Chosen Tamers 6

Finally, Bias had decided his choice, he headed to the training grounds, then to the place where Cok'Ro had given him coordinate to the place of his trial.

But this part isn't talking about Bias.., this time, it will continue the story of another one person who had chosen by the another wiseman, Lani.

What will happen to Lani?

What kind of story will she have in this part?

Enjoy your time..

And happy reading.. XD


After made up her mind, Lani packed her stuffs and went to the place where she had appointment with wiseman Didiè. And then, they went to the jungle nearby. That place which they had meeting was actually close by the jungle area, they just needed to walk for some minutes to get to the jungle. On their way, Lani asked some questions to wiseman Didiè.

"Where will we go to? You don't plan to do something bad, do you?", asked Lani to wiseman Didiè while they kept walking.

"Oh, please.., don't compare me with the bunch of men who kidnapping you last time... we are heading to the mysterious forest, it will be the access to the academy-.., oh, I talked too much, we will there, when we are there! Please be patient and keep moving!", answered wiseman Didiè in quick phrase.

"Huff!! You speak so quick! I don't really get what you're saying... But.., mysterious forest, huh?! Like I ever hear of it before.., is that place near by here?", responded Lani.

"... Just keep walking..", short response from wiseman Didiè to reply Lani.

"I'm just bit curious, you know! I never have something like this before, get invited to such academy by scouting man, go to the weird place as its name is mysterious forest, and you say it's just an access to go to the academy, right? I think it's kind of weird, yet you said it before, this friend of yours who actually had stalking my life these few years, and she didn't show herself to me at all, even you said you've been asked to be the one who escort me to the academy instead of her.., isn't it weird? There must be something you hide from me! I don't know what's your true intentions, but I can beat you good with my own power, you see! Beside there's no other good thing left from me, I don't have money, and yet no parents, if you're looking for my wealth..", said Lani as she prepared to fight wiseman Didiè.

Lani stopped to walk and got herself ready to fight wiseman Didiè. Wiseman Didiè took her words calmly as he stopped to walking, then he responded her with some words without looked back at her.

"It is almost evening, when the sun has sunk down, our pathway would be hard to be seen, we better hurry before it's getting dark!", said wiseman Didiè as he continued to walk.

Wiseman Didiè seemed ignoring Lani and kept walking. As their distance went further, Lani eventually continued to follow him. With her silent, she caught up with his pace of walk. After some minutes they were walking, they had got themselves in to deep of forest. In that silent, wiseman Didiè started speaking while kept on moving and without looked back at her.

"The things which you will see after this, would be out of your imagination, so, please listen to my instructions carefully and do it as I say", said wiseman Didiè.

Lani was listening it silently as she kept on following him. And after some other moments, suddenly wiseman Didiè stopped walking. Lani also was stopping herself from moving.

"It's here! Come close and step on this circle", said wiseman Didiè to order Lani to do something.

Lani came closer to him as she saw a small circle made by some tiny plants like mushrooms. She got little confused why she was asked to step on it, so, she got little complain herself.

"Why you ask me to destroy these tiny plants, they are looked cute though, are they rare mushrooms plants?", responded Lani on that order.

" Just step on it! It will be gone if you're not fast!", wiseman Didiè repeated his order.

Lani seemed understanding his meant but when she almost stepped on it, she stopped her leg from stomped on it. She was hesitating, she didn't want to destroy those plants. So long she felt hesitating until suddenly, wiseman Didiè pushed her from the back and it made her foot stomped on it accidentally, it also made her fell down to the ground, she got complain to wiseman Didiè.

"What are you doing-..", Lani was starting to complain but she was stopping after she looked around.

She fell down on the different forest from what she had seen before, she got confused. As she looked around, this times she was surrounding by big and tall trees which reaching to the sky. She had never seen this before. She stunned by this scene, she thought she was in such dream or something, but then suddenly, wiseman Didiè's voice cut her thoughts.

"Get up and get in here! We need to be hurry! Unless you want to be trapped here forever..", said wiseman Didiè.

