
Or was it? Julie wouldn't be doing it because she lusted for him, or had any unnatural feelings for him. She'd be doing it because she loved him and wanted to help him through a tough time. Her mind continued down the bizarre path as if one part of her were talking the sane part of her into it.

Who better to do this for him? Mindy was doing it a favor to her and a sleazy little thrill. If Kyle got too nervous, who's to say Mindy would be as patient as she said she'd be? Maybe she'd get aggravated and leave in the middle of it, or have a what the fuck am I doing moment and back out in the beginning?

If Julie decided to do it, she'd be as patient as she needed to be and if he had a problem like yesterday she'd...what? Suck her brother's cock? The voice of sanity returned. Suck his cock, get up on top and ride him? Let her brother cum inside her?

It was crazy, twisted, wrong, sick...

But who would know? No one, except Julie. Even Kyle would never know. He'd think it was one of the five cute girls downstairs and it might drive him crazy, but he'd eventually settle for it being a hot time and move on, and that's what this was about, getting her brother to be able to move on with girls.

This wasn't sick, it was love and sacrifice for her brother who she knew would do anything for her. Would he fuck you? Her fading conscious asked. That was followed by the uneasy thought he'd admitted he'd been staring at her lately.

But he would never do anything with her, at least not knowingly, so what did that matter. Julie looked over on her father's end table and reached into the dish he always threw his change in. She fished out a quarter and closed her eyes.

Heads, she'd listen to reason and let tonight runs its course and just try to comfort him tomorrow if he came to her about the mean joke one of her friends played. Tails, he'd be getting a piece of tail, his sister's tail.

She balanced the coin on her bent thumb and flicked it into the air. Julie caught it in her palm and flipping her hand over, slapped the coin down into the back of her other hand. She took a deep breath and lifted her hand to look at the coin.

It was her little brother's lucky night.

Chapter Five

Julie sat on the floor next to Mindy, her back against the couch. She watched the clock on the DVR beneath the TV tick off the minutes, her heart beating faster and her stomach tight with nerves. The clock hit eleven fifteen and her phone rang next to her.

She'd reset her phone's alarm to sound like her ringtone and picking it up, she quickly thumbed the alarm off as she brought the phone to her ear.

"Hey mom, you're calling late? Everything okay?" She felt like an idiot talking to herself, but needed an excuse to go upstairs. "Where is it? Okay, I'll call you right back."

Julie stood up and carefully stepped over the already sleeping Nicole where she lay sprawled out on her stomach.

"I'll be back in a couple minutes. My mom needs me to look something up on her computer."

"This late?" Mindy asked.

"They just got in from a day cruise and can't find her reservations for tomorrow's trip. I have to e-mail them to her."

Julie was impressed with not just how easily she lied to her best friend, but how casual she sounded considering what she was about to do. She went upstairs, taking a quick peek behind her to see the girls either sleeping or focusing on the movie.

Julie shut the hallway light off so if Kyle was awake and padded down the hallway, her bare feet silent on wooden floor. She shut the hallway light off in case he was awake and watching the door so he wouldn't see her come in. When she reached his door, she hesitated, trying to slow down her mind and calm her nerves. She was about to fuck Kyle.

"You can do this," she whispered. "It's not sick, it's helping my brother."

Julie gripped the knob and as she had last night turned it as slowly as she could and eased the door open just enough for her to slip in. She closed it just as silently and stood just inside his room.

Like the other night it was so dark she couldn't even see his bed. She put her hand out, finding the top of his bureau. Her heart pounding and her mouth dry from nerves, she pulled her nightshirt off and placed it on top of the bureau she could easily find it.

As usual the ac was blasting and her nipples instantly became hard. Well, at least he'll think I'm excited, she thought. She hooked her fingers into the sides of her panties and feeling as if she were at the point of no return pushed them down and placed them on top of her shirt.

She was standing completely naked in her brother's room.

Julie walked slowly forward, her hand out in front of her feeling for his bed. When she felt the edge of his mattress she closed her eyes. She placed her hand flat on the bed and slid it to the left until she felt the edge of his headboard.

Now knowing exactly where she was she closed her eyes. If she went any further there would be no turning back so it was now or never. Julie knew if she remained still much longer she'd lose her nerve so reached out, trying to find her brother in the dark.

She jumped when her hand touched his bare chest and she heard him gasp. She rubbed her hand across his chest, touching him and telling herself she could do this; just imagine him as a guy she was interested in.

"You came." Kyle spoke into the darkness. "It wasn't a joke."

His words told her she'd done the right thing as he'd already been thinking he was being toyed with.

"This..." Before he could finish, she moved her hand upwards, over his chin and put her finger to his lips.

"Shhh," Julie climbed onto the bed, kneeling so that her knees were against his side. Removing her hand from his lips, she placed it back on his chest and slid it down until she found the edge of his sheet.

She lifted it and tossed it backwards and he gasped again when her hand was now on stomach and moving further south. Julie could feel her fingers trembling and wondered if he noticed. She placed her other hand on the side of his face and after caressing his cheek, slid her fingers through his hair.

Kyle didn't speak, but his breathing became heavier, especially when her fingers encountered his pubic hair. She felt something brush the edge of her hand and when she realized it was his cock, she had to force herself not to move.

Julie was as nervous as he was and needed to relax. She went back to trying to think of Kyle as a guy she was seducing, but she'd never really seduced anyone. Kyle's hand brushed against her stomach and again she had to make an effort not to flinch.

She had to make this real. If she were a girl sneaking up here for a naughty little fuck, she wouldn't be shy and wouldn't move slowly. Julie could only stay up here so long before Mindy might get nosy and wander up.

She thought back to the video that inspired this bizarre situation. She thought about how hot it was and how many times she'd gotten off to it. The whole idea of anonymous sex where you could do something dirty and no one knew it was you.

Kyle's hand sliding up her stomach and grazing the lower portion of her breast, brought her back to reality. Keeping the idea of the movie in her head, along with the desire to make this real and enjoyable for her brother, Julie took the plunge.

Grabbing his wrist, she brought his hand up over her breast and pressed it against her firm flesh. Kyle released a sharp breath as he fondled her breast and hers hissed between her teeth when his palm slid over her hard nipple.

Using her hand on his cheek to guide her, Julie leaned over and kissed him. Just like when she swam or tried anything new, Julie didn't move in slowly, but dove in. Her kiss was a real on; her lips pressing firmly to his.

Kyle moaned into her mouth and he found her other breast in the dark. He squeezed them hard in his excitement, but Julie didn't protest, instead she released a moan of her own that was more for him, than actual pleasure.

Try as she might to put herself in the video in her mind, she couldn't forget this was her brother. Her brother, whose fingers were now on her nipples, tentatively caressing them. Kyle had returned her kiss nervously at first, but as she worked her lips across his, he grew more confident.

He grunted in surprise when she pushed her tongue into his mouth then moaned loudly when Julie took the plunge and grabbed his cock. She kept her mind on the fantasy of this being any guy but her brother as she squeezed his semi hard cock in her hand.

Sticky precum flowed across the back of her hand and Kyle's whimper into their kiss sent a real thrill through her. She pumped his cock in her hand, jerking him off while darting her tongue playfully around his mouth.

In his excitement he pinched her nipples and she released a sharp yip into their kiss.

"Sorry," he whispered. "Just kind of...."

"Shhh!" She shushed him and then elicited another moan from him when she released his cock to slide her hand down and rub his balls.

Her brother's balls were tight and swollen and she found herself thinking about how pent up he was and how good his first orgasm not delivered to him by his hand. Her hand returned to his cock which had swelled in size and was now much harder.

Damn, there was nothing little about her little brother, she thought as she fingers barely touched around his shaft. She squeezed him just under his head and was rewarded with another whimper and more pre cum leaking over her fingers.

Julie rubbed it across his sensitive head, making his hips jerk, then stroked him faster, the slick precum now allowing her hand to glide more smoothly along his hard flesh.

"That feels so good," he moaned.

Hearing his voice brought reality crashing back down to her. She needed to not hear him to keep herself going. Rising higher on her knees, she lowered herself over him and pushed her left breast into his mouth.

He released a muffled groan around her tit and Julie heard a soft one escape her own lips as he eagerly sucked on her swollen nipple. Julie slowed her stroking, letting him enjoy the sensation, but being careful not to get him to aroused. If he shot off in her hand, there was no way she was going to stick around for him to recover enough for sex.

Julie's breathing was getting heavier and she could no longer deny that his tongue on her nipple didn't feel good. As shameful as it was to think, his cock felt damn good in her hand and he was bigger than Nick, that was for damn sure.

She moved to the side, offering him her other nipple. Growing bolder and getting more into it than she imagined she would be, she grabbed his wrist. Easing her legs open she pulled his hand between her thighs.

"Oh, damn," he whispered around her nipple when he encountered the soft folds of her pussy. His fingers wiggled awkwardly against her, and finding his wrist once more, she moved his hand back and forth, working his fingers along her surprisingly wet slit.

Kyle grew more confident, keeping his fingers still and now stroking her more firmly, his fingers sliding through her moist lips. She gasped and her hips rocked when his fingers glided over her clit and squeezing his wrist harder, she held his hand still.

He moved his fingers, stroking her clit and she couldn't stifle a soft moan of pleasure. Kyle moved his hand and she let him to see what he would do. His fingers slid through her lips and then pushed up against her.

She grunted in discomfort, then figured out he was trying to put a finger inside her. That idea gave her another brief moment of how the hell could she be doing this? She quickly shook it off and once again held his hand still and moved just enough to press the tips of his fingers inside her.

A sharp breath exploded from her when he pushed harder than she expected, shoving two fingers deep into her. Kyle mumbled something around her nipple, but she didn't pay any attention to him.

