Mom Loves To Suck

"Oh Sean, that feels so good!" Kelly purred while my tongue traced a slow figure eight around her clit.

Lifting her legs, Kelly placed her feet on my shoulders and moaned when I trailed my tongue down through her lips and slipped it inside her hot little pink box.

"Hmm that's nice." She sighed, her hand running through my hair.

I looked up to see her brown eyes fixed on me as I moved my head back and forth, fucking her with my rigid tongue.

"Play with your tits." I said softly.

"My tits?" she frowned, "Why would I?"

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I smiled up at her, "Because it looks damn sexy and I'd love to see you do it."

She pursed her lips as if thinking it over and I forced myself not to sound frustrated. Instead, I flicked my tongue across her clit causing her to gasp, and asked again, "Please, Kelly? Please play with those pretty nipples for me."

"Okay." She said, sending a surge through my already hard cock. To my delight she took her hard pink nubs between her purple tipped fingers. It looked as good as I thought it would, then she managed to take some of that away by sighing , "I feel like a reject from a porn doing this."

"You're doing it for me." I kept my voice even. Christ a year of dating, six months of having sex and Kelly still acted like a prude. "I love it."

"And I love you." She gave me the sweet smile that usually melted me, but at the moment was annoying. Couldn't she just tell me to lick her pussy or say something fun? We said I love you five times a day.

"Do you love this?" I sucked her clit into my mouth and eased a finger inside her tight slit.

"I do!" she moaned, "Feels good."

"What does?" I prodded with little hope.

"I like..." She giggled, "You licking my pussy."

Holy shit! She'd said it! The little giggle had added to the thrill and gently working a second finger inside her I sucked her clit in a slow rhythm matching my fingers. Kelly moaned and although I knew it didn't come from her toying with her nipples seeing her do it was exciting. My mouth worked her clit as I stared up at her perky little tits.

Last week she had finally let me cum on them. For months it was either inside her as we 'made love' or on her stomach or thigh. She said cumming on her tits was slutty. Slutty and dirty were her two favorite words, but she used them in the negative sense.

As Kelly moaned louder and rocked her hips into my fingers, I eyed her parted lips and like I did every time we had the chance to have sex wondered if today might be the day she would grow up and suck my cock.

My attention shifted to what was currently going on when Kelly released a sharp little yelp and her toes curled into my shoulders. Her hips lifted and she thrust them into my fingers while going into a series of high pitched little hiccups as her pussy tightened around my fingers.

I continued to suck her clit as she whimpered softly and made those cute little noises that caused my cock to push into the bed.

"Oh damn." She sighed, removing her feet from my shoulders. "You're so good at that."

"Because I love doing it." I sat up between her legs, "I love to make you feel good."

I added that last part as a hint towards what I was going to look for. Whether she caught it or not who knew? Kelly had stopped playing with her nipples and beckoned me with her finger, "Come up here."

I eased up between her legs and reaching down she grabbed my cock and stroked it.

"Wow, you're hard." She giggled, "I bet I know where you want it."

"You do?" I asked hopefully.

"Yup." She lowered my cock and pushed it against her wet pussy. "Right inside me."

"How about it goes between other lips first?"

Kelly stopped stroking me and sighed, "Really Sean? Can't we ever have sex without you looking for me to blow you?"

"Can't you ever blow me?" I asked, "If you did it sometimes I wouldn't ask."

Kelly let go of my cock and slid up into a sitting position.

"Why do you have to ask at all?" she crossed her arms over her tits and my cock deflated. "It's dirty. Sluts do that."

I looked down between her legs at her smooth pink pussy and wanted to slap myself. We had three hours before her parents came home, I should have had sex with her then while we laid there started playing with her to get her in the mood then try for what was becoming the ever elusive blow job.

"Come on Kelly women haven't thought that since the damn fifties. All girls do it, you going to tell me every girl in school is a pig?"

"I'm not every girl." She tossed her long dark hair.

Biting back the reply that I knew she wasn't because any other girl would have no issue going down on their boyfriend, I put my hands out to her, "No, you're my girl and you'd only be doing it for me. You wouldn't be a slut."

"I just don't like it okay, Sean?" Her brown eyes flashed and drawing her legs up she grabbed a pillow and put it over her chest, effectively telling me sex was off the table. "Is that a better answer?"

"If you at least tried it then it would be." I sighed. That wasn't really true; I think I would still be pissed, but less so if she gave it a shot. "But you won't even try."

"Why is it such a big deal?" she demanded, "Is it so you can tell your friends I did it? You can tell them all about it?"

"No!" I turned and sat back against the headboard next to her, "I don't talk about what we do, Kelly, that's our business."

"Good." She nodded, "But really, Sean, why? Because you like how it looks in the dirty movies?"

"Because it would feel good!" I told her in exasperation. "It looks like it feels amazing. Doesn't it feel good when I do it to you? Seems like it does."

"Oh, I'm going to get that thrown in my face, now?" She hugged the pillow tighter. "Then you don't have to do that for me anymore."

"Oh, stop it, I like doing it. It makes you feel good and I like to make you feel good."

"And I like to make you feel good." Looking at me, she pointed at my semi hard cock, "Sean last weekend we sat in the back of the theatre and I gave you a hand job. Jerked you off right there, that wasn't fun? It wasn't dirty?"

"Well yeah, but..."

"And I don't like to be on my hands and knees, but I let you. I get on top for you. I even get on you backwards to try that reverse cowpoke..."

"Reverse cowboy" I snickered.

"Whatever, point was I tried it. The only thing I won't give you is my mouth and my..." She looked away, "You know what else."

"I don't want that." Well... "And honestly Kelly a lot of girls won't do that, I can see that." She stared at me and I put my foot in my mouth again, "Guess I'm supposed to think, one out of three is pretty good?"

"You asshole!" she snapped. "I'm sorry if having sex with me is so fucking boring. Maybe you should find some slut to fuck. That way they can suck your dick and you can taste what every other guy in school is tasting."

"Calm down." I put my hand on her arm, "Kelly you're the only girl I've ever been with. You're the only girl I ever want to be with."

"Really?" she peeked up at me with her big dark eyes.

"Really." I told her. "But that's why I want you to try this. You're the only girl I've ever fooled around with at all. So the only way I can know what its like is if you do it. You're the only girl I want to do it."

