Chosen Tamers 3

To become stronger to protect the people she cared, Lani decides to go to wiseman Didiè..

And then two people has been chosen and decided to come..

But there is one more person to be in the team..

What kind of story it has?

Let's check this out!

For the more, enjoy your time and happy reading..


At some kind of a park in a countryside, nearby the D'JAYA city, when the sun was almost setting down, there were some youngsters gathered around. They surrounded one younger than their age. Seemed like they wanted to settle a thing with him.

"This is what you'd get when you are messing around with us!", one of those boys was saying to the lone boy.

After that, they started to give some punches, kicks and strikes to that lone boy. Everything hit that boy, he couldn't do anything since he was all alone against five. They attacked him all at once and made him fell to the ground. Even so, they didn't stop, they kept kicking him until suddenly there was a man who passing by that park. That man shouted at them.

"Hei!! What are you doing?! Stop it!!", that man's voice made those youngsters ran away.

Leaving the lone boy laid down on the ground in the pains. That man immediately came closer to that boy to help.

"Hei, kid, are you alright?", that man asked that boy condition.

That boy was trying to stand up himself. He ignored that man actually. That man kept calling him, but he didn't respond at all and kept moving himself in that bad condition.

"Hei! You're injured! Let me help you to the clinic!", that man tried to lend him help.

" Just get lost! Ugh!..", responded that boy as he left that man and went away.

That countryside was rather common in such violents like that. Much crimes happened when the guardians had their attention off of that side. Everyday was just like the same, the crime moved within the shadow and couldn't be detected by the city guardian. Some day later after that event, near on a grocery store, a young woman was standing on the side of the road alone like waiting for something.

"Uh! Why he hasn't come yet to pick me up here?", that was what she thought in her mind.

She was waiting for someone to pick her up after she did some shopping from that grocery store. She had waited for little too long actually. Someone was coming with a motorcycle and stopped by to her. She got surprised to see that. She didn't know who's that man on that motorcycle, but she recognized that motorcycle. That belonged to her boyfriend.

"Who are you? How can you have that motorcycle on you?", that young woman asked to that man on the motorcycle.

"Oh! Him?! Ah! He suddenly has something to do just now! And, he asked me to pick you up here! Don't worry! I'm his friend! Come on! Before some thugs come this way! Wouldn't it be dangerous for you?!", said that man to ask her to get on the motorcycle.

"Oh! I-I see... Alright, then..", she got on that motorcycle in uncertainty feeling.

"Ok, here I go!!", that man pulled on gas and they got moved away.

That young woman was still feeling unease on that time. She never knew that her boyfriend ever had friend like that man. Her worried got high when she noticed that man was using unfamiliar way to her destination, her home.

"Hei, why you use this way? Isn't that we supposed to keep onward at last conjunction?", she asked to that man.

" Don't worry! I know the short cut!", he replied.

He rode that motorcycle to the way which unfamiliar for that young woman. He kept turned to the some strange alley where no much people around. She started to feel afraid of something else. After some few turns, the alley that they used was blocked by some men. He stopped the motorcycle as he seemed to be scared.

"Oh no! I don't know they will be here!", that was what he said.

" Oh! Hurry up! Turn around the bike! Hurry up!", she got really panic as she asked him to turned the motorcycle around to escape from them.

But suddenly he got off the motorcycle and pulled the key out and kept on his hand as the engine of the motorcycle had turned off.

"Oh! We can't do anything about it just give up to them already..", he said that as he walked toward them with hands up.

Hearing that words, that young woman got even worried about herself. She confused about what to do that time, her legs got numb all of sudden. She was still on that motorcycle, trembling. Then she noticed another shocking thing, she saw her boyfriend had been battered, laid down at the side of alley behind of those men. She immediately moved out off that motorcycle and ran away from them. She ran as fast as she could. But of course, those men were chasing her behind. She yelled for asking help to anyone but those place was so quiet as no one in there. After some times she ran to every alley she thought could be an exit, she saw the men who chasing her gone, but then she lost her balance because of so much fear in her mind, that caused her to fell down. As she got down, suddenly someone quickly grabbed on her. He just came out from some holes of the wall on side of the alley. That was the man who picked her up from the grocery store.

"Just give up miss! Just like your boyfriend..", that was what he said to her.

He held her down on the ground. She couldn't move from him.

"Let go off me!", she struggled to get out of him.

" Hei! Calm down! It's me! Your boyfriend's friend, remember?", said that man.

" No! You're not! What have you done to him?!", she declined as she kept struggling.

" Oh! He asked me to pick you up, you know!", answered that man.

" No! No, he didn't!", she was declining his claimer.

" Well, he actually had waited for you in front of that store but then he met those thugs and then he ran away, so he asked me to pick you up instead..", that man gave her the reason.

" You lie!! You're one of them!!", she responded.

"Okay! Okay! Now shut up! And don't resist! Just stay down! No one here to help you anywa-..", that man hadn't finished his word but suddenly someone kicked him.

It made that man knocked back and let out his grabbed on her.

"You! Troubled kid! You always make troubles in here! Didn't you learned anything after got beaten so often?!", said that man as he was being sat on the street.

He found that a young boy who had kicked him there. And that thing also made that young woman surprised. That kid was a kid who called troublemaker. She ever heard about that boy, it told he always made troubles everywhere, even he ended up to be the one who had beaten up. He was known to live with his little brother and his sick mother in around of this side of town. But, that was all she knew about him. And yet, this time he stood up before her eyes to save her from the thugs who tried to harm her, at least that was what she thought all of sudden.

"Call for the guardian! You've got surrounded in here! Now!!", that boy yelled at her.

After hearing those words from him, she quickly took out her phone and made an emergency call, she asked for help from nearby guardians. They would came immediately afterwards.

"Damned! You screwing again! You won't be given any mercy anymore after this!", that man said it as he ran away.

After that man went off, that young woman wanted to say something to that boy, but before she said anything, he had already talked.

"Hide! Don't let them catch you before the guardian came here!", that was what he said before he left her there by herself.

And then she followed what he said, she was hiding. A minute later, some other thugs passed the place where she hid herself. They didn't notice her there. Then a few minutes more later, some guardians came to her location by detecting her GPS when she asked for help. It sounded easy, but it was actually rather complicated to make called of them, she needed much time of waiting, that was why she couldn't do it some moments ago before she got help by the boy. And that was so, she also suddenly got new impression of that boy who they told as troublemaker. Because she thought he wasn't seen that way, except for his violent behavior.