Instead she was busy rocking her hips and working her brother's long fingers around in her embarrassingly wet pussy. Just as this would be Kyle's first non self induced orgasm, Julie hadn't had anything other than her toy inside her since Spring Break, and his fingers felt better than she really wanted to admit.

She switched breasts again, letting him go back to working her left nipple while moving her hand across his. She captured his thumb and placed it on her clit. She had to slap her free hand over her mouth to cover up the loud "Oh!" she emitted when he rubbed her aching and neglected pink nub.

She moved his thumb in a circular motion, showing him how to do it. Unbidden in her mind, she heard her mother complimenting her when her and Kyle were young and she helped him learn how to ride a bike. "Look at you being a good big sister and showing your brother how it's done."

Julie shook it off and went back to wiggling her hips in slow circles, moving his fingers inside her and helping his thumb on her clit. Despite the AC she was flushed and could feel a drop of sweat sliding down her back.

Kyle was playing with her right nipple while sucking her left and already seemed so much more confident, than he had minutes ago. Look at you, go, Julie, she thought sarcastically. You're making your brother into a man.

But if she didn't stop playing with his cock and do what she came to do, his 'manhood' was going to end up all over her hand and his stomach. Julie sat back, easing her breasts from his mouth and pushing on his hand removed his fingers from inside her.

Putting her hands on his chest, she swung her leg over his hips so she was straddling him. Reaching between her legs she grabbed his cock and rubbed his head through er wet lips, causing him to groan and a shiver of anticipation to run through her.

She pressed the spongy head of his cock against her, ready to ease him into her when he shocked her by grabbing her hand and pulling it from his cock.

"I have to get a condom," he told her. "They're in my drawer."

Julie leaned over so she was close to his ear. "Uh-huh." She kept the sound in her throat, so he couldn't hear her actual voice.

"I have to, you know, just in case."

Julie didn't want him to take the time to fumble around for one, but recalled this had to play the part. Besides, she had herself to blame, she was the one that told him to use one no matter what. Julie leaned back and heard him open the drawer and fumble around in it.

He turned slightly beneath her to reach further into the drawer and she teased her nails along his chest to keep the mood going.

"Come, on," he muttered. "I know I have them."

Talk about a mood killer, Julie rolled her eyes.

"O...okay, one." That was the first time she'd heard him stammer and she felt the first twinges of something not being right as she could make out him fumbling with it, tearing at the package.

Losing patience, and needing to get her ass back downstairs. She found his hand in the dark and pulled the condom from him. She deftly removed it from the wrapper and raising up higher on her knees reached between her legs with both hands to grab his cock and slide the condom on.

When she found his cock she discovered he was barely semi hard. She hesitated and he whispered. "Sorry, I'm a little nervous I...its my first time."

"Shhh!" She put a little more force into it than she meant, but due more to the frustration of him being right there, then giving himself time to worry.

She pumped his cock and unlike before did so rapidly. She once again got some of his precum on her hand, getting his shaft slick for her palm. Kyle groaned and squirmed under her, but to her dismay he remained semi hard.

"I'm sorry...I..." Kyle stuttered. "Just nervous, please don't stop."

"Shhh!" She hissed again and stroked him even harder with no result. Jesus, now what?

"Just forget it," Kyle sighed beneath her. "I'm sorry I fucked this up. " He paused then continued in a barely audible whisper that was full of frustration. "Please don't tell anyone. Please?"

Oh, the hell with this! Julie flipped the condom off the bed and sliding a couple of feet down the bed, bent over and took his soft cock into her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Kyle gasped as she squeezed the base of his cock to keep him up enough to bob her head up and down his shaft.

The pain in his voice had reminded her of she was doing this and if she were willing to have her brother's cock insider her then was blowing him that big of a deal? She went at him like a cock hungry porn star, noisily sucking and slurping on his now swelling cock.

She stopped sucking long enough to spit on his cock and do it loud enough he knew what she was doing to give him an extra dirty thrill. She pumped his cock, getting it wet and sloppy with her spit then resumed sucking with all her skill.

She swirled her tongue around his shaft as she kept her lips pressed tightly around it.

"Oh, fuck." Kyle groaned and his hands found her hair, his fingers running through it.

"Hmm-mm!" She encouraged him and then moaned around him as she sucked showing him how much she was enjoying it.

She was enjoying it. Enjoying making her sad brother feel good and loving the feeling of control it gave her knowing he was lying there overwhelmed by her skill as a lover. She opened wide and with a loud gagging sound, she forced his sizable cock down her throat until she had her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft.

"Fuck!" Kyle groaned as she deep throated him.

Julie held him there for a moment, slipping her tongue out to lick his balls and really show off. Damn she didn't realize how much she'd missed sucking cock. She shook her head back and forth, working the head of his cock around her mouth and he moaned, his fingers clutching her hair.

Julie caught herself getting carried away. Shaking her head like that was her favorite 'finishing move' while giving head, and she wasn't supposed to be finishing him. But she had accomplished her goal as her brother was now hard as a damn rock in her mouth.

That's right little brother, she thought while releasing his cock with a sloppy wet sucking sound, spit drooling down her chin. "Your big sister isn't taking no for an answer."

Julie slid back up the bed and before he could stop her, grabbed his cock, and sat down hard on it. She lost control and cried out at having his long thick cock driven inside her. Fortunately, she doubted Kyle heard her over his own gasp of, "Holy shit!"

Julie remained still for a moment, allowing her pussy spread around her brother's throbbing cock. She rocked her hips, sliding gently back and forth on his lap. Kyle was moaning and whimpering to the point she was glad this wasn't Mindy because she'd be rolling her eyes and maybe even laughing at him.

Then again, she wasn't sure any girl could laugh with this inside her. Julie was now sure Kyle was the biggest she'd had and felt a twinge of shame at how much she was reveling in the sensation of her pussy being so...full.

She moved her hips faster and her breathing became heavy sighs as she worked him inside her. Kyle's grabbed her hips, squeezing as she moved even faster. Taking his wrists, Julie put his hands on her breasts, holding them there as she switched to bouncing up and down.

When he fondled her breasts and rubbed her nipples, she braced her hands on his chest and bounced up and down, she released a sharp yip each time she drove down on her brother's cock and released a loud gasp when Kyle surprised her but sliding his right hand from her breast, down her stomach and between her legs.

He placed his hand just over her mound and when his thumb stroked her clit he pussy contracted around his cock, making him groan. He kept his thumb moving as Julie pushed harder on his chest, now riding him faster and harder.

He was still playing with her left nipple and bringing her left hand up she pinched her right. She felt flushed and now sweating in the cool air. Her thighs tightened around Kyle and she worked her hips in circles, making him gasp.

But his thumb kept moving and Julie's pussy was now quivering around his cock as she ride him. Julie rolled her nipple between her fingers and when her thighs began to tremble it dawned on her what was about to happen.

She was going to cum on her brother's cock.

If he lasted because Kyle was moaning louder and his breathing was now as heavy as hers. She wanted to tell him to hold on, that she needed just a little more, but couldn't talk. She slowed her bouncing on his cock but whimpered when she felt her impending orgasm start to recede.

She sped back up hoping she could beat him to the finish line. Considering how much she'd played with him and the way she'd sucked him, she was amazed he hadn't cum yet. Julie realized she was being selfish, this was for him, but here she was trying to cum before he did.

It hit here that maybe he hadn't lasted as long as she thought, but she was on a damn hair trigger to from going without.

"Oh, shit," Kyle moaned in the dark below her. She felt him trembling beneath her and knew he was ready to pop. But so was she, and at this point she wanted it far more than she ever thought she would.

She'd entered his room thinking this would be a selfless act of love and here she was enjoying him as if he were just some guy she was fucking and not the one boy she should never even think of fucking.

"Oh, oh," Kyle was groaning each time she impaled herself on his now twitching cock.

Julie would have been making similar noises if she weren't sucking on her lower lips and straining to hold them back. Her fingers curled so hard into his chest he grunted in pain when her nails dug into him.

Julie was right there and twisting her nipple she could no longer hold back and bucked her hips wildly up and down on her prone brother. Whether he sensed she was getting close or it was an excited reaction to her now riding him like a porn star this whole thing made her feel like, he pushed his thumb harder into her clit.

That and another even harder twist of her nipple sent her over the edge.

"Hmmmmmm!" Julie squealed behind her lips and when she didn't think she could hold back anymore she was forced to release her nipples and slap her hand over her mouth. She yelped into her palm as her pussy convulsed around Kyle's cock while she still worked her hips relentlessly.

"Oh, god, I'm going to cum!" Kyle sounded panicked and she knew he was worried about going off inside her, but Julie was still in the throes of the strongest orgasm she could remember and not about to cut it short.

She continued to pound her pussy onto her brother's helpless cock, her contracting flesh making it harder for him to hold back as the force of her climax tore through her.

"Oh God! Oh, God!" Kyle sounded like, well like someone who was coming for the first time during sex, and the next time Julie slammed down onto him, he let loose with a long slow sexy moan that added fuel to her already raging fire.

"Yes," Kyle cried out, finally sounding excited and not scared.

Julie squealed into her palm as her brother's cock twitched inside her and sent a stream of hot cum deep inside her. The last tremors of her orgasm flowing through her, she now slowly worked his cock.

Kyle whimpered and squirmed beneath her as his pulsing cock painted the walls of his sister's quivering flesh with several hard spurts. She contracted around him, milking the cum from him and the soft moan that accompanied each spurt made her smile in the darkness.

When he had no more left and was now gasping and jerking his hips as she worked his now over sensitized head around inside her sloppy cum filled twat. She leaned over, finding the head board with her hands and leaned over, breathing hard, her heart still racing.

"Goddamn, that was amazing." Kyle put his arms around her waist. "Can I kiss you one more time?"

My god, he was so sweet. She'd just sucked and fucked him like a wildcat and no nasty remarks, no dirty comments, he wanted to give her a kiss.

