Meeting Mom Online b


I stared helplessly at her as she went on softly.

"He got everything his slutty mom, Debra, could give him. Know why? Because not only was he dirty, but he was so sweet and talked as much about loving his mom as he did fucking her." She sighed, "So why so shy now, baby? Are you disappointed I'm your real mom?"

"Yes, I mean no! I mean...I....Like I said I didn't know it was you!"

"And like I said it doesn't matter because Debra asked you yesterday morning if you wanted your real mom and you said yes, in great detail! So you can say you didn't know it was me talking to you from the next room, but you can't deny you want me in every way. Now can you?"

"Mom," I said quietly, "I am so sorry! I...I don't know why I've been thinking like that and..."

I was silenced by mom putting her finger to my lips

"Shhh," she smiled, "Easy, baby, do I look mad? I think I look playful, don't you?"

"I, um...."

"Yes or no honey, does your mom look good for you tonight? I wanted to be sexy for my son."

Mom let my hand go and raising her arms over her head gave a little shake causing her tits to bounce, "You like?"

"You good." I finished softly.

"Thank you! So do you! In guys its less is more and I love that look! Hmm you looked so sexy last night!"

"Mom, don't have to try to play along anymore, you caught me and..."

"Honey, I caught you two weeks ago."

"What?" I exclaimed

Mom reached into my lap and taking my hands in hers gave them a reassuring squeeze.

"Honey, just listen to me, okay? We've wasted enough time dodging our feelings and denying ourselves what we really want."

"We...?" My eyes widened.

"Honey, you're so flustered you're missing something. If you're Tommy, I'm Debra. I joined that site two weeks before you."

"!" I sounded like a fool now, but mom laughed.

"Okay that's better than I'm sorry. Sean I...I don't know how it started, but all I know is a couple of months ago I started seeing you in a different way, like a young man and not my son. You're sweet, you care about me, and you love me."

"I'm not sure where it came from, but I had a dirty dream about you. I woke up mad at myself, but at the same time I was so wet and horny, but wouldn't get off because it would be to you."

"Those dreams were happening every night. Sometimes we fucked like porn stars other times you were my sweet lover. I had to give in and started playing with myself, coming to the thought of my son between my legs."

" I started trying to make you look at me, wore sexier clothes, got closer to you, made some off color remarks and sometimes I thought you were looking, but I wasn't sure and if I tried something and you weren't into it I was afraid I would upset you and you would move out!"

"I would never leave you mom." I promised.

"Someday you will. You'll meet that pretty girl who'll take you from me." She sighed, "Unless I could be that pretty girl, give you everything, the love of a mother and the love of a woman. So when you weren't dating I tried harder, but...again I couldn't say anything."

"So I read incest stories online and watched those silly make believe videos and then I found that site. I signed up and almost quit because the first couple of weeks all I met were creeps. Guys my age pretending to be younger to just hook up or kids who couldn't put two sentences together."

"I knew they weren't as into it as I was and then one night I see this sexy little picture and send mamasboy94 a message and honey; you were saying everything I wanted to hear! So hot! Not just someone saying it to me, but me getting to tell my son what I wanted to do! I thought of Tommy every day, woke up and went to bed getting off to you! I so wanted to meet you!"

" did you know it was me?"

"A few things. First your site pic. I saved it and used my photo shop to blow it up because, well, I wanted to have something better to look at."

"But my face wasn't in it."

"Baby, no one knows their child's body better than their mother." Mom traced the scar on my stomach just over my shorts. "You got this that time you were running with a glass and fell on it when you were ten." Her finger slid across my stomach sending a hill through me. She stopped at the birthmark just over my left hip, "And this."

"But I said, no, it couldn't be. Then I started asking you what time you would be around and what you were doing for the day and everything matched, so two weeks ago I knew for sure and thought about stopping. But then it hit me; you were telling me about how bad you wanted me. Some people are there because it's just a fun fantasy others because they really want to, so I made sure I asked and I was so happy when you said you wanted me!"

"I do." I said and leaning over kissed her cheek, "Mom, you're so beautiful."

To my surprise mom blushed and lowering her head peered up at me through her long lashes with her big brown eyes, "That is so sweet! And honey, every time you said something like that to Debra I wanted to get off the computer and run into your room and just...take you."

"Take me?"

"I wanted to so bad, but I still wondered if you really would. Then yesterday morning we talked about things and you said wanted to love me as much as fuck me and honey, that answer was so perfect!"

She took my hand and placed it on her thigh. "I almost came into your room then and there. But I wanted to do our little show first, see if I could go through with it. I figured if I could get up the nerve to show you my pussy like that then it would be easier to be with you tonight."

She gave me a shy smile that made her smile back, "And seeing today was Valentine's Day I figured it would be kind of special." She laughed, "Wow, I've been on that site to long!"

"I really want to, Mom, but like you just said that site's not supposed to be stuff that really happens and..." I was again silenced by her finger.

"Baby, I told you all that so you would feel okay about this, so you would know your mother wants you as bad as you want her. And everything else we have already said."

Mom took my face in her hands and I could feel her fingers trembling. Her eyes were wide and she gave me a nervous smile. Seeing her show signs of being nervousness caused me to relax and I lightly caressed her soft thigh feeling my own fingers shaking as my hand came into contact with the edge of her shorts.

Honey, remember when you were young and you would always give me something for Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, chocolates, and some cheesy homemade card." I nodded.

"And I loved them, but know what I loved most?" she asked, her smile widening, "That kiss you always gave me, and it was on the lips because you were young and it didn't matter and you would say "happy Valentine's day Mommy! I love you!"

"I remember." I rolled my eyes, "Little kid stuff."

"Well tonight that little kid is a very good looking young man and its Valentine's Day." The nervous look returned and taking a deep breath she whispered, "Sean, would you like to kiss your mother?"

