Last Day Alive, What Would You Do? b


"Jack! What the fuck? What in the Hell are you doing? Why are you in my shower? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Why are you naked?" She stared down at his erect cock in the way that their mother just had. "Get out! Get the fuck out! I'm taking a shower. How dare you? Get out of my shower," she said feigning a struggle while meekly resisting him. "Oh, my God! I can't believe this," she said while staring down at his naked erection. "I'm so embarrassed. I'm telling Mom. Mom! Mom," she yelled.

Yet, Mom wouldn't be coming upstairs to help her. Mom wasn't coming upstairs to save her daughter from her brother. Their mother wouldn't be intervening to save her from him. Rita was still downstairs enjoying the afterglow of having incestuous sex with her son. Rita was basking in the sensation of having hot sex after not having had any sex for years. If his mother would do anything to help her daughter, perhaps she'd want to have a threesome. How hot would that be to watch mother having sex with daughter after she had sex with her son?

'Embarrassed?' He gave his big sister a look of disbelief. 'His sister wasn't embarrassed. If she was anything, she was sexually excited,' he thought. 'Just look at her nipples. They're huge.'

* * * * *

Easily overcoming her inability to resist him, he removed her arms from her naked body to lean down to suck her tits. First one and then the other, he sucked one of her nipples before sucking her other nipple. Then, when she started to resist him, he turned her around and pinned her hands against the wet, tile wall. He pushed himself up against her in the way he did with his mother.

As if he was a police officer arresting a criminal, he pressed himself harder against her while humping her. As if he had fucked his sister before, his cock found a comfortable place between her shapely ass cheeks. He let go one of her hands to reach out for a handful of shower water and he used that to reach down between his sister's legs to wet her pussy in readiness for his cock. He cupped and fingered his sister's pussy. In the way that he had just cupped and fingered his mother's pussy, he couldn't believe he was cupping and fingering his sister's pussy. He couldn't believe his sister was allowing him to cup and finger her pussy.

"You have a beautiful body, Carol. I love your big tits and your shapely ass," he said. "You have an unbelievable ass. I always knew you had a great ass but seeing your naked ass, my God, you make my cock throb. You make me want to fuck your ass and lick your ass," he said.

She looked at him as if he was crazy and, certainly, he was.

"Eww," she said.

Wetting his sister's pussy with his shower water filled hand, he couldn't believe he was rubbing his sister's cunt. Whether he was wetting her with the shower water or naturally and sexually wetting her, he couldn't believe he was wetting his sister's cunt. He couldn't believe his sexy sister was allowing him to wet, rub, and finger her naked cunt without more of a struggle. With him happy just seeing his sister naked, and with her such a B-I-T-C-H, he never thought he'd ever get this sexually far with his sister. Then, again, he never thought his mother would consensually agree to have sex with him.

Wasting no time, he fingered his sister's naked pussy while wetting her naked pussy. While rubbing her clit, he finger fucked his sister. He couldn't believe he was finger fucking his sister. He couldn't believe his sister was allowing him to finger fuck her. He couldn't believe he was naked and in the shower with his naked sister.

Only, with him having good timing again, not only was she already naked, she was already wet and not just from the shower water. His sister's pussy was already swollen with sexual excitement. As evidenced by her waterproof vibrator, her dildo, and her rubber ducky positioned together on the shower shelf, she must have been masturbating herself with her toys. Either she already had an orgasm or was about to have an orgasm after she showered.

Obviously, like brother like sister, and like mother like daughter, his sister was just as horny as he was. Having heard her masturbating in the shower many times before, when not masturbating herself in bed, she routinely masturbated herself in the shower. Obviously, in the way that he was a masturbation machine, his sister was a masturbation machine too. Now, he wondered if his mother masturbated too. Probably she does, no doubt she does, he thought.

With them sharing a bedroom wall, whenever he heard Carol masturbating late at night or early the next morning, he'd masturbate himself to her masturbating herself while he was still in bed. Whenever he masturbated himself to her masturbating herself, making his masturbation session that much more sexually and incestuously exciting, he imagined that he was having sex with his sister. Now, not having to pretend, something he always wanted to do, whether she wanted him to or not, he was not only seeing his sister's naked body but also he was touching and feeling his sister's naked body. Whether she wanted him to or not, he was about to have sex with his 27-year-old sister.

"Jack! Stop! Let me go. We mustn't do this. This is wrong. This is incest," she said feigning her resistance while putting up a feeble fight and trying to break the hold he had on her by trying to turn to face him.

As if he was fucking his girlfriend, Julie, instead of his sister, Carol, he applied more pressure to her back and shoulder. He leaned her forward and pressed her blonde, pretty forehead against the wet, tile wall. Then, as if she was a slut he picked up at a bar or a whore he paid for the night, he inserted his erect cock in her warm, wet, naked pussy. The tip of his cock was inside his sister's cunt. He couldn't believe the tip of his prick was inside of his sister's cunt. After having just fucked his mother, he couldn't believe he was fucking his sister.

'Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm fucking my bitchy sister,' he thought.

Easing his stiff prick deeper inside his sister, with her not resisting him or fighting him, he humped her. Then, humping her harder and humping her faster, he fucked his sister from behind as if she was a dog. While humping her pussy, he took hold of her big tits and fingered her already erect nipples in the way he did with his mother. Humping her and humping her, he was fucking his sister.

"Fuck me, Carol. Fuck me," he said. "Fuck me in the way that Mom just did."

Obviously, with his sister not having sex since she divorced her second husband, his sister was just as horny as he was. Obviously, with his sister no longer having a man in her life in the way that his mother no longer had a man in her life, his sister was just as sexually frustrated as he was and as their mother was. Obviously, in the way that his mother sexually and incestuously wanted him too, his sister sexually and incestuously wanted him as much as he sexually and incestuously wanted her.

"You had sex with Mom?"

When he said that he had sex with their mother, she froze and turned her head to look at him with a look of shock mixed with sexual excitement.

"I did," he said. "We fucked right on the kitchen table," he said with a dirty laugh. "Best you wipe down the table before eating breakfast," he said with another dirty laugh.

She seemed to relax after he told his sister that he had sex with their mother. Perhaps she was worried about her mother finding out that they had sex. Who knows, perhaps his sister is as sexually attracted to their mother as much as he has always been sexually attracted to their mother. Perhaps his sister is a closet lesbian which would explain why her two marriages failed.

"Jack," said Carol in a sexually excited voice that didn't make him believe what she said next. "We shouldn't be doing this. This is so wrong but it feels so right. You fucking me feels so good."

Even though he routinely had sex with his girlfriend, having forbidden, incestuous sex with his mother and sister superseded the sex that he had with Julie. Having incestuous sex always took precedence of having normal sex. Obviously, knowing that as the truth now, the best sex was, indeed, incestuous sex. The best sex he ever had was with his mother and now with his sister. Without guilt, remorse, or repercussions, Jack continued fucking his sister.

"Oh, my God, Carol. This is so unbelievable. I love fucking you," he said. "Fuck me, Carol. Fuck me."

Before she changed her mind, determined to give her an orgasm with his cock, he humped her pussy from behind faster and harder while she returned his humps with her humps. His sister was humping him. He couldn't believe his sexy sister was humping him just as hard and just as fast as he was humping her. Obviously, in the way that his mother just did, his sister was enjoying him fucking her too.

Hanging onto her big tits as if he was on an amusement ride or on a bucking horse at a rodeo, he banged his sister harder and faster from behind. Humping her faster and humping harder, with the full length of his prick traveling in and out of his sister's cunt before he buried his thick prick all the way in her, he was fucking his sister. He couldn't believe he was fucking his sister in the way he had just fucked his mother. He couldn't believe his sister was fucking him in the way that his mother had just fucked him.

In the way that he was shocked by his mother allowing him to have consensual sex with her MILF of a naked body, he couldn't believe his sister allowed him to have consensual sex with her sexy, naked body too. Never expecting his mother to willingly give him sex, he never expected his sister would willingly give him sex either. Fucking his sister harder and faster, in the way that he ejaculated a small amount of cum in his mother's cunt, as if leaving his calling card behind, he ejaculated a small amount of cum in his sister's cunt too. As his way to leave something of himself behind, in the way that he hoped to make his mother pregnant, he hoped to make his sister pregnant too.

