Face the Music

Chase went back to the alpha's without his jacket, and a smile on his face. Cole was busy typing on his computer, Dylan should have been busy, but he was bored and distracted. He kept finding himself distracted by the girl who rejected them. How, he didn't know her name, or how she was doing. Upon Chase's arrival Dylan decided he was going to bother Chase. 

"Ohhhhhhh, Chase where have you been?" Revealing a cheeky grin.

Chase ignored Dylan and headed to the shower.

"Cole didn't Chase look strange to you?" Dylan scratching his head.

"I don't have time to mess around Dylan, I have work to do, and so should you." Cole keeping his eyes glued to his computer.

"But Cole come on, you should have seen him he didn't have a jacket on, and he was actually smiling."

True Chase rarely came home with less cloths then he had on, and never really smiled. Unless it was to create fear.

"So what Chase was is in a good mood." Cole glared at Dylan the glare was to make Dylan shut up and it worked.

Both of them sat in silence. The whole house had a dead silence to it, until Chase started singing. Neither of the three of them really listened to music. So Dylan and Cole didn't know what Chase was singing, but the fact that he was. They both were racking their brains. 

Chase came out of the bathroom put his cloths in the wash and started them. Then went out into the living room wearing a dark grey t-shirt and black sweatpants.

"How was your shower Opera?" Cole said, shutting his computer screen, with a blank expression on his face trying not to laugh.

Hanging his head down Chase shook it. "Not you to, come on I just had a good day."

"Chase a good day for you is when you fix a bug in a system, kill a traitor, or meet a pretty girl, and even when those things happen you never act like this."

Dylan had a point Chase was not the one to smile regularly, and when did he leave his coat with a girl, and when the hell did he start singing in a shower?

"I thought you were down town at a diner doing business?" Cole said narrowing his eye's at Chase hoping to see through his head and into his thoughts.

"I was at the diner doing business."


"And what Dylan?" Chase tried not to give anything away.

"You know he won't stop bugging you till you tell him." Cole said now laughing at Chase's frustration.

"And what about you Cole will you leave me alone."

"Sure man but I think you have bigger issues to deal with." Chase looked from Dylan to Cole, back to Dylan and sighed. 

"I didn't lie I was at that diner, but you will never believe who works there."

The other two men in the room looked confused and why wouldn't they be.

"Isabelle, Isabelle Jade." Chase smiled as he headed to the kitchen feeling satisfied that they were trying to rack their heads for a Isabelle Jade that they would never find.

"Just going to leave us hanging dude or are you going to tell us who she is?" 

Just as Chase expected Dylan was going crazy. Chase didn't saying anything. No after making himself a BLT sandwich he went back into the living room eating it, just smiling.

"Who the fuck is Isabelle Jade." Just as Dylan screamed this his eyebrows got big, and looked to Cole to see if he caught on. It took a minute or two more for him.

"Your telling me the diner you just happen to have business in is the same one she works at?"

"Yup." Chase responding to Cole with food in his mouth, he was starving.

"But I thought she worked at a bookstore in no man's land, that is about an hour from there." Dylan adding, all confused.

"She does, she works both places if I'm correct. She works at the bookstore during the day and the diner at night."

"Soooooo what happened?" Dylan said like a impatient child at christmas.

Chase didn't want to answer, didn't want to say how he had come up with the idea to leave her alone, and how he failed to listen to his own words. One look at Cole told him that neither of them were going to let this go, not when it came to her.

"Well when I dropped her off in the morning, her store door was shot or broken into. Shelves were everywhere, I stayed near by as she slept. When she got up she left, I thought she was fine sense she left the bookstore. I didn't want to follow her, because I didn't want to know where she lived. I spent some time with a man about an hour away from no man's land, and around ten o'clock we went for drinks at the diner. Actually we ate at like eight and were there for a few hours. It was ten o'clock when I met her. She was pouring people drinks some hit on her. I wanted to tell them to leave her alone, but I didn't step in, not until some grabbed her."

"What!?" Dylan fisted up his hands.

"Dylan it's fine trust me, he wont be touching any girl for a long time, I handled it. After that she poured a few more drinks, and went outside. I wanted to see if she was okay, but when I got outside it looked like she was having a panic attack. I first thought it was about that guy, but now I don't know what it could have been about. Anyways while we were talking she got cold, and I covered her up in my jacket. That's it that's all that happened."

"Really you too were alone. She was cold you left her your jacket, and nothing else happened? I call bullshit." Dylan said calming down, but still angry.

Cole smirked and laughed slightly and looked down at something at his deck.

"Fine Dylan sense your not going to leave me alone. Fine I kissed her, okay...."