Julie lowered herself down to him, now resting her forearms on either side of him and kissed him. This time the kiss was much softer and she loved the soft sigh he released into her mouth. She meant for a quick peck, but found herself keeping the slow sensual kiss going.

Kyle groaned as his cock softened inside her and when she lifted her hips to ease him from her some of his cum oozed out and down her inner thighs.

"Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you so much."

Julie kissed him again, this time just the quick peck she planned and swung her leg back over him, trying to ignore the idea it was her brother's cum sliding further down her leg.

"Who are you?" He caught her wrist. "I won't tell, I promise. Who..."

"Shhh," she hushed him softly and put her finger briefly to her lips as she had when she came in.

Julie got off the bed and made her way back to the bureau cum flowing further down her left leg. Fumbling around she found her panties and quickly slipped them on, gingerly tugging them up to her dripping pussy.

She donned her shirt as fast as she could, and double checking that the hall light was still off, slipped out of his room. Closing the door behind her, Julie went down the dark hallway and into her room.

She pulled the now soiled panties off and after using them to wipe cum from her thighs, shoved them under the other clothes in her hamper. She pulled on a clean pair and sat down at her desk, turning her fan on and putting her sweaty face directly in front of it.

"Holy, shit, I did it," she said aloud.

She slumped back in her chair. Yeah, she'd done it alright; she'd had sex with her brother. Julie thought on it for a couple minutes to get it over with so she'd be able to seem like nothing was wrong when she went back downstairs.

She decided she had no regrets. As twisted and extreme as it was Kyle's sweet thank you was more than worth it. That and how good he must feel right now. Laying there in his bed, his cock glistening from his lover's pussy, and some of his cum on his cock; he'd be a sexy hot mess.

Kyle would be smiling ear to ear and he'd replay the scene over and over until he was finally able to go to sleep. Tomorrow he would wake up feeling as if it were a dream, but knowing it wasn't. He'd go downstairs, check out the girls and have fun wondering who it was.

Julie was banking on him coming to her first so she could tell him to never say anything. Nope, no regrets, she'd done a good thing for her brother. Rising from the chair and leaving her room, there was one thing that disturbed her.

It wasn't the fact she'd gone through with it and had sex with her brother.

It was how much she'd enjoyed it.

Chapter Six

Julie's head jerk up at the sound of a loud thumping. She lifted her head from the throw pillow and sat up from where she'd fallen asleep lying between Mindy and Keri. She turned her head to follow the noise and saw Kyle pounding down the stairs.

He was in his running gear and grabbing the railing at the bottom, vaulted over it, to landing with a loud bang that caused the other girls to stir around her.

"Morning, ladies!" Kyle flashed an ear to ear smile as he walked through the living room to get to the kitchen.

"Have some respect, jerk," Mindy sat up next to Julie, brushing her blonde hair from her face. "People are trying to sleep."

"Good morning to you too, Mindy." Kyle stopped and looked down at her and the smile he directed at Mindy told Julie she better get her ass in the kitchen and have that talk with him. "You have sweet dreams?" He added with a wink.

Mindy gave him and odd stare, and when she looked at Julie she raised her eyebrows. Shit! Mindy knew exactly why he was in such a good mood. Now she was going to have to use the lie she came up with last night, just in case Kyle said anything.

"Julie, tell your dumb ass brother, to get lost." Nicole spoke from where she lay on her side, not bothering to turn around and face them. "It's early."

"Kyle, get your ass in the kitchen." Julie pointed.

"Come with me, I need to talk to you."

At least that worked out perfectly, she'd planned on following him anyway. This way she wouldn't have to fish, he was going to tell her about last night.

"Go with him, Julie," Keri mumbled. "Because I'm ready to smack him."

Julie rose, but before she could step away, Mindy caught her wrist. "You have some explaining to do, girlie," she whispered.

Julie nodded and stepping around Mindy, followed Kyle into the kitchen.

"What's got into you?" She asked, as if she didn't know.

"Out here, so know one hears us." Kyle slid open the glass door to the deck and gestured for her to go first.

She walked past him and when he closed the door behind them, he turned and laughed.

"Its not what's got into me, but who I got in to."

"What's that mean?" She did her best to look confused. "You're acting weird even for you."

"Oh, come on, you telling me you weren't in on this?"

"On what?" She put her hands out. "Kyle, I have a room full of friends in the living room. Me being out here is rude."

"Bullshit, they're all sleeping. Now answer me, and be honest. Did you set last night up?"

"My movie marathon sleepover?" She rolled her eyes. "Duh."

"Seriously, if you did this for me, I'm not mad." The huge smile returned. "Because it was fucking awesome!"

"Shhh!" She pointed to her left. "Lower your voice and watch your mouth. Miss Thompkins has tea on her deck every morning."

"Oh, sorry." Kyle frowned at her and gave her an odd look.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." He shrugged and the smile returned. "Just a stupid thought."

"I'm sure it has plenty of company," she quipped. "Now what the hell happened that you think I know something about?"

"Sis, we never lie to each other, right?"

"Right." At least not until his next question.

"Honestly, did you know anything about this?" He reached into his pocket and produced the envelope, with her pink lipstick still un-smeared on the front.

"What's this?" She took it in her hand and was relieved to see it wasn't trembling.

"Read it."

Julie took the note from the envelope and pretended to read the note she'd written last night.

"Whoa," she said, keeping her eyes on the letter.

"Whoa is right," he laughed.

"Wait a minute." Julie made sure she had the proper look of surprise on her face when she looked up from the note. "Are you telling me this happened last night?"

"Damn straight it did!" Kyle clapped his hands, then surprised her with a huge bear hug, lifting her off her feet.1 "I did it last night, sis! I'm not a virgin anymore!"

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and put her down. "So if you set this up? Trust me I am not mad at all! Shit, if anything it shows me how much my big sister is willing to do for me."

Oh, little brother, you have no idea, how much I've done for you. Julie stared at the huge smile on his face, a classic Kyle smile that touched his eyes. His entire face seemed lit up in joy and it reaffirmed her feeling last night that she would have no regrets.

"Kyle, I had no idea about this, seriously," she was both amazed and a bit ashamed at how easily she lied to him. But she had to; there was no way he could ever learn the truth.

"Wow, I thought you felt bad for me and set me up with a pity fuck," he grinned. "But I wouldn't care because it was friggin amazing!"


"So damn hot! Whoever it was she knew what she was doing and she felt so damn good."

"Glad to hear it," Julie was caught between being curious to hear more about what he thought about her, and uncomfortable because it was her. "You didn't see anything? Nothing that would give you a hint who it was?"

"Long hair, but all your friends' hair is kind of long, but I couldn't see a damn thing. I had to find my way around, if you know what I mean."

"Not a sound?"

"She didn't say one word. She made some hot little noises during it, but it's not like I've heard any of your friends moan."

"A total mystery." Julie nodded. "Kind of a sexy."

"Very, and let me tell you, Jules, this girl could suck! My God, I...."

"TMI!" Julie put her hands over her ears. "I don't need the blow by blow."

"Oh, she blew," he laughed. "Like a porn star."

"Because you have so much to compare her to?" She raised one eyebrow.

"Ouch." He winced. "But that'll change because after last night, I know what it's like and know I'm okay at it."

"Good to hear."

"And a girl wanted me bad enough to do that so I guess I look okay."

"Told you, you do."

"Yeah, but you're my sister, you don't count. It would be like kissing you and saying hey, I made out with a girl."

"Yeah." Julie nodded wondering if he knew the truth would he think sex didn't count.

"So, okay," Kyle's smile turned sly. "I kept saying no idea, but it had to be Mindy."

"Why do you say that?"

"She's always teasing and flirting and she knows I had a thing for her."

"No." Julie shook her head. "Mindy's come right out and told me she thinks you're hot, but would never because you're my brother and she's my best friend."

"That's why she did it behind your back and so I wouldn't know."

"Kyle, Mindy's more than a little stuck on herself. If she wanted to screw you, she would want you to see it happening."

"She's also kind of dirty, at least that's how she talks. She'd get off on something sneaky like that."

"Well, you'll never know." Julie shrugged.

"I think I'm going to ask her." Kyle nodded. "I'm sure it was her and..."

"No, you won't!" Julie snapped forcefully enough to make him flinch.

"Wow, what's with the tone, sis?"

"Okay, now that you've finally gotten some, let's have a chat about the difference between a man and a boy and getting more or making girls not want to be with you."

"Yeah, sure, you know I respect what you think."

"When a girl has sex with you, she's giving you something."

"I'll say." He smirked.

"Don't be an asshole, Kyle. Act like a frat boy with girls and I'll kick your ass myself," Julie warned him."

"Sorry, I'm just in a great mood."

"Fine, but keep it to jokes, not acting like that. What the girl is giving you is trust. Trust you'll be good to her, trust you'll be respectful before after and during. The after is the big part. You go around running your mouth about who you slept with and worse, what she did for you?"

"She won't sleep with me again."

"Not just her, but now she has a reason to talk and tell girls if they go with you expect it to be all over school, work, wherever. Screw up once, it can affect other girls wanting to date you, never mind sex."

"I can see that." He nodded.

"Now I'm talking about girlfriend material, easy girls most likely don't care, but that's not who you want to be screwing with anyway. You got this out of your system in a pretty crazy sexy way. But now you go back to not screwing just anyone."

"Absolutely, and now that I feel better about it, I'll be a lot better talking to girls and getting dates."

"Dirty little secrets are more fun when they're secret. Telling your dick head friends so and so blew you isn't as much fun as seeing her and knowing what she did for you and will do again because you're not a fuck and tell."

"Good advice, seriously, it makes sense and I don't want to be an asshole."

"That advice takes effect now. You don't say a word to Mindy or any of the other girls. If they wanted you to know who they were, you would. Just leave this at a hot experience and not knowing kind of makes it hotter."

