Stepmom & Stepson's Day to Remember


A day when having forbidden sex is a day I'll never forget.

A day to remember, as shocking as it was sexually exciting, a sexy, sexually frustrated stepmother has forbidden sex with her horny, lovesick stepson.

Something totally unexpected, it all started when, James, a 22-year-old, lovesick, horny, stepson romantically and sexually French kissed Erica, his 39-year-old, sexually frustrated stepmother. Taking her by surprise, shocking her as much as he sexually aroused her, she was putty in his horny hands. Something as shocking as it was sexually forbidden, no turning back now, this first kiss was the start of an incestuous relationship between stepmother and her stepson.

Surprising even herself, she didn't stop him from romantically kissing her. She wanted him to romantically kiss her. She didn't stop him from sexually touching her and feeling her through her clothes while continuing to kiss her. She wanted him to touch and feel her through her clothes while continuing to kiss her.

Yet, not sexually satisfied with just a French kiss, as if he was her lover, her boyfriend, or her husband, instead of her stepson, he continued French kissing while touching and feeling her through her clothes. He felt, fondled, and groped her everywhere that a stepson should never touch, feel, fondle, and grope his stepmother. With her not resisting him nor pushing him away, he took her compliant complacency as his green light to continue sexually assaulting her.

While continuing to kiss her, French kiss her, he felt, squeezed, and fondled her round, firm, and shapely ass through her navy blue, short skirt. He felt her C-cup breasts and fingered her erect nipples through her partially unbuttoned, powder blue blouse and her white, low-cut, sexy bra. Not stopping there, he reached his hand beneath her short skirt and cupped her blonde, trimmed pussy in the palm of his hand.

Continuing his sexual assault of her, he rubbed her already sexually swollen clit through her bright white, bikini panties. He moved her hand to his bulging erection to allow her to feel his throbbing cock through his tight, blue jeans. He humped and pressed himself against her hand while moving her fingers over his jean clad erection.

She continued to surprise even herself by allowing him to continue kissing her and feeling her. Obviously, just as sexually frustrated and ready to have sex with him as he was horny and ready to have sex with her, instead of turning her head away, she returned his long, wet kisses with her long, wet kisses. Again, surprising even herself, obviously, Erica wanted to have forbidden sex with her stepson as much as James wanted to have inappropriate sex with his stepmother. With just a French kiss and a sexual touch, he made his sexual feelings known.

Taking the risk that she'd reject him and tell her husband, his father, what he had done to his wife, his stepmother, seemingly, well worth the risk, he didn't care. Taking the chance that he'd reject her and tell her husband, his father, that he kissed her, French kiss her while touching and feeling her through her clothes, she didn't care. Reciprocating his sexual passion with her sexual passion, obviously, Erica sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her.

# # #

A day Erica would never forget, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was a beautiful, warm, spring day, a day that she'd always remember. With God answering her daily prayers by giving her a second chance at life, and now a second chance at love, albeit with her stepson, it was a day that promised her a new beginning. Coinciding with her good, medical news, forever tied together with a big, sexy, sexual, red bow, it was the day that she had forbidden sex with her stepson, James.

Something that's deemed so very nasty and sexually inappropriate by societal norms, unable to tell anyone, not even her husband, especially not her husband, Erica had forbidden sex with his son, her stepson, James. Not planned, provoked, or even wanted, it just happened. At the place and at the right time, with her in such a good mood, for her to reciprocate his sexual passion, he could have been anyone. Something that was totally unexpected, she celebrated her recent good news by having forbidden sex with, of all men, her husband's son, her stepson.

Shocking even herself, with her so horny and so very sexually frustrated, she allowed him to take her. Never imagining she'd ever have sex with her stepson, she allowed him to have his wicked, sexual way with her naked body. She allowed him to make out with her. She allowed him to undress her. She allowed him to strip her naked. Then, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, lovers, or husband and wife, after he licked and fingered her pussy and she stroked and sucked his cock. She allowed him to make love to her before fucking her.

"I love you, Mom," said James.

As soon as she heard him confess his love for her, she confessed her love for him.

"I love you, too, James," said Erica.

