Something Stranger than Fiction


Incest is Stranger than Fiction

Much better than what it's cracked up to be, incest experiences and incestuous sex aren't all bad.

What is it with wanting to see your blood, related relatives naked? What is it with wanting to have sex with them? As long as it's between consenting adults, is incestuous sex perfectly normal or perversely perverted?

Author's Warning:

Best you make yourselves comfortable while reading this story. Fathers and sons grab a bottle of lube, a box of tissues, and unzip yourselves. Mothers and daughters, lose the panties and bra and, instead, grab your vibrator and dildo. Are you ready? Here we go.

This is a true story. Everything in this story has really happened. Everything in this story is still happening today but not just in your house and in your neighborhood but all over the world.

The biggest item on most men's wish list is more sex. The biggest item on most men's sexual fantasy list, other than having sex with a celebrity, is having sex with their mother, sister, aunt, or cousin. Sadly, and sexually frustratingly but true, with everything all about sex, especially incestuous sex, everything in this story is still happening today. Only, what's happening now is happening on a much larger scale, a worldwide scale. The whole world has gone mad with incest and incestuous sex.

One of the biggest items on most women's wish list, other than finding a good man, a good provider, getting married, and having children, is sex. Yet, different from men, instead of wanting to have incestuous sex with their fathers, brothers, uncles, and cousins, they're content sexually teasing them by flashing them. Oh, yeah, women love driving men crazy, especially those men who can never sexually have them.

Seriously, think about it. How many panties have you seen in up-skirt peeks of your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins? How many bras and cleavages have you seen in down-blouses views of your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins? How many naked pussies have you seen in up-nightgown peeks of your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins? How many naked breasts have you seen in down-nightgown views of your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins?

Do you think you were lucky? Do you think you were at the right place and at the right time? Do you think that your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins were unaware that they were inadvertently flashing you their panties, bras, and cleavage? Did you think that your mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins accidentally flashed you their naked pussies and naked breasts? Think again.

While waiting for you to make the next incestuous move, they deliberately flashed you. Taking the onus and blame off of them and putting that on you, should incestuous sex go sideways, it would be all your fault. As much as men want to have sex with their mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins, women enjoy sexually teasing their fathers, brothers, uncles, and cousins but flashing them while making their flashes appear accidental. Think about it. While most men are whoremongers, most women are whores.

# # #

This story tackles the biggest issue in life, sex, specifically incestuous sex, and explains the way of the modern-day world in relation to incest. This story explains why incestuous sex is such an uncontrollable desire and why it's now deemed more acceptable between consenting adults, as long as there's no pregnancies. No one wants to have a baby with birth defects.

Yet, even though incestuous sex is not as perversely perverted as you think it is, having sex with blood, related relatives is not as simple as you think. Guilt, embarrassment, shame, and remorse make blood, related relatives want not to have sex. Actually, as simple and convenient as it is normal, as long as incestuous sex is between consenting adults, there's nothing wrong with having sex with a blood, related relative.

"I love you, Mommy."

Indeed, incest is something that is stranger than fiction. Incestuous sex between blood, related relatives is as kinky as it's weirdly forbidden. Yet, too true to be fiction, maybe because of the internet but incest and incestuous sex is on the rise. Incest is so prevalent in life today that I can't make this stuff up. Incest is happening more now than it ever did before. Perhaps, with so many unable to afford housing and with nowhere else to go, more relatives are living together longer.

Going back to the beginning of time, there has always been and will always be a sexual attraction that some fathers have for their daughters and that some daughters have for their fathers. There has always been and will always be a sexual attraction that some mothers have for their sons and that some sons have for their mothers. Yet, maybe a father wouldn't have sex with his daughter and a daughter wouldn't have sex with her father. Maybe a mother wouldn't have sex with her son and a son wouldn't have sex with his mother.

Instead, men may be more willing to have sex, incestuous sex with their aunts and/or their cousins. Women may be more willing to have sex, incestuous sex with their uncles and/or their cousins. No matter. Whether a man having sex with his aunt and/or cousin instead of his daughter and a woman having sex with her uncle and/or cousin instead of her son, incest is still incest.