Yet, still in shock, just as he couldn't believe he had fucked his mother, he couldn't believe he was fucking his big sister. Too much to wrap his brain around, just as his mother allowed him to have sex with her beautiful, naked body, he couldn't believe his sister was allowing him to have sex with her beautiful, naked body too. If his excuse for having sex with his mother and his sister was because he'd be dead tomorrow, what was their excuse for having sex with him? He only wished he knew they'd be agreeable to giving him incestuous sex before. He would have had sex with the both of them years ago.

"Jack! Oh, my God, Jack! You're going to make me cum. Jack wait. No! Stop! I'm going to cum and you're not wearing a condom. Wait. Hold on. Don't. Stop. Oh, my God. Fuck it. Fuck me harder. Fuck me faster. I'm going to cum. I need to cum Jack. I need to cum. Only, please don't cum inside me. Please don't. I beg you. Okay? Please don't. Promise me that you won't cum in my pussy. The last thing I need is for my baby brother to get me pregnant," she said.

He laughed to himself.

"Don't worry, Carol. I promise not to cum inside of you," he said after he already had deposited a squirt of cum in her pussy.

Determined to give Carol an orgasm along with a baby, Jack continued humping his sister faster and harder.

"Jack! Fuck! Jack, fuck! I'm cumming. I'm cumming, Jack! I'm cumming. Don't stop. Please don't stop. Fuck me, Jack! Fuck me! Fuck me harder. Fuck faster. Oh, my God, Jack! Oh, my God! Oh, my God," she said collapsing against the wet shower wall.

As soon as his sister, Carol, screamed her orgasm, as if kissing her his final goodbye, he spun her around and gave her a deep, wet kiss. His first-time French kissing his sister, he kissed her again and again. He kissed her with as much sexual passion as he kissed his mother and she returned his sexual passion with her deep, wet kisses.

Then, not wasting valuable time, he applied a heavy hand to her shoulder. As if she was a whore in a back alley instead of his beloved sister in the shower, he pushed her to her knees. As soon as he slowly slid his erect cock across her full lips, she needed no further coaxing from him for her to take his erect prick in her hand before taking his stiff prick in her mouth. Just as he couldn't believe his sister wrapped her slender fingers around his thick prick, he couldn't believe his sister took his big cock in her mouth. Just as he couldn't believe his mother sucked his cock, he couldn't believe his sister was sucking his cock.

"Suck my prick, Carol. Blow me," said Jack to his sexy sister.

Too much to process in such a short time, in the way that his mother just had sucked him, his sister was blowing him. He stared down at his sister sucking his cock while she stared up at him with her pretty face and big, blue eyes while sucking his cock. In the way that he did with his mother, he stared down at his sister while watching her sucking his cock.

'This is unbelievable,' he thought. 'After fucking my mother and my mother blew me, I fucked my sister and she's blowing me too.'

Carol was sucking his cock. He couldn't believe his sister, Carol, was sucking his cock. He brushed her long, blonde hair from her face so that he could better see his hard, hairy prick buried in his sister's beautiful mouth. Another one of his sexual fantasies come true, he couldn't believe his sexy sister fucked him without a struggle or without him having to force her to fuck him. Another one of his sexual fantasies come true, he couldn't believe his sexy sister was blowing him without a struggle or without him having to force her to blow him.

He put a gentle hand behind her blonde, pretty head as she stroked and sucked his prick. In the same way that he humped his mother's mouth and fucked his mother's face, he humped his sister's mouth and fucked his sister's face. She stroked him and sucked his cock as if she wanted to stroke him and suck his cock and as much as he wanted her to stroke and suck his cock. She seemingly blew him as if she wanted to blow him and as much as he wanted her to blow him.

In the same way that he couldn't believe his mother was blowing him, he couldn't believe his big sister, Carol, was giving him a sisterly blowjob. In the way that he'd be masturbating over having sex with his mother, he'd be masturbating over having sex with his sister until the day he dies, which is tomorrow. Alas, he wished he had solicited them for incestuous sex years earlier. Yet, all is not lost. After having sex with his mother and sister, at least he'd die with a sexually satisfied smile on his face. He was glad that he had forbidden, incestuous sex with his mother and now was having forbidden, incestuous sex with his sister.

Sucking him while stroking him, she licked all her vaginal secretions from his engorged prick. In the way that her mother had just done sucking her son, his sister blew her brother with as much tenderness as she sucked him with sexual passion. Cupping his balls with one hand while stroking him with her other hand, she deep throated him. Carol sucked his cock as if she was sucking the imagined cock of her third husband on their Honeymoon.

Giving her the sexual credit that she deserved, his sister was quite the skilled cocksucker. She knew her way around a cock. Had he not pulled away from her, he would have ejaculated his full load of cum in her mouth. Had he not pulled away from her, he would have given his sister, Carol, a cum bath. Had he not pulled away from her, he would have ejaculated his cum all over her pretty face, in her blonde hair, and across her big tits.

"My God, Carol, that was the best blowjob I've ever had in my life. I thought Mom was the best cocksucker but you definitely take that prize," he said with a dirty laugh.

She smiled with his compliment.

"I only wish you had ejaculated your cum in my mouth, Jack," she said. "I would have loved to have swallowed my brother's cum," she said staring up at him while kissing and licking his cock.

Yet, not wanting to fully cum just yet, he had more to do before he died. If only he knew his mother and sister would willingly give him incestuous sex, he only wished he had solicited them for incestuously forbidden and inappropriate sex between a mother and son and a brother and sister years ago. Having wasting so many years masturbating over imagining his mother and sister naked while imagining having sex with them, he could have been having incestuous sex with them for years. Now that he'd be dead tomorrow, he felt that he had wasted his life.

Quickly drying himself with her towel, he scurried out of her bathroom and out of her room. Before going downstairs, he quickly checked his computer clock while donning his slippers and grabbing his robe. He grabbed his Smartwatch and Smartphone too from his room. Making sure that they did, they all had the same synchronized, countdown timer.

'22:35:34, 22:35:33, 22:35:32...'

"Bye, Mom," he said running out the door with his mother sitting at the kitchen table in her disheveled nightgown while drinking her coffee with her hair a mess and looking as if she just had sex.

"Bye Jack," said his mother blowing him a kiss.

### SusanJillParker-05 ###

Jack had sex with his MILF of an aunt, his mother's sister, Christine.

* * * * *

After having sex with his MILF of a mother, Rita, and his sexy, big sister, Carol, Jack made a mad dash to his Aunt Christine's house next door. Why not? What did he have to lose? His aunt was as much of a hottie as was his mother. Perhaps, after getting lucky with his MILF of a mother and his sexy sister maybe he'd get lucky with his MILF of an aunt and, perhaps, even with his sexy cousin, too. As if it was a sexy, sexual game they must play, they were both always sexually teasing him and flashing him bits and pieces of their beautiful, forbidden bodies.

In the way that his mother had divorced his father years ago, and his sister had divorced her two husbands, his aunt no longer had a man in her life after divorcing his uncle too. Maybe Auntie Christine was just as horny and sexually frustrated as were his mother and sister. Maybe his aunt sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her. Wouldn't that be convenient to finally have incestuous sex with, yet, another woman who sexually wanted him? Fortunately for him, no one locked their front doors at night in this safe, crime free neighborhood which allowed him to just turn the doorknob of his aunt's front door and enter her house.

When he walked in her house, his mother's sister, his aunt, was sitting on her couch in her bathrobe watching television and engrossed in the latest Oscar entertainment news. She loved reading about and watching celebrities. Her house was litter with People and Entertainment magazines. Without even turning her head to acknowledge his presence, obviously, she was unware that he had not only entered her house but also that he was standing behind her while watching her watching TV.

Looking so much alike and with them so close in age, with his mother 46-years-old and his aunt 44-years-old, they could have been identical, twin sisters. Only, with them so much alike physically, they were so different emotionally. She aunt was a romantic and his mother was a rationalist. Yet, he hoped that they both felt the same sexual way about him. With only one way to find out, he was there to make his incestuous move on his aunt.

Keeping it all in the family, in the way that he always imagined having sex with his MILF of a mother, he always imagined having sex with his MILF of an aunt too. How hot of a sexual fantasy would that be to have sex with his mother and his aunt at the same time? How hot of a sexual fantasy would that be for him to have sex with his sister and cousin at the same time? How hot would that be to have a one-man, incestuous orgy with all four women?

'Wow,' he thought.

For mature women twenty years older than him, when too many women their age are obese and no longer care about their outside, personal appearances, his mother and his aunt were both so hot. In the way that he always wanted to have sex with his sexy sister, Carol, he always wanted to have sex with his sexy cousin, Kathy, too. They were both so sexy. Now that he'd be dead tomorrow anyway, in the way that his mother and sister already had consensual sex with him, hopefully his aunt and/or cousin will have consensual sex with him too. Hopefully his aunt and/or cousin help to make him die with a smile on his face also.