# # #

Thrilled with her recent, medical diagnosis that her cancer was not in remission but gone, feeling released from her death sentence and relieved from not needing more treatment, Erica allowed James to kiss her. Just an innocent kiss at first, then she not only allowed him to kiss her but also, she allowed him to French kiss her. If it wasn't enough that she allowed her stepson to make out with his stepmother. Continuing the sexual debauchery, she allowed him to touch and feel her through her clothes while continuing to French kiss her.

With her receiving good news from her doctor, it was an exciting time made even more exciting by her having sex with James. First the good news about her health and then, James' surprised her with his passionate kisses and sexual touches. At first, just an innocent kiss, but then, when he parted her lips with his tongue and French kissed her, instead of pulling away, she returned his French kiss with her French kiss. From that moment forward, with them already crossing the incestuous, forbidden line, there was no turning back.

Not stopping there, with her not having had sex in a long while, because of her nausea and up throughout the night, she's been sleeping in the guest bedroom. Ever since her cancer returned, with her always sick and not wanting to disturb her husband's sleep, no longer in a sexual mood, she stopped having sex with him. Now that she was cured, no longer longing for the sexual touch of her husband, she longed for the sexual touch of her stepson. Surprisingly, shockingly, and sexually excitingly, her stepson's hands and the soft touch of his fingers felt good on her body.

Something she never thought she'd ever invite him to do, she allowed him to kiss her. She allowed him to French kiss her. She allowed him to make out with her. She allowed him to touch and feel her ass, her tits, and her pussy through her clothes. She allowed him to strip her naked. She allowed him to have forbidden sex with her naked body.

# # #

Really not a big deal, it was just a kiss, albeit a totally unexpected show of affection mixed with love and inflamed with lust. Whether happy or sad, ever since his mother died, James seldom showed any emotion, especially toward her, the woman his father married, his stepmother, a woman who could never replace his real mother. At first, seemingly, just an excited, innocent kiss but, then, when he pulled Erica to him, he hugged her closer and held her tighter while staring in her bright blue, expressive eyes with his sad, brown eyes.

The first time hugging her, not knowing his intentions were sexual, at first, she was frightened. Then, something he had never done before, he kissed her. As soon as he parted her lips with his tongue and kissed her more passionately, surprising her and with her not resisting, his kiss became more sexual. Obviously, she had wanted him to kiss her as much as he had wanted to kiss her.

Instead of just giving her a friendly and appropriate peck on the lips, he kissed her longer and harder with pent up, sexual emotion before French kissing her. As soon as he French kissed her, testing the sexual water with his horny hand, he felt her ass through her short skirt. When she didn't stop him from touching her ass, feeling her ass, squeezing her ass, and fondling her ass, he felt her breasts through her blouse, first one breast and then the other breast. Not stopping there, he fingered the impressions her nipples made through her blouse and bra.

'He's kissing me. He's really kissing me,' thought Erica. 'He's French kissing me. He's touching me and feeling me through my clothes while French kissing me. I don't believe this is happening. I can't believe my stepson sexually wants me.'

With her staring at him with shocked, wide-eyed innocence, albeit sexually aroused, he astonished her with his French kisses and unexpected, lustful, sexual passion. He took her as if she was his and overwhelmed her as if they were already forbidden lovers. Not just kissing her, something difficult for her to wrap her mind around, he French kissed her while touching her and feeling her. As if he was trying to sexually seduce her, as if he was trying to impale her with his erect cock through their clothes, he continued kissing her while pressing his fully dressed body against her.

She couldn't believe her stepson French kissed her, his stepmother, while having his sexual way with her fully clothe body. Trying to make sense of all that just happened, she couldn't believe she allowed him to not only kiss her and make out with her but also touch her and feel her ass and breasts through her clothes. James French kissed her while sexually seducing her. Either she could say no or she could say yes. Her decision to make but helpless in his arms, either she could reject his sexual advances or accept them.

Something so forbidden, taboo, and sexually in appropriate, James French kissed Erica. Something even more unbelievable, she couldn't believe it herself when she returned his wet kisses with her passionate kisses and French kissed her stepson. If that wasn't enough, instead of pulling back and slapping his hands away, she couldn't believe she allowed him to touch her and feel her where only her husband had ever touched and felt her. Adding to the sudden, sexual lunacy, unable to stop him sexually assaulting her, she didn't know what to do.