He had already stood in front of the tree with his finger pointed to that tree. As soon as she heard him, she got up on her feet and walked toward him as she asked another question.

"Where are we? This is not the jungle we have entered, right?", that was how her question.

" Talking later! Now come!", said wiseman Didiè then he went through that tree, he got through that tree.

"Hei, wait!!", reacted Lani as she got left.

As she saw him got through that tree, she was running faster to catch-up with him. She remembered that his words that told if she didn't hurry, she would be trapped there forever. So she did sprinting then got through that tree as well. But afterwards, she rammed on wiseman Didiè and then they fell down on the other side of the place, the another forest other than the forests they had visited.

"What are you doing!?!", wiseman Didiè seemed irritating to her after she rammed on him and made him fell to the ground, it made his white robe little dirty.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to, but since you said I could be trapped there, I rushed out as I saw you left me behind..", explained Lani to him.

" Huhh.., how troublesome!! That's why, I said you need to listen to me and do what I say! Now, come! We're close to the academy..", said wiseman Didiè as she got up and continued to walking.

"A-ah, alright, I'm sorry..", responded Lani as she kept on following wiseman Didiè.

Not so far from their place now, there was such big gate that Lani could see it clearly with her eyes, but the sun was almost gone and the dark was dominant the whole area. After some minutes, they arrived at that place of that big gate she had seen before. She got surprised to see the things inside that gate, the high tech things was operating in that building. And now, she was on the moving tiling which moved them to the next part of the building. On that way, some questions were occurred on her mind and then started to ask wiseman Didiè.

"These are such high technologies in the middle of forest, I see there are some elevators in here, why there are still escalators in next to them?", said Lani.

" Hhh, there are some of our experiments invented that couldn't be shook in such small area as that elevators space, or it will blo-, ehm.., I said too much! That was not the reason you came here!", replied wiseman Didiè.

" Really? Isn't it for the knowledge? It's true that I come here to get stronger, and knowledge is also part of it, isn't it?", responded Lani.

" Indeed you're here to getting stronger, but the experiments, are scientists things.., I don't really know you, but, you seem to be not really qualified with science, so, this isn't your field, your field will be on the next building..", explained wiseman Didiè.

As he explained the things they two had reached the building where it was being the access to the next building. Them both got into that building. And after that, they were in such long corridor which one side of it was big window to see through the outside. There, Lani could see the training grounds which started to get little dark because of the sun was almost setting down. As they kept walking on that corridor, Lani was asking some questions that came up to her mind.

"Those are such vast training grounds, but I don't see any person who is training there, is the time over for training?", that was it.

" Well, you can train yourself as much as you want there, but I think the best thing is that you can manage the time of your training and your resting.., and for the people here.., it's actually not a good time to it recently, since there is only small group of wiseman to recruit the new candidates, and as you know, we need some times to scouting and then inviting those candidates so it will be very little people around to train in here..", explained wiseman Didiè.

" I see, I can imagine that..", reacted Lani to that explaination.

" Shoot! I said too much again.., well then, that's not really important thing now! Just focus on your training, okay!..", said wiseman Didiè in his upset face.

On that time, suddenly a voice came up from wiseman Didiè clothes. And then he took it out, It was kind of small device. After looked at it, wiseman Didiè seemed to be in hurry as he explained another things to Lani.

"Ah! It's time to go! Sorry, miss Suki Lani, but I need to leave you here, since I'm not the wiseman that should be escorting you here, but it's okay, that wiseman was my friend after all.., so then I think she would have been preparing for guiding you in your room, oh, right! Your room will be at the end of this corridor, before the stairs down to the training grounds. Like I said, all your needs will be in your room, and remember to read the guide book that will be in the bookshelf in your room, there are some rules that you have to obey while you're here! But the important thing is about the discipline, don't do slacking off, or you'll be punished! But I don't know if it's your advantage or disadvantage, since you are all alone without the wiseman on your side, maybe you will not really be tied to this kind of thing, but just remember to read those book carefully, okay! Now then, enjoy your times here! And see you in another time, maybe..", that was all he said before he left.