"I would love to kiss my beautiful mother." I replied, my voice barely audible.

Mom pulled me towards her and closing her eyes, parted her red lips and remained there, awaiting that not so sweet Valentine's kiss from her son who was well old enough to know better than to kiss her like that, but at this point no longer cared about what I was supposed to do. Besides, wasn't a son supposed to make his mom happy?

I closed my eyes and pressing my lips gently to hers, moaned softly as months of fantasy became reality. Mom whimpered softly in her throat as her lips moved against mine. She was working her mouth back and forth, teasing me with her soft lips. Her hands left my face and slid down my arms.

Mom kissed me harder; her hands moving up and down my arms. I returned her kiss eagerly, my lips now pushing more forcefully against hers. Mom put her arms around my neck, drawing me closer and slipping my arms around her waist, I pulled her tightly against me.

Mom moaned deep in her throat as her breasts were crushed to my chest. I could feel her hard nipples poking into me through the top and sliding my hands beneath it I rubbed her back as we kissed, my hands roamed across her soft smooth back as she ran her fingers roughly through my hair.

Mom's tongue darted out, flicking playfully across my lips before slipping into my mouth. I eagerly accepted it and caressed it with my own. Mom was breathing heavy and I was conscious of her grinding her crotch against my thigh.

Her lace shorts were soaked through and I could feel the wet heat of her pussy through them. Mom's kiss became more forceful, her mouth now devouring mine. She was sliding side to side, working her nipples across my chest and removing my hands from beneath her top and taking a chance; I grabbed the edges of it and pulled it up her sides.

Mom removed her lips from mine and leaning back put her arms up for me to remove her top.

"You ready to see mom's tits in person, baby?" she asked, breathlessly, "Because I so want to show them to you!" I hesitated and she moaned, "Please take my top off, undress your mother!"

Her words sent a shiver through me and I quickly pulled her top over her head and tossing it to the floor took in the sight of my mother's bare breasts.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

Mom's tits had looked good on the cam last night, but nothing compared to how they looked not two feet in front of me. They were bigger than I had imagined and those perfect pale pink nipples were hard and pointing at her lust filled son, Mom was breathing hard and I watched as her milky white globes rose and fell. Mom cupped them and lifting them up, showed them off to me as she had last night.

"You like your mom's tits, baby?" She breathed as she stroked her nipples.

In addition to her heavy breathing, mom's face was flushed and I noticed she was beginning to sweat. Her big brown eyes were bright and filled with passion as she showed her tits off to her son.

"They're fucking incredible!"

"Then why aren't you playing with them?" she asked as she moved her thumbs and lifted them towards me again.

Why the hell wasn't I? I placed my hands above hers and gave them a squeeze. I was amazed at how soft, yet firm they were and her nipples were poking into my palms. I worked my hands back and forth and mom moaned as they caressed her swollen pink nubs. I was breathing as hard as Mom and filled with a dreamlike feeling, was I really playing with my mother's tits?

"My nipples, baby, play with them!" She moaned.

I took them between my fingers and rolled them causing mom to groan and grab me by the back of my head, pulling me into another hard kiss. This time her tongue drove into my mouth as her lips smothered mine and she whimpered as I gave her nipples a light pinch and as she had done last night tugged on them, gently pulling on her hard flesh.

Mom's hand moved to my chest rubbing it while we kissed. I shifted my hands so I was now holding her tits up while using my thumbs on her nipples and I was amazed at how heavy they were. Mom swung her other leg up from the floor and lifting the one next to me wrapped them around my waist.

The feeling of her soft thighs around my waist was incredible, but not as good as the feeling of her crotch against mine when she slid up against me. She rocked her hips, rubbing up against the bulge of my aching cock. Mom's lips slid from mine and easing back she caught me by surprise, pulling my head roughly down into her left tit.

"Suck it!" she moaned, "Suck on your mother's tit!"

I didn't need to be told twice. I swirled my tongue quickly around her swollen nub before sucking it into my mouth.

"Oh, honey! That feels so good! I can't believe I'm letting my son suck on my tits!" she groaned when I switched to sucking the other nipple, "And I'm going to let you suck my pussy, my ass, anything you want, baby! Mommy is all yours!"

I moaned as much at her words as the thrill of my face being buried in my mother's huge tits. Mom's hand dropped between us and I gasped when she unsnapped my shorts.

"And this cock belongs to me, doesn't it?"

"Oh, yes." I groaned when she pulled my zipper down.

"Ohh, no underwear!" she purred as her fingers slid into my shorts.

My only answer was a pathetic sounding whimper when mom wrapped her fingers around my cock.

"You are so fucking hard for me!"

"I've been hard for you for months." I managed to get out as she slowly pumped my cock.

I was still turned sideways with my feet on the floor and mom could only stroke half the length of my cock. I pumped my hips as I sucked her nipple, trying to get her hand as far down as I could. Mom gave my cock a hard squeeze and I groaned at the feeling of my precum squirting out.

"Stand up!" Mom said, sliding back from me.

I was disappointed to have her nipples removed from my face, but had a feeling I was in for something better and quickly stood up. Mom turned so she was now back to sitting on the side of the bed and with an abrupt yank, pulled my shorts down and let them fall to the floor. My trapped cock sprang free and mom immediately grabbed it and squeezed again.

"Look at this cock! Even better in person," he cooed, "My naughty son has a beautiful cock doesn't he?"

"All for you." I moaned as I stood naked before my mother who looked damn good sitting there in just the tight little shorts.

"Well in that case I think I'll take it." Mom replied and with no hesitation took my cock into her mouth

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as my mother took my cock halfway down, and held it there.

