Home Alone with my Mother-in-law


Daughter invites her MILF of a mother to stay with her and her husband.

After losing her job as a waitress and unable to afford her rent, sexy things happen when Audrey comes to live with her daughter, Jennifer, and son-in-law, Daniel. Unaware that her husband has been sexually lusting over her mother and her mother has been sexually lusting over her husband, Jennifer invites her mother to stay with her and her husband until she can get a job and get back on her feet.

Note: Being that a son-in-law is not blood related to his mother-in-law, normally having sex with mothers-in-law are not considered incest or incestuous. Where it becomes incest and more incestuous is when a mother-in-law lives in the same house and is part of the same household with her child and spouse. Then, instead of being the extended family, she's more the immediate family. At that point, having sex with one's mother-in-law is indeed sexually incestuous.

* * * * *

"Jennifer, I'm home," said Daniel from the backdoor in the kitchen. "Jennifer?"

Daniel walked through the kitchen to look in the living room. Normally, every time he comes home, she'd always there to greet him with a kiss and a hug. Maybe she's not home.

"Jen? Hello? I'm home. Where are you?" He leaned over the banister for his voice to carry. "Are you upstairs having sex with the neighbors again," he said laughing while knowing she'd never cheat on him with any man especially not with their neighbors. Besides, most of his neighbors were fat, old men who ogled and, no doubt, sexually lusted over his wife.

Glad to be home, it's been one Hell of a week at work. Daniel remained quiet to listen for his wife.

"I'm upstairs," said Jennifer from the distance. "I'll be right down Honey."

He walked back in the kitchen, took off his jacket, tossed it on the chair, and opened the fridge for a beer. He's been dying for a cold one all day. With the refrigerator stocked full, his beer was pushed all the way to the back. He hoped it didn't freeze. He moved his precious beer closer to the front.

He couldn't help but noticed that the contents of the shelves in the fridge were rearranged. Usually by the end of the week, they have less food instead of more food. Filled with fruits, vegetables, cheese, fish, and wine, she must have went food shopping. Maybe they're having people over this weekend. Only not recognizing some of the foods in the fridge, things that he doesn't even eat, such as mushrooms, avocadoes, peppers, and strange looking cheeses, he wondered if they were having a party.

"Hi Honey," said Jennifer coming downstairs and entering the kitchen to give her husband a kiss on the lips and a big hug while rubbing and squishing her big, 36C breasts up against him. "How was your day?"

Unable to understand any man's sexual attraction to a small breasted woman, as if giving her a whole other dimension of femininity, sexuality, and sensuality, he loved that his wife had big tits. He didn't think he could feel the same sexual attraction for Jennifer if she only had A cup breasts or even B cup breasts as he did about her having C cup, firm, shapely breasts. Not one to pass up a free feel, being that breasts were his favorite part of a women's anatomy anyway, he grabbed a whole handful of her breast through her blouse and bra while holding her and hugging her. In the way he's been groping her tits since their first date at the movies while kissing her, he's been groping her breasts ever since.

Happily surprised when he immediately felt her nipple make its appearance in the palm of his hand, his wife wasn't wearing a padded bra. Hopefully expecting to see the big impressions her nipples made through her bra and blouse, he looked down at his wife's breasts with excited, sexual anticipation. Just as he hoped to see her nipples as if she had two more eyes staring out at him, there they were. Her nipples were fully erect and proudly protruding through her bra and blouse.

"Hello," he said to Jen's nipples while pulling them out more through her blouse and bra with his thumb and index fingers.

"Danny," said Jen breathlessly while laughing and slapping his hand away. "You're getting me all hot and bothered."

He looked at her and gave her his best Cheshire cat smile.

"You say that if there's something wrong with me getting you all hot and bothered," he said kissing her while continuing to feel her breasts and fingering her nipples through her blouse and bra. "New bra?"

He looked down to study her big tits again that filled her big bra and stretched out her blouse. He loved that his wife had a big rack. He loved his wife's big tits. As if showing him how happy they were to see him, he loved seeing his wife's big nipples poking through her bra and blouse. So firm and so shapely, aside from her big, beautiful, brown eyes and her shapely, round, firm ass, more than any other part of her beautiful body, other than her pretty face, he loved his wife's big tits.

"Actually it is a new bra. I went shopping today," she said looking down at her brad clad breasts before looking up at him to give him a naughty, sexy look. "Wanna see?"

Wanna see? As if he'd ever say no to that invitation of seeing her bra and/or her breasts. He only wished more woman would ask him if he wanted to see their bras and/or their breasts.

"Sure, I'd love to see your bra. You'll never hear me say no to an invitation to see your bra," he said. "You know how much I love bras, as long as they're filled with big tits," he said.

She shot him a look that made him silently say 'Oh, oh,' to himself.


He needed to say something fast to assuage her before she changes her mind about showing him her brassiere.

"Sorry, what I meant to say was, um, you know how much I love seeing your bra, especially when filled with your tits," he said.

Seemingly satisfied with his comment, she gave him a warm, sexy smile.

"That's better," she said.

He stared at the big impressions her breasts made in her blouse in the way that a man dying for a beer stares at a cold, frosty one on TV in a beer commercial.

"Well, c'mon, stop teasing me and let me see your bra," he said opening and closing his hands poised at chest level as if he was already touching, feeling, fondling, and squeezing Jennifer's big boobs.

As if she was a stripper on stage stripping off her clothes, she smiled at him while giving him sexy looks with her big, beautiful, brown eyes. With her long, chestnut brown hair cascading down and across her shoulders, she was very pretty. She resembled Natalie Portman but with tits. Purposely teasing him, she slowly unbuttoned her blouse to show him the tops of her meaty breasts, her long line of deep cleavage, and a pale, blue bra with cream colored lace.

"You're such a pervert when it comes to tits," she said slowly shaking her head while unbuttoning the last button of her blouse.

She looked down at her bra clad breasts before looking up at him.

"Sorry, I've always been a connoisseur of your breasts," he said feeling her tits through her bra.

She took a step back from his horny hands and looked down at her bra again before looking up at him again.