Instead of pushing him away, hungry for the sexual attention, she acted as if she wanted him to continue kissing her while touching her and feeling her. Instead of rebuffing him and denying him, she was compliantly complicit in his sudden, forbidden lustful affection by encouraging him. Surprising even herself, allowing him to continue French kissing her, she surrendered her tongue to his tongue. Allowing him to touch and feel her where no stepson should ever touch and feel his stepmother, she surrendered her willing body to his horny hands and exploring fingers.

Clearly, James French kissing Erica meant more to him than it would if it was nothing more than a sociably acceptable peck on the lips. Rather than a kiss good night, a kiss good morning, a kiss hello, or a kiss goodbye, it was more like a kiss that a man would give his lover on Valentine's Day, on her birthday, on their anniversary, on Christmas, or on New Year's Eve. Not a socially appropriate kiss between a stepmother and a stepson, it was more of a kiss between lovers than between friends.

Certainly, the kiss would be deemed more appropriate had they been dating and/or already sexually intimate. Yet, instead of stopping at a guiltless kiss that denoted their close friendship and solid relationship, instead of pushing him away and denying him, rejecting him, and rebuking him, something so forbidden, she allowed him to part her lips and French kiss her. Not stopping there by stopping him from touching her and feeling her, she allowed the forbidden, sexual exchange to continue.

# # #

As if frozen into inaction with his kiss, a Godless and irresponsible act, and one without a modicum of shame, respect, guilt, or remorse, she allowed him to sexually assault her while French kissing her. She allowed him to have his wicked, sexual way with her clothed body before allowing him to strip her naked and have his wicked sexual way with her naked body. Remembering the kiss as if it just happened, replaying it over and again in her mind in the way of a looping video, she wanted him to French kiss her as much as he wanted to French kiss him.

Not stopping him with just a French kiss, she wanted more. She wanted sex. She wanted sex from him. As if he was her boyfriend or her lover, she allowed him to touch and feel her through her clothes while continuing to kiss her. She wanted him to touch and feel her through her clothes as much as he, obviously, wanted to touch and feel her through her clothes. Desperate for sex, as much as she was vulnerable and horny, putting aside that she was his stepmother, she wanted to have sex with her stepson.

She wanted to French kiss him as much as he wanted to French kiss her. She wanted to stroke him as much as he wanted to finger her. She wanted to suck him as much as he wanted to lick her. She wanted to make love to him as much as he wanted to make love to her. She wanted to fuck him as much as he wanted to fuck her.

Clearly, by discarding her morals and her modesty, she wanted him to touch and feel her as much as he obviously wanted to touch and feel her. She destroyed her reputation as a good woman, a faithful wife, and a loving stepmother, by becoming the slut that she had suddenly become. Erica allowed James to continue touching, feeling, and fondling her C cup breasts through her blouse and bra while kissing her. As soon as he felt her bra clad breasts, a telling sign that she was sexually aroused and wanted him as much as he wanted her, her nipples erected.

As shocking as it was surprising, instead of slapping his horny hand away, she allowed him to pull and pinch her nipples through her bra. Continuing with the sexual madness, surrendering her clothed buttocks to his willful and sexually aggressive hand, she allowed him to feel, fondle, and squeeze her ass through her short, blue skirt and her white, bikini panties. Not stopping there with him French kissing her and allowing him to feel her through her clothes, as if he was her boyfriend or her lover, she allowed him to sexually seduce her.

Somehow, as if he knew she wouldn't resist him, James continued his sexual assault of Erica. As if he knew she wouldn't reject him, he somehow knew she'd sexually respond to his long, wet kisses and his sexually inappropriate touches. As if he had already seen her naked many times before, even though he never had seen her without her clothes and should never have seen her naked now, Erica allowed James to slowly undress her. Something she thought she'd never do, putty in his horny hands to mold her and to sexually shape her, she allowed him to strip her naked.

