Mom & Son Sex on Valentine's Day Ch. 02


"It's my penis Mom," he said.

She couldn't believe her ears. Not expecting that, he caught her by surprise in blurting out that bit of personal information. His penis? What about his penis? As if he could read her mind in teasing her, now with her thinking about his penis, he shocked her by the mere mention of the word. Now all that she could think about was his penis. What about his penis? What's wrong with his penis? Asking herself the questions, she needed to ask him.

"You're penis? What about your penis? What's wrong with your penis?"

Unable to control herself from doing so, she stared down at the bulge his cock made in his jeans. Taking the opportunity to stare, she wondered if he'd show her his penis. Maybe there was nothing wrong with his penis. Maybe in the way she wanted to show him her tits, this was a ruse for him to show her his cock. If it was just a ruse for him to show her his cock, she'd play along with it. She wouldn't mind seeing his cock in the way that she wouldn't mind showing him her tits. Tits for cock, showing one for the other is only fair.

"Calm done Mom. See, I shouldn't have told you," he said.

"Have you had sex without using a condom?" She looked up at him before looking back down at the bulge his cock made in his jeans. Being that she had such an experienced hand when it came to feeling cocks, even in the dark in the way she felt stiff pricks in a darkened car or movie theatre, she was so very tempted to grab his bulge through his jeans to see what was wrong with his penis. "If you have an STD we can—"

Unable to remove the image of his penis from her mind, she wondered what was wrong with his penis.

"No, trust me, it's nothing like that Mom," he said.

Between the hot flashes and her horniness, all she could think of now of was her son's penis. Tommy's cock filled her mind in the way that Woody Allen's movie, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask, maintained her attention throughout the entire movie. Now all that she could think about was Tommy's cock. As if she could clearly see his dick in her mind's eye, she wondered what was wrong with his prick. Afraid it may be something horrible, she couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with his dick. If she had to take him to a specialist, the best urologist, whatever was wrong with his cock, she'd give him the best medical attention.

Then, in the way that most men do, thinking with the cocks instead of her heads, she thought with her pussy instead of her head. Whatever was wrong with her son's penis, she was sure that, as his mother, she could fix it by holding and stroking it in her hand, taking it in her mouth to suck it, and sliding in deep inside of her pussy to fuck it. Kissing him while humping him, she imagined making love to him. Oh, yeah, definitely, one love making session with Mommy on Valentine's Day would cure whatever was wrong with his cock and would fix all that was wrong with her being so very horny.

"If not an STD, what then? What's wrong with your penis Tommy?"

She couldn't imagine what could be wrong with his penis. His father had such a big, beautiful cock and now she wondered if he did too. If size was proportional to cock size with his father being 6'2" tall and her son being 6'4" tall, he must have an even bigger cock than his dad.

"It's the size," he said covering his bulge with his hand.

Size? What does he mean the size? Oh, oh, the other shoe just dropped. With her husband having such a big cock maybe her son took after her side of the family, the Irish side of the family, instead of the Polish side of the family, and didn't have a cock as big.

The poor, sweet man, suddenly she felt so bad for her son for having a small penis. How could she possibly comfort her son when she always preferred a man with a big prick? Albeit no matter her personal preference for penis size, putting her personal penis length and girth feelings aside, she needed to help her son through his difficult time. Not wanting her son to know her preference for big cocks over little penises, she didn't want to make him feel worse but better. Being that she was responsible for creating him and caring for him, it was her job as his mother to help her son through this trouble time with his penis.

"The size? Listen Tommy," she said moving her hand from his knee to his thigh. "It's not how big your penis is but it's how you use it. Trust me, I know," she said lying to her son when as far as she was concerned, only a big cock will do. "Besides, a lot of women don't like a man who's too big, especially young and inexperienced women." Such a liar, if only he knew how many big cocks she's had in her hand, in her mouth, and her pussy, he'd think her such a hypocrite.

With his small cock not proportioned to his body, going against his big feet and big hands, she imagined her son having a small dick, a Leprechaun sized prick, the poor man. With her being the biggest cock snob, literally and figuratively, now she knew how she must have hurt so very many men by rejecting them merely by their cock size. What comes around goes around and because of her bad, sexual behavior in her youth, she's having to deal with a son who's cursed with a small cock. Feeling guilty that her son had a small cock was her fault, she wondered how she could make that up to him. She could give him sex but what son would want his mother to see his imperfect, little prick?

"Precisely my point. That's the whole problem Mom," he said.

Her poor, sweet boy of a man, she wished there was something she could do for him. Maybe they have cock implants in the way that they have breast implants. Maybe there's a penis pump that will make his cock no only harder but bigger. She'll look into that for him by Googling the information, cock implants and penis pumps.

