Mom's Halloween Swingers' Dance


Jennifer sexually fantasizes about having sex with her son.

Sex, sex, sex, the entire movie had so much sex in it that Jennifer wondered if the swingers' Halloween dance would be anything like that, sex, sex, and more sex. If the swingers' Halloween dance was all about sex and nothing more, not wanting to be at an orgy, she had no desire to attend the Halloween dance. Looking more for intimacy and loving affection than animalistic sex, she was more looking to make some sexy friends who shared her desire to have some sexy fun.

Preferring to have sex with just a select few men or couples over the course of the next year rather than one night stands at the swingers' dance, she didn't want to have sex with the whole wide world, especially not all at once. She wondered if she was making a big mistake by attending the Swingers' Halloween Dance. Maybe instead of attending the dance, she should just go to a bar, pick up a man, and bring him home to suck and fuck out his brains. Only how would she do that? She lived in a small town where everyone knew her. As if is, she had to travel a distance from home to attend the swingers dance in a city where no one knew her.

With that about it for dialogue and interior monologue in the movie, not much of a storyline, once they returned to the hotel room, the four of them, Larry, Tiffany, Robert, and Gloria launched themselves naked in bed to have sex, sex, and more sex. A son sexually satisfying his mother, Jennifer watched the Sexy Swingers' Halloween movie with sexually excited albeit incestuous interest. Watching Tiffany having sex with her son gave Jennifer wicked, incestuous thoughts and made her want to have sex with her own son. A bit dated, the movie was shot in the 80's. Actually, a movie without much character development, except for the erotic part with Tiffany having sex with her son, with the dialogue weak, boring, and lacking interest, the porn movie was funnier than it was sexy.

Even more deeply disturbing than the swingers swinging, she was shocked, albeit admittedly a little sexually excited, about the incestuous sexual revelation of a mother having sex with her son. Even though she's thought about having sex with her son on more than one occasion, especially when she's alone and horny, and when her husband was with God knows who, she couldn't imagine having sex with Michael in the way that Tiffany relished having sex with Robert. Nonetheless, the parallels drawn between her life as a mother who's thought about having sex with her adult son and Tiffany's incestuous character in the movie who had sex with her adult son was uncanny.

Easily, switching roles from incestuous mother to porn actress, she could envision herself as Tiffany. Without doubt, if her son was to ever make a pass at her in his attempt to have his wicked, sexual way with her, in the horny way she felt now, she'd find it difficult to resist him. Bad enough that she was teasing him by flashing him bits and pieces of her naked body, he'd have to make the first move, of course, for her to have sex with Michael. Even then, a big step over the forbidden line, even if he made the first move and touched her while feeling her, she didn't know if she could go through with having sex with her son.

A sexy game that she always played, wanting to tease him to see if she could get his attention and to see if he'd look, the most she's ever sexually and incestuous done with her son is to purposely flash him while making it appear accidental. Acting oblivious to her immorally, immodest display of sexuality, she's flashed him her panties in an unladylike up skirt while sitting across from him watching TV. She's flashed him her breasts in a down nightgown view while bending, leaning, and stretching while vacuuming, dusting, and leaning over him to dish out his breakfast.

With him always looking at all that she was showing of herself, as if undressing her with his eyes and imagining her naked, she enjoyed the leer of his stare. A means to an end, more for herself than for him, she's only flashed her son when she was horny and needed some sexy, sexual fodder to masturbate over. Now that she knows her son is as interested in having sex with her as much as she's interested in having sex with him, a sexy game that she sometimes enjoyed playing, she continued teasing him by flashing him.

With her flashing her son and her son trying to catch her naked, Michael never knocked on her bedroom door before opening it when she was changing. A sexy game that he obviously needed to play, if she was going to innocently flash him her tits or her naked body, waiting for him to open her bedroom door was her way to do that. Standing in her room while waiting for her son to barge in on her was her perfect way to flash him all that she wanted him to see of her and all that he obviously wanted to see of her.

No doubt hoping to see something of her that he shouldn't see, it was perfect timing as if preplanned and it was by her, as well as it was by him. Thinking back of all the flashing she's done, there were those few times when, with her bathing suit down around her waist or her nightgown over her head, he caught her topless and even naked. Deliberately flashing him but always making it appear accidental and making it appear that it was his fault for barging in her bedroom without knocking and for looking, she never thought she'd be so sexually excited showing her son her bare breasts or her naked body but she was. Pretending she was embarrassed, she'd slowly cover her nudity from her son with her arms and hands. Yet, especially after watching that porn movie with Tiffany seducing her son, Robert, for days after, she masturbated over showing Michael what no son should ever see of his mother and what no mother should ever deliberately show her son.

With her so sexually frustrated, the lust she had for her son heated up her libido as if she was a slow cooker set on the back burner and forgotten until she boiled over with lustful desire for her son. There was another time when her husband was gone on business, so he said, monkey business was more like it, and she was alone with Michael again. With her husband never home, she was always alone with her son.

She didn't have to be a physic to know that her husband went to a business conference with his secretary. She didn't have to be a fly on the wall or to hire a private investigator to wire their room with video cameras to know that they'd have three, uninterrupted days of sucking, licking, and fucking. Angry that he was having all the sexual fun and she, an over the hill 41-year-old woman, was home alone with her son, what choice did she have but to seduce her 23-year-old son? With no other man around to sexually satisfy her, Michael was the only man available to her. Figuring she'd just flash him and masturbate over all that she showed him later, a sexual fantasy come true, she never imagined all that happened later that night would actually happen.

Bitter, jealous, and angry that her husband had someone who wanted him and she had no one who wanted her, her sexual frustration took control of her commonsense. After watching that swingers' movie, still horny, she had second thoughts about attending a swingers' function without her husband nonetheless. How dare she? A marriage woman, albeit not happily married, how could she put herself out there as if she was ready and available to fuck and suck? What if someone she knew or knew her husband saw her at a swingers' dance. How could she possibly explain that?

Cheating on her husband was one thing but swinging without him was an entirely different matter. Now making matters worse, she thought more of flashing her son in the way that Tiffany had sex with her son than she even did about swinging with some stranger. Such a forbidden thought, she wondered if she could recreate Tiffany's couch scene. She wondered if by pretending that she was drunk, if she could convince Michael that she had mistaken him for her husband coming home unexpectedly. A titillating thought to have, she wondered if her son would believe she had mistaken him for his father. She wondered if she could go through with touching her son's cock, stroking her son's cock, sucking her son's cock, and fucking her son's cock in the way that Tiffany had done in the movie.

Nonetheless her second thoughts about seducing her son, consumed with horniness, especially after watching that swingers' movie with Tiffany having sex with her son, her release to masturbate over later, she thought of flashing her son again. With her son out partying with some friends and with him coming home late and, no doubt, a little drunk and/or high, she was curious as to what he'd do when he came home and found her pretending to be drunk and passed out asleep on the couch. With her nightgown disheveled and with her so indisposed by showing him some skin, she wondered if her son would take advantage of the situation by making a sexual pass at her.