With one female, blood relative just as beautiful and just as sexy as the other female, blood relative, he was so fortunate to have a family of such sexy and beautiful women. He hoped that his aunt and cousin were as sexual as were his mother and sister just were. He hoped that they'd willingly have sex with him in the way that his mother and sister consensually had sex with him.

He'd like nothing more than to compare having sex with his aunt with his mother just as he'd like nothing more than to compare having sex with his cousin with his sister. Having incestuous sex with four sexy women in the course of one day, how hot would that be when going from one to the other? There's something special about going from mother to daughter. Then, to go from two mothers and two daughters is a sexual revelation.

'Be still my heart. How hot would that be for my aunt to fuck and suck me after my mother had already fucked and sucked me,' he thought while thinking of his aunt naked and having sex with her. 'How hot would that be for my cousin to fuck and suck me after my sister had already fucked and sucked me,' he thought while thinking of his cousin naked and having sex with her. 'I wonder who is better in bed, my mother, my sister, my aunt, or my cousin,' he continued thinking. 'I hope I get to make that comparison.'

* * * * *

He stood over his aunt while enjoying the down-bathrobe view of his aunt's big, naked breasts. Just as all the women in his family had big tits, most of the women in his neighborhood were busty. Just as his aunt was another blue-eyed blonde, most of the women in the neighborhood were blue-eyed blondes. He wondered again if there was something in the water that made the so many women in his neighborhood and in his family, especially, busty, blue-eyed, beautiful blondes.

With the top of his aunt's robe open and with her unknowingly giving him a down-bathrobe view of the tops of her naked breasts and her long line of sexy cleavage, he suspected that his aunt was naked beneath her robe. Something so sexually appealing, she was always naked beneath her bathrobe. With her always in her room while naked underneath, he wondered if she ever flashed the pizza delivery man and/or anyone else who came to the door. In the way that his MILF of a mother routinely walked around her house in her sheer, low-cut, short, sexy nightgowns, his aunt routinely walked around her house wearing her bathrobe and slippers with nothing underneath.

'As if opening an expense gift, how hot would that be to untie my aunt's bathrobe? How hot would that be to slide my horny hands all over my aunt's naked body? She's such a sexy bitch in the way that my mother and sister are sexy bitches,' he thought while imagining seeing his Aunt Christine naked. 'In the way that I yearned, fantasized, and masturbated over seeing my mother and sister naked and having sex with them, I yearned, fantasized, and masturbated over seeing my aunt naked and having sex with her too,' he thought.

With just a mere bathrobe tie keeping him from seeing his aunt's naked body, he hoped she'd allow him the honor to untie her bathrobe. Again, as if she was her gift to him, he'd love to untie her bathrobe tie with his teeth. Something he had done for years, spying on them and peeping on them, he always watched his MILF of an aunt and his sexy cousin through his binoculars from his bedroom window. Such a sexy sight to see, for years he watched them dress and undress while he masturbated himself to their sexy striptease shows of their underwear clad, topless, and naked bodies.

With his MILF of an aunt and his sexy cousin giving him striptease shows nearly every morning and every evening, he always wondered if they knew that he was watching them through his binoculars. How could they not know? With them never closing their blinds and dressing in the morning and undressing at night with the light on, he always wondered if they were deliberately flashing and sexually and incestuously teasing him. Too many times to count, he couldn't even count how many times he saw his Aunt Christine and his Cousin Kathy in their bras and panties, topless, and/or naked while he masturbated himself.

It was because of them, his mother, his sister, his aunt, and his cousin that he was a masturbation machine. Returning the favor of them undressing for him, whenever he undressed in readiness for bed, he left his blinds open with his bedroom light on in the same way that they did. Unable to see their windows through the dark with his light on, he wondered if they watched him in the way that he watched them. Taking it a step further, he sometimes masturbated himself while standing in front of his bedroom window. Wanting to give his aunt and/or his cousin a sexy masturbation show, he wondered if they watched him cum for them.


As if she was dreaming him or imagining him, his aunt looked up at him startled. After catching him staring down her bathrobe at her naked breasts, she looked down at herself to see what he had seen of her before looking back up at him. Obviously, knowing that her nephew had seen something of her that he shouldn't have seen, she gave him a sexy smile and a naughty look.

Awakened from his sexual fantasy of exposing himself to his aunt and cousin, he smiled at her while still staring at all that she was showing him of her naked breasts and all that he was seeing of her sexy, shapely, naked body. As much as he loved his mother, he loved his aunt. As much as he always wanted to have sex with his mother, he always wanted to have sex with his aunt.

"Good morning, Auntie Christine," he said.

* * * * *

In the way that it sexually excited him to call his mother, Mother, when having sex with her, it sexually excited him to call his aunt, Auntie Christine, before hopefully having sex with her too. In the way that he had incestuous sex with his mother, he'd love to have incestuous sex with his aunt. In the way that he had incestuous sex with his sister, he'd love to have incestuous sex with his cousin. Why not? What did it matter? Here today and gone tomorrow, with no guilt, remorse, and/or repercussions for his heinous and incestuous, sexual actions, he'd be dead by this time tomorrow anyway.

She turned to look up at him and when she did, the bottom of her robe parted enough to give him a nice view of her shapely thighs and a brief peek of her blonde, trimmed pussy. He couldn't believe his aunt just flashed him her cunt. When she turned like that, the top of her robe parted too and gave him a better down-bathrobe view of her naked breasts. He not only saw the tops of her breasts and her long line of sexy cleavage but also he saw her areolas, her nipples, the entire shape of her big breasts. He couldn't have planned a better and serendipitous view of his naked aunt's pussy and breasts if he tried.

'Oh, my God. I can't believe my aunt just flashed me her pussy. If it's not enough that I just saw my aunt's naked cunt, I can't believe I'm seeing my aunt's naked tits,' he thought. 'I can't believe she's flashing me her tits too. It's almost as if she's sitting on her couch naked.'

He wondered if she knew she was as exposed. He wondered if she was deliberately flashing him. He wondered if she wanted him to see her naked pussy and naked tits. He wondered if she wanted him to see her naked body as much as he wanted to see her naked body. He wondered if she was as sexually attracted to him as he was to her. He wondered if the morning was her horny time of the day as it was his horny time of the day. Only, as if his aunt was a timid deer and he was a wolf dressed in her nephew's clothes, he had to take it slow to be careful not to spook her.

"I didn't hear you come in? What are you doing here? Do you need something, Jack? Bread? Milk? Sugar? Coffee? Tea?"

When she asked him if he needed coffee or tea, he wished she'd include her as a selection. He imagined her asking him if he'd like, coffee, tea, or me? Too bad he was going to die, he imagined all the sexy scenarios and incestuous games that he could play with his mother, his sister, and his aunt. He imagined how pool parties would suddenly have more of a sexual tone.

'Marco Polo,' he imagined saying while grabbing onto his aunt's tits and lifting her bikini top. 'Marco Polo,' he imagined saying while grabbing onto his mother's tits and lifting her bikini top. 'Marco Polo,' he imagined saying while grabbing onto his sister's tits and lifting her bikini top too. 'Marco Polo,' he imagined his mother, his sister, and his aunt all saying while pulling down his bathing suit and pulling him around the pool by his erect cock.

With him standing over her and still staring down her open bathrobe, she made no attempt to close her robe to deny him a continued peek of her naked pussy and a prolonged view her naked breasts. As much as she obviously knew he was looking by his focused stare, how could she not know that she was showing by her disheveled bathrobe? Obviously, she didn't care that she was flashing her nephew bits and pieces of her sexy body. Obviously, she enjoyed him staring at all that she was showing.

With his cock tenting his bathroom parallel to her line of vision, in the way he never removed his eyes from her naked tits, she never removed her eyes from his prick pitching a tent in his bathrobe. Then, when he sat on the couch beside her, as if testing the sexual temperature of his aunt, he put his horny hand on her uncovered, naked thigh. Something he had never done before, he was touching his aunt's smooth and shapely thigh. He was touching his aunt where a nephew should never touch his aunt.

In the way that he had never seen, touched, and felt his mother's naked ass, not even when she was wearing her sexy bikini, he had never touched his aunt's naked thigh. He wondered how much more of her that she'd allow him to touch. He wondered if she'd allow him to touch her pussy. He wondered if she'd allow him to touch her tits.