Let's see a show of hands, shall we? C'mon, be honest. With me a survivor of incest, there are no judgments here. I get the sexual attraction, I really do. Besides, no one can see you raising your hand.

Who here has had consensual, incestuous sex with a blood, related, adult relative, a mother, a sister, a father, a brother, an uncle, an aunt, a cousin, a grandmother or a grandfather? Who here hasn't had incestuous sex but wants to have incestuous sex and would have incestuous sex if they could? Who here would never have incestuous sex? Okay, all those who would never have sex with a blood, related relative are free to go. Sorry, but this story isn't for you.

# # #

Now that those moral mortals are gone, tell me. Don't you think the phenomenon of incestuous sex is strange and that blood, related relatives want to see one another naked? Why is that?

More sexually exciting than seeing anyone else naked, what's the sexual attraction that drives someone to want to see their blood, related relative without their clothes? Then, there's the sex. Don't you think that phenomenon of incestuous sex is strange that blood, related relatives want to have sex with one another? What is that all about?

Answer me this. Why do some fathers want to have sex with their daughters? How dare they? That's their daughters. Yet, why do some daughters want to have sex with their fathers? How dare they? That's their fathers. Not stopping there, why do some mothers want to have sex with their sons? How dare they? That's their sons. As shocking as it's true, why do some sons want to have sex with their mothers? How dare they? That's their mothers.

Do you know why blood, related relatives want to see one another naked and have sex with one another? Does anyone know? As long as blood, related relatives continue to want to have sex with one another, does anyone care? Too busy peeking behind closed, bedroom doors, we're all too busy masturbating while reading incestuous stories and watching incestuous videos to want it to stop.

Only, sad but true, most fathers, daughters, mothers, and sons too afraid to cross the forbidden, imaginary, incestuous, sexual line. If they could cross the imaginary, incestuous sexual line without the shame, the guilt, the embarrassment, and the remorse, they would. Instead, they learn to live with their sexual frustration by masturbating themselves while imagining their blood, related relatives naked and having sex with them. Truth be known and as you may already know, just as most blood, related relatives never see one another naked, most blood related relatives never have sex with one other.

Yet, wishing they could see one another naked and wishing they could have incestuous sex, don't. Instead, they sexually lust over one another in silence while masturbating themselves with the thoughts of seeing one another naked and having sex with their naked bodies. Instead of it being nothing more than just a sexual fantasy, if given the chance, they wish they could see one another naked and have incestuous sex with one another.

Truth be told, whether father and daughter or mother and son, they all want to see one another naked. Truth be told, with one lusting over the other while imagining them naked and having sex with them, they all want to have incestuous sex with one another. They all want to lick, finger, stroke, suck, and fuck one another. Nonetheless their inability to cross the incestuous line, that doesn't stop fathers from masturbating over their daughters while imagining them naked and having sex with them and sons masturbating over their mothers.

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"I wish I could see my 22-year-old daughter without her clothes. I wish I could see her in her panties and bra, topless, and naked," said Bob, Sarah's father while masturbating himself. "I wish I could have sex with her."

He continued stroking himself faster and harder while imagining his daughter naked.

"I wish I could feel her naked tits while fingering and sucking her erect nipples. I wish I could have my wicked, sexual way with her naked ass. I wish I could rub her clit, fingerfuck her pussy, and lick her cunt. I wish I could cum in her sweet, young mouth," said Bob getting ready to cum. "I wish I could fuck her, really fuck her hard and fast enough to give her an orgasm with my cock."

If it's not bad enough that some fathers want to have sex with their daughters, as shocking as it is unbelievable, some daughters want to have sex with their fathers. Crossing the incestuous line doesn't stop daughters from sexually teasing and flashing their fathers while imagining them naked and having sex with them. Where some fathers would willingly have incestuous sex with their daughters, by taking the onus off them, some daughters are seemingly content to sexually tease and tempt their fathers to make that first forbidden, incestuous move.

"I wonder if my father will look when he sees me in this sexy and revealing, see through bikini. I'd love to make my Dad sexually excited enough to have an erection," said Sarah, Bob's daughter while in her bedroom and for no one to hear.