Adjusting and fixing her nightgown to make it appear more tousled as if she had been sleeping instead of making it appear obvious that she was flashing him her naked ass and pussy, just the thought of Michael seeing bits and pieces of her naked body made her horny. Imagining more than just flashing him, the mere thoughts of him touching and feeling her in places where no son should never touch his mother made her wet with sexual desire and incestuous lust for her son. Only, flashing him was one thing but she couldn't have sex with her son. How could she have sex with her own son? Should he make the first move, could she have sex with Michael?

She wondered if he'd stare at her. Would he reach out his horny hand and touch her and feel her? Would Michael fondle and caress her nearly naked body in the way that Robert felt, fondled, and caressed Tiffany's nearly naked body in the movie? Curious to know now, she needed to know what he'd do if she was seemingly passed out drunk on the couch and vulnerable to his wants, needs, and desires.

Or instead of touching her and feeling her, would he just go to his room, close his door, and masturbate over his mother exposing him her bare ass, pussy, and most of her breast to him? In the way that Robert did with Tiffany, she'd love for her son to strip off his clothes and put his cock in her hand before slowly sliding it across her lips. In the way that Tiffany had, she imagined flicking out her tongue before taking Michael's cock in her mouth to suck him. Playing her role by setting the stage to make everything appear realistic, she littered the coffee table with an empty wine bottle and a spilled, empty wine glass.

* * * * *

Too sexually excited to be embarrassed, with her pretending to be asleep drunk on the sofa, as soon as he walked in the front door, she knew he could see her. With her legs spread just enough to put her pussy lips on display, she had arranged her short nightgown just high enough to cover the top of her naked ass. She was sexually excited just knowing that he could see her bare buttocks and pussy slit. Figuring that he'd do something but not knowing what he'd do, at the least of which he'd stare, maybe he'd carry her to bed and touch and feel her while carrying her and putting her to bed. Only, so horny for her son, especially after watching that porn movie, she hoped he'd do much more than that.

Instead of touching her, feeling her, and/or putting his cock in her hand or by her mouth, as Robert did to his mother in the movie, Michael surprised her. He did something she didn't figure he'd do. More erotic than pornographic, he sat on the couch by her feet while staring at her. She didn't have to open her eyes to know that he was staring at her and at all that she was showing him. As if his eyes were red hot lasers, she could feel the heat of her leer.

Making her hornier, she could feel him looking at her nearly naked body, staring at her at her mostly exposed breasts, and leering at her naked ass and pussy. For him to be sitting there while staring at her, it aroused her to know that he was as sexually interested in her as she was sexually interested in him. It titillated her to know that from where he was sitting, only a few feet away from her ass and pussy, that he had a good view up her short nightgown of her naked ass and her trimmed, blonde pussy. Even when purposely flashing him, but always making it appear accidental, she's never shown him as much of herself.

So wicked, so horny, and so incestuously depraved, she couldn't believe she was flashing her son, her very own flesh and blood, her ass and pussy. If anyone knew she was so inappropriate with her son, she could only imagine that they'd say. She wondered what he was thinking. What must he think of her, his drunken mother sleeping on the couch with her ass, pussy, and breasts so exposed? She wondered if he thought that she was deliberately flashing him or right place at the right time, he just happened to get lucky in seeing something that he shouldn't be seeing.

Yet, in the way that some of her girlfriends talked about and sexually lusted over their sons young, hard bodies, she knew if they had the opportunity that she had now to seduce her son, they'd seduce their sons too. With her husband gone for the long weekend, if even with her only masturbating herself, this was her chance to get some sexual relief. Only, what if he rejected her by not touching her and feeling her. With him her son and her his mother, what if he's nothing more than a voyeur?

With her lying there with her eyes closed and with her so nakedly exposed, now with her going through with flashing him, she wondered what he'd do. Would he touch her and feel her? Would he fondle, massage, and squeeze her round, firm, shapely ass? Would he reach down her open nightgown top and feel her tits and finger her nipples? Would he finger her already moist pussy? She knew for him to still be sitting there that he was interested.

God, if only he would do any of those things, she'd be so happy. She imagined him parting her pussy lips with his long, stiff finger while rubbing her clit and wiggling his finger deeper inside of her. If ever he did that, finger fucked her, she'd cum in a gush. If he ever touched her in that inappropriately incestuous way and gave her an orgasm, she'd return the favor by sucking his cock in the way that Tiffany did in that Halloween swingers' movie. In the horny way she felt right now, she'd even allow him to cum in her mouth and she'd swallow him too. Or would he just stare as he was doing now before retiring to his room to masturbate over all that he saw of her.

Then, hoping he would but instinctively knowing he wouldn't, he surprised her. Ever so slowly and ever so gently, as if not wanting her to know what he was doing, he lifted her short nightgown further up her back to stare at her ass and pussy. As if he was moving closer to smell her, she could feel him moving so close to her pussy that she felt his hot breath on her pussy lips. If only he'd lash out his tongue to lick her, she wished he'd eat her. Erotically so sexually albeit incestuously exciting, she could feel herself getting wetter by her son staring at her ass and pussy. She was so sexually excited that she couldn't breathe. Fearing that she'd end his obvious, incestuous lust for his mother, she didn't dare move for fear that he'd stop what he was doing and run to his room.

Then, surprising her by moving to the front of her and kneeling over her, he stared at her to see if she was really sleeping. Feeling the heat of his horny leer again, she didn't have to open her eyes to know that he was staring down her open nightgown top. He was staring at her tits. Exposing him most of her breasts to him, from his angle she knew that he could see her areolas and nipples. As much an involuntary reaction as he getting an erection, she could feel her nipples hardening with the anticipation of her feeling her breasts and fingering her nipples.

Then, as if it was all in her sexual fantasy, it excited her when he ever so slowly and ever so lightly reached his hand down her open nightgown top to cup her breast, first one and then the other. Her son was touching her tits. She couldn't believe her son was feeling her big boobs. Not only couldn't she believe he was touching her, she couldn't believe that he was cupping her tits in his big hands. If only he knew how good his hand felt on her breast, he'd think her an incestuous whore. Wanting to fuck her son right then and right there, it took all the self-control she had not to open her eyes, roll off the couch, push him back on the carpet, and fuck him, really fuck him.

Apparently not daring to finger her nipples, no doubt for fear of awakening her, disappointed that he didn't finger her nipples, nonetheless her nipples immediately responded by hardening when in the palm of his big hand. If he had made a move to have sex with her then, if only he had rubbed her clit and fingered her pussy, she was so horny that she would have stripped off her nightgown and fucked her son. Imagining him doing just that in her sexual fantasies of him, if only he had put his cock in her hand she would have given him a drunken hand job. If only he had put his cock by her lips, she would have given him a sleeping blowjob while pretending that her son was her husband.