Now with cocks on her mind, specifically her son's little prick, she was even hornier now than she was before. Taking one for the team but ignoring her preference for big pricks, if only she was drunk enough, certainly now that she's horny enough, even with him having a little dick, she'd still suck and fuck her son. She wondered if giving him incestuous sex would make him feel better or worse. If anything, Tommy giving her incestuous sex would make her feel better.

Having to force herself away from thinking of cocks and from thinking of having sex with her son's little prick, she needed to focus on his personal, sexual problem. After all, his sexual problem wasn't her sexual problem but his sexual problem. Difficult for her to separate the two thoughts, all she could think of was Tommy's puny, little cock. She imagined holding it with two fingers instead of holding it in her hand. She imagined it the size of a small, pickled cucumber, a baby gerkin and falling out of her pussy when her son tried injecting her with it. Forgetting about her eternal and infernal horniness for one moment, she needed to comfort her son for having a small cock. Focusing on him instead of on her, she needed to concentrate on his sexual problem of having a small penis and not on her sexual problem of being so hormonally horny.

"What's the whole problem?" She didn't understand.

Glad that he didn't have an STD, other than him going through life with a small cock, how bad could that be? Then she realized with all of the good sized cocks that she's experienced, she figured that going through life with a little cock was pretty bad for a man, especially a young man. Had Robert not had a big cock and with her unable to relish the thought of having a steady diet of a man who was cursed with a small dick, she never would have married him. Of course the size of her son's problem would depend on the modest size of his cock. No doubt, the smaller his cock, the bigger the problem. Maybe if he dated a smaller woman, an Asian woman, having a little cock wouldn't matter as much. Most Asian men have small cocks, penises that are proportional to their small bodies, those poor men.

Not wanting to embarrass him or unduly sexually over excite herself, she wished she could see his cock to give her son her experienced opinion. Truly for her to know how big, or in his case, how small was his problem, the entire issue of cock size depended upon how small his cock actually was compared to the average sized cock. Based solely from her personal, sexual experience, she figured that an average sized cock was five to seven inches and a small cock would be something smaller than five inches with a big cock would be a prick greater than seven inches. Just as all women don't have big tits in the way that she was so naturally endowed, the poor dears, not all men have big cocks.

Fortunately for her, all of the men she's had sex with have had big cocks of seven to eight inches. Being that she's never been with a man who had a small cock, she wasn't sure what kind of advice and comfort that she could give her son if he did have a diminutive prick. Being that she wouldn't want to be with a man who had a small cock, she was already biased in her opinion of cock size. As far as she was concerned, the bigger the better. Truth be told, ruined by men with big dicks, there's nothing like the feel of a big, heavy prick in her hand, hanging in her mouth, and stiffening between her legs. Unable to remove big cocks from her horny mind, suddenly she felt like such a whore. Suddenly, she felt so horny. Suddenly, she felt so very helpless to help her son.

She wished her husband was here to help their son. Only with her husband having a big cock too, she didn't know how much help he'd be. If he wasn't feeling too uncomfortably embarrassed, maybe Tommy could call him and ask his advice. Only, knowing her son and the standoffish relationship he had with his father, she didn't think that her son would want his father to know that he was cursed with a small prick. An embarrassing thing for a young man to admit, if he told his father that he had small cock, no doubt, Robert would share that information with his wife, her sister and her son's aunt, Maureen. Then, whenever they saw one another at a family gathering, especially when in his bathing suit at the pool or at the beach, with all eyes looking down at his anatomically incorrect form, one that didn't include a big bulge from a big cock and large testicles, no doubt, he'd be awkwardly embarrassed.

"I don't have a small cock," he said making eye contact with his mother. He paused while staring at her before rolling his eyes to confess to her. "I have a super, big one and as soon as Jenny saw my cock, she broke up with me. As soon as Marsha, Rachel, Julie, and Christine saw my cock they wanted nothing more to do with me either."

Suddenly, so very proud of her son, she imagined her son having the cock the size of a small baseball bat. With her imagining him having a cock equal in size to any proud, black man who was blessed with a big dick, she was happy that he took after his father's side of the family. Suddenly, she imagined herself beside her naked son while people took photos of her naked son and his big dick. Feeling so proud, she'd tell everyone that the man with the monster cock is her son.

"Oh," said his mother unable to stop her eyebrows from raising nor her mouth from falling open before smiling as if her son just told her that she was going to be a grandmother or had won the lottery.

'Tommy has a big cock. Tommy has a big cock. Tommy has a big cock, a massive prick, she thought,' unable to remove the thought of her son's big prick from her mind.

