Every Mom should do it!



I stared out the window, looking down at my son Jon and wondered what it would be like to fuck him. He was lying on the lounge chair and as my eyes trailed across his chest and hard flat stomach my lust filled mind envisioned my tongue following that trail. Kissing and licking his nipples before sliding down his stomach to the edge of his shorts. My hand would be on his cock and he would be so hard for me!

Hard for his mother who would unzip his shorts, the kiss and lick his hard young cock. Jon would moan 'Mom' in a way most mothers would think a son never should, but it would cause this mother's pussy to flow as I took that hard cock between my lips.

Jon's large, strong hands would be on my shoulders and back, rubbing my soft skin before sliding around between us to cup my breasts, teasing my aching nipples as I took my son's full length down into my eager mouth.

Jon's would grab my long, brown hair and pull it to the side so he could watch as I bobbed my head, slowly and lovingly giving him the taboo thrill of receiving a hot blow job from his horny mother.

In my fevered mind Jon wouldn't last long. He was so excited to see his mother between his legs he would cum quickly. A pull on my hair, a loud "Oh, mom!" and he would erupt in my mouth.

My hands strayed below my short black robe and I moaned as I ran them up my inner thighs; my mind lingering on the image of my son cumming in my mouth. I gasped at how wet I was when my fingers slipped through my bare pussy. I thought about how his thick hot cum would feel flowing across my tongue and down my throat and could all but taste it.

I found my swollen clit and rubbed slow, teasing circles around it while in my mind Jon had switched places with me. It was now me laying back on the chair, my legs open, draped over his broad shoulders and my soft feet on his back as he spread his mother's pussy and buried his tongue in it.

I would be playing with my nipples and moaning his name as a lover rather than a son, but no lover would ever want to please me like my son would.

"Damn you Cynthia" I whispered, even as my fingers continued to caress my swollen button while fantasizing about my son bringing me to a screaming orgasm with his sweet tongue and thrusting fingers.

Speaking of thrusting, once my orgasm had left me a breathless quivering mess, Jon would slide up over me. His young enthusiastic cock would be hard again; hard and ready for his mother's hot dripping pussy. He would not be gentle. Need, desire and lust for his mother would cause him to slam hard into me; burying himself balls deep into the welcoming heat of my hungry pussy.

I'd wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him deeper into my forbidden heat and cry out in his ear, urging him to fuck his mother harder and deeper, telling him how much I needed my son's cock. As hot as the idea of him filling my mouth was, thinking about feeling his cock twitch inside me, filling my pussy with his hot load caused my fingers to move faster across my clit.

I leaned back, sitting on the edge of the chair next to the window and lifting my leg, placed it on the edge of the sill. Staring down at Jon, who was laying there unaware of the fact his mother was masturbating to the thought of fucking him, I brought my other hand into play, shoving my fingers inside my yearning pussy.

"Oh, yeah." I moaned, my fingers making wet sucking sounds as they thrust inside, "That's it, baby, give it to me! Fuck mommy's pussy! Show me how much you want me! Oh..."

The sound of my voice uttering those nasty words sent me over the edge. I let my head fall back and released a loud moan as I came to the thought of my son on top of me, moaning in my ear as he spurted inside me.

My hips thrust upwards, envisioning my fingers as Jon's cock and shoving them deeper inside me. I slumped back against the chair, panting for breath and removing my fingers, held them up in front of my face, marveling at how wet they were. I couldn't recall the last time I had been so wet or cum so hard.

I sucked my fingers into my mouth, enjoying the taste and wishing I was sucking my sticky sweet juices from Jon's glistening and dripping cock once he was done fucking me. I remained leaning against the chair and glanced over at my lap top on the night stand.

Now that I had taken the edge off, at least for the moment because I had been horny as hell for most of the last two days, I was back to thinking how terrible what I had just done was.

I had gotten off to the thought of my son. Sucking and fucking my own son. Two days ago I would have shook my head in disgust at the idea of a mother committing incest. In fact I was disgusted and had expressed those feelings.

Yet even as I had told Cynthia how sick I thought she was there had been something within me that had been turned on. But I could have dismissed those thoughts as strange reactions to the shocking discovery that my long time best friend was having sex with her son.

Then Cynthia had talked about it with me and sent me a video of them and told me to watch it. My first reaction was to delete it and I should have. If I had I would not have spent the last couple of days telling myself I was sick, then the next minute staring at my son like I was Kay Parker from that movie Taboo from years ago.

I'd had the mouse hovering over delete, but hadn't done it. The look on Cynthia's face when I'd spied on her with Tommy, then the way she had told me about how good it felt, how hot it was...I'd watched it once, then again and the second time got off to it, then again and again.

I'd told myself it was sick and I was just getting off to Cynthia's sickness, to watching her and her son crossing the ultimate line. But once I'd shut that damned video off and went to sleep it was dreams of Jon that came to me.

My son coming into my bed and telling me how much he wanted me. Tossing the sheet from me and crawling onto the bed. Kissing me, pulling my top down and sucking on my breasts, sliding lower and kissing his mother where a son had no right kissing her and me loving every minute of it.

In the dream I rolled him over, sucked his hard cock, then climbed on top and rode him hard and fast. Took him the way an experienced woman would take a young man. Fucked him so hard he was whimpering beneath me, then cried out as he came for me.

I'd awoken with my heart pounding and my pussy dripping. I tried to brush it off as a reaction to the movie and was relieved that when I went back to sleep I was not revisited by those images.

But the next morning when Jon had come up from after working out in the basement. Shirtless, sweat dripping down his well muscled body and wearing those skimpy little shorts. Had those shorts always been so tight?

Had they always showed off that impressive bulge between his legs and his damn fine ass? I must have been looking at him oddly because he had asked if I was okay and I'd made some joke about a senior moment.

I watched him run upstairs to take a shower, my eyes locked onto his tanned muscular back and had been surprised to find my nipples had stiffened and there was a heat between my legs I had been ashamed of. Since that moment any time I saw my son I was now seeing him as a good looking young man who according to Cynthia would want to please me like no other man.

Cynthia had insisted all sons had a repressed desire for their mothers and the rules of society kept it that way, but when something happened that made them see their mother as a true woman; a sexy, desirable woman who loved them the way no other girl ever could?

I blinked and focused on the here and now and not the straight out of penthouse letters conversation I'd had. I shifted my gaze from the laptop before I was tempted to watch Cynthia getting her face covered in her son's cum for the tenth time in two days.

A glance down into the yard showed Jon had sat up and was playing with his phone. I watched his long thick fingers moving as he sent a text to someone and thought about them working my nipples and pussy.

If things got really heavy maybe even one of those fingers could find their way in my ass, after all I'd never been adverse to some occasional back door action if the guy was a good lover and earned it and something told me Jon would be very attentive to his mother.

Now that he was sitting up I recalled why I was in the window in the skimpy robe to begin with. Cynthia had stressed how things had started between her and Tommy by him seeing her as a sexual woman and swore that Jon would be attracted to me if I gave him a reason to be.

I told her that was bullshit, that a son wouldn't desire his mother just from seeing some skin. But then again I had also told her she was disgusting and needed help and had since proceeded to become obsessed with not only her incestuous relationship, but investigating one of my own.

I didn't dress frumpy, but didn't make it a habit to dress provocatively around Jon. In fact on nights I would go out to a club or bar looking to meet someone I would usually leave when he was in his room or working so he wouldn't see his mother in a short, revealing dress.

Jon senior had left, or more accurately been thrown out, four years ago and although I'd been with a few guys when I'd gotten to the point I needed to get laid, I hadn't been serious with anyone and never brought a man back home.

I didn't need Jon hearing me or seeing a strange man coming out of my room. In general I considered myself a proper mother and proper moms didn't strut their stuff around the house.

Yesterday after a night that consisted of masturbating several times to that damn video and a wet dream about fucking my son, I decided to put her theory to the test. I told myself it was to disprove it; to show a little skin and see that Jon would pay no attention to me.

Then I could tell Cynthia she and her son needed some help. That's what I told myself. The reality, whether I wanted to admit it or not, was that part of me was looking for him to react to his mother's body.