In the way that Tiffany sucked her son in the porn movie, seemingly a good idea to her, the thought of sucking her son while pretending he was her husband overwhelmed her with lust for her son. She liked the idea of using that ruse to suck her son. Getting away with blowing him, he'd never know that she knew he was Michael and not his father. Only, instead of trying to have sex with her, he stood and went in his room.

"Damn. Fuck," she mumbled under her breath when he left the living room.

Show over, not ever meant to be, emptiness and disappointment washed over her to replace her sexual excitement with sexual frustration. After staring at her ass and pussy, after leering down her open nightgown and cupping her breasts, he rejected her. He could have had his way with her sleeping, drunken body but he walked away instead. Stunned, she couldn't believe it. He could have had sex with his mother but he didn't. Stronger than she was to resist him, he resisted her. He showed the restraint that she should have shown.

Feeling sick to her stomach, it was then that she felt evil. It was then that she felt wicked. She felt guilty that she was trying to seduce her son and worst that she failed. Her plan to seduce her son had failed miserably. No coming back from this, what does she do now? How does she face him in the morning? Now that she flashed him and he rejected her, she'd never feel comfortable or wanted enough to ever flash him again.

She decided to stay there until she heard his bed squeak from the weight of him before she'd masturbate herself over her son stealing a peak of her ass and pussy and cupping her breasts in his hand. She wondered if he was masturbating in his room over all that he saw and felt of her. Still driven to have sex with Michael, she wondered if she went to him now and caught him masturbating if he'd accept her offer to masturbate him and suck him before fucking him. With her son possessing more sexual self-control than she had shown, she felt terrible trying to seduce her son and worse that she failed.

What's wrong with her for trying to have sex with her son? What's wrong with him for rejecting his nearly naked and seemingly passed out, drunken mother. Maybe that's why he turned her down because he thought she was drunk and he didn't want to take advantage of her in the way that she was hoping to take advantage of him. Maybe he has more morals than she does. Maybe he's just not as horny as she is. Maybe, in the way that she doesn't see incest as being wrong, he is disgusted by incest. Yet, every time she's showing, he's looking and he did lift her nightgown to see more. Also, he did stick his hand down her nightgown to cup her breast in the way she wished she could have stuck her hand down his jeans t feel his cock.

No longer in the mood to masturbate herself, just when she was ready to get up from the couch to go to bed, she heard his bedroom door slowly creak open. With her eyes having already adjusted to the darkness, she was able to open her eyes enough in the darkened living room for him not to notice her peeking. Gingerly walking closer to her before walking around the couch to stand in front of her, she could see enough of him to know that he was naked. Naked, naked, naked, her son was in the living room and standing in front of her naked.

Being that he already had an erection, no doubt, he was in his room masturbating over all that he saw and felt of his mother. Obviously he wanted to come out to the living room to see and feel more. Obviously with him standing there naked, perhaps, he was hoping to have sex with her. Not wanting to disappoint her son, this was her chance to get what she needed from him.

With his dangling, semi-erect cock, not a foot away from her horny hand and eager mouth, she wondered what he'd do if she reached up and touched him. Wanting to know how big and how hard he'd get, she so wanted to wrap her fingers around his prick to stroke him. Maybe like mother like son, he wondered what she'd do if he put her hand on his cock or his cock by her lips. Yet, instead of putting his cock in her hand or by her lips, he surprised her by what he did next.

Mom's Halloween Swingers' Dance #03


While pretending that her son is her husband, Jennifer gives her son a drunken, sleeping blowjob.

"Mom. Mom. Wake up," he said softy while gently shaking her. "It's time for bed. Mom," he said shaking her again, this time a little harder, while watching her ass cheeks jiggle in her nightgown as if they were two firm gelatin molds. "C'mon, get up. You can't sleep here. You'll be all stiff and sore in the morning."

Obviously too drunk and too sound asleep to hear his words, Michael stared at his mother in the way that any son who was sexually attracted to his mother would stare at her. A golden opportunity to catch his mother sleeping drunk on the couch in her disheveled nightgown, Jennifer hoped her son would make the first move by touching her and feeling her. The last thing she wanted him to do, not wanting him to shake her awake, she wanted her son to grasp the opportunity explore her horny and nearly naked body by touching his mother where no son should ever feel his mother.

Figuring that he wanted to awaken her to flash her his cock, she wondered how to play this to get what she needed from him. Should she open her eyes and act shocked and surprised to see her son's semi-erect prick or should she continue to play the half asleep drunken mother and not notice that her son is standing in front of her naked? Instead of waking up and instead of opening her eyes wide to stare at her son's beautiful cock in feigned surprise, she decided to pretend that she was still sleeping drunk.

Inspired from the swinger's movie that she watched with Tiffany having sex with her son, Robert, she liked the idea that she had before of pretending her son was her husband. An easy mistake to make, with both of them looking so much alike, especially in the darkened living room, she was sleeping and she was drunk. Having sex with her son instead of her husband, a good way to blow Michael albeit under false pretenses, she decided to pretend that he was the father instead the son. Still a risky situation, she wondered if he'd allow her to suck him or would he not want to violate his mother in such an incestuous way, especially while she was drunk and sleeping.

Maybe he was as turned off by incestuous sex with his mother as she was obviously so turned on by the thoughts of incestuous sex with her son. Yet, in the way that he looked at her when he first came home and saw her asleep drunk on the couch, he stared at her in the way that he'd stare at any half naked woman. She hoped that he stared at her because she wasn't just any half naked woman but because she was his half-naked mother.

Then, when he sat on the couch by her feet and lifted up her short, sheer nightgown to have a better look and to stare at her naked ass and pussy, she knew he was interested. He made her so wet in the way that he leaned in closer to her as if to take a whiff of the musky aroma of her pussy. Still reveling in the afterglow, in the way that he stuck his horny hand down her nightgown top to feel her breasts, first one and then the other, she knew that she must have sexually excited him. Lastly, as evidence that his sexual lust for his mother was as strong as the sexual lust she had for her son, he returned to the living room naked. For him to return to the living room, this time without any clothes, perhaps playing it all by ear, she figured that he was hoping that something sexual would happen between them.

"I'm sleeping. I'll sleep here John," she said pretending that her son was her husband. If she was an actress in a movie, she'd be up for an Academy Award with this sexually inspired performance. "I'm too tired and too drunk to move," she said reaching her hand up to touch her son's cock with her hand and to tease him with her fingertips. "Don't worry about me," she said slurring her words. "I'll be alright."

"Mom, c'mon," said Michael trying to lift her from the couch and groping a lot of her breast in the process while partially turning her from her stomach to her side. "You can't sleep here."

As if she was about to give her son a hand job, she fondled the head of his cock before gently and softly wrapping fingers around his big prick. Even though this is what she so wanted, dreamt about, and sexually fantasized over while masturbating herself, she couldn't believe that she was holding her son's hard prick in her horny hand. Instantly, his cock hardened to her touch.

