The Iast Happy Moment's


"Isabelle, Isabelle Jade?" The man held out his hand.

"Yes, and you are?" Shaking his hand.

"Don't be coy Ms. Jade I've heard about you. You are very good at what you do. I wouldn't have hired you if you weren't."

This man she should have given him more credit. She decided not to ask more stupid questions, instead stated facts. "Sir you have not hired me yet. I agreed to this meeting, I never said I would take the job." She covered her chest with her arms.

This made the business man laugh. He waved his hand and a guard came over. "Please give your coat to Isabelle she is feeling uncomfortable."

The guard took off his jacket but Isabelle couldn't take it. The thought of using the guards jacket made her remember Chase, and the night he kissed her. For some reason it felt wrong too use another man's jacket.

"Thank you, but I can't except the jacket."

She tried to deny him nicely she didn't know what he would do to her. This town wasn't nice to omega's, and females without families.

"Isabelle, Isabelle, Isabelle. You fear me that's smart to fear people in this town. As long as you don't betray me I have no reason to hurt you. As for you claiming you didn't except my job we both know you already have." Looking at the kids playing he turned his gaze back to Isabelle who became even more tense.

Chase and the other two were hanging on every word. She was going to take another job from a sketchy guy. No doubt would probably take advantage of her. He looked familiar why? Is this what she did to survive? Eventually the talk they were listening to turned into whispers. The business man handed a file to Isabelle and they shook hands again, but when it happened this time she was pulled in and a whisper came through her ear. She was left dumbfounded. Why couldn't she stay out of trouble?

Liam started to run up to Isabelle but remembered how he got yelled at, and started to walk. "Isa, Isa."

For a moment the three alpha's thought they saw another side to Isabelle, a dark one where her eyes got cold, and her smile disappeared from her perfect pink lips. The thought quickly evaporated as she smiled at Liam. She looked so happy they were mesmerized by her smile. She couldn't possibly be sad.

"Liam, Liam, Liam." Isabelle said to mock Liam's constant use of her name but in a joking matter. "Do you still have room for desert?"

Liam knew they didn't have a lot of money so he didn't ask for sweets. Hearing this he got really excited "Yes, yes, yes, YES, YES!"

Isabelle couldn't help but laugh at the little innocent boy. "Okay then you'll have to get the others."

Liam excited as ever, was to excited to walk so he ran, and told the others. Nobody except Isabelle knew what was whispered in her ear. The business man whispered.

"Isabelle I'm giving you two-hundred dollars have fun, treat yourself and the kids. Don't worry there will be more money that will be used more wisely. Use this money as a treat for our business agreement. You never know if you'll ever get the chance again."

She didn't trust many people expectally rich wealthy men. So she wouldn't be surprised if he was threatening her. When they shook hands the last time the money ended up in her hands. If he was going to do something to her she would be ready. Each kid picked an ice cream or other type of fun treat. The three alpha's on the other hand weren't pleased, you don't get something for nothing. What price did she agree to pay?

Jane finished her cotton candy and pulled on Isabelle's arm. "Isabelle?"

"Yes Jane?"

"Can I go home I'm trying to finish my book it's getting really good?"

Isabelle was about to deny because she didn't want Jane walking home alone, when another adult stepped in.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh, what book are you reading?!"

"The Little Prince. it's about a boy who loves his rose, but leaves because he's angry. Then he meets a fox, and the fox tells him the secret to life. I hope the prince makes it back to his rose."

"Ah The Little Prince that was an interesting one. What's your favorite part?"

Jane got excited sense someone was actually interested, and didn't tell her it was sad like isabelle had. "My favorite part is when he meets the fox, and the fox tells him something really interesting, and true." She was trying to get them to ask what the fox said.

"Well what did the fox say?"

"I thought you would never ask. Alright everyone sit down, and I'll tell you."

Some of the adults looked at Isabelle and Isabelle knew what they were thinking. Jane was going to be like her. Everyone sat down and waited for story time.

Jane grabbed her bag and out pulled a note book. Inside were quotes from her favorite books. She didn't want to ruin the actual book so she brought this instead. Holding out the notebook she started. My favorite part is when the boy first meets the fox, the fox says. "To me you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need or me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you I shall be unique in all the world." I like that quote because it reminds me of what I have. I don't have a glamour's life to some, but it is special to me, because I have all of you guys. You guys are all unique and special to me." Jane hugged everyone she went to the pool with ending with Isabelle. "Isabelle thank you for taking me in when I had no family, you gave me one thank you." She hugged Isabelle a second time.

The adults started to tear up even the alpha's.

"Isabelle can I go home and finish? I want to know how the book ends."

Jane looked so sweet that it almost hurt Isabelle. Isabelle knew how the book ended. Would Jane take the ending the same as her, or would Jane cry, and ask why. Or would she still be innocent and believe the prince got back to his rose.

"You have to take someone with you." Isabelle smiled, she couldn't deny Jane from what she wanted. Eventually she would read the end of the book, it was only a matter of time.

