Porn Shoot with My Sister b


"Well um, good night I guess." I said.

"Hey Andy?"

"What sis?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked. "I mean just sleep, we keep our clothes on and nothing funny."

"Uh, sure, I guess." I told her.

"Good, I...this feels weird enough I don't want to feel cheap on top of it. I always hated fooling around with guys then shooing them out or I had to leave."

"Well can't have you feeling cheap!" I laughed.

She followed me into my room and as I got into bed while she walked over and locked my door.

"Good thinking. " I said through a yawn as lying on my back I could already feel sleep pulling at me.

Alicia climbed into the bed and slid over close to me. Putting her arm around my waist and her resting her head on my shoulder she said, "You feel nice."

"So do you." I replied putting my arm around her soft shoulder. I could smell her shampoo and her hair felt good on my skin. "It feels good being close to you like this."

"Good." She said in my ear, "Because little brother, "You and I are going to be getting a lot closer tomorrow."


The butterflies I'd had in my stomach all morning turned into a solid not as Alicia pulled into the motel parking lot. I had slept surprisingly well considering what was going to happen today. I had only woken up once and had been worried my mind would spin and I would stay awake. But the feeling of Alicia's soft body pressed against me and the sound and feel of her breathing in my ear kept me relaxed and I quickly fell back to sleep.

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm and as I lay there again enjoying the strange feeling of my sister in my arms it occurred to me that I had never felt this good with someone. My last two girlfriends had their own dorm rooms and I had been able to spend the nights with them, but neither felt as...right in my arms as Alicia did. I'd frowned at that last thought; there should be nothing right about having your sister in your bed after she jerked you off and before you were going to fuck her.

When the alarm had gone off Alicia gave me a kiss on the cheek and hopping out of the bed said she was showering first. While I heard the water running I thought about joining her, but had the impression she would toss me out. Last night had been to help with today. In a sense it was a little disturbing that Alicia seemed a lot more capable of this than me. Then again I had recently found out she had strutted around topless for a bunch of jerks just to help mom keep the heat on.

Speaking of Mom she didn't have to go into work until later due to a late conference call at the office. She saw us getting ready to leave and after commenting on Alicia's new red sundress asked us to sit and have some breakfast with her. As we chatted, pretending all was well, Mom asked where we were going and Alicia planted the seed telling her she and I were taking our tip money to the casino. Mom had shrugged and wished us luck and I'd felt as if we had stepped across the line and this was really going to happen.

"You getting out?"

I shook my head and saw that as I was fogging out, not only had she parked, but Alicia was standing outside the car peering in at me.

"Um, sure." I nodded and exited the car as she hit the lock button.

Alicia looked in the side mirror and giving her long blonde hair a couple of primps with her fingers said, "Okay, Andy, let's go make some money."

Without awaiting my response she turned and walked towards the same room as yesterday. I ran my fingers through my own hair which as she had done yesterday, Alicia had mussed up. I also had not shaved again and had a decent five o clock shadow going. Alicia old me I looked hotter like that which had me wondering if she used to look at me the way I looked at her.

Being a guy I had nothing fancy to wear, but Alicia told me to wear my tightest jeans and to not wear any underwear. I felt weird, but I knew the effect she was going for and started wondering how much porn Alicia watched. She had also found an old black t-shirt of mine that was now a little small and had me put it on. It was tight, but I had to admit I liked the way it made my arms and chest look.

Of course I looked nowhere near as eye catching as my sister who was sporting the brand new red sundress that barely went past the cheeks of her ass and was low cut enough that her tits looked like they could fall out. She had matching nail polish and lipstick and her hair had been teased out, giving her a somewhat wild appearance. Like yesterday she had on another pair of red fuck me shoes, red heeled sandals that strapped around her ankles.

I caught up with her just as she knocked and as I looked her up and down the thought "I'm going to be fucking that!" kept running through my mind. To my delight I felt my cock stirring in my jeans. My biggest fear had been I wouldn't be able to, but Alicia's little sample last night had done its trick.

The door opened and this time Steve was in front of it so we could see him. Like yesterday he was dressed in black jeans and shirt, but this time his mask was red.

"You came!" he said excitedly, "I stayed awake half the night thinking you wouldn't!"

"We said we would." Alicia answered.

"Come on in!" he gestured into the room.

As we passed him he started me by clapping me on the shoulder, "Thank you for this Andrew! I am so excited!"

"Great." I told him.

"My, my look at the two of you." Mary purred as she came over to us her upper face covered by the black mask Steve had worn yesterday.

Like her husband she reached out to me, but she took my bicep and gave it a squeeze.

"Oh, very nice." She turned to Alicia she reached out to her face.

Alicia flinched a little as using the back of her hand Mary gently caressed her cheek.

"So soft." She murmured, "So young." She gave her a big smile, "So perfect. As Steve said, we are so excited you came."

"You guys want a drink? I have some wine." Steve said holding up a bottle.

"Okay!" Alicia and I said in unison.

Mary laughed and as Steve poured the red wine into two glasses I noticed she was wearing a fairly short skirt. My eyes lingered on her legs as she picked up a half full glass and walking over to the couch sat down. As I watched her hips sway I wondered how old they were. Neither seemed to be a kid and Steve hadn't shaved and I'd spotted a little grey in his stubbly. Forties, maybe? When she sat down she crossed her legs and I noticed she was barefoot.