She wrapped her red lips tightly to my shaft and bobbed her head slowly. I moaned at the feeling of her soft tongue caressing my hard shaft as well as the dream come true of seeing my cock buried in my mother's mouth,

"Hmm" Mom groaned around my cock and opening wide took my full length down her throat.

"Oh, mom!" I gasped, grabbing her shoulders as she shook her head back and forth, working my cock around her hot wet mouth "Oh that feels good!"

"Hmm-mm" she agreed as she slipped my cock from between her lips.

Looking up at me with her big brown eyes, mom opened her mouth and let a long trail of my pre cum mixed with her spit drool from her tongue down onto my cock. She stroked my now slick cock slowly as she made a show of running her tongue around the purple tip and my knees began to shake. Mom quickly took me back into her mouth and made a wet sucking sound as she cleaned the spit from my cock.

She bobbed her head faster than before and this time taking me almost all the way down each time she lowered her mouth on me. She released my cock and this time spit directly on it.

"You like that?" she asked, "You like your mom giving you a nice sloppy blow job?"

"I...I like it all." I answered.

"Good because so do I!" Mom pressed my cock against my stomach and I cried out when she sucked my balls into her mouth.

My hands went from her shoulders to her hair and she moaned when I wrapped my fingers in it. She proceeded to suck each of my balls gently into her mouth, then swirled her tongue across them. I released her hair and grabbing her nipples, teased them with my fingers. Mom sighed softly as she continued to bathe my balls with her tongue while slowly pumping my cock.

Growing bolder I let her right nipple go and sliding my hand down her stomach reached between her legs. I gasped at how wet the crotch of her shorts were and mom whimpered, "Oh, yes, rub that pussy!"

I pressed my fingers against the material and moved them up and down. I could feel them spreading her lips beneath the shorts and mom's hips moved into my hand. She ran her tongue up the length of my shaft and taking me back into her mouth moved her head slowly this time.

I whimpered as she worked her lips down my shaft inch by teasing inch and responded to her mouth by rubbing her pussy faster. I moved my finger higher and mom squealed around my cock when I hit her clit and her hips jerked.

Mom removed my cock with a loud slurping sound, pulling a long trail of spit from her mouth and saying, "I promise I'll suck my son's big hard dick some more later, suck you off right in my mouth, but right now baby? You need to fuck me!"

She lay back on the bed and lifting her legs straight up, raised her hips from the bed. She pushed the shorts down over her hips and grabbing the sides of them I pulled them up her long legs and tossed them on the floor.

"Like the view?" Mom asked.

"Damn, that's hot." I whispered as I took in the sight of her meaty pussy framed by her soft white thighs.

Mom beckoned me closer and I stepped up between her legs, my cock twitching over her stomach. Mom put her feet on my shoulders and grabbing my cock and shoved it between her legs. I moaned as she ran the tip of my cock through her soft wet lips, getting me slick with her juices.

"I...I thought we would play more first, but I've waited too long for this! Honey, I want you inside me!"

She guided my cock to the entrance of her wet slit and thrust her hips. I cried out as my cock sank a couple of inches inside her.

"Come on, baby! Fuck me! Give you mother what she needs; her son's cock!"

Spurred on by her words I thrust my hips and moaned as my cock slipped inside and was embraced by my mother's forbidden heat.

"Oh God!" Mom gasped, "Honey, you are not small are you! Oh...easy" she groaned, "Nice and easy, it's been awhile since your mommy had nice hard cock in her naughty pussy."

My cock was buried to the hilt inside her hot pussy and with a soft moan I eased it out until just the tip was inside then whimpered as I teased myself by easing it back in.

"Oh mom you feel so good!" I said as I pushed my cock through her not just sopping wet, but very tight pussy.

"So do you, Sean!" She moaned, "I can't believe I have my son's cock inside me! I love it! Go ahead honey, a little faster!"

I wrapped my arms around her thighs, holding her legs up and thrust my hips, pumping my now glistening cock faster. Mom moaned and grabbing her tits pulled on her nipples as she had done for the camera last night.

'That feels amazing!" she purred, "My baby feels good inside me! How's mommy's pussy feel honey, you like her?"

"I love it!" I moaned, "I can't believe I'm fucking you!"

"Fucking me? Trust me, honey, you're not fucking this pussy yet, right now you're just warming up."

I thrust harder into her and she moaned in approval, "That's it, baby, a little harder."

I was now fucking her in a steady rhythm using long strokes that felt fucking amazing, Mom seemed to agree, emitting small yelps each time my cock thrust inside her. I looked down and stared, transfixed by the site of my wet cock sliding in and out of my mother's pink pussy. Mom moaned louder and my gaze wandered up to the equally erotic visual of her playing with her nipples.

"Baby, Will you do something for me?"


She moved her foot from my shoulder and placed her toes against my lips, "Suck on my toes while you fuck me!" she giggled, "Mommy likes her feet licked."

I'd seen stuff like that in the movies, but never had any interest in a girl's toes. These however, weren't any girl's toes these were my mother's and there was not a part of my mother's body I wouldn't put in my mouth.

I sucked two of her toes into my mouth and smiled around tem when she giggled. That giggle turned into a low moan when I swirled my tongue around the tips of her toes then proceeded to work it between each of them.

Mom sighed happily as I sucked each toe individually and when I was done caused her to groan loudly when I lifted her foot and licked the bottom of it from heel to toe.

"Oh, that is so hot! Lick the other one!"

She shoved the other foot in front of me and I obediently licked the sole of her foot. Mom giggled as I worked my way to her toes and sucked on them. The fact it was driving mom wild did it for me and gave me something to focus on other than how fucking good her pussy felt.

I was had slowed up; trying to enjoy fucking her for as long as I could. As it was I surprised I hadn't cum yet especially with her working me with her mouth first.