When Jon came home from work I'd called downstairs that we would be eating soon and I would be right down so wait in the kitchen. I'd slipped off the jeans and t-shirt I had been wearing and changed into a pair of skin tight cut off shorts I only wore to the beach and a tiny little black tank top that could barely contain my breasts. As I was sliding the top on, I paused and feeling both ashamed and turned on at the same time stripped off my bra.

I slipped the top on and moaned as the material rubbed my already hard nipples. I'd checked myself out in the mirror before going downstairs. I'd waitressed for years to put myself through school and had done it again recently as a second job when I'd first tossed Jon's father out and needed some extra money and had to admit my long legs looked as good as ever.

Those legs led up to a firm little ass that in addition to my legs had earned me plenty of tips at work and quite a few stares everywhere else as well. My breasts were more than ample and at the moment looked as if they were threatening to burst from the tiny top.

I'd gone downstairs and when Jon looked up he started to look down at his phone, but did a double take. I tried to watch his face without being obvious and saw his eyes lock onto my tits. I knew my hard nipples were poking through the thin shirt and unable to help it I asked what he was looking at.

He stammered something about he thought I had something on my shirt, but the way he blushed told me what he was really staring at. Turning away from him a wave of disbelief had come over me. Cynthia was right. I was showing and he was looking. I tried to spin it another way, that he might have just been surprised; after all, I did not make a habit of advertising my assets so to speak.

I decided to give him a look at my backside and after turning around went to open the fridge and knocked one of the small magnets off of it on purpose. When it hit the floor I 'accidently' kicked it under the fridge. I sighed and got down on my hands and knees on the floor. I lowered my head to peer under the fridge which put my ass higher in the air.

The fridge was stainless steel and staring into it I could see Jon behind me and he was staring! There was no doubt about it! His eyes were glued to my ass and he had a look on his face that was nervous, but turned on at the same time. Right there on the floor I could feel my body responding as I watched my son take in my ass. I wiggled back and forth and saw him shake his head as if saying "Oh, man"

When I grabbed the magnet I turned around, but remained on my knees for a moment before standing and walking over to him. I leaned over to kiss his cheek giving him a view down my shirt. I'd sat there in a puddle during dinner, so wet I was squirming as I watched Jon trying to watch me; then spent the night wondering how to show him more.

I looked down at the sound of Jon laughing and saw him talking on the phone. He glanced up towards the window, but I was off to the side and he didn't appear to really be looking. I moved over so I was in front of the window and grabbing the tie to the robe slipped it from its knot. My plan was when I saw him glance up to let the robe fall open and look away, giving him a view of my bare tits.

Jon was looking to the right as he spoke on the phone and nodding his head. My heart pounded and I let the robe open slightly. A voice in my head told me I was sick and to walk away from the window, but despite having just cum, my nipples were aching and I was wetter than I was while masturbating. Jon was still looking away and I knocked over one of the small knick knacks I had on the windowsill.

Jon looked up and turning my head away from him I let the robe fall open. I felt the warm breeze on my sensitive nipples and even as my face flushed at the idea I was exposing myself to my son, it was everything I had not to turn to see if he were looking.

I looked down and fumbled around below the window as if I were doing something and then quickly turned my head. Jon was looking away, but I swore I had seen his head move as mine turned.

I stood there with the robe wide open waiting to see if he looked again. Jon kept his head down and when I heard voices from the next yard, I quickly stepped away from the window. It was one thing to show my son my tits, but not the neighbors.

"Jeez Becky, you hear yourself?" I muttered.

I walked over to the bed and looked down at part two of today's plan to see if Jon would really be interested in me. I figured if he caught a good look at my tits it would be all I would need to know, but it hadn't dawned on me I would have had to see him looking and that would have stopped him.

Unsure of whether or not he had seen me I could either try the ridiculous porn cliché of walking out of the bathroom naked pretending I didn't know he was home or go strut my stuff by the pool.

Cynthia and Tommy had left early this morning and weren't coming back until Monday. They were due to stay at least another month so this was the only chance I would have this much time alone with Jon.

The thought of Cynthia and Tommy spending the weekend at a hotel out of town and what they would be doing spurred me to action. If there was something to this, and I was still torn between wanting it to be true and thinking I was crazy, I wasn't going to waste anymore time.

Slipping the robe off I picked up the obscenely skimpy orange bikini I had bought on my way home last night just for today.

Before I put it on, I looked into the full length mirror and took in my naked body. I had to say I looked pretty good for my forty two years. I definitely didn't look as if I had a twenty year old son.

Then again I had once over heard Tommy telling Jon I was the hottest Milf he'd seen. Of course I now knew he was pretty fond of his own mother, but it was still flattering. In addition to my long legs and still firm ass, my full breasts might be a little lower than they were a few years ago, but still stood up pretty well without a bra.

My large rose colored nipples were hard and lifting my breasts, I stroke my swollen nubs with my red finger nails and moaned softly, "Jon, were you looking at Mommy's tits? You want them? Come over here, honey, come suck mommy's titties."

The words sounded so wrong, but so fucking hot! I released my tits and sliding my hand down my soft, but still flat stomach, I reached the neatly trimmed light brown hair just over the cleft of my pussy and sighed at how damp the hair was.

Goddamn I was horny! My fingers slipped over my hard clit and briefly teased my wet lips before I forced myself to leave my pussy alone. If everything worked right it would be getting a lot of loving attention from my devoted son.

I released a long breath and slipped into the racy bikini bottom. It was little more than a thong with two strings on each side one over the other just under my hips. The two strings met in the back and formed one thin strip of material that left the cheeks of my ass bare.

There wasn't much more than that in the front and it dawned on me it wouldn't take much movement for it to slip to the side and reveal my pussy.

I picked up the top and after I tied it behind my back took in the way the entire inner half of my breasts were exposed. The swimsuit seemed more like lingerie and it was nothing I would ever wear in public, but to cock tease my son? Why not?

With an obscene giggle I padded across the soft carpet and as I left took one last look at the lap top. Maybe by this time tomorrow I might have my own hot video and damn straight I would share it with Cynthia, show her how good my son could be to me.

As I ran down the stairs, enjoying how my breasts bounced and threatened to fall out of the top, I began to put my long brown hair up, but decided to do it later when Jon was watching. I passed through the kitchen and when I went out onto the patio saw Jon had slipped into the pool and was leaning against the corner of it, his arms draped over the ledge.

"Hey sweetie, it's beautiful out here, no?" I called out to him as I approached the pool.

"Yeah, it's hot, but not..." Jon turned to look at me and trailed off, his mouth remaining open as his eyes widened.

"You okay honey?" I squatted down on the edge of the pool.

"I...uh..." His gaze was fixed between my legs and I could feel the edge of the bikini creeping towards my moist lips as my legs were spread open.

I resisted the urge to look down to see the view he was getting and instead watched him, reveling in the fact he was gawking at my barely concealed pussy. I smiled as I took in my handsome son. Jon Sr was an asshole, but he was a good looking one and Jon looked just like him.

His short black hair was wet and tousled and his ocean blue eyes were intent on the spot between his mother's thighs. I let my own eyes wander, taking in his tanned body and the way the water glistened on his chest.

"Mom, w...what the hell are you wearing?"

"It's my new bikini, you like it?"

"Its...damn, mom, there isn't much to it is there?"

"Does it look bad?" I made a show of frowning and looked down, noticing the bikini was barely covering the right side of my pussy, "I...I thought it would look okay." I sighed dramatically, "I knew I shouldn't have bought it, I probably look terrible."

"No, you look good!" he exclaimed.

"I do?" I asked.

"I...well I mean, you know." He stammered.

"Oh, I get it." I nodded, "Good for an old lady."

"Mom you look good for any age." He said and catching himself began to blush.

"Aww aren't you sweet!" Getting on my hands and knees, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

I saw his eyes lock onto my tits which felt as if they were going to fall out and his face was now beet red.

"So you think I could wear this to the beach?" I asked, remaining on my knees with my tits pretty much in his face. "Think it would be okay?"

"I...I think a lot of guys would be pretty happy." He said softly, his eyes were still on my chest as if entranced by the site of his mother's breasts.

"Yeah?" I teased, "You think they'd be checking out your mom?"