"You checking out my wife?" Steve asked as he pressed the glass into my hand.

"I..." I felt myself blushing, but he laughed and hit my arm again.

"Hey, no worries, I'm flattered. Mary is beautiful, it's a shame you can't see her face, beautiful eyes."

"You're too kind." She said, and then to me, "The day I care about a young stud half my age checking me out is a sad day indeed." Holding up her glass she said, "To fun and breaking the rules!"

"I'll second that one!" Steve said and after clicking his glass to mine reached across and tapped Alicia's.

I meant to just take a sip, but after another glance at Steve and knowing what was coming I chugged the entire glass. A look to the left saw Alicia doing the same thing and even as she handed Steve the glass back I could see her cheeks beginning to flush.

"More?" he asked.

"Sure." We both said at the same time again.

This time I noticed he only filled the glass half way and once again we both downed it like one long shot. This time Steve didn't offer anymore and slipping the glasses from our hands, he put them on the table and bringing the bottle over to the couch refilled Mary's before sitting down.

"So would you guys like to sit and chat a little or just start playing?" Mary asked.

"Chat." I said.

"Play." Alicia said softly.

"I'm with her!" Steve said.

"Me too." Mary laughed, "I think you're outvoted there, sexy."

"Cone on Andy," Alicia said, taking my hand, "Let's be siblings with benefits."

"I like that!" Mary nodded, "That's clever!"

"Alicia?" Steve asked.

"Yes sir?" Alicia answered nervously.

"No sir, Steve is fine, we're friends here. But Andy is okay here and there, but I want to hear you say he's your brother. Sounds much hotter."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Where's the camera?" I began looking around.

"There are four of them around the room to get every angle around the bed." Steve said. "They feed to the lap top on the desk. Before you leave you will get a copy of all four DVD's. Eventually Mary and I will get ours edited to one really good shoot."

"Or we'll just keep watching from all angles!" She told him

"There is audio and you will hear our voices. On that note." Clearing his throat he declared, "So you know what we're paying you to do, right?"

"You're paying to watch a brother and sister commit incest." I spoke up loudly.

"Very good!" he smiled, "You get that on the disc so as we discussed, no one sells out anyone or there is hell to pay."

"Let's just get to the fun." Alicia said, squeezing my hand, "I don't want to think about that stuff."

"Money." I snapped my fingers.

"Of course." Steve slapped his head.

Standing up he walked over to us and with a flourish for the camera took the money from his pocket and fanned it in front of us. Reaching behind me he placed it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"All yours. Providing you go through with it."

As he went back to the couch, Alicia pulled me by my hand guiding me over to stand in front of the bed.

"Honey, before you start, can you take your shoes off for me?" Steve asked, "They're sexy, but I rather see bare feet."

Holding her feet up, Mary wiggled her pink toes, "He has a foot fetish."

"Then wouldn't it be better if my little brother took my shoes off?"

"Hell yes!" Steve said.

"It's your show." Alicia said and sitting on the bed said, "Little brother, be a dear and take your sister's shoes off for our friends."

"Honey, I love you!" Steve said raising his glass to her.

I sank to my knees and as Alicia held her foot up, undid the snap and after undoing the strap eased the shoe off. She placed her warm foot on my arm and held up the other. I removed that one as well, but this time she said, "Rub my foot."

Holding her heel in my hand I used the other to knead the soft skin on the bottom of her foot and as I did she started to slide the other up and down my arm. Removing her feet, she said, "Take your shirt off."

I paused and she gave me the pout, "Please little brother? Please let your sister see that sexy body of yours!"

"She is good." Mary said from the couch.

I quickly stripped my shirt off and as I tossed it to the side received a whistle from Mary followed by, "You're a lucky girl Alicia!"

As soon as my shirt had come off, Alicia placed her feet on my chest and started rubbing them up and down. I glanced over and saw Steve had put his glass down and as he was staring at us his hand was rubbing his crotch. My attention was brought back to Alicia when she shoved her foot in my face, "Suck my toes," She whispered.

I stared at her and she cocked her head and pursed her lips as if to say "do it!" That was a look I remembered well from when we were kids. Once again taking her foot by the heel I opened my mouth and tentatively flicked my tongue across her toes. Alicia sighed as if it felt amazing and I heard Steve release a long deep breath. I started flicking my tongue back and forth across her red painted toes and when Alicia pushed them against my lips sucked her first two toes into my mouth.

"Hmm," she moaned, "That feels so good! You like my toes little brother?"

Surprisingly I found I was enjoying sucking on them. I could taste her strawberry skin cream and I noticed her tits beginning to heave as her breathing picked up. Alicia dropped her other foot into my lap and I gasped around her toes when she started rubbing my cock through my jeans. Leaning back on the bed, Alicia pulled her skirt up, exposing a black and pink lace thong. My eyes locked onto that thin strip of material and as my tongue continued to swirl around her toes, she reached down and slid it to the side.

Even though I'd seen it last night the sight of her smooth pink pussy sent my already hardening cock swelling to full size. Removing her foot from my mouth I began licking her smooth sole while watching her long slender fingers run through her pussy.

