going to take shower please ready the club sandwiches for me...!

Ella// what's this Lisa??? What's you think I came here as a cheif...???

Lisa// please ella as you know I am too busy these days when I am free I also makes some for you....!

Ella/// o my God.....! That day will never come but it's still ookay...!

(( ella preparing a breakfast and Lisa starts to ready for the class))

Ella// comes up and eat this and kindly clean the table before you leave now I am going to university because my first class is in the early....,

Lisa// ookay...! I will do..!

(( after eating the breakfast, she left and she don't remembered to clean the table))

In the class...!

So every one as you know that remaining time is not that much so now it's time to over work for 3 days..... Hope so you all concentrate on the work and do yours best...!

(they start working)

In the break*

Guys you go and eat some thing and rest for a while /// Lisa said

( Lisa go to the cafeteria and buys sandwiches)

Here you eat it too // Lisa said

Xiao// thanks but I don't eat the sandwiches..!

Lisa// it's ookay but now you eat it because you need energy and food gives energy so if you want to work more 3 days you need to eat it and it's vegetables sandwiches with boil chicken so it's not harm you...!

Xiao// I am good and have alot of energy juts take them away because I want to work...!

Lisa// have you any allergies with these things??

Xiao// no...! I don't... Gives me i eat it but after this you don't came here to interrupt in my work...

Lisa// ookay take it.. ((what a rude man don't even gave a lill touch smile... If he's not in my class I will surely leave him hungry.... Ahhhh... Am I that much cruel... No no.... I am not... Leave him....,a grumpy man don't even asked from me that I also eat something or not... He don't even have manners))

After all members finished the lunch*

(( they enters in the calss and start working))

Lisa// Kia you need to do it in the vertical type... Wair I help you.....

((They do the work with full of fun and hard work))

Mia// BTW Lisa.... You are on diet??

Lisa// no, why?

Mia// actually you don't eat anything today so I think you start dieting...!

Lisa// no it's not like this actually i don't have time that's why....! And I even eat a bit more in a breakfast...

Xiao// please don't talk useless just try to focus on the stuffs otherwise you all lose your's focus...!

Mia// Ookay..!

(( if she don't even eat the lunch then why she brings sandwiches for me.... What a fool girl))

Ming// xiao you cut it wrong... Don't you think?

Xiao// oo shit...! You are right ming....!

Ming //you also need to focus on the stuff other wise it's gonna be a mess...!!

(( all the class slightly laughs))

Xiao// yeah,, you are right but don't need to worry I will set it...!

Lisa //yes guys.... He do his best and we are here to help each other.... Right??

((Yeah.... Right))

((After working the class is left and as usual xiao do wrong so he can put more effort to remake it))

Lisa// gives me scissor I can also helps you...!

Xiao// no... You don't need to help me... It's my mess so, I clean it at my own... You go and sleep....

Lisa// we are the class so, it's our duty to help each other... So, let me help you....!!

Xiao// what type of girl are you?? What you think if you do the things like this you will got my attention...?? It's your's dream only.... Your's all this actions are just creating a mess.... You are not looking even like the normal girl...!

Lisa/// what..... What are you talking about...?? I just want to help you because we are calss mates but you.... You always have dirty thoughts in your's mind.... From which angle you thought I like you or have a crush on you.... There's alot of peoples in this world.... You are not alone left here.... You it's good for you that you don't day dreaming because you are not the member of BTS....!

Xiao// if it's not like this then why you brings a lunch for me and don't even eat it...

Lisa// it's because when I go and brought a lunch for myself I think you don't even eat so I brings some for you but when I go back for brings my stuff so the aunt said it's finished that's why I don't eat..... Don't be over.... And now you do it at your's own because I am going... Bye

Xiao// Lisa.... Lisaa??