Kelly stared down at the pillow and I was getting ready to get up and get dressed when she said, "I...I'll try it."

"You mean it?" I asked, daring to hope.

"Yes." She nodded, "But only because I like that you said you only want me to do it."

"I do!" I straightened my legs out and opened them for her. "Will you lay like I was?"

"So you can watch?" she frowned, but said, "Okay."

My cock was hard before she had even rolled over on top of me and slid down onto her stomach. Kelly took my dick in her hand and stroked it while staring at the dripping tip. She licked her lips nervously and I thought that finally, after years of wondering what it would be like and jerking off to it, I was going to feel my cock inside a girl's mouth.

Kelly flicked her tongue out, just catching the tip of my cock and I moaned softly for her, trying to encourage her. She gave me a little giggle and asked, "This what you want, Sean?"

"Yes, oh yes." I smiled, "I want to see my pretty little girlfriend suck my cock."

She paused, "Don't say it like that okay?"

"Okay." I said quickly.

She nodded and opening her mouth placed it over the head of my cock. I could feel her hot breath on the tip and held mine in anticipation. Kelly lowered her head and the tip of my cock entered her mouth, but her lips still weren't touching it. My legs were trembling and I whispered, "Please, Kelly, please don't tease."

Kelly moved her mouth and I started to say something, but she quickly lowered it back to my cock. Once again she hovered just over the tip and I clenched the sheets trying to be patient. She blew on my cock and I moaned, "That's not a blow job," I joked.

She laughed then opening her mouth wider, eased downward. Her lips touched my cock and I gasped as I felt them slide over the head. Kelly stopped and lifted her head, "Its dripping."

"It's supposed to be." I was whining at this point. "Please."

She took a deep breath and once again took the tip between her lips, but didn't move. Kelly closed her eyes, then sighed over my cock. "I...I don't think I...Um!" Kelly was cut off when unable to control myself, my hips jerked, thrusting my cock into her mouth.

For a split second I felt her warm tongue under the head of my cock, but before I could even fully acknowledge the sensation, Kelly had jerked her head back and sat up, wiping her lips.

"You asshole!" She slapped my thigh hard enough to make me cry out in surprise."You shoved it in my mouth!"

"I...well you were never going to put it there!" My frustration boiled over, "What the fuck Kelly? It's a damn blow job, what are you, a little kid?"

"Fuck you, Sean!" she hopped off the bed and grabbed her robe from the chair. "Get out!"

"Kelly..." I reached out for her hand, "I'm sorry, it was an accident I couldn't help it and I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry too. Sorry me loving you isn't enough and sorry having sex with my boring ass isn't enough. Sorry I won't give you your precious blow job. Tell you what Sean, if every other girl will, then go get a blow job from one of them, I'm done with you!"

"Oh, come on!" I leaned forward to catch her hand, but she moved back.

"I mean it get dressed and get out. Go find some slut."

"Kelly, please."

She shook her head and turning her back to me began to walk out of the room. "I'm going to shower; you get dressed and get out."

"You're over reacting." I told her, but slipped off the bed and picking up my boxers put them on and sitting down began to get into my jeans. "Let's talk about this."

"There's only one thing you want me to do with my mouth and it's not talk."

"Kelly...fine, forget it, it's not ..."

"It is important because you keep asking, I say no and you just keep asking, who's the little kid Sean?"

"You are." I said disgustedly, putting my shirt on. "A real woman would..."

"Then go find one!" She walked over and opening the door pointed at the hallway, "Go ahead, go find your little slut."

I started to say something, but thought better of it; best just to leave and call her tomorrow.

I walked past her and stopping, leaned over to try to kiss her cheek, but she pulled away.

"Well this blows," I muttered as I left her room.

"At least something does, right Sean?" she asked before slamming the door behind me.


I entered the house and was surprised not to see my mother in the living room watching TV. Mom worked every Friday night because the tips were good and Dad usually worked late anyway. My mother had a pretty set routine; she would shower and dress early then relax on the couch and watch TV for awhile before making me something quick for supper if I had the night off and leaving something for dad in the oven.

It was just as well as I was home two hours before I said I would be and didn't want to explain why. Mom knew Kelly's parents pretty well and was aware neither of them were home on Friday afternoons.

Of my parents, mom was the one who was more forward about discussing sex. Then again dad was, and always had been, a workaholic and Mom pretty much handled everything when it came to me. She knew Friday was Kelly and I's 'fool around' day as she called it, but never embarrassed me by saying anything when I came home.

If she saw me home early she would know Kelly and I had fought and that had been happening more and more lately. Stopping in the kitchen and grabbing a coke, I wondered for the thousandth time if it was me.

Was I being pushy? Was getting a blow job that big of a deal? On the other hand it had been months before she decided she was ready for sex which was the first time for both of us and I had never complained.

I hadn't complained for the first few months about her refusal to even talk dirty, but lately it was getting ridiculous. As for oral sex? I loved going down on her and she loved me doing it and wasn't it only fair she do it for me? I had been kind of shy and mom had raised me to think sex was important and not something you did with just anyone. I'd had a few chances before Kelly and a few of those chances were with girls that would have been a night of fun and that was it.

At one point when I became serious with Kelly I was glad I had held back and waited and looked forward to all the fun we would have. Now it seemed as if I should have had that fun because at least I would have known what it was like to have my cock in a girl's mouth.

Chugging the coke, I thought again I sounded like an idiot, but I'd spent years watching porn and blow jobs looked so damn hot! The thought of Kelly looking up at me, my cock in her mouth and her moaning and excited at the thought she was going to make me cum.

No, it wasn't too much to ask because she wouldn't even try. Today had been the closest she came and she'd been ridiculous; looking at my dick like it was disgusting and would bite her. I shouldn't have pushed it in her mouth, but I was so close! I tossed the can in the recycling bin next to the kitchen door and headed down the hallway towards my bedroom.

I sighed at the thought I should still be at Kelly's, having sex. She was usually fine with sex and it felt damn good and lately I had managed to get her into doggy without too much whining. Now instead of staring at her cute little ass while I fucked her I was going to go and jerk off to...a blow job scene of course.

I noticed my parent's bedroom door was partway open and wondered if mom was taking a nap, she didn't have to go in for a couple more hours. The floor was hardwood and I was wearing my Timberlands and tried to walk quietly in case mom was sleeping. I had just reached their door, when it swung open.