'Oh, my God,' he thought. 'So far so good. Maybe I'll be having sex with my aunt too.'

With him having a better and closer look at his aunt's exposed cunt, his hand was mere inches from her exposed, blonde, trimmed pussy. It took all the self-control he had not to move his hand higher up his aunt's thigh to her pussy and cup her cunt in the way that he cupped his mother's cunt. It took all the self-control he had not to finger his aunt's pussy before licking his aunt's pussy and fucking his aunt's pussy. As if deliberately tempting him and sexually teasing him, she looked at his hand before looking up at him with a sexy smile while he looked at her naked tits and pussy as if he was a mad rapist.

'Did she want me to touch her pussy? Did she want me to feel her tits? Obviously, she's sexually teasing me,' he thought.

He returned her sexy smile with his sexy smile.

"I don't need milk or sugar," he said. He paused to make sure that she saw him staring down her open bathrobe at what she was willingly showing him of her naked tits and her pussy. "What I need is you, Auntie Christine," he said.

Making his move, he leaned into her and parted his aunt's lips with a deep, wet kiss. He couldn't believe he kissed his aunt. When she returned his kiss with her kiss, he couldn't believe he was making out with his aunt. As soon as he parted her lips, he moved his hand higher up her thigh. So close and yet so far, now the side of his hand was brushing against his aunt's pubic hair. Another one of his sexual fantasies come true, he was hopefully about to finger his aunt's pussy. He was hopefully about to have sex with his aunt.

Just as he surprised his mother and now his aunt by kissing them, his aunt surprised him by returning his kiss. Instead of recoiling and rejecting him, his aunt, Christine, returned her nephew's kiss with as much passion as he kissed his aunt and in the way his mother and sister had done. In the way that he couldn't believe his mother and sister sexually kissed him, he couldn't believe his aunt sexually kissed him too.

Instead of cupping her pussy, he reached his horny hand inside of her bathrobe to feel her big tits and finger her erect nipples. He couldn't believe he was touching, feeling, and fondling his aunt Christine's big breasts. Kissing and kissing her, he broke off their kiss to lean down to suck his aunt's big nipples, first one and then the other. Another one of his sexual fantasies come true, he couldn't believe he was making out with his aunt while feeling her big, naked tits and sucking her erect nipples.

So firm and so shapely, she had the same sized breasts as his mother. If it wasn't enough that he was feeling her big tits, he couldn't believe he was sucking his aunt's nipples. Sucking one nipple, he fingered her other nipple before switching to suck and finger the other nipple. In the way that he pulled, turned, twisted, squeezed, and pinched his mother's nipples, he pulled, turned, twisted, squeezed, and pinched his aunt's nipples. As much as he loved his mother's big tits, he loved his aunt's big tits too.

Seemingly, as if she had been waiting and expecting him to make an incestuous, sexual move on her, not one to disappoint her, she allowed him to not only untie her bathroom but also to flay it wide open. His aunt was naked. Naked, naked, naked, he was seeing his aunt's naked body up close and personal instead of seeing her naked body through his binoculars. Then, in the way that she immorally and immodestly leaned back against the arm of the couch, she spread her legs for him. In the way that he was obviously ready and willing to give his aunt sex, she was obviously ready and waiting for her nephew to give her sex.

"Oh, Jack. I've been waiting for this day when you'd make your sexual move. Just as I knew you were watching me undress through your binoculars, I've been enjoying the show of you masturbating yourself," she said with a dirty laugh while staring at him and rubbing her pussy with her fingers. "Lick me, Jack. Finger my pussy. Make me cum, my sweet nephew. Give Auntie Christine an orgasm with your tongue and fingers. Eat me, Jack. Eat me," she said continuing to masturbate herself while staring at him. "Lick Auntie Christine's cunt."

Not wasting another second, tick, tick, tick, tick, with him quickly running out of time, he moved between his aunt's legs. If he was going to die, he was determined to die with a smile on his face and a double, Viagra induced erection while fucking all the women he sexually fantasized fucking. He fingered her pussy while licking her pussy and while reaching up his other hand to feel and fondle her big tits while fingering, pulling, turning, twisting, squeezing, and pinching her erect nipples. Difficult to wrap his head around all that happened in such a short time, he couldn't believe he had sex with his mother and sister and was now having sex with his aunt.

"Lick me, Jack. Lick me. Lick me harder. Lick me faster. Rub my clit. Yeah, that's it. Right there, Jack. Right there. Oh, my God. Oh, baby. Oh, my sweet boy. Finger fuck my pussy," she said. "Eat my cunt, Jack. Eat Auntie's cunt. Give Auntie an orgasm. Lick me, Jack. Lick me. Finger fuck me, Jack. Finger fuck me."

He loved how his aunt gave a running, sexy, and salacious commentary of pillow talk. Her talking dirty to him while he had sex with her naked body sexually excited him even more. Her talking dirty to him while he had sex with her naked body, made him want to return the favor and talk dirty to her too.

"I can't wait to make love to you, Auntie, before fucking you," he said temporarily removing his mouth from his aunt's pussy to join in on the dirty talk. "I can't wait to stick my big, hard, hairy cock in your mouth. I can't wait for you to watch you blow me," he said.

She put a heavy hand to the back of his head and press down.

"More licking and less talking, Jack. Lick me, Jack. Lick me," she said pushing his head harder down, forward, and back in place. "I can't wait for you to make love to me before fucking me just as I can't wait to suck your big, hard, hairy cock," she said repeating his words while getting more sexually aroused.

He took eating his aunt's cunt a step further by adding sound effects to his licking.

"Uma, uma, uma," he uttered while licking her. "Uma, uma, uma," he continued saying as if his tongue was motorized. "Uma, uma, uma. Uma, uma, uma."

Obviously, his aunt had never been as sexually, physically, and verbally pleasure. Obviously, his aunt was enjoying the sexual sounds her nephew was making while licking her pussy and eating her cunt. Obviously his aunt was increasingly, sexually aroused.

"Oh, my God, Jack. Oh, my God. Don't stop. Please don't stop. Eat me, Jack. Eat me. Eat Auntie Christine's pussy. Lick my cunt, Jack. Lick my cunt," she said. "Lick me harder. Lick me faster. You're going to make me cum, Jack. Don't stop. You're going to make me cum. Finger fuck me, Jack. Finger fuck me deeper. Finger fuck me faster. Make me cum, Jack. Make me cum."

Jack licked his aunt while fingering his aunt. He licked her harder and he licked her faster. Licking and licking her, he ate his aunt's pussy in the way that he fucked his mother's cunt. Licking and licking her while finger fucking her, he was determined to give his aunt an oral orgasm with his tongue in the way that he gave his mother an orgasm with his cock. Licking and licking his aunt, he loved eating his aunt as much as he loved fucking his mother.

"I love eating you, Auntie. I love licking your pussy while finger fucking you," he said. "I love your warm, wet cunt."

Obviously ready to cum, she arched her back and tensed her legs while grabbing two handfuls of his light, brown hair. She pulled him forward while impaling his mouth with her wet pussy. As if his face was her washcloth, she rubbed his face all over her cunt. With his mouth, nose, and eyes filled with his aunt's vaginal secretions, as if his aunt had given her nephew her own version of a cum bath, Jack's face was a wet mess.

"Lick me harder, Jack. Lick me faster. Finger fuck me deeper. I'm cumming, Jack. I'm cumming. Oh, my God, I'm cumming! I'm cumming. Oh, God! Oh, God," she voiced her pleasure to him giving her an oral orgasm. "Oh, Jack! Oh, Jack! Oh, you beautiful man. You've made your aunt so happy, so very happy," she said.

Uniquely different, yet so much alike his mother, his sister, and his aunt sounded like different variations of the same woman when cumming. Then, as soon as his aunt had an orgasm from him giving her oral sex, he removed his bathrobe, wiped his face with tissues from the coffee table, and mounted her. He mounted his naked aunt with his naked body. He was on top of his naked aunt. He couldn't believe he was naked and on top of his naked aunt.

In the way that he mounted his mother on the kitchen table, he mounted his aunt on her couch. In the way that he made love to his mother before fucking his mother in her kitchen, he made love to his aunt and fucked her in her living room. He felt his aunt's hand reached down for his cock. Obviously, she wanted to have sexual intercourse with her nephew as much as he wanted to have sexual intercourse with his aunt. Making sweet love to his aunt, he slowly humped her while sliding his prick deeper inside of her soaking wet pussy.

