Flashing Tits, Pussies & Cocks Ch. 03


David has incestuous sex with his 65-year-old of a mother.

This chapter is about David massaging his MILF of a mother, Mary, sexually seducing her, and having incestuous sex with her.

Continued from Chapter 02:

Unembarrassed and unashamed, she sat beside him topless while facing him. Emma was as sexually aroused showing another man her naked breasts as David was sexually excited that his wife was flashing another man her naked tits, and as Bob was enthralled in seeing Emma's naked breasts. Now, with her finally having a flashing story to tell, she couldn't wait to tell her exhibitionist friends that she showed her neighbor her naked breasts. Diane and Carol would be so proud of her for not only flashing Bob her naked ass and pussy but now for exposing her naked breasts to him, too.

With him never removing his eyes from Emma's naked breasts and from watching Bob's reaction to seeing her big, naked tits, David was sexually thrilled watching his wife expose her naked tits to their neighbor. Making for two, very happy men, clearly, Bob was sexually excited seeing Emma's huge breasts up close and David was sexually captivated watching his wife expose her naked breasts to her neighbor. No doubt, as he had already confessed, Bob couldn't wait to touch, feel, fondle, and suck her enormous tits.

"Wow, Emma. Your breasts are so big and so shapely. Never have I seen breasts as big and as shapely as your huge tits," he said looking up at her looking back at him. "If you don't mind me asking, how big are they?"

She smiled with pride while cupping and lifting her enormous breasts in her hands as if offering them to him.

"They're a triple D cup. Unable to buy a bra in an off the rack women's clothing store, I have to buy my bras from custom fit bra store for much more money. Even then, it's impossibly difficult to find a bra that comfortably fits," she said with sadness.

He continued staring at her naked tits. He paused his staring to take a big breath and, as if asking his permission, he looked at David before looking back at Emma. "May I touch them? May I feel them? May I fondle your naked tits? I would love to suck your huge, erect nipples."

David gave his wife an affirmative nod and Emma gave Bob a sexy smile.

"Of course. I love having my breasts touched, felt, fondled, and my nipples fingered," she said. "I'd love nothing more than for you to suck my nipples, Bob. I love having my nipples sucked and my breasts fondled."

As if Bob had never felt tits before, he was all over Emma's huge breasts. He touched them. He felt them. He squeezed them and he fondled them while turning, twisting, and pulling her big, erect nipples.

"They're so big that I can't even fit them in my hand, and as you can tell from my big feet and my big cock, I don't have small hands," he said with a laugh while holding up his big hands. "I can't believe how soft and how firm they are at the same time," he said gulping out his next question with nervousness. Then, obviously nervous, asking her permission again, he asked if he could suck her tits. "May I suck them? May I suck your nipples, Emma," asked Bob looking from Emma to look at David before he looked back at Emma.

She giggled her delight at Bob's nervousness. Accustomed to making men nervous with her big tits, whenever walking down the street fully dressed, men always stare. Men always leer and ever since she was a teenager, men whistle and even make lude comments.

"Hey, Baby, I'd love to see you jogging with those big tits," was a typical comment from a man on the street.

# # #

"Sure," said Emma. "I love having my tits sucked," she said again. "Yet, first, do me a favor."

Bob looked at Emma ready to do anything she asked.

"A favor? What? Anything. Ask me anything," said Bob. "Anything. What would you like me to do? What's your favor, Emma?"

As if she was a naughty schoolgirl sexually teasing her classmate, she giggled at his eager, sexual anticipation of her asking him a favor.

"Take off your pants and your underwear. I want to see your cock. Show me your big dick. My husband's prick is the only prick I've ever seen, touched, stroked, sucked, and fucked," said Emma hinting at all that was soon to come.

As if his pants were on fire, Bob removed his pants and stepped out his underwear. As if he was a horny teenage boy, his cock erected itself as soon as he removed his underwear. As it did when he stood in his driveway talking to her, his stiff prick stuck straight out as if begging her to touch him, stroke him, suck him, and fuck him.

"May I touch you and stroke you while you suck my tits," asked Emma?

Bob's mouth fell open with shocked surprise.

"Are you kidding me," he asked with a dirty laugh? "Yes, of course. I'd love for you to touch my cock while stroking my prick, Emma," he said. "I haven't had sex since my wife died. And with my wife the only woman that I've intimately known, I've never had sex with a woman as sexy, as curvaceous, and as beautiful as you."

# # #

As if she was grabbing the handle of a hammer, Emma reached out her hand and wrapped her fingers around his cock. As if not wanting to let go and as if afraid that he'd pull away, she squeezed his prick while he felt her tits and sucked her nipples. Then, slowly stroking him while her husband watched, she stroked him a little faster and a little harder. Other than her husband's erect prick, she had never stroked another cock before. Already knowing the answer to her question, deliberately teasing him, Emma asked him her next loaded question.