"Well, what do you think? Do you like my bra? Isn't it pretty? I think it's so pretty," she said flaying open her blouse for him to get a good look of her bra. "Isn't it sexy? I think it's so sexy," she said looking down at her bra while cupping her big tits in her hands through her bra in the way he just had.

With her big nipples seemingly trying to poke holes through her bra as if they were twin laser beams, he stared at his wife's new bra and her emerging nipples. As if seeing her cleavage and bra for the first time, he stared at the impressions her nipples made in her bra. He couldn't wait to feel her breasts through her bra. He couldn't wait to finger her nipples through her bra.

"I like it," he said immediately stepping forward to finger her nipples through her bra and to coax them out even further. "I like this bra way better than the padded bras that you always wear. Why some homosexual bra designer would think that a woman who has C cup breasts would need a padded bra is beyond me. Even your mother, who has D cup breasts wears padded bras."

Jennifer shot her husband a curious look.

"How do you know my mother wears padded bras?"

With him a bra and breast expert, he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Because I can't see her nipples through her bra in the way that I can see your nipples through this bra now," he said leaning down to suck her nipples through her bra, first one and then the other.

"Oh, my God, Danny," she said putting a hand behind his head to run her long, manicured fingers through his dark brown hair while closing her eyes and leaning back her head. "You're making me so hot," she whispered while melting him with her big, beautiful brown eyes.

He pushed her blouse out of the way and lifted her bra up and over her tits to free her breasts. He kissed his wife while touching, feeling, and fondling her breasts and while fingering her nipples. Kissing and kissing her, he reached down behind her to cup her sweet ass in his big hands. He loved his wife. He loved kissing her, especially French kissing her. He broke off his wet kiss to focus his attention to her breasts.

This time, instead of sucking out her nipples through her bra, he leaned down to suck her naked breasts. First he sucked her right big tit before sucking her left big tit while continuing to finger her right nipple. Her nipples were now totally erect and hard. She had big nipples and he loved his wife's big nipples as much as he loved her big breasts.

"I love feeling your big tits, Jennifer," he said feeling her big tits. "I love sucking your big nipples," he said lowering his head to take her nipples in his mouth, first one and then the other.

Jennifer swooned with her husband paying as much attention to her as he paid to her tits.

"You keep this up and you'll make me want to suck your cock," she whispered breathlessly in his ear.

With her not having to say that twice, he unzipped himself and pulled out his stiff prick.

"Danny, no. Wait! What are you doing? Oh, my God. Not here. Not now," she said pushing him away.

She pulled away from him, pulled down her bra and buttoned her blouse.

"I was hoping you'd blow me," he said slowly stroking his cock while running a slow finger across her lips.

Obviously not something she wanted to do right now, she made a sour face of displeasure.

"Okay cowboy before you get me all hot and bothered, I need to tell you something," she said with a serious face.

Oh, oh, the last time she started a statement with I need to tell you something, she was pregnant. Thankfully a miscarriage, he wasn't ready for kids yet.


She wrinkled her brow to look at him with apprehension.

"It's my mother," she said.

* * * * *

Fearing the worst, Danny hoped for the best. He liked her mother, Audrey. What was not to like about her? Right up there on the top of his prerequisite list in what a woman should possess, she has big tits, huge 36D breasts. She has breasts even bigger than Jen's big breasts. Moreover, he has a lot in common with his mother-in-law.

For instance, she has a D cup left breast and a D cup right breast. Being that he loves her D cup breasts and being that she obviously loves her D cup breasts too, that's two things that he has in common with her right there. Moreover, something else they have in common, with her a sexual flirt and a naughty tease, he loves that she's a sexual flirt and a naughty tease too.

With the things that they have in common continuing, she enjoys flashing him down blouse views of her bra and cleavage and he loves seeing down blouse views of her bra and cleavage. Seemingly and unbelievably they both have even more in common. She enjoys teasing him with up skirt view of her panties and he loves seeing up skirt views of her panties. With him having so very much in common with his sexy mother-in-law, every son-in-law should have a hot mother-in-law like Audrey, his fun loving, MILF of a mother-in-law.

Expanding his preference of woman from his wife and mother-in-law to include all women, he liked, an understatement, he loved any woman who has big tits, especially one who has C cup breasts or larger. As far as he was concerned, as if busty women had another dimension, there was something so very special about women with big tits. Women who had bigger breasts just looked better when wearing low cut blouses, tight sweaters, and even baggy sweatshirts.

With him always trying to cop a cheap feel of her big breasts whenever hugging his mother-in-law hello and hugging her good-bye, when he wasn't feeling the back of her bra, he was feeling the side of her underwire bra cups. Becoming more brazen with every hug he gave her, even when he slowly slid his hand along the side of her bra clad breasts before and after giving her a hug, a positive, telling sign, she hasn't slapped his hand away yet. He wondered if she enjoyed him touching her bra clad breasts as much as he enjoyed feeling her bra clad breasts.

Maybe the next time he hugs her, daring himself to do so, he'll put both of his hands on the front of her big, bra clad boobs and feel them while squeezing them through her blouse and bra. Maybe the next time he hugs her, double daring himself to do so, he'll try kissing her on the lips longer than he usually does. Maybe the next time he kisses her, hoping he goes for broke and doesn't chicken out, he'll try parting her lips with his tongue and French kiss her. Hoping she'd take the sexual hint, he wondered what she'd do if he ran a slow tongue across her lips the next time he kissed her.

Would she open her mouth? Would she accept his tongue inside? Would she return his French kiss with her French kiss? Would she return his sexual passion with her sexual passion? Oh my God, after having his wicked sexual way with his wife's big breasts, now he was getting sexually aroused while thinking of his mother-in-law.

If Audrey allowed him to slip her his tongue while French kissing his mother-in-law, he imagined going further than he's ever gone with her before. He imagined feeling her big tits through her blouse and bra before reaching around behind her to feel her firm, round ass through her short skirt and panty. Only, he knew what he was thinking in kissing and feeling up his mother-in-law was nothing more than the sexual fantasies he had while masturbating and imagining having sex with Jennifer's mother, Audrey.

"You're mother? What's wrong with your mother? Is she ill?"