Some days later at evening time in a local fine restaurant on the city, there was a place where the boy who called troublemaker got work as a part-time job after his school time. That evening, unexpectedly some people which he recognized, came for dinner. One of those people noticed him there, that man was a man that he met few days ago when he helped a young woman from their preying. That man whispered to the men among them, but they didn't do anything but to eat peacefully that time and then went out afterwards without any bad things happened.

"Kiki! What are you doing?! You keep staring at the costumers like that! You would make them stop coming here, you know! Stop doing it and get back to work!", the oldman of that restaurant yelled at that boy, Kiki.

"Yes, boss!", he responded to that oldman, his boss.

The evening came to the late night, time to go home for Kiki. After he got cleaning up the place and helped to close the restaurant, he went home. The street he passed was so silent and empty as usually. But he could feel something was strange this time. He looked around to check but he found nothing, then he continued to walk. Some minutes later, he could feel the bad feeling came stronger as he passed the dark alley on his way to his house. And then suddenly he felt something hit him hard on his back, he got blanked on his view and then he lost his conscious. He fell down on that alley.

After he got his conscious back, he opened his eyes slowly, then he found out he was already getting tied on the steel pole at some dimmed place of uncertainty area. He saw some people were surrounding him, they were the people who came to the restaurant earlier, that man also with them.

"You see, this could be happening if you messed with us!", that man came closer to Kiki as he said that.

They seemed like to settle the thing to Kiki after Kiki always did interrupting their business few times. They didn't do it when on the restaurant because that would cause them troubles with the guardian. That was why they secretly wait for him to go home and ambushed him on his way, and there he was now.

"You called yourself a man when you ganging on a schooler boy in his hands tied?! That was great man! Hehhe..", Kiki was teasing.

That teasing made that man angry, he punched Kiki's face with hard fist of him. Kiki got hit, but Kiki kept on smiling face to mock him more. That made him even anger as he rapidly punched Kiki on the face and stomach hardly. The blood came out from Kiki's mouth. Some bruises marked on Kiki's face. And yet he still tried on his mocking face to make that man even anger. That man would give another punch on Kiki's face but suddenly a voice stopped him.

"Stop it!", that was what it sound.

That man stopped, and turned himself back to see the voice came from. That was his boss who spoke.

"Boss? But, he.., he seemed to mocking like it is nothing..", that man said things to his boss.

" If he could enjoy it, then he has prepared to die instead! Execute him already!!", the boss ordered him to kill Kiki.

As the boss gave the order, he left that place, leaving his men with that man who punched Kiki in that place. And as the order, that man asked the other man for a knife. That man got knife on the hand and had ready to stab it on Kiki. Kiki kept tried to get off the tied but it still stuck. That man was ready at the stance of stabbing with some words in it.

"Hahah... To bad for you! You would end up here! Now, die!!", that man said it loudly as he was moving his hand toward Kiki's chest to stab the knife.

But suddenly Kiki did high kick on that man's hand, it made the knife flew up, that man was surprised by that. And then Kiki jumped up and did a front kick with his feet while his hands was still tied on the steel pole. That kick hit that man chest and made him pushed backward, that man fell to the ground. What Kiki did made the men around were preparing for his attacks. But he was still gotten tied up and he couldn't move anywhere. And for the man who got kicked by Kiki, he backed on the feet.

"Why his legs didn't get tied?", that man was complaining.

" Hehh! Pathetic! You had no chance!", Kiki was keeping on mocking them.

And then those men took out their folding knife on their hands. They were ready to kill Kiki now. But suddenly something was coming out from nowhere to the front of Kiki place.

"Ghost!!", that man was reacting on that thing.

" Ghost?! As if it your head was an incense to calling me a ghost! That's rude! How can a wiseman like me to be called a ghost!?", said that man who just came out from nowhere in all white robe and long white hair.

"Damned it's just an oldman.., what are you doing here, oldman?!", that thug man reacted after seeing that robeman carefully.

"I can't let this kiddo killed by you here!", replied that robeman to the thug.

" Don't tease them too much, kiddo! You'll make yourself killed, you know! Wha-..!!", that robeman turned around to see Kiki's condition but something was off.

"What's happening kiddo? You looked pale! Don't tell me you're scared to the death on my appearance earlier?!", asked that robeman to Kiki.

"How can't I do!?! You're suddenly coming from nowhere with all those white robe and your hair too, it's just like a ghost!", Kiki was reacting to that robeman.

" That's rude, kiddo! I'm coming to save you, you know! Show some manners! Oh right!", responded that robeman to Kiki.

And then he helped Kiki to untie Kiki's hands from the steel pole with the knife he had. Kiki got freed. But then, that man moved to behind Kiki.

"Alright, you're free now! How about you finish them off then!?", that robeman asked Kiki to beat all of those thugs.

"Huhh?! All by myself? How about you? You said you've come to save me?!", Kiki got little complain.

" I did! But I don't really say I will beat them all, right? Beside, you alone will be enough for them all! Or, you can't do that by yourself?!", that robeman responded.

" Hahh! What the hell?! Is it would be me to finish this all? Well then, it's my own problems anyway!", said Kiki as he started to charging toward those thugs.

He was running as he shouted to give the first one thug his punch. That thug was actually stroke back with the knife, but Kiki could dodge it and made his punch hit that thug. He hit that thug's face really hard which made it flied back. After that, the rest of those thugs were charging him all at one. Kiki searched the closed thug one to disarmed them one by one. He kicked, punched and stroke one by one of those thugs to made them disarmed. He did it, even though he got much damaged from them also while disarming them. But then most of them lost their knife on their hands, so he could be worry less, that was what he thought.

"Hmm, disarming them? Good plan! But, is your only power enough to endure their power?", the robeman criticized Kiki's plan.

The robeman saw Kiki was doing so much defends rather than attacking, his attacks also seemed too weak and randomly hit those thugs bodies even it could drove them away for a moment. But he thought Kiki would be defeated easily if it stayed like that. Kiki would run out of the energy and be beaten by them.

That was so, after some strikes he landed to them, Kiki was seen to be tired, he got exhausted after giving some strikes and dodging some attacks from the thugs, even much of them hit him hardly. And that robeman seemed wouldn't give any hand to him. Not even Kiki tried to ask that robeman to help him out anyway. But then the thing suddenly changed. That robeman moved a little closer to Kiki and then said some words to him.

"You couldn't stay out like this! You better stop holding yourself back! Use everything you've got! I know you're more powerful than this! Time to show up!!", that was what that robeman said.

Kiki was rather surprised for that words. He thought that robeman somehow knew about his power that he hid in himself.

"Who are you?", Kiki was wondering whos that robeman as he asked.