"May I masturbate you, Bob?" As if begging him to allow her to masturbate him, she stared up at him with her big, blue eyes and with his big, erect prick in her hand. "I'd love to watch you cum."

As if he suddenly couldn't speak, at a loss for words, Bob looked at her with shocked sexual excitement.

"Yes, yes, of course," he finally uttered. "Oh, my God. I would love for you to masturbate me, Emma," said Bob seemingly looking a little disappointed that she wasn't asking to blow him. "I would love to cum for you. I would love to see you watching me cum."

Yet, with her a married woman and with her husband there watching, perhaps, it was too much to expect that she would blow him, allow him to cum in his mouth, and swallow his cum. Obviously, just as this was the first time that he had sex with someone else, this was their first-time having sex with someone else, too.

Under the watchful eye of her husband, she stroked him a little faster and a little harder. He felt and fondled her naked breasts and fingered her nipples while Emma continued masturbating Bob. Then, shocking him, asking him all that he had obviously hoped to hear, she asked him her next question.

"May I take you in my mouth? May I suck your prick, Bob? May I blow you? I'd love for you to cum in my mouth," said Emma while driving him mad with sexual excitement.

Bob stared at her stunned.

"I'd be honored for you to blow me, Emma. It would be my sexual privilege for you to blow me. I've love for you to suck my prick, just as I'd love to ejaculate my cum in your mouth," he said sliding a slow finger across her lips.

She sucked his finger while stroking his cock. She continued stroking him and staring up at him. Then, Emma lowered her head to take Bob's stiff prick in her mouth. Only, the second dick she ever had in her mouth, she stroked him while sucking him. Having not had sex since his wife died and with Emma a great cocksucker, it didn't take him long to cum in her mouth. While she looked up at him with her big, blue eyes with his stiff prick in her mouth, he looked down at her with shocked, sexual excitement.

"Emma. Oh, my God, Emma," he said staring down at her staring up at him. "I can't believe you're blowing me. I can't believe you're sucking my cock. I've never felt as much sexual pleasure as I'm feeling now." He looked over at David. "You're a lucky man, David, to have a woman like her in your life."

David gave Bob a smile while watching him put a gentle hand to the back of his wife's red, pretty head. As if Emma was his wife or his girlfriend, he lovingly stroked her beautiful, long, lush, red hair. Then, humping her mouth, he fucked her face. As much as Emma wanted Bob to cum in her mouth, obviously, he couldn't wait to cum in her mouth. Finally, he confessed something that he had never told anyone.

"This is the first blowjob I've ever had in my life. I was married to my wife for forty-years and in all of that time, even when she was inebriated, she never took me in her mouth. She never blew me. She never sucked my cock," he said with sadness and with a long pause as if rethinking his sexual confession. "I've never ejaculated cum in a woman's mouth. You'll be the first woman that I've ever experienced receiving a blowjob," he said.

Chapter 03:

After Emma blew Bob and allowed him to cum in her mouth, collecting on his part of the bargain with his wife, David paid his mother a surprised visit.

"Well, this is a nice surprise," said Mary to her son, David. "I didn't expect to see you today. Yet, I'm glad you're here," she said giving him a loving smile. "I always love seeing my baby boy," she said giving him a big hug, a squeeze, and a peck on the lips.

As if dry humping his mother from the front, tempted to reach down to feel her ass through her clothes, David returned his mother's hug with his tight squeeze. Then, when his mother, Mary, kissed him on his lips, returning her kiss with his kiss, he kissed her a little longer and a little harder than she kissed him. He kissed her a little longer and a little harder than he usually does.

Already sexually excited with the sexual anticipation of sexually seducing his mother, while making his sexual intentions known, he pressed his growing erection against her tummy. She felt good in his arms and better than he had remembered. He was tempted to part his mother' lips with his tongue and French kiss her. He'd love nothing more than to French kiss his mother while touching and feeling her everywhere through her clothes.

Only not wanting to ruin things by rushing things, even though he wanted to stick his tongue in her mouth and sexually arouse her with his deep, wet kisses, he didn't dare French kiss his mother. Deserving more respect than that, she was his mother and not some whore that he asked home for the night. Catching her by surprise, yet, seemingly and intuitively, knowing what he so sexually wanted, she looked at him with shock before looking at him with a flash of sexual arousal. Who better to know that wants and needs of a son than his mother?

"Sorry Mom. I'm just happy to see you," he said covering the faux pas of his dry hump of a sexual hug and his long and hard sexual kiss. "I missed you."

# # #

As if noticing him as a potential lover for the first time, she looked at him differently than she had ever looked at him before. She looked at him with confused shock and sexual arousal. This was her son and not some man that she randomly met on the street. Then, as if brushing aside the sexual intent of his hug and his kiss with mere mother and son context, she gave her son an understanding smile.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company and your unexpected visit?"