In thinking about his enormous cock size, unable to stop herself from doing so, involuntarily, she touched her long, blonde hair while curling it with her finger and ran her tongue seductively across her lips. The imagined image of her son's gargantuan member made her quiver with sexual desire for him. As if feeling him pounding her pussy with his stiff dick, a proud mother of a son with a big cock, all she could think of was Tommy's big, erect prick. Now stuck with the image of a giant cock in her brain, with her mind thinking about her son's big prick, not caring what she was showing him and wanting to show him even more, she was even more careless with her robe.

Just as she wanted to flash him her tits, especially now that he had such a big prick, a cock that she'd love to see, touch, and feel, tits for cock, she wanted him to see her tits. With her ulterior motive in mind, perhaps if she showed him her tits, he'd show her his cock. With a good portion of her shapely thigh and most of her big, left breast exposed and with him looking at all that she was showing, suddenly feeling that familiar warm, wetness between her legs, she was too sexually aroused and too horny to even consider fixing her bathrobe. It's been a long time since she felt like a woman and in the way that her son was staring at all that she was showing, she felt like the woman she was so long ago.

"This isn't the first time this has happened. In the way that it happened with Jenny, it happened with Marsha, Rachel, Julie, and Christine too," he said again with sadness taking hold of his facial expression.

If only he knew that she loved big cocks, she wondered if that knowledge would cheer him up as much as her hopefully experiencing her son's big prick would invigorate her. Damn, what's wrong with these women she thought? What's wrong with a tall, good looking man having a big cock? Unable to get enough of a man who possessed a big prick, she loved her husband's big prick. At 5'9" tall and 130 pounds, she's not a small woman, and maybe because she's so sexually experienced, she's bigger down there than most woman. Maybe there's one out there, but she's never seen a cock that was too big to fit in her hand, in her mouth, and/or in her pussy.

"I wonder what's wrong with these women to fear a big cock. Maybe they're small down there and afraid that you'll hurt them," she said pausing as if thinking about what she was going to say to her son to comfort him. "So, um, I'm just curious," she said pausing as if having second thoughts about what she was about to say next. "Just how big is it?"

Involuntarily blinking her eyes as if imagining already having seen her son's prick, she looked at her son as if excited about him showing her a magic trick. Abracadabra, Mom, now you see it and now you don't. Here's my big prick. More than just having the curiosity of a mother, wicked in her sexual thoughts and lustful desires while consumed by incestuous thoughts and unstoppable horniness, she wondered if she could persuade her son to show her his penis. In the sexually frustrated way she was right now, she'd love to see a cock, any man's cock, and especially her son's big cock right about now. If nothing else, seeing his cock now would give her something to masturbate over later.

"Trust me. It's big Mom. It's just too damn big to be useful," he said with suffering sorrow. "I've been cursed with a big prick."

Cursed? He's so blessed. He had no idea how many men wished they had his problem of having a cock too big. Unless he could toss it over his shoulder or wrap it around his leg, she couldn't imagine a cock that was too big for her.

She imagined her son being in the Guinness World Record book for having the biggest prick in the world. She imagined staring at his cock, touching his cock, feeling his cock, and stroking his cock before sucking and fucking his cock. She imagined him sticking his big pole in her mouth before sticking it in between her legs and deep inside of her pussy. In the way of Amy Farrah Fowler asking Sheldon Cooper such a personal, sexual question on The Big Bang Theory, and receiving a favorable, sexually gratifying response, she quivered with renewed sexual desire and lustful desire for her son.

"How big is it Tommy?"

Not allowing her question to go unanswered, more than curious now, if only for comparison sake she kidded herself into thinking, she'd love to know if his cock is bigger than his father's big prick.

"Big," he said.

Just as she didn't think that her son thought he'd be spending Valentine's Day sitting at home with his mother while discussing his personal penis problem, she never thought she'd be spending Valentine's Day sitting on her son's bed while discussing the size of his penis. Brazenly going where no mother should go with her son, they both remained quiet until Kathryn spoke to ask Tommy the question she's been dying to ask him.

"May I see it?"

As if she was a virgin seeing her first prick, she quivered with the thought of seeing her son's cock. Now as if her son was a CFNM stripper, preoccupied with the thought of seeing her son's big prick, and not realizing the state of her disheveled wardrobe, she allowed her robe to fall open more while not attempting to close her bathrobe. Showing her son even more of her breast, all of her long, line of cleavage, and most of the inside of her upper thigh, nearly up to her naked crotch, she looked at him looking at her.