"I know they would." He swallowed nervously, "You're um, well...not much to the imagination."

"Hey, Jon?"

"What mom?"

I paused, making sure I kept a straight face, "What are you staring at?"

"Staring?" he lifted his eyes from my chest, "N...nothing! I was just um..."

I looked down at my tits and saw what had really caught his attention; my hard nipples were clearly visible against the tight top. I wondered if it would dawn on my son that seeing it wasn't cold there would be only one reason his mother's nipples would be swollen.

I lifted my gaze to his face and widened my brown eyes, telling him I knew exactly what he was looking at.

He saw that look and his blushed deepened and he stopped stammering and remained silent and painfully embarrassed. I thought of asking him if he liked what he saw, but that would be to bold.

I didn't want to look like the sick slut I was acting like in case he was simply taken aback by my lack of attire and flaunting my body as I never had before. I held his gaze a little longer; enjoying him squirming, then I let him off the hook and changed the subject.

"Well, I'll leave you alone to relax; I know you don't want your mom hanging out with you."

I hoped he caught the way I'd stressed the word, maybe he did, but the look of relief on his face when I didn't push about where he was looking was comical.

"Oh, well I don't mind, you coming in for a swim?"

I thought about it. If I slipped into the water I could slip up to him and tease a little, but the people on the second floor next door could see into the pool and I didn't want to do anything stupid in public. As it was I was sure my bikini was going to make Roger next door and his two teenage sons pretty happy if they happened to look out their window.

"Nah, I'm going to go over there and lay out for awhile, maybe get some color on this sickly white skin of mine."

"You have nice skin." He replied then immediately got that oh shit look on his face again.

"Thank you, but be honest, pale would be a compliment."

"Nope," he shook his head, "Fair is the word or...creamy, you have creamy skin."

"Creamy?" I laughed, "What have you been reading, hmmm?"

"Nothing like that!"

"I'm sure, why read when porn is all over the net."

"I don't watch..."

"Of course you do!" I told him, "All guys do, hey I watch it myself."

"Geez mom!" he put his hands over his ears, "I don't need to know that."

"Well, hey it's been awhile since there's been any cream on this skin so I do what I have to."

"Mom!" The look on his face was priceless and I burst out laughing.

"That's right, I forgot. Mom's can't have sex."

"Well, it's not that..."

"I know it's not, the net is full of milf porn." I winked, "So it's okay for other people's moms to have sex just not yours."

"Yeah." He nodded, "Exactly."

"So Jon," I smiled mischievously. "Can I ask you something?"

"I guess," he replied nervously while carefully keeping his eyes down at the water.

"Think I'm a Milf? You think your friends think I'm hot?"

"That's...not really something I think of." He said slowly as if choosing his words.

"You? Well of course not, I am you mom. Your friends though? They never say anything?"

"Do you want them to?" He frowned, "Weird question mom."

"Well since she's been staying here I'm pretty sure I've seen you checking out Cynthia."

"I..." he sighed, "She's pretty hot."

"She is a nice pretty redhead. I don't blame you; you think Tommy checks me out?"

"He...he's mentioned you're hot." He said, but had a strange look on his face.

"What's the matter?" I asked, "He say something you didn't like?"

"No, I..." he shook his head. "I'd rather not say, but it has nothing to do with you, well not directly, sort of..."

"Oh." He looked serious and I wondered what Tommy had said or done. Well maybe another time. For now I wanted my son to be thinking about nothing but his mother and her twisted fantasies.

"Well that's between you guys." I playfully ran my fingers through his hair, "What about you? You one of those young guys who likes older women?"

"Depends on the woman." He said softy still with an odd look on his face.

"Makes sense. Well I'll leave you be."

I turned away then spotting his sunglasses on the edge of his chair bent over to pick them up. I spread my legs enough so I could get a glimpse of Jon's reaction. My smile widened when I saw not only was he looking, but his mouth was hanging open as he took in my all but bare ass.

I dropped the glasses back onto the chair and bent over further; this time imagining his eyes on the thin strip of material covering my pussy. I moved my ass back and forth slightly as I folded the sunglasses.

Turning back to him, I leaned over and handed them to him, "Here, honey it's too bright to not have these on."

He reached out to take the glasses and I noticed his fingers were trembling. There was something there! There had to b; he wouldn't be this nervous otherwise. His eyes were back on my breasts, but only briefly before he looked down at the glasses, "Yeah, but I don't want raccoon eyes when the rest of my face tans."

"Well I'd rather have those beautiful blue eyes safe than worry about tan lines." I told him.

"You think my eyes are beautiful?" He asked, with a shy little smile that made me want to kiss him, right on the lips.

"Honey, everything about you is beautiful." I ran my fingers lightly down his chest, "There have been a few lucky girls at school that know that I'm sure."

Jon blushed again and laughed, "I do okay."

"I bet you do."

"But not just looks wise, all the girls say I'm a nice guy, not a jerk and that comes from you." He sighed, "Not asshole dad that's for sure."

"That's right, honey, you get what you give with women, in every way." I winked.

"You said that before." He pointed out, "But you're right. I bet you could teach me a lot about women."

Leading comment? I shook it off, best to just keep playing this out and not make a move in case. If he was interested the plan was to get him to say or do something that could only be taken one way.

"Sure, but only if you're eager to learn." I threw back at him. "Now do as your mom tells you and put your glasses on."

I stood up and this time did walk away, mentally shaking my head at the thought I was flirting with my son. I made my way slowly over to my lounge chair putting some extra swing in my hips.

When I reached it, I knelt on the end and made a show of adjusting the cushions and letting Jon stare at my ass. I turned over and leaning back onto the chair, picked my sunglasses up from underneath the chair and slipped them on.

I lay back and looked at Jon who had donned his dark sunglasses. I'd given them to him so he could look at me without me knowing he was staring and my own glasses did the same for me. I turned my head slightly so it looked as if I was facing away from him, but was still able to keep him in sight.

I stretched, arching my back off the chair and thrusting my tits out. Reaching up, I put my long hair up, my breasts lifting to a better angle as I did.

I opened my legs, letting the left one dangle off the chair and giving Jon a clear view between my...creamy thighs. I did like that word and that he used it to describe me. Straightening my arms I let my hands rest on those thighs, hoping he enjoyed how my long red nails looked on my skin. I lay still, then lifting my right leg, bent it at the knee and scratched my foot.

I didn't have to try to guess, I knew he was staring and I lifted my leg higher, flashing my thinly veiled pussy. I lowered my leg and this time when I relaxed I closed my eyes. I could feel my son's hungry gaze on my body and loved it.

I sighed contentedly. The warm sun, the even warmer sensation of being horny and knowing I was fueling a taboo desire in my son had me quite comfortable.

I idly wondered what my next move would be; the timeless cliché of asking him to rub lotion on me? No, the neighbors might see. Maybe when I went in the house I would go upstairs and draw a bath and soak until I heard him coming up the stairs and go with accidently walking out of the bathroom with my robe open, or...I stopped my mind from spinning and began to take slow deep breaths.

If this was meant to happen it would and right now it seemed Jon had more than an unhealthy fixation with his mother's body. I made sure my mind avoided any thoughts of if we did cross the line where would that leave us afterwards? I couldn't be 'with' my son, or could I?

Right now Cynthia and Tommy were out of town, where no one knew them and were carrying on like a cougar with a cub, dancing, kissing, fondling right there in front of people who had no idea who they were.

Thinking of Cynthia grinding her ass into her son on a dance floor sent another pleasant wave of heat through me, but unlike earlier where I was so horny I couldn't think straight, I was under control and letting that lust build for what I hoped would be everything Cynthia said it would be.

Being that I wanted to lay there for awhile and let that fire continue to burn and continue to drive Jon wild as he stared at me, I let my mind wander back to two days ago when I came home early and caught my best friend fucking her son and my own incestuous thoughts began to awaken.


I pulled into the driveway and smiled at the gate that led to the pool. Someone had hit a pole a block from the office, knocking out the power and Brad, our manager, had told us to take the rest of the day off.

No one had to be told twice that was for sure. It was a gorgeous summer day, low eighties with no humidity. It was a day made for a nice long dip in the pool and laying out and trying to get some color on my pale form.