Crossing the sexually forbidden line, with her a married woman and breaking her marriage vows for the first and only time, she allowed him to have sex with her naked body. Something she had never sexually done with any man before, other than with her husband, Erica promiscuously and incestuously did with James. As if she was his sexual slave and he was her Dom, she willingly and wantonly surrendered her naked body to him. With her suddenly becoming his whore, she did dirty, nasty, and sexually perverted things that she never did with any man before, not even with her husband.

Taking her when she least expected it, he took her when she was the most vulnerable after receiving her good news. He took her when she was the horniest after not having sex for three years. Yet, James gave Erica a day to remember and a memory she'd never forget.

Because of the cancer treatments and with her always sick to her stomach, she hadn't been in a sexual mood. As if she had Leprosy and was a Leper because she had cancer, her husband had been unaffectionate and distant. With her not having had sex in such a long while, horny and sexually frustrated, James gave her all the romantic attention and the sexual passion she wanted and needed. Her unexpected lover, giving her multiple orgasms, James gave her surprised, sexual pleasure with his hands, his fingers, his tongue, and his cock.

Shockingly and scandalously, yet with her unwilling to stop him and with her unable to resist him, instead of denying him and/or pushing him away, she returned his sexual passion with her sexual passion. Obviously, she sexually wanted him as much as he sexually wanted her. Then, when he lifted her skirt and moved his horny hand in between her legs, she allowed him to touch her where no man but her husband had touched her. She allowed him to push her panties aside with his finger, rub her clit, and fingerfuck her pussy. She allowed him to masturbate her.

After he masturbated her and gave her a sexual orgasm with his fingers, she felt his erect prick through her jeans. Not stopping there, she unzipped his fly, pulled out his erect prick, and stroked him. After he masturbated her, she stroked him. After he masturbated her, she masturbated him. A stepson masturbating her stepson and a stepson masturbating his stepmother, was shocking and something out of the annals of Jerry Springer.

Going where no stepmother should ever go with her stepson, after he stripped her naked, she stripped him naked too. After he stripped her naked, he made love to her and fucked her. After she stripped him naked, she made love to him and fucked him too. After he fucked her, he licked her pussy and gave her another sexual orgasm with his mouth and fingers. After she fucked him, she sucked him, allowed him to cum in her mouth, and swallowed his cum. Seemingly, whatever he could do, she could do better.

She allowed him to ejaculate the pent-up sexual passion he had saved for her in her mouth. She swallowed him and licked him clean. Yet, not sucking him dry and saving some cum, she allowed him to give her a cum bath. As soon as he pulled his prick from her mouth, as if his cock was an uncorked, champagne bottle, a real gusher, she allowed him to cum all over her face and across her naked breasts.

# # #

A day I'll always remember and will never forget, now no longer thinking about my cancer, I think about James. James, James, James, is all I think about. I can't stop thinking about him. Even though I've known him for years, as if I just met him, I can't stop thinking about all that happened between us so long ago in such a short time. With him no longer my stepson, he's now my forbidden lover.

With him moving out of the house and living out of state for work, I wonder if he still sexually thinks about me in the way that I still sexually think about him. I wonder if he masturbates over me in the way that I masturbate over him. I wonder if he told anyone, especially the women he dates, that he had sex with his stepmother in the way that I told my husband that I had sex with his son.

Now, instead of thinking about taking more pills and having more chemotherapy and radiation, I think about having sex with James. Instead of thinking about my cancer, I think about his lips, his hands, his fingers, his tongue, and his cock. Instead of thinking that I was going to die, I think about divorcing my husband, moving out of state, and living the rest of my life with James.

'James. James. James. I love you, James,' thought Erica.

Giving me reason to live, when I lost all hope, I want James forever in my life. After praying to God to give me another chance, I want to live with James. I want to be his woman. I want to be his forbidden whore. I want to be his wife and the mother to his children. No longer wanting my husband, I want his son. Ready to go from one man to another, I want James.

Now, from morning to night, especially at night, all I think about is James kissing me while touching me, holding me, hugging me, and feeling me through my clothes. I think about him undressing me. I think about him stripping me naked and having sex with me. I think about him spooning me while sleeping with me. I think about having sex every night and every morning. As if it's a looping video endlessly playing in my mind, I think about all that's already happened between us so very long ago.