She wondered from where he was sitting if he could see her trimmed, blonde pussy. Hoping he could, pussy for cock, she'd eagerly show him more of her nude body if only he'd show her his cock. She wouldn't mind seeing her son's cock. Actually, she'd like nothing more than seeing her son's big prick before touching, feeling, and stroking his enormous cock. She wondered if he'd allow her to suck it. If only he would, she would. She wondered if he'd allow her to fuck it, if only he would she would. Nearly out of her mind with horny lust for her son, she was thinking crazy thoughts. She needed to take another shower, a cold one this time. She needed to get up from his bed and leave his room before something happened.

"No! God, Mom, I can't show you my cock. You're my mother," he said. "I'd be so embarrassed."

As if what he said in denying her a private showing of his cock was a phonograph needle going across a record, he awakened her from her sexual fantasy. Now on a mission to see how big her son's prick was, being that she was so very horny and consumed with hot flashes, if only for something to masturbate over later, she had to see her son's big prick now. Not one to be denied, being that she was sitting there flashing him a good portion of her tits, it's only fair that he'd flash her something in return. In the way of the CFNM dancer that she imagined him to be, when women attend those functions and see naked cocks, they always flash the strippers their naked bodies too. In the way that she now imagined her son being a stripper, she so wanted to flash him her naked body in the hopes that he'd flash her his naked body.

"You have nothing that I haven't seen before Tommy," she said with feigned indifference and a disinterested shrug albeit with a disconcerted but sexually telling, nervous laugh.

Acting so blasé, she acted as if she didn't care if she saw his cock or not. The only telling, body language sign that foretold her interest in seeing his cock was her mindlessly playing with her hair while twirling it around her finger and seductively licking her lips. She couldn't believe she was brazen enough to ask her son to show her his prick. She couldn't believe she was horny enough to show her son a good portion of her breasts. She couldn't believe she was horny enough to ask her son to show her his cock.

If he did show her his cock, she wondered what she'd do. Would she look at it with incestuous lust or would she turn away in feigned, shamed embarrassment? Would she stare at his monster prick? Would she reach out and touch him and stroke him in the way that she so wanted to do and hoped that he wanted her to do too? Maybe if he showed her his prick, he'd want to see her tits. Fair enough, tits for cock, she'd readily show him her tits if that's what he wanted, so long as he showed her his cock. Truth be told, she'd show him her tits even if he didn't show her his cock.

"Trust me Mom. I'm so self-consciously embarrassed. You've never seen anything like this before in your life," he said.

Now with that self-professed statement, she had to see his big prick. As if his cock was made of pure gold and lit her up with radiant light, she couldn't wait to see his big prick now.

"All the more reason to show me Tommy," she said using her motherly concern mixed with a bit of psychology. "Maybe you have a rare medical condition. Maybe there's something that I can do to help you," she said touching his shoulder before resting her hand on his thigh again, this time, moving it a bit higher in readiness to feel his big prick through his pants.

In the way that she was leering at him and his big bulge, the same way that men leered at her, feeling like such a lecher, she couldn't help herself. Ready to unzip him and remove his cock from his jeans and underwear for him, she was poised to feel his big cock through his pants. In addition to feeling his cock through his pants, she so wanted to kiss him and kiss him while making out with him. As if she was on a date with a man who wasn't her son, she so wanted to pull down his zipper and reach her hand inside to feel his bulging stiffness through his underwear.

Wishing she could feel him through his underwear, she so wanted to remove his cock from his pants and underwear to see the sheer size of it and to feel the sheer weight of it in her hand. She so wanted to stroke him while he felt her tits and fingered her nipples before reaching down to finger her pussy. Consumed with incestuous lust for her son, she so wanted to fall to her knees between his legs to take him in her mouth before allowing her son to stick his giant cock in her wet pussy. Oh, yeah, she'd suck her son before she fucked her son. He had no idea how much she wanted him to take her.

When she moved her arm, as if willing it to happen and/or hoping it would, a move that she couldn't have practiced and/or timed more perfectly, her robe slowly and seductively slid from her shoulder. Imagining herself looking so sexy as if she was a movie star about to do a sex scene, now with all of her cleavage and most of her left boob exposed, she didn't care that her son was seeing most of his mother's tit. With so very much of the shape and fullness of her breast exposed but for her areola and her nipple, she felt so sexy. She wanted to show him her tits as much as she wanted to see his cock. Hoping he'd feel the same way, she hoped that he'd want to show her his cock as much as he wants to see her tits.

"I'm so embarrassed and I'd be even more embarrassed to show you my cock Mom," he said staring at her partially exposed breast as if she was a stripper and he was a paying customer.

Shocking behavior for a mother to do when in his bedroom and sitting next to her son on his bed while discussing the size of his cock, she was now beside herself with incestuous lust for her son. If not bad enough that she didn't cover her nakedness by pulling her bathrobe over her exposed breast, she surprised even herself even more by what she was about to say and do next.