"Yay, yay thank you!" Jane jumped up and down, and convinced one of the adults to take her home. She looked back at Isabelle and said. "To me you will be unique in all the world." And left, nobody knew how that night would end.

Isabelle knew that the last thing Jane said to her was also from The Little Prince. That girl was so much like her it was scary. It reminded her of a time when she was young naive and had Tessa there to protect her.

Each adult left with a kid that they had, and it left Isabelle and her friend jacky. "Well I have a little bit of money left want to go to the bar? Isabelle asked.

Jacky's eyes got big even though she was twenty-eight, four years older than Isabelle she acted so childish. "Karaoke?!"

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Yeah fine karaoke."

"Yes, yes finally omg the dream team." Jacky couldn't control her excitement.

"Your as bad as the kids. Who said we were going to be a team?" Isabelle tried to stay serious, but it didn't work they both ended up laughing, and headed to the very diner that Isabelle usually worked at.

Surprisingly Cole, Dylan, and Chase followed. They already were out, they wanted to see this dream team in action. The surprising part was they never found themselves in the bar. They just didn't need to be around drunk douchebags, and didn't stoop so low as to hook up with a girl from the bar. Yet it looks like once again this girl changed them. Not only were they going to a bar, but they wanted the bartender to be theirs.

Once Isaeblle and Jacky got to the bar they talked to the manager about singing. It wasn't the first time they sang.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, do you know what time it is?" No one answered. "Oh come on folks it's karaoke time." This time people cheered "First up is the dream team, the invincible isaeblle and Jaccckkkkkyyyyy, woohoo woohoo." The manager was a sweet guy.

After a couple drinks Isaeblle and Jacky felt conferable to face the crowd. They jumped on stage and the manger asked what it would be. They sang multiple songs, Something Bad duet, and a couple other duets. When Jacky looked at Isabelle

"You should sing Hole In The Bottle, by Kelsey Ballerini." Isabelle was a good singer just needed to be pushed, and Jacky was the one to do it.

"Nooooo Jacky, no I don't want to sing alone." Isabelle was drunk as she was pushing away her friend.

She looked out into the audience and saw someone she couldn't believe, was it Chase, Chase Mckay. Just a month ago he was heRE giving her his jacket, and kissing her. she giggled.

"Okay okay I'll do it." Looking at Chase it made her confident.

Next to him wow they were all here, she was too drunk to be mad that they followed her. She would forget by the next day believing that they kept their promise.

Isabelle got out on stage by herself, her eyes were blue as the ocean. They stared right into Chase's soul, or that is how he felt. For a second it was just the two of them.

"Wellllll guys I'm a little more drunk than I normally get, but I'm gonna song a sing. I mean sing a song." She swayed a little bit, and giggled. "I'm gonna song Hole In The Bottle." She started to sing, but got booed as her words started blending together. She was about to leave when Chase nodded his head, he had faith in her why?

Calming her mind and clearing her throat she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she oped them again it was not Hole In The Bottle she sang. Rather it was One Of The Good ones by Gabby Barrett.

"A love me like he should one. Like he wrote the book one. The kind you find when you don't even look. Anybody can be good once. But he's good all the time. He's one of the good ones, and he's all mine. He's one of the good ones, and he's all mine."

As she finished she opened her eyes. Everyone sat in silence, not clapping, or booing. Then all of a sudden they started clapping, but she didn't care. She wanted to find Chase, getting off the stage she was greeted by Jacky and the manager. They told her how good she was, but she pushed past them to. All that mattered in the moment was them, the three alpha's. Ignoring jacky's questions she went to where they were sitting, but there was no sign they were there. She didn't imagine them, they were right here.

"Isabelle your drunk. What are you doing? Hey let's go home."

"No I have to find them."

"Find who, Isabelle what are you talking about?" Jacky was getting worried and confused, who was Isabelle looking for?

Eventually after searching the whole place Jacky got isabelle to go home. Jacky never figured out who Isabelle was looking for. Isabelle was carried into her house in a drunken state and sat on the sofa.

"Okay Isabelle I'm going to go okay?"

"No don't, you can't!"

"Why not?"

"You have to check on Jane, make sure she is okay."

Jacky loved how Isabelle took care of everyone. She remembered back when Isabelle first met Tessa and was reckless. Jacky never believed she would learn, but Tessa taught isabelle how to survive, and it turned out better than anyone though. Isabelle basically became the knew Tessa, someone to look after the pack even if she was an omega.

"Okay I'll go check on her." Laying Isabelle down Jacky went to check on Jane who was sound asleep, covered up with a book on her chest.

Jacky realized it, Jane would be the knew Isabelle. She really looked up to her. One day Jane would take care of little omega's, take over the bookstore when Isaeblle left. Walking back out Jacky reassured Isabelle that Jane was fine and left. It all seemed so perfect, to bad that looks can be deceiving.