Not answering her question, he looked at his mother when she grimaced, grabbed at her shoulder, and rubbed her neck. Obviously, she was in pain. Obviously, his mother was in some sort of physical discomfort.

"What's wrong, Mother?"

Seemingly embarrassed that she showed him her pain, she laughed while brushing off her physical discomfort.

"Old age. Don't worry about it. I'm just getting old," she said. "Especially with this cold, damp, and rainy weather, I suddenly ache everywhere."

Especially after his wife said that his mother was old, David made a face and looked at his mother as if she was nuts. She was so beautiful. She was so sexy. If ever there was one, she was such a MILF.

"Old? You're not old. You just turned sixty-five-years-old. Sixty-five is the new forty-five," he said. "You're still young. You're still vivacious. You're still sexy and beautiful. You have a lot of life still to live," he said putting his arm around her waist and spinning her around the living room in an impromptu waltz.

Obviously, in pain, she pulled away from him to rub her shoulder and neck again.

"Ow. Ow. Ow," she said at her son manhandling her by trying to dance with her. "I'm sorry but I awakened with a stiff neck and then the pain traveled to my shoulder. Would you be a dear and apply some Bengay to my shoulder," she asked?

# # #

As if she was removing her blouse, he held his breath while watching her unbuttoned the top, two buttons of her blouse to allow him enough room to squeeze his horny hand inside the back of her shirt. When she did, with him the voyeuristic and incestuous pervert that he is, he stared down at all that he could see of his mother's long, sexy line of cleavage? Already imagining seeing and feeling his mother's naked breasts, he smiled sexily at his mother. No doubt, with no one knowing him better than his mother, she clearly knew what his sexy smile was all about.

The first time noticing his sexual attraction to her, he looked at her in the way that a man looked at a woman. He no longer looked at her as if she was his mother. He looked at her as if she was his lover. Obviously, in the way that she returned his sexual look with her sexual look, his mother was just as sexually frustrated as he was horny. It was at that moment that she clearly knew that she could sexually seduce her son if she was ready to go down that forbidden road.

Taking her by surprise, she caught him staring at the impressions her breasts made in her blouse. Truth be told, as much as he loved his wife's humongous tits, he loved his mother's big tits, too. She had big, beautiful breasts, not as big as his wife's breasts, of course, but she had a rack. She had D cup breasts. He'd love to not only see her naked tits but also, he'd love to touch them, feel them, fondle them, and suck them. He'd love to sexually bond with his topless mother by becoming sexually intimate with her naked breasts.

"I can do better than applying smelly Bengay to your neck and shoulder, Mom. I'll give you a massage. I always do that for Emma. With her breasts so big, they pull on her lower back. She has lots of lower back pain. My massages relieve her pain," said David while ready to massage his mother. "Would you like a massage, Mom," he asked while rubbing his hands together to build the friction when she gave him an okay by nodding her head? "Remove your blouse."

Stopping her dead in her tracks, her mouth involuntarily fell open with shocked, sexual excitement. She looked at her son with foreboding before a flash of sexual arousal took hold of her facial expression. Then, she looked at her son again, this time, as if she was a horny teenage girl going to a drive-in movie for the first time.

As if she was thinking about obeying her son and removing her blouse, she nibbled on her lip. Then, she fidgeted with the buttons of her blouse with her fingers. She looked up at her son with guilt and misgivings. Obviously, she wanted to remove her blouse but in good conscience, she couldn't.

Did she dare remove her blouse? She wasn't wearing a bra. Did she dare show her son her naked breasts? Seemingly daring herself to do so, obviously wanting to bare her naked breasts to her son, she continued fingering with the buttons of her blouse while biting her lip. Perceptibly, fearing what he'd do or what she'd do if she stood before her son topless, with her at the crossroad of incestuous sex, this was quite the conundrum.

# # #

"Remove my blouse," she asked with a look of embarrassment as if she didn't hear his statement or was struggling to obey it? "I'm sorry but I can't remove my blouse, David," said Mary.

She slowly shook her head as if she needed that extra bit of head movement to stop herself from being naughty and sexually provocative by removing her blouse and exposing her naked breasts to her son. Sexually excited by the thought of his mother removing her blouse and sitting on the sofa in her big, white brassiere, he laughed nervously. He'd love to see his mother in her brassiere. Seeing her in her bra would give him something more to masturbate over while masturbating over Emma blowing Bob while he had his wicked, sexual way with her naked tits.

Thinking back to the last time he had seen his mother in her brassiere, it had been years since he had seen his mother in her brassiere. Trying to remember the last time he had seen the tops of her meaty breasts and her long line of sexy cleavage; again, it had been years. It has been even longer since he had seen his mother's naked tits, her symmetrical areolas, and her erect nipples. He couldn't count how many times he had masturbated over seeing his mother's naked breasts.