"Mom, it's late," he said leaning to put his hand to her breast and, as if afraid to move it, he left his hand there. Instantly her nipple hardened against his palm. Instantly she was wet with the sexual desire for her son.

"Just let me sleep here," she said turning from her side to her back and spreading her legs enough while bending one knee up to raise her nightgown enough to show her son her trimmed, blonde pussy.

Such a bold move to make, something she's only done in her dreams and sexual fantasized doing while masturbating, she couldn't believe that she was flashing her son her cunt. More importantly, taking the bait, she couldn't believe her son was looking and staring at all that she was showing. If only by his leer, he made her feel so wanted.

"Mom, it's me. Michael," he said. "Mom, wake up," he said taking the opportunity to touch, feel, and grope her breasts through her clothes on the pretense of helping her to arise from the soft, low couch.

Not wanting to allow this opportunity to slip by her, in the way that she always knew what her husband wanted and expected of her, she intuitively knew what her son wanted too. She wrapped her fingers tighter around her son big price while fondling the head of his cock with her fingertips before ever so slowly stroking him as if she was teasing him and she was. Something she always wanted to do, she couldn't believe she was stroking her son's cock. Immediately, he had a full erection.

His cock was so hard. His prick was so big. Stroking him a little faster, while standing there staring at his mother's hand without talking, his erection instantly hardened even more. Something she could never seem to do with her husband, instantly harden his cock, she was so successful at doing with her son.

"Are you horny John?"

"Yes," said Michael imitating his father's voice.

"Would you like me to masturbate you?"

"Yes," he said again while imitating his father's voice.

"Would you like to give me a cum bath? I don't mind you cumming all over my face," she said stroking him a little faster. "Would you like to do that?"

"Yes," he said again getting better at impersonating his father's voice.

Good, instead of him rejecting her sexual advances, he was playing along with her sexual seduction. Yet he surprised her when he impersonated her husband's voice. If she was really drunk and half asleep, she didn't think she could tell the difference between her son's voice and her husband's voice. Undaunted by his affirmation and so inspired that he was horny, she was ready to continue this incestuous game. Ready to suck her son's cock, that is, if she could get away with it and without him knowing that she wasn't drunk just incestuously horny for him, she couldn't wait to accept her son's cock in her mouth.

"Instead of giving me a cum bath," she said purposely slurring her words. "Do you want me to suck you John? Is that why you want me to come to bed, for sex," she said slurring her words as if he was drunk. "I'm too tired to fuck you, John but I'll blow you," she said in the way that a drunken wife would talk her husband. Do you want me to suck you? Is that it? I bet you'd like to cum in my mouth."

She couldn't believe she asked her son if he wanted her to suck him. On the pretense that he was her husband instead of her son and now with the ball in his court, she wondered what he'd do. She wondered what he'd say. Would he continue the charade by saying yes or would he end this lunacy by replying no? With the ball in his court, with him in control of her sexual fantasy coming true or not, she held her breath while wondering if he'd take her up on her offer to suck him.

Other than her husband, she's never so much as touched another man's erect cock and now here she was with her hand tightly griping and stroking her son's big, stiff prick. About to suck her son as soon as he gave her the word, instead of feeling horny, she felt wicked. She was so nervous that she was trembling. The only man who's ever had his cock in her hand and in her mouth was her husband. Yet, now that she knows what another man's cock feels like in her hand, she was still so curious to know what another man's cock would feel like in her mouth. Needing to know and to find out, she was willing to suck her own son.

"Yes," he said.

Barely opening her eyes while pretending that she was so drunk and still sleeping, she sat up on the couch without looking up at Michael. Mechanically, as if sleep walking and as if she had done this a million times before, she let go of his cock to move her arms out of her nightgown while allowing her top to fall to her waist. Exposing her breast to the horny eyes and hands her son, she was topless. Quivering with sexual excitement, she wondered what he thought of her tits, especially with him having sex with younger women who had prouder and firmer breasts.

As soon as she was topless, Michael cupped her breast in his hand, first one and then the other, and as soon as he did, her nipples hardened. Never has her nipples grown so big and so hard, so fast. Never has she been so sexually excited. She looked down to watch his hands feel her big tits while briefly running his big hands across her erect nipples. Feeling so very horny, she wished he'd suck her nipples but he didn't. She wished he'd finger her nipples out more but, probably for fear that he'd awaken her, he didn't do that either.

Then, while staring at his cock as if he wasn't even there in the room with his prick, she looked at his cock as if it was a live dildo suspended midair. She took hold of her son's stiff prick again in the way she's taken hold of her husband's cock so many times before and stroked him to an even harder erection. She wanted to give her son sexual pleasure and she couldn't wait to see him cum. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he was close to cumming and to hear the sounds he'd make when he did cum. Without hesitation that she was forever crossing the incestuous line, she leaned forward and took her son's prick in her mouth. She couldn't believe she was sucking her son. Even though she felt like such an incestuously bad mother, that didn't stop her from blowing her son.

As if she was a whore that he met on the street or picked up at a bar, she was sucking her son while he was finally fingering her nipples. Touching her tits, feeling her breasts, and fondling her big boobs, she was really blowing Michael while he felt her tits and fingered her nipples. Then, when he put a hand to the back of her blonde, pretty head, taking him in her mouth deeper, she stroked him harder and faster while sucking him deeper. Feeling so wicked, she wanted him to cum in her mouth. She needed to taste her son's cum. She wanted to swallow her son's seed.

Surprising her that her son ejaculated so quickly when it took her husband so very long to cum, in a warm, oozy, salty gush, it didn't take Michael very long to cum in his mother's willing mouth. As soon as he did, she swallowed and as soon as she swallowed, still playing her part as a drunken mother, she fell backwards on the couch. With her legs spread wide open, hoping he'd take the not so subtle hint, she wished he'd mount her and fuck her. Ready to submit herself to him, she wanted him to make love to her and to make her his sexy bitch. Instead of mounting her, instead of fucking her, and instead of making his mother his bitch, in one quick scoop, he lifted her from the couch in his strong arms and carried her to bed. He fixed her nightgown top and covered her with the covers. The next morning, as if it was all a dream, nothing was said.

* * * * *

"How did you sleep Mom?"

"Sleep? I woke up sick," she said. "I had a little too much to drink," she said with a pause. "The funny thing is that I thought your father was home and," she said pausing to lick her lips for effect, "was surprised that he wasn't."

"Why did you think he was home?" Michael looked at her with a shit eating grin.

"Oh, I, um, don't know. Maybe I heard a noise," she said looking at him and smiling. "When did you come home? I never heard you."

"It was late," he said. "I saw you lying on the couch and saw the empty wine bottle. I figured you had too much to drink so I carried you to bed."