"Hey, baby!" she said, stepping out into the hallway, "Come on in I... Oh shit!"

"Whoa!" I exclaimed at the sight of my mother wearing just a pair of black lace panties and...nothing else.

For a second we stood there frozen and I couldn't help noticing her tits were pretty damn big. Mom was fair skinned and her creamy breasts featured a pair of light pink nipples that were currently hard. The initial shock wore off quickly and folding her arms over her chest her face turned beet red and she stammered, "Oh...oh my God! I...I'm so sorry Sean!"

Once she had moved my own paralysis broke. I quickly turned my back, but not before she had spun around to go into her room and I caught a glimpse of her well rounded ass in the black panties. I blinked at the thought that mother or not, that was a damn fine ass. Then again she didn't make two hundred a night in tips for nothing.

"That's okay!" I called over my shoulder, "I...I came home early I should have let you know I was here."

"No, it's my fault." She answered, "I thought you were dad. You can turn around now."

I turned to see she was sitting on her bed wearing a black robe. The robe was pretty short, showing her bare legs right up to her thighs and not one I'd seen her wear around the house. Then again, mom always dressed properly around me, even to the point of not wearing a bikini by the pool if I was home, but a more conservative one piece.

Not that I hadn't seen her legs, but for some reason, maybe because it was right on the heels of seeing a lot more of her, I was taken aback at the sight of her well shaped legs. Mom's long blonde hair was usually in a pony tail around the house or pinned up, but at the moment was down and teased out like when she went to work.

"You can come in honey." She told me, "Or are you too embarrassed?"

"Um, no." I told her taking my eyes off of her thighs which were so much fuller than Kelly's slender legs. "I...well a little." I laughed, "Can't say I saw that one coming."

"Jeez." Mom blushed again and put her hands over her face. "I'm sorry Sean. Poor kid, going from your pretty girlfriend and having to see your old lady mom."

"Trust me mom, you're no old lady." I told her, "You're pretty hot for your age."

"Oh, please." She waved her hand, "You're my son, you have to say I'm pretty."

"I'm not saying it." I laughed, "My friends have been calling you the hottest Milf in the neighborhood since I was fourteen."

"Milf?" she laughed, "I would have hoped for cougar."

"Nah, cougars chase young guys," I explained,

"Oh." she shrugged, "Right now I can't catch the one I married never mind one my son's age.

"Looks like you were trying to catch dad." I frowned, "Did you guys have something planned? You're usually getting ready for work."

"Yeah." She sighed. "We...well I'm sure you've heard us arguing lately. Your father is working more than ever and for no reason, the firm's doing better than ever. So Monday night he promised me he would come home early and we would go out for a nice dinner, maybe even go dancing."

"You dance like that?" I shook my head, "No wonder you make all those tips."

Mom blushed again, "No! I...I thought I would surprise him and we'd you know..."

"I think I can figure it out."

"He was supposed to be here by now." She looked over at the nightstand where a bottle of wine sat next to two glasses. One glass was half full and picking it up, mom drained it in several long swallows, putting it down she picked up the bottle and filled the glass again,

"Of course key words were supposed to." She took a long gulp from the new glass. "Sean if I blew tonight's money off for a no show, I swear you'll have a roommate."

"Wow, what did I do?" I laughed nervously, mom and dad had been fighting a lot lately and I knew it was pretty much over dad neglecting her.

Looking down at mom I wondered what the hell was wrong with my father. I hadn't been blowing smoke, since my friends were old enough to know what sex was I'd endured milf and cougar remarks about Mom.

Many of my friends had seen her dressed in her waitressing outfit and Tim, my best friend, had once offered me fifty dollars he'd won on a scratch ticket if I got him one of mom's thongs after she wore it to work.

I accepted all the jokes and crude remarks good naturedly for the most part, but noticed mom was careful around my friends, especially with the pool, never coming out to swim when they were there. No, my mother certainly wasn't into flaunting what she had except for her job and although her skirt was short she wore a white blouse and never showed a lot of skin.

I could honestly say I'd never had a sexual thought about her, but did acknowledge the fact she was a damn attractive woman. Especially now, sitting there in that simple robe, her long legs exposed and the black robe a sexy contrast to her white skin. Sexy? I frowned at that last part. Sure technically she was hot, but she was mom.

"So why are you home?" Mom cut into my thoughts. "You're usually not home until after seven, that's why I figured it was safe to expose myself in the hallway."

"Oh, well..." I waved my hand, "We called it quits early, Kelly..."

"Did you guys have a fight?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because honey, an eighteen year old boy doesn't ever pass up on as much sex as he can get." She grunted, "Wonder if your father remembers those days?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "We kind of got into it."

"Seems that's happened a lot lately." She patted the bed, "Come talk to me about it."

"No, that's okay, it was just a stupid fight, and I'll call her tomorrow and straighten it out."

"Seriously, Sean." She patted the bed again, "We used to talk about everything, tell me what's going on, maybe I can help. You know, give you the woman's side of things."

"What about dad? You said he was due home anytime now."

"In about fifteen minutes I'll get a text, not a call, but a text that something came up and he'll be home whenever." She looked away from me, but not before I saw a hurt in her blue eyes. "I knew I should have just gone to work."

She put out a couple of the candles and poured her glass back up to the top. I watched her take a long swallow.

"Hey watch out you'll be sleeping in an hour." I joked.

"At least something will make me feel good tonight." She pointed at the other glass, "Want some?"

"No thanks." I remained silent and watched her sip at the wine before saying, "Mom how come dad doesn't want to...spend any time home, or with you?"

"I asked you about Kelly and you didn't answer, why should I?"

"Well because me and Kelly are just dating, you guys are married and, well you know, I guess I'm just a little worried."

"Don't be honey. I'm too loyal to go anywhere and your father would have to stop working long enough to notice another woman."

"I didn't mean that, I just want to see you happy that's all. You're a beautiful woman, mom." I laughed, "I can tell you none of my friends would have minded seeing you like that."

"Great, Mrs. Robinson here I come." She sighed, then asked, "You mean it?"

"What, that you're beautiful? Absolutely!" I told her. "Hot too for, you know, my mom."

"Really?" she looked up at me with a strange look on her face, "You think I'm hot?"