"Hmm, I like that, honey! Love you licking my toes. Tell you what when we settle down and get to where we can take our time playing, mommy's going to give you a nice foot job! Jerk you off with my pretty feet and let you cum all over them! How's that?"

"Settle down?" I asked

"Yes, baby when we've fucked enough that we can relax and have fun! You don't think this is a onetime thing do you?"

"I...hope not!" I moaned as she worked her hips in time with mine, thrusting me harder inside her.

"Oh, honey, your nasty mom has plans for you! I am going to take such good care of you that you'll never want another woman! The only pussy I want you to want is mine!"

"It already is." I told her and unable to help it fucked her faster.

"Oh, I love that!" she moaned and tugged on her nipples.

Moving her feet back to my shoulders, mom whispered, "Put your thumb on my clit, baby, make mommy cum on her son's cock!"

I placed my right thumb on her hard button and rubbed in fast hard circles, causing mom to moan and move her hips faster.

"Fuck me harder!" She gasped, "Nice and deep, baby! Give it to me!"

I started fucking her much faster and moaned each time my cock sank deep into her welcoming pussy. Mom was whimpering and playing with her nipples. Her eyes were partially closed and her lips parted as she sighed and groaned. Her toes curled hard into my shoulders and she arched her back lifting her ass off the bed.

"Oh fuck! Rub that clit, honey! Rub it hard and fuck that pussy! Mommy's going to cum for you!"

I began thrusting harder slamming my cock into her while pressing my thumb harder to her swollen button. Mom threw her head back and released a long loud squeal identical to the one she had cut loose with last night.

Her hips thrust hard into my plunging cock and I gasped as her already tight pussy contracted around my throbbing cock. I kept my thumb moving while continuing to plunge deep into her quivering box.

"Oh Sean!" Mom called out as her pussy convulsed once more around my cock and with a long moan she slumped back onto the bed.

Her hands fell from her tits and she lay there breathing hard while staring at the ceiling. "Oh, fuck I came so hard!"

Speaking of cumming I was getting pretty close and removing my thumb from her clit I grabbed both her ankles and spreading her legs as wide as I could began fucking her as hard as I could.

"Oh fuck yeah!" she moaned, "You're fucking your mommy just like she needs it!"

I moaned and watched her amazing tits bounce and my cock plunder her glistening pussy as I fucked her the way I'd dreamed about for months. I was whimpering with each thrust as I felt my balls tightening and my cock twitching as I prepared to cum for my mother for the first of what she had said would be many times.

"Stop!" she told me, "Step back, my son deserves a treat for being so good to his mommy!"

Eager to find out what that treat was I stepped back, my cock sliding from my mother's sopping slit with a wet sucking sound.

"Sit down," Mom sat up and patted the bed next to her.

I did as she asked and sliding off the bed, mom dropped to her knees between my legs. Grabbing my cock she looked up at me, "I told you mommy would suck you off, didn't I?"

"Oh my god." I whispered as I looked down at my naked mother on her knees with my throbbing cock in her hand.

"Tell me what you want, Sean and don't be shy, tell me the way Tommy would tell Debra."

"I...I want my mother to suck her son's dick until he comes in her slutty mouth."

"Hmm that is so much better hearing it than reading it." She gave my cock a squeeze, "And so much better feeling it! Hmmm, I think your slutty mom is going to enjoy sucking you off almost as much as you will."

I started to tell her I doubted that, but all that came out was a moan when mom took me deep into her mouth and bobbed her head slowly along my yearning cock. Slipping it from her mouth she sighed, "You naughty boy! Your cock tastes like your mothers pussy!" she swirled her tongue around my glistening head, "God we taste good together!"

Mom took me back into her mouth and this time bobbed her head much faster than before. I groaned loudly as her amazing mouth worked its way along my cock. I could feel her tongue pressed to my shaft and her soft lips wrapped tightly around me.

Mom's lipstick was smearing along my shaft and I had the crazy though that I would be the only guy in school who could say he had his mother's lipstick on his cock.

Mom grabbed my wrists and placed my hands on the back of her head. She stopped sucking and looked up at me expectantly. I hesitated then remembered Mom asking what 'Tommy would do' well I knew what he would do and she seemed eager for it. Wrapping my hands tightly in her long, dark hair I thrust my hips, pushing my cock so deep into her mouth, my balls struck her chin.

Mom's eyes rolled back and she moaned as I fucked her mouth. Again the sight of my cock driving in and out of my mother's mouth was almost as good as the feeling. I pumped her mouth harder and mom made a gagging sound. I stopped, but shaking her head she moaned "Hmm-hmmm"

I resumed fucking her mouth and wrapping her arms around me, mom grabbed my ass and pulled me into her, egging me on to face fuck her. I was crazed with lust at this point and didn't hesitate to give it to her.

I was pounded her mouth as hard as I had been fucking her. Mom was now alternately squealing and making gagging and wet gurgling sounds. Her eyes were watering and there were strings of spit and pr ecum oozing out of the corners of her mouth.

But her brown eyes were staring up at me and her hips were working back and forth. I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my thighs. My mother was getting off on her son fucking her mouth!

Mom was acting as nasty as she had been when she was Debra and as hot as my fantasies about mom had been before; my mind was filled with what the reality would be like. I had no doubt mom would be what Debra said she would be; my whore and my sweet lover.

My mother would be my whore. That thought sent me over the edge and I fucked her mouth so savagely she was now gagging with every thrust. Mom's hands came around and she put them behind her back as if they were tied there.

She began whimpering as I plundered her mouth and I realized she knew how much I was getting off on being kind of rough with her. That was the final push and with a loud cry I buried my cock deep into her mouth and felt it explode.