Not stopping with him stripping me naked and seeing my naked body, I think about him giving me multiple, sexual orgasms with his fingers, his tongue, and his cock. I think about giving him multiple, sexual orgasms with my hand, my tongue, and my cunt. Never have I ever been as happy. Never have I ever been as sexually aroused. Never have I wanted any man as much as I want James.

'James. James. James,' thought Erica while mindlessly writing his name on her note pad dozens of times. 'I'm in love with James. I love you, James.'

Something I don't usually do and something that I haven't done in a very long time, but as if I'm a horny and sexually frustrated teenager, I can't stop masturbating over the sexual details of what happened that fateful day. James kissed me. He made out with me. He parted my lips and French kissed me. Then, when I returned his French kiss with my French kiss, taking that as his green light, he touched and felt me everywhere through my clothes while continuing to French kiss me.

Unable to control myself, continuing to kiss him, I returned his French kisses with my French kisses. He passionately made out with me while I shamelessly made out with him. Instead of stopping him, instead of slapping his face, and pushing him away, I allowed him to undress me. I allowed him to strip me naked and have sex with my naked body.

Wanting him to see my naked body as much as he wanted to see my naked body, I allowed him to remove all my clothes. Brazenly without guilt, shame, or remorse, I wanted to see his naked body as much as he wanted to see my naked body. We had sex. Unapologetically, unashamedly, and unembarrassedly, I wanted James to give me sex as much as I wanted to give him sex.

He felt my tits and fingered my nipples through my blouse and bra. He moved his hand beneath my short skirt, rubbed my clit, and fingered my pussy through my panties. Then, unbuttoning my blouse and pushing up my bra, he saw, touched, and felt my naked tits while fingering my erect nipples. Finally, pushing my panties aside with his finger, he masturbated me. He fingerfucked my pussy while rubbing my clit. Instead of stopping him, I allowed him to have his wicked, sexual way with my pussy and with the rest of my naked body.

As if I was his woman to take, as if he was my beloved husband, and I was his lawfully wedded wife, he took me. He made love to me before fucking me. Obviously, sexually wanting me as much as I sexually wanted him, he fucked me hard and fast. Reciprocating his sex, I felt his cock, stroked his cock, sucked his cock, and fucked his cock. Unembarrassed and unashamed, returning the sexual favors by acting as sexually depraved as he was, I did everything to James that he did to me.

# # #

Now, between the doctor telling me that my cancer is gone and with James as my surprised lover, I've never been happier. Honestly, as happily married as any woman can be, I never thought I'd ever cheat on my husband, especially not with James of all men. I never thought I'd ever do such a horrible thing by having an extramarital affair and having sex with another man, a much younger man. Especially while still married, I never thought I'd ever stroke, suck, and fuck another man while allowing him to finger, lick, and make love to me. I never thought I'd ever have sex with James.

Now, unable to stop, riding it out and riding him as long as it lasts, I never want this forbidden, sexual affair to end. Feeling as if I'm a young woman in love again, I want the sex to continue forever. Now, that I constantly have James in my head, I want James continually in my bed. I love him. I want him. I need him. Unable to live without him as my forbidden lover, I must have James.

Before I told him while divorcing him, if my husband knew what happened between us, if ever he discovered our secret, sexual, love affair, he'd never understand. How could he possibly understand? Instead of being happy for us, he'd be angry. In the way that my husband is 17-years-older than me, with me seventeen-years older than James, I can't help feel that I'm sexually taking advantage of him as much as he's sexually taking advantage of me. In the way that my husband took sexual advantage of me when I was young, innocent, and vulnerable, I should know better.

No doubt, not blaming James, never blaming James, my husband would blame me. Thinking it was my fault and that I sexually seduced him, he'd think me mad for having sex with James. He'd think there was something wrong with me. He'd want me to have my head examined for a brain tumor or for a loose screw. Yet, why was it okay for him to have sex with a woman seventeen-years his junior and not acceptable for me to have sex with a man seventeen-years younger than me? Is what's good for the gander not good for the goose?