"I...well no! I mean, yeah..." I stopped, wondering what the hell I was trying to say and also more than a little disturbed by the fact I was having a hard time not looking at her legs and recalling that brief glimpse of her topless. "I..."

"That's a firm answer." Mom rolled her eyes.

"Well you're my mom." I paused then said, "Okay, put it this way. If I saw you and you weren't my mother I would think, Damn."


"Damn fine, yes." I told her, "But you are my mom know." I rolled my eyes this time, "None of this sounds right. I don't think it's a good conversation."

"Yeah." She nodded, then gave me a lopsided smile and when her eyes met mine I saw how glossy they were, the wine was catching up with her. "So if you saw me from the neck down the way I came out of the bedroom what would you think?"

"Mom!" I was honestly taken aback. "I...I'm not going to think about that." That was a lie the second she said it I pictured her impressive tits and those pink nipples.

"You're right." She blushed, "Sorry, I guess I was fishing for a compliment, been a long time since your father's given me one at least about my body."

"Well you should..."

"Sean, sit and talk to me." She looked up at me with a sad look in her eyes. "I...I need to think about something besides my problems, tell me about you and Kelly." When I hesitated, she pushed her lips out into a pout, "Please? Come talk to your mom?"

Mom widened her blue eyes and batted her blonde lashes and with a dramatic sigh I went over to the bed and sat next to her.

"So," she slipped her arm around my shoulders, "What's going on with you and that cute little girl of yours?"

"Um..." When Mom lifted her arm to put around me, her robe opened partway and I found myself staring at the side of her left breast. I could see pretty far down and marveled at how large mom's boobs were compared to Kelly's perky little tits.

"Um?" Mom prodded.

"Yeah," I removed my eyes from mom's chest and forced those weird thoughts from my head, "We had a fight over something stupid."

"Most fights are stupid." She told me sipping the wine, "You fight about this stupid thing before?"

"Yeah a few times."

"Okay, well, see now it's not a stupid thing. What are you fighting about?"

"It's..." I trailed off partly because it was awkward, but also because mom had crossed her legs. The robe rose exposing her thigh. I let my gaze work down her leg to her bare foot with her bright red toe nails.

I felt my face getting warm and made an effort to not glance at her chest again.

"You okay, hon?" Mom asked, "You're flushed."

"Warm in here." I lied.

"A little, too many candles. So what are you guys arguing over?"

"I don't really want to..."

"Uh-oh sex." She grinned.

"I...yeah sort of." I admitted.

"Okay, well what about it? She doesn't like it?"

"No, she does."

"You don't like it?"

"I do, but..."

"But what?" Mom looked at me expectantly.

"Look, mom, it's...I really don't think I can talk to you about it."

"Why not, I have sex, okay," she sighed and sipped more wine, "I used to."

"It's different, mom, I..." I stopped when her phone buzzed on the nightstand.

With a smirk on her face, she picked it up, looked at it and then held it up to me. I leaned forward and saw it was a text from dad.

"Becky, sorry I'm not there. Paul's client just changed his entire testimony and I'm helping him with the new deposition, I'll be home soon I promise."

"Like clockwork." She put the phone down. "Looks like me, the rest of the wine and some batteries tonight. I can't believe I blew off the best night of the week to get blown off." She grunted "And he wonders why he doesn't get blown off."

I sat there surprised at the way she was talking and kept my mind from following up with any visuals of sex toys or what mom's crack about a blow job would conjure up. The latter was a losing battle as my eyes focused on her full sensual lips, the ones Tim had referred to as blow job lips.

"Sorry mom." I spoke to get my mind off of her mouth. "Well, you guys are still going out tomorrow night, right?"

"Yeah, dinner during which he'll be glued to his phone then back here so he can go to bed by nine. Anyway, seeing I'm a lost cause, let's help you, what's the issue with you guys?"

"I...Kelly won't..." I stopped unable to say it.

"Won't...put out?"

"Sex she's okay with, well she's really shy about talking dirty know being a little dirty."

"She's eighteen you guys are each other's first so you grow as you go, she'll get into being a bad girl."

"You think?"

"I guess." She giggled, "I always liked being a bad girl. So that's it, she doesn't like to talk dirty?"

"No she won't..." I paused and when mom shrugged I added, "You know."

"I...don't know." She rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't want it in..."

"Back there?" she widened her eyes, "I don't blame her, at least not at her age, jeez Sean that's..."

"No!" I exclaimed, "Not...that. She won't." Knowing I couldn't say it, I touched my lips with my fingers.

Mom looked at me and I felt like an idiot, but she nodded and said, "She won't suck your cock."

"I..." I blinked at how bluntly she'd said it. "Jeez Mom."

"Jeez Sean." She mimicked me, "I've told you before honey, you're eighteen not eight, I'd like to think we can talk as adults."

"Yeah, but...hearing my mom talk about..."

"Talk about what?" she winked, "Sucking cock, giving head, blow jobs?" she laughed at the look on my face. "Hate to tell you Sean, but I've had some experience with the topic."

"TMI." I said even though her saying the phrase sucking cock echoed in my mind. "Not something I should talk about with my mother, it's kind of..."

"Well I'm not talking about sucking yours." She waved her hand, "We're having an adult conversation, not a mother son talk."

"Sucking..." I trailed off and watched her kill the glass of wine. Her face was red and her blue eyes wide and glossy. I hoped she didn't go for more because who the hell knew what she would come out with.

Mom put the glass down and to my relief put her hands in her lap. I looked at her red nails and imagined her slender fingers around a cock, stroking it as her full lips lowered and her mouth opened to...Jesus! You'd think I'd been the one drinking.

"So let's figure this out." Mom said unaware of the fact I'd never finished my sentence. "What happened when she tried it?"

"Nothing, she never tried."

"She..." Mom turned sideways on the bed to face me, "She's never tried?"


"Then how does she know she won't like it?"

"That's what I keep asking!" I put my hands in the air. "If she tried and for some reason didn't it would be different. She's...she thinks it's dirty."

"It is." Mom giggled, "But it's a fun dirty. Being on your knees looking up while..." she stopped and seemed to catch herself. "It can be dirty if a girls doing it to any guy who comes around, but between two people who care, its fun, it's about making the other person happy." She paused, "Can I ask you something?"

"What's that?"

"Do you lick her..."