Mom squealed loudly and made another one of those sexy wet gargling sounds as cum spurted down her throat. Mom was now bobbing her head and sucking so hard her cheeks were sunken in as she helped milk every drop from her son's spurting cock.

I moaned and whimpered each time my cock squirted into her mouth and mom was doing the same. She shook her head back and forth causing me to groan and have to brace my hands on her shoulders as my knees trembled.

Mom opened her mouth around my cock and a long thick trail of cum drooled out and dripped down onto her tits.

"Stop," I moaned as my cock had no more to give and her tongue caressing my sensitive head was driving me crazy, "Please stop!"

Mom winked and sucked me fast and hard. I whimpered and grabbing her head held it still.

"Oh, God, please." I whimpered.

Mom released my cock with a wet sucking sound and another line of cum running down her chin and onto her huge tits. Sitting back on her knees, mom lifted her cum covered tits and still looking me in the eye brought her nipple to her mouth and slurped cum from it.

"Oh Damn." I said watching mom cleaning her son's cum from her tits with her tongue, "Mom, you're a pig!"

"I'm your pig, baby, and don't you forget it. Your mom will do things your little girlfriend's never will." She slurped up the last of the cum and this time ran her tongue along her lips, smearing the cum on her mouth so I could see it, "Your mommy will make sure her son stays very satisfied.

"Tell you one thing," She smiled through her cum coated lips, "That beats the creamy filling from those candies you used to give me." She laughed, "You like your first blow job from your mother?"

"It was....damn, mom, you can suck cock!"

"Ohh I wonder if you can find a mother's day card that says that!" Mom licked her lips clean, "But that was nothing honey, you just wait until I get you off fucking you then lay you back and lick and tease and suck on you for so long you'll be begging to cum."

"Will you..." I paused, then figured what the hell, "Let me tease you like that?"

"Of course."

"Can I tie you up and do it?" The thought of having my mother tied to a bed was something Debra and I had mentioned once and it drove me crazy.

"Anything you want, baby. Rough or gentle you can have me however you want me, but..." She grabbed my hand and tugged, "I think it's your turn to be on your knees, time for you to show mom how bad her son wants her pussy." She giggled, "I might have something creamy and gooey for you too!"

With a big smile I slid off the bed onto my knees. Mom stood up and I expected her to sit on the bed, but instead she placed her right foot on my shoulder, grabbed my hair and pulled my face into her pussy. I moaned as her hot wet flesh smeared across my face and my nose was filled with the sweet scent of my mother's pussy.

"Lick my pussy!" Mom said grinding her hips and working her pussy up and down.

I stuck my tongue out and mom moaned as it slid through her puffy pink lips then gasped when it landed on her clit. I sucked it into my mouth and with a long contented sigh, mom stopped moving her hips as I swirled my tongue around her hard button.

"Yes! Oh that looks good, you on your knees like that! This is how you're going to suck me off in the shower! Lick my wet pussy and make me cum then put me against the bathroom wall and fuck me as hard as you can!"

Mom reached down and spread her pussy open, her purple nails framing her pink nub for me. I worked my hand up her long soft leg caressing her lush creamy thigh before slipping two fingers up inside her.

"Fuck yes!" She moaned and I felt her thigh trembling against my face. "In and out, baby! Nice and hard!"

I plunged my fingers inside her and resumed sucking on her clit. Mom held her pussy open with one hand while the other held my hair, pinning my face to her succulent pussy. She was rocking her hips and whimpering as I pumped my fingers into her and worked my tongue across her swollen flesh.

"Yes, baby...ohh that is so good! You like licking your mother's pussy?"

"Oh yeah!" I moaned into her wet lips.

"I...oh I don't know if I can cum like this!" she giggled, "My leg's going to give. I'm going to lay on the bed for you."

She removed her foot and turned towards the bed, putting her well rounded ass directly in my face. Overcome by desire and the knowledge that mom was willing to let me do anything I wanted, I pushed her in the back causing her to fall forward over the bed.

Mom yelped in surprise then squealed when I turned on my knees, spread the plump cheeks of her ass apart and plunged my tongue into her asshole.

"Dirty boy!" Mom cried out as I pushed my rigid tongue into her ass. "But a good one! Every son should kiss his mother's ass!"

Or give her a rim job, I thought as I spread my mother's soft cheeks further apart and teased my tongue slowly around her pink rosebud. Mom was moaning and wiggling her ass in my face and her wet pussy was smearing across my chin as I once again pushed my tongue into her ass. My cock hardened at the thought of it eventually being where my tongue currently was.

"Oh, honey, that feels good, but mommy needs to cum! Suck my pussy like that! Please? You came in my face, I want to cum in yours!"

How could I say no to that? I slid my tongue past her ass and this time shoved it into her sopping slit. Mom moaned as I swirled my tongue inside her then sucked hard. She cried out and my eyes rolled back in pleasure as I received a mouthful of mom's sticky sweet juices. Still holding her ass open I worked my tongue through her soft wet lips and gave her clit a gentle kiss that caused her to groan then sucked it into mouth.

Mom was rocking back and forth working her clit into my mouth and slipping my hand up between her thighs I pushed my fingers back inside her. I pumped them in time with my sucking and mom was grinding her hips faster and harder working her pussy into my tongue and fingers.

She moved to the side causing me to have to turn my head a little and I heard the sound of a drawer opening. A moment later mom reached behind her, holding the purple vibrator.

"Put this in my pussy!"

This just kept getting better and better! I took the toy from her and eased it all the way into her pussy. I pressed the small button on the bottom and mom groaned as it hummed within her. I began sliding it in and out while I continued to lick her clit and mom was moaning continuously and squirming in my face.

"Put....put your finger in my ass!" she told me, yet again finding away to make things even hotter.