"That's a beautiful pussy." Mary murmured behind me.

"Hmm, you're making me damn wet." Alicia cooed, "Want to see how wet?"

I nodded, but remained still, unsure of what to do.

"Reach up and play with her pussy." Steve encouraged me, "Feel how wet she is."

"Play with me, little brother," Alicia not only pouted, but had whimpered the words in a little girl voice that had my cock aching to spring free.

Alicia let her other foot drop into my lap and spreading her legs further open, yanked the thong all the way over. Placing my trembling hands on her legs, I slowly slid them up the length of her legs. When I reached the soft skin of her inner thighs I could feel she was shaking as well. Keeping my left hand on her thigh, I ran my fingers lightly through her wet lips before finding her clit.

"That's the spot." She moaned, "Put your fingers inside me!"

Still rubbing her clit I brought my other hand between her legs and eased two fingers inside her. Alicia sighed in pleasure as my fingers entered her and I moaned softly at how hot, wet and damn tight her pussy was. When my fingers were buried inside her I started moving them slowly in and out. Alicia moaned hr approval and started moving her hips in time with them.

"Oh, yeah that's it little brother, finger fuck your big sister!"

"Damn this is so hot." I heard Mary say.

I sensed movement, and turning my head saw that not only had she uncrossed her legs, but placed one over Steve's leg. I saw she wasn't wearing any panties and apparently was a natural red head. Her fingers quickly covered part of my view as she started playing with herself. I turned back to Alicia who had started moving her hips faster and moaned, "Rub that clit Andy! Please make your big sister cum nice and hard!"

"Lick it." I heard Steve call out.

"No," Alicia breathed, "I want to cum nice and quick this time, he can go down on me after I suck his cock."

"Damn girl," he whistled, "You're lucky I'm married."

I pressed harder on her clit and began moving my fingers in a circular motion. I was surprised she wanted to move this quickly. Then I recalled last night and realized she was trying to get us into it early on. I can't say that I minded and began thrusting my fingers as hard as I dared while stroking her clit. I saw Alicia move and looking up saw she had pulled not only the straps of her dress down, but had pulled the cups of her bra under her tits.

She grabbed her nipples and began playing with them as her hips pumped harder into my fingers.

"Oh please," she moaned, "A little more just a little more. Be a good little brother and make your sister cum!"

I heard Steve moan and taking a quick look over widened my eyes. He had removed his cock from his jeans and Mary had reached over and was slowly stroking it. Steve was returning the favor with his hand now between her legs; fingers buried inside and thumb on her clit. I hadn't expected this and whether it was the visual itself or the effect of chugging the wine, but I could feel my cock getting stiffer by the second.

"Oh yes!" Alicia cried out and clamping her legs closed around my arm started bucking her hips wildly.

She threw her head back and released a long squeal that caused a trickle of pre cum to begin leaking down my leg. The squeal was followed by those hot little yelps she had made for me last night. This time my fingers were inside her and I could feel her pussy convulsing around them. I was starting to sweat and was so hard my balls were starting to ache. Alicia made a whimpering sound and I felt her pussy unclench around my fingers.

Letting her legs drop down she released a contented sigh, then giving me a smile said, "Stand up."

I did as she asked and getting off the bed, Alicia took me by the arms and turned me to face Steve and Mary. They were watching intently the parts of their faces we could see were flushed red from wine and excitement and as he continued to rub her pussy, she was slowly stroking his long thick cock. Alicia stood in front of me with her back to me and raised her arms over her head.

Taking her cue, I reached down and grabbing the bottom of her dress pulled it up and off of her. Alicia kept her arms up and stepping back slightly I unhooked her bra and tossed it on the floor. She leaned back against me and resting her head on my shoulder whispered, "Play with my tits."

Sliding my arms around her, I cupped her firm tits and started stoking her nipples with my thumb.

"Yeah, that's it," she purred, "Show off your sister's tits."

"Have we said perfect?" Mary breathed her words coming out as much moaning as speaking.

Alicia began to work her hips back against me, grinding her thing covered ass against my throbbing dick.

"Oh, you're hard for your big sister aren't you?"

Alicia raised her arms and reaching back wrapped them around my head. She tugged on me and catching her drift, I bent my head and began kissing the soft skin of her exposed neck. Alicia made a happy sound in her throat and started swaying back and forth against me. In front of us our benefactors were slowly masturbating each other and their lips were parted as they breathed heavily. The fact they were so turned on was adding to the painful condition of my cock and I started pushing my hips into Alicia's ass.

I started squeezing her nipples harder and after a long sexy moan, she dropped her arms from around me and spinning around to face me, paced her hand son my chest and gave me a long deep kiss. I put my arms around her and hugging her close to me groaned at the feeling of my sister's tits pressing into my chest. As her tongue drove into my mouth she again began swaying, teasing her nipples across my skin.

"Look at that ass." Steve spoke up sounding as if he were having as hard of a time speaking as Mary did.

Alicia broke the kiss and again turning me around, positioned me in front of the bed. Giving me a nasty smile, she said, "Let's see if that cock is as big as it feels!"

