Chapter 42 - Finding Athena

After a few more battles with other students, Gilroy asked Delta to retire and let the other students have more fights, realising Delta wasn't likely to lose any matches after beating Arthur.

The other battles were impressive, with a few students showing more skill in handling weapons than Delta. Their strength was lacking, however, and Delta was able to simply crush them with sheer strength.

It seemed these fights hadn't been enough to increase his stats, only reinforcing the idea that these fights weren't physically intensive enough for him to benefit.

Delta spent the rest of the lesson practising with his sword with Arthur, training on a dummy they had fished out of the storage room, slashing his weapon towards it in alternating ways until he got comfortable with his movements, becoming more fluid with his sword.

It was only through this training that he realised how far away he was from even beginning to approach the weapon skills demonstrated by the Sword King, let alone the Old Man.

At the end of the lesson, the students wearily stood in lines in front of the Sword King and Gilroy, panting heavily as they massaged sore limbs and warmed down to avoid being stiff later.

"You fought well, students. I am impressed with the tenacity some of you have shown, so I will reward you with a special lesson next week."

The students didn't find this to be very joyous news, however. They felt that they were going to die of overwork during the 'special lesson'.

"Off you go then. Be sure to keep practising. Progress stems from two things. Focus, and hard work."

"Yes, Sword King!"

With that, the students made their way to the exits, the more energetic ones chatting away whilst many simply focused on putting the next foot forwards and not collapsing.

Delta could tell that many of them would be calling an early night.

"So, Delta, where you headed?" Arthur asked.

"I've got somebody I need to find. Why?"

"We're going out for drinks later. You coming?"

"Aren't you too young to drink?"

"I don't suppose that stops you either."

"Fair enough," he said, before adding, "I'll come and join you after I get my business done. Send me the address."

"You got a date you're keeping from me?"

"I wouldn't tell you even if I did."

"I got my eye on you."

The pair reached a fork in the corridor where they said their goodbyes, heading in their own directions.

Delta wasn't sure exactly where the headmistress would be, but he figured starting at her office would be the smartest move.

After navigating the school a little bit, Delta arrived at the large mahogany door that led to the headmistress's office, knocking on the door before hearing a familiar voice say "Come in" from the inside.

Delta opened the door and walked in, looking around at the large bookshelves and cabinets that filled the room, giving it a very formal and bourgeois outlook.

"How can I help you, Delta?"

"What happened with the checkups on the chip? I thought it was happening daily?"

"We've called the experiment off."

"Pardon me?"

"You heard me. Your 'guardian' wasn't pleased with our work, so we're dropping the experiment."

"Guardian? What guardian?"

"So that bastard hasn't even told you anything… never mind then. I want nothing to do with you, so leave now before I get angry."

At first, Delta was confused. He didn't know of anyone who could be called his 'guardian', but after some more thought, Delta said, "So what happened that night was real? Then that man. The one with the scythe. Where is he?"

"How the hell would I know? Did you not hear anything I said? Now hurry up and leave before I really lose it!"

Delta headed for the door without hesitation, leaving quickly.

His mind was spinning violently, giving him a horrible headache as he tried to understand what he had just found out.

Could the old man really be here? In this world?

Delta remembered returning to the slums after a mission for Caligula and finding that the old man had left, disappearing without a trace.

Delta had tried to find him, using every connection he had acquired over his years, but there wasn't a single shred of evidence that he was even still alive.

No sightings, no purchases, no notes, nothing. Not even a fingerprint left behind in the old orphanage.

And yet the only possibility didn't make sense, a warrior that even Athena feared rather than an old, battle-scarred and disabled war veteran.

There were also other signs of him being here, such as the existence of the play the old man had written, and if the old man had been able to cross worlds, maybe there was a way for Delta to return.

There were many things he still had to do, with revenge being first on that list.

But how could he find the old man when even Athena didn't know where he was?

These thoughts plagued him all the way to his dorm room, where he changed into more casual clothes while deep in thought.

He decided he'd have to take Arthur on his offer to go out for drinks because he needed to ease his mind a bit, and alcohol would be perfect for that.

Sighing, Delta took out his CT and opened the group chat, looking for the address Arthur had posted there earlier.

The group had met at a diner near the Plaza's centre that would sell alcohol to students, for a slightly higher price of course.

Somehow, the place had remained a secret over the years, and even the students who did get caught with alcohol made up other excuses, ensuring the place stayed open.

The diner made good money off of it too, so they weren't opposed to turning a blind eye either.

Deep in thought, Delta headed towards the Plaza centre, bumping into people every once in a while as he went into a daze.

Reaching nowhere with his thoughts, Delta arrived at the diner, catching sight of the group before heading over.

Seeing Arthur's back turned, Delta motioned for the others to keep quiet as he snuck up behind him, snapping out and putting him in a headlock.

Arthur tried to get out of it, then realised it was Delta.

"Oh, what's up man. I thought you said you had something to do?"

"Sorted it out already. So are we getting drunk or what?" Delta said, eager to get his mind off of things.

Laughter filled the room as the 6 of them sat down, making jokes and enjoying each other's company, with Delta finally being able to relax.

Delta had to admit, life was nice before people got dragged into politics and backstabbing.