Granted I'm his stepmother and he's my stepson but what difference does make? Equally horny and sexually frustrated, I'm a woman and he's a man. We're not blood related. I guess one could argue that because we live in the same house and under the same roof that our sexual relationship maybe deemed incestuous.

Yet, if anyone should understand my extramarital relationship with James, my husband should understand. In the way that he sexually wanted me back then, I sexually want James now. When I met him and started dating him, unbeknownst to me that he was married, he was cheating on his wife with me. With him a much older man, something I should have known, leaving out that detail, he didn't tell me that he had a child who'd be living with us until after I accepted his marriage proposal.

Suddenly, I went from being a carefree, single woman to being a married woman with an instant family. Now, in the way that I want to divorce my husband to marry James, he divorced his wife to marry me. Seemingly, what comes around goes around. What was fair for him then, should be fair for me now.

Yet, with my husband getting older, and with him not wanting to do the things that we used to do, he's content staying home while watching TV. Not one to want a sedentary life, too young for that inactivity, before the cancer, I was active. Jogging, swimming, cycling, and tennis, I did something every day to stay in shape. Now, with the cancer gone, hoping to return to my exercise routine, I desperately want my life back.

# # #

No doubt, not believing that James would dare sexually seduce me, without doubt, my husband would blame me for seducing his son. He'd blame me for sexually teasing him. He'd blame me for erotically enticing and sexually alluring him. He'd blame me for flashing him the tops of my big breasts and my long, sexy line of cleavage. He'd blame me for flashing him my panties. He'd blame me for showing him my naked tits. He'd blame me for flashing him my naked body. He'd blame me for allowing him to strip me naked while making out with him.

Even though I've never teased him, enticed him, and/or flashed him, as if I was a whore instead of his loving and faithfully loyal wife, he'd blame me for having sex with James. Now, if my husband knew what I dared to do behind his back, he'd never forgive me. After breaking my marriage vows, why should he ever forgive me for all that I've sexually done with James?

Before I confessed our incestuous, sexual affair, if ever he found out about me having sex with James, he'd ask me to leave his bed. He'd ask me to leave his house. He'd divorce me. He'd have nothing more to do with me. It's a good thing I'm divorcing him.

Yet, now that I've had thrilling sex with James, unable to help myself, I'm unable to stop. I don't want to stop. I never want the sex between us to ever end. I'm putty in his hands for him to mold. As if he owns my mind, my body, and my soul, his very own sex slave, I'm such a slut for him to do whatever is his wanton, sexual desire. I want James and he wants me. I love James and he loves me.

"James, James, James. I love you, James."

If he so commanded me, I'd walk the street naked. If he so desired, I'd pull a train and have gangbang sex with a long line of men while he watched. Willing to have him strip me naked, willing to spread my legs, and open my mouth for James anytime and anywhere, I'm such a whore for him. Yet, James would never disrespect me by wanting me to walk naked in the street. Wanting me all for himself, he'd never want me to have sex with other men.

Now that the he moved away and the sex is over, recovered from my lofty, sexual fantasy, I'm embarrassed, ashamed, and remorseful. Yet, too sexually excited to care, I wished the forbidden sex could have to continued. I wanted James to have sex with me again and again. Unable to control how I truly feel about him, I still hope that it happens again. I still that hope he strips me naked and takes me again. Willing to give him sex anytime and anywhere, I never wanted the sex between us to stop. Alas, he met a woman and married her.

"James, I love you. Fuck me, James. Fuck me. I want to stroke your cock while sucking your cock. I need you to cum in my mouth after you cum in my pussy," said Erica out loud for no one to hear while continuing to pull her nipples, rub her clit, fingerfuck her pussy, and masturbate herself. "Give me a cum bath, James. As if your cum is my body lotion, I want to rub your cum all over my face, through my hair, and across my naked breasts."

As much as I want him to fuck me hard and fast and as much as I want to make sweet love to him, I need to suck him. I need to blow him. I need him to cum in my mouth. I need him to give me a cum bath. I need him to cum all over my face, in my hair, and across my naked breasts. I need him to give me an endless supply of his cum. I need him to give me his baby. I want to have his child.