Then Lani was continuing walking to her room that said at the end of the corridor she was passing. After some minutes she walked, she saw the end of the corridor hall and the stairs to get down and before it, there was a door of the room.

"It should be my room..", that was what on Lani's mind.

She just remembered the thing, she hadn't given any key by wiseman Didiè. But then, she was noticing there wasn't any lock hole or even a handle door on that door. But there was a monitor in the middle of that door. And there was some words had written on it. "TAP YOUR PALM HERE!". That was it. Then, Lani put her hand palm on it. It was scanning her palm and then, the door was opening. She got amazed in her mind somehow then entered that room.

"Wow! Big space room for my own! Oh right! It doesn't cost me money, does it?", she was talking to herself as she looked around that room.

When she looked around she saw big bed on the corner of that room, then bathroom in front of it, then kitchen next to the bathroom and then the last, on her right side, there was a big monitor, the telecommunication device. But she didn't know what was it in the first time, she thought it was a big screen TV on the wall, so then she came closer as she wanted to turn it on. After she tapped the blipping circle on the monitor, something like a message popped up.

The message was writing like,


Welcome to the academy!

And welcome to your room, Lani.

Greetings, I am the wiseman who should be guiding you here, Manda.

First, I want to say, I'm sorry to not be able to escort you here. There are some others things that happened on the times. And those things made me couldn't meet you, even we haven't meet at all for once back then, I'm sorry. But I know you, I know about you for much times long, but I can't reveal myself at those times, and then when the times to inviting, there are some other things for me to take care of, so I send my friend on my behalf, to invite you and escort you here. Then, when you come now, I still can't be there for you, so please forgive me. But I will try my best to guide you to get the power you're after. So then, I've planned to prepare the messages that will be sent to you every day after you read this message. Please read them all carefully and do as it say when there are some instructions in it. I believe that you will do it, because you're really want to get stronger, aren't you? So that's all I can give to you.

There's a guidances book on the bookshelf, try to read it! There will be some kind of knowledge about this academy and the things that you have to do and not to do, the rules. As I'll give you the guide of your daily, all you need to read from that book is the things that you have not to do, since the knowledge about this academy is not really important thing.

So then, I think that's all I can say for in this first message, I also think you need to take rest after your trip here, the first time to pass the gate should be troublesome thing to have, but I think you can pass it with no side effects of it, and also, do resting is not your thing, right? Well, if you want to do something for your improvement, try to have running on the training field, it will somehow enhancing your durabilities, but remember don't overdo it, you need to do another thing too. There is a device on the right side of this monitor, please bring it whenever you go, it will give you good guidances of the places you want to heading so you won't be got lost, so don't lose it. Then, all your needs are in this room, feel free to have it all, the supplies will be restocking every week, all you need to do is managing it for your daily so you don't overuse them, and don't bother about the cost, it doesn't cost you anything, so you can just focus on your training. That's it for now, enjoy your time....

That was the end of the message.

"Oh, she had read my mind... She seems knowing me that much, ahaha..", surprising was Lani's reaction after read that message, she smirked too.

And then as she had read that message, she was preparing herself to go on running, even the sun had set down and the moon just appeared with little bright. After she had some little rest and snacks from refrigerator, she took the device on the side of telecommunication device and went away to outside, she got down stairs and headed to the training grounds, she did the running on that evening time. After several minutes passed, she felt tired from that running, meanwhile she was in the middle of those training grounds, she couldn't even see the dorm that time. She didn't think that those place would be so vast as she didn't prepare for it that time, even she firstly thought to make one round run whole the ground, but she couldn't make it since it was too far and she had got tired already because of that day activities. As she remembered wiseman Manda said to bring the guiding device every where she went, so she tried to use it as the navigator. Then it showed the full map of those place and where she was. So she decided to go back to the dorm with the shortest pathway. She returned to her room, got herself clean, made something for dinner then went sleeping.