Getting out of the car, I noticed both Tommy and Cynthia's cars were pulled off to the side of the drive way so Jon and I could park next to them. I knew Tommy only had a morning class, but thought I'd heard him say he was going to the beach. Cynthia was usually at work and I wondered if she had just decided it was too nice of a day to go.

That was fine with me if she were home. Cynthia and I had been best friends since college and were as close as sisters. We kept no secrets from each other and shared everything. I allowed myself a wicked smile.

Whenever I thought of the word share with Cynthia I was reminded of a couple of wild spring break adventures back in school where we once shared the same guy and another time brought two guys back to the motel and switched partners back and forth all night.

My smile widened as I walked over towards the gate to see if Cynthia was in the pool. Even though the reason wasn't the best, I was enjoying her staying with us. Cynthia and I were reminders to each other of life before careers, responsibility, kids and failed marriages.

Although I would never say we were outright sluts, the two of us had fun in school and would dare each other to do whatever the other did which one night had even led to us each having sex with a girl.

As was always the case we agreed although the experience was far from terrible it was nothing we would revisit. That was until the night of our initiation into our sorority where it was required to go down on a girl and we decided to do each other because we didn't know any of the other girls.

It was pretty hot, but again not enough for anything to come from it; we both liked guys too much, but it was one of those fun dirty secret memories and occasionally something we'd bring up when we were drinking and at one point had joked about neither of us being satisfied with our husbands we could always revisit each other.

The thought of those wanton times caused me to grow warm for a reason other than the sun. The memory of the two of us getting fucked on our twin beds, while watching the other, was the one that always did it most for me. I was aware the reason I was getting so worked up so quickly was I hadn't gotten laid in six months, between work and just life in general I had not been out much.

But now that Cynthia was newly single the two of us could go hit a club. That brought about the thought that maybe we could get a little wild like back in the day and find a pair of guys who...no, I was a mother now and even though Jon was twenty he lived at home and a mother did not pull off soft swings in her home.

I pushed my thoughts to the clean good times with Cynthia and there were many. Our lives had followed an almost identical pattern. Graduated same year, were hired at our first jobs right out of school and even changed careers around the same time.

We were married within six months of each other and pregnant at the same time. The only difference was I got sick of my husband years ago and Cynthia had discovered her husband Jack cheating six months ago and had tossed him, leaving us both single again with twenty year old sons.

Unlike myself however, Cynthia couldn't keep her house and after selling it and having to split it with her asshole ex was on the waiting list for one of the new condos being built down the road from me and I immediately offered her and Tommy to stay for the few months it would take. We had plenty of room and it gave her a chance to save some money and did the same for me as she would not stay unless she paid some of the house bills.

I entered the back yard and was surprised to not see either Cynthia or Tommy by the pool. Maybe they had been out there earlier. I continued to walk past the pool to go in through the back. I was just passing Cynthia's window when I heard her moan, "Oh, honey! Oh, yes! Right there, baby! Just a little more!"

"That little slut!" I whispered to myself, she'd found someone and had stayed home to get laid!

With a grin I moved close to the window approaching it from the side and felt my nipples stiffen when I heard Cynthia release a long loud squeal, "Oh yes Oh my god! Oh yes, honey!"

I could feel my face flushing as I listened to Cynthia cumming like a porn star and now standing against the house, just to the right of the window, I peeked into the room. Cynthia was standing at the foot of the bed; she was buck naked, her long red hair flowing down her bare back and her round curvy ass pointing directly at me. All I could see of the guy were his legs and part of his stomach as he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Honey you deserve something special for making me come that hard, don't you?"

"Yes please." Was the faint reply and I narrowed my eyes. The voice was soft and sounded out of breath, but I swore it sounded familiar. I tried to recall if there was anyone we'd had over the house or met recently that Cynthia had taken a liking to, but was drawing a blank.

Cynthia had been standing sideways and when she turned to face her lover and step between his legs I caught sight of her perky, perfectly shaped little tits with nipples that looked as hard as mine felt right now. My gaze quickly left her tits when I saw the long hard cock standing at attention in front of her. Sinking to her knees Cynthia grabbed it and slowly pumped it.

"Oh, is this big hard dick all for me, honey?" She purred.

I heard him moan and sliding my hand under my blouse worked it into my skirt then my panties. I suppressed a moan when my fingers found my swollen clit. Feeling like we were back in the old days when the two of us would routinely listen in on each other's encounters I eased closer to the window.

I took a minute to look at Cynthia's sweat slicked back and her well rounded ass. The way she was squatting I could see her red haired pussy peering out between her thighs and rubbed my clit harder.

I had no desire for her, but just seeing her naked and playing with a pretty damn big cock was getting me worked up. Cynthia placed a playful kiss on the head of that cock and was smiling up at her unseen lover.

Her tongue came out and I heard a low moan that turned into a whimper as she teased her tongue around the tip before taking just the head into her mouth. That whimper brought about one from me as my fingers worked my clit and I bit my lip so I wouldn't be heard.

"Yeah, honey, you like that? You want your reward?"

Ducking her head she placed her tongue on his balls and ran it along the impressive length of his shaft. When she reached the tip she pushed her tongue against it and came away with a trail of his thick precum. Cynthia emitted a dirty little giggle, the same one I remember hearing many times when we were roommates and she was fucking in her room, and waggled her tongue.

"Please don't tease!" He exclaimed.

That familiar voice again. My fingers slowed on my clit and I tried to focus on who it was.

"Awww, am I teasing?" she pumped his cock harder, "Remember the video baby! The web cam's on and I want a fun show for us to watch later!"

She was filming it! Oh, the dirty bitch! My fingers started moving again and now knowing there was video I was going to tell her tonight I overheard her and wanted to see it!

"But...oh!" he moaned loudly when Cynthia took him deep between her pink coated lips and slowly bobbed her head.

I could feel the sweat trickling down my back and my white blouse sticking to my skin. My nipples were aching against my bra and lifting my foot I placed it on the edge of the cooler that Jon had left against the wall to drain.

That gave my fingers more access to my pussy and I worked my fingers down and inside my hot little box. I felt like a pervert playing with myself outside my house, but the neighbors had no view of this side and it had been a long time since I had cut loose and done something fun and dirty. I would confess to Cynthia later on and she would think it was hot as well.

"Oh fuck!" The mystery lover moaned.

His hands appeared, wrapping themselves in her long red hair and began pushing and pulling, guiding her mouth along his cock. Cynthia moaned and even through the window I could see her eyes roll back and the look of lust on her face as she steadily blew that amazing cock.

She took his hands and bringing them down, placed them on her tits. He fondled her nipples as she started to suck him faster and I could hear him whimpering and saw his legs shaking.

Cynthia stopped sucking and releasing his cock with a loud slurping sound, smiled up at him with a trail of spit and precum dripping from her chin down to her tits. Oh how I envied her right now! What the hell was I waiting for? I was just as attractive as Cynthia and single, why wasn't I out there doing this?

"Oh...Please I was so close!"

"I know, but I don't know if I want you to come like this."


"Oh, you bad boy! Didn't you already come in mommy's mouth a little while ago?"

Mommy? My fingers eased from my pussy and I felt my stomach tighten.

"Oh, yeah, please let me! I'll lick your pussy again I'll do anything you want!"

"Oh my God." I whispered. I did know that voice, It was Tommy.

My best friend was blowing her son. Even as I removed my hand from my skirt I told myself I was wrong. Maybe I wasn't hearing him right through the window. Right that was it. Maybe Mommy was some kind of game.

Cynthia was into some strange kinks and read all kinds of dirty stories and watched fetish videos all the time. Maybe the guy was young and she was just fooling around. Being called mommy was sick regardless, but at least it wasn't...

"You'll do anything I want anyway, honey, you know why? Because you're my good boy and good boys always do what mommy tells them."

Cynthia sucked his cock back into her mouth and this time took him right down to his balls. She shook her head back and forth causing her lover to whimper pathetically. I stood there with my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted to see him, prove to myself I was right that there was nothing sick going on.

The only way I would be able to see him would be to stand directly in front of the window, but then I would be seen. Of course I could just move as if I were walking past the window.