"Why not? I've seen you in your bra before, Mother," he said. "What's the big deal? It's just a brassiere. It's as if you're wearing your bikini top. I've seen you in your bikini dozens of times. It isn't as if you'd be topless, Mother," he said with a nervous, little laugh while suddenly imagining his mother topless and him feeling and massaging his mother's big, naked breasts with his horny hands. "C'mon. Remove your blouse so that I can give you a nice, deep tissue, and relaxing massage."

As if she was parched and needed a drink, while staring at him with sexual arousal, as if she was ready to give her son a blowjob, she ran a slow tongue across her full lips. Obviously, with his father dead for a long time, it had been years since his mother had sex. No doubt, just the suggestion of her exposing her naked breasts to her son was enough to get her in the mood to expose herself. Like mother like son, the mere suggestion of showing him her naked breasts was seemingly enough for her to want to have sex with him.

"I'm not wearing a bra," she said biting her lip while looking at her son with sexual arousal. "I couldn't lift my arm. I was in so much pain that I couldn't get my bra on this morning. Had I known you were coming over; I would have braced myself against the pain and forced myself to put on my bra."

He made a face, rolled his eyes, and shrugged.

"So?" He laughed. "It's okay, Mother." While staring at the big impressions her braless breasts made in her blouse, he gave her a suggestive look and a sexy smile. "I've seen your naked breasts plenty of times before," he said with shrug and a shit eating grin. "It's only tits. I've seen plenty of naked breasts."

# # #

She looked at him confused as if trying to remember when he could have seen her topless.

"You have," she asked looking at him disbelievingly while making a face as if she didn't believe him? "You've seen my naked breasts?"

Obviously, embarrassed now, she folded her arms across her chest as if denying him from staring at her braless breasts. As if he was imagining seeing her naked breasts now, David smiled at his mother while nodding his head.

"Several times," he said.

She looked at her son with shocked embarrassment.

"When did you see my naked breasts?" She paused as if trying to think when he could have seen her naked breasts. Obviously, so very long ago, she didn't remember. "I would have remembered you seeing me topless. I would have remembered being embarrassed that you saw my naked breasts," she said with some modicum of self-assurance.

Suddenly, he was sexually excited just talking about his mother's big, naked tits. Now that he knew she wasn't wearing a bra; tempted to reach out and feel her breasts through her blouse while fingering her nipples, he wanted to see her naked breasts. His mind was filled with images of all the times he saw her naked tits. Her breasts were nowhere as big as Emma's DDD cup breasts but, compared to the average woman's B and C cup breasts, she still had big boobs. She wore a 36 D cup bra.


"I can tell you now because it happened so long ago," he said with a dirty laugh. "A few times when you didn't know that I was home, you undressed and dressed with your bedroom door wide-open and I watched you from the darkened hall," he said pausing. "You were topless. I saw your naked breasts. You were naked. I saw your naked ass and your naked pussy. As if you were my version of Lady Godiva," he said with a dirty laugh. "I saw you sitting at your dressing room table naked while brushing your long, beautiful hair."

Obviously, believing what he said was true, she looked uncomfortably embarrassed.

"Oh, my. You saw my naked breasts? You saw my tits? You saw me naked? I'm so embarrasses. I had no idea you saw my naked tits. I had no idea that you saw me naked," she said.

He smiled a shit eating grin as if he was able to get away with something with his mother.

"I did and I have," he said with pride that he saw his MILF of a mother topless and naked.

Then, she stared sternly at him while scolding him.

"Now why would you want to see your mother topless," she said scolding him? "Why would you want to see your mother's naked tits? Why would you want to see your mother naked?"

He shrugged.

"I like tits, you have big and shapely breasts, and you're my mother. I've always been sexually attracted to you," he confessed with, yet, another shrug.

When he confessed that he's always been sexually attracted to her, obviously, sexually arousing her, she blushed and her eye lids fluttered as if she was thinking about masturbating herself or, possibly, masturbating him.

# # #

"Another time, when you forgot your towel, you asked me to close my eyes as you ran from the bathroom to your bedroom naked." He laughed. "Suffice to say, Mother, during your run of embarrassment, modesty, and shame, I didn't close my eyes," he said with a dirty laugh.

As if he had just stripped her naked, she looked at him mortified.

"Oh, my," she said fluttering her eyelids again. "You saw me naked? I had no idea you saw me naked."

As if imagining her without her clothes again now, he gave her a sexy smile and a naughty look.