Next day, she woke up early time, then she read the next message from wiseman Manda for that day. It said that, to instruct Lani to do enhancing her durabilities, and running was the simple thing to do, so she was been asked to do running daily alongside with other activities. Wiseman Manda didn't really ask Lani to do anything else on this message, and in the end of message, wiseman Manda just asked Lani to keep healthy and enjoy her times in the academy. That was so, she just did as it said as she started to do running in early morning and then went back to her dorm afterward. She did her daily activities normally in her room as she tried to read all the rules from the guide book and some others books in the bookshelf. At afternoon to evening time, after had dinner, she did another running then went back to her room then slept.

The next day seemed the same as yesterday as the message from wiseman Manda was also told the same, so Lani just did the same thing like yesterday. But the day after that, in the message from wiseman Manda, alongside the same words as it usual, there was a note about what Lani could do for improvement of her training. Wiseman Manda also gave her some code for being scanned by the guide device. It was a map for certain place to be heading. After doing morning run, she headed to that place, it was the place that could be reached by came out from the training ground, she went through the wild jungle then she arrived at the place. On that place, she tried to look for something as she had told to. And she found it, the note book with hand written by wiseman Manda. After that, she headed back to her room as she would spend her times there, but she still would do the evening run too before she ended her day by sleeping.

The day after, the message was just told to do her usual dailies while trying some of things from the note book she found yesterday. She did some moves and few things from that book in her room after doing morning run. And after doing evening run like usual, she went sleeping. And the next day had come to her, and there were two messages on the telecommunication device that day. One from wiseman Manda and the other from wiseman Didiè. Wiseman Didiè was talking about the trial of becoming Péngéndalí or other choice as the wiseman, there was a code to give Lani a map to the place. And after that Lani was opened the message from wiseman Manda, from that message, Lani was told that, she would be given the choice to do the trial and become Péngéndalí or decline that and become wiseman. But wiseman Manda somehow asked her to choose the trial instead of declining it. Beside of that, there was code to the place that she could go, it was different place with wiseman Didiè gave. But suddenly a door bell was ringing, someone came visiting her, it was wiseman Didiè. She opened the door and then wiseman Didiè started to speak to her.

"Good morning, miss Suki Lani. Have you read the message that I've given to you?", he asked Lani about the message.

" Yeah, I have scanned it to this thing too, it was a map to the certain place, right?", answered Lani as she showed the guide device to him.

"That's good, please don't let anybody followed you there, okay?! And, for your decision, have you decided what you will choose? I think my friend has told you, but I just want to retell you to make the best decision, this trial would be so dangerous as it would cost your life, so think carefully about it, but if you didn't choose it, you'll be tied to be wiseman, your life will be dedicated as a wiseman, there will be guide book for it later on.., and also you could decide it when you want to go that place, as I said in the message it is only one trip, once you choose you will never take it back, so make it good choice, okay?! See you! And have nice day!..", said wiseman Didiè as he went away to leave Lani.

" Ah, you talk rather fast, it's rather hard to understand it! But it's okay, I will think about it!", responded Lani, but her words definitely couldn't be heard by wiseman Didiè since he had further distance.

"It will cost my life, huh?", Lani was talking to herself in her mind.

And then she realized that it had almost eight, she hadn't done morning run as usually. So she went to the training grounds to make it. On her run, she saw someone who running to her way, but then she remembered that wiseman Manda said that she should try to keep away from the other people in the academy as much as she could. So then, she would try to avoid that man but, he was staring at her so much as she got irritating by it.

"What are you looking at, pervert!?", she was yelling at him as she felt irritating from his intimidating eyes.

He was reacting to her words but she didn't care about it and kept running, she ran even faster this time. She got off from him now.

"What's up with that man.., staring at me like that.., hmm, even though there are no other students in this academy-.., oh! Is he maybe just felt the same as me, wondering about the situation.., but whatever! He has nothing to do with me after all!!", Lani was talking to herself on her run.