I shoved my finger into her ass, marveling at how tight it was. I had no sooner shoved it in then mom went off like a rocket. She released a long loud wail that caused me to wonder what the next door neighbors were thinking and began bucking her ass hard into my face. As mom writhed and squealed with the force of her orgasm, I managed to keep my tongue moving while holding my finger and vibrator deep in her convulsing holes.

Mom's ass was contracting around my fingers and I could feel the vibrator humming against it through the thin skin between her pussy and ass.

"Oh yes!" Mom cried and I felt the vibrator pushing against my hand as her pussy convulsed around it.

I kept licking and sucking her quivering pussy and was well aware of my cock once again hard and ready between my legs. When mom released a soft sigh and relaxed onto the bed, I didn't hesitate. Slipping the vibrator from her pussy, I stood up behind her and slammed my cock balls deep in her pussy.

"Oh fuck!" Mom moaned, "That's so fucking deep!"

I kept my finger in her ass and began fucking her fast and hard, slamming my cock inside my mother's now dripping pussy. She was so wet I could hear my cock lunging inside her and my thighs were soaked with her juices. Now it was my cock I could feel sliding against my finger through her tight ass and it was adding to the pleasure of fucking her already amazing pussy.

"That's it, Sean, fuck me! Fuck your slutty mother! Give her that big cock she's been dreaming about! Your mommy's a bad girl wanting her son's cock! You should spank her!"

Beyond questioning anything at this point I dealt her ass a hard slap. Mom cried out and I slapped her other cheek.

"Oh, yes! Harder, make my ass red for you!"

I cut loose with a series of hard smacks, going from cheek to cheek. Each time I slapped her, mom yelped and I watched her cheek jiggle delightfully from the blow. Those cheeks were both bright red now and I could see the outline of my fingers on them.

Mom was squirming against me, lifting her feet and pushing back into me as I spanked her. The entire time I was still fucking her with long hard strokes and was thrilled that I wasn't even close to cumming.

"Take your finger out of my ass and put the toy in there!"

I picked the toy up from the bed and placing the tip at her pink rosebud, pushed it in. I stopped fucking her and watched fascinated as the toy sank into her tight ass, spreading it open. Mom moaned and pushed against me until it was buried and when I turned it on I cried out at the feeling of it vibrating against me.

"Now fuck your mother like you mean it! She looked at me over her shoulder, "Go ahead, fuck me!"

I grabbed her soft hips and began slamming into her as hard as I could. Mom yelped with every thrust and I moaned in pleasure at the feeling of the toy vibrating against me as I relentlessly pounded my mother's pussy.

"Fuck yes!" she screamed, "This is what I need, nice and hard and from my sexy son! Come on, baby, give it to mommy!"

She was looking over her shoulder at me and looked like she was completely out of control. Her black hair was hanging in her face and plastered to her sweaty back. Her eyes were wide and bright and her mouth wide open as she moaned and yelped. I was slamming her so had my balls were slapping against her clit and her hips twitched each time they did.

I looked to the side and my eyes widened at the sight of us in the mirror in the corner. I was standing there covered in sweat driving my long hard cock repeatedly into my mother who was bent helplessly over the bed. Mom's arms were stretched out and she was clutching the sheets as I hammered away at her pussy. I could see how red her ass was how wet my cock was, glistening in the candle light.

I grabbed the end of the toy and began working it in and out in time with my thrusting cock.

"Oh fuck, fuck!" Mom called out as I slammed both the cock and the toy home at the same time.

I had to shake my head to clear the sweat from my eyes. My heart was pounding and I was breathing loudly through my mouth. I had never fucked this hard before. Mom's red ass was shaking and jiggling each time I slammed her and the backs of her hot thighs were pressing into my legs. I could feel my cock starting to twitch and was whimpering each time I drove into her.

"Like that toy in my ass?" Mom moaned, "Goes in pretty easy, know why? Because I've been slipping it in there, getting used to it, you know why, baby?"

"W...why?" I groaned.

"So I would be ready for your big cock. Take that toy out and shove that big dick in your mother's ass!"


"You heard me, baby, fuck my ass, you know you want to!"

I'd be lying if I said I didn't and pulling the toy and my cock out I surprised her by slipping the toy into her pussy, then placing the head of my cock against her ass slowly shoved it in.

"Oh..." Mom moaned and squirmed into me, "Oh fuck, that's bigger than a toy!"

I groaned myself at how tight her ass was, but kept pushing until I was all the way in. I remained there, trying to let mom get used to it and moaning as the vibrator hummed against my cock through her pussy.

"Just fuck me!" she groaned, "Fast and hard, just pound your mother' ass until you're ready to cum!"

I grabbed her hips and taking a deep breath tore into her. Mom squealed again and again as my cock pounded into her tight asshole and I was moaning with each thrust. Between how tight she was, the vibrator and the incredible fact that I was fucking my mother in the ass I could already feel myself getting ready.

"That's it!" Mom cried, her brown eyes bulging as I slammed her ass, "Just cum baby! You can fuck my ass nice and slow when I'm used to it, but nice and hard right now." she released a loud groan, "Baby I'm going to cum with you in my ass!"

I squeezed her hips harder and drove into her as hard as I could.

"Oh...oh....oh.....I...." Mom was trying to talk, but all that was coming out was a series of yelps and moans.

The thought she was going to cum from me fucking her ass with the toy inside her did nothing to slow my bodies desire to cum and I whimpered as my balls tightened and I began to fight to hold back each time I thrust into her.

Fortunately I didn't have to hold back long. Mom lifted her head from the bed and emitted a sound that could only be described as a howl. Mom released another that was even louder, then buried her face in the bed as her son continued to drill her. I moaned long and loud as her quivering ass convulsed around my pounding cock.

Mom's muffled squeals and moans were driving me wild and with a loud whimper I reached the point of no return. I cut loose with several savage pumps that caused the bed to rock when I drove into my mother.