I want him to take me in his arms and kiss me while touching me and feeling me everywhere. I want to kiss him while touching him and feeling him everywhere, too. I want him to make love to me before fucking me. I need to feel him on top of me while kissing me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. In the way that I've grown to love him, after he said he loves me, I can't wait to tell him that I love him too.

As much as I want him to feel my naked tits and finger my erect nipples, I want him to rub my clit and fingerfuck my pussy. I need him to masturbate me again. As much as I want to touch, feel, fondle, and stroke his naked prick, I want to masturbate him again too. As much as I want him to lick my pussy while fingering my cunt, I want to stroke his cock while sucking his dick. As much as I want him to eat me, I want to blow him. I want him to give me as much sexual pleasure as he had given me.

After humping me harder and humping me faster, really pounding my pussy, and after giving me a sexual orgasm with his cock, I need to lovingly blow him while staring up at him. I want him to see his hard prick buried in my mouth. While stroking him harder and faster, I want him to cum in my mouth. I need to swallow his cum.

As if he owns me, to demonstrate that I'm his woman, after cumming in my mouth, I need him to cum all over my face and in my hair. I need him to cum across my naked breasts. Good for my skin and protein for my hair, I need him to give me a cum bath.

"Fuck me, James. Fuck me. Make me your woman. Make me your whore," said Erica for no one to hear while touching, feeling, and masturbating herself over the thoughts of having hot sex with James again.

Alas, it's over. He's happily married with children now. He doesn't sexually want his stepmother in the way that he sexually wanted me before. I was nothing more than a rite of passage. As if a lightning strike, I was there at the right time and the right place for us to come together to have forbidden sex.

# # #

It all started with an innocent car ride home. With my husband working, he's always working, and with him never there when I need him the most, as if thrown together, James and I were always together. With James having grown to be my best friend and constant companion, we ate together, watched TV together, went to movies together, played games together, and shopped together. Other than sleeping and showering together, we went everywhere and did everything together.

James graciously volunteered to go with me to the doctor should I receive the bad news that I expected to receive. Dreading that my cancer had returned, I wondered how much longer I had to live if the cancer had returned. Glad that he was there for me, if nothing more than for moral support, I was so nervous. Not wanting to go alone, I was so fearful. Fearing that I'd have a car accident I was afraid to drive myself.

Having already been through a potentially life ending diagnosis before, I feared going to see the doctor without having someone there for me. Already a nervous wreck, getting bad news would devastate me. Knowing I'd be sick to my stomach, I feared I'd pass out. I feared I'd be so upset that I'd lose consciousness while driving home. How would I ever drive home with that sword of Damocles hanging over my head? Yet, better that I hit a tree than having to go through all of that I've already gone through before again with more surgery, radiation, and chemo therapy.

Suspecting the worst but hoping for the best, dreading my doctor's diagnosis again, somehow, I knew my luck was over. Obviously, something in my family's, medical history, I knew I was doomed. Somehow, I knew I was going to die. As if an inmate on death row, I knew I only had a matter of time to live, a few months or a few weeks even. Ready to give away all of my treasured, personal possessions to family and friends, it was time that I confronted my reality, made my funeral arrangements, and made my last wishes known.

With my husband unresponsive, not wanting to go through this alone again, no one should go through what I've already gone through alone. After surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, seemingly, subjecting myself to that horror wasn't enough to save me. Changing my life drastically by faithfully taking my medication, dieting, and exercising, nonetheless, yet, too little too late and, seemingly, all to no avail, I suspected my life as I knew it was over.

Hoping beyond hope while praying to God to save me, I feared my cancer had returned, this time with a vengeance. Absorbed with negativity and dread, a woman's intuition, I knew my cancer was back. I could tell. I knew I was going to die. Not wanting to die alone and with someone who didn't love me, if I had one more chance to live, I'd divorce my husband. Now that I knew he loved me and sexually wanted me as much as I loved him and sexually wanted him, I'd wanted to live the rest of my life with James.

# # #

"All your tests are negative, Erica," said my doctor with a look of seriousness while staring down at my chart.

'Negative? All my tests are negative. That's not good,' I thought.

Dashing all my hopes, I was a dead woman walking. As if he had driven a knife through my heart, and with my body already filled with the poison of cancer, chemo, and radiation, I was a dead woman living with a fatal disease. With my mind reeling, needing more time to get ready for the end of my life, I didn't know what to do first. Then, he looked up at me, he smiled.