"You did?" She looked at him looking at her. "I wasn't showing anything," she said biting her lip with trepidation. "I mean, you didn't see anything, did you?"

Hoping for some sexy pillow talk, she was hoping to inspire him to confess. She was hoping that he'd at least give him some dirty talk for her to masturbate over later while remembering how she stroked her son's cock before sucking her son's cock.

"It was dark and you were wearing your nightgown Mom. There was nothing to see," he said giving her a smile.

Happy that she saw her son's cock, stroked her son's cock, and sucked her son's cock, wondering what he was thinking, she only wished that he would have licked her pussy and/or fucked her too. She only wished he'd admit that she sucked him. She'd like to talk about how he felt receiving a blowjob from his MILF of a mother. With him confessing that she blew him, maybe that would be the start of an incestuous affair. Only, with him not talking and telling her what happened last night, now it was just a onetime thing that would probably never happen again.

Always putting the onus on him by making him feel guilty for looking, whenever she was horny enough to flash her son, she always arranged for her flashes to appear accidental. Now with her willingly sucking her son, she made it appear that he was the one who took advantage of his drunken mother by pretending he was his father when instead he was her son. Enjoying teasing him to give herself some masturbation fodder for later, surprising even herself, she never expected to go this far in teasing her son by sucking him.

She knows that Michael masturbates in his room. With her room next to his, she's heard him and felt the vibration through the wall. That night, she was so tempted to allow him to hear her masturbating too but, afraid of what he'd think of her, she didn't masturbate herself even though she wanted to while thinking about sucking her son again. Instead, later that night she heard Michael masturbating and wondering if he was masturbating over her sucking him. She listened while touching herself and felt her son masturbating himself with the subtle vibrations through her bedroom wall.

So very curious, she's always wondered if he masturbated over her and over what he's seen of his mother in the way that she masturbates over him and over what she's shown him of her. She wondered if he masturbated over her sucking him. Their dirty, little, incestuous secret, now she wondered if he enjoyed her blowjob. She wondered if he was as sexually excited that his mother blew him as she was that she sucked her son.

* * * * *

Jennifer rented the Sexy Swingers' Halloween movie in the hopes that it would give her some idea of what to expect when attending her first swingers' dance, a Halloween costumed event. In the way that Tiffany had her son accompany her to the swingers dance in the movie, being that she already had oral sex with her son, she was tempted to ask her son to accompany her to the swingers dance too. Only, she couldn't do that. What mother would have her son escort her to a swingers' function? Besides, he didn't know that she knew that she had given him a blowjob.

Not very helpful, the movie was just a fictional movie, a pornographic movie, and not really a portrayal of someone in the swinging lifestyle. The movie was dumb and offered no information to help ease her nervousness other than to give her the costume idea of dressing as a wench and to give her renewed thoughts about having sex with her son. Devoid of any character development and with very little dialogue, everything in the movie was sex, sex, and more sex.

She wondered if the swingers' dance would be like that too with sex, sex, and sex. If it was all just about sex, she'd feel better with Michael being there with her but how would that look if someone they knew saw them together? A mother with her son at a swingers' dance was probably even frowned upon by the swingers. Besides, how would she even broach the subject of inviting him?

Putting aside the sexual thoughts of her son to think more about the swingers' Halloween dance, in the way that Tiffany did in the movie, she liked the idea of showing her tits to a multitude of horny men. Just thinking about flashing her big boobs in that sexy way, made her horny and made her want to touch herself. She loved her tits and she loved showing men her breasts. Albeit a bit incestuously twisted, she especially loved flashing her breasts to her son.

Remembering what happened when he came home that night, her sexual fantasy come true, she still couldn't believe he had his horny hands all over her big tits. She couldn't believe that he was fingering, pulling, turning, and twisting her nipples. There she goes again thinking about having sex with her son instead of thinking about having sex with someone at the swingers' dance. Maybe she should do what she really wants to do, forget about the Halloween swingers' dance and just seduce her son.

She remembered the first time flashing her son her tits. With him being so sexually needy and so sexually attracted to her, he always looked so appreciative whenever seeing her big boobs. Except and additionally, in the outrageous way that Tiffany was having sex with her son, the thoughts of having sex with Michael made her horny again, especially now after sucking his cock and with him rewarding her with his lustful desire by cumming in her mouth. She'd suck him again, if she could. She'd make love to him every night, if she could. Maybe if she played drunk again, he'd finger while licking her pussy this time or fuck her instead of just having her give him a blowjob. She'd like that. She'd really like for her son to make love to her.

Other than watching Tiffany having sex with her son after having sex with Larry in the movie, the part that captured her interest the most was watching Tiffany suck Larry's big cock and then watching her suck her son's big cock. A skilled cocksucker, Tiffany looked as if she was really enjoying giving Larry and her son head. Just as people couldn't understand how a mother could suck her son, she didn't understand how some porn actress could just suck men that they hardly knew.

With both actors in the porn movie, as well as her son, having much bigger cocks than her husband and, being that it's been a while since she's had sex, watching Tiffany suck Larry and her supposed son made her horny to suck a man. Making herself horny, she remembered sucking her son again. She fingered her nipples and rubbed her clit while recalling blowing her son and while watching Tiffany take Larry in her mouth deeper than she's ever taken her husband. Definitely, her son has a big cock, bigger than his father's cock, and as big as Larry's cock and Robert's cock in the movie.

* * * * *

Visualizing herself at the swingers' Halloween costume party, she imagined someone like Larry kissing her while feeling with her tits and fingering her nipples. She imagined someone like Larry or her son fingering her pussy and licking her before fucking her, really pounding her pussy. So wicked of her to even think about inviting him, she wished she had the nerve to invite her son to the swingers' dance.

If she dared ask her son to attend the Halloween party with her, alone in their room after the party and after having had a little too much to drink, she imagined wearing a sexy, revealing nightgown while relaxing to watch a porn movie. Flashing him her pussy, her ass, and her tits, with one thing leading to another, she imagined sucking her son again before fucking him. She imagined her son giving her an orgasm with his fingers, his mouth, and with his cock. Then, she imagined her son cumming in her mouth in the way that he did when he thought she was drunk and she pretended he was her husband.

Oh my God, after so wanting to know what it feels like to swallow another man, even if it was her own son, especially if it was her son, if she can't have sex with her son again, she can't wait to have sex with other men. Wrapping her long, shapely legs around him and moaning in pure pleasure, she watched Tiffany fucking Larry while Jennifer imagined that she was fucking Michael. So long as he was respectful of her and didn't hurt her or force her to do anything that she didn't want to do or wasn't ready to do, Jennifer would love to be fucked hard by someone, some swinging stranger she just met at the Halloween party. Having been so long since her husband gave her an orgasm, she'd suck the cock of any man who gave her such sexual pleasure.