In the way that her father was stroking his cock, she felt her tits and fingered her erect nipples while rubbing her clit.

"As soon as I get my sheer bikini wet, it becomes totally transparent. He'll see everything I own, my big tits, my areolas, my nipples, my trimmed pubic hair, and my ass crack. I can't wait to show him my nearly all of naked body. I'll make sure he sees me by parading back and forth in front of him while making him a drink," she said while obviously becoming more sexually aroused.

Just as most fathers never see their daughters naked and have sex with them, most daughters never see their fathers naked and have sex with them. Yet, just as there are those fathers who would voluntarily, willingly, and consensually have incestuous sex with their daughters if given the chance, there are those daughters who would voluntarily, willingly, and consensually have incestuous sex with their fathers. Seemingly all it would take to unleash the forbidden, sexual lust is the opportunity, being at the right place and at the right time, and lots of alcohol.

Yet, before she could put on her skimpy bikini, before she could get it wet enough to make it transparent, her father knocked at her bedroom door. As if planned, Sarah was already naked. Her closed bedroom door was all that kept her father from seeing her naked.

Suddenly and obviously becoming sexually aroused by the forbidden thought of her father seeing her naked, she felt her tits and fingered her nipples. Clearly, she hoped he'd burst open her bedroom door and catch her naked. Clearly, she wanted him to see her naked. Obviously, she imagined exposing herself to her father. She fingered her pussy while, no doubt, imagining her father bursting open her bedroom door and catching her naked.

"Daddy, don't come in. I'm getting dressed," said Sarah hoping her father would open her bedroom door nonetheless and see her naked.

Seemingly, Daddy don't come in was her code phrase for Daddy come in. As Sarah obviously hoped he would, against his daughter's feigned and feeble protests, Bob opened his daughter's bedroom door anyway. Playing the exhibitionistic and incestuous whore that she is, instead of reaching for something to cover her nakedness with, she stood there motionless. Obviously, like father like daughter, she wanted her father to see her naked body as much as he wanted to see her naked body.

"Sarah, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," said Bob while staring at his daughter's naked tits and her naked, brown, trimmed pussy. "I thought you said for me to come in."

Obviously embarrassed as well as sexually aroused, Sarah withdrew to the corner of her bedroom. As happy as he was sexually aroused, Bob couldn't believe he was finally seeing his daughter naked. His sexual fantasy come true, looking, staring, and leering, as if trying to memorize every inch of her beautiful, naked body, he never removed his eyes from her.

"Daddy don't look. Oh, my God. I'm naked," said Sarah. No doubt, wishing she could have sex with him, she was suddenly sexually aroused by her father seeing her naked. "Oh, Daddy. Please don't look at my naked tits, my naked ass, and my naked pussy. I'm so embarrassed," said Sarah. "I'm so very embarrassed," she said even though she wasn't embarrassed but sexually aroused.

Not fooling him, obviously, she wasn't embarrassed enough to cover her naked tits with her hands, and her naked ass and her naked pussy with her a towel. Instead, as if she was a nude model posing for an artist, totally exposed and obviously wanting him to see, she left her hands by her side. Obviously, Sarah wanted her father to see her naked body as much as Bob wanted to see his naked daughter.

Turning one way before turning the other way, as if she was a stripper in a VIP room, she continued sexually teasing her father. She gave her father a good, long look at the entirety of her naked body. Even bending at the waist in front of him to retrieve her panties, as if daring him to finger her and/or fuck her, she showed him her naked ass and the back of her naked pussy.

"Don't be embarrassed," said Bob unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. In the way that he stared at his daughter's naked tits and pussy, Sarah stared at her father's exposed prick. "You're so beautiful. You're so sexy," he said stroking himself to an erection. "You look just like your mother when she was your age, God rest her soul," he said.

Instead of leaving, with his erect penis sticking straight out of his pants, he stepped closer to his daughter to give her a full body hug while pressing his naked cock against his daughter's naked tummy. Then, as if she was his wife instead of his daughter, he moved her hand to his cock while he reached down and felt a handful of her naked ass. He felt, squeezed, and fondled his daughter's shapely, round, and firm ass. Not done there, he reached around her to feel her big, naked, C cup breasts while fingering her erect nipples.