"H...hold it for me!" Mom groaned.

With a loud gasp, I pulled my cock from her ass, and squeezed it hard at the base. I moaned at the discomfort of holding it back, but it was worth it, when mom rolled over on the bed, slipped down onto the floor and opened her mouth wide. I released my cock and cried out as a long thick spurt of cum erupted from my cock and splattered against my mother's tongue and chin.

The second spurt went directly into mom's mouth and as I continued to pump my cock she closed her mouth and pushed the cum out with her tongue sending it dripping down her chin and tits.

I was surprised with how much I was cumming seeing it was for the second time, but to say I was excited was an understatement. Mom closed her mouth, but turned her face from side to side letting her son paint her face with his hot load.

When I had nothing left I released my cock and with a pathetic moan, I sank onto the floor next to her and groaned, "Oh mom, that was....oh."

Mom smiled at me and cocked her head, giving me a good look at my cum dripping down her face, before grabbing her shirt from the floor and wiping it off. She cleaned up what was on her tits and after tossing it aside, moaned softly. Reaching between her legs she eased out the vibrator and held it up between us. It was dripping from her pussy and at the same time we both leaned forward to lick it.

Mom laughed, then ran her tongue up the length of one side. I licked the other, savoring the taste of my mother's pussy. When we met at the tip, mom gave me a surprisingly soft, sweet kiss. Dropping the toy she put her arms around me and kissed me harder.

My arms encircled her waist and I drew her against me as we kissed. This time we were satisfied and there was no sense of urgency. We both sighed softly as our lips teased and caressed the others.

Mom removed her lips from mine and hugging me close whispered, "I love you, Sean."

"I love you too mom."

"I know that was really dirty, but I needed it like that the first time, needed to show you I would do anything for you and wanted you to enjoy me, but I love you so much."

"I..." I felt surprisingly emotional considering the torrid sex we'd just had "I love you mom, and ....more than a mom, I!"

"Honey, you just made me so happy." She eased away from me and winced.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Can we sit on the bed," Mom asked, and then with a naughty giggle added, "My ass hurts."

"I'm sorry!"

"Are you?" she winked, "I'm not and I guess it's payback for all the spankings I gave you. Besides I said you could be rough with me."

"Yeah, but I feel kind of bad now." I said as I stood with her and watched her wince again when she sat on the bed.

"Don't," she took my hand and laughed, "Just ask any woman, nothing says happy Valentine's Day better than taking it in the ass!"

"I don't think most women would think sex with their son would be their idea of a happy Valentine's Day." I told her.

Putting her arm around my shoulders, mom kissed me and said softly, "Baby, they don't know what they're missing."


I opened my eyes and at the sensation of something tickling my face. I started to move my arm to wipe at my cheek, but couldn't. The reason I couldn't was because my arm was around my mother, my naked mother, as she lay next to me. I reached over with my other hand, gently smoothing her hair down and smiled up at the ceiling.

If I had woken up alone I would have thought the past few hours were a dream, but here I was in my mother's bed, with her naked body against mine. I was on my back and mom was on her side, nuzzled into me.

Her arm was across my waist and her soft leg was draped over mine. I was aware of her still moist pussy pressed against my leg and her nipples pushing into my side. I took a deep breath, and sighed contentedly.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was three am and was amazed I would be awake. After the torrid sex we'd had that had culminated in the ultimate taboo of fucking my mother in the ass, we had laid down for awhile, talking and touching and teasing.

Mom had then got up, took me by the hand and led me from her room. When we reached the hallway mom let my hand go and with a playful laugh that made me smile, skipped down the hallway to the bathroom.

I laughed and followed her, taking in her amazing body the entire time and enjoying the strange feeling of running around the house naked, with my mother! Mom started the shower and got in. As I had dreamed about so many times I got in behind her and took my time soaping up her soft inviting form and then lathered her hair and washed it for her.

Mom sighed and purred he entire time and when I got down on my knees and washed her pussy she put her foot on my shoulder and I sucked on her clit until she came screaming in the shower. Mom had turned and pressing herself against the wall pointed her ass at me and I'd fucked her from behind.

I had come twice already and I fucked her long and hard. Long enough for her to reach between her legs and rub her clit until she came yet again. Mom had me stop fucking her and dropping to her knees sucked me off in the shower. At that point it wasn't a big load, but she sucked for every drop and I had to lean against the wall not to fall over, she had left my knees so weak.

From there we had come back to her bed, where she thrilled me by declaring that from now on it was our bed for as long as I wanted it to be and right now there was nothing in me that could see why I wouldn't always want it to be. We'd fallen asleep immediately and I would have thought I'd sleep right through to mom's alarm.

My attention came back to the present when I felt mom's lips caress my neck in a soft kiss. She kissed me again, this time sucking gently and I moaned as she began grinding her pussy into my thigh.

"You awake, baby?" she asked her breath hot on my neck.

"Yes," I squeezed her shoulders.

"I want more, baby. I want my son inside me again, you want that?"

"Mom, you never have to ask that question again," I laughed.

I started to turn on my side, but mom put her hand on my chest and held me to the bed. Mom rolled over, swinging her leg over mine so she was straddling me. Sliding down the bed, she lowered her head and took my semi hard cock into her mouth.

I moaned as mom used her soft talented tongue and lips to coax my tired cock into another throbbing erection and after taking me deep several times, she slid up over my waist. Grabbing my cock she guided it to her pussy and lowered herself down on me.

We both sighed as I sank deep into her warm wet flesh. Leaning over, mom placed her hands on either side of my head and began rocking her hips, slowly riding me. I put my hands on her hips, pushing and pulling with her movements, gently guiding her along my cock.