"I not only saw your big, naked tits bouncing up and down and swaying side-to-side as you ran down the hall but also, I saw your shapely, naked ass and your trimmed, brown pussy." With his incestuous feelings for his mother taking over his decorum, this time, he was more descriptively graphic with his words. "I saw your naked pussy and your naked ass," he reiterated what he saw of her again. "I saw your naked cunt, Mother."

Mary put her hand to her mouth as if she was about to be ill.

"Oh, my God, David," said his mother. "How could you invade my privacy by staring at me when I was naked after I asked you to close your eyes? I'm so very embarrassed."

He shrugged again.

"I was a horny, testosterone filled, young man with little sexual experience who was sexually enamored with his mother. You were the first naked woman I ever saw," he said staring down at what he could see of his mother's naked breasts through her partially unbuttoned blouse. "What horny son eighteen-year-old son wouldn't want to see his mother naked?" Then, he confessed what he was really thinking. "What eighteen-year-old teenager wouldn't want to have incestuous sex with his MILF of a mother?"

He laughed.

"I'm so embarrassed," she said again. Then, a delayed reaction, she looked at him as if just hearing what he had said. "You wanted to have sex with me? I can't believe you wanted to have sex with me, your own mother," she said looking at him aghast. "I never knew you were sexually attracted to me," she said giving him a sexy look. "I never knew you thought of me as a MILF, a mother you'd like to fuck."

He patted his mother's knee. Then, when she didn't reject his hand by removing it, he rubbed her knee. He rubbed her leg a little higher while slowly sliding the tips of his fingers beneath her skirt to massage her thigh just above her knee. Slowly moving his hand higher under her skirt, he stopped at midthigh. When she stared down at his hand taking sexual liberties with her leg, he so wanted to continue sliding his fingers all the way up. He so wanted to finger his mother's pussy through her panties.

Yet, not knowing how his mother would react to him reaching all the way up her skirt to finger her panty clad pussy, he didn't want to ruin things by rushing things. First things first, he needed her to remove her blouse. He needed to see his mother's big, naked breasts. He needed to massage his mother's neck, back, and shoulder while groping the sides of her naked breasts.

# # #

"Don't be embarrassed, Mother. It was so very long ago, nearly 30-years-ago," he said. Then, pausing as if he was thinking, he remembered another time when he saw his mother's naked breasts. He laughed out loud. "Then, there was that time when you lost your bikini top at the beach. Do you remember?"

She let out and uncomfortable laugh.

"Oh, God. I remember. I was so embarrassed," she said. "I couldn't believe you and everyone on the beach saw my naked breasts."

He returned her laugh with his laugh.

"For a long minute you didn't even know that you were topless. While your bikini top washed up on shore, without shame or embarrassment, you proudly walked out of the water and up to me and in front of everyone. You sat on the beach towel bare breasted as if you were Bo Derek before you even noticed that you were topless."

She laughed a nervous albeit a sexually aroused, little laugh.

"I remember that. I was mortified. While I laid on my stomach, I had you run down to the water to see if you could find my top," she said. "I remember your eyes were as big as saucer's as you stared at my naked tits, your mother's naked tits before you even moved."

He laughed.

"The highlight as my teenage life, I'll never forget that day, the day that I saw my mother's naked breasts," he said with a dirty laugh.

She laughed, too.

"As if you had never seen a woman's naked breasts before, before I had the forethought to cover them with my hands, you stared at my naked tits, my areolas, and my nipples," she said with an embarrassed laugh. "For a moment, I thought you were going to reach out and grope my breasts while fingering my nipples."

He laughed, too, while remembering his mother being so publicly exposed.

"Staring is not the only thing I did, Mother," he said with a dirty laugh while pausing before confessing. He gave her a sexual stare filled with desire and lust. "I masturbated over seeing your naked breasts and the memory of that day for years," he confessed. "I masturbated dozens of times while imagining you naked and having incestuous sex with your beautiful, naked body."

Mary looked at her son shocked surprise.

"You did? You masturbated over me, your own mother," she asked with disbelief? "You imagined me naked and having sex with me? Oh, my. David? Oh, my God, David."

# # #

Now, that he had already seen his mothers' naked breasts several times, seemingly no longer embarrassed to expose her naked breasts to her son, she finished unbuttoning her blouse. As if there was a drumroll going off in his head, David watched his mother completely unbutton her blouse with bated breath and sexual anticipation. One of his sexual fantasies come true, he couldn't wait for her to remove her blouse. He couldn't wait to see his mother's naked tits again.

Then, while looking at her son as if to see his reaction to seeing her big, naked tits, she opened and removed her blouse. She was topless. His mother was bare breasted in front of him before turning her back to him. He couldn't believe his mother was topless. He couldn't believe he saw his mother's big, naked tits.