Then, while staring in her big, brown eyes, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend or lovers instead of father and daughter, they kissed. They French kissed while he fondled her naked ass and breasts and she fondled his naked cock. Bob French kissed his daughter and Sarah returned her father's long, wet kisses with her long, wet kisses. Making out with one another, he continued fondling her big tits and fingering her erect nipples, while she fondled the head of her father's prick while slowly stroked his cock.

Giving her a not so subtle sign, he slid a slow finger across her red, full lips before putting a gentle hand to her shoulder and pushing down with his hand. Taking his not so subtle hint, with her obviously having given her boyfriends plenty of blowjobs before, she knew what her father wanted her to do. He wanted her to suck his cock. He wanted her to blow him. Obviously, he wanted to cum in her mouth, his daughter's mouth, and watch her swallow his cum while staring up at him.

Obediently obeying him, Sarah moved to her knees. While still staring up at her father, she took his already erect cock in her hand again and slowly stroked him. Then, with her continuing to stare up at him with her beautiful, brown eyes, she took his stiff prick in her mouth and sucked him. Obviously wanting to suck his cock as much as he wanted her to suck his cock, Sarah continued stroking her father while sucking him.

He put a gentle hand behind her brunette, pretty head and humped her mouth while fucking her face. He held her head in place with one hand while reaching down to fondle her naked breasts and finger her erect nipples with his other hand. With his daughter giving him a blowjob and him ready to ejaculate a load of cum in her willing mouth, his longtime, sexual fantasy, it didn't take Bob long to fill his daughter's mouth. Allowing him to cum in her mouth, she swallowed.

Yet, as soon as she removed his cock from her mouth, as if shaking a champagne bottle, he coated her face with his cum. He gave his daughter a cum bath. Unable to control his incestuous passion for his beautiful, sexy, and naked daughter, Bob shot a second load of cum all over her pretty face, in her lush, brown hair, and across her naked, C cup breasts.

# # #

Just as most mothers never see their sons naked and have incestuous sex with them, most sons never see their mothers naked and have incestuous sex with them. Yet, just as there are those mothers who would voluntarily, willingly, and consensually have incestuous sex with their sons if given the chance, there are those sons who would voluntarily, willingly, and consensual have incestuous sex with their mothers. Seemingly all it would take to unleash the forbidden, sexual lust is the opportunity and being at the right place and at the right time, and lots of alcohol.

'I wish I could see my mother in her sheer and sexy nightgown without her having the modesty to wear a robe,' thought Michael while stroking himself. 'I wish I could see my mother in her bra and panties. I wish I could see her topless. I'd love to see her big, naked tits. I wish I could see my mother naked,' thought Michael. "I'd love to see her naked tits, ass, and pussy.

Then, as if it was meant to be, he heard her in the shower. Knowing the bathroom door was not only unlocked but also ajar to let out the steam, he was tempted to push open the bathroom door. If nothing more than a sexual fantasy, he'd love nothing more than to see his mother naked. He'd love nothing better than to strip himself naked and take a shower with his naked mother. Rub-a-dub-dub, he'd love to soap up her naked body while touching and feeling her everywhere that a son should never touch and feel his naked mother.

Only, something so perversely forbidden, he didn't dare strip himself naked and step in the shower. Instead, he had an idea that wouldn't get him in trouble with his mother. He had an idea that would hopefully allow him to see her without her clothes. Naked pussy for naked cock, hopefully by exposing his naked prick to her, she'll expose her naked body to him.

"Sorry, Mom, for barging in while you're taking a shower but I have to pee really bad. I promise not to look," said Michael.

Yet, instead of standing in front of the toilet to pee with his back to his naked mother in the shower, he sat on the toilet and faced the shower door. Instead of averting his eyes, he stared at all that he could see of the naked silhouette of his mother through the wet, foggy, shower door. So very sexually excited, he was tempted to masturbate himself in front of his mother. He wanted her to watch him cum. As if giving her a cum bath, he wanted to cum all over the shower door.

