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"Damn it, Yuri!" dengus Dharma setelah semua orang kembali pada urusan masing-masing. "You should tell us what you are going to do."

"Yeah, dude!" timpal Hyker yang masih merasa kesal dengan kejadian yang barusan tadi itu. "Luckily Guntur got hold of me, otherwise I will make sure you will fall."

Yuri tertawa saja mendengar ungkapan tidak senang oleh Dharma dan Hyker tersebut, ia bahkan sedikit mengejak Hyker demi menanggapi ucapan pria tersebut.

"Hoo, scary," ujarnya, dan kembali tertawa.

"Wanna try?"

"Maybe later," kekeh Yuri seraya mengangguk-angguk. "Whether he was told or not, most importantly, was not he heading for the infirmary right now?"

"Yeah," sahut Hyker dengan kesal. "Thanks to you."

"That is enough, Hyker," kata Dharma menengahi perselisihan kecil tersebut. "Now, let's hope Ryan isn't bothered by the beating. And hope that there will be something important that he can find there."