She had ran so far from the dorm, suddenly she remembered about the maps she had in her guide device, the map which given by wiseman Didiè and wiseman Manda. But she still was thinking about her final decision of the choices so, she wouldn't go to that place this time, and then she checked for the map given by wiseman Manda, it was so far actually, but then she decided to go there. She went through the wild jungle, crossed the rivers and did hiking the mountain, she climbed the hills, then she arrived at the place. It was the tip of the high mountain. She felt really tired there, but she felt really refreshing up there. She looked around as she could see through everything from that high. She was amazed by those views. Then, all of sudden, she remembered about Manda, her best friend, Amandamain Shuki. She promised to Manda that she would get even stronger after she went to this academy. She could feel it, she was getting stronger now, and it was about the time to get together again, but there were last thing she needed to settle about the choices that she needed to choose. The trial would make her in danger since it could cost her life, but became a wiseman also seemed not to convince, since there were rules to be obeyed, even though she hadn't know it yet.

"What should I do, Manda?", Lani said it in her heart as she closed her eyes while still standing on that top of high place.

Suddenly, some kind of strange atmosphere was being felt by Lani while she kept her eyes closed. Then a figure of woman appeared in front of her, it was like still in her mind because she was still closing her eyes. And that figure of woman made Lani surprised but then that woman started to speaking, in gentle voice.

"Greetings.., you probably Lani, and the time we could be connected like this, you might be in the high mountain of the academy forest after you read and did some moves from the instructions on my log book skills.., how to say this, it was actually because your aura that had trained my skills, caught the residual power of mine that I left in here, so then we could connect and have conversation like this..", said that figure of woman explained the things.

"Ah! And you are..?", Lani was asking, she still couldn't believe with what had happened to her.

"You can call me, Manda, the person who should guide you to obtain the power of becoming Péngéndalí.., you have did well to come here, Lani! I'm sorry to trouble you with inconvenience things until now, but I have no choice except to do this way..", that figure, wiseman Manda, was apologizing.

"Manda? Oh! Ah, it's okay, in the end, I am the one who want this! That's because I want to be stronger! Strong enough to protect myself and also the people I've cared about..", replied Lani.

" Yeah, I knew it, you're so kind, Lani, in the state of your own life that was worse than the others, you could still think of them better and let alone yourself being the one who get in suffering, but then that was why I chose you, I thought that if you could passed the trial of ancient coin beast, you could be stronger and more of it, you could stand for justice, the real justice. Since you're so kind and you have strong will of justice in you..", said wiseman Manda to Lani.

" The trial? Do you think I could pass it?", Lani was asking.

" If you're believe in yourself, then I think you could! The key is on you! But then, even though it actually break the rules of wiseman, I will help you to make you passed it!", explained wiseman Manda.

" Break the rules of wiseman? Do you mean-..", Lani was trying to say something but wiseman Manda was continuing the explaination.

"Listen up, Lani! I don't think you will believe it or understand it but taking the trial is better thing to do than being wiseman, even though it could probably cost your life.., as for now, how about if you listen carefully to the things that I will tell you....", said wiseman Manda as she was starting to tell about some kind of story to Lani.

Lani was agreeing and she tried to listen for all the words that wiseman Manda told to her. Those were like a long story which spent them whole day to be told. The time had gone to almost the evening time, the sun seemed setting down, but Lani couldn't actually see it since she was in some kind of imaginary realm. But then, their conversation was getting to the last part.

"~... That's all! Sorry to make you hearing such a story of mine like that..", said wiseman Manda.

" Oh! Hikss, emm, it's alright, I got into it myself actually! And that is kind of sad to be you, I feel sorry to hear that kind of story..", responded Lani as she tried to wipe her tears from dropping, she got sobbed.

"Heehee... That's kind of you.., that's why I don't feel like to give you the same experience as me, since we are almost same.., and for the trial, I actually can't be with you there, and it's probably our last time of meeting too, but with your power now, I think you could make it! As for the key words, please be patient, wait till it comes to you! That's probably the best thing for you.., oh, my times has come to the limit! We'll be parting here, but you will be passing the trial with your own power, just believe in yourself! Good bye, Lani! I wish the best for you!", said wiseman Manda as it disappeared from the front of Lani's eyes.