Knowing he was still there watching, Carol sexually teased Michael as if she was Alberta Watson as Susan Aibelli and he was Jeremy Davies as Ray Aibelli in Spanking the Monkey. In the movie, after breaking her leg, Susan asked for her son's help while taking a shower. With him trying not to look at his naked mother while helping hold her so that she wouldn't fall, she deliberately gave him plenty to see of her naked body.

Pretending she didn't know he was still there watching, she gave him plenty to see of her naked ass, tits, and pussy. Making sure he saw everything that he wanted to see, Carol moved closer to the shower door. She turned and pressed her naked body against the foggy, wet glass, first her naked ass and then her naked tits.

As if she was Joy Harmon in Cool Hand Luke washing her car in the hot sun while a chain gang of prisoners watched, she got herself all soapy and wet. She slowly touched herself and felt herself in all the places she knew he'd love to touch her and feel her. Not shy about sexually teasing him, she showed her son all that he hoped to see of her naked body through the wet and foggy shower door.

# # #

Even though they're unable to cross the imaginary, incestuous line, that doesn't stop mothers from sexually teasing and flashing their sons while imagining them naked and having sex with them. That doesn't stop sons from looking, staring, and leering at all that they saw and could see of their mother's underwear clad, topless, and/or naked bodies. That doesn't stop sons from masturbating over their mothers while imagining them naked and having sex with them.

'I can't wait for Michael to see me in my short, sheer, low-cut nightgown," thought Carol, Michael's mother, while getting dressed after her shower and not bothering to wear a robe. 'When I sit across from him in the living room while having a drink, with my nightgown nearly up to my crotch, I'll part my knees enough for him to see my naked pussy. I'll show him all that he's hoping to see of me.'

She fingered her nipples through her nightgown while becoming sexually aroused over the thoughts of flashing her son her naked pussy. She rubbed her clit over the thoughts of flashing him her naked tits. She fingerfucked her pussy with the thoughts of him touching her and feeling her everywhere a son should never touch and feel his mother. She masturbated herself while imagining Michael masturbating her.

'While making it appear accidental, I'll make sure that I give him up-nightgown peeks of my naked pussy,' she thought. 'Then, when I lean over him to serve him breakfast in my low-cut nightgown, I'll lean over him lower and longer. Again, while making my flashes appear inadvertent, I'll make sure I give him great down-nightgown views of my naked tits, my areolas, and my nipples.'

The imaginary incestuous line doesn't stop sons from masturbating over their mothers while imagining them naked and having sex with them. Masturbating every day, two and three times a day, his record is masturbating five times in a day over imagining his mother naked and having sex with her. Every time he masturbated, he wished it was his mother masturbating him. Every time he masturbated, he wished it was his mother stroking his cock and sucking his cock. He'd love nothing more than to cum in his mother's beautiful mouth.

'I can't wait to flash my mother my naked cock. I can't wait expose my hard, erect dick to my mother. I only wish my mother would stroke my cock. I only wish she'd blow me,' thought Michael. 'I'd love to make out with her while feeling her through her clothes. I'd love to strip her naked. Wishing I could have sex with my mother, I wish I could fuck her.'

As if he had willed it to happen, his mother opened his bedroom door while he was naked and masturbating over the thoughts of his mother naked and having sex with her. Just as he wanted to do, not covering himself with his hand or with his sheet, he exposed his naked prick to his mother. Just as he wanted her to do, she saw his naked prick. She stared at his naked dick in the way that he stared at all that he could see through her sheer and sexy nightgown. He stared at all that he could see of her naked tits and her naked pussy.

"Sorry, Michael, I should have knocked. I just wanted to get your dirty laundry. I didn't know you were in here masturbating...again. Don't be embarrassed," said Carol with a nervous, little laugh. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Masturbation is normal at your age," she said walking closer to him and sitting on his bed. As if he was a deer caught in a car's headlights, unable to move, he stopped stroking himself to stare at her. "Would you like me to watch," asked Michael's Mom while grabbing some tissues?

Michael stared up at his mother with sexual excitement. Now that she was sitting on his bed, with her nightgown so sheer, nearly transparent, and with her much closer, she gave him a good look at her beautiful, nearly naked body. In the way that she stared at his erect cock, he stared at her erect nipples.

