
"Listen, Yuri," ujar Dharma, lalu pandangannya tertuju pada keuda orang anak buah Yuri. "And, you two."

Dua orang anak buah Yuri semakin mendekat, merapat dengan yang lainnya.

"Before The Guardian's soldiers took us to this planet," kata Dharma yang terkhusus kepada Yuri dan kedua anak buah pria itu sendiri. "You all know, that was when they caught our spaceship, right?"

"Okay," Yuri mengangguk lagi.

"We have made a plan before it. It's impossible for us to put up a fight because we have run out of ammunition, as well as the aircraft engine power is damaged. It's impossible to run away, after all."

"I know, I know," sahut Yuri merasa tidak sabaran. "Just, get to the point, will you?"

Dharma tersenyum lebar, begitu juga dengan yang lainnya.

"Alright, alright," kata Dharma kemudian. "Geez, be patient, OK?"

"Sorry," Yuri terkekeh sendiri.

"So, I and the others worked out a plan together with the main brain of our own spaceship."