A longtime sexually incestuous fantasy come true, he couldn't believe he was naked and having sex with his naked aunt. A longtime sexually incestuous fantasy come true, he couldn't believe he making love to his Aunt Christine before fucking his Aunt Christine. Too much to wrap his brain around, sexually moving from his mother, to his sister, and now to his aunt, he was already thinking about fucking his cousin next. Having sex with his female family members almost made it worthwhile to die.

Being that he had so much fun in the Devil's incestuous playground, he'd definitely be going to Hell instead of to Heaven. Being that he had so much fun in the Devil's sexual playground, he wanted to continue this day of forbidden sex by having sex with his girlfriend's mother, Nancy, her sister, Jessica, and her best friend, Amy. Being that this was his last day on Earth, he wanted to fuck, lick, and be sucked until he couldn't fuck, lick, and be sucked anymore.

Only, nothing more than a fluke, in the way that he got sexually lucky with his mother, sister, and aunt, stopping there, he doubted he'd get lucky with his cousin, and his girlfriend's mother, sister, and best friend. Yet, even if his cousin, his girlfriend's mother, sister, and best friend sexually rejected him from having sex with them, he'd still go to their house and surprise them with his naked body. With their no repercussions from his most heinous, sexual actions, he'd still flash them his naked cock. He wondered what their reactions would be to seeing his naked prick.

"I love you, Auntie Christine," he said parting her lips with his tongue and giving her deep, wet kisses again.

She returned his passionate kisses with her passionate kisses.

"I love you, Jack," she said.

With her obviously sexually and incestuously wanting him as much as he sexually and incestuously wanted her, when his cock briefly slipped out of her while they kissed, she reached down to wrap her fingers around his erect prick. She guided his stiff prick back in her sticky, wet pussy. Easing his cock in his aunt, she overwhelmed him again with her warm wetness. She was so wet and her pussy felt so warm and so tight.

"Oh, my God, Auntie. This is so unbelievable," he said. "I can't believe we're having sex. I can't believe I'm making love to you after having just eaten you."

Keeping it all in the family, he made love to his aunt while kissing and kissing her. Keeping it all in the family, he fucked his aunt harder and faster in the way that he fucked his mother and sister harder and faster. Humping her harder and humping her faster, he pounded his aunt's cunt in the way that he pounded his mother's and sister's cunts and now couldn't wait to pound his cousin's cunt too. Then, in the way that he ejaculated a small fraction of his load of cum in his mother's cunt and his sister's cunt, he ejaculated a small amount of cum in his aunt's cunt too.

Wanting to leave something of him behind, he hoped that one of the women he fucked and ejaculated in today would become pregnant. Knowing full well that none of them believed in abortion, he wanted one of them to have his baby. He hoped that one of them would have a boy and name him Jack. With him not having the time to be married to Julie and have children with her, this was the best that he could hope to do for his family to remember him by after he was gone.

The prospect of death added to his sexual desire for his female relatives. The reality of dying made him not feel guilty that he had sex with his mother, his sister, and now his aunt. He had no remorse that he saw, touched, felt, made love to, and fucked their naked bodies. With him dead by this time tomorrow, there was no guilt, remorse, and/or repercussions to the sexually and incestuously heinous actions that he did today. With him dying tomorrow, it was if he was given a free sexual pass today. Alas, if only he knew they sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted them, he would have had sex with them years ago.

"Jack! Jack! Oh, my God, Jack. Oh, my God. Jack, don't stop. Don't stop. Please don't stop. You're going to make me cum again. Oh, my God, Jack. Oh, my God! I love your big, hard prick. Fuck me harder, Jack. Harder Jack, harder. Fuck me faster. Faster Jack, faster. Fuck me, Jack. Fuck me. Fuck your Auntie Christine," she said returning his humps with her humps. "Make me cum. I need to cum. Ram that big, hard, prick in my warm, wet pussy. Fuck me, Jack. Fuck me. Fuck my cunt. Fuck your aunt's cunt with your cock."

Humping her faster, he humped his aunt harder. Harder and faster, he was determined to make his aunt cum again. Humping and humping, he fucked his aunt harder and harder. Fucking and fucking her, he was determined to give his aunt the sexual pleasure with his cock that he couldn't wait for her to give him with her hand and mouth.

"I'm cumming, Jack. I'm cumming. Oh, my God, Jack, I'm cumming. Auntie Christine is cumming. Oh, my God. You're making your aunt so very happy, so very happy. You're the best nephew any aunt would want," she said kissing and kissing him while returning his humps. Humping him faster, she humped him harder. "I love you, Jack. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you," she said as if she was saying a sexual mantra.

Inspired by her pillow talk, he humped her harder and faster.

"I love you, Aunt Christine. I'll always love you," he said giving her a deep, wet kiss. "I love you."

As soon as his aunt had her second orgasm, he extricated himself from her. Then, as if punctuating his incestuous sex with an exclamation point, he stood to impale his aunt's mouth with his erect prick in the way that he impaled his mother's and sister's mouths with his erect prick too. Willingly and voluntarily, his aunt took his cock in her hand and stroked him while staring up at him before taking him in her mouth to suck him. Seeing his blonde, pretty aunt with his cock buried in her beautiful mouth while staring up at him with her big, blue eyes was such a sexually arousing sight to see.

In the way that his mother and sister stared up at him with his hard, hairy cock in their mouths, his aunt stared up at him with his hard, hairy, cock in her mouth too. Licking him while sucking him and stroking him, she teased him with her hand, mouth, and tongue. Stroking him harder while stroking him faster, she sucked him deeper. His Aunt Christine was giving him one Hell of a blowjob. He couldn't believe his Aunt Christine was sucking his cock. Every woman in his family were such great cocksuckers and his aunt was no exception.

Deep throating him, his aunt was giving him an unbelievable blowjob in the way that his mother and sister had just given him unbelievable blowjobs. He was so happy that he had a family of skilled cocksuckers. Difficult to access who gave him the best blowjob, his mother, his sister, or his aunt, they all had unique cock sucking skills.

Yet, if he had to hand the cock sucking trophy to one woman, he'd give the blowjob championship to his mother. She was his mother after all and because she was his mother, he was the most sexually excited when having sex with her. Seeing her with his hard, hairy cock in her mouth while she stared up at him with her big, blue eyes was a sexy sight that he'd always remember until the day that he died...tomorrow.

Only, not wanting to cum just yet, needing to save his energy, he had more to do before he died. Had he not pulled his cock from his aunt's mouth, he would have ejaculated his full load of cum in her mouth. Then, not stopping there, with him already so very sexually excited, he would have ejaculated whatever cum he had left all over her pretty face, in her blonde hair, and across her big tits. Had he not pulled his cock from his aunt's beautiful mouth, he would have given her a cum bath.

He checked his Smartwatch before leaving his aunt. '21:52:19, 21:52:18, 21:52:17...'

### SusanJillParker-06 ###

Another one of his long-term sexual fantasies come true, Jack had sex with his cousin, Aunt Christine's daughter, Kathy.

* * * * *

Leaving her sexually satisfied, as if she was dead from having orgasmic sex, he left his aunt undone and lying on the couch on her back with her robe wide open and her legs spread. As if trying to remember the image of her by recording the image of her to take with him to the next life, Jack stared at his aunt's big, naked tits and her blonde, trimmed, naked pussy. As if in a trance, not embarrassed or ashamed that she was nakedly exposed, she was obviously enjoying the afterglow of hot, incestuous sex that her beloved nephew had given her. If his Smartphone wasn't frozen with Satan's countdown clock, he'd take a photo of her.

As if hypnotized, she smiled up at Jack as if she was in love with him and he was her lover instead of her sister's 25-year-old son and her nephew. Staring at him as if she was his girlfriend instead of his aunt, she looked at him in the way that Julie looked at him after he had given her oral sex, made love to her, and fucked her. His aunt stared at him in the way that Julie stared at him after he fucked her hard and fast and didn't stop until she had an orgasm. He stared at her as if she was his girlfriend and/or his lover instead of his aunt.

In the way that he had sexually satisfied his mother, his sister, and now his aunt, he hoped to sexually satisfy his cousin too. He just hoped that his aunt didn't have any misgivings why he couldn't have sex with her daughter, his sexy cousin, Kathy, too. He'd love nothing more than to have sex with another mother and daughter combo. Making his comparisons, he'd love to compare his aunt sexually to his cousin in the way that he compared his mother sexually to his sister.