Cynthia stood up and swinging her leg over his legs guided his cock to her pussy and dropped down on him. They both moaned as she impaled herself on his cock and moved her hips back and forth, slowly riding him.

"Oh, honey you feel so fucking good!" Cynthia cried out, "My baby has such a nice big dick!" She started bouncing up and down riding him harder and she moaned loudly, "Yeah baby, you like mommy's tight pussy? You like fucking your mother, honey?"

"I love fucking my mother!"

The more he spoke the more nervous I became. Taking a chance, I leaned over to peer into the room. Cynthia was pressed to him, obscuring his face with her hair and all I could see was his arms wrapped around her waist. Cynthia turned her head and I leaned back to my original position.

Cynthia turned and sat on the edge of the bed. Her lover stood, but quickly turned before I got a look at him. Cynthia took his cock into her mouth, moving her head rapidly before looking up at him and sighing, "God I taste good on my son's cock."

"No." I shook my head; I wasn't hearing this.

Cynthia turned around on the bed so her legs were dangling off the foot of it and lifting them in the air said, "Come on baby, come over here and fuck your mother the way she needs it."

He turned around from where he was, it was Tommy! I remained rooted to the spot, my eyes wide with disbelief as stepping up between his mother's legs he grabbed her ankles and drove his long thick cock inside her.

"Fuck yeah!" Cynthia threw her head back and cried, "Just like that baby!"

Tommy began hammering away at her, repeatedly plunging his long cock into his...mother's pussy! Cynthia was yelping and squealing with every thrust and he was fucking her so hard I could hear their skin slapping together as he pounded her.

I told myself to move, to get the hell away from the window. What I was watching was nothing short of disgusting. How could my best friend; a woman who was like a sister to me do something so sick? And under my roof!

Even as I watched Tommy bang his mother like some slut he picked up in a bar, I wondered how long it had been going on. I was struck by the thought that what if her husband had caught her and that was why he had left? No, she had tossed him. Wait, had she thrown him out for this?

"Stop!" Cynthia called out, bringing me from my thoughts. "I want my favorite!"

"My favorite too!" Tommy laughed as he slid his cock from his mother's pussy and stepped back.

Cynthia rolled over on the bed so she was on her hands and knees, her feet off the bed and grabbing her hips, Tommy plunged into her and began fucking her hard and fast. Cynthia was peering of her shoulder at him, egging him on to fuck her harder and I was stunned by the look of pure lust in her eyes.

She was sweating and moaning and squealing as her son drilled her. "Fuck you're deep! Oh look at you fucking your mommy so good! You're going to get a treat baby!"

"Oh...Oh fuck mom...I...I'm going to cum for you!"

"Hold it!" she called out, Sliding away from him, Cynthia rolled over, slid onto the floor and grabbed his cock.

Tommy cried out and I gasped when a huge thick spurt of cum shot from his cock and into his mother's waiting mouth. Cynthia closed her mouth then pushed the cum out past her lips and down her chin as if she were in a dirty movie and moaned as her son painted her face with his erupting cock.

Tommy moaned and whimpered as streams of cum splattered her face and tits. Cynthia took him in her mouth and sucked so hard her cheeks hollowed in and with a loud groan, Tommy sank to the edge of the bed.

"Hmm you came a lot and that was the second time!" she wiped cum from her chin and sighed, "Ah youth and enthusiasm."

"And I really like fucking you." Tommy told her.

"I love you fucking me!" She told him and picking up her shirt from the floor wiped the cum from her face.

"I love you mom." Tommy leaned over and gave Cynthia a soft and surprisingly sweet looking kiss,

"Love you too baby." She returned the kiss and standing up, hugged him to her, his face nestled between her tits.

They began to kiss again and for some reason I found this as appalling as their having sex; to see them acting like a loving couple.

"Hey honey, want to go for a swim?" Cynthia asked.

"Sure, then maybe a nap."

"Did mommy wear you out?"

"Always do." He laughed.

"Well you rest because we're going to watch that movie tonight and your horny mom is going to want more."

"I'll take it for the team." He told her with a big smile.

Cynthia kissed his cheek, "Just remember, Jon doesn't work tonight so you're going to have to be quiet for me. He might be able to hear through the walls."

"Okay." He grinned, "You too, you're really loud."

"Well then you'll just have to keep shoving something in my mouth then." She gave his cock a squeeze, "God, I love your cock."

I'd heard enough, truth be told I should have already left, but there was an odd fascination to watching them, like the way people slowed down to look at a horrible accident. It dawned on me I was staring at my best friend's naked son and shaking my head, turned to walk away before they dressed to come out to the pool. Right now I don't think I could look at her, never mind talk to her.

On that note, should I confront her? Ask her what the fuck was wrong with her and get help? Or ignore it? I couldn't do that, they were staying another few weeks and I couldn't let that happen, I especially couldn't let Jon find out!

I took a step away and jumped when my foot connected with the cooler. It slid across the ground and with a startled yelp I staggered and had to put my hand against the house to stop from falling.

I glanced into the window and saw that Tommy was across the room slipping on a pair of shorts, but Cynthia was still sitting on the bed and looked over. For a econd our eyes locked, she began to blush and looked quickly over at Tommy.

As soon as she did ran past the window and around the corner of the house. I let myself in quickly and bolted through the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and locking it sat on the bed and hoped to hell she wouldn't come right up. I kicked off my shoes and stretching out on the bed thought so much for an afternoon off. Had I not come home I would have never caught them and right now I wished I hadn't; ignorance would be bliss.

I decided to try to take a nap, shut my mind down and think on this with a clearer mind. Jon hadn't put the air conditioner in yet and the room was warm. Sitting up, I removed my blouse and bra and lying back, lifted my hips and slipped my skirt and panties off.

I'd always loved sleeping naked and thought what a waste it was to do alone. I closed my eyes and told myself to relax and just see where it went. At some point I would have to talk to her, but I needed time first.

Jon would be home in a couple of hours and I would get him to watch a movie with me or play some cards so Cynthia wouldn't be able to get me alone. With a sigh I settled back into the pillows, who the hell could have seen this one coming?


I jumped at a knock on the door. I blinked my eyes, trying to clear them and as I gathered my senses called out, "Yes?"

"Mom, its Jon, can I come in?"

"Hold on." Drawing my legs up, I slipped them under the sheet. Sitting up, I grabbed one of the pillows and putting it over my chest, crossed my arms over it. "Okay, come on in."

Jon came in and closed the door behind him. He looked as if he had just come from the pool. He was dressed only in a pair of denim shorts and his hair was damp. Coming over to the bed he sat next to me on the edge of it.

"Mom I need to talk to you."

"About what, honey?" I asked, concerned at the strange look on his face.

"I...I just saw something."

"What was it?"

"I went for a swim and Ron called and wanted to know if I wanted to take a ride to the beach with him and a couple of girls from school"

"Okay." I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Well I went to grab the cooler and I heard something from Cynthia's room so I peeked in."

Oh, boy, I thought.

"Mom, she...she was having sex with Tommy!" he exclaimed.

"I..." I hesitated, not sure whether or not to say I knew. "You saw that?" I went with, "You sure?"

"I...watched them, they were...they were doing it all!" He told me, "Holy shit they were going at it."

"I know Jon." I told, taking his hand, "I saw them earlier; I'm going to talk to her I just wanted time to think about it."

"What are you going to say to her?" He asked.

I paused and looked down at our hands. Jon was gently running his fingers across the top of my hand. I looked up at his face and noticed he was staring at the pillow.

"I'm going to tell her it's sick and disgusting and she needs to get some damn help."

"Why?" He asked, sliding closer to me.

"Why? Are you kidding? She's his mother! You don't think that's sick?"

"No, I think it's hot." He said softly.

He had let my hand go and slid up so that his hip was touching mine through the sheet and he was leaning over, looking down at me.

"What...what did you say?"

"I said I thought it was hot. Cynthia's damn sexy and she was all over Tommy, it was hot. He's lucky."

"Lucky?" I repeated.

"Damn lucky! Who could take care of a son better than his mom?"

"What's wrong with you"" I started to sit up, but to my surprise he pressed his hand against the pillow and pushed me back into the bed.