"Don't be embarrassed," she said patting his hand.

When she moved her arm to pat his hand, her bathrobe slid down the rest of the way to the crux of her elbow. Leaving it there with her entire left breast exposed while knowing full well that he could see all of her left breast, her areola, and her nipple, she looked at her son staring at her with as much sexual excitement as she showed looking at him. In the way that Tara Reid's gown accidentally slipped from her shoulder to expose her naked left breast to the Paparazzi, her bathrobe at first inadvertently and now deliberately slipped from her shoulder to expose her naked breast to her son. Unable to stop herself from looking, she looked down at herself to see what she was showing and what he was seeing. So very proud of her tits in the way her son should be proud of his big prick, she could feel without having to look down at herself again that her nipple was so erect and hard.

"Mom," he said as if he was about to tell her that her breast was exposed. Instead he stared her tit while watching her exposing even more of herself.

She looked down at herself again to see how much she was showing him before looking up at him. Satisfied that she purposely teased him enough with peek-a-boos of her tits, she was ready to take a giant leap across the line of incest.

"Here," she said removing her arms from her robe and allowing it to fall and gather around her waist. "You show me your cock and I'll show you my tits," she said raising her arms in the air as if she was doing a cheerleader's cheer. "How's that? Tits for cock. Would seeing my tits make you less embarrassed enough to show me your cock?"

Allowing her tits to jiggle, bounce, and dance by wiggling her shoulders as if she was an exotic dancer, she watched her son's eyes watching her sudden titty show. She looked down again at her naked breasts to see all that her son was seeing of her. Then, cupping her breasts in her hands and lifting them as if offering her big tits to her son, she was proud of her breasts. She had beautiful breasts, especially for a mature woman her age. She's seen younger women who have saggy tits but she didn't.

"Showing me your breasts Mom isn't the same as me showing you my cock," he said acting so nonchalantly while staring at her tits as if he's never seen a woman's breasts before.

She couldn't believe she was sitting there topless. She couldn't believe she was brazen enough to show Tommy her tits. She couldn't believe that Tommy wanted to see more of her than just her tits.

"What do you mean?"

She knew exactly what he meant. Filled with lustful desire, he looked at her in the way she's been looking at him. Just as she shocked herself by what she said and did in voluntarily showing him her tits in exchange for him showing her his cock, he shocked her by what he said next.

"What I mean is," he said looking up at her to make eye contact with her. "If you show me your pussy, I'll show you my cock. That way, if you ever tell anyone that I showed you, my mother, my cock, I'll embarrass you by telling them that you showed me, your son, your pussy," he said.

My pussy? She couldn't believe her son wants to see her pussy? With him already seeing her tits, he wants to see her pussy too. She couldn't believe that her son wants to see her pussy. Naked, naked, naked, Tommy wants to see his mother naked. Nothing homosexual about her son, she was so sexually excited to get naked on Valentine's Day in front of a man, even if that man happened to be her son.

"Okay," she said standing. "But you must promise me Tommy that you will never, ever tell anyone that I stood in front of you naked. No one must know," she said shaking her index finger at him as if scolding him. "I mean it."

"I promise," he said.

She slowly removed her robe as if she was a stripper on stage while looking at Tommy as if he was a paying customer instead of her son. Naked now, with her arms raised as if she was a showcase model on The Price Is Right, she turned one way before turning the other and before turning completely around. Immodestly immoral, unembarrassed and unashamed, smiling with glee, and obviously feeling comfortable that she was naked in front of her son, she couldn't wait for him to show her his cock.

"Well, what do you think? Not bad for an old broad," she said.

Watching him watch her, she cupped and raised the breasts in her hand as if offering her tits to him while staring at her son before leaning over him to shake her naked tits in his face. Going beyond what was sexually appropriate between a mother and her son, she did everything but give him a lap dance and he surprised her when he didn't reach up to touch her tits, feel her tits, and fondle her tits while fingering her nipples. Being that he had such a big prick, if only he asked her to give him a lap dance, she probably would have.

"You're beautiful Mom. You have a spectacular body," he said.

"Thank you," she said looking at him staring at her.

"Now bend over," he said.

Bend over? Did she hear that right? Her son wants her to bend over? Why? Did she drop something? Being that she was naked, what did she have on her person that could fall?


She looked at him with shocked surprised. She heard what he said but she couldn't believe what he said.

"Turn around and bend over," he said again.

Excited now, she imagined her son standing, stripping off his clothes, and filling her with his massive prick. She imagined him fucking her doggie style as soon as she bent over in front of him while reaching in front of her to cup her big tits and finger her nipples.