"I just don't see it being anyone but her." Kyle pressed. "Couple of those girls don't even know me."

"Which might have made it a bigger turn on for them," Julie suggested.

"But how's they know where my room was?"

"Really, Kyle?" Julie needed this to end so she could get lying to Mindy over with and put this to rest. "Six girls here since late yesterday afternoon and one bathroom downstairs, we all came up here at some point. Pretty easy to tell which room is yours."


"Let it go, Kyle. Look at it this way, as long as you don't mention the names of who was here, you have a hot story to tell your friends when fall semester starts."

"Okay, I won't ask any questions." He sighed. "Killing me though, I keep picture it being each one of them and trying to decide which seems to feel right."

"Thinking is fine, just don't open your mouth, because if you ask Mindy, she'll say no, then she'll start asking the other girls. You say something to anyone they're all going to know and start thinking and finger pointing, and no one needs drama."

"I promise I won't say a word." Kyle gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I gotta get started, I'm meeting Jimmy three blocks from here. Good talk, sis."

"Good talk," she repeated watching him leave the yard and walk down to the end of the driveway before breaking into a jog and heading down the street.

Julie went back into the house and into the living room. All the girls were still sleeping, including Mindy. Julie pushed her bare foot into Mindy's arm and when she opened her eyes, gestured with her head.

She left the room and went back into her father's den where she sat down in his chair. Mindy game in a minute later and closed the door.

"So, okay, that was a I just got some look on Kyle's face if I ever saw one," Mindy wasn't beating around the bush. "Who did it? Did you ask Nicole?"

"You have to keep this..."

"Oh for fuck's sake, stop saying that. You've trusted me with everything so far and know I've never blabbed anything you've told since you've known me."

"Habit I guess." Julie told her.

"So who was it?"

"I lied last night. My mother didn't call me. That was an alarm I set to have an excuse to go upstairs for awhile."

"To do what?"

"I went on that site Night Line you showed me one time to make fun of the personals. I looked up escorts and found one in Cranston. I texted her and when she called me back I told her what I needed her to do, and how and offered her an extra hundred if she could be here in a half hour."

"You have that kind of cash lying around? Most of those ads the girls were like one fifty a half hour."

"My parents left me cash for an emergency." Wow, she was getting really good at lying and on the fly even.

"I have to get to the bank later so I can put it back. Any way I told her to park across the street and come around back and text me when she was there. I snuck her right upstairs and back down because you guys were all facing the TV."

"Wow, a hooker." Mindy whistled. "You really went all the way for your brother."

"I couldn't let him get hurt again," Julie replied while thinking Mindy had no idea how far she'd gone.

"I hope he wrapped it up is all I can say."

"He did, that's what we were talking about this morning. I knew he'd tell me what happened and he said his mystery girl didn't say a word and he saw nothing."

"So he thinks it was me or one of the others?"

"Yes, and I had that talk with him. Told him if whoever did that wanted him to know they wouldn't have played that game with the lights."

"No wonder he was smiling at me like the cat that ate the canary, you know he thinks it's me."

"I told him you would never because we're best friends." Julie giggled. "Even though you would have."

"It would have been for you, not for him." Mindy kept a straight face.

"Right, you wouldn't have enjoyed it at all."

"Nope, I would have taken it for team Jules." Mindy nodded.

"Well, in his mind you may have."

"Then that girl better have been good is all I can say. I want him to remember what I didn't do for a long time." Mindy remained serious for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Julie joined in, laughing longer and harder than the joke warranted. Her laughter was fueled by the sense of relief and satisfaction that she'd pulled it off.

No one would ever know.

Chapter Seven

"Thanks for coming, guys, it was a blast!" Julie waved to Nicole and Keri as they left. Tracy and Kim had already gone, and Mindy was just finishing packing her bag.

Julie couldn't wait for to leave so she could go upstairs and take a nap, she hadn't slept much last night, and now that this was said and done, she felt like she could crash for the rest of the day.

"Bye girls!" Kyle had just jogged back into the yard at Nicole and Keri were getting into Keri's Mazda. "Hope you had a real good time."

"He's being a dink." Mindy told her.

"Not really, remember they don't know anything happened."

"True, but watch how he is with me."

Kyle came into the living room where Mindy was just zipping up her bag. "Hey, Mindy, you leaving?"

"Yup, have to go do something with the fam."

"Okay, well nice to see you." Kyle turned and headed upstairs without another word.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Mindy told her.

"Because he thinks it's you and I told him not to act like an ass to whoever he thought it was. He listens to me, usually."

"Cool, well I have to run and.." Mindy stared closely at her. "Hey, you're earring is missing again."

"What?" Julie put her hand to her left ear. "Fuck! Was it missing all morning?"

"No idea, it's a small stud so I just noticed now. Might have been missing all night."

"Damn." Julie stared at the living room floor. "I was all over the floor last night. Help me look?"

"Can't. late as it is." Mindy gave her a quick hug. "Later Jules, maybe we can hang by the pool tomorrow?"

"Sure." Julie nodded while moving the cushions on the couch and looking beneath them.

Mindy left and Julie spent the next twenty minutes going over every inch of the living room floor around the TV, even pushing the furniture back to look under it. They'd had a damn pillow fight, the earring could have been knocked clear across the room.

Julie began looking behind the couch, making her way over to the stair case. Damn thing could be anywhere, the kitchen, the bathroom, her room...Oh, no

Kyle's room.

He'd had his fingers in her hair more than once and she'd been bouncing like a damn jack rabbit on top of him. Her stomach sank as she pictured taking off her night shirt then putting it back on and quickly both times, yanking it over her head.

She headed upstairs trying to think of an excuse to look around in his room. When she reached the top of the stairs, she released a sigh of relief when she saw the bathroom door was closed and she could make out the sound of the shower running.

She darted into his room and looked around on top of his bureau, then on the floor around it, Getting down on her knees, Julie stuck her hand under it and fished around, but all she came up with was a quarter and a couple of candy wrappers.

"Damn it!" She stood up, smoothing her night shirt down which had ridden up to her hips while she was bent over reaching under the bureau.

If Kyle had come in he'd have gotten an eyeful of her ass in the skimpy black panties she'd grabbed to put on last night. Almost get a glimpse of what he didn't get a glimpse of last night, she added silently.

She went over to his bed which was unmade, the sheets in a heap at the foot of the bed. Julie felt something under her foot as she leaned over and lifted his pillows. She glanced down and saw it was the unused condom from last night.

The wrapper was still on the edge of the bed as well. What was he doing, preserving the scene, for Christ's sake? Julie peered under the pillows then ran her hand along the folds in the wrinkled sheet covering the mattress.

She got on her knees on the bed, working her way backwards, her hand sweeping side to side. When she reached the foot of the bed turned around and lifting the top sheet peered under it.

"What are you looking for?"

"Shit!" Julie yelped as she pulled her head from under the sheet and sat up on her knees on the bed. "You scared the hell out of me."

"I can tell." Kyle walked into the room in just a pair of shorts, a wet towel over his shoulder. "So, why are you poking around on my bed?"

"Oh, um..." Why the hell would she be looking for her earring in his bed?

"You're looking for something." Kyle went over to his hamper and tossed the towel into it, then walked over to stand next to the bed.

"I...was snooping." She lowered her head. "I'm curious myself who came in here, so I was kind of looking for..."

"Clues?" He smirked. "You Scooby Doo now?"

"No, but..."

"Clues like maybe a strand of long black hair?" Kyle crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Julie shrugged, Kim had black hair, she was still covered, but that smirk made her nervous, it wasn't the kind of look he normally sweet brother usually had on his face.

"Hair would be a clue, sure."

"Hair and maybe a certain noise they made."

"I don't think I'm going to find any noises," she forced a weak laugh.

"Shhh!" Kyle put his finger to his lips.

"What's that supposed to..." She stopped when he extended his hand and opened it.

Her earring was in the center of his palm.

"That what you're looking for, sis?"

"Yeah, it must have fallen out when we were talking the other night and..."

"You had it on yesterday when I came home from work. I saw it. Since you keep losing it I make it a point to always look at it."

"Oh, well then maybe..."

"But I did a little snooping after I found it in my bed." Kyle reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out a tube of her lipstick, her hot pink lipstick. "If you take this and put it against that envelope on my nightstand? They match."

"Kyle, what are you saying? I wrote that note and put it there?" She could admit to that, just say she lied, and she was in on it.

"Bet if you puckered up your lips would match that little kiss."

"Okay, you got me." She put her hands up. "I was in on it. I wrote the note and took your lamp to cover for one of my friends, but I can't tell you who..."

"Don't lie to me!" Kyle shouted at her, causing her to yelp in surprise.

"I should say don't lie to me again. Julie that was you last night!" The look of anger on his face faded and his voice softened. " fucked me."

"No! That's crazy, Kyle and kind of sick if you think about it."

"Kind of?" Kyle took a deep breath and she could tell he was trying not to yell again. "This earring was under the sheet. If it fell out when you put the note there it would have been on the top sheet. Not underneath."

"It came out last night when you were..." He released a long breath. "When you were blowing me or riding me or...My god, Julie, you had sex with me."

"No." She shook her head, but at this point she was losing her never and her voice trembled. "I...I would never do that."

"When you shushed me this morning on the deck? I swore it sounded just like the girl last night. Then I thought, what the hell is wrong with me, this is my big sister."

"Kyle, this isn't what you think, I don't know how..."

"It was you Julie. If you want me to get graphic only one girl here last night had tits the size of yours and that's Mindy and she's blonde. No blonde hair in the bed, just black."

"Who says hair has to come out?"

"Speaking of hair, your tease friend Mindy has made more than a couple jokes around me about being baby smooth. Girl last night had a little hair down there."

"What do you want me to do, show you my damn pussy?" Now she went for offended, but she could hear how weak she sounded.