"I'm a wiseman, Man'Ra..", answered that robeman, wiseman Man'Ra.

"Wiseman?",  Kiki was still confused.

"Just finished it already! Talking later!!", wiseman Man'Ra was pushing Kiki's back to get to finishing those thugs.

After got pushed, Kiki somehow felt some energy flowing in himself. And like wiseman Man'Ra said, looked like he would use his true power now.

"Uuwaahhh!!", Kiki was shouting as he stretched his arms widely.

And then he ran toward the closed thug in his range. His agility was somehow higher than before. He got closer to the closed thug, then evaded that thug punch and then stroke that thug with his arm.

"-Super Latiat-", he stroke that thug hard with his arm and then slammed it to the ground.

That thug really got high damaged on its back and then laid down on the ground without even any reactions left. One down, but six men left, they seemed surprised after that momentum Kiki did. Wiseman Man'Ra was smiling to see that.

"Alright! Six to go!! You can do it! C'mon, hurry up!! It's getting dark, you know!", wiseman Man'Ra talked calmly even in high voice kinda bossy actually.

Those thugs were seen got prepared themselves for Kiki's next moves, and for Kiki, he looked kinda relieved somehow. After that he moved again to the other thug, the thug he was aiming was seemed surprised for his sudden movement. That thug tried to evade but Kiki had already in front of its face, then he did the same momentum again.

"-Super Lariat-", he stroke down those thug to the bottom ground, hardly.

That thug was falling and couldn't move anymore, two down. The exciting face appeared in Kiki's face. He looked so relieved because he could actually do the thing that he always hid, he always held back since he had promised it to the important person in his life.

"Good, five more!", said wiseman Man'Ra as he was sitting on the step of that place area's side.

Seeing Kiki turned to be so powerful all of sudden, the rest of those thugs were gathered in one place. They were trying to anticipate Kiki's momentum together. They were planning on doing the counterattack when he did his skill again. They had prepared themselves. But Kiki seemed didn't really care about that. He was ready for his next move. And he did. He ran toward those thugs with the same stance as before, he would do the same momentum again. And for those thugs, even they had prepared for this, they still seemed afraid to face him. Until one of them pushed the other one, made this pushed one stepped forward alone. It made that man became a target of Kiki's skill lock.

"-Super....", Kiki was shouting to make his power got up.

Kiki got that man on his arm, but he didn't slam it to the ground yet, he kept on moving toward to the other thugs while dragging that thug on his arm. Then, he stroke them all, they were all hit, swept by him. They were all falling to the ground, except for the one who on his arm, he slammed it to the ground afterward.

"... Lariat-", he shouted as he slammed that thug to the ground.

The rest of the thugs were running away as fast as they could, Kiki would try to chase them, but wiseman Man'Ra held him to let them go.

"It's not necessary! You better go home now!", said wiseman Man'Ra as he held Kiki.

" Oh right!! I forgot! Mom's medicines! But it's had too late! I hope they still open... Where is it by the way?", Kiki reacted to the situation he had there.

He forgot to buy his mother's the medicines as he usually did after his work. The drugstore he always came almost close when he usually came after his work, and yet this time was so late, that was why he rather panic to think about that.

"Hey, c'mon! We're gonna get outta here!", wiseman Man'Ra called Kiki as he walked away from that place.

And then they two were out of that place, some kind of junk yard place in that side of town. Kiki ever passed that side, but he never got inside that, that was why he didn't really knew about the place. After they were about to separate, Kiki would just head to the drugstore to buy his mother medicines, even though he felt that the store had closed, but he needed to buy them.

"Hei, kiddo! Wait! Here! Give her these instead..", wiseman Man'Ra gave Kiki some kind of pills set for his mother.

"Huhh?! What is it? Do you think you know what kind of illness my mother had? And you're just a stranger I met today, how can I accept this!", said Kiki to refuse that things from wiseman Man'Ra.

"She will know what is it when she see it! And, you've already known me for so long! You just don't wanna to realize that! Well, you need to go home immediately, so, I will be leaving you for now! Be seeing you again later!", said wiseman Man'Ra before he left away without took that things back.

Kiki was actually still confused for the moments from what wiseman Man'Ra said. Wiseman Man'Ra seemed like had known about him for long time, and actually he always felt someone was watching over him from the distance back then from long time ago. But he never knew who was that. Then this time made him figured the things that he ever thought in past about that someone who stalked him. After he got enough thinking, he quickly headed home to give that pills to his mother.

On his house, Kiki found that his mother was waiting for him in the living room. She always waited for him there, even though it was at late night, she hadn't slept before she saw him home. She was worried, especially that night.

"Why you come so late? Are you getting into another fight? You face..", his mother was greeting him with some worry and angry feelings.

"Emm, sorry, mom! They set a trap-..", Kiki hadn't finished his words but then his mother had hugged him tight.

"Why you always get into troubles? You make me so worry, you know?! What will happen if they're not only just beat you like this, what happen if they did more?! What if you... If you..", his mother couldn't finish her words, and she started to cry instead.

"I'm so sorry, mom..", Kiki was apologizing.

His mother had always been like that, worried so much about him, and yet he also always ended up made her worry in the burst of tears by repeated his faults. But she never asked him to stop doing that. She would just hug him and then treat his wounds afterward. Somehow it seemed like she knew what he did that time, all the time.

"Mom, does it about the time for your therapy? Don't worry about Adi, I can take care of him while you go..", said Kiki while his mother had treated his wounds.

"Hmm? And you will skip your school? No way! It's better to entrust your brother to the neighbors then..", his mother replied.

" But it'll cost you another money, right?!", Kiki reacted to her words.

" I could get some while on the trip anyway! Beside, it seems like I don't need to do that therapy anymore! Some medicines that you usually bring to me should be enough, and Adi would be started his school next year, so, I need more time to teach him much things before he do it!... There you go!", she explained the things to Kiki until she finished her treatment on him.

After she got treated the wounds and bruises on him this time, Kiki remembered to give something to her, it should be the medicine he usually brought for her, but this time, he gave the pills set which wiseman Man'Ra gave him earlier. His mother seemed figured something after she saw that things.

"It's not the usual medicine you've bought, where do you get it from, sweetheart?", his mother asked him seriously.

" Ah, emm, actually mom! It's got so late to buy the usual medicine since the store had close last time, it's because I've got trapped with those thugs-..", Kiki got started to explain the thing.

"I'm asking you, where did you get this?", she cut his explanation.

" Emm, someone gave it to me, he, he actually also helped me out from that thugs, mom! And I think he's been stalking me for-..", Kiki gave another explanation to his mother but she cut it again before he finished it.