"Yes!" I said quickly, not wanting to hear mom utter the word pussy.

"So you do it and she won't." Mom said softly, "Very frustrating."

"It is because I...I like to make her feel good. I said that and she told me I don't have to do that anymore."

"She sounds like she needs to grow up a little." Mom said, "To not even try is pretty immature. So that was the argument? You asked and she didn't?"

"Yeah pretty much." I left out the details that I'd slipped and pushed it in her mouth. "I feel stupid, I mean I guess it isn't a big deal, but I..."

"You what?"

I frowned and felt another blush coming on, but figured I'd already said more than I was comfortable with and bit the bullet. "Kelly wasn't just the first girl I had sex with; she's the first girl I've done anything with."

"Oh," Mom nodded, "So you never have, then it is a big deal honey. Kelly's not being very fair to you, Sean. You guys are supposed to want to make each other happy."

"Yeah, but like I said, when I push her and she gets mad I feel like a jerk, I mean how important is it?"

"Very." Mom answered, "Because it's not just about a blow job it's about her desire to please you. Honey if I knew twenty years ago, that at forty two I'd be having this little sex, I may not have married your father. Sex is important and when you're in love it's more important because even dirty things like sucking each other off is about love; loving to make your special someone happy."

"Yeah." I nodded more to cut her off then that I had anything else to add. The sucking each other off remark was another eye opener.

"I have to say Sean, this is a problem. Most people start off doing dirty things and having fun, then peter out as they get older. This girl is eighteen and already not very much fun." She stopped then asked, "Are you happy with Kelly otherwise?"

"Yes," I said immediately, "She's sweet, she's pretty, she's..." I laughed, "The way she is with sex tells me I don't have to worry about her being with anyone else. At least I know she's a good girl."

"Too good." Mom smiled, "Honey, a good girl is a bad girl for her special someone, but just for him. So it's just that one thing?"


"Well , you're a good boy because I bet a good looking young man like you could find a girl to do that for you." Mom laughed, "There were always those girls around. The ones that would just suck a guy off just for the thrill because he had a girlfriend."

"Well I don't want to do that." I told her.

"What if it's the only way? What if she never wants to? Long time to go without something that's so much fun." She sighed, "I love doing it almost as much as I love having it done to me."

"Okay, mom."

"Just the feeling of..." she stopped and nodded, "Sorry,'s been awhile for a lot of things for us. I think your dad's lucky I take marriage seriously because I get plenty of offers at work."

"I bet." I frowned, "You...wouldn't, right?"

"I promised myself I would never find sex outside of this house." She said, "Don't worry Sean, I'm fine, just frustrated."

"Like me."

"More than you. You could leave Kelly if you chose, and not many stay with their first love. You could end up much happier. For me? This is it; sitting here wearing nothing but a thong, drinking wine and knowing that in the end it will be me and some batteries."

"So what about Kelly?" I changed the subject.

"Up to you honey. You're the one that will go without. All I can tell you is it's not fun to not be satisfied, but hey, at least you get sex."

"I just wish..." I shrugged, "I just want to know what it's like, but you're right, she's not going to get better about it. I guess if I want to have that, I'll have to make a choice."

"Maybe not." Mom said.

"What do you mean?"

Mom looked at me, an odd expression on her face.

"What is it?"

"I..." she swallowed and it dawned on me she looked nervous, "You know Sean a couple of weeks ago, I saw this..."

We both jumped at the sound of a car door in the driveway. Getting up, I peeked out and saw Dad walking down the driveway towards the front door.

"Hey, dad's home!" I was relieved not just because it would end an awkward conversation, but that he came home and would hopefully take care of mom tonight. "Looks like the nights saved after all," I laughed.

"Not sure the night is saved, but I think him coming home just now saved me from something."

"I don't understand." I told her, confused.

"I...I thinks its best I never finished what I was saying," she made a shooing gesture, "Better get going, honey, you never know your father might come in and find something interesting besides the news for once."

"Okay, well thanks for talking to me." I kissed her cheek.

"Sorry I didn't really have an answer for you." She told me, then putting her hand on my cheek said, "I just want to see you happy in every way Sean and want you to find the girl who will do that for you."

"I want you to be happy to mom." I said, looking over my shoulder at the sound of dad's keys in the front door. "You deserve to be, you know, happy in that way too."

"You really want your mom to be...satisfied?"

"I...sure." I began backing towards her bedroom door. "You deserve it."

"Good to hear my son wants me to be happy." She smiled, "You never know when I might need you to cheer me up."

"That's what I'm here for. Gotta go."

Mom blew me a kiss and I closed the door partway when she said, "Leave it open a little like when you walked by."


I did as she asked and saw dad cross the hall and head into the bathroom. I began to turn when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I glanced through the narrow opening of the door and saw the movement was mom's reflection in the mirror over her bureau. I was going to turn around and head to my room, but stopped when she untied her robe.

"Room Sean, now." I whispered, but remained where I was.

Mom let the robe fall open and I could see the inner half of her breasts and the patch of black between her soft thighs. Mom picked up the glass of wine and took a couple of swallows before putting it down and filling the second glass. When she leaned over, the robe opened more and I caught a glimpse of her tits before she straightened. Mom grabbed the sides of the robe and seemed be thinking.

"Take it off." I whispered, surprising myself.

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure dad was still in the bathroom and when I looked back Mom was sliding the robe off. I stared at her creamy globes and my eyes widened, when mom cupped them and facing the mirror stroked her nipples. She gave the mirror a playful smile and lifting her arms over her head, wiggled side to side. I watched her breasts bounce back and forth and felt my cock stirring.

Mom turned from the mirror and getting on the bed, crawled up to the top of it, giving me a good long look at her well rounded ass. I could just see the bottom of her cheeks and licked my lips at the back of her thighs. Kelly was pretty and I thought she looked good, but she was a little girl compared to my mother. I heard something fall in the bathroom and that snapped me out of the trance mom's body had put me in.

I shook my head and telling myself there was something wrong with me, headed into my room to do something about my aching cock. I lay out on my bed and unzipping my jeans, slipped my hand into them and groaned when I stroked my cock.

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to think about Kelly and her pretty little tits and that damn cock teasing mouth of hers. I stroked my cock faster and harder, trying to get off before my mind began to wander to the last woman a son should be thinking about when he was jerking off.