In the serious way his wife looked at him with panic, sorrow, and sadness, he figured her mother was dead. With Jen's mother dying too young, way too young, he hoped she wasn't dead or dying. Truly, with her premature demise, that would be such a waste of a great set of knockers. Too young to die, with her only in her early fifties, even though she tells everyone she's still in her forties, at the very least, he was hoping to see his mother-in-law's big boobs before she passed to the other side. If she had already passed over to the other side, he wondered if they'd allow him to view her body at the morgue, purely for purposes of identification, of course.

"Hmm, I think it's her but I'm not totally certain. I'd have to see her breasts to make a positive identification," he imagined returning the attendant's surprised look with a serious look of his own.

"Pardon?" The attendant looked at him as if he was nuts.

"We were close, very close. Please lower the sheet down to her waist so that I may examine her breasts," he imagined saying as the attendant lowered the sheet down to her waist.

"Okay," said the attendant staring at Audrey's lifeless breasts in the way that Daniel was staring at Audrey's lifeless breasts.

"Yeah, that's her. That's my mother-in-law. I recognize her by her big tits," he imagined saying to the attendant at the morgue while the attendant looked at him suspiciously. "They're a matched pair. Consider her positively identified."

While wishing his mother-in-law wasn't dead, at the very least, he still had hopes of touching, feeling, and fondling his mother-in-law's big tits while fingering her big nipples. He still harbored hopes of parting her lips with his tongue and sticking his tongue down her throat while feeling her hot body through her clothes. Part of his sexual fantasy, while feeling her big breasts and her shapely ass, he imagined her putting her hand on his cock before she took his cock in her mouth. With a gentle hand to the back of her pretty head, he imagined Audrey on her knees sucking him while he fondled her big breasts and fingered her erect nipples.

In the way that Jennifer has big nipples, he knew that Audrey has big nipples too. With her not having modesty enough to wear a robe over her nightgown in front of him, he's already seen her nipples poking through her sheer nightgowns numerous times. Every time she walked in front of him in her short, low but, sheer nightgown, he gets an erection. Every time he's seen the big impressions her nipples make in her nightgown, his erection grows harder and bigger. At the very least, before she died, he hoped to suck her big nipples before she sucked his cock and before, during, and after he fucked her. God he was so bad and destined to go to Hell for having such sexually salacious thoughts of his wife's mother, especially if she was dead or dying.

"No, she's not ill. She's fine. Only, she lost her job," said Jennifer looking at him with her sad, brown eyes obviously expecting his sympathy for her mother.

"That sucks," he said glad that her breasts were still alive, healthy, and well.

"The restaurant where she worked as a waitress cut the staff in half. With the close of the factory in town closing after losing their business to China, she's been looking for a job for three months with no luck. Now she can't even afford to pay her rent," she said looking at him again with her expressive eyes looking so sad and so pitiful.

She touched his arm as if begging for his sympathy for her poor, homeless mother. Suddenly, Daniel imagined Jen's big breasted mother homeless. He imagined her roaming back alleys braless while collecting bottles and cans for the refund money to buy food to eat and something to drink. He imagined her hitchhiking and giving passing motorists a feel of her naked breasts and/or a hand job, and/or a blowjob in exchange for a few dollars. He imagined giving her mother a ride every day and giving her a few dollars for a feel of her big breasts while she gave him a hand job and a blowjob.

"Thank you for financially helping my mother," he imagined his wife saying while not realizing that her mother was helping him sexually as much as he was helping her financially.

"Oh, don't bother thanking me. It's been my pleasure to help your mother out with a few dollars," he imagined saying to his wife.

If only she knew it was his sexual pleasure to help her mother, she'd be pissed.

Only, her mother was nothing like that. Her mother wasn't a whore or even a slut. Nothing more than a sexy flirt and a naughty tease, she was a good woman who enjoyed nothing more than giving him furtive down blouse peeks of her the tops of her meaty breasts, her cleavage, and her bra. As if she was imitating Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, she was a fun loving mother-in-law who seemingly enjoyed flashing him her panties while slowly crossing and uncrossing her shapely legs. Unable to remove his eyes from between her legs, he loved it when she sat across from him with her knees parted just enough to give him a continual up skirt view of her bright, white panties. Glad that she's not dead, he'd really miss her tits, um, his mother-in-law.

Jennifer looked at him with a look that promised him a blowjob, as long as he agreed to anything she was about to ask him in regards to her mother. She looked at him with a look that promised him that she'd do right by him if he did right by her and agreed to whatever it was she was about to ask him in favor of her mother. Yet, with him never denying her mother anything, he'd never say no to any request his wife made of him in the need of her mother. Suspecting what was coming and afraid to ask Jennifer the question, knowing what her answer would be, he asked the question anyway.

"What's she going to do?"

* * * * *

Torn between the good Angel and the evil Devil, he had no problem with welcoming his mother-in-law to live with them. Only with him hot and horny for Audrey's big tits, his intentions weren't as charitable and as honorable as they should have been. Instead of offering her shelter and giving her food, he was more interested in seeing her topless and or naked. With his sexually fantasies inspiring the lust he had for her, he was more interested in his mother-in-law sexually than he was in helping her financially. With him masturbating over the thoughts of seeing his mother-in-law topless and/or naked, he enjoyed imagining having sex with her topless and/or naked body.

With his motivation driven more by sexual lust for his mother-in-law than by charitable kindness, he was more interested in seeing more down blouse views of her cleavage and bra. With his motives more selfish than altruistic, he was more interested in seeing more up skirt peeks of her panties. While he hugged her hello, hugged her goodbye, hugged her good morning, and hugged her goodnight, he was more interested in helping himself to free feels of her sexy, shapely body, especially her big tits and especially her braless breasts through her sheer nightgowns. Instead of being the generous, giving, and loving son-in-law that his wife thinks he is, he was more interested in seducing Audrey and having sex with his mother-in-law than in helping her.