Alicia made a show of shimmying slowly down to her knees and my heart began to pound as she began kissing and licking my stomach. While her tongue teased along the edge of my waist, her hands found my zipper. I felt the snap of my jeans release and as if in a dream watched my sister unzip me. Grabbing the sides of my jeans she yanked them down to my knees. My aching cock sprang free a spray of pre cum splattering on Alicia's shoulder.

"Oh, look at that young hard cock!" Mary moaned.

"Hmm, is this all for your big sister?" Alicia asked as she grabbed my cock and squeezed it.

"Oh, yeah." I moaned.

She squeezed it again, causing more pre cum to ooze from it and leaning forward, Alicia flicked her tongue across the dripping tip. I gasped and watched my cock twitching in her hand as she pulled her tongue back with a trail of my pre cum hanging from it. She made a show of slurping it up, and then licked her lips.

"You want me to suck your cock little brother?"

"Yes please. I all but whimpered

"Damn that sounds good." Steve complimented me.

"Yeah, you want your big sis to take care of your nice big dick? Make you cum for her?"

"Please don't tease." I was sounding pathetic, but the sounds of agreement behind me told me they were enjoying seeing a brother beg his sister.

"Please sis?" I pleaded for them, "Please suck my cock! I made you cum!"

"True." Alicia said while stroking my cock.

Her blue eyes were locked onto it and had a glazed look in them that at first I thought was wine, but realized with a thrill it was lust. Alicia stood up and surprised me by shoving me. I fell back into a sitting position on the bed and hooking her fingers into the sides of her things made a show of working it down her hips. Alicia bent over and shook her ass at Steve and Mary as she shimmied the thing down to the floor.

"Oh look at that ass." He said

"And that sweet little pussy." Mary moaned and grabbing his wrist pushed his hand hard against her pussy.

Alicia dropped to her knees and after pulling my jeans off slid up between my legs. Grabbing my cock she looked me in the eye and with a wink opened her mouth and took my cock deep into it

"Oh fuck!" I moaned at the feeling of my sister's warm wet mouth, "Oh yes!"

"Hmm," she moaned around my cock and as I watched my eyes wide, she worked my cock all the way down to the base of my shaft.

Still looking me in the eye, she slid her tongue out and I groaned as it slid across my balls.

"Look at that." Mary moaned.

Alicia held my cock buried in her throat and it was everything I could do not to move my hips. She shook her head back and forth causing me to moan again the slowly worked her mouth back up my cock. She released it with a loud slurping sound then ducking her head started sucking my balls. I sat back groaning while my sister tongue bathed my balls and slowly stroked me. The sight of her face down there was driving me wild and tying to slow myself down I looked over at Steve and Mary.

"Damn." I said.

Alicia stopped licking and turned to see that Mary had sat up and leaning over had her head in her lap and was now sucking Steve's cock. Her head on was on his stomach and she was facing us as her mouth slowly descended on his cock. He had slid his hand down her back and had her skirt pulled up exposing the curve of her ass to us. His hand was buried between her legs and his arm was moving as he thrust his fingers in and out of her.

"Thought we were putting on the show." Alicia laughed.

"Oh, you are." Steve moaned.

"Speaking of." Alicia said and moving quickly once gain engulfed my cock in her mouth.

This time she began bobbing her head in a steady rhythm and reaching down I grabbed her long blonde hair. Placing my hand on the back of her head I began guiding her up and down my cock and as our eyes met she moaned around my cock. It sent a thrill through me that this was not just for show. My sexy sister was really into blowing me!

That thought caused my hips to twitch and trying to help me last, Alicia pulled my cock from her lips and began running her tongue up and down my shaft while rubbing my balls. I moaned and my hips began moving anyway. Alicia placed her face against my cock and let it slide up and down her face as I thrust into her. I noticed her looking over at the couch and followed her gaze. Mary was still sucking Steve, long slow sucks that caused him to moan at the end of each one. I noticed his hips moving as well and Mary was grinding hard against his hand.

I gasped when Alicia took me back into her mouth and began sucking me deeper and faster than before. I groaned and my fingers tightened in her hair and unable to help it my hips started moving faster. Alicia stopped sucking and looking me in the eye winked and moaned "hmm-hmm"

I started thrusting my hips, fucking my sister's willing mouth and moaning even louder. I heard Steve groaning as well and wondered if they were racing us. Placing her hand against my stomach to stop me from moving, Alicia ran her tongue in a couple of slow circles around the tip of my cock then sliding her mouth over it started bobbing her head even faster than last time. She began following her lips with her hand jerking me off as she blew me and I knew I was going to cum and damn soon.

Alicia was moaning continuously around my cock and my hips were moving in time with her mouth. She began kneading my balls with her other hand and my legs were shaking violently as I fought to last as long as possible.

"Oh shit" Steve cried out and I turned to see him pushing Mary's head down on his cock as his hips bucked wildly.

Mary made a gurgling sound and as she drove her mouth down on his cock I saw a line of cum drool out of her mouth and down his shaft. At that moment Alicia gave my balls a squeeze.

"Oh fuck sis!" I called out as my cock went off in my sister's mouth.