I lay there reading through the latest Sports Illustrated while listening to my I-pod. Figuring mom and dad might be fooling around; I figured I'd pop in the ear buds and not hear anything I'd rather not. No, not entirely true. Fact was I didn't want to risk hearing anything going on because I'd spent the better part of the last half hour trying to keep my mother's tits out of my mind.

Yet no matter how hard I tried, all I could think of was the way she had looked in that little black thong. Those large round tits, her pink nipple, her ass and those ruby red lips. Mom was flat out sexy in a way Kelly, or any girl my age for that matter could never be. Mom's blunt conversation with me wasn't helping matters.

I kept hearing her say "sucking cock" and then her saying how much she liked it. I was stuck once more by the thought there was something seriously wrong with my father for not taking full advantage of having a woman like that.

I tried to focus on the magazine in front of me. I'd already jerked off once, and lost the battle of not thinking of my mother. I'd felt a mixture of excitement and shame as cum exploded from my cock to the image of my mother holding up her tits and begging me to cum on them. I looked up from the magazine and cocked my head. I felt, rather than heard something, and pulling the buds from my ears listened.

I didn't hear anything and was ready to put them back in when I heard a loud bang and mom yelling. There was another bang that I recognized as a door slamming and then heard dad yelling. I heard footsteps in the hallway and then mom's voice. Getting out of bed, I went over to my bedroom door and carefully opened it a crack to try to hear what was going on. I flinched when I saw dad standing directly in front of my door.

He was wearing a white t-shirt, but still had his suit pants on. It hit me that he'd been home over an hour, but was still mostly dressed which meant him and mom hadn't done anything.

"I can't believe you!" Dad called down the hallway, "You're really kicking me out for the night because I have to fucking work?"

"You don't have to work!" Mom shouted and Dad jumped to avoid his overnight bag which bounced in front of him. "You're the damn boss!"

"How the hell do you think I got to run the firm?" he demanded, "Because I do things even if I don't have..." he caught himself and mom jumped right on him.

"See that? You just admitted it! You don't have to go to New York tomorrow! You can send Ed or Roger; you're going because you want to!"

"I care about my business!" He yelled, "You don't complain about this house or the pool or Sean going to a good college!"

"Don't give me that shit!" Mom came into view wearing the short black robe and my eyes widened when I saw it wasn't tied, she was just holding it shut with one hand while pointing at dad with the other. "I work too and I make pretty good money and unlike you, I don't sit behind a desk!"

"No, you shake your ass all night!" Dad told her, "You work because you like to show off and all those idiots drool over you."

"At least someone does." Mom grunted, "Work's about the only time anyone pays attention to me."

"Oh, here we go again!" Dad threw his hands in the air, "What the fuck Becky? Are you in heat? Those guys ogling you get you hot all the time?"

"I'm in heat because that five minutes a couple of nights a week isn't enough for me?"

Dad didn't answer and I bit back a laugh, mom had gotten him pretty good on that one.

"Well you know there's ways we could do it again." He grunted, "But you won't..."

"Won't what? Be your fluffer? I have to suck it to get it hard?" she laughed, "When was the last time you used your lips to do anything except kiss your clients asses."

"Shhh!" Dad waved at my door.

"Oh please he's always got those damn headphones on." Mom laughed harshly, "Not that there's anything he'd be embarrassed to hear." She snapped her fingers, "Then again some of my toys are pretty loud."

"Becky how much did you drink?" he demanded, "That's why you're over reacting, you're drunk and you're acting like a slut and..."

"A slut?" I winced as her voice rose; Dad might be riding the couch for awhile after this one.

"Yes, slut I come home and you're on the bed with your tits hanging out at seven o clock and..."

"Didn't know there was a time limit on sex, then again I do have to pencil myself in for those five minute adventures."

"Enough Becky, I can't believe you're pissed about me not wanting to screw around right when I got..."

"I'm pissed because I took tonight off for nothing and then you tell me you're going away for the fucking weekend" She shouted. "One night a week I ask from you! That's too much I guess, well seeing you have no desire to sleep with me you can go stay at your precious office and get your own ass to the fucking airport tomorrow!"

"Fine!" Dad waved his hand disgustedly, "I'll be back on Tuesday and you and I are going to have a long fucking talk about..."

Mom started to turn, but instead grabbed her robe and opened it, flashing her amazing tits. "And take a good look because it's going to a long past Tuesday before you get another look at them!"

Mom closed her robe and walked back into her room, slamming the door. I heard the lock click and dad sighed, picked up his bag and walked towards the living room. I closed the door and went back to bed, the image of my mother's tits once again burned into my mind. I lay down and looked at the headphones. It wasn't like I'd be hearing anything else from my parents tonight that was for sure. It was only nine, but it had been a long week and I was beat.

I kicked my jeans off and now in just my boxers, pulled the sheet up. I closed my eyes and just as it had earlier my imagination ran wild, thinking of mom's tits and her long legs and round ass. I felt my cock begin to swell and deliberately crossed my arms, keeping my hands from straying to my cock.

I sighed and as I drifted off told myself all those weird thoughts about mom would be forgotten. Mom had accidently flashed me and then rambled a little while she was drunk and upset, that was all. After tonight there would be no reason to think of her that way.


I jumped at the sound of a knock and sitting up rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. It was just after eleven. The soft knock came again followed by my door opening and mom poking her head in, "Sean, you awake?"

"I am now." I said, "You okay?"

"Can I come in and talk to you?"

"Sure." I sat up; making sure the sheet was over my waist before I leaned over and turned on the lamp. Then watched as mom close the door and walked over to my desk.

I saw she was wearing that short robe again, but as my eyes found her legs I noticed she was walking unsteadily. Mom grabbed the chair from my desk and wheeling it over to the bed sat down next to it, facing me.

She gave me a silly smile and I noticed two things, one how wide and glossy her eyes were and two, that her mascara had run and those wide eyes were red and swollen.

"You okay, mom?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah." She nodded, "Better now and who knows, maybe even better after we talk."

"I hope so." I told her, "If I can make you feel better you let me know how."

"Really? Hmmm," she purred softly and crossed her legs.

I watched one lush thigh drape over the other and could see a lot of soft creamy flesh leading up inside the robe. I quickly looked back up at her and felt a stab of dismay when she met my eyes then made a show of looking down at her legs and back to me, telling me she'd seen me.