"Then I thought I'm pretty lucky." He smiled down at me, "My Mom's pretty fucking hot too."


"You have those long legs and that perfect little ass and those nice big tits."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Jon, I'm..."

My words were cut off when Jon leaned down and kissed me. I tried to pull back, but my head was against the pillows and his lips were pressing hard to mine. I put my hands on his shoulders, but he wouldn't budge.

His lips eased up and were now teasing softly. I decided to try to give him what he wanted, and returned the kiss, figuring he would realize this was wrong and stop. Jon moaned softly as my lips caressed his and I was surprised to feel my nipples harden against the pillow.

Jon's tongue pushed into my mouth and as it played across mine I was struck by the fact my son was a pretty damn good kisser. My hands went around him and I ran my nails across his well muscled back. Jon's lips left mine and a surprised moan escaped me when they fastened to the sensitive skin of my neck.

"Jon...stop, please." I moaned, "I'm your mom, honey, you...hey!"

Jon grabbed the pillow and ripped it from my grasp. I tried to cover my breasts with my hands, but he caught my wrists and held them. He wasn't being rough, but was using enough strength to keep them me from moving. I started to tell him to let me go, but stopped when I saw the look of desire on his face as he stared at his mother's exposed breasts.

"God, they're gorgeous." He whispered.

"Honey," I took a breath, trying to pretend I didn't notice the warm wet feeling between my thighs "You...you have to, Ohhh."

Jon had released my hands and grabbing my breasts, squeezed them. Lowering his head he sucked my left nipple into his mouth hard enough to cause me to cry out. Jon moaned around my swollen flesh as his fingers began toying with my other nipple, rolling it gently between his fingers.

"I...oh...oh damn, Jon!" I groaned as he switched to my other nipple.

It wasn't just that his tongue felt so good on my recently neglected tits, but how eager he was to suck on them. It had been a long time since a man had been that hungry for me. Jon switched to sucking my other nipple and grabbing the sheet tossed it off of me.

"Hey!" I cried out, as I was now completely exposed to my son.

"Oh, mom." Jon whispered, removing his lips from my nipples and staring down the length of my body.

My legs were open and I tried to close them, but moving quickly, Jon got his hand between my thighs and I released startled yelp as his fingers slipped through the lips of my pussy.

"Damn you're wet." Jon said softly.

I was wet. Wet from my son's sucking my tits, what the hell was...

"Jon!" I called out in a mixture of surprise and sudden pleasure when he plunged two fingers inside me. "Move your hand! I...ohhhh"

I couldn't hold back a moan when his thumb found my clit and rubbed it in a slow circle. His fingers were moving gently in and out of my sopping pussy and he had returned his lips to my nipple. I moaned louder when he pressed his thumb harder to my clit and putting my arms around his shoulders, arched my back, shoving my tit deeper into his mouth.

Jon moaned around it and pulled away from me. Slipping off the bed, he shoved his shorts down to the floor. I gasped at the sight of his rock hard erection and as I stared, Jon got onto the bed. I lay there stunned, my eyes glued to his sizable cock as he positioned himself between my legs and placed the purple head of his cock against my wet slit.

"J...Jon...you...we...can't." I tried, but my voice was husky with desire and my mouth was watering at the thought of what that long thick cock would taste like.

Jon leaned over so his hands were on either side of me and lowering his head, whispered, "I love you mom."

"I love you...oh fuck!" I groaned when with no hesitation, Jon entered me.

I moaned as his thick cock spread me open and then called out his name when he thrust hard, sending his cock deep inside me. He paused, a soft moan escaping him, and as he pressed his lips to mine, he began moving within me.

I knew this was wrong in every way, but as his lips caressed mine and that hard young cock filled my pussy, I gave in, wrapping my long legs around his waist, moving my hips in time with his.

"Oh, Mom." He moaned in my ear, "You feel so good!"

"So do you baby!" I kissed his neck and began rubbing his back as he thrust hard into me.

Jon began moving faster and I matched his pace, my hips lifting from the bed to meet his. He was breathing hard in my ear and I could feel his body tensing up.

"Go ahead, baby." I encouraged him, "Come for me! Show mommy how good she makes you feel."

"Oh...Oh mom." Jon moaned. "I'm going to..."

I awoke with a start; my heart pounding and my mouth open as I gasped for breath. Sitting up, I wiped my hair from my face and as the sheet fell away looked down to see my nipples were hard.

That wasn't the only reaction the dream had left me with. I was painfully aware of a warm moist feeling between my thighs and sliding my hand under the sheet was appalled at how wet I was from that twisted dream.

I had no doubt that dream had come from watching Cynthia with her son, but why would I be so willing, even in a dream? Let alone the fact my body was so worked up I was tempted to get myself off. My fingers caressed my wet lips before finding my swollen clit, but as I rubbed it I was struck by the image of Jon from my dream.

He had pulled his pants down to reveal that beautiful cock, but where in the dream he had climbed onto the bed to fuck me, this time in my mind I rolled over to the side of the bed and took it into my mouth.

I could feel his hard flesh between my soft lips and imagined him moaning as I took him deep into the forbidden pleasure of his mother's mouth. I jerked my hand from between my legs as if I'd been bitten.

I was fully awake and still thinking about what I'd seen in the dream, what the hell was wrong with me? Sitting back on the pillows, I told myself it was the lingering effects of the dream. It was late I'd been sleeping soundly and not completely awake.

There was also the fact I hadn't gone out and had any fun in months and I was hornier than usual. It was time to go out and have a drink somewhere and see if I couldn't find some relief. I considered myself too old for the one night stand hook up type of night, but didn't know anyone off hand and wasn't going the route of a dating site. That dream told me I needed it and bad, so it was time to forget about being a responsible mom and just go out and get fucking laid.

I jerked my head around at the sound of a soft knock on the door. I froze, thinking it was Jon and recalling the dream. I glanced at the clock and saw it was only four in the afternoon. Naps were not something I normally indulged in and I'd forgotten it wasn't nighttime. Jon wouldn't be home for another hour which meant it was...

"Becky? You awake?" Cynthia called from the other side of the door.

I hesitated. She had come to me which told me she had definitely seen me. How the hell was I supposed to have this conversation? There was a part of me that didn't even know if I wanted her to stay in my house for the next few weeks. Bad enough I saw what I saw, what if Jon caught them?

"Becky?" she knocked louder.

I sighed and called out, "Give me a minute, I'm not dressed."

I slipped out from under the sheet and as I swung my legs over the bed, winced at the squishy feeling between my thighs. Damn I was wet! I tossed on my robe and as I tied it said, "Come in."

Cynthia entered, closing the door behind her and as I sat on the edge of the bed, asked, "Hey, Becky I guess we need to talk."

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows, "Talk about what?"

"I think you know what," she sighed and walking over to me, gestured at the bed, "Can I sit?"

"Chairs over there," I pointed to the small recliner I enjoyed reading in near the window.

Cynthia looked at the chair and frowned, "I thought I could sit on the bed, remember we'd always lay in bed when we'd sleep over each other's houses and talk about everything?"

"Things change." I replied coolly, now that she was in front of me my odd sense of arousal had been replaced by a more reasonable response of anger.

"I guess so. Before you would always let me explain something before you got pissed at me."

"Well before today I didn't know you were fucking your son!" I snapped.

Cynthia blushed and her blue eyes lowered for a moment, but she remained where she was standing directly in front of me. She took a deep breath which was when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra beneath the tight black tank top she was wearing.

"And speaking of sons, mine will be home soon and you better put a bra on. Just because you think its fine to show your son your tits, Jon doesn't need to see them." I grunted, "Or do you want to fuck him too?"

"Of course not!" Cynthia exclaimed, "You're my best friend and he's your son!"

"You were and seeing you're fucking your own son why wouldn't you fuck someone else's? Or is only a thrill because he's yours?"

"Was?" Cynthia looked genuinely upset, "Becky y...you're like a sister to me! Please let me explain!"

"What's to explain?" I demanded, "You were fucking your son! Christ you were sucking his cock and...and acting like you were in some disgusting incest movie!" I laughed harshly, "Taboo twenty, hot mom Cynthia sucks her lucky son in her best friend's house!"