Then, when she watched Tiffany sucking Robert, her son's cock, feeling like the wicked mother that she is after already having sucked her own son, she couldn't help but imagine sucking her son's cock again and again. There was something compassionately comforting in giving her son such sexual pleasure. She loved the feeling of her hand being wrapped around his big prick. She loved stroking him as if she was polishing her silver. She loved him feeling her tits while putting his hand to the back of her head and forcing her to take his cock deeper in her mouth. Feeling so wicked to have those incestuous thoughts for her son, she masturbated herself while watching the movie and thinking of having sex with Michael. Transposing her image in the movie for Tiffany, she imagined doing everything to her son that Tiffany was doing to Larry and to her son, Robert.

With the sexy, incestuous thoughts of her son naked in her mind as he was when he walked in the living room that night, never has she enjoyed masturbating so much. Never has she cummed as hard and as long as she did when thinking about having sex with her son. Yet, even though she fantasized while masturbating over having sex with her son, no doubt with that blowjob a onetime thing, sadly she'd never have sex with her son again. How could she? She'd be found out if she pretended that she was drunk again and pretended her son was her husband. Getting away with sucking her son the first time, she was lucky that she had the onetime experience of sucking his cock without embarrassing herself by being discovered that she wasn't drunk and mistaken, just incestuously wicked and horny.

Yet, still bothering her, how could a woman who just met a man suck his cock? How do the swingers so freely have sex with one another when they first met and are basically strangers to one another? How do porn stars so willingly allow anyone to have their wicked way with their bodies? How could a mother have sex with her son? Nonetheless her unanswered questions and her questioned confusion, what was abhorrent to her incestuous behavior before about swingers and the swinging lifestyle, excited to attend the swingers' Halloween dance, she was eager to discover the answers to all of her questions now.

Mom's Halloween Swingers' Dance #04


Mom takes a walk on the wild side when she bumps into a surprise guest at a swingers' dance.

Jennifer looked over the crowd of people while scoping out where she'd sit. Trying to count how many people were in attendance, she gave up counting after counting more than two hundred. Easily double that number, there must be more than four hundred people assembled in one large ballroom. She didn't want to sit with just anyone. Using the seating arrangements as her way to meet someone that may interest her, she surveyed the room, the people, and the tables.

Not yet knowing the winners from the losers and the more popular swingers from the least popular players, she figured sitting at the right table was the best way to attract the most attention. Sometimes difficult to tell a beautiful person from a not so beautiful person, a 50/50 percentage of getting it right, half of the swingers were in Halloween costume and half weren't. Most of the beautiful people, no doubt, not wanting to ruin their sexual image by covering their body with a costume and their face with a mask, weren't wearing costumes. Undecided if she was going to wear a costume or not, being that this was her first time attending such an outrageously sexual event, nonetheless the best way for her to hide her true, down to Earth, soccer Mom identity, she was glad she dressed in costume.

While in costume, feeling as if she was in disguise should she happen upon someone she knew, she felt more part of the group than she did being the swinging novice that she was. Compared to the others who, no doubt, have had sex with so many swingers and with her only having sex with just one man, her unfaithful husband, that is, not counting the blowjob that she gave her son, ripe for the taking, she was a virgin, so to speak. Yet with her husband having unprotected sex and fucking every available hole, having cheated on her throughout their marriage, she may as well as had sex with the world. Even though she closed her eyes to his indiscretions, once she suspected his infidelity, she insisted he wear a condom whenever they had sex. He obliged her once by donning a condom, but that was the last time they had sex.

As if hiding and hoping to make herself feel separated from her old identity of mother and housewife, a mind altering transformation, being in costume made her feel like someone else. Being at a swingers dance made her feel special, sexual, sexy, and one of the in crowd. Feeling alive, she felt young again. Moving to the beat of the music and while dressed in her wench's costume, she felt like a swinger. Yet with the danger of being found out a reality, hoping not to be recognized, she looked to see if she recognized anyone. Hiding in the corner or up against the wall, she tried to remain obliviously anonymous. Yet difficult to do with what she was wearing and with her big tits spilling out of her top, she needed to blend but all the men were noticing her, even some women were staring at her too.

Should she bump into someone she knew, God forbid, someone from work, she wondered how she'd explain herself being there. Making her life impossibly difficult, she'd be so embarrassed if she bumped into someone she knew, someone from her neighborhood or someone from her past. Yet, if she was here at a swingers' Halloween costume party, they were here too. Only, making matters worse, she wasn't here with her husband. An unescorted and vulnerable woman at a swingers' Halloween party looking for sex, she was alone. Now that she thought about it, with her husband always disappearing for long periods of time, nothing new, she's been alone throughout her entire marriage.

Nonetheless her being accustomed to be so alone and so lonely, she wished she had come clean and told Michael that she wasn't drunk and that she was fully aware that she blew him. Figuring that would blow his mind, his mother deliberately sucking his cock, she wondered what he'd say if he knew that she purposely sucked him. She wondered what he'd do if he knew that she was deliberately flashed him her naked body. Now she wished she had invited him to the Swingers' Halloween Dance.

Armed with that information that she willingly sucked her son's cock, she wondered if he would have accepted her invitation to the open sex party. Yet, here at a swinger' party, it wasn't her son that she wanted to have sex with but with a stranger or strangers. Feeling encumbered, perhaps had she invited her son and had he accepted her invitation, he would have been an interference, an inconvenience, and a constant thorn in her side.

Been there and done that with her husband being in the way of her pursuing a sexual relationship with someone, she didn't want to experience that with her son should she meet a man who interested her. Perhaps after she tested the sexual waters by becoming a swinger herself, maybe her lust for her son would be over or maybe her incestuous lust for her son would be just beginning. Uncomfortable with all of these swinging people and with no one to talk to, she wished Michael was there with her to pave the way if only with introductions. She wondered how the other swingers would accept her knowing that she was there with her son or maybe she wouldn't or shouldn't tell them that he was her son but just some young, hot, hard cock. No doubt, if he was there with her now, thinking that this was all so funny, they'd spend their time together laughing at some of the sexually outrageous costumes.

Looking for a man to give her hot sex, she wanted to suck some stranger's prick after he fucked her silly and gave her an orgasm with his fingers, his tongue, and his cock. Her husband had no idea she was at a swinger's dance and, as far as she was concerned, with all the dirty deeds he's kept from her in his sordid sexually past, he never needed to know. If only he knew she was at a swingers' dance looking for sex, she wondered what he'd say. Boy, he'd be so pissed at her if he knew that she was looking to have sex with another man. He'd be so pissed at her if he knew she's already sucked her son. If only he knew that their son ejaculated in her mouth and she swallowed, she wondered what he'd say.

A convenient albeit coincidental story she made up at the spur of the moment and that was inspired to use as her excuse when an old friend called her, her husband thought she was spending the night with a sick friend. Besides, with her not there babysitting her husband, God only knows what he was doing and with whom he was doing it. Maybe if this Halloween party was a success, she'll attend the upcoming Christmas dance too. Nonetheless, suddenly having the frightening thought, it would be awkwardly funny if she bumped into her husband and his lover. Already thinking of a response for her being there, she'd just tell him that she followed him here.