"Yes, Mother, I'd like you to watch me stroke my cock. I'd like you to watch me masturbate myself. I'd like you to watch me cum," he said with sexual excitement.

Carol smiled lovingly at her son. In the way that he looked at her with sexual excitement, she looked at him with sexually arousal. It would only be a matter of time before they'd be having sex, incestuous sex.

"Here, let me help you," she said wrapping her motherly fingers around his erect cock and slowly stroking him before stroking him faster and harder.

He stared at her hand as much as all that he could see of her nearly naked breasts.

"Oh, Mom," he said and was all that he could say.

Knowing he was too shy to ask for a hand job and/or a blowjob, but knowing what he wanted her to do, she asked the obvious question.

"Would you like me to suck you? I don't mind blowing you. You may even cum in my mouth," said Carol. "Ever since your father left me for his young secretary, it's been a long time since a man ejaculated cum in my mouth," she confessed with a sad smile.

Michael stared at his mother with wide eyes. He stared at her with surprised shock. Obviously, he didn't know what to say. His sexual fantasy come true, not only was his mother masturbating him but also, she offered to blow him.

"I'd love for you to blow me, Mom. I'd love for you to suck my cock. I'd love nothing more than to cum in your beautiful mouth and watch you swallow my cum," he said sliding a slow finger across his mother's full lips.

As if she was already sucking his cock, she took his finger in her mouth to suck him. Then, as if she was a stripper doing a slow strip tease, she removed her nightgown straps. Exposing her naked breasts to her son, she allowed the top of her nightgown to fall to her waist.

"Fondle my tits and finger my nipples while I suck you," she said. "I like having my tits fondled and my nipples fingered and sucked."

As if he was her husband, her boyfriend, or her lover, Carol stroked her son while sucking her son. Determined to have him cum in her mouth, she stroked him faster and stroked him harder. She wanted to taste him. She wanted to swallow him and, if by chance he had any cum left, she wanted him to give her a cum bath.

"Oh, Mom," said Michael. "Oh, my God, Mom. I'm going to cum."

Now that she knew he was on the verge of cumming, she stroked him harder. She stroked him faster. She wanted him to cum. His mother wanted her son to cum in her mouth.

"Cum, Michael, cum. Cum in my mouth. I need to taste you. I need to swallow you but save some cum to give me a cum bath. After you cum in my mouth, I want you to cum all over my face and across my naked breasts," said Carol. "I want to be awash in your cum."

# # #

Different from sexually lusting over any other man or woman, incestuous sex with a blood, related relative is wrong, forbidden, and illicit. Yet, incestuous sex with a blood, related relative is so very sexually exciting. Nonetheless the sexual excitement, who could do such a thing to have sex with one's mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, and/or grandfather? Incestuous sex is an aberration, an abnormality, an anomaly, a deviation, and a depraved perversion.

Feigning their self-righteous protests, all that it takes to cross the forbidden, incestuous, imaginary, sexual line is sexual frustration, horniness, and a lot of alcohol. All it takes to cross the forbidden, incestuous, imaginary, sexual line is for both parties to want and to agree to have consensual sex with one another. All it takes to cross the forbidden, incestuous, imaginary line is to not care what other people think and do what comes naturally. What happens behind a closed, bedroom door is none of anyone's business.

"I don't remember what happened last night. I had too much to drink," said Sarah, Bob's daughter to her best friend. "One minute I was talking to my father and the next minute, I was naked. One minute he was talking to me and the next minute he was kissing me while touching and feeling my naked body everywhere. One minute I was sitting on the couch beside him and the next minute I was on my knees in front of him sucking him."

Sarah looked at her friend in silence while waiting for her reaction to her having sex with her father.

"Oh, my God," said Diane, Sarah's best friend, with sexual arousal. "I can't believe you blew your father. I wish I could suck my Dad's cock. Do you think your father will let me give him a blowjob? I'd love for him to cum in my mouth. I'd even let him give me a cum bath. He's so handsome. He's so sexy."

Not done telling Diane everything that happened, Sarah smiled while nodding her head.