"Tommy! I'm not going to bend over in front of you," she said laughing while feeling a familiar warm wetness between her legs again. "That's a bit much isn't it? Isn't it enough that I'm naked?"

More than sexually aroused, when she looked down at herself, her nipples were so very erect and hard. If only he knew that she couldn't wait to bend over in front of her son. If only he knew that she hoped he'd fuck her from behind. Maybe he'd fall to her knees and eat her in the way that she couldn't wait to suck him.

"Please Mom. In the way that you want to see my cock, I just want to see your pussy," he said.

A fair request if he wasn't her son she'd already be bent over and grabbing her ankles but he was her son. Bad enough that she was showing him her tits, her ass, and her pubic hair but now he wanted an up close and in-depth inspection of her pussy. Pussy for cock, that's only fair. If he wants a closer view of her pussy, perhaps he'll allow her a closer view of his prick. Perhaps in the way she'd love to cup his big balls in her hand, she'll have him bend over and even cough too.

"Okay," she said turning around and bending over in front of her son. "There, I touched my toes," she said remaining bent in place to give her son the ultimate view of his mother's cunt.

"Wow," he said.

When she bent over in front of her son like that and stayed in the position longer than she should have, he surprised her with what he did next. He reached out his hand between her legs and cupped her moist pussy in his big hand while running a slow finger along her pussy slit. Parting her pussy lips just enough to feel her warm wetness, her son just fingered her. She couldn't believe her son just fingered her.

Beyond ready to have sex with her son, forget about making love with him, she was ready to be fucked and fucked hard. Not satisfied with her son fingering her, she wished he had impaled her with his finger. Nonetheless, as if she was having a sexual fantasy while alone in her room and masturbating herself, she couldn't believe her son touched her in such a forbidden way.

"Tommy! I can't believe you did that. I'm so embarrassed," she said lying when she was really so sexually excited.

"Sorry Mom, I couldn't help myself," he said laughing. "I never touched a woman's pussy before."

Never touched a woman's pussy before? What? Is he kidding? What is he saying? Either he's a liar or a virgin. Being that he never lies to her, is he saying that he's virgin? That's impossible. In the hot, handsome way that he looks, with the huge monster of a cock that he has, and with him having the genetic code of a whore of a mother, no way. No doubt, he's just saying that he's never touched a woman's pussy for him to touch her pussy. No doubt, he's playing her in the way that she's teasing him. Obviously, he wants her as much as she wants him.

Comfortable enough to be naked in front of her son now, not bothering putting on her robe, she sat beside him naked. Being that it was Valentine's Day, the day of love, romance, and sex, not enough sitting there naked but wanting more, she wished her son would take her in his arms and kiss her, really kiss her, French kiss her. Being that she was sitting there naked, she wished he'd reach out and fondled her big tits while fingering her erect nipples before reaching down to finger her pussy. If only he'd lick her pussy, she'd suck his cock.

"Now, that I showed you my ass, my tits, and my pussy and now that I'm sitting here naked beside you, show me your penis. Let me see it," she said wetting her lips with her tongue before fluffing out her blonde hair and looking up at him. "Now that I'm really curious, I need to see your big prick."

He looked at her as if he couldn't wait to show her his cock in the way that she couldn't wait to see his big prick.

"You promise not to laugh?"

She made a surprised face as if she was just squirted with a water gun.

"Laugh? Why would I laugh at you or at your cock?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Because I showed all my friends and they laughed."

She made the same surprised face again as if he squirted her in the face with a water gun again.

"Guys your age laugh at everything. They are nothing but a bunch of immature idiots," she said waving a nonsensical hand. "Now show me," she said staring at her son's hand where he covered his penis. "Show Mommy your penis."

"Okay," he said standing.

Tommy unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped his jeans. Kicking off his shoes, he removed his jeans to stand before his mother in his underwear.

"Oh, my, you have an erection," she said when she saw his protruding bulge. "That is big."

"Actually, I don't have an erection Mom. It's flaccid," he said.

"Flaccid? No kidding," she said wetting her lips again with her tongue while moving her hair away from her face with her hand as if she was getting ready to suck him.

In the way that she was staring at his cock bulging out his underwear, he was staring at her naked tits. Having already crossed the line and gone beyond the point of no return, a mother and son forever lost to incest, they were already past what was deemed appropriate and what was deemed sexual depravity. Then he said what she feared he'd say.

"Sorry Mom. I can't do this," he said. "This is wrong. I can't show you my cock. I'm sorry but I just can't. You're my mother."