With Jennifer having already set the stage, somehow, whatever her mother was going to do, he knew that he'd be involved as always he is. Whether fixing something, repairing something, or building something, he was always helping his mother-in-law with one project or another. He only wished she'd pay him with sex instead of with a good, home cooked meal. Now, he couldn't help himself from imagining renting a U-Haul truck and helping her move somewhere more affordable. While imagining her wearing a low cut blouse and a short skirt, he imagined Audrey giving him down blouse view of her tits and up skirt views of her panties while he helped her pack and move boxes.

"I told her she could stay with us until she found a job. It will only be for a little while," said Jennifer pausing to stare at her husband with pleading eyes. "Is it okay if my Mom stays with us temporarily?"

With her so very pretty and with her having big tits, how could he refuse her anything? Yes, of course she could live with them. Officially, quick to react on one front and slow to react on the other, he first received his non-verbal response for his mother-in-law to move in with him from his cock before his brain caught up with his libido and readily and eagerly agreed.

He imagined Audrey walking around the kitchen at night after Jen left for work and in the early morning before she came home while wearing very little. He imagined his mother-in-law in her short, sheer, low cut, and nearly see through nightgown while Jen worked her graveyard shifts at the hospital. He imagined her sitting across from him and giving him up skirt peek of her panties while wearing her short skirt. He imagined her leaning over him to pour him a cup of coffee while giving him down blouse views of the tops of her meaty breasts, her long line of cleavage, and her sexy bra.

He was already beginning to get an erection with the thoughts of somehow seeing his mother-in-law's D cup breasts. He imagined her standing at the kitchen sink while he snuck up behind her to press his emerging erection through his pajama bottom and through her nightgown while massaging her shoulders and back. He only wished he could massage her big breasts and round, firm, bubble ass. He imagined holding her around her waist and with her resting her big, braless breasts on his forearms. With most son-in-laws not liking their mother-in-laws, unable to separate one from the other, he liked Audrey and her big tits.

Not counting his wife that would make six things that he loved about the two women. He loved Jennifer as much as he loved her right breast and her left breast. He loved his mother-in-law too, as well as he loved her left breast and her right breast. Maybe with her living with them now, he'll get lucky and will see her giant boobs. In the way that a computer processes images at lightning speed, a computer is no match for a human brain. He quickly processed three likely, hopeful, sexual scenarios of having sex with his mother-in-law.

* * * * *

Zoning off while talking to his wife, actually with Jennifer talking at him, Daniel sexually fantasizes about having sex with his mother-in-law. He routinely zoned off when his wife, Jennifer, incessantly and continually talked at him. With him lost in his sexual fantasies while pretending to listen to her was the only way he knew from losing his mind in having to listen to her. If it wasn't for her big shapely, firm tits, he would have divorced her a long time ago. Only, he'd miss her tits too much.

Yet, boy could this woman talk. It wasn't as much as how much she had to say or what it was she had to say as it was in the way she said all that she had to say. As if nervous, high on caffeine, or speed, she talked so frigging fast. In the way of a machinegun firing bullets nonstop, she fired words nonstop without seemingly taking a breath. She shot off words without taking a second to collect her thoughts long enough to think what it was she wanted to say. A typical Gemini, with her jumping from one subject to another without a transition, it was oftentimes difficult to follow her train of thought. She continued talking without allowing him time enough to digest all that she said before she was on to another subject and without even giving him a chance to respond.

'Yakety yak, yak, yak.'

A skilled he's learned to master, with her always being like this since their first date, it was difficult to understand all that she said when he first met her. Back then, because she was so pretty and had big tits, her good looks and sexy body superseded her annoying need for speed when talking. The only time she stopped talking was eating, when he was kissing her, or when she was blowing him. Now, while pretending to listen to her, smiling while nodding his head at the appropriate times, he just disappears elsewhere. Instead of absorbing her every word as he once tried to do, protected by his shield of he doesn't give a shit about all that's she saying, now he allows her verbosity to bounce off of him in the way that bullets bounced off Superman.

Where some men would dread that their mother-in-law coming for a visit, few men would want their mother-in-laws living with them. Instead of dreading Audrey coming to live with them, he was excited, albeit sexually excited, to have her live with them. Whenever his mother-in-law stayed overnight while Jennifer was at to work, she sexually teased him. She sexually tempted him with what little she was wearing. As if daring him to look, daring him to lust over her, and daring him to make a sexual move on her, she always walked around him in her short, low cut, very sexy and very sheer nightgowns without the modesty of wearing a robe.

So immodestly and immorally inappropriate, what was she thinking in walking around him without the modesty of wearing a robe over her virtually see through nightgowns? Is that what she wants? She wants him to stare at her, leer at her, and ogle her nearly naked body? Does she get off showing him her nearly naked body as much as he gets off seeing her nearly naked body? Or was this just her deliberate way of controlling him by sexually teasing and tempting him.

Was it her intention for him to lust over her big tits in the way he lusts over his wife's big tits? Or does she delight in showing him how much bigger her breasts are than her daughter's big breasts? Perhaps with Audrey not having a man in her life, she's jealous of Jennifer having him in her life. Was she waiting for him to make a sexual move on her in the way that he was waiting for her to make a sexual move on him?

He wondered if he did dare touch her, feel her, and fondle her shapely body through her sexy nightgown, if she'd tell her daughter, his wife. Yet, in the way he cops cheap feels of her bra clad breasts when hugging her, as far as he knows, she's never said anything to Jennifer about him inappropriately touching her. As far as he knows, she's never said anything to Jennifer about him feeling the sides of her big breasts through her blouse and bra. With her not saying anything to Jennifer told him that maybe Audrey enjoyed his inappropriate attention and touching. If what he suspects is true in Audrey enjoying the sexual attention he's been paying him, now with her living with him, perhaps he'll get to go a little further.

For sure, if she had told Jennifer that he felt her breasts through her bra, he'd never hear the end of it. For sure, an egregious offense and unforgivable transgression, Jennifer's feelings would be hurt that he was obviously lusting over her mother instead of her. Never understanding the mother and son thing, she'd never understand why a man would want an older version of her when he could have the younger, better looking, and firmer version of her mother. For sure, she'd think him perversely perverted to want to have sex with her mother instead of wanting to have sex with her.