"Why not? I've already been inside it." Kyle shook his head. "Julie you look like a damn deer in headlights and there is no fucking way that stud gets under my sheet any other way. It was you!"

"Kyle, this is ridiculous."

"Fine, I'm going to call Mindy and ask her and after that I'm going to go over Keri's and I bet Nicole will still be there. I'm going to talk to all of them and ask who it was."

"Whoever did it isn't going to..."

"I'll tell mom and dad what happened and show them the note and tell them you admitted you wrote it."

"You wouldn't dare! They'd be disgusted that I'd do that and want to know which friend and Kyle you can't..."

"Then fucking admit it was you!" Kyle shouted again and this time he was so mad, she hopped off the bed so it was now between them. "Trust me, that's something I sure as hell couldn't tell them."

"Okay fine!" Julie yelled back at him. "It was me! I came in here and know what I did!"

"Holy shit." Kyle whispered. "I mean, I knew, I did, but hearing you say it. Jesus, Julie you realize what we did?"

"Know what I did? I gave my heart broken little brother the one thing he wanted!" She yelled across the bed at him. "You were hurt by Heather then that bitch, Jasmine and you were so upset, you were in tears!"

"But Julie, you're my sister, that's..."

"It was supposed to be Mindy!" Now that the truth was out, Julie's guilt about lying and the entire situation boiled over and she was telling him everything. "I pushed her to do it as a favor to me, and she was going to."

"So I wrote the note so you'd keep the light off then just before you come home she tells me she gets her friend and she can't!"

"Okay, stop yelling." Now he put his hands up. "Julie this was so wrong."

"Wrong would have been you lying in your bed waiting for someone to come up and then thinking you got pranked again and then be even more upset and this would have been my fault."

"I wouldn't have known that."

"But I would and god damn it you deserved to be happy, not disappointed again, so you know what? We always say we'd do anything for each other so I took that all the way and I did everything for you! I gave you a good time, gave you sex, gave you confidence, look how fucking happy you were this morning and I did that!"

Julie stopped and took several long deep breaths to try and calm down.

"And that problem you had last night? Mindy might have gotten pissed off and given up, she might have left you there feeling worse than ever because you couldn't get it up. Then where would you be with girls? You'd be so scared you wouldn't even try."

"Maybe, but..."

"But not me. When you said forget it, you sounded so upset I said fuck this shit and I took care of it. I got you hard and..."

"Hey, let's not talk about it."

"Why the hell not, we did more than talk already. I fluffed you, got you hard and then you and I had a nice little time, didn't we?"

"Wow, Julie, you're really not sorry are you?"

"Not at all." She stared at him defiantly. "If we had to do this all over I'd do it again and again. No way will I let my brother whose always been so close to me and so good to me, be in tears when there's something I can do about it."

"Kind of kills it for me." He admitted. "I made that kiss your sister joke before, and this is it to the nth degree. My first time was a pity fuck with my sister. Wow."

"It was a fuck and you came and I came and we kissed and it all felt good so know what?" She paused. "So fucking what if it was wrong. I did something wrong to make something right and you enjoyed every second of it and so did I, so it is what it is."

Julie walked around the bed and past Kyle who stood there in stunned silence. She stopped next to him and said quietly.

"I'm sorry if finding out ruined it for you. Sorry if I fucked up and sorry if I wasn't a good enough first time. I did the best I could for you to be happy, Kyle. Sorry if you're not."

Without giving him a chance to respond she stormed out of his room and slammed the door. Stalking down the hallway she entered the bathroom and locking the door behind her, stripped and got into the shower.

Standing under the hot water Julie methodically washed her body and her hair while her tears mixed with the water streaming down her face. She'd blown it big time and all over a fucking earring.

Now the question was how did this leave her and Kyle's relationship? She'd lied to him, tricked him, then had the nerve to go off on him, yelling at him when he was the one who had every right to be upset.

She had no grounds to be the injured party, but she'd acted like it anyway. The entire mess was her fault. Mindy had been right, she should have dealt with him being let down and waited a few days for Mindy to do it and risk her parents somehow catching them.

A few hours ago she'd felt so good seeing him so happy, now she wondered if things would ever be okay between them again.

Chapter Nine

"Shit," Julie mumbled when she stood on the bathroom rug and realized she hadn't brought anything in with her to change into.

She'd been aggravated and in a hurry and not closed the shower curtain right and water had sprayed out, drenching not just the rug, but her night shirt where she'd left it on the floor.

"Least of my worries." She told her reflection as she quickly brushed her long wet hair.

Grabbing a dry towel from the cupboard, she wrapped it tightly around herself, tucking it in between her breasts. Julie didn't expect Kyle to be out in the hallway and at this point wouldn't want to see or talk to her anyway.

Julie walked past the closed door to his room, and opened hers. She stepped and closing the door behind her, turned into the room and gasped in surprise.

Kyle was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again."

"It's okay, but I'm really surprised to see you in here. I wouldn't think you'd want to talk to me right now."

"Well, not like I got a chance to say much earlier, you just went off and kept going." He told her, then pointed to her nightstand.

"You're earring is there and it has a new back. I picked one up on the way home from work last night, but forgot to give it to you, I got distracted with all the pretty girls in their jammies.

"That's very sweet, Kyle." Julie walked closer to the bed. "Better than I deserve."

"I was thinking had I given it to you last night I wouldn't have known it was you."

"You mean, shhh! Wouldn't have been enough?" She rolled her eyes.

"You do have a distinctive shhh," Kyle grinned. "Different pitches too. Sexy, annoyed, bossy."

"I'll put that in a personal ad; capable of a variety of shushes." She nodded. "Guys will line up."

"They should be anyway." Kyle gave her a soft smile. "You're beautiful, Julie."

"Oh, please." Julie snorted. "Okay, more sex advice. You schmooz the girl before you have sex, okay?" She sighed. "Sorry, that's not funny."

"Kind of is." Kyle looked up at her and she saw his eyes darting to her chest, then down to her legs and back again.

The towel didn't go much past her ass, and a lot of her leg was showing as well as more than a little cleavage. He'd been looking at her before last night; god only knew that was probably going to get worse after what happened.

That was another issue and one that she couldn't blame him for, but fact was her brother was now going to be having sexual thoughts of her moving forward, no way he couldn't. He might not be the only one as she noticed her own eyes lingering on his well muscled arms and hard flat stomach. Not to mention she was now aware of the fact her little brother had a damn big cock.

A big cock that had completely stuffed her mouth and stretched her pussy and felt so good, she'd cum on it. Julie swallowed nervously when she felt her nipples stiffen beneath the towel. God, what had she done to the two of them?

"If you want to talk, give me a minute to change. I shouldn't be standing here like this." She needed more than a minute, and not to just change, but get her act together. If this conversation was going to about what they'd done she had to be able to do the right thing and keep to the story it was all for him, and she hadn't shamelessly enjoyed it.

"Why? You look damn hot in just that towel." Kyle noted, proving his mind was exactly where hers was, but his could be, she was the one that needed to the right thing here. Because that had worked so well, she added, dryly. "Your hair's wet, skins still damp, showing off those legs."

"Kyle, we talked about this. I'm your sister and even after what happened between us that still means something. Last night was..."

"Amazing." He cut her off. "I told you that before I knew it was you so you know I'm not lying."

"Kyle, let's drop it, okay? Thank you for the ego stroke, but it's okay. I wasn't upset because I didn't think you considered me a good lay."

"You were a great lay!" Kyle whistled. "Sis, you can really su..."

"Don't say it!" She snapped. "Kyle, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I had no right being the one getting upset. I was just frustrated because I thought I'd played it perfect and you were happy and would never know what I did."

"Now you know and it ruined last night and the worst part is it might have ruined things between us."

She looked away from him as the last part had come out in a choked whisper. All thoughts of how good last night had felt fled her mind. Julie's eyes were filling up and her lip trembling as she fought not to cry. "I've always loved how close we were, that you were always my sweet little brother. Now I fucked that up."

"Whoa, don't cry, sis!" Kyle stood up from the bed and put his arms around her. She hesitated for a moment, then leaned into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Please don't hate me for this, Kyle," she whispered.

"Hate you? I could never hate you, sis. I was mad because, well first of all it was kind of a shock to realize I had sex with my sister. What made me really angry though was you lied."

"I couldn't exactly tell you it was me."

"But you lied about the note, about being in on it. You stood there and pretended you didn't know anything. We never lie to each other and I think that was what really got me."

"I would think your sister tricking you into thinking I was one of my friends would have upset you."

"That's part of lying, but I get why you couldn't. Hey, Kyle why don't I be your first time might not have worked."

While he spoke he slid on hand up through her long damp hair, cradling her head, his other hand was now lightly caressing her back over the towel.

"But I'm not mad anymore, Jules. Its okay." He kissed her cheek. "We're okay."

"You mean that?" She lifted her head from his shoulder, and eased back so she could look up into his eyes, but still remain in his embrace. "You still love your big sister?"

"How could I not? Julie, after you stormed out I sat and thought about it some more and what you did? It shows me just how much you love me. To do what you did? Something everyone would say is totally wrong, something you knew was wrong, but still did it?"

Julie started to reply, but he made her smile instead, when he went, "Shh!" and continued speaking.

"You did it because you didn't want me to be hurt again. You did it out of love. Not to many sisters would do that much for their brother."

"Maybe in West Virginia." Julie joked.

Their faces were only inches apart and she was aware of her breasts pressing against his chest through the towel. His hand had strayed from the top of her back, down over the towel and was hovering just over her ass.

She told herself to ease away from him, and to what she'd said she would, get dressed before they finished talking, but another part of her was enjoying the closeness far more than she should.

"Once I saw the earring and thought back to last night, you know what really told me it was you, and that the earring just didn't somehow end up here?"