"Alright! It's got so late, go to your room and sleep! Tomorrow you still had to school! Don't skipping!", she ordered him to sleep.

" Eh, but I-..", Kiki wanted to say another thing.

" Sleep, now! Kiki Mandala..", she got repeated herself to ask Kiki to sleep.

"Yes, mom, thank you for the treatments, I'll sleep now, good night, mom!", that what his replied as he headed his room.

"Good night, sweetheart!", she responded.

After that, she sat on the couch in that living room, she was thinking about another things while staring on the pills set Kiki just gave to her.

"Huff, is it about the time for them to get on move, huh?", that was what she said in her mind.

The next day after that day, this morning seemed not be the same as yesterday, Kiki was still on his bed after his long night, he got overslept, his mother used to be the one who woke him up every morning, but not this day, something had happened this day, on his house.

"Give me more time, I'll pay for it..", Kiki's mother, Angela Mandala, talked to someone in the living room.

"More time?! You have gotten much more times up till now!!", the man who talked to her was shouting as he smashed the things in that living room, the things went messing.

"But I have no money this time.., please give me more time.., please..", she begged to him.

" Hehh! When will you have the money?! You always have no money!! I can't take this house as guarantee since it's even not belong to you either, you're just rent it, and I can't find any valuable things around here too!!", said that dept collector as he kept on searching on something valuable in that house, the other things got smashed.

"Please don't break all these things..", asked Angela to him.

But he didn't care about her and kept searching and smashing the things, that made Adi who had waken up got crying. That man noticed Adi's voice and tried to get Adi on the room. But when he almost reached the room, Kiki had blocked his way.

"What are you doing? And where do you think you are going?", Kiki said it in such angry face.

" Huhh!! Troublemaker!! It's the time for payment of the dept, you know!!", said that man to Kiki.

" I'll pay the interest first like usual, that much how I could pay this time, I'll get some after I work out later on this night!", Kiki gave some money to that man.

" Alright, but you see, your family dept has reached 30 million k'oru up till now! How will you pay for it?!", that man told the details.

" What?! You raised it again?! How can it raise 10 times from the amount we get?", Angela interrupted.

" Of course it can! It has 10 years since then!! And how can't you pay for it until this day!", that man responded.

" But we always pay some money every month or even every week, but the amount never seemed decreasing at all, it's even kept raising..", Angela kept declining on something.

" You just pay off the interest! But the interest itself also keeps raising! Stop complaining!! You just need to pay, we are doing the counting! If you want to solve it! Pay them all at once and you will get it all done!", explained that man.

" That's.., too cruel.., you've tricked us!", Angela was starting to cry.

"Hehh! Don't-..", that man was going to say a thing but Kiki pushed him away up the way to outside house.

"Mom! Adi was crying! You handle him, please... I'll take care of this man outside!", said Kiki while he pushed that man to outside.

Angela went to the room where Adi was crying. And for Kiki, he dragged that dept collector to outside of his house. When they had already outside.

"Alright, I said I will pay you later! Now get your butt off from here!", Kiki was asking that man to go away.

" Our business is not finished yet, you see!!", that man was still thinking about to settle the thing.

"Didn't I tell you before, I'll pay you later, right!?", Kiki insisted to tell that man to pay him later.

"When?! It's been ten years, okay?! How many years again until you could finish it? That's also if you could finish it before it raised again..", that man was asking with kind of mocking intonation.

"Well, isn't it would pleasure you, you could raise it as much as it will make me to pay you forever, right?!", Kiki returned that man's words with another mocking words.

"You brat!! Maybe I should really make you learn to fear me after all!!", said that man.

That man somehow gave some signals, then some men appeared from each side of the alley, Kiki's house was inside of alley actually. Kiki got surrounded by them.

"How about give some apologies first, so I could let you free from some fists, but I'm not really guarantee that though..", that man tried to negotiate with Kiki.

"Huhh?! Why should I apologise? I'm not really thinking I am in fault..", said Kiki calmly.

" You brat!! You really pissed me!!", that man was angry.

Kiki had made that man angry. That man started to give the signal to his men to get Kiki. But suddenly something unexpected occurred. A sound of someone, made their attentions drew to that voice came from.

"Kiki!", that was what that voice sounded like, called for Kiki.

That was a young girl in school uniform. Those men including Kiki was looking at her. Kiki was surprised.

"M-Manda?!... What are you doing here?!", Kiki wasn't believe on his eyes to see Manda was there.

"Eh?! To get you to school of course!!", that girl, Manda, replied to Kiki.

On those conversations of Kiki and Manda, that dept collector was interfering.

"Oh!? Look! You have a beautiful girl here! Why don't you introduce her earlier!!", that man was getting closer to Manda.

"Don't dare to even touch her! Or I will break your arm!", Kiki gave that man a threat.

" Oh?! Will you??", said that man defiantly.

After that words, Kiki instantly moved to that man and punched him until he got down to the ground. Then, Kiki immediately grabbed Manda's hand and got her away from them. They two headed to out of that alley to road. Kiki thought to get her back to her car, he was thinking that she had come there by her car, but when they two came out of that alley, no car was found parked there. Kiki was confused.

"Where is your car?", Kiki was asking to Manda.

" Why?", Manda was asking him back.

"You're coming here by your car, right?",  the other question from Kiki to Manda.

"Yes, why?", she backed to ask him again.

"Where is it now?",  and Kiki was still on asking.

" Back to my home I think.., why you ask?", she gave her answer then continued with asking the reason for some few times.

"Why you do that? Then how will you get to school, you silly..?", now Kiki started to get mad himself.

"I don't know! How did you get to school?", Manda was asking innocently.

Her reaction made Kiki couldn't say any words, he was sighing to not believe for what he got there. But a moment later those men of the dept collectors had reached them two.

"Shit! You dare to punch me, huh?!", that dept collector was saying it in mad voice.

"That was not the first time though..", Kiki responded that man calmly.

" You damned brat!!", that man was really mad.

But suddenly, Manda was getting curious about what the thing happened. Manda asked that man directly.

"What's happening? Why are you so mad at Kiki? What your business with him?", that was what she said.

" Eh?! I'll tell you! His family have the dept on me, it has ten years passed but he still couldn't settle on it! If it's you, what will you do?", that man tried to explain the thing.

" I'll pay!", short quick answer from Manda.

" Amm, I mean, what will you do if you're in my side?! But yes, of course, if you are in his side, you should pay it as soon as possible though..", that man was saying.

She didn't really care about what he said. She took out something from her bag, some kind of a book of cheques. She did a sign on one of that paper.