Alicia moaned and her blue eyes rolled back as she continued to suck. My hips jerked as my cock erupted sending a series of long streams of cum down her throat. She made a wet gurgling noise similar to Mary and as good as Alicia looked sucking, I looked over to see Mary cleaning the spilled cum from Steve's cock with her tongue. I quickly went back to Alicia who was now sucking hard on my cock trying to completely drain it if every drop. I made another of those pathetic sounds as she squeezed the base and I felt a couple of more drops ooze from my dick and into her mouth.

"Oh fuck." I moaned.

Sliding her mouth from my cock, Alicia stuck her tongue out and waggled it at me. It was covered in cum and turning her head she showed it to Steve and Mary. With a nasty smile, Mary stuck her own white dripping tongue to us before slurping it back in her mouth.

"Jesus." Steve said softly, "Talk about audience participation."

"I couldn't resist." Mary said, sitting up.

Looking at us she wiped at her mouth then said, "Well Andrew I think your sister deserves a treat for that don't you?"

"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed and for the first time moved with no hesitation

Standing up so quickly my still hard cock slapped Alicia in the face; I grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her to her feet. She released a startled yelp as spinning her around me literally threw her on the bed.

"Oh yeah!" Steve clapped, "Little brother has the fever now!"

Alicia began to laugh, but it changed to a loud moan as kneeling between her legs I all but dove into her pussy. I spread her lips wide and immediately plunged my tongue into her hot little box.

"Yes!" she cried out, "Suck your sister's pussy!"

I swirled my tongue around inside of her, reveling in the taste of my sister's juices. As my tongue probed her sweet hole I took a deep breath and moaned at the scent of her pussy. Her flesh was wet and hot against my face and I started moving my head, working my rigid tongue back and forth.

"Yeah, tongue fuck me!" Alicia moaned, "Show me how bad you want it!"

"Hearing that makes me want it!" Steve declared.

I sensed movement and heard Mary release a long loud moan. Turning my head slightly I saw that Mary was now laying against the end of the couch with one leg across the top and one foot on the floor. Steve was kneeling on the floor licking her pussy as she spread it open. His head was leaning against her thigh and even as his tongue lid up and down her red haired pussy his eyes were on us.

My still hard cock jumped between my legs and returning my attention to my big sister's delicious snatch, slowly trailed my tongue through the wet folds of her pink flesh.

"Hmm, you look so good down there. Look at you licking your sister's pussy like a good little brother!"

"Sounds so fucking good!" Mary exclaimed.

"Looks even better." Steve added,

"Less talking more licking." Mary told him causing me to laugh into Alicia's pussy.

She giggled as well and I couldn't believe how good this was going. I returned my attention to Alicia's pussy and after teasing her by running my tongue up and down through her lips fastened mine around her clit. She moaned and raising her feet put them on my shoulders.

"Put one down honey so we can see." Mary told her.

Alicia lowered her foot and I gasped as it quickly found my cock and started sliding back and forth beneath it.

"Still hard for me? I can't wait to cum so you can fuck me!"

On that note I decided to go about making that happen and as Alicia started wiggling her toes playfully against my cock I plunged two fingers into her pussy and began sucking on her clit.

"Harder!" Alicia begged.

I began thrusting my fingers harder than I had the first time and reaching up with my free hand captured one of her nipples and started rolling it between my fingers. Alicia moaned her approval and pressing my tongue firmly against her clit, swirled it in fast circles, tracing the edge s of her hard button.

"Damn you're good." She purred.

Her toes curled hard into my shoulder and I could feel her thighs trembling against my shoulders. At the sound of moaning I looked to the side to see Steve also finger fucking Mary and the way her hips were moving told me she would be cumming and quickly. Again feeling as if I were in a race, I started sucking hard on my sister's clit while driving my fingers in so deep I could feel my knuckles striking the soft skin around her pussy.

Alicia didn't seem to mind as her hips started rising to meet my fingers and reaching down she grabbed my hair and started grinding her pussy into my face.

"Oh, oh, oh....oh please!" Alicia groaned, "Oh little brother make me cum! Make my pussy even wetter for your big cock! Make me....oh fuck!!"

Figuring I really had nothing to lose, I lowered my hand from her nipple and with no warning slipped a finger into her extremely tight ass. I had done this with Brenda who loved it and apparently Alicia was fine with it as with a long loud howl her thighs clamped around my head and she began yelping and squirming into my still moving tongue.

"Yes yes yes!" she cried as my fingers continued to plunge in and out of both her holes.

From next to us I heard a high pitched squeal that announced we hadn't beaten Mary by much. Her squeal seemed to inspire Alicia whose hips started bucking even harder as her fingers dug into my scalp and shoved my face deeper against her quivering flesh. As her pussy convulsed around my fingers I imagined it being my cock and I swirled my tongue faster and moved my fingers harder in anticipation of fucking her.

Alicia's back arched and she cried out loudly. I felt a warm sensation around my fingers then flinched as her pussy contracted and a squirt of sticky fluid shot around my fingers and into my face.

"Oh wow." Alicia sighed as she let her legs fall from around my head. "That was the hardest I ever... fuck yeah!"

She squealed as jumping to my feet I spread her legs and drove my cock deep into her. I all but squealed myself at the feeling of being inside my sister's sopping wet pussy. Grabbing her ankles I lifted her legs and spreading them as wide as my arms would allow began fucking the shit out of her. I hoped our audience hadn't wanted slow and teasing because right now I was fucking the shit out of my sister and planned on continuing.