Obviously uncomfortably embarrassed, yet clearly sexually aroused at the same time, giving him mixed signals, she folded her arms across her naked breasts before covering them with her hands. She cupped her big breasts in the palms of her hands in the way that he wanted to cup his mother's big tits in the palms of his hands. Then, taking a big breath for courage, she removed her hands while staring up at her son staring down at her naked breasts. Mary sat bare breasted next to her son while he stared and ogled his mother's naked tits.

"Oh, Mom. You have beautiful breasts," he said staring at his mother's naked tits while tempted to reach out his horny hands to touch them, feel them, grope them, fondle them, and suck them.

He so wanted to touch them, feel them, fondle them, grope them, and suck them. As if looking to see all that he could see of her, she looked down at her naked breasts before looking back up at her son. Obviously, she was as sexually aroused as he was sexually excited. With her nipples already fully erected, he wondered if his mother was as wet as he was hard. She gave him a sexy smile and he returned her sexy smile with a naughty look.

"I do? Thank you," she said looking down at her naked tits. "Except now that I'm older they sag more than I remember," she said. "Just," she said with an uncomfortable pause. "Please don't tell anyone that you massaged your topless mother," she said with a dirty laugh. "I'd be so embarrassed for any of my friends or your friends to know that you saw your mother's naked tits while giving her a topless massage," she said with a nervous, little laugh.

# # #

"Let's go to your bedroom, shall we," he said escorting her to her bedroom?

He helped her to stand and walked her to her bedroom. Unable to remove his eyes from his mother's big, naked tits, he stared at her breasts as if he had never seen naked breasts before. Yet, these naked tits weren't just anyone's naked tits. These were his mother's naked tits and she had quite the rack. He couldn't wait to touch them, feel them, fondle them, and grope them. With any luck, maybe she'd even allow him to suck them.

Once, in her bedroom, he instructed her what to do.

"Lie face down on your bed," he said.

As soon as she was on her stomach, as if he was getting himself ready to fuck her from behind, he climbed on the bed to straddle his mother. Something he always wanted to do; he couldn't believe he was finally in bed with his mother. He only wished that they were both naked. With his pants and underwear clad prick in contact with his mother's skirt and panty clad ass, he suddenly felt like a masher on the subway.

Every time he leaned forward to rub his mother's shoulders, neck, and back, he dry humped her ass with his fully clothed cock. Every time he dry humped her ass, his erection grew bigger and harder. Every time he leaned forward to rub her shoulder's, neck, and back, her skirt climbed higher. He continued dry humping her ass. After dry humping his mother's ass a dozen more times, with the hem of her skirt climbing higher, he could clearly see the bottom of her white panties.

Then, deliberately humping her skirt and panty clad ass harder and faster, he knew that she could feel his erect cock rubbing against her shapely ass. As if he was fucking her, he was humping his mother from behind. He couldn't believe he was humping his mother's fully clothed and shapely ass. With her skirt continuing to climb higher, high enough to expose her panty clad ass cheeks, he was so tempted to touch, feel, fondle, and squeeze his mother's panty clad ass.

"Oh, David, that feels good," she said. "The pain is just melting away."

He wondered if his massage felt good or if him humping him felt good. He continued massaging his mother's back while humping her skirt and panty clad ass while stealthily and ever so slowly feeling the sides of her exposed, naked breasts. The first time touching and feeling his mother's tits, she had beautiful shapely and firm breasts for a woman her age. They barely sagged at all.

"You have such soft skin, mother," he said continuing to feel the sides of her naked breasts.

Taking a risk, curious to see what she'd do, he wondered if she'd slap his hand away if he groped more of her naked breasts. Then, going for broke, sliding his horny hand beneath her, he partially cupped one of her naked breasts in his hand. When she didn't stop him, he cupped her other breast in his other hand. He was holding his mother's naked tits in the palms of his horny hands. He couldn't believe he was holding his mother's naked tits while dry humping her ass.

While cupping her tits in the palm of his horny hands, he felt more of his mother's naked breasts. He felt them, he squeezed them, and he fondled them. Something he only sexually fantasized doing while masturbating himself, he couldn't believe that she was allowing him to have his wicked, sexual way with her big, naked tits.

# # #

"Is feeling my naked breasts part of my massage," she said with a laugh. "How is feeling my tits going to help my aching neck, back, and shoulder?" Lifting herself up on her elbows while exposing her naked breasts to him again, she turned to look at him.

He looked at his mother with embarrassment and shame.

"Sorry Mother. I got carried away," he said.

She laughed.

"I don't mind you copping cheap feels of my naked tits, David, just don't finger my nipples. Okay," she asked? "It's been years, since your father died and that anyone has seen and/or felt my naked breasts," she said with sadness while inviting him to continue groping her. "I'd be lying if I said that it didn't feel good for you to touch, feel, fondle, grope, and squeeze my naked breasts," she said. "You make me feel sexually wanted and desired. You make me feel like a woman again."