"Here! I've sign on it you put the amount of his dept on you!", Manda gave that paper of cheques to that man.

"Oi!! What are you doing!!?", Kiki was holding what would Manda do.

"It okay! I owe you my life few times, this is not too much..", Manda was talking to Kiki.

" I told you! That's just my own personal selfish, and it has nothing to do with you!", Kiki declined her statement.

" Well, of you said so, I'll say it just my own self selfish too then..", she insisted on her decision.

Meanwhile, that dept collector was writing the amount of the money, it's 50.000.000 k'oru. After he wrote that amount, he immediately put that cheques into his pocket since Manda had given her sign on it earlier. Kiki noticed there was something wrong on that cheques.

"Hei! Wait!! How much the amount did you put on that?", Kiki was trying to hold that man's hand to prove his suspicion.

"Don't sweat, brat! Your girl is indeed so good! You must feel thankfully to have her on your side, you know!!",  that man was tried to kept that paper on him.

Kiki got angry as he gave his punch toward that man. It hit that man's face so hard. That man fell down. And then after that, that man got up again with more anger in his face.

"Damned brat!! I've gotten enough of you now! All of you! Kill him!!",  said that man to Kiki, then he ordered his men to kill Kiki.

All at once, those four men stroke on Kiki. They held Kiki on the ground. Kiki couldn't move, and by that time, that man which more superior than those four men, came closer to Manda again. He thought of she could make him much money if he got kidnaping her instead. He grabbed her hand.

"What are doing? Let go of me!!", Manda was struggling.

Manda's voice could be heard by Kiki. Kiki tried hard to get free from those men, but he couldn't. And then suddenly, some kind of pressure wave passed on the air. This was something like an aura blasting. Then, all of sudden, those men got weakened and Kiki could be free from them easily. But then Kiki noticed that, they were not just weakened, they had lost their conscious, they laid down on the ground. After that, a voice of someone could be heard by Kiki. Kiki was somehow ever heard this voice before, that was the voice of a man who called himself wiseman Man'Ra.

"Hei! Kiddo! We meet again!", that was what wiseman Man'Ra said to Kiki.

"You?! Hei!..", Kiki reacted to him.

But then Kiki noticed another thing, he saw Manda was laid down on the ground next to the boss of dept collector, near by that wiseman Man'Ra, they were far from Kiki's place. And then, Kiki quickly ran toward Manda to check how was she. He passed that wiseman and kept forward Manda. But then that wiseman talked to him as he got closer to her.

"Don't worry! She's just being slept! You must be felt something just now, right?! That's the Roaring Wave, some kind of power to press the others aura down, for them who couldn't control their aura power, they would be easily passed out!", wiseman Man'Ra said something to Kiki.

"Did you the one who do it to them?", Kiki asked back to wiseman Man'Ra.

" Well, you could say that! And since you're able to stand it, that's prove that you have abled to control your aura power!..", wiseman Man'Ra said the other things to Kiki.

Kiki who almost reached Manda, suddenly stopped by that words. He got interested to what wiseman Man'Ra said.

"What do you mean?", Kiki asked.

"Oh, you didn't really know what is that, did you? The skills that you used last night are also using some kind of that power, did you not realize it?", wiseman Man'Ra answered Kiki with some questions.

Those made Kiki flustered. He was wondering what that man said. But, he even wondered who was that man actually.

"Who are you? Why are you come here?", Kiki was asking to that man.

" Like I said last night, I'm wiseman Man'Ra, I'm here to ask you to join my academy, this academy is place to train the future protectors, well that's all I can say to you for now, the details will you get when you're there, what do you say for it?", explained wiseman Man'Ra.

As wiseman Man'Ra explained, Kiki was doing something on the boss of dept collector. He searched for something on that man's pocket. And he got it, the paper of cheques which that man got fron Manda. And then he took a bottle of water from Manda's bag, and he poured that water on the paper of cheques. Wiseman Man'Ra had finished explaining, then Kiki asked something else.

"Hei! When he got this cheques and he kept on him, it's counted as he got it, right?", that was what he asked.

" Well, you get that right..", wiseman Man'Ra answered.

" Then, if he had it lost or something happened to the cheques, the account of that cheques holder won't be reduced, right?", Kiki asked again.

" Well, yes, but, what will you do?", wiseman Man'Ra was wondering.

"It seems like the devil, but, to see how he had treated my family bad whole these times, he deserved it, beside, I don't wanna owe anything from someone else either..", Kiki said it as he stomped on the wet cheques at the ground until it torn apart.

"Oh, I get it! Hmm, well, that can do... By the way, about my offering to join the academy, what will you say?", wiseman Man'Ra repeated his question.

" I still don't get it! But I don't wanna go anywhere, you better go then, I'm not going with you..", said Kiki in detail for his refusal.

"Well, you're right, it's about the time to school right? I'll go then..", said wiseman Man'Ra as he walked away.

"Hmm.., it should be an end of my mission, but damned, that kiddo is real pain... Why she should ask me to do this, hahh..!!", these words came in wiseman Man'Ra head.

And then wiseman Man'Ra was gone within the air. Leaving Kiki, Manda and all those men there. After wiseman Man'Ra left, Kiki tried to check on Manda's condition.

"Hei! Wake up!", Kiki called for Manda.

A second moment after that, Manda opened her eyes as she back on her conscious now.

"Are you doing okay?", Kiki asked.

"Emm, ah? Kiki?! What's happening?", Manda seemed had no idea what had happened to her.

"Emm... Ah! Look at the time! It's almost eight, you'll be late for school! Now go!", Kiki couldn't explain what actually happened to Manda, so he talked about another topic.

"Oh, you're right! But, I don't know how to get to school by myself, and.., I have come here to get you to school together with me, so, get yourself ready and we'll go now!", Manda said to Kiki.

Kiki couldn't change Manda's mind, so, he ended up to agree with her decision. So then, he, they two came back to Kiki's house to get Kiki ready for school. When they arrived, Angela had been in front of the house.

"Where have you been? It's almost the time for school! Don't get skipping again, you hear me?!", Angela started scolding at Kiki.

" Yes, mom, I'm going to get ready now.. emm, she is Manda, we ran at the same school.., Manda, she's my mother, wait up the moments, I'll change on my uniform..", said Kiki before he got up straight to his room.

"Oh hello dear! Come in! Please sit down! Sorry, this place is small and kinda mess, I have been rather sick for years, and the boys can't really make this place tidy at all, but please enjoy yourself here, I'll make you some drink, wait a moment, okay..", said Angela to Manda.

" Oh, that's not necessary! Don't make yourself troubled because of me, aunty..", Manda replied to Angela.