Only, now with her living with them, he couldn't wait to hug her good morning and hug her goodnight while copping cheap feels of her naked breasts through her thin, sheer nightgown. Wanting to see how far she'd allow him to go, he imagined her allowing him to feel her tits and finger her nipples through her nightgown. He imagined her allowing him to slip her his tongue before pulling away from him in feigned embarrassment. With him ready to call her bluff, he imagined her allowing him to go a little further every time he tried something with her. Perhaps with her enjoying the sexual attention as much as he'd obviously enjoyed the sexual attention of having sex with his mother-in-law, maybe, eventually, she'd even allow him to go all the sexual way.

Oh, my God, he couldn't even count how many times he's masturbated over the thoughts of his mother-in-law wearing her sexy, nearly see-through nightgowns. He can't even put a number on how many times, he's wanted to lift her nightgown over her head and tie it there with a cord for him to have his wicked, sexual way with her naked body. With her arms positioned over her head, he imagined her being helpless to stop him from touching her, feeling her, and fondling her naked body. With her nightgown covering her face, he imagined touching her, feeling her, and fondling her everywhere a son-in-law should never touch, feel, and fondle his mother-in-law.

Then, cutting a conveniently necessary hole by her mouth, he imagined pushing her down to her knees. With her talking at him in the way that his wife usually does, he imagined pulling her hair for her to stop talking, for her to scream, and for her to open her mouth wide enough and long enough to take his cock inside. His sexual fantasy come true, plugging her pie hole, he imagined filling her mouth with his cock. With a hand positioned behind Audrey's pretty albeit mature head, he imagined humping her mouth and fucking her face before unloading his lust for his mother-in-law in her mouth. Feebly protesting while feigning his sexual treatment of her, he imagined her lustfully swallowing his cum.

Now with her living with them, he imagined Audrey walking around him in her short, low cut, sheer, sexy nightgowns every night and every morning. Maybe with her living with them now, whether deliberately by her, deliberately by him, accidentally by her, or accidentally by him, he'll get lucky and will somehow see her giant boobs. Perhaps with her living with them, this is his perfect opportunity to make a sexual move on his mother-in-law.

Comparing one against the other, how hot would that be to have sex with both mother and daughter? He'd love nothing more than to have two busty women in his bed every night. If daughter wasn't in the mood to suck him while he felt her big tits and fingered her big nipples, surely mother would be in the mood to suck him while he felt her big tits and fingered her big nipples. He'd love nothing more than to have a threesome with Jennifer and Audrey.

Only, could he trust Audrey not to tell Jennifer that he made a sexual pass at her? If she returned his sexual interest, could he trust his mother-in-law not to tell her daughter that they were having a sexual affair? Not wanting to jeopardize his marriage, he didn't want to lose his wife because of the sexual lust that he had for her mother. Even though he'd love to have sex with his mother-in-law, making a pass at her was too risky of a proposition. Somehow that kind of a sexually triangle that seemed so right at night always came out in the light of day.

Yet, with her not helping him control himself by her sexually flirting with him, teasing him, and tempting him, maybe she wants to have sex with him as much as he wants to have sex with her. With her walking around him in her, sheer, sexy nightgowns, maybe she sexually wants him as much as he sexually wants her. He didn't know. He wasn't sure. He wouldn't know unless he called her bluff and made a sexual pass at her.

In the way that a computer processes images at lightning speed, a computer was no match for Daniel's horny brain especially when it came to fantasizing about seeing his mother-in-law topless and/or naked. While Jennifer was still talking at him as if she was a machinegun firing unlimited bullets, he enjoyed having a sexual fantasy with his mother-in-law as his personal porn star. Any time she was nervous about asking him something, Jen always talked at him nonstop in the way she was doing now. His only salvation from telling her to shut up and take a breath was to lose himself in one of his sexual fantasies of having sex with her mother.

While Jennifer continued talking at him without taking a breath, he quickly processed three likely and hopeful, sexual scenarios of having sex with his mother-in-law while Jennifer was at work and Audrey was home alone with him. With him home alone with his MILF of a mother-in-law, he could only imagine the sexual opportunities they'd have and the sexy fun that he'd have. With him home alone with his sexy mother-in-law, maybe he'd finally see her big tits. With him home alone with his mother-in-law teasing him and tempting him to make a sexual move on her, maybe they'll finally have sex.

Maybe his mother-in-law is just as horny as he is. Maybe she's waiting for him to make a move on her. Maybe even after having regular sex his mother-in-law while Jennifer was at work, Audrey would never spoil the sexual fun they were having by telling her daughter. Cutting off her nose to spite her face, she had as much to lose as he did in alienating Jennifer's affection. Having Audrey live with them could be his perfect opportunity to have sex with Jen's mother.

* * * * *

Sexy scenario #1.

He thought about installing a small, hidden camera somewhere in the spare bedroom where Audrey dressed, undressed, and slept. Only, with his luck, Jen would find the camera when she was cleaning. Already knowing what Jen's reaction would be, she'd be really pissed. As bad as being deemed a sexual deviate and being listed on the sex registry list, how embarrassing would that be to be caught peeping on Jennifer's mother dressing, undressing, and sleeping?

If Audrey found the camera instead of Jen, he wondered what his mother-in-law's reaction would be. He imagined her pretending not to notice the camera and giving him a real show by playing to the camera in undressing and dressing in plain view of the camera. Yet, what if Audrey had the same reaction as he imagined his wife would have? What if his mother-in-law felt violated that he had been peeping on her? What could he possibly say in his defense of peeping on his mother-in-law? It's one thing for him to watch his mother-in-law dressing, undressing, and sleeping but it's quite something else to be caught spying on her with a hidden camera.

Needing to come up with another idea, a better plan on how to see Audrey without her clothes, he thought long and hard about it. With her coming to live with them, he had plenty of time and plenty of opportunities to come up with a plan to see her topless and/or naked. Instead of watching her dressing, undressing, sleeping, and without her clothes on hidden camera, he pondered the thought of just opening her closed bedroom door without knocking. He could do that. That would work.