Yet, taking what she said about him not fingering her nipples as his invitation to finger her nipples, disobeying her expressed wishes not to finger her nipples, he continued fingering his mother's nipples. While fondling her big breasts, he slowly slid his horny hand across her erect nipples. While squeezing her big tits, he squeezed her nipples too.

"Why not," he asked while sliding slow fingers across his mother's nipples again? "Why can't I finger your nipples, Mother," he asked while fingering her nipples anyway? "You have such big and hard nipples. I love pulling, turning, and twisting your erect nipples."

She gasped when he wickedly fingered her nipples again, especially after she asked him not to finger her nipples.

"Oh, David," she said with a sexually excited shiver when he pulled her nipples. "Because my nipples are one of my erogenous zones and you'll sexually arouse me if you continue fingering my nipples. With me not having had sex since your father died," she said turning to look at him again. "Losing all control and my sense of impropriety, there's no telling what I'd do to my handsome son, if you sexually aroused your mother," she said with a dirty laugh.

Baiting her and sexually teasing her while hoping to sexually arouse his mother, he fingered her nipples again. This time, going for broke, he pulled, turned, squeezed, and twisted her nipples between his fingers harder and longer. The more he fingered her naked nipples, the bigger and harder they grew. The more that he fingered her naked nipples, the more she squirmed on the bed while rubbing her thighs together. He was curious what his mother would do if she was sexually aroused.

Obviously, with her seemingly as sexually frustrated as he was horny, she was masturbating herself by rubbing her thighs together. He never would have known that women masturbated themselves in that way but he watched his wife masturbate herself in that way. Clearly, if only judging her by her erect nipples and her masturbating herself, he had sexually aroused his mother. With her rubbing her thighs together faster, he continued fingering, pulling, turning, and twisting her erect nipples.

"Tell me, Mother. What would you do to me, if I sexually aroused you," he asked while continuing to pull, turn, and twist her erect nipples?

# # #

Breathless now, as if she was hypnotized, she gasped while finally exhaling a big, sexually excited breath.

"Oh, David. You've making me so horny. If you continue fingering my nipples, I'd want to see your prick, my son's prick. I'd want to stroke your prick. Depending how horny I am, I may even suck your prick and allow you to cum in my mouth, all over my face, in my hair, and across my naked breasts. Depending how sexually turned on I am, I may even fuck your prick and allow you to cum in my pussy," she said.

David let out a sigh of sexual excitement.

"Oh, mother," he said taking her big tits in his hand and squeezing them. "I'd love to have incestuous sex with your naked body. I'd love to finger your pussy while licking your cunt. I'd love to give you an orgasm with my fingers and tongue. I'd love to make slow love to you before fucking you hard and fast. I'd love to give you a second orgasm with my cock. I'd love to cum in your cunt, Mother," said David.

Mary brushed her son's hand away from her naked breasts and covered her tits with her hands.

"Oh, my God, what's gotten into me? I can't believe I confessed all of that to you. I'm so very embarrassed," she said turning a bright red. "Please forgive me for sexually encouraging you instead of discouraging you. I'm sorry but we can't have sex. Please forget that I even said all of that."

David laughed a sexy laugh.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about and there's nothing to forgive, Mother," he said lifting the back of his mother's skirt to her waist to expose the rest of her white, panty clad ass.

He felt her round, firm ass through her panties. Then, he slid a slow hand up and in between his mother's shapely legs. Not stopping there, especially when she didn't stop him, he slid a slow finger along her panty clad pussy slit and traced her pussy slit again and again. Then, he cupped and fingered his mother's pussy through her panties.

"Oh, David," she said squirming.

Taking that as his invitation to continue to masturbate his mother, he continued fingering her pussy through her panties.

"I'm here to make you feel better, Mother."

While exposing her naked breasts to him again, she turned to look at her son again while biting her lip with a face full of sexual arousal.

"If you really want to make me feel better," she said with a long pause while biting her lip. "Take off your pants and show me your naked prick. I want to see your penis. It's been such a long time since I felt a hard cock in my hand," she said moving to her side to watch her son undress. "Show me your cock. I want to see it. I want to hold your erect cock in my hand."

David stood, removed his pants and underwear, and moved next to his mother. As soon as he did, not having to force his mother to take him in her hand, she reached out her hand and wrapped her long, manicured fingers around her son's erect cock. She fingered the head of his naked prick.

Then, obviously wanting to sexually excite him in the way that he sexually aroused her, she slowly stroked him. His mother was stroking his cock, he couldn't believe his mother was stroking his erect prick. Obviously, with her stroking him faster and harder, she was masturbating him. Obviously, with her continuing to stroke him faster and harder, she wanted him to cum. She looked up at him with her big, brown eyes while stroking him faster and harder.