Suddenly feeling foolish that she was sitting there naked while her son was the more mature one for not showing her his prick, she felt embarrassed that she had shown her son her naked body, especially when he didn't appear to want to return the favor. She felt even more embarrassed that, upon his command, she had bent over in front of her son and allowed him to cup and finger her pussy. Now filled with shame and remorse, maybe in the way that she feared too, he feared what would happen next if he showed his mother his naked cock.

Obviously frightening him by sexually pressuring him, maybe she had been too aggressive in allowing him to see her naked body. Maybe she should have teased him more first before removing her robe. Maybe under the pretense of Valentine's Day, she should have kissed her son and slipped him her tongue while feeling his cock through his jeans. Maybe getting him more in the mood for romance and for sex, she should have allowed him to touch and feel her tits through her bathrobe before getting naked.

"You must," she said. "Please Tommy, I need to see your—"

Stopping her in mid-sentence with open mouth and bulging eyes, he lowered and removed his underwear to show his mother his big prick.

"Here it is," he said looking at her staring at him.

"Wow!" She looked from his cock to look up at him before staring back down at his big prick. "You have the biggest prick I've ever seen in my life and I've seen some big ones in my day, while working as a lifeguard," she said. Not daring to tell her son how many men's cock she's felt in her hand, sucked in her mouth, and fucked in her pussy, she didn't want him to know her as the whore she's always been. Briefly she looked up at her son before returning her focused stare to his cock again. "I've never seen a cock so big," she said with a nervous laugh. So wanting to touch him and take him in her hand to stroke him, she paused while staring at her son's penis. "Have you measure it?"

"Yes," he said.

She looked up at him wild-eyed.

"How big is it?"

She stared up at him waiting for him to respond before looking down with her eyes automatically locked onto his giant cock.

"Ten inches," he said.

"Ten inches? Wow! And it's so big around too. No wonder why Jenny, Marsha, Rachel, Christine, and Julie broke up with you? How would they ever wrap their hands around that monster? How would they ever fit that thing in their mouths? How would they ever—"

"Mom. Please stop. You're embarrassing me. You're making me feel sad. I feel bad enough as it is."

"Sorry. I didn't realized that I was saying what I was thinking out loud," she said. As if debating what she was about to say, she put a finger to her lip before blurting out her question. "Does it get any bigger than that?"

"Sometimes," he said, "when I'm really sexually excited or when I'm, you know, masturbating. Instead of getting very much longer, it grows harder and wider."

Opening her mouth to accept her finger as if she was accepting her son's cock inside, she was bold enough to blurt her next question. With her hand poised at the ready to touch it, she looked up at her son while waiting for him to answer.

"May I touch it?"

He looked down at his cock before staring at his mother and before dropping his focused stare to leer at her naked breasts.

"Only if you allow me to feel your breasts," he said staring at her exposed breasts as if he was asking for a second helping of dessert.

In the way that he looked down at his naked cock, she looked down at her naked tits before they both looked up at one another. Now in the way that she was staring at his cock, he was staring at her tits.

"Okay," she said as if she was wrestling with the thoughts of saying no to him. As ridiculous as him saying no to her touching his cock, she'd never say no to him feeling her tits. "Just not my nipples because—"

Too late, before she could even answer, he was already fondling her C cup breasts while fingering her nipples. Rubbing them and pulling them, he showed as much excited interest in her nipples as he did for her breasts.

"Tommy no. Not my nipples. I mean it. Please don't touch my nipples," she said pulling away from him and falling into herself with her arms covering her breasts as if protecting herself from being hit by someone or something.

Caught up in the spur of the moment and afraid of what she'd sexually do when aroused after he started fingering her nipples, she felt bad that she raised her voice to him. Wanting nothing more than having him finger and suck her nipples, she felt worse that she denied her son the feel of all of her tits, including her nipples. Only, sexually excited enough as she was, if he sexually excited her anymore, she'd suck his cock. If he sexually excited her anymore, she'd allow her son to cum in her mouth. If he sexually excited her anymore, she'd allow her son to force that huge cock inside of her pussy.

"Why? I love your nipples Mom. You're nipples are so big and hard. I love your big nipples. I love your big tits."

He loved her big nipples. He loved her big tits. She closed her eyes and swooned at the thought of her son fingering her nipples before sucking her nipples.

"Because you'll get me sexually excited and I'm already sexually excited enough with you seeing me naked and with me seeing your big cock," she said turning red. "Even though I'm your mother, I'm still a woman. Even though you're my son, you're still a man."

Already having second thoughts about not allowing her son to have his wicked way with her nipples and any other part of her body, she wondered if he'd allow her to touch his cock if she gave him permission to finger her nipples. Only with her touching his cock and him fingering her nipples, there's no telling what would happen next.

"Go ahead Mom. Touch me," he said. "I want you to touch me."