"Look at him go!" Steve yelled, "That's it Andrew fuck your sister! Fuck her good and hard!"

Well at least I didn't have to worry about disappointing them I thought as I continued to hammer away at Alicia. I looked down and smiled at how fucking good she looked. In spite of the air conditioning Alicia was sweating and some of her hair was plastered to her face. Her glistening tits were bouncing wildly as my cock plunged relentlessly into her.

I lowered my gaze and moaned at the sight of my long thick cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

"Fuck her harder!" Mary called out.

Releasing her ankles I braced my hands on the bed and putting my arms behind her legs, leaned forward.

"Oh fuck that's deep!" Alicia cried out as I bent her legs back so far her feet were over her head.

Her ass left the bed as she was bent backwards and my cock began driving into her at an even better angle. Alicia's eyes rolled back and she was yelping with every thrust. She was so wet I could hear my cock entering her and my thighs were dripping with her juices.

"Fuck me!" She cried out, "Fuck me hard little brother! Show your sister what a man you are!"

"Take her on her knees!" Steve called out, "Fuck her doggy!" Mary added, "But take her!"

Sliding my cock out, I grabbed Alicia by her slender hips and with a wrench of my shoulders flipped her over. She immediately pushed herself up on her hands and knees and grabbing her hips I paused to admire how damn good her ass looked as well as her glistening pussy winking out at me,

"Fuck me!" she looked over her shoulder at me, her blue eyes wild with desire. "Come on little brother your sister needs to get fucked!"

Well mom always used to tell me to listen to my sister if she couldn't be around so rearing back I plunged my cock into her in one long thrust. Alicia cried out as I immediately started hammering away at her. Her back was slicked with sweat and the sight of her amazing ass and my cock driving between her cheeks was better than I could have imagined. As sick as it was this was by far the hottest fuck I'd ever had.

"How's that feel?" Steve asked, "How's it feel to be fucking your sexy sister?"

"Fucking great!" I exclaimed in between gasps for breath.

"You like your brother's cock?" Mary asked.

"Fuck yeah!" she moaned, "Best cock I've ever had!"

"This is the best sex the two of you will ever have." Steve declared as if reading my mind.

I slowed my fucking as it occurred to me they sounded closer. I stopped altogether when I saw Mary and Steve approach the bed from the other side. Alicia looked up as Leaning over the bed, so that her face was only inches from Alicia she asked, "May we?"

"May you...?" I trailed off as stepping up behind her; Steve pulled his once again hard cock from his pants.

He lifted Mary's skirt, flipping it over her ass and grabbing her hips he smiled at me, "May we join you?"

"Yes." Alicia said quickly "I want to watch!"

Where that had come from I had no idea, but Steve did not need to be told twice. Placing his cock between her legs he shoved forward and Mary moaned in pleasure. The look on what part of her face I could see caused me to remember my cock was still buried in Alicia's pussy and as Steve started fucking Mary fat and hard I joined him. Alicia began yelping as I put all the power of my hips into my thrusts and Steve looked like he was doing everything he could to match me.

Sliding her hands forward on the bed, Mary took Alicia's in hers and the two of them held hands as Steve and I pounded away on them. That sight caused me to gasp and I could feel my legs trembling as I began to get close.

"You are so beautiful!" Mary gasped as her husband fucked the shit out of her, "Both of you! So hot, so perfect!"

"Oh yeah," Steve moaned sounding as if he were getting as close as I was. "Better than we ever dreamed! Look at the two of you fucking, I...oh fuck Mary!"

Steve gave Mary a couple of more pumps that were nothing short of vicious and whipped his cock out. Mary rolled over and sitting up turned her head so we could watch Steve spray his cum directly into her wide open mouth. She caught some but a lot splattered on her chin and dripped down onto her shirt. The sight sent me over the edge and squeezing Alicia's hips so hard she cried out I slammed her several more times before whipping my own cock out.

Like Mary, Alicia rolled over, but staying on her back held her tits up for me. I had initially thought I would get my wish of using her tattoo as target practice, but the sight of my sister presenting her tits to me was even better. Leaning over I pumped my cock and called out her name as my cock erupted sending several long thick spurts across both her tits. I kept pumping my cock moving it back and forth, making a show of painting my sister's gorgeous tits. When I could coax no more from my spent cock, I moaned softly and all but fell onto the bed next to Alicia.

We remained silent and the room was filled with all four of us breathing hard. I watched Alicia's cum covered tits heave and then looking at her sweat slicked face couldn't stop thinking about how hot she was. She saw me looking and gave me a tired smile. Despite the dirtiness of the situation I felt an overwhelming wave of affection for my sister and leaning over kissed her softy on the lips, "You're beautiful sis." I told her.

"So are you Andy," taking my hand she squeezed it, "So are you."

"Now that is almost as good as the sex." Mary murmured.

"Almost." Steve laughed. Getting up he grabbed a pile of towels that was on the floor next to the bed and after handing me one started wiping the cum from Mary's face.

Following his lead, I gently wiped off Alicia's tits. Mary got up from the bed and going over to the small fridge came back with four bottles of water. We all drank deeply and after finishing mine I stood up and now feeling a bit self conscious pulled my jeans on and handed Alicia her dress. Alicia stood up, groaning with the effort and after slipping her dress on leaned over and bean putting her sandals on.

