CH-5 -The Crystal Scripture

" What help and which help"

Liam's suspicion of this Faux guy increased.

"Well you understand a single person can use a particular set of elemental magic right. And the first one he can use is the element they have the most affinity towards. If your magic consist of any obscure element for example take your ice,

its obvious that the its the obscure element you have the most affinity towards and it surfaces when you first bring forth your magic."

He explained.

" What does it have to do with me then. You didn't follow me and attack me to tell this did you?"

"Oh no! You know about meditation techniques right, which you practice to increase you mage level? Any meditation technique is fine if your magic doesn't consist of any obscure element.

But if blessed with any obscure element it would bring forth disaster to the practioner."

All this was told to Liam.

"What disaster you're talking about"

" Practicing any normal method if your magic is made up of any obscure element always results in regression of your true potential"

"Huh! what?"

( So it did catch his interest) Granpa Faux continued.

"Yes for it's very grave to practice normal method for obscure elements. When you practice it , your obscure elements doesn't gets nourished as it should. It thus limits the growth of your obscure magic. For your other elements which you already have less affinity towards also gets suppressed in its growth as your magic is made up all the elements you can use evenly. If one lags behind others shall too follow. It won't show its depravity in intial stages but as you progress you will definitely understand the mistake you picked. You won't be able to bring forth your true potential when you reach the peak of your power, even bearing internal injuries"

Grandpa Faux with a serious expression declared.

Sweat starting emerging from every corner of Liam's body. He had a grave expression on his face.

( If its true then , the manual I received from father is pure toxin for me. How am I suppose to find the technique suitable for me? There's probably no ice mage in the city as far as I have heard. Even if there is, the probability of him having the technique is low and would he be kind enough to give it to me or sell it to me? ).

Liam racked his brain and processed all the thoughts he could

"You need not worry. I can see you are just at novel apprentice stage 2 at most, there's still hope left for you. Abandon your current technique"

Liam was totally not in the shape to understand anything.

"If I do how am I suppose to find the technique for ice mages"

"Oh!. That's what I followed you for this far"

Sneaking his right hand inside his robes, grandpa Faux took out a thin book.


He handed over the book to Liam.

Liam took ahold of the book.

He took a glance at the title.

"The Crystal Scripture

" What's this now?"

Liam enquired

"The thing you wished for?"

Liam couldn't believe his words.

He had a stren expression.

" What do you want in return. You won't be willing to give it to me for free right. These special meditation techniques must be rare right"

"yup, not easy to put your hands into one"

Grandpa Faux said.

"Your price"

Even a child wouldn't get a candy for free much less such treasure, Liam knew


".....say it again"

"No price"

Liam thought he couldn't hear the old man.

" And why would you be willing to give it for free then?"

This time the old man got frustrated.

" You ask too many questions. Its a gift. Take it"

(As I thought from the very start. I was right!

The moment I met him I knew!.

He is a mad guy, out of his mind.

Well what is that to me?. If I can get this for free then all the very better. But is this real or this guy's fooling)

"You thought I am out of my mind right.

And don't worry it's 100 percent real dope"

"Ah! no how can I think that? I thank senior for his kindness"

He put up a fake smile.

Granpa Faux put his hand on his head.

"If you didn't think that I was mad you are the one whose crazy.

I give you this for one condition."

(Now you're getting to the point aye)

Liam thought right, it's not free

"Name it"

"Keep it with you. If you find someone as a ice element user ,pass it on to them"


Liam didn't say anything, just kept staring at the face of the guy infront of him.

" Why you keep giving me looks?"

He broke the silence.

" You are kind of strange. why would you be willing to help people to such length as giving away such precious things"

" Well this technique I just obtained in my one of my journies and I have no use of it and I don't want any other child to see the same fate I suffered."

Liam exclaimed.

"Did you-"

"Yes I am an obscure element user who didn't practice the right technique"

Liam started to see the old man in a new light.

(So he is noble guy with good means.

I think I could trust him I guess.)

He cupped his hands

"I'm Liam"

"You trust me now huh. Good.

Nice to get your acquaintance Liam"

"So which obscure element you use?"

"Well I can use fire and earth style. As for my obscure element is a secret"

Grandpa Faux had a smug look.

"Hmph! Not like I am interested"

Liam grumbled cutely and moved his head rotated his head sideways.

Settling all there odds Faux and Liam sitted themselves near the bonfire.

"My back, it still hurts"

Liam had a Pained expression.

"Does it?"

"Like you are one to talk", He yelled.

"So tell me Liam why didn't you meditate till this day? It's strange to not. Looking at your clothes you belong to a well off family. Are you one of those spoiled brat who just enjoys their parents money and don't work hard"

Faux teasingly said.

But Liam didn't get angry.

"I was not able to use magic from my childhood.

My father did his everything to enable me to use but it failed. It's just a few days back I found my magic. So I came here to begin my meditation today"

"Hmm! Not able to use magic till this age but suddenly you are able to starting few days back. You sure you are not hiding something hmm?"

" Well why should I tell"

(Now you are in my shoes)

"Oh! cheeky brat"

Both of them laughed.

They conversed for a while.

Liam explained his current situation of the family battles and that he has to atleast step into the advance apprentice realm.

"Well it may not be possible for you to take such a huge leap within this month. But I can atleast make sure you can put up a good fight."

"You will train me?"

"I can look over yours training for next 10 suns.

I don't want the guy I trusted with the ice technique to lose miserably."

Liam was delighted. He couldn't tell the extent of the other party's prowess. But for one so old he must have some considerable power and knowledge and it wouldn't be bad to be looked over in training by him, that's what Liam thought.

"Then, Master I'm in your care. But let me be frank, I still don't trust you 100 percent. It's

obvious I have to be little suspicious of you even though you seem to be a nice guy"

Faux laughed

"I'm glad to know you are not a nitwit and are quite smart. Well take your time to trust me and don't call me master, call me granpa Faux"


" I won't teach you otherwise"

"Ok ok. Grandpa Faux"

Listening to Liam he nodded with satisfaction.

"So start memorizing 'The Ice Scripture ' we are short on time so every second counts. After you are done sleep, we are gonna start tomorrow at sunrise"

"Okay Granpa Faux"

Then Liam lost himself in memorizing the meditation technique known as "The Ice Scriptur"

, a meditation technique only for ice mages such as himself.