She watched people greeting one another as if they've known them for years and haven't seen them in a long time. Obviously in the way they were grouped off and separated from the others, peppered along the wall and congregating in the corners of the room to give them the best vantage point to view the crowd of swingers, they seemed like such a clicky albeit fun loving and sexual group. Nonetheless, it was easy to pick out the winners from the losers, the ones she'd love to sit with and the ones she wouldn't even bother to make their acquaintance.

The winners were the beautiful people. Being that she wasn't an official swinger yet, even though she could be deemed a beautiful person, she felt somewhere in the middle between the losers and the winners. Feeling like the odd one out, it appeared that most of the people already knew one another. Now that she was here, now that she was ready to do something so very nasty with a complete stranger, oddly enough, she wanted to leave and go home.

Never a wallflower before, shyly reserved and modestly moral when comparing herself to the rest of them, she felt like a wallflower now. She looked for those who didn't fit in, those non-conformist, those she imagined felt just as she felt being at her first swinger dance. Only the ones who were separated from the beautiful people were the ones who weren't very attractive and/or just plain weird. She was hot and they were not.

Not wanting to be stuck socializing with them, she wanted to be part of the hip, attractive crowd. If she was going to the trouble of having swinging sex, why not have sex with a handsome man instead of a fat overweight, balding man with missing teeth? Not wanting to have sex with someone who looked like her husband, no thank you, she already had that at home. Needing some excitement in her life, she wanted to have hot sex with a hot man.

Whenever she felt awkwardly uncomfortable and self-consciously conspicuous, she felt more relaxed by the stares of the men accepting her as one of their own. With most of her C cup breasts on display, but for her areolas and nipples and with the rest of her shapely body covered by tight, formfitting clothes that left little to the imagination, she looked hot in her wench's outfit. Actually, as soon as she leaned forward in her peasant blouse, in the same way that Tiffany was so exposed in the porn movie, her areolas and her nipples were clearly visible to anyone who was looking and seemingly all the men and even some women were looking.

For the first time in a long time feeling so sexy, she felt wanted, desired, and appreciated for being a beautiful woman. Even though she was at a swingers' dance where everyone was sexual, she felt special. Nonetheless, with her motherly modesty raising its ugly head, she felt wicked that she was showing her tits to so very many men and women. Nonetheless her imagined wickedness, she loved knowing that she was sexually teasing so many men.

* * * * *

She ordered a drink at the bar and walked off with her drink to stand in the corner to watch people interacting with one another. She wasn't worried about getting a table just yet. She was early and there were plenty of empty tables still available. Obviously, fashionably late, most of the beautiful people wouldn't arrive until much later than the early bird crowd who were already all mostly there now. She figured most of the "in" crowd appeared an hour or two after the Halloween party started and an hour or two before the orgy room opened.

Not much of a drinker, the one drink she had worked its magic to relax her. Wishing she had someone to dance with, she swayed to the music. Maybe a man seeing that she was alone would ask her to dance but most of the men in attendance were with someone, their wives or their girlfriends. Definitely there were more couples in attendance than there were singles. The admission fee for couples was $50, women were free, and single men had to pay $75.

A lot of competition, there seemed to be more single women than there were single men. As if she was just another woman at a whorehouse, the single people lined the walls in the way she was doing while watching everyone else talking, laughing, drinking, and having fun. Being that all of the single people were young, she wondered if the single people were there to participate in threesomes or were there for a husband to watch his wife or girlfriend with another woman or man before joining in too.

Having never been with a woman, she didn't know if she could have sex with a woman. She hoped having sex with a woman wasn't a prerequisite and required before she was deemed an official swinger. Other than to talk, laugh, and go shopping with women, she preferred men. Nervous being here, having married the man who impregnated her on her Prom night when she was 18-years-old, she's never been with another man intimately. Her 23-year-old son was the first time she sucked anyone other than her husband. Feeling guilty as much as she felt sexually excited that she blew her son, she had mixed feelings about having sex with her son again.

One of the reasons why she decided to have some sexy, uninhibited fun at a Halloween swingers party was because her husband always cheated on her while she remained the faithful, loving wife sitting at home. Secondly, far enough away from home for her to remain anonymous, no one knew her here. With two now playing that extramarital sex game, she always thought about having a sexy, sexual affair but never really knew how to go about having a dalliance. She sometimes fantasized about another man giving her hot sex, but not ready to be picked up by a stranger at the bar, she was uncomfortable with the thought of having sex with a strangers. Other than her neighbors' husbands and the husbands' of her friends, she didn't know another man who'd give her all that she wanted and all that she needed. Now that she was here at the swingers' dance, this was the perfect way for her to have some hot, sexual fun.

Then, having had the thought before, she thought about it again. Wouldn't it be funny, embarrassing actually, if she ran into her husband at a swingers' dance with his date, some young, sexy thing with tits bigger than her IQ. She'd kill him but how would she respond to her being there and looking for sex too? She could say that she overheard him making plans. She could say that she followed him here and wore the costume because it was a Halloween party. She could say that this was her way to discover the truth of his unfaithfulness by catching him in the act.

Other than to hang out at a bar and be picked up by some stranger, the swingers dance was the only way that she thought she could live out her sexual fantasy of sucking and fucking some man without having any complications and/or repercussions of an angry, jealous wife or girlfriend. She looked across the room at a couple of young studs. Not her type at all, yet, one of them reminded her of her son. One of them was tall enough and good looking enough to sub for her son should she want to live out her sexual fantasy of having hot, incestuous sex with her son.

Rather than having to seduce her son again, she wouldn't mind having sex with his young, hard bodied, beautiful boy of a man. She wouldn't mind having mindless sex with a hot, young, hard body instead of having sweaty, five minute sex with an overweight, bald, sweating all over her man. No doubt, while having sex with this young dude, she'd imagine having sex with her son. He looked more than a little like Michael actually.


Should she have sex with someone like him, if only to give herself something to masturbate over later when she was home alone and horny again, but would some young, hard bodied, young man want to have sex with her, a woman old enough to be his mother? Being that most man fantasize over having sex with their mothers, probably he would agree to have sex with her. If not wanting to have sex with his mother, why else is he here?


She imagined asking the young man back to her room. She imagined him kissing her and stripping her naked. She imagined having sex with him in the way that she imagined having sex with her son. She imagined him giving her an orgasm with his finger, his tongue, and his big, hard, young cock.


As if hearing her son's voice in her head, she imagined hearing Michael's voice and when she did she imagined Tiffany sucking Robert, her son's cock in that porn movie and in the way that she sucked Michael's cock when pretending she was drunk. No harm, no foul, the best of both worlds, here it was okay for her to have hot sex with a man nearly half her age. Only, after hearing Michael's voice in her ear, she couldn't stop thinking about her son. Not at all feeling guilty taking sexual advantage of her son, she was sexually excited. Wishing he was here with her now, she'd have sex with him if he was.