With timing everything, a fantasy that he always enjoyed having when masturbating, he imagined listening at her closed bedroom door before walking in on her at the precise moment when she was dressing or undressing. Listening for the rustle of her removing her nightgown or the feint sound of her unbuttoning her blouse and/or unhooking her bra, he hoped he had a lucky guess when bursting open her closed bedroom door without warning and without knocking. Unless she was standing there topless while waiting for him to barge open her closed bedroom door without knocking, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on his good fortune, luck had more to do with him seeing her breasts than skill.

"Oops, sorry, Mom," he imagined saying when opening her bedroom door while she was dressing and standing there topless.

Feigning his embarrassment and protecting her modesty, he imagined covering his eyes with his splayed fingers while continuing to stare at her big tits. With him opening her bedroom door at the perfect moment, he imagined catching her standing there topless. With him seeing her without her blouse, without her bra, or without her nightgown, he wondered what reaction she'd have to him seeing her big, naked breasts. He wondered if she'd immediately cover her naked breasts with her hands or, daring him to look, if she'd stand there brazenly proud and defiantly, immorally immodest. With him making the first sexual move by barging in her bedroom while she was topless, he wondered if she'd make the next sexual move.

He already knew the reaction that he'd have to seeing her naked breasts. He'd stare at her tits. He'd leer at her boobs. He'd ogle her standing there topless. If he had a camera, in the way of a Paparazzi photographer catching celebrities without their clothes, he'd fire off dozens of digital photos for him to peruse later in the privacy of his bedroom with his hand tightly wrapped around his cock.

Wanting to share her big tits with the world, he wondered if she'd allow him to post her topless photos on the Internet. Not even broaching the subject with her, if he had topless photos of his mother-in-law, he'd post them without her knowledge and without her permission. He could always conceal her eyes so that no one would recognize her. How hot would that be to call up his topless mother-in-law on the computer screen whenever he felt horny enough to masturbate over seeing her big, naked breasts?

Whenever she stayed over the weekend and went out shopping with Jennifer the next morning, he'd sneak in her room to look at and feel her bras and sniff her panties. It was when seeing her empty bra cups that he had a clearer image of how truly big her breasts were. It was when he imagined seeing her naked breasts that he had proof positive of the size and shape of her massive boobs. With him already seeing the outline of her massive jugs through her sheer nightgown, he had a good enough idea what she'd look like topless. With him seeing some down nightgown views of her whenever she leans forward, he has enough of an image of her tits and of her nipples for him to masturbate over them again and again.

When he imagined opening her closed bedroom door to catch her topless, he imagined her staring at him in the way that a deer stares at a car when caught in their headlights. Being that this was his sexual fantasy and had the control how it materialized, he adjusted his sexy scenario in his mind in the way he'd love for it to play out in real life. When barging in her bedroom, he imagined her shocking him with her immoral immodesty when she didn't move her hands to her breasts to cover her nakedness.

Imagining that her involuntary reaction would be to cover most of her breasts with her hands or with her forearm, he imagined her not covering her nipples and/or her areolas with her hands or with her forearms at all. Being that this was his sexual fantasy, he'd prefer if she just stood there with her arms by her sides. Unembarrassed and immorally immodest, he imagined her not covering her naked breasts to give him a good look of her naked tits. Imagining her wanting him to see as much of her breasts as he wanted to see of her breasts, it takes two to play this game of voyeurism and exhibitionism.

A longtime sexual fantasy coming true to fruition, the hard part would be to open her closed bedroom door and barge in her bedroom at exactly the precise moment. He'd prefer if she'd willingly and immodestly showed him her naked breasts in the way that he so wanted to see her naked breasts. He'd rather that she was just as sexually excited to show him her naked breasts as much as he was sexually excited to see her naked breasts. With her extraordinary breasts bulging out his eyes and filling his brain with sexual lust for her, he imagined they both stared at one another without speaking until she broke their silence and spoke.

"Daniel, I'm getting dressed," he imagined her saying while giving him a sexy smile after giving him a sexy show of her big tits by not moving her hands or her forearm to cover her naked breasts.

While he slowly stroked himself over the imagined thoughts of seeing his mother-in-law topless, he imagined her looking at him coyly before looking at him seductively. Unable to remove his eyes from what he was lusting to see of her for so long, he imagined himself continuing to stare at her big tits. Obviously, when she made no attempt to cover her exposed breasts, she feigned her look of modesty for his benefit more than her benefit. With him the one who burst through her closed bedroom door without knocking, this was now her game to play. Surely and obviously, with her not wanting him to tell her daughter that she flashed him her breasts, pretending that she was embarrassed, he feigned his embarrassment too.

If anything and even if she was purposely standing there topless while waiting and hoping he'd enter her bedroom, she put the shadow of guilt on his shoulders for barging in her closed door bedroom without knocking. With her having a free pass to expose her breasts to him without guilt or remorse, seemingly this was all on him. Obviously, she wanted to show him her big breasts as much as he wanted to see her big breasts. Moreover, with her obviously not telling her daughter that her husband saw her naked breasts when barging in her closed door bedroom without knocking, Daniel wasn't about to tell his wife that he saw her mother's tits either.

As if his brain was a high resolution, digital camera, he imagined seeing his mother-in-law's tits and forever capturing the sexy sight of her big, erect nipples. As if he was an artist or a sculptor ready to paint or sculpt his topless model, he memorized her symmetrically round areolas and her big, erect nipples. As if he was a Playboy or a Penthouse photographer ready to frame the most salacious shot before taking the best picture, he stared at all that she was freely and willingly showing. As if he was a forensic detective investigating a crime scene, he recorded every mole and every freckle on her topless body. Filling his horny brain with her big, bulbous breasts, now that he's seen them, stared at them, and memorized them, if he had to, he could draw the perfect shape of her enormous breasts in great detail.

"I, um, just wanted to know if you had any plans today," he imagined saying to her while never removing his eyes from her naked breasts. "I, um, just wanted to know if you needed a ride or if—"

Imagining her giving him an inviting, come hither look, he imagined her giving him a sexy smile. Her smile told him that she knew that he deliberately barged in on her in the hopes of seeing her magnificent breasts. Her smile told him that she enjoyed flashing him her big tits as much as he enjoyed ogling her big tits. Her smile told him that this was just the beginning of something so physically extraordinary, erotically beautiful, and sexually arousing. As if he was reliving the movie, Groundhog Day, he'd love nothing more than to repeat the process of barging in her bedroom every day, whenever she was dressing, undressing, and standing there topless.