"Would you like Mommy to masturbate you," she asked sexually teasing him while staring up at him with her big, brown eyes and with his erect prick in her soft hand? "Would you like Mommy to make you cum," she asked while kissing and licking the head of his engorged prick?

He looked at her with shocked, sexual excitement. The sexual seduction of his mother was too easy. Going from her removing her blouse, to him massaging her back while feeling her tits, now she offered to make him cum. A long-time sexual fantasy since he turned 18-years-old, he always wanted to have sex with is MILF of a mother. Now, thirty-years later, his sexual fantasy come true, he was having sex with his mother.

"Oh, God, yes, Mom. I'd love for you to masturbate me. I'd love for you to make me cum. Make me cum, Mommy. Make me cum."

While not letting go of his erect prick, she sat up in bed to give him a naughty look and a sexy smile.

"Tell me," she said looking at him seductively while sliding a slow tongue across her lips as if hinting that's where she wanted him to cum. "Where would you like to cum," she asked giving him another sexy look and a naughty smile? "Would you like to cum all over my hand, across my naked breasts, in my mouth, or in my pussy?"

He looked at his mother as stunned as he was sexually excited while she slid a slow tongue across her lips again.

"In your mouth, Mom. I've always sexually fantasized of you blowing me. I've always wanted to cum in your mouth," he said sliding a slow finger across his mother's full, red lips. "I want you to suck my cock. I want to cum in your mouth, Mother."

# # #

He reached down to feel, squeeze, and fondle her big breasts. He fingered her erect nipples with one hand while cupping, feeling, and fingering her panty clad pussy with his other hand. His sexual fantasy come true; he couldn't believe he was finally having incestuous sex with his mother.

With her consensually complicit in their forbidden, sexual affair, David's mother, Mary, moved halfway down the bed and took him in her hand again before taking him in her mouth. His mother was stroking his cock while sucking his cock. Obviously, with her not pushing him away and rejecting him, instead, with her blowing him, she wanted to have illicit sex with him as much as he wanted to have forbidden sex with her.

His mother was sucking his cock while stroking his prick. Hard for him to wrap his head around, as if he was imagining it, David couldn't believe that his sexy MILF of a mother was blowing him. Further, he couldn't believe she was going to allow him to cum in her beautiful mouth. His long time, sexual fantasy come true, he couldn't wait to cum in his mother's mouth.

While stroking him faster, she stroked him harder. Obviously, she was determined to get her son to cum. Clearly, she was determined for her son to cum in her mouth. Even though he was enjoying the moment while wishing this forbidden, sexual intimacy would last forever, he couldn't wait to cum in his mother's willing mouth. He couldn't count how many times he masturbated over imagining his mother blowing him and him cumming in her mouth.

"Cum, David, cum. Cum in your mother's mouth. I need to taste you cum. I need to swallow your cum. Cum, David, cum," she said continuing to stroke him harder and faster while sucking him deeper. "Cum in Mommy's mouth."

As if Mommy was the keyword, as soon as she said Mommy, he ejaculated a huge load of cum in his mother's mouth. Then, thinking he was done cumming, when she released his prick from her lips, he ejaculated a second load of cum all over his mother's face, in her grey hair, and across her naked breasts.

"Wow! That was a lot of cum, David," said Mary wiping her face, her hair, and her breasts with some tissues. "Have you been saving that cum just for me," she asked with a sexy laugh?

Still not done, crazed with having sex with his mother, surprising her, he pulled his mother's panties down and off. He exposed his mother's naked ass and her trimmed, brown pussy to his horny eyes. Not taking no for an answer, spreading her legs wide open, in the way that she stroked and sucked him, he fingered and licked his mother. He ate his mother's cunt while rubbing her clit harder and licking her pussy faster. Having not had a sexual orgasm in such a long time, it didn't take her long to have a sexual orgasm now.

"Oh, David. Oh, my God, David. Something your father would never do, don't stop. Please don't stop eating me. Eat me, David. Eat me. Eat my pussy. Eat your mother's cunt," she said closing her eyes and breathing through her mouth. "You're going to make me cum," she said putting her hands on each side of his head. "You're going to make Mommy cum."

She pressed down on his head with her hands while moving his face side-to-side and rubbing her wet pussy all over his face. Bathe in his mother's vaginal secretions, he had his mother's pussy juices everywhere, in his mouth, up his nose, in his eyes, and all over his face. Just as he never thought his mother would suck his cock and allow him to cum in her mouth, he never thought his mother would allow him to masturbate her before allowing him to eat her cunt.

"You're going to give your mother a sexual orgasm. Oh, David. Oh, my God, David. Make Mommy cum, David," she said. "Make Mommy cum."

As if Mommy and David were her keywords, as soon as she said Mommy and David together, she fell quiet while having her sexual orgasm and enjoying the afterglow of sex.