"Is my robe making you uncomfortable?"

"Um, no." I lied, "Just kind of short I guess."

"Not as short as what you saw me in earlier." She pointed out.

"So you and dad went at it pretty hard." I changed the subject.

"Yeah and not in the good way." She shrugged, "He came home, said he wasn't in the mood just yet so we sat and talked for a little while. I was hoping he would relax and we could have some fun, but then he tells me he's leaving until Tuesday. I...I just lost it. He wanted me to give him a ride at three am so I told him just go stay at the damn airport hotel. I'm not his personal assistant.

She looked down and I saw her lip trembling, "He just doesn't seem to want me anymore. All he cares about is work."

"I'm sure he loves you mom."

"I think he does and I love him too, but I need more than a couple of quickies a week." She gave me a sad smile, "I know that's more than you want to hear, but we've always been able to talk about things."

"No, I get it." I shrugged, "I'm in the same boat I guess, but like you said, maybe for me it's just about making a choice." I sighed, "I'm thinking of trying to talk to Kelly about it one more time. Just ask her to try and if she's really stubborn about it I guess I have to look at it that she doesn't really want to me make me happy enough to at least make an effort."

"Good idea." Mom agreed, "But not in bed, do it over dinner somewhere that way you don't have her on the spot."

"Yeah and if she doesn't, then I don't know, Kelly's really great except for that."

"And your dad is a good guy. God knows he's a hard worker and great provider and I know he's loyal and he's a good father." She looked down at her legs, "Just not a very good lover so I guess we have something in common."

"I guess." I replied, unsure what else to add.

'"More than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well frankly speaking," Mom stopped and giggled. The sound of that giggle along with her eyes told me she had been back into the wine and I prepared myself for what she would come out with. "Your dad doesn't like to lick pussy."

"Mom!" So much for being prepared.

"Look, you can tell me Kelly doesn't suck cock, I can say that."

"But I didn't say it like that."

"Because you're talking like a kid not a grown up and I want you to..." she paused and looked me in the eye, "I need you to be an adult for this conversation, Sean, you'll see why soon."

"Sure, but talking dirty in front of my mom isn't something even an adult should do."

"You might have to get over that." She gave me that weird smile again.

"What do you mean?"

"Here's the thing Sean. Back to what I said about your father, he doesn't like going down on me or his girlfriends before me. He used to do it, but because I would keep asking then after a few years of half assed efforts he finally gave me the line we're married that's for teenagers whatever." She pointed down between her legs, "He hasn't licked my pussy in over five years."

"Okay, mom, I think..."

"But expects me to keep sucking his cock." She continued, ignoring my protests. "And for a long time I did because I enjoy giving head, I love everything about it so would still suck him off."

"Mom, really." I rubbed my temples which were beginning to throb and they weren't the only thing throbbing, my cock was once again up at my mother discussing blow jobs and sex in her little robe.

"But I finally told him, you get what you give, so he wants my lips around his cock he better get to licking so..." she grunted disgustedly "We've had nothing, but straight sex for quite a long time now."

"Sorry to hear that." I said, "What about counseling?"

"Like he would go, I can't get him to come home early never mind go to an appointment and he'll say its bullshit anyway so not only does my pussy not get any attention, but I lose out on swallowing a..."

"Mom I get it!" I put my hands up, "Please, you're really making me uncomfortable."

"Good" she said softly, "Sometimes uncomfortable can be good."

"I think you're drunk." I blurted out.

"I know I am. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you my idea."

"What idea?"

"I started to tell you earlier, I watch porn a lot when I'm alone which is most of the time and a couple of weeks ago I watched this hot little movie about a guy and a girl like us."

"What do you mean like us?" I narrowed my eyes; not liking where this might be going.

"It was about two people who were happily married except their partner's wouldn't go down on them. They decided to.., become suck buddies."

"Suck buddies." I repeated, "What the hell does that have to do with me and you?"

Mom got up and sitting on the bed next to me put her hand on my arm, "Well seeing you and I both care about who we're with, but we're missing out I thought that..."

"You want to..." I had to be misunderstanding her,

"You want to be my suck buddy, Sean?"

"What?" I pulled my arm away from her, "How much did you drink?"

"I told you enough to bring this up." She put her hand on my arm again and made a show of licking her lips, "How about it, honey? How about you and I..."

"I'm your son!" I exclaimed.

"Nothing gets past you." Mom laughed, then turned serious. "Yes, you are my son and I'm your mom, your loving mom. I want to see my baby happy and want me to be happy right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Earlier you said you would do anything to make me feel better."

"I wasn't thinking about...that."

"That?" Mom rolled her eyes, "You're being a kid again. Honey, we both want something and we're not getting it and its not sex, it's..." She smiled, "A special kiss."

"Special kiss?" I sat there stunned, but even as I tried to come up something to say my eyes locked onto my mother's body.

Her robe was once again loosely tied showing a good portion of her breasts. Mom had stretched one of her long legs out on the bed and my eyes trailed down the length of it ending at her red toes.

"Like what you see?" Mom asked, "You seemed to like what you saw in the hallway today."

"No, I turned around right away!" I told her.

"You did, but after that you couldn't keep those baby blues off my tits." Mom ran her fingers up my arm and a shiver went through me. "I was a little upset at first, but the more you looked the more I liked it." She shrugged, "Guess a woman's really being neglected when her son staring at her gets her excited."

"I wasn't looking, Mom!" I lied.

"You were looking when you were in the hallway though," she winked, "If you could see me in the mirror you don't think I could see the hallway in it?"

"Oh." I began to blush "Sorry, I..."

"Don't be." She touched my cheek, "Been a long time since anyone's appreciated my..." she winked "Assets."

"I think they're appreciated at work." I told her.

"By pigs and men I would never go near." She leaned over and kissed my cheek, "I love you."

"I love you to, but Mom this is nuts, we...we can't, that's...incest!"

"Well," Mom ran her nails down my arm again, "Not really, I mean we're not talking about sex, just...helping each other out."

"I...I think a blow job would count."

"So who cares?" Mom waved her hand, "People who love each other should make each other feel good shouldn't they?"


"Honey I...I'm frustrated! I don't want to sound conceited, but I know I'm attractive, those guys at the club? I've been offered five hundred dollars more than once. But I'm not a whore and I won't cheat on your father I..."