"Thank you, master Manda! Good bye..", responded Lani, as she couldn't hold her tears any longer, she was crying this time.

And after that, she opened her eyes as she was once again seeing the beautiful views at the evening time when the sun had almost gone in front of her eyes from that highest place. Some moments later, she decided to go back to the dorm. The area was getting dark and it rather hard to see the pathway, but she used the guiding device well, so she didn't get lost in that woods. And several times later, she reached the training grounds as the sky had all dark above, but the training grounds lamps were shining brightly to light up the pathway and so she got her way to the dorm, her room.

The next day came, like usually, she checked on the message from wiseman Manda, but she didn't found any new message on the telecommunication device. She was suddenly thinking about the choices, it was time to make up her mind about what would she chose. She prepared herself and then after finishing her breakfast, she headed out to the place where wiseman Didiè had given her. It also went through the wild jungle, so deep into it.  After several minutes she walked, she saw big tree with the its big roots were getting over the ground. That was the point coordinate of the map wiseman Didiè sent. As for Lani, suddenly she felt killing aura was spreading around from that tree.

"It was a gate too, huh?", said Lani to herself.

She remembered about the gate of tree when she was at the first time came to the academy. And the other one was.., that gate had time to set and after the time was over it will disappeared. And also it was written on the message from wiseman Didiè, that it was one time decision, after the times had up, that meant she had chosen the path of becoming wiseman. That was so, immediately she ran toward that tree and got through it, but the moments after she passed that tree, she stroke kind of wall that made her fell backwards.

"Awww!!!... What's that?!!", Lani was trying to get up after fallen down, her head also hit that kind of wall.

"Eh?! Am I still closing my eyes or this place was totally dark?!", reacted Lani on the things there.

As she stood up on her feet, she felt some weird things happened to her. She certainly thought she didn't close her eyes and yet she couldn't see anything there but all black out. She tried to feel the things around by her hands, and then she touched kind of wall in front of her.

"Eh! The wall?! Am I in the cave?!", she reacted on her feeling.

As she was talking, she noticed something else, her voice was echoing. That made her certain that she was on the cave. That cave was totally dark, no light could be seen in there, nothing could be seen at all.

"Has the trial started?", she was thinking in her mind.

That was so, as she could feel the wall, she was crawling along to the path by that wall. In additional, she also could feel the killing intentions aura was spreading around the place. Yet she couldn't see anything around. She kept crawling on that wall through the path she could walk to find a way out of that cave. But then in her mind, suddenly thinking about some other things.

"Is this trial about to find a way out of this place within its darkness? Or maybe there would be some kind of traps around?!! Oh!!", as she thought about it she stopped moving.

She was thinking that if there were some traps around in such dark place like that, she would be ended up took trigger of those traps. So she stopped herself and kept thinking if there was something she missed back then. And then she was trying to remember what wiseman Manda told to her.

"~... and for the trial.., I actually can't be with you there, and it's probably our last time of meeting too, but with your power now, I think you could make it! As for the key words, please be patient, wait till it comes to you! That's probably the best thing for you..", that was the words from wiseman Manda to her about the trial which she remembered that time.

"Waiting until it comes to me..? I see, does she meant about the beast itself? So, it will probably come to me itself! And all I need to do is waiting... Come to think of it, if it just the trial of looking for the exit, then it probably most of people could do it and this beast power had been drawn by one of them eventually, but since it still exists, that mean all of them are failed in the trial, that's how master Manda said to me, and yet, she instructed me to wait till it comes to me itself, that mean it is in this place too but I can't see it! She said, it is even break the rules to give hints for the trial, so she had entrusted it to me by sacri-..", while she was on thinking herself, Lani suddenly felt sad to remember the stories that had been told to by wiseman Manda.