" It's okay! It's okay!", responded Angela as she went to the kitchen and left Manda in living room.

When on the way to kitchen, Angela bumped with Kiki who already on his uniform.

"Uh! Don't be so rush like that!!", Angela felt irritating on Kiki who came out from his room all of sudden that made them bumped each other.

"Sorry, mom, but we will get so late if I don't rush out..", Kiki reacted to her complaint.

" I see, you're right, but it's been a while since you got your school friend came to house, especially a girl, and she's so pretty actually.., I have got excited myself! Hehehe..", Angela said it to Kiki, she looked happy on her face.

"Eh! I don't really close to her, and I don't know why she's here but, whatever, just don't get too excited yourself! You're still not in good state, aren't you?", said Kiki to his mother.

" Well, I just somehow feel happy, you know! Oh! About that dept collector, what did you do to him?", Angela asked about the other things.

" Eh!? Emm, well.., more importantly, our business with him had done today! We have no obligation to pay anymore! So please don't bother yourself about it anymore! Just focus on your treatment of your healthy, okay..", Kiki explained the things.

" But, how can you pay him out?", Angela seemed flustering.

" Like I said, don't get it bother you, I've handled it, okay..", Kiki repeated himself.

Hearing that, made Angela felt being touched in her heart as she started to burst in her eyes and hugged Kiki tight in felt of gratefully. Kiki couldn't help by it, but then he noticed Manda's head, peeping them at the living room from that hall way. He started to get embarrassing by that as he let off her mother's hug quickly.

"I'll be late if you holding me up here, mom!", Kiki said it after he let off the her hug.

"Ah! Sorry.., be careful on the way to school, okay! And don't let anything happening to that princess, okay, you get it?!", Angela reacted to Kiki.

" Uh! I'm going, okay! Bye!", Kiki responded to Angela as he walked away to living room.

"Okay! See you, sweetheart! I love you!", Angela said it loud to make sure Kiki heard it since he seemed ignoring her.

Kiki seemed embarrassing as he passed the living room where Manda had waiting for him there. She seemed smiled on her face. Kiki passed that living room without turned his head back to responded his mother farewell because he was so embarrassed to hear that especially there was Manda who saw it. So, he just went away through the door and went out without any words. Manda could understand it, then she stood up as she was saying farewell to Angela as she wanted to go to school then.

"Then, we're going to school now, aunty! Bye bye!", that was what Manda said to Angela before she walked away the door.

"Oh, yes, have good day, sweety!", Angela replied to Manda.

Then they two went to school, they got the public transportation to the school. On that bus, Manda couldn't hold herself to tease the embarrassed Kiki, even without any words, Manda's smiling face was seemed so annoying to Kiki that times.

"Stop it, will you!?", Kiki asked Manda to stop teasing him.

"Hmm, okay! It's okay, I'll not tell anybody about that..", said Manda to Kiki.

" You definitely can't or I'll reap your mouth otherwise..", Kiki gave her threats.

"How scary! I'll tell your mom if you do that, you know! Heehee..", Manda seemed having fun herself.

" You chick! Hhh... What are you actually want to come to my house in first place? Answer it clearly!!", Kiki was asking.

" I've told you, I want to get you to school, right? Oh, hei, are you always come to school by the bus? Why do you still always come late to school?", said Manda.

" I seldom to do it, I got on walk every day, I need to save.., whatever, I'm asking you! Why are you easily giving your money to that man, especially that much amount! Do you know how much he wrote on the cheque? It's fifty million, you see! How can you easily give such stranger that much amount?! What do you want in exchange?", Kiki explained then asked her the question.

"Huh!? That's so much! I don't think my account can handle that much amount, maybe the bank would call me when he exchanged the cheques, but don't worry! I'll ask my father to solve it! So you will have no other problems with those loanshark again, okay.., emm, that man was loanshark, right?", responded Manda.

Kiki was seeming little surprised by her words though. He had no idea what she was thinking.

"You're joking, right? You don't really understand what you have done, right? You're just getting yourself into problem without knowing what the problem is, you know!", Kiki reacted to Manda's respond.

" Same to you when you did help me from the people who chasing me few weeks ago and you also did it few times! And it always ended up to make you beaten up! Isn't that right?", Manda said it, and by it, Kiki got silent for the moments.

"I tried to get close to you in school to say my gratitude and my thanks, but you are really hard to be in touch! So I decided to following you for recently days, then I found your house, so I planned to have a visit, and actually, I know that you're doing some part-time jobs, aren't you?", Manda kept talking until Kiki responded.

" Huh? Did you spying on me? Isn't that too much? And don't tell me you're doing it alone just like now! Isn't it just too dangerous? Why don't you hire some bodyguards for your safety! You could be kidnaped by some evil people, you see!", said Kiki surprisingly.

" I got used to it though! But more importantly, if you want to work, how about if you do work for me! Since you asked me to have some bodyguards, why don't you be my bodyguard! I can pay you a better amount, I mean my father! I promise it won't cause your school times being disturbed, isn't it a good deal?", Manda was asking Kiki to work for her.

"Eh?! Hmm, Manda! Look, I really appreciate with what you do to me but-..", Kiki wanted to say something but Manda cut up.

"And that too! You call me Manda! Do you know not muh people calling me that? There is only one person who called me that though..", Manda explained.

" Ah! Sorry if it's intruding but, isn't that in your name too? But it's okay, if it's bothering you, I'll just call you with your name, what they call you, it's Suki, isn't it?", asked Kiki.

" Emm, that's not what I meant, I just felt the flash back when my best friend called me that, it's long time ago though.., just like, you two are so kind and so strong to live within this life, not like me, who always rely on the others, I always want to be like you two..", said Manda.

" Oh! Okay! But! You see! I don't really want to live my life by owing the other's help, so I can't take your offer, I'm sorry..", Kiki declined her offer.

" I see... I can understand that, but can I at least become your best friend, because you two really seemed the same, so I could feel happy to have you as my best friend now..", Manda still asked for the thing.

" Uh! Best friend? We can start by friend though, but I can't guarantee that I will always be with you, especially when in school, okay..", said Kiki to give Manda his condition of the terms.

"Hmm, it's okay, i understand your inner character a little bit.. heehee..", she laughed.