"What about your lingerie?" Steve asked.

"Keep them." She said, "You paid for it after all."

"Money well spent," Steve laughed. "We'll enjoy them, can't say we'll wash them though."

"So were you guys happy?" Alicia asked.

"Can't you tell?" Mary smiled, "Better than we had ever hoped, "Money is all yours and good luck with the house."

"The bank will be happy and our mom will be thrilled." I said.

"Thank you so much." Steve said and leaning over clasped my hand while giving Alicia a quick peck on the cheek.

"A dream come true." Mary whispered, coming over and giving each of us an affectionate kiss on our cheeks.

"Can I ask why?" Alicia gestured at us. "Why did you want this so bad to pay so much money?"

"That's their business sis." I told her, "Let's leave them alone."

"Okay." Alicia gave me a smile and reaching out took my hand.

I smiled back at her enjoying the way she had reached for me.

"Hold on." Steve said.

He stood there staring at us, then looking at Mary asked, "See what I see?"

"I do." She nodded.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said, "But sit down on the bed and we'll tell you why. I think what you hear may make you think about things differently."

With a shrug I led Alicia back over to the bed and the masked couple returned to the couch.

"Because the two of you were so amazing and because as I said, something may come of us telling you we're going to tell you why we have such a strong fetish for incest. Well brother sister anyway." Steve said, he looked at Mary who after staring at him for moment turned to us and began to speak.

"Part of why we need to remain anonymous is not just the obvious. I mean, yes we are prominent and wealthy, but there is another reason this cannot get out." Taking Steve's hand she said quietly, "Steve and I are brother and sister."

"What?" Alicia asked her eyes wide, "I thought you were husband and wife?"

"We are. But also siblings."

"But siblings can't get married." I pointed out.

"If people know they can't." she sighed. "Despite our money which we inherited we had a pretty tough life early on. Our father sexually molested both of us."

"Oh no." Alicia said, "That's terrible."

"It was and because of his money he got away with it longer than he should have and our mother pretended she did not know. But a servant caught him and couldn't be bought. Even still with his money it was hushed up and he simply fled the state instead of answering for it. Now go forward a few years and Steve and I and by the way those are our former names."


"Yes former. But we will get to that. When we were teens we were both very attractive, but as you can imagine very nervous when it came to sex. We were both frustrated and lonely. One night we were left alone and after sneaking a little wine one thing led to another and we decided since we loved each other and would not hurt each other ever, we became lovers."

Putting his arm around her, Steve took over.

"We thought it would be a for now thing, but we kept getting closer and realized our love transcended that of siblings. We snuck around for awhile then when our father past away and we inherited his money we decided to reinvent ourselves."

"We both changed not only our last names, but our first as well; we moved across the country and lived together like any other couple. A friend of mine was a doctor with a family practice in trouble. I told him if he would fudge our blood test for a marriage certificate we would pay his debt and we became husband and wife fifteen years ago."

"Good for you." I said, "I mean it doesn't sound so bad like that."

"It does not and as I said to you yesterday Andrew the love of a sister and a brother's love for his sister is like no other love. It is sometimes a little protective and parental and even more so that of a dear friend. Siblings have a bond that is unmatched in life and on occasions some of them are closer than others. Yes incest sounds disgusting, but I can tell you the love we have for each other exceeds that of most marriages. We are truly everything to each other."

"Glad you're happy," Alicia said, "You deserve it."

"Thank you."

"I'm glad you trust us, but not sure why you told us that." I shrugged.

"Because..." Steve grinned, "Well maybe it's something that will mean more later on. "But for now, thank you again for letting us relive our first experience and the thrill of being siblings and playing while watching other siblings is a thrill I cannot describe."

"So you knew you would?" I asked.

"Yes, your question was would we be involved with the two of you." He laughed, "Trick answer I suppose, but we would not have gotten on the bed if you did not want us to."

"That's okay, it was hot." Alicia looked at me, "Shall we?"

"Sure," I stood up and as she stood with me I noticed she was still holding my hand."Thank you for the money." I said as I took the stack from the nightstand.

"Money well spent." Mary told us as she walked us to the door, "We got one hell of a thrill watching you and we got to do two good deeds in the process."

"Two?" I frowned, "I figure one is saving the house, what's the other?"

Mary looked first at me then at Alicia, with a smile she said, "I think your sister may know what I mean."


I slipped into bed and getting comfortable let out a long contented sigh. Tonight would be the best night's sleep I'd had in a long time. Not only was I physically exhausted from my pornographic romp with my sister, but mentally I felt as if a huge weight was lifted. After we left the motel Alicia and I did take a ride to the casino to make the ruse look even better. We made sure we saved the parking slip as well as the receipt to the restaurant there we ate in.

We did gamble a little and ended up winning another thousand between us. I guess when things were working out well things fell into place. We came home to find mom packing and Alicia in a performance worthy of an Oscar excitedly ran over to mom hugging her so hard she almost knocked her over and exclaimed we had the money to save the house and then some. Mom had begun crying, but these were happy tears and the three of us went together to the bank to present them with the full amount owed.