That was so, after she stopped moving and remembered the hint from wiseman Manda, she was sitting there and waiting. She waited without doing anything else. So long she had been waiting but nothing had happened there. She started to feel starving, but still nothing happened there. She had spent so long times in there and she still waited there with did nothing. After felt so hungry and so thirsty, now Lani felt the headache as she went weakening this time, but she didn't give up yet. The feeling of trusting to wiseman Manda who had entrusted her for the power and also the promised that she made to her best friend, Manda, that they would be met after she had been stronger. But little by little, she was decreasing her energy drastically because of dehydration. She couldn't think another thing again this time, and then she went unconsciously, she fell down.

But then, in her mind somehow, she felt like someone was calling at her. It was getting louder and louder. She could clearly hear that someone was calling her name. She opened her eyes and she found that wiseman Manda was in front of her.

"Master... Did I die?", Lani was asking question.

" No! It's not your time yet! Brace yourself, Lani!", responded wiseman Manda to her.

Suddenly Lani saw a pair of shining eyes behind wiseman Manda, looked like something big was appeared. Lani was giving warning to wiseman Manda.

"Master! Behind you! Watch out!", she said so.

But it was too late, that thing behind wiseman Manda was opening its mouth as it swallowed wiseman Manda all at once.

"Master! Noo!!!", Lani was shouting.

And then after that, another voice heard by Lani, it called her name from behind her, the voice of a woman. She turned herself and looked at that woman. She somehow ever saw that woman, long time ago, when she was just a little girl, before that woman left her with her grandparents.

"Mama? Is that you?", Lani was trying to confirm her guess.

"My little angel, Lani..", that woman, Lani's mother, called her back with the tears came down from the eyes.

Lani's mother was crying as she opened up her arm to be ready to hug Lani. Lani couldn't believe her eyes to see her mother again. Lani also started to burst in tears as Lani tried to move toward her hug.

"Mama..", Lani was calling her mother.

But Lani's legs couldn't be moved, not even her arms. She stunned there without could do anything but to see. And next thing that had happened was, her mother was being eaten by that big thing, right in front of her eyes.

"Mama!!! Noo!!!..", Lani was crying harder this time.

She could move again this time, but she couldn't do anything but be sitting there and cried out loud, after seeing her mother got eaten by those big thing in that darkness.

"Ohoo, I smell familiar blood on you... Let's see if he could also trigger your fe-.., hoo... You had good memories with your best friend, huh? Let's try her too then..", the voice of something was speaking.

That voice was sounding nearby, but Lani could not hear it as she was really felt deep in sadness. Suddenly unexpected voice broke her sadness. It was the voice of someone she cared about too. It called her name.

"Lani! Lani!!", that was it sounded.

Lani was looking for that voice came from. Then she saw Manda, her best friend, was standing there with sad face called her name.

"Manda? Manda?! What are you doing here?! Get away from here!! Please, go now!! It's dangerous here!!", Lani was shouting to ask Manda to go away.

"Lani! Help me! Help!!", Manda was asking for help.

A second time later, the shining eyes appeared behind Manda. It seemed going to swallow Manda too.

"No! Don't Manda too! Please!! Manda!! Run!!!", Lani was yelling.

That big thing seemly opened it mouth widely as it ready to swallow Manda all at once. Manda didn't move a bit from that place. And Lani, she was shouting loudly to ask Manda to go away and she begged to that thing to not to eat Manda, but it didn't work as that big thing almost reached Manda's body. Then suddenly, without her realizing, she had moving toward as she was screaming to make that big thing went away from Manda. That was so, as she did that, the shine came out from Lani's body and it was shining so brightly that made all the place could be seen clearly, and that big thing, a huge snake, robot snake was being seen so clearly that time, that entire cave was actually its body, it could be seen clearly that time. But that was only for a little second, as the next second time the light from Lani's body was dimming off and instantly faded then disappeared, she went unconscious again and fell down.

"Hoo... You had showed how worthy you're now... And you actually could make me lost my patients earlier, most of human who had come here, they will look for the way out immediately, and yet they will enter my mouth instead of the exit..", that big snake, was talking in front of unconscious Lani.

"I'll let you my power! Let you alive! Ghaha..", that big snake was laughing.

" It's been so long since I have good walk in that world actually..", that big robot snake, Robochi Vivel, gave Lani its coins of beast power.