And then, after some few times later, they two got in the school, late. They did some punishments first before they got into each of their classes, they were in different class after all. After some hours, lessons times passed, suddenly, an announcement sounded from the speaker of each classes. "Announcement! Attention to the student named Kiki Mandala on class 3-C, please come to the teacher's room now! There are some important issues to be informed to you, please come immediately! Thank you!". That was what announcement sounded. And then as it said, Kiki immediately came to teacher's room. He was thinking about some thing like detentions because some few days ago he was skipping the school without any single information, he actually did some part-time jobs on those days. And of course his mother didn't know about it, at least that was what he thought. After he arrived at the teacher's room, he had ready to get scolding, but something different he got there, some teachers came closer to him as they cheered on him because of something. And then the other teacher tell him a shocking information about his family, his mother and his little brother had been passed away in the hospital after they had a hit and ran car accidents on the road of the city. He was shocked to hear that. He couldn't believe that. And then he asked wanting to see by himself, their bodies on the hospital.

And then, he got to the hospital to checking, but what they said was a real deal, his mother and his little brother had really died there. He couldn't hold himself to cry out, he was crying loudly and hard. He couldn't believe with what he saw there, the bodies of his only families had laid off on the beds of the hospital without any souls in them. He was trembling as he couldn't stand on his feet, he fell on the floor, sitting while he kept on bursting the tears on his eyes, he couldn't hold it. Suddenly some flash memories about themselves with him came on his mind, about how their interactions with him recently, their last interactions with him. Those memories were coming up to his mind, made his tears flowing so hard on his face.

After the cemetery ceremony had done that day, all the neighbors came back home, leaving Kiki with some few people there, one of the the cheif of the neighborhood, he came closer to Kiki to cheer him up. But then suddenly Kiki talked to him about the other things.

"Thank you for your help, sir! I'm sorry for troubling you in this ceremony, sir, I'll pay it back when I get some money later..", that was what Kiki said.

" Ah! I'm sorry, I'm not the one who paid for it, son! I just wanted to say, be patient and stay on spirit, that's all!", said that man as he was walking away to leave Kiki there.

As that chief walked away, some others did the same as him and then left Kiki there. Until leaving one person there, one girl, Manda. She was coming to the cemetery as she was coming to Kiki's house after the school done but she couldn't get closer to him at his house since some people had filled his house that time. Then, she came closer to him as she wanted to give her consolidate to him, but before she started to speak Kiki had spoken up first.

"Hmm, thanks for your another help here! I'll surely pay it back later, okay..", that what Kiki said, but Manda seemed confusing.

" What do you mean?", Manda was asking.

"You're the one who pay this cemetery ceremony, right?", Kiki backed to ask.

" No, I am not, I just come here to get you accompanied, I just think that maybe you'll need someone to rely on, we are friend after all..", that was what she said.

Manda's words made Kiki even confused about the thing, "Who had paid the cemetery ceremony then?". Those words were coming to his head. Because without being paid first, that ceremony couldn't be performed at all. His confusing and his sadness were mixing at the same time that moment. Manda who saw it could somehow feel what he felt, then she tried to embracing him, but he suddenly hugged her tightly after that. He cried on her shoulder while hugging her. After sometimes, Kiki, accompanied by Manda, they came back home and while on their way home by Manda's car, Manda once again asked Kiki to work with her again, and this time she also asked him to stayed on her place too, so he didn't have to pay for his rent house again and also to avoid the dept collector which would come again to that house. She even begged to him for accepting her offers this time, she actually didn't want something happened to Kiki if he was living alone. She didn't want to lose someone who she had called best friend anymore. And then, still in his hard feeling of everything happened that day, Kiki accepted her offers.

"I will work hard as your bodyguard, so that I will not let your hope down of letting me to stay under your cares..", that was the words from Kiki to Manda.

"Glad to hear that! But I don't want you think of me as your master or boss or something like that, okay?!", Manda replied.

"... Hmm, yes, princess..", responded Kiki, he actually remembered his mother last words to him.

"Huhh!!? Noo, stop it!! Just call me as usually you call me , will you!!", Manda reacted to his words, she got little embarrassing actually.

And then, Kiki started to live in Manda's house and work as Manda's bodyguard, but she never really thought him as that though, she just thought him as her best friend. They spent the times together often, until the end of first semester of that year, Manda had planned to change school to other city, but she didn't want Kiki to follow, so, she asked him to stay there and live as usual, she promised that after she finished the high school on that city which she had planned, she would come back again, just one last semester, she told she needed to do this because it could be a last big chance to meet someone who had been she wanting to meet again. So that they two got separated. And then Kiki lived on Manda's house as usually, but he didn't have to work as he used to be to guarding since Manda was the only one who he had to guard and Manda was out of the city and left him there. Meanwhile for her family, they were always treated him well as their guest and never treated him bad at all. That made him comfortable to stay there.

After some few days, left by Manda. Kiki decided to left Manda's house as he wanted to live by himself and don't want to be burden of someone else. He said to Manda's parents that he would come back again to meet Manda after he got what he needed. And they could understand him as they gave some supports for him and let him went as his wills. Then, Kiki rented a place to stay in that city nearby the school, he didn't want to skip the school again as his mother asked him to. And he also did some other part-time jobs again to fill his needs, even Manda's parents had given him some supplies that enough for his living, but he didn't really want to use it unless it an urgent. That was so, he started to live alone in that big city.

On the hot day, after he got home from school, he was planning to go to grocery to buy some necessary things. After he got what he had, suddenly he met the familiar face on the road of home. That was the man who had ever ambushed him on that night, the vice of the thug. That man was walking with one other guy, that was the guy who had left in the first time before Kiki got rampaging. That man was boss of that thug. They two were noticed Kiki who had just came out of the grocery. They walked closer to Kiki. But Kiki didn't ran away, he even walked toward them. When they got closer to each other. Those two started to talk.

"This is the boy who rampaged that night, isn't it?", that boss asked to the vicer man, the other guy.

"He suddenly powered up and stroke us down in single strike! I don't know what kind of power he has in him! But it's not the same with yours!", the vicer man answered to his boss.

" I see! Hei, kid! You had gut to do against us, you know! But, have you ever heard about the ancient coin power?", that boss was tossing the coin on his hand repeatedly.

Kiki didn't really care about what they were talking about, he was just being ready if they were starting to attack him. But they kept on talking.

"You seem don't care too much about it, huh? But, let's see, I ever heard the information about the car accident recently, they said it caused the victims mother and her son dead when they were treated on the hospital, but the driver of that car was still in hunting up till now... And they said she also has another son, that son also is known as troublemaker, and isn't that you? Am I right?!",  that boss was talking about the car accidents that made Kiki's family dead.

"So what about it?", Kiki suddenly got interesting.

" Oh! You got interesting now! Well, how about if I say that the driver and the culprit of that accident was me..?!", that boss was talking about the thing.