With the music and so many people talking all at the same time, wondering if she was hearing things, she turned to the imagined voice behind her see her son standing there in a Chippendale costume.

"Michael?" Embarrassed that he had a clear down blouse view of her breasts, she put a hand up to close her blouse. "What you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question. What are you doing here at a swingers' dance Mom? Where's Dad?" He looked at her looking at him before scanning the crowd to look for his father. "I had no idea you two were swingers."

"Dad? You're father isn't here. I'm alone," she said. "Actually, we're not swingers and I'm not a swinger either."

He looked at her in a way that he's never looked at her before. As if given permission to have sex with her because she was here at a swingers' dance, he looked at her as if she was available.

"Alone? I don't understand? Why are you here alone?"

She bit her lip in her awkward anticipation with what she'd say to her son. Now that her cover was blown, her excuse that she was babysitting a sick friend would quickly be discerned as a lie.

"We need to talk Michael but not here. I have a room. Let's go there for privacy."

With sexual lust taking hold of his face, he looked at her as if she was propositioning him for sex.

"You have a room?"

"Yes," she said feeling uncomfortably guilty.

"Why do you have a room?" He looked at her as if he was jealous. "Where you hoping to get lucky?" He laughed but by the look on his face he was serious.

As if he was undressing her with his eyes and as if he had already imagined her naked, he asked her another question that she had difficulty answering.

"No, I figured I'd have a little too much to drink and wouldn't be able to drive home," she said embarrassed to confess the real reason to her son that she was hoping for sex with some stranger.

"Mom? I don't understand? How can you do this to Dad?"

A typical guy, after all the times her husband has cheated on her, she couldn't believe that he was siding with his father rather than with her.

"Michael please. I don't want to make a scene. Let's go to my room and talk."

She escorted her son to her room but instead of talking, as soon as she closed the door, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Nothing like the kiss a son gives to his mother, he forced his tongue in her mouth while feeling her big tits through her peasant blouse.


Unable to push him away, not wanting to push him away, she swooned with his kiss. Unable to resist him, she returned his passion with hers.

"I want you mother," he said kissing her again and again.

She looked at him looking at her in the way that she was looking at him.

"Michael. No, you mustn't. This is wrong. This is incest," she said turning her away while pushing him away.

As if he knew something that she didn't know, he surprised her with his next question.

"Did you not think it was incest when you were sucking my cock?"

Stunned, he floored her. He knew. That little bastard knew that she blew him.

"Pardon?" She looked at him with shock. "What are you talking about?"

Deny, deny, and deny, she wasn't ready to give him the self-satisfaction that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She was his mother and not some barroom slut that he'd take home for a one night stand.

"Did you not think it was incest when you were sucking my cock?" Word for word, he repeated himself while waiting for her to answer his question.

Denying that she did blow her son, she played the innocent mother card.

"I did no such thing," she said. "In your dreams and sexual fantasies perhaps but I'd never suck my own son's prick," she said flushed by the thought so sucking her son again.

"You thought I'd think you were drunk but I didn't smell any alcohol on your breath," he said with snidely. "You knew it was my cock and not Dad's cock that you were sucking. I know you did mother so there's no sense denying that you didn't deliberately and willingly blow me."

In between a rock and a hard place with her pretense exposed, what does she do now that he knows? Alone in a hotel room with her son at a Swingers' Halloween dance, she may just admit her ruse as there was no way that she could protest her guilt when she wasn't innocent.

"Okay, okay, so I blew you. I sucked my son's cock. I admit that I blew you but that was just a onetime thing, my moment of weakness. I was so horny because your father, with him having so many women on the side, never touches me anymore. The only man I've ever been intimate with before I sucked you, it's been a long time since I've had sex. I was so horny," she said moving away from him to sit on the bed. "The reason why I came here to a swingers' dance was because I'm so lonely and knowing it was wrong for me to start an incestuous relationship with my son, I was hoping to satisfy my need for sex with a stranger."

"I've been thinking about that night ever since," he said taking her hand in his and putting her hand on his cock. "It was so exciting to see your naked body. It was so exciting for me to stick my hand down your open nightgown top to feel your tits. Then, when you willingly took my cock in your hand and accepted me in your mouth, I couldn't believe it when you allowed me to cum in your mouth and swallowed."

She looked at her hand before looking up at him. Not wanting to move her hand away, curious where this would go, even though she knew full well what would happen, she could feel his prick pushing against her palm. As soon as he put her hand there, his cock pulsated.

"You mustn't tell your father that I sucked you Michael," she said taking his hand in hers.

"I won't," he said seemingly enjoying having something over his mother.

"You mustn't tell your father that you saw me here at a swingers' dance," she said pleading him with her eyes.

"Don't worry. I won't. Your secret is safe with me," he said putting her hand on his cock through his pants.

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

She pulled her hand away from him but wishing that he'd kiss her again, she was ready to have sex with her son. She wished he'd stick his big hand down her top and feel her breasts while fingering her nipples in the way he did before. If he pulled out his cock in the way that he emerged in the living room naked that night, in the horny and submissive way that she felt right now, especially after having just one glass of wine and after watching all of the swingers interacting with one another, she'd suck him. A mother having sex with her own son in the privacy of her hotel room, what's wrong with her to do that? Yet, even different than when she pretended that she was sucking her husband and not her son, because she was attending a swingers' function with her son, they having sex seemed okay.

"I overheard you making the hotel reservations," he said. "Putting two and two together when I saw the flyer you threw away in the trash, I followed you here." He looked at her no doubt for her reaction. "Now that we're here and now that you have a room, we should make the best of it," he said giving her a long, lustful look.

"What do you mean?" She looked at him with innocence while knowing exactly what he meant.

"We can pretend that we're lovers instead of mother and son," he said moving her hand on his cock through his pants again that pulsated against her palm. She took hold of his cock through his pants with her fingers and when she did, breaking his thought, he looked down at her hand before continuing to talk. "Then, later, after the dance is over, well, we'll see how far you're willing to go with your Halloween masquerade."

She smiled as if already giving him the answer to his question.

"Now that we're here, with both of us knowing what we want, why leave the room to have sex with strangers when it's one another that we really want?"

She lowered her peasant blouse to expose most of her naked breasts to her son."

"Mom, you're not wearing a bra," he said acting surprised when, no doubt, he already knew that she was braless.

"Wenches don't wear bras," she said looking down at her exposed breasts before looking back up at her son. "Do you like my tits?"

"I adore your big tits," he said.

"Let's get naked," he said lifting her peasant blouse up and off. "Let's pretend we're not mother and son but a handsome man who met a sexy woman at the swingers' Halloween costume party."