"How?" Her hands had been by her side, but as she waited for his response, she slipped her arms beneath his, hugging him around his chest. Her nipples were hard again and as she lightly rubbed his back, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin, an unexpected heat grew between her legs.

"The way you kissed me." Kyle's eyes, the same shade of deep blue as hers, grew closer as he lowered his head to hers. "The first one was kind of hard, lusty I guess."

His face was so close to hers, she could feel the breath from his words. The hand he'd had in her hair slid down between her shoulder blades and were trembling, and his voice was a breathy whisper.

"The one at the end though? It was soft and sweet. Mindy would have never kissed me like that. That kiss came from someone who loved me."

"How do you know?" Julie spoke softly, her head tilting to the side and her heart racing. "You've never been in love. You didn't really love Heather."

"You never really loved Nick," he replied. "But I know my big sister loved me because I felt it last night."

"You think you can tell someone loves you through a kiss?" Julie was aware of her fingers trembling on his back the same way his was on hers.

"I know I can." His lips were so close to hers, they brushed against them as he spoke, and a shiver went through her.

"Show me," she whispered, and closing her eyes, parted her lips.

Kyle kissed her softly, his lips barely touching hers. She allowed it at first, reveling in the gentle touch, but when he kissed her again in the same manner it was more of a tease. Julie slid her right hand up his back and through his hair and returned his kiss more forcefully.

She wasn't kissing him hard, but her lips were firmly against his and he sighed when she move her head, sliding her soft full lips over his. Kyle kissed her back, and in the same manner, his lips working against hers.

She gasped when the hand on her lower back slid down and grabbed her ass through the towel. She returned the favor, surprising Kyle by driving her tongue between his lips and into his mouth.

Julie groaned as their kiss increased in intensity and his hand fondled her ass. Reaching back with her left hand, she lifted the towel so his hand was now on her bare ass. His breath hissed into her mouth as he squeezed her firm cheek.

Julie moaned from not only the contact, but the way his other arm pulled her close, crushing her against him and pressing her breasts into his chest. Their tongues danced across each other and Julie's nipples were aching as they rubbed against the towel.

Her thighs were pressed together and she wiggled her hips, squirming as her pussy grew warm and moist. She couldn't remember a kiss ever getting her this worked up before. She wasn't the only one.

Kyle's hips were rocking into her and she could feel his erection pushing into her stomach through his shorts and the towel. This was so wrong, she thought, but continued to not only tease her tongue around in her brother's mouth, but move her own hips, grinding into him.

Julie's heart was pounding and her hands were now roaming over her brother's shoulders and back, up and down his impressive arms. She worked her hips harder into him and was now all but devouring his mouth as her passion took over and pushed aside any thoughts of why she shouldn't be doing this.

Because fact was she was in control of this. She was the older sibling, the far more experienced lover, the more mature of the two of them. The one her parents had left in charge while they were away. This was up to her stop, to tell Kyle they shouldn't and couldn't do this.

Kyle would listen, as worked up as he was one word from her would stop him. He always listened to her and in a case like this would never try to do anything she didn't want him to. What was happening and what might happen was hers to decide.

And she flat out no longer cared about what was right, only what felt right and her brother was feeling pretty damn good.

Julie slid her hands between them and he gasped when she deftly unsnapped his shorts and pulled his zipper down. He sounded surprised, but he didn't protest as her right hand slid into his shorts and grabbed his hard cock.

"You're hard for your big sister," she whispered into his lips. "And I love it."

She pulled his long thick cock out of the shorts and still kissing him, pumped it slowly. Kyle moaned into her mouth, but when she eased her legs open he didn't hesitate to slip the hand on her ass between her legs.

It was her turn to groan when his long fingers slid through her moist lips. This time he had no trouble finding his way and she let her head fall back and moaned loudly when he eased a finger inside her.

"You're wet for your little brother," he told her. "And I love it."

"Nothing little about you." She squeezed his cock for emphasis. "You have a nice cock, Kyle."

"Wow, wonder how many sisters have said that to their brothers?" He joked.

"Who cares?" Julie asked. "All I know is this sister is a huge fan of this brother's cock."

She pulled away from him and stepping past him stopped at the side of the bed and turned around to face him. With a sexy smile, she grabbed the top of the towel and tugged in it.

"Wanna see what you could only feel last night?"

"Damn straight I do." Kyle nodded.

"My god, look at that cock." Julie pointed to his rock hard cock standing at full attention between his legs. "Take those damn shorts off. If I'm going to be naked, you need to be naked."

Kyle quickly shoved his shorts down and as he kicked them away, pointed. "Your turn."

Julie let the towel fall to the floor and put her arms out. "This what you want to see?"

"Oh my god." Kyle's mouth hung open as he stared at his big sister who was shamelessly naked in front of him. "Julie you're...look at those tits."

"These tits?" She held them up. "You like these tits?"

"Love them."

"Then get over here and show me." Julie rubbed her thumbs over her nipples and moaned softly.

That moan turned into a squeal as Kyle stepped up to her, lowered his head and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.

"Oh, yeah!" Julie cried out. "You do like your sister's tits don't you?"

Kyle's answer was mumbled around her breast as he sucked not just her swollen pink nipple into his mouth, but as much of her breast as he could. His other hand fondled her right breast and Julie ran her fingers through his hair, arching her back and feeding him her breast.

She couldn't believe she was doing this. Not just doing this, but she felt totally uninhibited, wanton in her desire. Whatever it was that had always held her back from being as wild with guys as she wanted to be was nowhere to be found.

Maybe because it was Kyle and she knew she could trust him, knew he would do anything for her, and knew he loved her unconditionally. Or maybe the fact they were siblings and shouldn't be doing this was giving her libido an additional push.

Whatever it was, she wasn't complaining and wasn't going to worry about it. All she knew right now was she was her brother was going to be getting the dirty girl she could never be with her boyfriends.

Kyle switched to her other breast and once again he confidently slid his hand between her thighs and pushed a finger inside her. When his thumb found her clit she cried out once more and rocked her hips, pushing his finger deeper inside her wet pussy.

She grabbed his amazing cock and pumping it, slipped her other hand beneath him to rub his swollen balls.

"Oh, damn," he breathed around her nipple. "That feels good."

"It's supposed to," she giggled. "Your balls are awfully full little brother, you have something you need to give your sister?"

He paused and lifting his face from her breast, looked up at her. "You keep saying brother and sister, you can just call me Kyle."

"I like calling you my brother because you are and?" She looked him in the eye and squeezed his cock hard enough for pre cum to spurt onto her hand. "I love how dirty it makes me feel."

"Little brother it is." He laughed then groaned when she pumped his cock more rapidly. "God, you're so fucking hard," she purred. "I love that you're this hard for me. You have no problem getting it up for me do you?"

"I did last night, but you took care of that didn't you?"

"What can I say, you're big sister is a hell of a fluffer, and don't you worry, I'll be sucking your cock soon enough and this time in broad daylight so you can watch me."

"Wow, that sounds hot." His cock twitched in her hand, telling her how hot the idea was to him.

"Yeah, you want to see your big dick in your big sister's pretty mouth?"

"Hell yeah!"

"You will, but right now, that cock needs to be between my other lips." Julie sat down on the edge of the bed and sliding back a few inches, lay on her back.

Lifting her legs, she braced her feet on his chest and spreading her lips wide, looked him in the eye. "Fuck me."

"Say that again," he told her, his eyes focused on her pink slit.

"Little, brother, your big sister needs you to fuck her, right now!"

"Wouldn't be nice to tell my big sister no, now would it?" Kyle leaned forward and moaned when she grabbed his cock.

"Allow me." Julie gave his cock a couple of long pumps before rubbing the spongy head on her clit.

She moaned and she rocked her hips, sliding his tip through her lips until it was poised at her entrance. She glanced up to see Kyle staring wide eyed at the sight of his sister guiding his cock into her slit.

She'd teased herself enough and gasped when she shoved him inside her. Kyle gave her a hard thrust and she cried out from once again having her pussy spread around his cock that quickly.

"Sorry!" he tried to pull back, but she shook her head.

"Don't be, and don't worry about it, just fuck me, baby."

"I like that," he worked his hips back then forward, slamming into her once more before he took up a steady rhythm, pumping this beautiful cock in and out of her appreciative pussy.

"So fucking good!" Julie moaned, her fingers finding her nipples and tugging on them as Kyle fucked her with long slow strokes. "Harder, baby, fuck me harder!"

"I...I'm trying to last," he moaned. "You feel so good, sis."

"Just fuck me and when you cum you cum." She wagged her tongue at him. "Trust me, little brother; your sister will get you hard again in no time."

Her words caused Kyle to thrust faster and her eyes rolled back as he was fucking her pretty damn hard. Her eyes kept darting from watching the surreal sight of her younger brother's cock sliding in and out of her pussy, to the look of absolute pleasure on his face as he fucked her.

She saw some of the 'how can this really be happening' look in his eyes as well, but like her wasn't questioning, just doing. Julie noticed that from the moment she invited him to kiss her she hadn't had one moment of doubt or concern that this was wrong, it felt to good to even try to talk herself into stopping.

Not just now, but moving forward. Kyle hadn't even come yet and she was already letting her mind race about future encounters. Having her brother any time she wanted, getting this cock anytime she needed it. In her bed, his bed, in the fucking pool late at night when no one could see.

Their rooms were just down the hall from each other, Kyle was a built-in lover and already proving himself to be a pretty damn good one.

"That's it, fuck me!" She moaned. "While you fuck me think about how you're going to keep fucking me. Think about all the hot, torrid, dirty nasty sex you and I are going to have in this house." Julie shared her thoughts with him and was instantly rewarded by him fucking her even harder.

"We'll fuck in the shower and the pool and on the damn deck in the middle of the night. We'll fuck whenever mom and dad aren't home and even when they're home, we'll just have to be quiet."