"I...I'm sorry." She said softly, "I...we've only been doing it when you and Jon aren't home, I never expected you to..."

"Who cares whose home?" I threw my hands in the air, "A mother isn't supposed to be fucking her son!"

"Who says?" Cynthia asked, quietly.

"Who says?" My eyes widened, "The world says! It's called incest and it's a fucking crime if you want to get down to it."

"If it involved a child you'd be right." She nodded, "But Tommy's twenty years old. He's a man and he can decide what he wants."

"Not true!" I pointed at her and noticed my hand was shaking, "You're his mother. You'll always be his mother and you took advantage of that!"

"Why are you so sure I made the first move?" She asked.

"I..." I paused, "It...it doesn't matter, in fact if he made the first move its worse because you're the parent you tell him no and get him some damn therapy!"

"Back to you thinking this is sick."

"It is. Ask a hundred people and tell me how many say different." I dared her.

"They would say what you're saying, but because they've been told that. You...you have to experience it to know why it's not as wrong as you think."

"I'll pass thank you." I sounded firm despite the fact her statement had reminded me of that dream.

"Most would. But sometimes life just...it leads people to different things and...and its more than sex Becky, I swear!"

"Are you going to tell me you're in love with your son?" I recalled how tenderly they were kissing at the end. "Because that's even sicker."

"No...I" she stopped and pursed her lips in thought, "I love him, but as a mother, not a lover. But..."

"Good deal." I clapped my hands sarcastically, "Love him like a mother, fuck him like a cougar in heat."

"Becky this is why I want to tell you the whole story, how it happened and..."

"I don't want to hear it." I sighed, "Becky...I do love you like a sister, I really do, but...what you're doing and I...I'm not even sure I want you to stay with me right now."

"Becky please let me explain." She knelt down in front of me and grabbed my hand, "Please! And...and when I'm done if you still want us to leave we will, but just hear me out?"

"I'm not sure there's anything that will make this less sick." I told her.

"If nothing else how about a lifetime of friendship earns me at least a chance?" she looked up at me and I saw her eyes were filling up.

I still knew what she was doing was wrong, but felt the anger leave me. She was right. Not that there could be a reasonable explanation for this, but I owed it to her to at least hear her out. Who knows, maybe it would give me something I could use to get her to seek help.

Cynthia stood up and getting on the bed, sat cross-legged facing me. She looked at me expectantly and unable to hold back a smile, I swung my legs up on the bed and assumed the same position.

"We're lucky we can still do this so easy at our age." I told her.

"We never acted our ages." She replied, "Well we never used to until we did the family thing." She gave me a wistful smile, "Since I've been separated I've thought a lot of our college days, thought about saying hey let's leave the boys home and go out and do something nasty, find some young guy and take turns fucking his brains out."

"I would have went along with that." I agreed, "I've been thinking of getting some fun myself, but...unlike you I decided it should come from outside my family."

"Back to that again."

"Yes, that silly little thing." I noticed her eyes were focused on my legs and looked down to see the short robe had ridden up enough to give her a view of my pussy. I lifted my ass off the bed to pull the robe further down, "Sorry."

"Don't be." She grinned, "Nice view. Remember that night we went down on each other at for the initiation?"

"I do."

"And all the times we watched each other, so hot." She purred and I saw her nipples were hard.

"What are you taking female Viagra?" I asked her, "You into everything?"

"I...I have to tell you Becky since I crossed that line with Tommy everything gets me horny. It's amazing; to have no limits and just realize that if it feels good we should do it." She gave me a nasty smile, "Maybe we should go back in time play around a..."

"How about you go back in time and tell me what the hell happened with you and your son?" I interrupted her.

Cynthia nodded and seemed to be thinking of how she should start. I let my gaze fall on her small tits which were outlined by the tight top and thought about the look of lust in her eyes when she'd stared at my pussy.

My nipples stiffened beneath the robe and I shook my head; Cynthia had always been the ring leader for our little adventures and I now knew why, the woman oozed sex appeal.

"Well for me it started just before I decided to throw Jack out."

"What do you mean for you?"

"I'll get to that, but let's just say you're wrong about me putting this in Tommy's head."


"I knew I was going to toss Jack, but before I did I was trying to get some things in order. Cut him off at the pass with whatever I thought he could use to make trouble for me. I transferred his name off of some things, you know stuff like that."

"What's this got to do with..."

"I'm getting there." She rolled her eyes. "One thing I thought of was Jack and I had filmed ourselves a couple of times and there was a video of me stripping and playing with myself. They were on his lap top so when he was out working, which I found out was code word for fucking his assistant; I went onto his computer to get rid of them. Last thing I needed was to find myself on some ex wife revenge site."

"From what I heard you're looking to get on an incest site." I pointed out, "I heard you telling Tommy you were recording it."

To my surprise, Cynthia smiled, "We'll get to that to, Becky. Trust me, we will."

"Why are you..."

"So I got rid of them, but decided to check his e-mails. Jack was pretty predictable. All his secret questions are the same on his e-mail accounts so I got the passwords pretty easy. I looked through to see if maybe he had sent them anywhere and couldn't find anything. But when I went to go to his yahoo account I noticed Tommy was logged in."

"Was he snooping on Jack?" I asked

"I don't think so. But Jon had been having some issues with his computer so Jack let him use his. I was getting ready to log out and get into Jack's when I saw an e-mail at the top of his inbox titled Cynthia solo."

"You mean Tommy found your video?"

"Yes and he had forwarded all three of them to himself. Someone must have come home or he was in a hurry and he forgot to log out. So...I was pretty upset. Not only had he found those videos but it seemed as if he were going to watch them."

"I heard Jack pull in and shut everything down. I never got a chance to talk to Tommy about the video because that was the night I received a phone call from Linda telling me she had seen Jack with a woman half his age at the beach and she was all over him and e-mailed me a few pictures to prove it. So needless to say that led to a huge fight, me throwing him out and with all the ensuing bullshit I totally forgot about Tommy."

"Big thing to forget about."

"Not compared to 'is Jack going to drain the bank accounts', where are Tommy and I going to live, how will I keep him in college..." she trailed off.

"Yeah, you're right." I conceded.

"So I had no thoughts about it for a couple of months until my printer crapped out and I e-mailed myself something to print from Tommy's. When I went onto his computer that reminded me of the video and I started nosing around. It was right there is his media playlist."

She paused, "I checked his history, and he was playing it every night. Sometimes more than once and he'd watched the others as well. He watched the one with just me a lot more, maybe because his father was in the others, but it was to the point of obsession. I found other things in his browsing history. A ton of links to mother son sex stories and a bunch of mother son or step mother son videos."

"Well you fixed that problem!" I rolled my eyes, "You helped him make his own!"

"Once I saw that," she continued, ignoring me, "I started to put some other things together. Tommy had been very affectionate with me after Jack left. A lot of hugging, kisses on the cheek and he would sit so close to me on the couch he was almost on top of me. I kind of chalked it up to him being worried about me with Jack gone; you know maybe trying to make up for me being alone."

"He seems to have filled in for Jack quite well."

"Knock it off Becky." She told me, "Just because you think I'm wrong doesn't give you the right to keep mocking me."

I was going to reply, but thought better of it. I would just wait until she was done with whatever lame story she had.

"But now that I knew he was watching a movie of me with my legs spread playing with myself and ones with me blowing and fucking Jack I read more into it. I began watching him watch me. I'd bend over to pick something up and look up into the mirror over the table in the dining room and see him staring at my ass. One night I didn't wear a bra at dinner and every time I looked away and looked back he was staring at my tits."

"I started dressing more provocatively, short skirts, heels, low cut blouses. I'd sit close to him and he would look like a deer in headlights. One night I asked him to rub my feet because they were sore from my new shoes and partway through I accidently on purpose pushed my foot into his lap and could feel he was hard."

"So you were cock teasing him."

"I...on that one you're right. I was upset at first, but then..." she shrugged, "I don't know why, but it began to turn me on. First I figured it was just that Jack had barely paid any attention to me and at least someone was looking."

"You could have gone out and gotten someone, you know you could."

"I could, but it would have been too early after Jack and Tommy might have got upset and I...I'd been with just Jack for years and was a little nervous. So I just started to enjoy it in the sense of a good looking young guy getting all hot and bothered."