"This wouldn't be cheating?" I asked, "On dad or Kelly?"

"They...wouldn't know." Mom pointed out. "It's not like we would get caught," she gave that drunken giggle."Think Kelly will ask if your mommy sucks your dick?"

"No, I..." Holy shit I couldn't believe she was talking like this.

"Ohhh, you like that don't you?" Mom purred. Leaning closer she placed her lips to my ear, "You like the thought of your mother being your dirty girl, baby?"

"No, I..."

"I think you do." Mom continued in that soft sultry voice, her breath hot on my neck, "I do too, think about it, Sean how many sons' can say they're mother gets on their knees for them?"

" many would want to?" I tried to joke.

"Enough to have the internet full of mommy incest stories and videos." Mom whispered.

Her lips brushed my ear and I forced myself to keep my hands in my lap over my throbbing cock.

"In fact seeing you mentioned it, the video I watched was a son and his step mom and it was so hot the way they made each other happy!"

"She...she was his step mom," I could hear my voice trembling, "So..."

"So this will be even hotter. Come on, baby, let mommy make you feel good!" Her tongue flicked across my ear and a soft whimper escaped me, "I'm good at it, Sean. Really good, your mom sucked a lot of cock in college and I miss it baby!"

"Mom please."

"If begging will make you feel better, you can." She laughed softly and licked my ear again, "And I need it too honey, it's been a long time since I felt a nice soft tongue on my clit."

Mom put her hand on my bare chest and ran her red nails down it, "I bet you're good at it aren't you, Sean? You like licking Kelly's pussy? You like making your cute little girlfriend squeal?"

"I...I do, but...I...she's my girlfriend."

"And I'm your mom! Shouldn't you want to make your mom happy?"

"N...Not like that." I moaned as her hand ran down my chest and stopped on my stomach.

Mom leaned back and pushed her lips into a pout, "Please, honey? Please? I...I don't want to leave your dad, but I need some fun! I miss being dirty, I miss getting on my knees and taking a nice hot load down my throat and oh how I miss laying back and having my pussy licked, I cum so hard that way!"


"Please?" her lower lip trembled, "I'll go first!"


"Yes, I'll suck you off then you can go down on me and if you're hard again I'll suck you again!"


"And if you like it, and I know you will, we can do it as often as you want! Nights you don't see Kelly you can just tell me you need me and I'll come in here or you come to my room and we'll take good care of each other."

She gave that drunken giggle again and this time it made my cock twitch, "God knows your father's never here to get in the way."

My head was swimming, filled with visions of mom on her knees, lying between my legs; holy shit maybe even a sixty nine! She was right; the dirtiness of it had my dick aching between my legs.

My own mother doing what Kelly wouldn't, taking me in her mouth and...The rest of her deal dawned on me and I thought of what my mother's pussy would look like spread open in front of me, what she would..."

"No." I said as much to myself as to her.

"No, really don't want to?" Mom leaned back away from me and sitting up asked, "You don't think I'm sexy?"

" are, mom, but we can't do this."

"I'm really good at it! You have no idea what a real blow job is honey, forget Kelly even the girls your age that do it can't suck it the way a woman my age can."


"But I guess you don't want to make me happy." She made show of tightening her robe and sliding her leg off the bed.

"That's not fair mom." I told her as a wave of mixed emotions washed over me.

Part of me was glad she was giving up, this was sick. But a bigger part of me was disappointed; I was this close to getting a blow job and who cared if it was Mom? She was a hot older woman who loved to do what Kelly wouldn't and I'm sure I could enjoy licking her pussy, especially at the promise of more head.

"Life isn't fair." She pouted, "We're both good to our lovers and they don't give back to us. I figured this was a good way to stay happy with them and get what we need." She shrugged, "But okay."

She stood up and leaning over gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'm sorry I put you in a bad spot."

"It...its okay."

"It's a shame because when I thought about I was so wet! In fact I even got myself off so when you went down on me I wouldn't cum so quick." She sighed in my ear, "I was surprised how hard I came to the thought of my son's tongue."

"Mom, you said..."

"You jerked off too,didn't you?" she asked, "Came in here and stroked it to mommy's tits?"

"!" I lied.

"That's okay, you're young. Hmmm I bet I could get you to cum for me four or five times in a night, I would just have to work hard for it."

"Mom please, go to bed." I begged, almost whining as the throbbing in my cock had spread to an ache in my balls. She was right; I'd spanked it four hours ago and felt as if I'd had no relief at all.

"I will. It was just so hot! The idea of a mother doing that for her son, giving him what he needs; sinking to her knees, looking up into his eyes as she takes his young hard cock into her experienced mouth."

She released another long sigh in my ear and I closed my eyes letting the images her words conjured flow into my mind.

"Teasing him, running her tongue along his hard flesh; sucking his balls into her mouth, making him whimper and tremble. She'd take him between her lips, sucking him deep into his mother's hot mouth. He would be moaning the word mom in a way he never had before."

" She'd look him in the eye as she moved her head, sliding his hard dick between her soft lips, moving faster and faster, feeling his legs trembling. He'd pull her hair and then whimper and explode, filling his mother's mouth with his sweet young cum. She'd moan at the taste of him and suck every drop, drain that beautiful cock."

"Oh my fucking god." I whispered, my entire body was trembling now. She sounded like a goddamn web cam girl and again in the back of my head I wondered what was wrong with my fucking father.

"Then he would be good to her wouldn't he?" Mom went on, "She'd sit back and open her legs and watch her son's beautiful face between her thighs. Hmmm...imagine that, a son giving his mother the most intimate of kisses. A son inhaling his mother's scent; tasting her, licking and sucking her soft wet flesh and her swollen clit, making his mother cry his name as a lover, not a son."

I jumped when mom touched my cheek and turned my head to face her. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips that caused my cock to jump. She kissed me a second time and this time lingered. I whimpered and tried to move my head, but she kept her hand pressed to my cheek. Her full soft lips caressed mine and I gave in and kissed her back. Mom sighed in her throat and pressed her lips harder to mine.

I gasped when her other hand grabbed my wrist and quickly moving my hand, grabbed my cock through the sheet. She squeezed it and removing her lips from mine whispered, "Oh, honey you are so hard for me."