"Goddamn, sis, I like how you think." He told her in between his moans.

Kyle had his hands on her bent knees as he fucked her, but sliding them down her leg, grabbed her ankles and lifted her feet higher. She yelped as that caused him to plunge even deeper into her, then giggle when he began sucking on her toes.

He went back and forth between each foot, sucking and licking each toe in turn. It made her laugh in between her groans, but also surprised were with how sexy she thought it was. Kyle lifted her right foot higher and played his tongue along the soft sole of her foot.

"That tickles!" She tried to pull her foot back, but he kept doing it.

Julie alternately laughed and yelped while she squirmed on the bed from being tickled by her brother's tongue.

"You have a foot fetish, don't you?"

"Didn't think I did, but damn sis, every part of you is sexy."

"Then show me how sexy I am and really give it to me, Kyle! I want you to fuck me until you come all over my big tits, then you're going to eat your sister's pussy."

Her words sent his hips into a frenzied motion, now fucking her hard and fast with short hard strokes that had her eyes rolling like a slot machine and her breasts bouncing wildly as he hammered away at her.

Kyle spread her legs wide open and she squealed as she lay there basically doing a split as her brother's big thick cock repeatedly stuffed her pussy.

"Yes!" She cried out. "Just like that, Kyle! Fuck your big sister, show me how much you want me!"

"Oh, shit," he groaned as his thrusts become even shorter and quicker and his cock began to twitch inside her. "I....I can't hold..."

"Don't! I want you to come for me! I want you to show me how good fucking me feels." Julie slipped her hands under her tits. "Right here, Kyle! Come all over your sister's big tits!"

Kyle gasped and pulling his cock from inside her, grabbed it and squeezed, holding himself back.

"Oh, yeah, just like in the movies, baby!" Julie sat up and presenting her tits to him, smiled up at him. "Give it to me!"

"Oh, fuck," Kyle groaned when he released his cock, sending a long squirt of cum splashing across her tits.

"Keep going," Julie encouraged him as he pumped his cock, shooting his hot load all over both of her heaving breasts. "That's it, Kyle, paint your sister's tits with that hot fucking come."

Kyle gasped when she grabbed his cock and took over, jerking it. She pumped him furiously, moving the tip of his cock side to side. She moaned at the sensation of her brother's thick hot cum sliding down her breasts and over her hard nipples.

"Okay, okay," Kyle whimpered she kept stroking, even though his cock was barely oozing at this point.

"I want it all!" Julie opened wide and with no hesitation sucked him into her mouth.

"Fuck, Julie!" Kyle groaned as she sucked hard enough to hollow her cheeks and was rewarded with a few more drops of her brother's sticky sweet cum.

"Hmm!" She moaned and bobbed her head along his shaft, reveling in the taste of her pussy on her brother's cock.

Kyle whimpered and squirmed, his hands on her shoulders. Pushing on her as she tormented the sensitive head of his cock with her mouth and tongue.

"Please," He moaned. "Please stop."

Julie released him with a wet sucking sound and smacking her lips giggled. "Bad boy, you taste like your sister."

"Do you taste good on me?" Kyle asked, all smiles as he stood there staring at his sister's cum covered breasts.

"Delicious," she smacked her lips for effect and swung her long legs up on the bed. Julie pushed herself up so her head was resting on the pillow, she spread her legs and tapped her clit.

"But don't take my word for it, come taste for yourself."

Kyle walked around to the foot of the bed and one knee at a time climbed onto it.

"You so fucking hot, Kyle," Julie told him, her gaze fixed on his still dripping semi hard cock. "I can't wait for you to fuck me again."

"Oh, wait." Kyle started to get off the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To get you something to wipe off with." He pointed to the white fluid all over her tits.

"Leave it there." Julie told him. "I want to lay here with my brother's cum on my tits while you eat me, and then fuck me again. Don't worry about the mess, we're going to shower together when we're done."

"Damn, sis, you are wild."

"That's because I can be. You're not an asshole, you're my brother and you'd never tell anyone what I'm like."

"Um, don't think I could if I wanted to," he laughed.

"Just get between my legs and lick your sister's cunt."

"Holy shit, that's dirty."

"You offended?" She rubbed her clit with her long nail. "You upset your sister used a dirty word?"

"Didn't say that." Kyle crawled up the bed, then slid his legs back so he was lying on his stomach between her thighs.

He kissed each one of them before putting his hands on them. His face was inches from her clit when he paused and looked up at her.

"I've never done this before."

"Duh," Julie laughed at him. "But in a few minutes you'll never have to say that again." She tapped her clit, "lick it, baby; nice and soft."

Kyle licked his lips then leaning in flicked his tongue tentatively across her swollen nub. A shiver went through her and she released a moan that was a bit exaggerated to give him a little more confidence in what he was doing.

It worked as the next lick was a slow lingering one, his tongue working up and down. Julie sighed contentedly as she lay there, spreading her lips open while Kyle licked her pussy. He getting more confident by the second, now tracing a slow wet circle around her aching button.

Julie toyed with her left nipple while running her fingers through his hair.

"You look damn sexy, down there." She told him as she admired his wide shoulders and the view down his muscular back. "You have a fine ass, little brother."

Kyle's answer was a grunt as he continued licking her clit harder and faster. Julie moaned and lifting her legs, placed her feet on the back of his shoulders and as he continued to work her clit with his increasingly eager tongue, she playfully slid her soft feet up and down his back.

"Look at you licking my pussy," she purred. "While I lay here with your cum on my tits." She stared down at the sticky mess on her tits and smiled when she recalled something she'd seen once in a movie.

"Hey, Kyle, look up, little brother?"

When he did she lifted her large breasts and lowering her head licked sum of his cum off of each of her nipples.

"You're such a freak," he whispered, his eyes glued to the show she was putting in, sucking and licking her tits.

"Just for you, I've never been this way with anyone else. You're like my first time in a way."

"I like that." He winked then resumed licking her clit.

"Pay attention to everything, baby. Kiss those lips and shove that tongue up in there. Get a good taste of your naughty big sister."

Kyle ran his tongue up and down, wiggling it through the soft folds of her pussy. When he pushed his tongue inside her and noisily slurped some of her sticky juices from inside her she yelped and thrust her hips, grinding her wet slit into his face.

Kyle swirled his tongue within her now sloppy wet pussy before working his tongue back up to her clit. He pushed a finger inside her and as he slowly pumped her while now sucking gently on her clit she let her head fall back on the pillow.

She lay there, her eyes on her good-looking younger brother's face nestled between her thighs while stroking her nipples. He was licking her now, first side to side then up and down, playing her clit with far more skill than she would have expected.

"You're a natural pussy eater, aren't you?" She giggled. God, this was great. She'd enjoyed sex in the past, but just the physical act, this was actually fun.

What she'd said to Kyle was true, there was nothing but trust here, she could be herself and he'd never tell and never judge. The two of them had always been closer than the average siblings and now they were even closer, the love of a brother and sister now added to the intimacy of lovers.

"I still think I need lots of practice." He winked up at her.

"I'll let you. You know, take it for the team." She smiled down at him and went back to relaxing and luxuriating in lying there while her brother lavished attention on her neglected pussy.

He was going slow and easy and despite being worked up she didn't feel close to coming just yet. At the sound of a horn in the street outside the both jumped, and Julie's head turned in the direction of the noise.

Her eyes landed on her nightstand and with a wicked smile, she reached over, opened the drawer and removed her vibrator.

"Put this inside me." She passed it to him, laughing at the way his eyes widened.

He took the purple toy gingerly as if he thought it was going to bite him but didn't hesitate to place it between her legs and ease it inside her.

"That's it, all the way in," she moaned. "Now turn the dial at the end all the way....Oh, fuck." Julie whimpered as the toy vibrated inside her. "Now suck that clit, Kyle, its time to make big sis come so you can fuck me again and his time I'm getting on my knees for you."

Kyle responded by sucking her clit hard enough to make his lips smack and then went to town alternately sucking hard then swirling his tongue around it. Julie rolled her nipples between her fingers, but squeezing harder than before while rocking her hips into the vibrator.

Kyle grabbed the edge of it and she groaned when he fucked her with it, slowly at first, then thrusting it harder and faster into her. Julie braced her feet on his shoulders and pushed, lifting her ass off the bed so he could push the toy deeper and pressing her clit harder to his tongue.

"Right there!" She gasped as he pushed his thumb under her clit and wiggled it, stroking underneath as his tongue teased across it. "Someone's been watching porn!"

She started to laugh, but it turned into a sharp breath when he buried the toy inside her while giving her clit a hard suck. Her back arched and her thighs trembled around him.

"Don't stop sucking it, please don't stop!" She implored him. "Keep going, Kyle! You're going to make me come!

Her toes curled into his shoulders and she twisted her nipples to the point it was painful, but the next thrust of the vibrator caused her to throw her head back and wail in pleasure. She emitted a series of loud yelps as her legs tightened around her brother's head and she ground her convulsing pussy into his face.

He kept fucking her with the toy, driving it into her contracting flesh while sucking on her clit. Julie cried out repeatedly as this orgasm was even stronger than the one from last night. Between her legs she could feel Kyle's hot breath on her pussy and heard him moaning softly from being turned on by how hard his sister was coming for him.

Julie arched her back and let out one more long loud squeal, before slumping back onto the bed, her body going limp.

"Oh my god, I've never come so hard." Julie lay there staring at the ceiling her face flushed and her breasts heaving. "That was one hell of a first-time eating pussy."

She moaned when Kyle eased the toy from inside her and rose up on his knees between her legs. He then shocked her when he put the end of the glistening toy into his mouth and sucked on it, his eyes closed and a look of bliss on his face.

"Damn, I'm not the only freak here." She pushed herself into a sitting position. "Now I think it's my turn."