"Is Kathy home or has she left for work already? I'd like to see her," said Jack to his aunt while he stood before her naked and with an erection.

Obviously knowing what he had I mind and why he wanted to see his cousin, she gave him a sexy smile and a naughty look. If only his aunt knew that he already had sex with his mother, her older sister, and his sister, her niece, he wondered what she'd say with her knowing that she was sloppy thirds. After he was dead and buried, hopefully giving one of them a baby, Jack felt content that he'd give his family members something to gossip over and remember him by after he was gone.

'I wonder if she'll give me her permission to have sex with her daughter,' thought Jack while trying to read his aunt. 'Women are funny. Especially when it comes to sex, they're jealous even over their daughters,' he thought. 'Only, another one of my sexual fantasies come true, I'd really like to have sex with my sexy cousin, Kathy.'

His aunt gave him another sexy smile with her naughty look.

"Kathy is upstairs," said Christine with a nod of her blonde, pretty head. "She doesn't leave for work for another hour. Knowing her, she's in her room walking around naked," she said with a dirty laugh. "Her normal routine is not to get dressed until she does her hair and makeup. If you go up now, you'll catch your cousin in the buff," said his aunt with a dirty laugh and a sexy wink.

He looked at his aunt not knowing if she was joking or was serious.

"I'd like nothing more than to see Kathy naked," he said with a nervous laugh while waiting to see his aunt's reaction to him confessing his incestuous, sexual lust for his cousin too.

As if she was still horny, his aunt fingered her pussy with her right hand while fingering the nipple of her right breast with her left hand and while staring up at him. As if she was sexually teasing him and incestuously enticing him, he obviously had a choice. He could have had sex with his aunt again or he could go upstairs and hopefully have sex with his cousin, Kathy. Had he had more time, he'd love to do his aunt again. Yet, with his life ticking away and being that he'd love to see his cousin naked and have sex with her, he decided to abandon his aunt for his cousin.

"I knew you'd like to see your cousin naked. I bet you'd like to see your cousin up close without the binoculars. When you were in your room undressing with the light on, just as you used to watch us undress while masturbating yourself, we used to watch you and masturbated ourselves to you undressing," said Christine. "We used to watch you cum," she said with a sexy laugh before biting her lip with her true, sexual confession. "Just as I masturbated over your sexy striptease and masturbation show, I'm sure that my daughter did too."

* * * * *

Quickly, with little time to spare, and with every second of his last day on Earth ticking away, he abandoned his aunt for his cousin. Forsaking one for the other, in the way that he sexually experienced his mother and sister, after sexually experiencing his aunt, he was hopefully going to sexually experience his cousin too. There's nothing like mother and daughter sex, especially after having sex with his mother and his sister, and now after having sex with his aunt and hopefully with him about to have sex with his cousin.

He climbed the stairs and walked to his cousin Kathy's bedroom while still naked. He listened at her bedroom door first before opening it. He was as nervous as he was before having sex with his mother. He was as nervous as he was before having sex with his sister. Perhaps because his aunt exposed her naked pussy and naked breasts to him, he wasn't as nervous when about to have sex with his aunt as he was nervous when about to hopefully have sex with his cousin.

'I wonder what her reaction will be to seeing me naked. Yet, now knowing that my aunt and cousin gave me a nightly striptease show while knowing that I was watching them, that tells me that they sexually wanted me as much as I sexually wanted them. Now that I know that my aunt and cousin watched me undress and masturbate myself, that makes it much easier for me to solicit my cousin for sex,' he thought while standing at her bedroom door and listening. 'As much as I'm an incestuous pervert and as much as my mother, sister, and aunt are incestuous whores, then, hopefully, my sexy cousin is an incestuous whore too.'

She was playing music and singing. No doubt with her loving to dance, Kathy was probably dancing too. He imagined his cousin twerking while naked. If it wasn't sexually arousing enough to see his cousin naked, it would be even more sexually arousing to watch her dancing naked with her big tits bouncing and swaying. He couldn't wait to open her bedroom door and surprise her in the way that he surprised his mother, his sister, her mother, and now hopefully his cousin.

Saving him some time stripping her naked, he hoped Kathy was already naked. In the way that his mother didn't hear him enter the kitchen, his sister didn't hear him enter her bedroom, and his aunt didn't hear him enter her house, he hoped Kathy didn't hear him enter her bedroom. Before having sex with her, such a sexy sight to see, if only for a moment, he'd love to watch his cousin dancing naked while singing.

Bursting in on her without knocking while she was about to get dressed, in the way that his sister was before her, she was already and conveniently naked. He opened her bedroom door a crack just to see what he could see of her. Sure enough, she was naked. His cousin Kathy was naked. He couldn't believe he was seeing his cousin Kathy naked. Even better than seeing her naked, an erotic sight to behold, his cousin was dancing and singing while naked. Another one of his sexual fantasies checked off his box, as sexually exciting as seeing his big sister naked, he couldn't believe he was finally seeing his sexy cousin naked.

'Naked, naked, naked, my cousin Kathy is naked while dancing. As if she's a stripper performing naked on stage, I love watching her big tits bounce and sway,' he thought.

Unable to control his sexual lust for his cousin, ruining his private naked, dancing show, he opened her bedroom door just a little too much.

"Jack," she said. Her voice was filled with as much surprise as it was consumed with embarrassment and sexual excitement when she saw him standing in her bedroom doorway naked. "Oh, my God! You're naked," she said staring at his cock as if she had never seen a naked prick before.

His cousin, Kathy, stared at his prick in the way that his mother, his sister, and his aunt all stared at his erect prick. Kathy stared at his naked body in the way that he stared at her naked body. Naked, naked, naked, Kathy was naked. Naked, naked, naked, he was naked too. He couldn't believe he was finally seeing his cousin up close and naked without viewing her from a distance through his binoculars. He was happy, an understatement, that his cousin was seeing his naked body too. As much as it sexually aroused him to see his sexy cousin naked, it sexually aroused him for her to see him naked too.

In the way that he stared at her big, naked, breasts, blonde, trimmed pussy, and shapely naked ass, she stared down at his erect prick. She stared at his erect prick in the same way that his mother, his sister, and his aunt had stared at his naked prick. She looked at him in the way that his aunt, her mother, looked at him. She looked at him with as much embarrassment as they all looked at him with sexual lust.

Instead of asking him to leave, she covered her naked breasts with her forearm and hand and her naked pussy with her other hand in the way that his sister had. Instead of asking him to leave, she stared at him in the way that he stared at her. Instead of asking him to leave she stared at his naked body in the way that his mother, his sister, and his aunt stared at his naked body. Obviously, his sexy cousin sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her. In the way he just did with his aunt, obviously, he'd be having sex with his cousin too.

Even though he just had sex with three women that he longed to have sex with for years, his cousin was obviously as horny and as sexually frustrated as he was. His clue that she wanted him, besides watching his masturbation at night, unless she was cold, her nipples suddenly erected in the way his cock erected too. With not all his sexual arousal being attributed to his double dose of Viagra, he had long wanted to sexually get with his cousin. Now with him in her bedroom naked with his naked cousin was yet another one of his sexual fantasies come true.

In the way that she stared at him, it was obvious that she sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her. Giving her more to see, he stroked his cock to an even harder erection while staring at his naked cousin. Wanting to sexually tease her in the way that she and her mother always sexually teased him by giving him a daily striptease show, he continued stroking himself. In the way that his aunt confessed that they had watched him masturbate himself and cumming, Kathy was watching him masturbating himself again now.

"Hi Kathy," he said staring at all that he could see of his cousin's sexy and shapely, naked body while she stared at all that she could see of his naked, muscular body.

Obviously unable to control her feelings, she made an embarrassed face before she made a sexually excited one. As if they were both deer caught in the headlights of a car, she continued staring at him in the way that he continued staring at her. Like mother like daughter, Jack was so glad that all the women in his family were incestuous sluts in the way that he was an incestuous pervert. Like mother like daughter, he was thrilled that his sexy cousin sexually wanted him as much as her MILF of a mother wanted him.

"My God, Jack. What are you doing here? Don't look at me. I'm naked. I'm so embarrassed," she said feigning her embarrassment while still not ordering him to leave her bedroom. "I'm so embarrassed," she said again even though he could tell she wasn't.

If she was anything, she was sexually excited instead of being embarrassed. If she was anything, she was seemingly glad that he was there showing her his body in the buff while he saw her body in the buff too. If she was embarrassed, then why wouldn't she order him to leave her room? If she was embarrassed, then why would she watch him stroking his cock? While pretending not to look, he raised his hand to his face with splayed fingers.