"Perhaps, Daniel, we can discuss this after I get dressed and after I at least put on my bra," he imagined her saying with a sexy laugh and without giving him even a feigned look of embarrassment.

He looked from her breasts to look up at her eyes before looking back down at her tits. In the way that Jennifer had sensational breasts, he imagined Audrey having sensational breasts only a cup size larger.

"Oh, sorry, how oblivious of me," he imagined saying with a nervous, little laugh. "How stupid of me. I didn't notice you were standing there topless Mom," he said using that line as his excuse to stare at her naked breasts longer.

"I bet you didn't," he imagined her saying with a naughty laugh.

Feeling compelled to say something complimentary about her breasts, he complimented her breasts.

"Nice tits by the way," he imagined saying to his mother-in-law with a nervous, little laugh while lying that he didn't know she was standing there topless.

Only with him hoping for a longer view of her naked breasts after opening her door unannounced and barging in her bedroom in the way he did without knocking first, how could he not know she was standing there topless? How oblivious could he possibly be not to know that she was standing there without her blouse and without her bra? Of course he knew she was topless. Of course it was his intention to see her big breasts. Just as he knew his intentions, of course she knew him opening her bedroom door and barging in her bedroom without knocking was just a ruse to see her tits, hopefully as much as she wanted to show him her tits.

Giant full moons, her breasts were so big that he imagined they cast twin shadows on the carpet. Her orbs were so huge that if they were suns, they'd have planets revolving around them. Her tits were just as big and just as shapely as any topless model in Playboy and/or Penthouse magazines.

"Thank you," he imagined her responding to his compliment that she had nice tits. He imagined her looking down at her naked breasts before looking up at him with the innocence of a virgin. "Being that you're here and have already seen my naked breasts, if you don't mind terribly, may I ask you something?"

"Sure," he said taking another step closer to her and to her big, naked breasts. "You may ask me anything."

She looked from him to look down at her big breasts again before looking up at him with as much sexual arousal as he looked at her with sexual excitement.

"Tell me the truth and be honest," he imagined her saying to him while looking down at her breasts before looking up at him again with a sexy smile. "You don't think they sag, do you?"

Shocked that she'd ask him that leading question, he was surprised that she'd ask him for his opinion in wanting to know if he thought her breasts sagged. He imagined her turning side to side while showing him her naked breasts for him to determine if her tits sagged or not. He imagined her raising her arms over her head to lift her breasts higher with that motion. He imagined her leaning forward and turning from the front to the side to show him her hanging breasts in the way that he imagined her hanging breasts while masturbating himself with the thoughts of her blowing him. Using her asking his opinion to stare at her breasts longer, really staring at them before volunteering his opinion, as if he was a judge in a beauty contest, he ogled her big tits as if he had never seen naked breasts before.

"Um, if you don't mind Mom, do me a favor and jump up and down. I, um, just wanna see somethin'," he imagined saying to her.

With her no doubt knowing what he wanted to see, with him wanting to watch her tits move up and down, she gave him another sexy smile.

"Sure," she said. "What if I did a few jumping jacks? Would that be okay?"

"That will work," he said.

With her big tits bouncing and nearly hitting her in the face, he watched his topless mother-in-law do a series of jumping jacks. She asked him his opinion of her breasts again when she stopped bending, stretching, leaning, and jumping.

"Well, what's your opinion? Do you think my breasts sag?"

He stepped closer to get a better look at them. Without touching them, feeling them, and fondling them, with his hands poised behind his back as if he was a judge at a farm show to judge the best cow udders, he leaned forward to examine her naked breasts.

"No, actually and honestly, your breasts don't sag at all," he imagined responding to her while leering at her naked breasts. "For a mature woman, your breasts are still standing proud, higher up than most women your age," he imagined saying with a sexually, excited laugh.

With one obviously waiting for the other to make the first move, he stared at her while she stared at him. With her staring down at her tits, he watched her lift one breast in her hand in the way he wished he could lift her breast in his hand. Teasing him and tempting him, he imagined she took her nipple in her mouth and sucked it to erect it. Wishing he could suck her nipple, he couldn't believe his eyes. Then, she took her other breast in her hand, lifted it to her lips and sucked her other nipple. Oh, my God! What the Hell was she doing other than teasing him?

"May I ask you another question?"

Standing there topless with her nipples now at full attention, she looked at him with as much sexual lust as he looked at her.

"Of course," he said talking to her tits instead of making eye contact with her and talking to her. "You may ask me anything."

With the sexual tension heavy in the small bedroom, there was a moment of silence where they just looked at one another.

"Tell me and be honest," she said looking down at her erect nipples before looking up at him. "Do you think my nipples are too small for my breasts?"

Too small? Is she kidding or teasing? She had enormous nipples. With Jennifer having big nipples too, Audrey's big nipples were even bigger than his wife's big nipples. He leaned closer to stare at her erect nipples.

"No, Mom, I don't think your nipples are small at all. I think the size of your nipples perfectly matches your breasts," he said wishing he could finger them before sucking them.

While fingering her nipples to keep them erect, she looked down at her exposed breasts again before focusing her attention on him.

"Thank you and I do apologize for putting you on the spot, with this an odd question for a mother-in-law to ask her son-in-law and for a mother to ask about her daughter," she said pausing. "If you don't mind, I need to ask you one more question about my breasts."

He took the opportunity of her asking him another about her breasts as his chance to really ogle her big, naked tits.

"Yes, what is it Mom? Don't be afraid. You may ask me anything," he said again staring at her big, naked tits.

As if teasing him and as if looking to see what he could see while staring at her, she looked down at her naked tits again before looking up at him.

"How do you think my breasts compare to Jennifer's breasts?"

With her feigning her innocence in her sexual seduction of him, she looked down at her breasts again before looking up at him.

