Sedikit Keangkuhan

"Who did all this to you two?" tanya sang petugas seraya melepaskan ikatan pada rekannya yang pingsan itu.

"The doctor, he got help from other officers," ujar si petugas yang sudah terbebas dari ikatannya.

"Other officers?" ulang sang petugas. "What do you mean?"

"Not exactly officers like us. I think those two are slave workers from the same gang as the doctor himself."

"How is that even possible?" tanya sang petugas, lantas memapah rekannya yang masih tak sadarkan diri itu. "I mean, where did they get the officer uniforms from?"

Si petugas yang sudah terbebas itu segera membantu memapah rekan mereka yang pingsan.

"I don't know," ujarnya. "What is clear, they do wear the same uniform as us. That's why we both let our guard down."