Chapter 8 - Celebrity

The crowd went wild, arms flailing and cheers echoing throughout the arena. The Mana section of the arena became chaotic as everyone tried to move closer to the front to get closer to the prodigy, and Delta was enjoying every second of it.

He acted out the actions of some of his favourite gladiator movies, raising his hands in the air to control the crowd's cheers, then lowering them to make the audience quieten. He messed around with this a little before getting icy stares from the coordinators.

Delta decided to play around for the moment, winking back before slowly making his way to the Mana section of the arena.

As soon as he got over to the arena side, the students there made way for him to pass, some offering to take his blazer for him and others offering him their seats.

He grinned and shamelessly took a seat at the front of the arena, taking the place of a girl with blonde ponytails and freckles who squealed in happiness at their minor interaction.

"Move along people. I need some space here."

The people quickly moved several meters away, leaving their seats to give him space and standing awkwardly in the background.

"You don't have to avoid me like a plague, you know."

The people stiffly moved closer to him, trying to avoid being the closest to him so that he wouldn't pick him out if they got too close.

Delta turned to the small crowd, picking out a boy with ginger hair and a round face.

"Get me a drink."

The boy gulped and nodded, scrambling through the gap formed by the crowd and heading towards the exit towards the cafeteria.

Shortly after, he returned with a cup of green juice with ice cubes floating on its surface. It had a multicoloured straw and a small umbrella in it, and it had clearly been prepared with care.

The boy handed the drink over to Delta, who swirled it around before taking a sip.

His face quickly lit up, and he practically inhaled the drink, drinking it in just a few gulps. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, leaving an obvious smear on his shirt.

"What is this?"

"I-it's Chorus juice. Freshly squeezed in the cafeteria."

"Well, I like it."

Delta turned to face him, one leg resting on top of the other while he leaned on his arm. He adopted a business-like voice, and said,

"How would you like to become my attendant? You can get me more of this... chorus juice when I need it, and in return, I'll pay you."

He took out a gold coin and fiddled with it in his fingers, making a show of the money in his hands. He spread out the coin in his hand, turning it to four as if by magic.

A gasp echoed through the crowd, and they all looked at the boy in envy.

Delta heard a boy mutter, "My parents make that much in three months... and they manage the Lotus Hotel..."

The boy recovered from his initial shock, stumbling towards Delta before bending over at 90 degrees, straight enough to serve tea on.

"Sir, what can I get you?"

Delta smiled, pocketing three of the gold pieces before flicking the last one towards the boy, who nearly fell over in an attempt to catch it.

A look of glee flashed across his face, and he quickly returned to the bent-over position he was in.

"That's an advance payment. I'm feeling hungry. Go get me something to eat."

He threw a second gold coin over.

"That should cover any food costs for a while."

The boy nodded hastily before practically sprinting towards the cafeteria, not caring who he pushed out of his way as long as he could get his new boss suitable meals.

Meanwhile, Delta was enjoying the new authority he had been given. He had his feet up and was leaning back whilst one of the girls gave him a shoulder massage. (ED: Ok the lackey I'm fine with, this is just overkill, do you REALLY need to be that alpha?)

Athena looked smugly at this, before returning to the announcements at hand.

"The figures for the initiation are as follows."

She pointed at the large screen behind her, and it changed to the screen with the numbers of students in each class.

Arcane - 53

Aura - 71

Ki - 71

Mana - 98

Vis - 40 (ED: RIP Vis once again, Marcus would be sad XD)

Pact - 56

"Mana had the most people, and Vis had the least. Aura and Ki drew again this year. Your lessons will begin tomorrow, where you will be split into different classes after an assessment by your teacher."

Delta nodded, then shut his eyes and enjoyed the massage.

"Now, let us commence with the celebrations"

Cheers echoed the hall yet again, and everyone moved toward the exit, talking with friends, both new and old.

They followed the coordinators towards the Banquet Hall, the place where larger meals were held. The students were seated at long tables that could each seat about a hundred people. They were seated in their classes and were served a small feast shortly later.

Delta walked at the front of the Mana group, not because he wanted to, but because everyone else was following him.

One person, in particular, had practically been on his tail the entire time. She seemed like she came from a prestigious family, and had silver hair that seemed to reflect light into his eyes every few minutes.

He had tried to get a better look at her many times, but she always seemed to be watching him and he didn't want to give himself away.

Once they arrived at the table they had been allocated, Delta sat at the head of the table, sitting back and relaxing.

The rest of the crowd rushed to get the seats beside him, and in the end, Delta decided to save one of the seats for his attendant, and the other a footrest.

As he was about to say this, however, the silver-haired girl pushed her way through the squabbling crowd and sat down on his right, still staring at him.

He chuckled a little before raising his hand to get their attention.

"That seat is for my attendant." (ED: The Big Boss has spoken)

The people with higher reaction times quickly realised what this meant, and stole some of the seats closer to Delta.

After a few minutes of confusion, the students of Mana finally found their seats and sat down, much to the amusements of the other tables which had simply sat with friends.

The boy Delta had asked to get him food came back now, holding a brown paper bag in his hands. He saw the food at the table, and his mouth began to water.

Delta waved at him to get his attention, and the boy came over. He gave the food to Delta, who subtly put it in the spatial pouch Mana had given him.

"Take a seat, and loosen up will you?"

The boy sat down, sitting stiffly until he noticed Delta glaring at him. He visibly tried to relax, but still seemed pressured.

"What's your name, kid?"

"C-Charles, sir."

"Just call me Delta, and I'll call you Charles. Okay?"

"O-okay, sir."

Delta sighed. This would take a while.

The girl with silver hair was still staring at him, so Delta decided to mess with her a little bit.

He leaned over the table and put his face right up to hers, close enough that they were practically breathing on each other.

She flushed up, swinging back on her chair to try and get away, but ended up falling backwards off of her chair instead.

He gave her a cheeky wink as the hall erupted in laughter. She got up and dusted her clothes, glaring at the rest of the students with a fury capable of scaring even the most ferocious beast.

She sat back down at the table, picking up her knife and fork and continuing to eat, but she continued to stare at him.

"Do you need anything?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Delta. You?"

"Diana. Diana Sylvester."


They returned to an awkward silence, with Charles trying not to stand out and Diana silently eating. Delta tried to make small talk a few times, but Charles was a stuttering mess and Diana didn't say anything for the rest of the meal.

A few others tried to introduce themselves to him, but they seemed too obsessed with trying to get hired like Charles than to make any actual conversation. (ED: Idiots, don't you know that becoming THE Sidekick A is harder than becoming the main character?)

The rest of the meal went quietly, but Delta enjoyed the meal he had been given. He tried to taste everything, but nothing came close to the chorus juice Charles had given him. He'd have to try to find an actual chorus fruit sometime soon because it seemed like they were absolutely delicious.

After the meal, everyone headed back to their rooms, eager to rest in preparation for the next night.