After a celebratory dinner we came back home and Alicia despite the money we still had went to work as scheduled. I helped mom unpack everything she had boxed up and put it back where it belonged. After a long hot shower I was now for an awesome night's sleep. I shifted in the bed and released a soft sigh as the cool sheet slid against my bare cock. I loved sleeping naked, but hadn't been lately as with everything going on Alicia had often come into my room at all hours to talk.

But tonight I figured she would sleep as well as I would. Besides we had carefully avoided discussing our performance earlier and I doubted we would tonight. I quickly shied away from that thought as I was not sure where this left us. We had done it for mom, but I'd be damned if I was going to be able to look at her the same way again. I wondered vaguely if we would again. I kept thinking about Steve and Mary. I had to admit it was as sexy as it was disturbing.

"Shut it down Andrew." I told myself and started to close my eyes.

I noticed the small lamp on my desk was still on, but decided fuck it, I would sleep just fine. As if to prove the point I felt my eyes closing and with another happy sigh, let sleep take me away.

I awoke to the sound of a door closing and opening my eyes saw Alicia standing next to my bed.

"Hey little brother." She smiled down at me.

"Hey," I said wiping at my sleep smeared eyes. "What's up?"

"Oh, I don't know." She said.

She was wearing just her short black bathrobe and her long hair was wet from the shower. As she stood there I saw she was shifting from one foot to another which is what she always did when nervous.

"Do you want something?" I asked.

"Kind of." She gave me a nervous smile.

"You want to talk?"


"Then what do you....oh."

With a sultry smile Alicia untied her robe and let her fall from her shoulders and to the floor. She was naked beneath it and I felt my cock immediately take interest beneath the sheet.

"Wanna play little brother," she asked, leaning over the bed and kissing me.

"Alicia we...we did what we had to do and..."

"We did," she said softly staring into my eyes.

I could feel her nipple against my bare shoulder and I swallowed hard wondering what to do, sure it was hot, but...

"Now I want to do it because I want to."

"You do?" I repeated like an idiot.

"I do Andy. You felt amazing and even though that was pretty raunchy I felt really close to you at the end."

Alicia crawled onto the bed so she was kneeling next to me and sitting up gave me a good view of her fantastic tits.

"But not as good as you felt holding me last night." She reached down ad lightly caressed my cheek, "I've never felt that way with any man before Andy. It made me think of Steve and Mary."

"Well we're not Steve and Mary."

"You don't want to?"

"I....oh, not fair!"

I exclaimed as she ripped the sheet off me and grabbed my semi hard cock.

"I think he wants to." She laughed as she started jerking me off.

I moaned and looking up at her tried one last time.

"We can't keep..."

"Why can't we?"

"I..." I couldn't come up with an answer other than the obvious one and her hand had sped up on my cock. "We're brother and sister."

"So were they and they are so in love!" she said leaning over she kissed me again. "I want to be that in love, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I...oh, Alicia no..."

I whimpered in resignation as sliding down the bed, Alicia took my cock into her mouth and slowly bobbed her head. My cock swelled in her persuasive mouth and reaching down I ran my hand along the smooth tan skin of her back. Releasing my cock, Alicia turned around and swinging her leg over my waist straddled me.

"You don't want me little brother?" she asked, as she rested her hands on either side of my arms, "You don't want to keep your lonely sister company?"

She leaned down and swayed back and forth brushing her nipples across my face. Feeling like a drowning ma I put my arms around her waist and sucked her nipple into my mouth.

"That's better." She cooed, "Enjoy your sister," leaning down she kissed me and added, "Love your sister."

" love you." I told her.

"Then truly love me." She said as she began rocking her hips.

I groaned as her wet pussy slid along the length of my cock. I tried to thrust my hips to slide inside her, but with a giggle she lifted her hips so I couldn't.

"You're teasing!" I whimpered.

'No I'm not." She told me, "Trust me your big sister is not a tease. But I want to hear you tell me."

"Tell you...?"

"Tell me you love me and don't call me sis. Like this." Pressing down against me, she whispered, "I love you Andrew, with all my heart I love you."

As I had earlier I felt another surge of emotion at her words. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and sliding my hand up her back pressed it against the back of her, cradling her into my neck, "I love you too Alicia," I said trying to fight off the emotion threatening to choke me up, "You're the most beautiful amazing girl I know."

"Hmm I like that," she purred into my ear, I really like that."

Her hips started moving again teasing my cock, but this time I didn't move, I knew I would have her and not just tonight, but every night.

"Damn you feel good." She told me and this time pressed her pussy against the head of my cock.

I strained not to move as she lowered her hips just enough for the head of my cock to enter her. She sighed in my ear and as I turned my head I caught a glimpse of a picture of the two of us with mom.

"Alicia, what about mom?"

"Mom?" she shrugged into me, "She doesn't need to know and I think she'll be pretty happy soon anyway."

"Because of the house?" I forced the question out as she lowered herself a little more.

"No, because of me."

"What do you mean?" Another slow teasing inch further inside her.

"Let's put it this way little brother," Alicia let her weight go and we both moaned as she impaled herself on my cock. Alicia began to rock her hips slowly riding me and after a long sexy sigh finished, "I'm not going to be taking that job out of town after all."