Julie rose to her knees and as he has done, slid her legs out behind her. She bent her legs at the knees and crossing her ankles took his once again hard cock in her hand and rubbing it along her cheek looked up at him.

"How's your big dick look in your sister's face."

"Sexy, and you look great like that. Love this position."

"Because you can see the bottom of my feet you little foot perv?"

"Part of it." He leaned over and grabbed her ass. "This is damn fine, though."

"So is this cock, and damn tasty." Julie and keeping her eyes on his parted her lips and wrapped them around his tip. She slowly took the entire length of his cock into her mouth, inch by teasing inch.

Kyle groaned as his cock was slowly engulfed in his sister's warm wet mouth, but it was his eyes that had her just satisfied pussy already heating up again. He had that same look of surprised lust on his face while he watched his loving big sister suck his dick.

Julie held his cock in her mouth, her lips around his base, then worked him back out just as slowly. His legs were shaking in anticipation and his hands found their way onto her shoulders. He gently caressed her shoulders and upper back causing her to sigh as she now bobbed her head.

She blew him in a steady rhythm, not fast enough to try and get him off, but far more than a slow tease. Julie reached between his thighs and cupping his balls teased them with her long fingernails.

"That looks and feels unbelievable," he moaned, his hips rocking. He wasn't thrusting hard, but moving in time with her head, his cock coming forward as her mouth descended on it. Julie released his cock and pinning it up to his stomach sucked his balls into her mouth.

"Guess I'm not the only one who watches porn," He breathed while she took turns, sucking gently on each of his balls. She switched off to licking, bathing her brothers swollen sac with her soft tongue.

Julie worked her tongue from his balls up to the tip and took him back into her mouth once more. She resumed her sucking, moaning at how good it felt to have her brother's hard flesh in her mouth.

She though again of what was in store for them. She imagined giving him sneaky little surprise blow jobs around the house. Kneeling behind the kitchen counter while he sat there, blowing him while her parents sat in the living room watching TV.

Giving him hand jobs and him fingering her under the blanket they shared when they'd sit on the couch in the winter and watch movies with the folks. She'd sneak into his room late at night and he would come to hers. It would be risky, but just the thought of the risk was causing her to squirm, a fresh wave of moisture flowing through her.

She lifted her head from his cock and rising up to her knees, took his face in her hands and kissed him. "We're going to have so much fun, Kyle. Your big sister is going to take such good care of you."

"I'm going to take care of you too." He put his arms around her, and whispered in her ear. "I want to make you feel good."

"Then make me feel good." Julie turned around on her knees and leaning forward on her hands, wiggled her ass at him. "Come fuck me, Kyle."

He grabbed her hips and entered her in a long smooth thrust that caused her to cry out. "Fuck that's deep!"

Kyle fucked her slowly at first, working his long cock in and out of her long delicious thrusts that had her sighing and moaning each time he buried himself with in her. His hands slid over her ass, squeezing her cheeks and spreading them wide as he fucked her.

"You looking at my ass, little brother?" She looked over her shoulder. "I've never done that, never wanted to, but I might let you do it."


"I'll let you do anything to me, little brother. But right now stop teasing and start fucking. I haven't had any in a long time so you're going to need to make up for it."

"Like this?" He surprised her by tearing into her, fucking her so hard she was yelping with each thrust.

Julie lowered herself to the bed, resting her head on her forearms as her brother hammered away at her. She yelped and squealed as his big cock pounded her sopping slit. She could feel her juices on her thighs as it was pushed out of her by his forceful thrusts.

His balls were slapping against her clit and he was squeezing her ass hard enough to be uncomfortable, but even that added to the thrill.

"Like that, don't you?" She called back to him. "This how you like your sister? Face down, ass up while you fuck her like some slut?"

"You're not a slut." He moaned. "You're just a bad big sister."

"Only bad for you, Kyle," she whimpered as he continued his assault on her pussy. "I hope you like this pussy, because from now on it's your pussy. Anytime you want it, anyway you want it."

"Really?" He slowed his thrusting. "All the time, like...a couple?"

"All the time, all you have to do is keep giving it to me. Keep shoving that big cock in my cunt and my mouth and maybe sometime even my ass. Just keep licking my pussy and making me cum and I'm all yours."

"I can do that." He sped up once, more, pounding her so hard the bed was rocking back and forth, the headboard banging the wall and the springs squeaking in protest.

"Something else you need to do to make this pussy yours." She breathed in between her cries of pleasure. "You still need to be my sweet little brother and be good to me and give me those sweet kisses like last night and before we started fucking today."

"I plan on that, sis. I want to be better to you than any of your boyfriends ever were."

"And I'm the only girl you've ever been with and I want it to stay that way, I want to be your first and only. The only girl you fuck, the only girl you love."

She surprised herself with that last word. Love, did she really love him? She did as his sister, but was there more there now? Had crossing the line sexually opened them up for more? It would be something she'd have to think about later because right now it was hard focus on anything but the hardest fucking she'd ever had.

Kyle was breathing hard behind her and his fingers digging harder into her soft flesh. His thrusts were getting shorter and harder as he fought to hold back as long as he could.

"Come for me, Kyle! Come for your sister. You can come anywhere you want!"

"Your face?" He moaned.

"Way too much porn," She tried to laugh, but it turned into a squeal. "But whatever you want, I am a bad big sister after all."

The idea of coming on her face pushed him over the edge. He gave her a few more frenzied thrusts that were so hard her eyes were rolling back and her mouth was open in a continues moan as he went at her like he was afraid she was going to take it away from him.

When he whipped his cock out, she rolled over onto her back, propped herself up on her elbows and opened wide for him. Kyle slid over next to her and pumped his cock. Despite having already come, he sent a long thick squirt of cum splashing against her right cheek.

His second spurt caught her in the mouth and she pushed it out with her tongue, sending his cum drooling down her chin. She turned her head, letting him spray some cum on the other side of his face.

Kyle's eyes lit up as he kept stroking, covering his sister's face with a damn impressive second load. When he slowed his stroking, Julie wagged her cum coated tongue at him, inviting his cock into her mouth.

Kyle was happy to take her up on it, pushing it slowly into her mouth and it was at the same time the dirtiest, hottest thing she'd ever done. Her tits still had cum on them from his first load and now here she was with her face covered in it and her brother feeding his still oozing cock.

She sucked slowly, bobbing her head and coaxing a few more drops, before with a whimper, he eased his cock from her mouth. Julie looked up at him and smiled through the cum on her lips.

"How's your big sister look wearing your cum?"

"This is so much hotter than the movies." He breathed as he sat back on his knees, his now semi hard cock dripping onto his leg. "You really are a dirty girl, aren't you?"

"Only for my brother." Julie wiped some cum from her cheek and sucked her fingers in her mouth. "Hmm, I hope you're ready to make up for all the time you went without because I am going to need a lot of this."

"Anything for you, sis." He nodded, smiling ear to ear.

"Then get me a towel, because this I need to wipe off."

Kyle left the room and Julie admired how damn fine his naked body looked. He came back a minute later with a damp towel. She tried to take it, but he pulled it away then proceeded to gently wipe her face and breasts off.

When he had cleaned the cum from her, he turned the towel around and wiped the cool towel across her face and chest, cooling her off.

"You're so sweet." She put her hand on his cheek and drew him down into a soft kiss. "You really are."

"Yeah, I was real sweet, coming in your face."

"Sex is sex, its before and after that sweet matters." She gave him a soft smile. "I have a feeling you and I aren't going to just fuck like this. I bet you're going to make love to me." She kissed him once more. "And I'm going to love it."

"I'd like to be sweet like that with you." He stretched out on his side next to her. "I would have this time if..."

"Kyle, you've waited way to long for this and I've gone without not just sex, but good sex, to long to go slow. We needed to just cut loose and have some fun. There's plenty of time to be sweet or dirty or whatever we want."

"Mean that? This isn't just some weird thing because of last night?"

"Kyle I did that last night out of love, but was surprised at how much I loved doing it. You were right. The way I kissed you said a lot more than I thought it did." She rolled over on her side to face him.

"I think the line we crossed was more than sex." She gave him a nervous smile. "You think so too?"

"Nope." He shook his head causing her smile to fade.


"No. I don't think so." He gave her a quick kiss. "I know so."

"You jerk. I..." He stopped her with another kiss; this one a soft sensual lingering one that caused her heart to flutter and left her breathless when he eased back from her.

"I love you, Jules. Everyone, even the folks always say we're way closer and nicer to each other than most brothers and sisters. Now we're even closer and not just like this," he gestured down along their naked bodies. "But here." He tapped his chest over his heart.

"Kyle, I cannot believe you were never with a girl. You're cute, you're sweet and you're such a good guy."

"It sucked waiting, but having my first time be with you?" He gave her that smile she'd always adored and now loved even more. "Worth it."

"I don't just want to be the first time, though." She told him softly. "I want to be the next time and the last time and every time in between."

"Now who's sweet?" He kissed her, then turned serious. "You know, maybe all this was meant to be. You're right I'm a decent guy who should have had a few real girlfriends by now and you deserved better than that asshole Nick."

"True." She nodded.

"Mindy getting her friend just before she was supposed to come see me."

"That was odd, she wasn't due." Julie nodded again.

"Me forgetting to give you that earring back last night and it falling off in my bed."

"You believe this or you justifying?" She teased.

"Just a lot of things that seemed to put us together so my first time could be with a girl who loved me and you could have someone who appreciated you. The two things mom and dad told us it should be."

"Not with each other though." She laughed.

"Well yeah, but don't you think things really fell into place?"

"Yeah," Julie though back to last night. "Imagine if my coin flip had come out heads!"

"Coin flip?" His eyes widened.

"Yeah, I was so torn between whether or not I should do it I flipped a coin."

"Wow, lucky me,"

"Tell me about it, you made out pretty good, Kyle. You got head and your sister's tail."