"You're breasts are so much bigger than Jennifer's breasts Mom," he imagined responding. "Only, with me having been so intimate with Jennifer's big tits, it's difficult for me to give you my official comparison just by looking at your naked breasts. For me to give you my unbiased opinion of how your breasts compare to Jennifer's breasts, he imagined saying while playing her, I'd have to touch your breasts. I'd have to feel your breasts. I'd have to fondle your breasts. I'd have to suck your breasts," he imagined saying with a dirty laugh while wondering if he had gone too far.

The last thing he wanted to do was to make his mother-in-law feel uncomfortable enough to put on her bra. Yet, going for broke, limbering up his hands and fingers, he raised his hands to his shoulders and quickly opened and closed them in readiness to touch, feel, and fondle her big boobs before sucking her big boobs.

"Well," she sighed. "If that's the only way you can compare my breasts to Jennifer's breasts for you to give me your official, honest opinion of my breasts then, of course, you may touch, feel, fondle, and suck my tits," he imagined his mother-in-law saying.

* * * * *

With him sexually satisfied with the sexual scenario of barging in his mother-in-law's closed bedroom door without knocking at the precise moment when she was undressing or undressing, he liked the idea of catching her topless. He enjoyed the sexy scenario of her not making any move to cover her nakedness, something that he masturbated to that sexy scenario over and again. He liked imagining while sexually fantasizing that Audrey wanted him to see her breasts as much as he wanted to see her breasts. With Jennifer still talking at him not stop about her mother staying with them, now that he had one possible way to see her naked breasts, he needed to think of another way to see her naked breasts.

Sexy scenario #2.

Daniel imagined listening to her bathroom door in the way that he imagined listening to her bedroom door before bursting open her bathroom door. He imagined barging in on her in the bathroom in the way he had imagined barging in on her in the bedroom. In the way he hoped to catch her without her bra in the bedroom, he hoped to catch her naked just as she opened the shower curtain.

He imagined listening at the bathroom door to hear the sound of the metal shower curtain clips being pulled across the metal shower curtain rod. As if unsheathing a sword or racking a shotgun, the sound of the shower curtain clips sliding across the metal curtain rod was unmistakable and easily identifiable. As if he was Denzel Washington playing Robert McCall in the Equalizer, he took a timed, countdown for everything he did in anticipation and in preparation of seeing his mother-in-law naked. He had already taken a timed count on how long it would take her to reach for her towel after opening her shower curtain.

Just as someone unsheathing a sword or racking a shotgun would fill him with fear, Audrey pulling the metal shower curtain clips across a metal shower rod filled him with sexual excitement. At that very moment, he knew she was naked. At that very moment, albeit briefly without a shower curtain protecting her modesty and a towel covering her nakedness, he knew his mother-in-law was standing there naked. Just as he heard the sound of the shower curtain, he started his countdown. He had only eight seconds before she completely covered herself with a towel. He had only three seconds after she pulled the shower curtain completely open, and before she reached for her towel to cover her naked body, to see his sexy mother-in-law naked.

"Three, two, one."

If he waited to the count of three it would be too late. She would have already grabbed the towel. If he didn't open that bathroom door as soon as he heard the shower curtain being pulled across the curtain rod, she'd have time enough to reach for her towel and cover her naked body. He couldn't delay. He needed to act now. This was his perfect opportunity to see all that he wanted to see of her naked body while making it seem as if it was an unfortunate, albeit a serendipitous accident.

As he flung open the bathroom door without giving her the appropriate courtesy of a knock, he imagined his mother-in-law standing there naked in those brief, few moments before she had the chance to reach for her towel to cover her naked body. Naked, naked, naked, he imagined seeing his mother-in-law in real time naked. Naked, naked, naked, the sound of the shower curtain opening gave him just enough time to do what he needed to do. As soon as he heard the sound, he quickly flung open the bathroom door while hoping that she was standing there naked without the modesty of the shower curtain or a towel concealing her nakedness from his horny eyes. Just as he had imagined she was, she was standing there naked.

"Oops, sorry, Mom," he imagined saying to her when opening the bathroom door just as she was emerging naked from the shower, the only advantage of living in a one bathroom house.

With her having one foot on the bathmat and the other foot in the bathtub, she returned her foot to the tub. She could have pulled the shower curtain back across her naked body to deny him a view of her tits and pussy but with this his sexual fantasy, he imagined her not doing that. She could have covered her nakedness with her hands and/or with her forearms but again, with this his sexual fantasy, she didn't do that either. Instead, with her exposing her naked body to him in the way that he so hoped to see and wanted to see her naked body, she stood there staring at him in the way that he stood there staring at her.

"I have to pee," he said never removing his eyes from her naked body while waiting for her to give him permission to pee.

Slow to reach for her towel and to cover herself with her nakedness with her towel, he got a good, long look at the shape and the size of her big breasts, her areolas, and her nipples. With her not reaching for a towel to cover her nakedness from his horny eyes for ten seconds instead of his timed 5 seconds which seemed like ten minutes, he saw her big, D cup breasts, the side of her bubble ass, and her dark brown, bushy pussy. He saw Audrey naked. He finally saw his mother-in-law without her clothes.

"Well go ahead and pee," she said finally reaching for her towel to cover herself while drying her naked body without exposing anymore of her nakedness to him. She grabbed a second towel to wrap around her wet hair. "I don't want you to have an accident."

With the side of the toilet facing the shower and with him standing in direct line of her vision, he knew he'd be exposing his cock to her in the way that she exposed her naked body to him. Taking two to play this game of voyeurism and exhibitionism, she could have stepped from the shower and turned her back to him to give him some privacy, but she didn't. She could have pulled the shower curtain closed in front of her to shield her eyes from seeing his cock but she didn't do that either. Even though she was sopping wet, she could have stepped from the bathroom to allow him to pee in private but she didn't do that either.

In his readiness to relieve himself and in his eagerness to expose himself to his mother-in-law, he imagined unzipping himself and pulling out his cock in front of her. He could have sat on the toilet to deny her a view of his prick but he didn't do that either. The whole purpose of him barging in the bathroom on the pretense that he had to pee was not only to see her naked but also to show her his cock. He could have waited until she was done and out of the bathroom but he didn't do that either.