"I promise not to look much," he said.

She laughed.

"Pig. God, you're suck a pig, Jack. You're peeking. I see you peeking," she said while continuing to stare down at his erect prick. "Why are you naked?"

Not removing her eyes from his cock in the way that he wasn't removing his eyes from her naked breasts and naked pussy, she stared down at his naked prick as if she had never seen an erect prick before. Obviously, even though she tried to cover her nakedness with her forearm and hands, she wasn't aware that he could see her perfect ass in the reflection of her mirror behind her.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said with a laugh. Why are you naked?"

She made a face.

"I'm in my room, silly, and getting ready for work," she said with a sexy laugh. "Why wouldn't I be naked in my own room. You're the one who is exposing yourself to me by barging in my room without knocking and without wearing any clothes."

He continued stroking himself to her obvious enjoyment.

"I just wanted to see my favorite cousin naked and I just wanted my favorite cousin to see me naked too," he said laughing while letting go of his cock.

She made another face.

"I'm your only cousin. Obviously by the size of your erection," she said with a dirty laugh and a sexy smile. "It looks like you're happy to see me," she said with a sexy laugh.

She stared down at his cock again before looking up at him while sliding a slow tongue across her full lips. He stared down at his cock before staring up at her. Then, he took his cock in his hand again to stroke himself to an even bigger and harder erection before staring up at her again.

"I'm always happy to see you, Kathy," he said with a dirty laugh. "See? My cock is so big for you. My prick is happy to see you too."

Saving him some time with her already standing there naked, he walked to her and grabbed her around the waist while sliding a slow hand down her naked ass. As if he owned her naked ass, he touched, felt, squeezed, and slapped his cousin's naked ass in the way that he touched, felt, squeezed, and slapped his mother's and sister's naked asses. His cousin had such a great ass. She had an ass every bit as good as his mother's, his sister's, and his aunt's asses. So round, so firm, and so shapely, they all had great asses. Having his wicked, sexual way with her ass, with her seemingly enjoying being felt up, she didn't stop him from groping her naked ass.

He wrapped his arm around her slim waist. Pulling her to him, as if this was his way to say his final goodbye, he parted her lips with his tongue and kissed her as if she was his girlfriend, wife, or significant other instead of his sexy cousin. With her passionately returning his wet kisses, making out with her, in the way that he kissed his mother, his sister, his aunt, and now his cousin, he kissed Kathy again and again. With her obviously enjoying the sexual attention while their naked bodies were pasted together, she wrapped her arms around his neck and continued kissing him in the sexual way that he continued kissing her.

Then, ready for sex, with him not having much time left to do all that he wanted to do, he pushed her back on her bed. In the way that he did with his aunt, he fell between his cousin's legs and ate her pussy while staring up at her with her pussy in his mouth. Licking her faster, he fingered her deeper. He was eating his cousin's cunt. He couldn't believe he was eating his cousin's cunt. Feeling a little guilty for not doing so, in the way that he ate his aunt's cunt and was now eating his cousin's cunt, he wished he had eaten his mother's and his sister's cunts too.

"Wait. Stop! Don't. You mustn't. Oh, my God. Jack! Wait. No! Don't! Stop! We can't do this. My mother is home," she said. "She's downstairs. She'll hear us."

Jack smiled.

"I know. Don't worry. Everything is cool. Your mother knows that I'm upstairs with you. Just as I'm having sex with you, I just had sex with your mother too. She told me that you were upstairs dancing naked," he said with a laugh. "She told me that you'd be happy to see me."

Nonetheless having her mother's blessing to have sex with his cousin, she resisted him at first. Blood related, as if they were having sex in the way that royal families once did when marrying their cousins, they were first cousins after all. With their sexual union forbidden by laws, morality, and convention, what they were doing was incestuous. What they were doing was illegal in many states and countries. What they were doing was frowned upon by those who'd never understand why a man would want to have sex with his mother, his sister, his aunt, and/or with his cousin.

Even more perversely deranged than that, perhaps forgiving the incestuous behavior of a man, those who never had incestuous urges or incestuous sex would never understand why women would relent and willingly give blood relatives sex. Yet, ever since he was 18-year-old and a high school senior, Jack lusted over his mother, his sister, his aunt, and his cousin. Ever since he was an 18-year-old high school senior, he masturbated every morning and every night over the imagined thoughts of seeing his mother, his sister, his aunt, and his cousin naked while having sex with their naked bodies.

Slapping at him and pushing him away, it wasn't until he fingered her pussy deeper and licked her pussy faster while rubbing her clit that she grabbed him by his hair and pulled his mouth closer to her cunt. In the way that her mother had done, Kathy wiped Jack's face all over her sopping wet pussy. In the way that her mother had done, his cousin was getting into him eating her pussy. Obviously, she was enjoying being eaten by her cousin as much as he was enjoying eating his cousin. With her obviously enjoying being licked and fingered, his tongue and fingers were buried in Kathy's warm, wet cunt.

As if any port in a storm will do, even if that sailor was her first cousin, Kathy was as sexually aroused being eaten as he was sexually aroused eating her. Obviously, she was enjoying him licking and fingering her pussy as much as he was enjoying licking and fingering her pussy. After eating his aunt's pussy and now his cousin's pussy, as much as men love having their cocks sucked, women obviously love having their pussies eaten.

"Oh, Jack," she said. "You're going to make me cum."

Watching him licking her while fingering her, she stared down at him eating her while he stared up at her.

"Cum, Kathy, cum. I want you to cum," he said. "Cum, Kathy cum," he said again.

He reached his hand up to fondle her big breasts and finger her nipples and as soon as he did, she reacted and immediately grew even more sexually aroused.

"Oh, my God, Jack! Right there. That's it. Don't stop licking me. Don't stop fingering me. I don't believe this. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Please don't stop. I can't believe my cousin is eating my pussy while fingering my pussy. I can't believe I'm allowing my cousin to lick and finger my cunt," she said. "Fuck," she said. "Fuck!"

Like mother like daughter, they both enjoyed talking dirty while having sex.

"I love licking you, Kathy. I love eating your cunt. You're so beautiful and so sexy," he said continuing to eat his cousin while returning the favor of her dirty talk. "I used to love watching you undress," he confessed. "I used to pull my prick while watching you strip off your clothes."

She looked down at him eating her and smiled.

"I know," she said. "Mother and I used to watch you give us a striptease show. We used to watch you masturbate yourself and cum. I can't tell you how many times I imagined blowing you. I can't tell you how many times I imagined you cumming in my mouth and swallowing your cum. I can't tell you how many times I masturbated over the thoughts of you eating me before fucking me and now here you are licking my pussy," she said grabbing hold of his head by his ears and pulling him closer. "Lick me harder, Jack. Lick me faster. Fuck me you're your tongue. Finger me deeper, Jack. Make me cum. I need to cum, Jack."

He licked her harder. He licked her faster. He fingered her deeper. Intent on making his cousin cum in the way that he already did with his mother, his sister, and his aunt, he continued licking her while fingering her.

"I love you, Kathy," he said as if he was saying goodbye.

She tensed her legs and arched her back in the same way that he mother had just done.

"I love you, too, Jack. Oh, my God, Jack. Oh, my God! I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Don't stop. Please don't stop licking me. Fuck! Fuck! Holy Hell," she said suddenly relaxing as if he had deflated her. "Oh, my God, Jack. Oh, my God. That was so wonderful. That was so powerful. That was so unbelievable. I can't believe my handsome cousin just gave me an oral orgasm," she said with a dirty laugh. "You're such a great cunt licker," she said with a laugh.

As soon as Kathy had her orgasm, not giving her the time to enjoy the afterglow of sex, Jack mounted her. In the way that he couldn't believe he was on top of his mother's and aunt's naked body, he couldn't believe he was on top of his cousin's naked body. She guided his stiff prick in her pussy with her hand. Then, easing himself inside of her, his cousin was so tight, so warm, and so wet. Humping her slowly before humping her faster, he couldn't believe he was making love to his cousin.

"Oh, Kathy, you feel so incredibly good. I can't believe that I'm finally making love to you," said Jack.

Kissing and kissing her, he made love to his cousin before fucking his cousin in the way that he mounted and fucked his mother, his sister, and his aunt.

"Fuck me, Jack. Make me cum again. Stick that big dick deeper inside of me. Fuck me, Jack. Fuck me. Pound my pussy," said his cousin. "Make me cum again. I want to cum again. I need to cum again," she said.