Mom leaned further over, offering me her nipples and I eagerly accepted them, turning my head side to side, licking and sucking each one. Mom moaned softly and lowering her head kissed me. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and we sighed as I met her with mine and they teased across each other.

Mom sat up and putting her arms over her head slid back and forth on my cock, sensually riding her son as she cupped her tits to show them off to me.

"God, you're incredible," I moaned as she teased her nipples and began riding me faster.

Mom came forward, and sliding her arms beneath mine pressed her body against mine. Her hips were now moving up and down, working my cock as she kissed my neck, I wrapped my arms around her, pinning her to me, but didn't fuck her any harder, and instead I kept up with her slow steady rhythm. Mom moaned in my ear and whispered, "Love you so much."

I felt a wave of emotion come over me and with a twist of my shoulders, rolled us over so I was lying between her legs. Mom yelped in surprise, then purred with delight as I eased myself inside her and as she had done slipped my arms under her so we were pressed tightly together. Mom sighed in my ear, "That's it, honey, show me how much you love me."

I have no idea how long we made love, but I had come so often my body was in no hurry and I took full advantage of it. We lay there, moving together, kissing and enjoying the taboo intimacy we were sharing.

The entire time neither of us tried to go harder or faster, we remained moving slowly and gently. As long as it lasted I still felt disappointed when my I felt the twinges in my cock that told me I was ready to cum.

Even then I forced myself not to go any faster, to relish every thrust and take every minute I could inside of my mother. Mom could hear me beginning to whimper and running her fingers through my hair, whispered, "That's baby, cum for me, cum inside me, give your mother all of you."

I moaned and as I pushed myself inside her, mom wrapped her long legs around me, pulling me even deeper within her. I lost the fight and with a low whimper in my mother's ear came inside her. Mom moaned softly as my cock spurted sending my hot cum deep inside her pussy.

"Oh, honey." She purred, "That is just...of that feels so good!"

I continued to move slowly, each teasingly slow thrust ending in my cock twitching and squirting. Mom moaned in pleasure as her son filled her pussy and when I was finished she held me there, gently caressing my back with her nails and whispering how much she loved me.

We stayed there for a long time. I moaned as my cock softened within her and mom continued to stroke my hair and my back.

"Baby, that was amazing," she sighed, "Told you I would be your sweet lover and your dirty girl." She kissed my neck, "Which do you like better?"

"I love you anyway you want to love me." I said as I rolled off her.

"See there's that Tommy kid; he always had just the right thing to say." She laughed.

Reaching out she took my hand and squeezed it, "You really love me in every way, baby? I was so scared I would lose you to some young girl! It was meant to be we met on that site, honey! I know it sounds silly, but Valentine's Day is what really pushed me to reveal myself to you. I thought what better day to tell my son how much I love him? And I don't care how bad it sounds, I want you to stay with me."

"I want to, but you think...."

"Honey, no one will know! Who would suspect it? Think anyone will ask if I'm sleeping with my son? Maybe when you graduate we'll look at moving, we'll go somewhere no one knows us and we'll be a couple right out in the open!" she giggled "Just a cougar and her cub."

"I would love that." I turned my head and kissed her cheek. "I told you as Tommy, I wanted to be your son and your love, I mean it, mom, I want to be with you!"

"Then we will be!" Mom rolled over and putting her arm around my waist, snuggled into me, "You graduate in a year and a half and I'll ask my company for a transfer, until then we're each other's dirty little secret!"

"Sounds good." I kissed the top of her head, "Hey mom?"

"What honey?"

"When we're alone, can I call you Rebecca?"

"Let's not get crazy honey." She laughed, "Just because you fucked my ass doesn't mean you can disrespect me."


"Besides, let's face it, baby. What's hotter, "Rebecca suck my cock; or mom get on your knees and suck your son's dick?"

"Umm, no contest!" I laughed.

"Thought so, now go to sleep, you need your rest."

"Okay" I rolled my eyes, "I am twenty you know."

"And naked or not I'm still your mother, now go to sleep."

"Yes mom." I said, smiling into the night.


I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off and stretched, wincing at how sore I was. Who would have thought sex could take that much out of me. I looked over and saw it was just after eight. I had no classes today, but had to work for ten so it was time to get up. I rolled over onto mom's side of the bed and inhaled, taking in the scent of her strawberry body spray. Mom had to get up at six and to my amazement had sucked me hard and fucked me before going to work.

I was so tired I tried to say no, but her mouth had me ready and this time when she rode me it was so hard I thought the bed was going to break. Mom had been like a wild cat, driving herself down on me so hard her tits were bouncing and demanding that her son fuck her and cum for her before she went to work.

I lay there moaning and whimpering as she literally took what she wanted. When I came it felt as if barely anything spurted out and I whimpered as much in relief as pleasure.

When mom gave me a kiss and eased off me, to the fantastic sight of my cum oozing from her pussy and down my cock, she told me to go back to sleep and she would see me after work. When she left the room I found myself thinking about all the stories I'd heard of insatiable cougars and wondered what I was in for. That was okay; I thought with a smile, I would suffer nobly.

I forced myself to get out of her big comfortable bed, no, not her bed, our bed, I smiled. Slipping my shorts on I winced as I adjusted my cock. Damn, I was actually sore! Well, better get over that, something told me mom was going to be rearing to go when she got home.

As I left my room and headed for hers my mind raced with ideas. Putting mom up on the kitchen table and pulling her thong to the side and sucking her pussy, bending her over it and fucking her. Sex on the couch, the recliner, hell, on the damn carpet in the living room!

I entered my room and as I opened my bureau to grab some clothes and head into the shower, my lap top beeped. Walking over to it, I shook the mouse and smiled at the message on the screen.

"You have a new message from Hot4myson" "Mommy loves you, Sean, and Debra does too!"