"Even though it was your son?"

"I'll be honest with you, Becky. After a couple of weeks it was getting me hotter because it was my son. I can't explain why, but the idea of my son lusting after me as a woman was getting to me. I started watching some of the videos he had bookmarked. They were actors of course not real mothers and sons, but the dialogue and the sex."

She sighed, "I was getting off three times a night and...I kept having dreams of Tommy. Some were me seducing him others were him just taking me."

She had that look of desire on her face once more, but this time I didn't even think of making a remark. Instead I thought of my dream of Jon coming in here and pulling the sheet from me and attacking my tits and sliding inside me and...

"I was getting so worked up I...I started looking for ways to see if I could make him approach me. To come to me and tell me he wanted me. One Friday night I took a bath and waited until he came home from work. I heard him coming down the hallway and walked out of the bathroom pretending I was just wrapping a towel around myself. I had it around my waist, but was topless. I deliberately let my son see my tits."

She shook her head. "The look on his face, Becky was...Look I know I'm an attractive woman always have been and I have gotten my share of looks from men. But I have never seen such a look of desire. Tommy was so caught up he didn't even pretend and just kept staring. I gave him a minute then covered up and acted surprised. Tommy blushed and said he was sorry even though it was my fault and went to his room."

"I went into my room, slipped a short robe on, no bra, no panties, just my little red silk robe and went down the hall and walked into his room."

"Just walked in?" My heart was beating faster and my nipples were hard beneath my robe.

"Yes, I knew after seeing me like that he was going to go right to that video. So I barge in and there he is sitting at his desk, his pants down, cock in his hand watching his mother stroke her pussy."

"Of course he panics and tries to pull his pants up and shut the lap top." She laughed, "Sort of comical, he was redder than my robe. I walked over to him planning on asking him what he was doing and why he all of a sudden wanted me."

She paused and I saw her chest heaving; her small, perfect breasts moving beneath the tight top. I envisioned Tommy sucking those breasts; licking his mother's tits as if she were his girlfriend. Fondling them... I was starting to breathe harder myself and felt my clit throbbing between my legs. What the hell was wrong with me?

"But when I got to him and he was looking up at me with that panic stricken look on his face I..." She swallowed hard, "Becky I know you won't understand at least not yet, but I...I took my robe off. I stood there naked in front of my son and just watched him. That look of desire came over him again and he tried to talk, but couldn't."

"I...I leaned over and kissed him. He made this little whimpering sound and it drove me wild. I reached down and grabbed his cock and started stroking him while I kissed him and he was moaning, God it sounded so hot!"

It did. Whether I was still half asleep or something was seriously wrong with me, there was no doubt I was aroused by her story. As she said about her son it was the look of desire on her face and how her voice was becoming thick with lust. Her blue eyes were wide and bright and her cheeks flushed. I had no doubt she was wet and I had no room to talk. I was flowing like a damn river.

"Tommy started kissing me back and when he put his hands on my hips, I could feel them shaking. I was...overwhelmed by desire in a way I had never been before. I shoved his pants down over his hips and...I just climbed onto his lap and rode him."

"You...that fast?" I whispered.

"Yeah, it wasn't like the movies where there was this slow seduction or foreplay. I just had to have him and I could feel how bad he wanted me. I sat down on him and called out his name when his cock went deep inside me. I shoved my tit in his mouth and started riding him. I tried to go slow at first, but I couldn't control myself! The way he was sucking my tit, I'd never had a man want me that badly."

"I just started bouncing on him, slamming his cock into me. He was moaning around my tit and I knew he wasn't going to last, but that was okay because he's young and I knew I'd be fucking him all night."

" I rode him faster and he stopped sucking on me and looked up into my eyes and he said, "Oh my god mom" and came inside me. I kept fucking him, moaning while my son filled me with his cum. When he was done, I held him close to me and he hugged me back."

"We sat there for awhile and I noticed his cock hadn't softened much at all. I slid off him onto my knees and took him into my mouth." She licked her lips,

"I can't describe the turn on it was to taste my pussy from my son's cock. I didn't just suck his damn cock, I worshipped it. I licked, sucked and teased him until his legs were shaking and he just kept moaning, "Oh, mom" over and over again. I sucked his balls and stroked him. He was totally helpless for me. I...I was so turned on!"

"Most guys have a lot of experience and also attitude and let's face it an image to hold up. They'll enjoy, but they're men and you know, don't want to be totally under our control, they like to take charge. But Tommy? He was, is, all mine. He was putty in my hands, letting his mother just have her way with him and loving every minute of it."

"I started talking dirty, asking him if this was what he wanted, mommy sucking his cock? He said he loved his mom sucking his dick and wanted to cum in her mouth. Again, Becky, I know it's wrong on so many levels, but my pussy was dripping and I stopped teasing and just sucked him off, took him down to his balls and made his eyes roll back in his head. He came hard in my mouth and I swore I almost came just from the feeling of my son's cum shooting down my throat."

"I...I get it, Cynthia." I said softly, not trusting my voice. "You don't have to give the details."

Truth was the details were driving me wild. As even Cynthia had just said, this was sick. I knew it was. Everyone else would say it was, but yet... why was it so hot?"

"When I finished, Tommy stood up, pulled me up by my shoulders and all but threw me onto the foot of his bed. My back had barely hit the mattress when he was on his knees, his face buried in my pussy. My God, Becky, my son didn't lick my pussy he devoured it! I'd never had someone go at me like that. He was shoving his fingers inside me and sucking my clit so hard his lips were smacking. So hard it kind of hurt, but felt good at the same time. I think I came in two minutes."

"Okay." I said in a barely audible voice, "But..."

"At that point he'd cum twice in the last half hour and even he wasn't ready again, yet anyway. He slid up on the bed with me and we lay there and I asked him what happened that he wanted me so bad. He said he found the movie by accident and when he watched he told himself not to, but couldn't help it. He told me he thought he was sick, but he had never been so hard and so horny."

"It's the taboo." I said as it dawned on me that was truly what it was.

"Damn straight and I'll get to that. But he said seeing me as a woman just overwhelmed him. He told me he always knew I was beautiful, but never realized how sexy I was, how sensual, that his mother was a desirable woman."

"He said he couldn't stop looking at me and fantasizing about me. Tommy told me he felt bad because a lot of the fantasies were dirty. Me being slutty, getting on my knees to blow him, letting him fuck me in every position. Even said he thought about me letting him have my ass."


"Oh, yeah." She purred. "I let him. Figured I was already letting my son fuck me, what rules were left to break? But we kept talking and then that led to us beginning to touch each other. He was hard again and this time we went slow and teased and played and enjoyed. This time he made love to me and Becky it was so amazing!"

"Why?" I was getting beyond trying to act appalled and at this point truly wanted to understand, especially seeing the effect the story was having on me.

"I think it's about the emotion. Think about it Becky, is there any greater love than that of a mother for their son or daughter? Until a boy meets that special someone is there any other woman he loves more than his mom?"

"When Tommy and I are together it's...one part is just insane sex, sex like I'd never dreamed of. We fuck like animals! But when we're done I can feel how much he loves me and it's different than that of a Husband or boyfriend, its deeper, makes the sex more fulfilling."

"It's like Tommy is the best of both worlds. He fucks me like a lover, but his love is unconditional. It's that of a son. In a way he almost worships me. And I feel such a deep bond with him. I'm his mother and my love for him goes beyond that of any other relationship."

"Are...are you in love with him?"

"No." She said quickly. "It's not like that. I wouldn't want him to be. He's young and should enjoy being young. He's in college and around a lot of pretty girls and he should have fun with them and eventually he will meet a girl he wants more than fun from and I won't get in the way of that."

"But you'll fuck him?" Now that she had stopped giving me details my mind had cleared again.


"And according to what you just said you'd be okay with him fooling around with girls and fucking you as well? What are you, his mother with benefits?"

"I'm whatever he wants me to be." She snapped, "And right now he's just what I need; A man who will take care of me and love me and want nothing from me. No games, no shit. I had twenty years of that with Jack and I'm not looking for anything, but a good time and...Tommy is a damn good time."