As if he was going to put a hand to the back of her head and have her suck him, he stepped closer to her give her free access his penis. Not wasting any time, without embarrassment or shame, as if feeling a ripe piece of fruit in the produce section of the supermarket, she reached out and touched the head of his penis with her fingertips while looking up at him. Feeling the head of his cock as if she was feeling the end of a cucumber in the supermarket, she stared at his penis while he fondled her breasts. As soon as he fingered her nipples, her cue to put her caution aside, she wrapped her fingers around his cock and slowly stroked her son.

"Oh, my. Oh, my God, Tommy. It's so big. It's so hard. It's so spectacular. What woman wouldn't love this?" She fondled the head of his cock as if contemplating what she was about to say next.

"Thank you Mom but you're biased. You're my mother. You'd say that even if you didn't believe that," he said.

"So with that logic in mind, am I to deduce that you don't love my big tits, as you said you did?"

"I love you big tits Mom."

"Then, with that logic in mind, am I to deduce that you don't love my big nipples, as you said you did?"

"I love your big nipples Mom."

"And I love your big cock Tommy," she said.

"Thank you," he said accepting her compliment.

They felt silent while he felt his mother's breasts and she felt his cock. Then, she said what she hoped he'd have her do.

"Has anyone taken you in their mouth?" She looked up at him when he didn't answer him. "Has anyone ever sucked your cock?" Again when he didn't answer her, she looked up at him again before rephrasing her question to ask him a third question. "Has anyone ever blown you?"

Waiting an eternity for him to answer his questions, she was more focused on his cock than she was on his conversation and, obviously, he was more focused on her tits than on the conversation. Staring at his cock while holding it in her hand and fondling it, he stared at her naked breasts while holding them in his hands and fondling them.

"No," he said finally. "I've never had sex."

As if God rewarded her with a virgin of a son for having such a cheating bastard of a husband, she couldn't believe he's a virgin. He's never had sex? She couldn't believe her ears. Making sure she heard correctly, she asked him to answer her question again.

"Pardon? Did you say you never had sex?"

This time she looked at him to see if he was telling the truth. Having taught lots of virgin men in her sexual life, she was looking forward to teaching her son about having sex with a woman, that is, if he wanted her help.

"I've never had sex, other than with my own hand," he said. "I've never had sex with a woman," he said again, this time with sad and hopefully expectant eyes.

She could tell by his eyes that he was telling her the truth. Her son never had sex. He never had a blowjob. She couldn't believe her son was a virgin when he had such a big cock. Such a waste of his big prick for him not to sexually satisfy some lucky woman. If only she wasn't his mother, she suck and fuck him right now.

"Seriously? You've never had a blowjob?"

Involuntarily, she wetted her lips with her tongue and tossing her long, blonde hair back with a flick of her head as if she was getting ready to suck her son and, truth be told, she was getting ready for sex.


Amazed that no woman has ever had his cock in her mouth, she couldn't believe it.

"You've never had a hand job?"

Slowly she stroked him while looking at him again to see if he was being honest with her and sadly, he was.

"No," he said.

She couldn't believe her son never had a hand job or a blowjob.

"So, you've never had sexual intercourse?"

Already knowing the answer to her question but nonetheless shocked that she'd even have to ask him such a question, maybe he'd be agreeable to her breaking his cherry. Only with her being his mother, bad enough that she was sitting there naked while holding her son's big prick in her hand, she couldn't give him sex. Even though she so wanted to, how could she give him sex? He was her son and she was his mother.

With that memory of her naked son humping her mouth and/or pounding her pussy, she'd never be able to look him in the eye again. If he was to marry and have children, how could she look at her future daughter-in-law and future grandchildren without having the memory of their incestuous, sexual encounter? On of all day, the day of love, Valentine's Day, if she was to give her son sex, even though she'd feel so good about having sex with him now, she'd feel so guilty later. She'd feel like the whore that she is and has always been.


Tempted to ask him if he wanted her to show him what it feels like to make love to a woman, what better gift could she give him for Valentine's Day than that. Being the wicked whore that she was, she enjoyed the thought that every Valentine's Day for the rest of his life, he'd remember having sex with his mother. Only, she couldn't ask him if he wanted her to make him a man. She was his mother and not some prostitute that his father surely would have taken him to get laid had he still been in the picture.

"Tommy, you poor, poor man. You have no idea what you're missing," she said while still slowly stroking her son's cock.

If nothing else, she'd like to see him cum. She wouldn't mind giving him hand job. She could at least do that for him. What's wrong with a hand job between mother and son? That's barely incest, is it? Easy for her to justify her having incestuous sex with her son when she's sitting on his bed naked and she's holding his prick in his hand, she just needed him to ask for her help.

"Can you show me?"