He fucked his cousin harder and he fucked his cousin faster. He pounded Kathy's pussy in the way that she asked him to pound her pussy. Fucking and fucking her, he fucked his cousin as if she was his girlfriend, his wife, his significant other, or his lover instead of his blood related cousin.

"Oh, my God, Kathy. You're going to make me cum," he said.

As if struck by reality, she pushed back on his shoulders with a look of horror on her face. I forgot you're not wearing a condom. Please don't cum in me Jack. If you must, you may cum on my tits, all over my face, and even in my mouth but please don't cum in my pussy," said Kathy. "Okay? Promise me you won't cum in my pussy," she said.

Jack gave his cousin his best smile.

"Don't worry, Kathy. I promise not to cum inside you. I'll control myself from cumming," he said.

With his assurance that he wouldn't cum inside of her she relaxed and returned his hard, fast humps with her hard, fast humps. Then, when he was ready to cum, resisting the urge to shoot his entire load of sperm inside of his cousin's pussy, in the way he did with his mother, his sister, and his aunt, he deposited a small amount of cum in her too. If she was going to get pregnant, he squirted just enough sperm inside of her to fill her with his baby.

"Jack! Jack! Oh, my God, Jack. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Fuck! Fuck me. I don't believe this. This is unbelievable. I love you, Jack. I love you. Fuck me faster. Fuck me harder. Don't stop, Jack. Don't stop," said Kathy. "Jack! Jack! Jack!"

He fucked his cousin faster. He fucked his cousin harder. He pounded her pussy as hard and as fast as he could. He slammed his naked body against her naked body. Making slapping sounds as if clapping, he fucked his cousin in the way that he fucked his mother, his aunt, and his sister.

"Cum, Kathy, cum," he said. "Cum, Kathy, cum."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her shapely legs around his back.

"Oh, Jack," she said while having another orgasm.

Despicable of him to want to do that, yet he hoped he had impregnated one of the women. Whether it was his mother, his sister, his aunt, or his cousin, he really did care who had his baby as long as someone did. After he was dead and buried, he hoped that one of them would have his baby, a boy that they deemed fit to name Jack. Wanting to leave a piece of him behind, he hoped that whoever had his baby would love him as much as he loved them.

Then, after she had her second orgasm from his cock fucking her pussy in the way she did from his tongue licking her cunt and his fingers fingering her pussy, he moved from the bed to stand beside his cousin. Without having to grab her by her hair as he did with his mother, she grabbed his erect cock and took him in her mouth while stroking him. Another wonderful cocksucker, his sexy cousin was sucking his cock. Yet, another one of his sexual fantasies come true, he couldn't believe his cousin was sucking his cock. He couldn't believe his beloved cousin, Kathy, was giving him a blowjob.

In the way that his mother, his sister, and his aunt all were, his cousin was such a great, little cocksucker too. With her so pretty and so sexy, it took all the self-control he had not to cum in his cousin's mouth and all over her beautiful face, her blonde hair, and across her big tits. He so wanted to cum in her mouth. He so wanted to give his cousin a cum bath in the way that he wanted to give his mother, his sister, and his aunt cum baths too. Yet, controlling himself from losing control, he still had more women to see before he died tomorrow.

Hoping beyond hope that they'd all want to have sex with him too, he needed to visit Julie's mother to solicit her for forbidden sex. He needed to solicit Julie's sister for forbidden sex, too. Finally, he needed to see his girlfriend's best friend, Amy, and solicit her for forbidden sex too. Knowing full well that all three women sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted them, this was his one and only chance to bed all the women of his sexual desires before he died. He hoped they'd all accept for sex and not reject him.

Yet, in the way that he felt perverted from sexually and incestuously lusting over his mother, his sister, his aunt, and now his cousin, he realized that the women of his family were as much incestuous whores as he was an incestuous pervert. With incestuous sex the best sex, now he truly believed that the family that has incestuous sex together stays together. Only, sadly and unfortunately, he wouldn't be together with them for long. This was his last day alive. Having wasted so much time, he wished he had solicited the blood related women of his family for sex years ago.

His cousin, Kathy, sucked his cock in the way that his mother, his sister, and his aunt had sucked his cock. A family of talented cocksuckers, he only wished he hadn't waited so long to solicit them for sex. Only, not wanting to fully cum yet, needing to conserve his energy, with him on a tight schedule, he still had much more to do before he died.

He checked his Smartwatch before leaving his cousin, '21:10:44, 21:10:43, 21:10:42...'

### SusanJillParker-07 ###

Jack had sex with Nancy, Julie's MILF of a mother, his future mother-in-law.

* * * * *

Leaving both his aunt and cousin sexually satisfied and basking in the afterglow of sex, blowing his cousin and his aunt kisses goodbye, he grabbed his bathrobe and walked across the street to his girlfriend's house. She lived there with her mother, Nancy, and her older sister, Jessica, after their father died. Looking much like their mother, Julie and her sister were younger versions of their MILF of a mother. Amazing that no one locks their doors in this crime free neighborhood, Jack turned the doorknob and opened their front door and walked inside Julie's house as if he owned the place.

'Daddy's home,' he thought while quoting Jack Nicholson in the Shining.

As soon as he opened the front door, he saw Julie's mother, Nancy. In the way that his mother had, she had her back turned to him and never heard or saw him enter her house. In the way that his mother was standing at the kitchen counter making coffee, Julie's mother was standing at the sink rinsing out breakfast dishes and coffee mugs. In the same way that his mother was, Nancy was wearing a short, sheer, sexy, low-cut nightgown without the modesty of a robe.

'Fuck me,' he thought. 'Julie's mom is such a sexy bitch. She's another mother that I'd love to fuck.'

With the bright light of the kitchen and the light from the sun streaming in the windows lighting up her sexy form, she looked as if she was naked. With no man in her life, he wondered why she wore such a sexy nightgown to bed. Yet, glad that she was wearing such a sexy nightgown now, it wouldn't take him long to strip her naked. In the way that he did with his mother, with one quick upward pull, he imagined stripping Julie's mother naked too.

'Naked, naked, naked, I can't wait to see Nancy naked,' he thought.

Especially with him dead before this time tomorrow, he'd love nothing better than to have sex with his future mother-in-law. Testing the warm, sexual waters of all the women in this sexy family, he'd love nothing better than to have sex with his future sister-in-law. How hot would that be for him to have had sex with not only his beautiful girlfriend but also her MILF of a mother and her sexy sister? After having sex with them, he'd die a happy man.

'Wow,' he thought while staring at what he could see of Nancy's shapely ass through her thin, sheer nightgown. 'Julie's mother is as much of a MILF as my mother and aunt are.'

Fortunately for him, his longtime girlfriend, Julie, had already left for work. Him having sex with her mother and sister wouldn't have worked if Julie was there to interfere with his sexual plans. It was one thing to have sex with her mother and sister but it would be awkward for Julie to know that he wanted to have sex with her mother and sister. He didn't think that his girlfriend would appreciate him sexually lusting over her mother and sister. He didn't think that his girlfriend would want him to have sex with her mother and/or sister while having sex with her too.

It wouldn't matter if she found out later that he had sex with her mother and sister, he'd be dead. It was best that his longtime girlfriend wasn't there. It would have been even more awkward for Julie to be there while he had sex with her mother and sister. His sexual fantasy would evaporate before it even started had Julie not already left for work. Glad that she was gone from the house, he knew what he had to do. He had to have sex with her mother and sister.

Even if her mother and/or sister were willing and the sex was consensual, they may not have been agreeable to having sex with him if Julie was there and knew that they were having sex with her boyfriend. Even if her mother and/or sister were willing and the sex was consensual, if Julie was there and knew that he was having sex with her mother and/or sister, he'd feel as if he was cheating on her. He was glad that her mother was alone in the kitchen. Perhaps she was upstairs in the way that his sister Carol and his cousin Kathy was upstairs but he was glad that Julie's sister, Jessica, wasn't there.

Again, even if Nancy was willing and the sex was consensual, she may not have been agreeable to have sex with him, if Julie's sister, Jessica, was in the kitchen with them watching him having sex with her mother. The same awkwardness may apply to Nancy's daughter too. Even if Jessica was willing and sex was consensual, she may not have been agreeable to have sex with him, if Julie's mother was in the kitchen with them watching him having sex with her daughter. In the way that he got his mother and sister, and aunt and cousin alone, it was best that he'd get Julie's mother and sister alone too.