Kiki suddenly reacted to that words, he seemed to be angry this time. He prepared his fists to attack that boss. He moved forward the boss but, that boss pushed his vicer as his shield. This was ended up as Kiki faced that vicer. And then Kiki used his skill.

"-Super Lariat-", he used his arm to grab the vicer and without any waiting, he slammed it down to the ground hardly.

But it seemed to be more powerful than his skill last time. This time, his skill was filled with his wrath. It seemed to be broken some of that vicer's bones, and blood came out from his mouth. But Kiki hadn't seen to be enough with that. Kiki was standing up again while kept staring at the boss who moved backward for the distance from Kiki.

"Indeed your power is super human! But that is not enough to beat me after all!..", said that boss as he tossed the coin to the air.

When that coin was flipping on the air, the strange aura was gathering around it and then it absorbed that aura at once. And then that coin suddenly went bigger as the emblem on that coin could be seen in detail, that was an emblem of crab. That coin kept flipping while it went down and passed through that boss body. Then, suddenly that boss had suiting up, in such strange helmet with crab's seizer shaped on it visor. Kiki prepared himself to get ready for another attack but that boss had started to move toward Kiki with pointing the big seizer on his right arm on Kiki. Kiki wanted to dodge it but it seemed too late for him to evade, but in such high speed of light, someone grabbed him to move away from the attack of that boss. Kiki made to avoid the damage from that seizer. Then, he noticed someone who grabbed him, that was wiseman Man'Ra.

"Thank you again for saving me for this another time! I owe you some! But I think I will finish him myself! Just watch!", said Kiki as he moved forward to the direction of that boss.

"No! You're not ready yet to face him in that form!",  wiseman Man'Ra held Kiki.

" Your maximum current power is not enough to beat him right now! I will handle him just now!", added wiseman Man'Ra as he prepared himself to fight that boss.

"Hmm, I ever hear about holy man who tried to taming the Liar beast, but I never thought that I'll meet one of them since your existence was nearest to the extinction..", that boss was talking.

" How rude! We're not on extinction, but indeed our quantity were so low in this era.., that's okay, we still do our best to doing our mission well after all!", replied wiseman Man'Ra.

" Show me what you've got then!", that boss started to attacking.

" Stay back for now! I will handle him!", wiseman Man'Ra pushed Kiki to stay away from the area of battle.

That boss, possessed Liar beast crab, swung his big seizer right and left to try to reap wiseman Man'Ra, but it couldn't reach him at all as he kept evading and moved away from it.

"What's up? You can't fight back?!", the boss was mocking.

Wiseman Man'Ra just smiled to hear that while he kept on moving to avoid those all attacks. Meanwhile, Kiki who saw this also looked so eager to attack that boss with his skill too. He tired to see wiseman Man'Ra was just moving around without any counter attack even there was so much space to launch the attack on that boss when that boss was attacking.

"You're the one who should stay back! If you can't fight him! I'll do it myself!", Kiki was shouting at wiseman Man'Ra.

Hearing it, wiseman Man'Ra stopped to move all off sudden. By that, the boss seizer was moving toward him directly now. It almost hit him, but suddenly he, wiseman Man'Ra, used his hand to stop that big seizer, then he did high side kick to that boss' head. That boss was flying out backward then fell to the ground. Kiki suddenly went silent to see that. After he kicked that boss, he walked closer to Kiki then said something to Kiki.

"To see by his movements, he is just an amateur, but yet, the power he possessed is still strong enough to reap your body easily! Liar Beast Crab! That was the beast of the coin he used... Have you ever heard of it? The coin beast?", wiseman Man'Ra was asking Kiki.

" Ee.., no! Never hear of it!", answered Kiki.

Wiseman Man'Ra was little surprised to hear that, because of something else, he just thought of something else.

"Hmmph! Alright then! Let finish this here! I'll tell you the detail if you came with me to the academy! What do you think?", in disappointed feeling, wiseman Man'Ra tried to ask Kiki to come with him to the academy again.

"If that could make me to be stronger, I'll come then!", answered Kiki with his confirmation.

" Hehh... Good then! I thought you will refuse again! Alright wait up a moment!", said wiseman Man'Ra.

After he said it, wiseman Man'Ra walked back to the place where the boss fell down, that boss seemed trying to stand up again. While he got closer to that boss, wiseman Man'Ra seemed like doing something, he moved like a dancing, no, actually he was chanting to make a sealing skill. After that he stroke that boss of the thug from the back, because that boss was still trying to stand up, it looked so hard to stand up on the feet after the high kick of wiseman Man'Ra. That was so, the strike of wiseman Man'Ra hit that boss body. That boss was pushed forward and then fell to the ground again, this time, that boss seemed couldn't move anymore. And then wiseman Man'Ra came closer to that boss body, he looked of something on that man's pocket. He found some coins there.

And then he walked back to Kiki. But Kiki had walked closer to them. Wiseman Man'Ra knew what would Kiki do, he would kill that man, because that man had said as the culprit of the killer of his family. So then wiseman Man'Ra stopped him.

"Hei! Don't do it!", wiseman Man'Ra held Kiki up.

" Let me do it! He has killed my mother and my brother! He must be died too!", Kiki insisted to try to do it.

" Stop it! She won't like to see her son to do the things because of the grudges, will she?", said wiseman Man'Ra in high voice to stop Kiki.

Kiki suddenly stopped. He remembered her mother again this time, her face, her words and all about her. He almost started to cry but then he wiped his tears from dropping. As he walked away from there. He left that boss in there. Wiseman Man'Ra followed him. As they got closed, Kiki tried to open the conversation.

"What will you do with that coins?", he asked.

" Destroy it! But I can't do it myself, only a Péngéndalí who can do it! For now I will just have to bring it to the academy waiting for the next Péngéndalí who will appear in future to destroying all those coins which contains with Liar beasts..", explained wiseman Man'Ra.

" Do you mean there is no Péngéndalí in this current time?", Kiki was asking again.

" Yeah! That's why our job as the scout of the the people who have potential to be that ones is very important.., even we have some candidates that have potential to be Péngéndalí, not all of them could be one... Some of them ended up become like us, wiseman, some other would be d-.., ehm! Let's continue to talk about it when we arrive at the academy, so you will understand easily without any hard explaination fron me..", said wiseman Man'Ra.

" Where is that place?", Kiki wondered.

"Hide in the mysterious forest!", replied wiseman Man'Ra.

And then, they two were walking to the mysterious forest to get to the academy. The mysterious forest could be found in many area in Nuasa. So that actually when he said hide in mysterious forest, it could be just an entrance of that place. That was how they would enter the academy, Robochi Protector Academy.