Chapter 19 - Innovations

"Chief, are you here to sell another product? If so, I can go get the manager."

The old man walked over to the LS device propped up on display.

"No need for that right now. I'm just passing through, that's all."

Delta's mind instantly saw the links between the conversation and the names of the products that he had seen earlier. Considering that Anna had called him chief and asked if he was selling more, he was either the creator of these products, the owner of them or simply someone related to them.

Either way, however, they were clearly a rather important character, so Delta was interested in fostering some kind of relationship, even if it was simply a power play.

Delta looked over at the LS CTs on the stands, and asked, "You made these?"

"Well, I designed them. They're my pride and joy."

"I've got to admit, I'm impressed. How do you power these?"

"A series of magical crystals. They're a real hassle to power though. Why, you want to get into the business?"

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I'll pass, craftsmanship isn't my forte."

"I wasn't offering anything.."

Anna was watching the conversation with a confused face, clearly wondering why the two of them sounded like they had met before or were friends.

Delta looked back over at the devices on the rack.

"This the best CT there is?"

The Chief looked over at the CT, before chuckling to himself.

"I made this little thing when I was drunk a few years ago. It's one of my worst works if I'm being honest."

"Oh? And you aren't afraid of me spreading these rumours or selling them to your rivals?"

"You're telling me you'd trust a random 11-year-old?"

"I'm 12…"

"Close enough. Are you planning on buying one of these?"

"Not anymore. I want one of your new ones."

"You think you could afford one of these?"

"Just name your price old man."

"Oh? Okay."

He raised 2 fingers, causing Anna to stand there in confusion.

"Just 200? That can't be right…"

"200? You amuse me girl. No, I'll give you a prototype for 20,000."

Anna's jaw dropped. 20,000 gold coins was close to the amount an average earl would earn in a whole year, and it was also near what a duke would spend annually, and that was for an entire dukedom's management!

"Old man, as much as I can pay that amount, I have a counter offer."

"Amuse me then, boy."

"Well, I have had some ideas here and there that could solve some of your problems in the long run, but in exchange, you will provide me with copies of all your inventions, and also help craft whatever items I choose to make later."

"You do realise that I don't even offer the King these terms, right? What use would a boy like you be to me?"

"Well, for example, you said you had problems with powering the crystals, right?"

Delta went closer to him until he was close enough that Anna wouldn't hear him.

"The sun releases a seemingly limitless amount of light and thermal energy which is used by the entire world. As we all know, plants can use the energy from the sun to convert water and nutrients into something more useful to them. Why not emulate them and figure out a way to convert and use that energy for other purposes, like powering the crystals? If we need to collect more sunlight or focus the rays, using magnifying lenses will work, if you've ever used them to burn things as a child."

His eyes lit up, twinkles becoming practically visible as he grabbed Delta by the shoulders and shook him slightly, exclaiming, "Boy, you're a genius!"

"Gesture appreciated, but I don't swing that way."

The old man released him quickly, nearly throwing him backwards as he coughed awkwardly.

"How do you know I won't just take your idea and run?"

"You know very well that I have more ideas like that one, but you won't find out if you don't take the deal."

"Why don't I just take them by force?" he said, an aggressive flash crossing his face causing Anna to recoil.

"I'm the highest-scoring student at the academy and someone recognised by the Pillars. You'd be hunted down immediately."

"I guess we have a deal then."

He waved his hands and a piece of paper appeared.

Delta had no idea what it was, but Anna was quick to recognise it.

"I-Is that a magic contract?"

"Oh, you've seen one of these?"

"Only heard of them, Chief sir. I know that they're invaluable, because once you agree, you can't turn back on it, or else you get struck down by the planet's tribulations. They're invaluable!"

The Chief took the contract and began writing, noting down all of the contract details whilst Delta watched to ensure there was no dirty play or loopholes.

Once the contract was written up, Delta added, "One last thing, Old Man. I'd like you to promote Anna here, no strings attached.

Anna was more surprised by this than the chief designer, quickly saying, "That isn't necessary, sir! I am simply a humble shop worker. I don't deserve your kindness!"

After seeing how Delta had worked his way with the Chief, as well as how he had earned the respect of such a large figure, she had decided to address him as a superior rather than simply as a client, seeing as he deserved her respect.

"Nonsense! I pay back everything I owe, and I'd personally rather have you as a friend than an acquaintance."

In reality, Delta couldn't care for her in the least. His true goal, however, was having a powerful connection in the company. By bringing her to the attention of the Chief, as well as giving her guaranteed promotions for the time being.

"Very well then. A promotion she shall receive," the Chief added, scribbling it down onto the contract, making sure to add that she shall not be demoted without sufficient reason.

After reading through the contract once more, the Chief signed his name on the bottom, the words melding into the contract before shining brightly.

Once the first name had been added, the terms could not be adjusted again, or else all signed names would be removed without consequence.

He handed the contract to Delta, who also read through it a final time, and once he was satisfied, he signed it with his own name, causing the words to glow shortly before they disappeared into the air.

Although it didn't seem like it, the two were both bound to the contract for eternity, or until they agreed to break it or became more powerful than the world itself.

"Well, boy, if you keep having ideas like that you'll come a long way! As for your compensation for the first idea, I'll have something sent to the Academy later."

Having said that, he walked out of the door, closing it carefully behind him before heading on his way.

"That kid is going places for sure… I should rope him in further before the other old fogeys get him."

Unbeknownst to him, Delta slumped down onto the seats in the showroom, his mind reeling slightly from the pressure the man gave off. It was clear that he was an experienced businessman, and Delta's undeveloped body wasn't ready for such pressure.

Anna was still starstruck, her mouth agape as she saw Delta in a newfound light. She was from a poorer family and had sought work in the Academy's ground because of past trauma with a local noble, as well as the lower taxes and better benefits of the academy.

She was smart enough to know that the promotion wasn't the important part, but rather bringing her to the attention of the most prized craftsman of the transnational company.

After resting for a few minutes, whilst having a coffee-like drink offered by Anna, Delta received a piece of paper with her CT contact details on it before he headed out to the Plaza again, satisfied with the day's earnings.