"Of course, he'd let you suck his cock. I'm sure he'd cum in your mouth and give you a cum bath," she said continuing with what happened last night. "Then, when he ejaculated a load of his warm, oozy cum in my mouth, I was so embarrassed and so ashamed yet so very sexually aroused. Not done there, as soon as I removed him from my mouth, he gave me a cum bath. He ejaculated a second load of cum all over my face, in my hair, and across my naked breasts."

Sad but true, when long seething, forbidden, incestuous feelings of wanton, sexual desire are ignored, pouring alcohol on it, erupts the flames of sexual passion.

"You're so lucky," said Diane.

# # #

"I don't remember what happened. I had too much to drink," said Carol, Michael's mother. "He started touching me and feeling me through my clothes while kissing me. Then, when he started to undress me, not stopping him, I allowed him to strip me naked. I had sex with my son. I fucked him and after I fuck him, I blew him. I sucked his cock and allowed him to cum in my mouth, all over my face, and across my naked tits. I'm such an incestuous whore but I loved it and can't wait to have sex with him again."

Who's going to stop them from having sex with one another? What happens behind a closed, bedroom door is none of anyone's business. As long as both parties are adults and, as long as the sex is consensual and not forced, incestuous sex between likeminded adults can be a beautiful thing.

In the way that some fathers want to have sex with their daughters and some daughters want to have sex with their fathers, some mothers want to have sex with their sons and some sons want to have sex with their mothers. The same incestuous phenomenon holds true for brothers and sisters. In the way that some brothers want to have sex with their sisters, some sisters want to have sex with their brothers.

"I dare you to play strip poker with me," said Tom, Sarah's brother while pouring her another drink, this time, a double.

Sarah gave her brother a smirk.

"I can't play strip poker with you. You're my brother," she said. "That would be wrong for you to see me naked."

Tom shrugged his shoulders.

"So? What's the big deal? It isn't like we're going to have sex, incestuous sex. We're just playing poker for clothes instead of for money."

I dare say that more brothers and sisters have had incestuous sex than fathers and daughters have had incestuous sex and mothers and sons have had incestuous sex. In the way that some uncles want to have sex with their nieces, some nieces want to have sex with their uncles. In the way that some aunts want to have sex with their nephews, some nephews want to have sex with their aunts.

Not stopping there, there are some cousins that want to have sex with one another. Again, I dare say, that more first cousins have had sex with one another than uncles have had sex with their nieces and aunts have had sex with their nephews. Then, there are some grandfathers who want to have sex with their granddaughters and some granddaughters who want to have sex with their grandfathers. There are some grandmothers who want to have sex with their grandsons and some grandsons who want to have sex with their grandmothers.

We haven't even considered the gay and lesbian, incestuous, sexual relationships. There are plenty of gay men and lesbian women who would have sex with their blood, related relatives. Has this world gone mad with incestuous thoughts and incestuous sex? Seemingly, incest is everywhere. All it takes for a daughter to have incestuous sex with her father is just to put her hand on his cock through his pants. All it takes for a son to have incestuous sex with his mother is to grab a handful of her bra clad or naked breast.

If you're a daughter, I dare you to grab your father's prick through his clothes. I double dare you. If you're a son, I dare you to grope your mother's breasts through her clothes. I double dare you. You may be surprised that just as a father won't reject his daughter for incestuous sex, a mother won't reject her son for incestuous sex.

Yet, instead of having incestuous sex, most blood, related relatives are content, satisfied, and relegated to sexually tease one another while masturbating and while waiting for the other to make the first move. While hoping they'll do more than just look, some fathers allow their daughters to catch them masturbating and cumming while deliberately flashing them their erect pricks. While hoping they'll do more than just stare, some daughters allow their fathers to catch them showering, changing, and sunbathing topless and/or naked while flashing them their naked tits, asses and/or pussies.

Some Mothers are content and sexually satisfied in sexually teasing their sons by deliberately flashing them up-skirt peeks of their panties and down-blouse views of their bras and cleavage while making it appear accidental. Not stopping there, some mothers deliberately flash their sons their naked pussies in up-nightgown peeks and their naked breasts and in down-nightgown views while making their deliberate flashes appear unintentional. Much like some fathers with some daughters, some sons routinely and deliberately allow their mothers to catch them masturbating while hoping they'll stay to watch and see them cumming.