"I have good news. Your cancer is gone. Continue to take your medication, stick to your diet, and continue your exercising program," said the doctor. "You're out of harm's way. You're doing everything right. You're going to be fine, just fine. With everything looking good, you're going to live for a very long time."

Only, I never heard a word after he said my cancer is gone. Taking it the opposite way that it was a bad thing instead of a good thing when he said my tests are negative, at first, I was deflated and confused. I thought my cancer had returned. I thought my life was over. I thought I was going to die a painfully, horrible death before being made comfortable in hospice care.

Now, having another chance at life and to live longer and healthier, I was so happy. Thrilled at having a second chance, I wanted to do everything, experience everything, go everywhere that I was afraid to do, experience, and go when I was given my cancer diagnosis three years ago. Surprisingly and unexpectedly, with him never showing any emotion, James was seemingly as joyously happy as I was. His happiness by my positive cancer diagnosis was contagious. Laughing, jumping around, and hugging one another, we were both so joyously happy.

In all the years I've known him, something I don't recall him ever doing, with him shy and not very affectionate, he wrapped his big, strong arms around me and hugged me. As if we were doing a Viagra commercial, he literally picked me up off the ground and twirled me around while hugging me and kissing my neck, my cheek, and my forehead. I couldn't believe he hugged me. I couldn't believe he continued kissing me.

He hugged me so long and so hard that he squished my bra clad breasts against his muscular chest. He hugged me so long and so hard that he impaled my tummy with something long and hard that felt like a metal pipe. I thought he was carrying a tool in his pants. Then, when he put me down and I saw that he had an erection from hugging me, my nipples hardened and my pussy moistened.

Something I hadn't been in such a long time, I was sexually aroused. Never sexually noticing him before, especially now that he had a huge erection, I noticed him now. Never sexually attracted to him before, now that his jean clad prick was pulsating against my tummy, I was sexually attracted to him now. I'd like nothing more than to feel his big, hard, erect cock in my hand, in my mouth, and buried in my pussy.

# # #

If it wasn't enough that he picked me up while hugging me and while kissing my neck, my cheek, and my forehead, I couldn't believe I had sexually excited James. I couldn't believe he had a huge erection. As much as I had obviously sexually excited him, I couldn't believe he had sexually aroused me. Then, shocking me again and sexually arousing me again, he said something he had never said before. He told me he loved me.

"I love you, Erica," said James. "I love you. I've always loved you and will always love," he said.

Instantly going from stepmother and stepson, to best friends, and then to potential lovers, when he stepped closer, took me in his arms again, and pulled me closer, I swooned. Unable to stop him, not wanting to stop him, he pressed his muscular body against me again. He looked deeply in my blue eyes as if this was his first time seeing me. While hoping he would, with the forbidden, sexual onus on him and off of me, he looked at me as if he was about to kiss me.

'It's just a kiss,' I thought while wondering if he was going to kiss me. 'What would one, little kiss matter? Yet, with my husband quick to blame me for kissing him or for kissing any man but him, should he dare kiss me, I'd rather he kissed me than me kissing him. If that decision was left up me, even though I imagined kissing him while masturbating myself in the bath tub, I'd never kiss him,' I thought. 'Yet, if he kissed me, I'd return his kiss.'

Never having kissed him, having not kissed anyone, not even my husband in three years, I quivered with sexual anticipation of him kissing me. Wondering if I'd allow him to do so, I imagined him kissing me. I imagined him parting my lips and French kissing me. I imagined returning his deep, wet kiss with my deep, wet kiss. Again, while wondering imagining him doing so, nothing more than a sexual fantasy, I imagined him touching me and feeling me through my clothes while kissing me, French kissing me.

Something I haven't experienced in such a long time, I felt my nipples erecting and felt a familiar wetness between my thighs. While continuing to stare at me as if I was his girlfriend, his lover, or his wife, he lovingly stroked back a strand of my long, blonde hair that fell in front of my eyes. Suddenly overwhelmed with sexual passion, I was horny and sexually frustrated from not having had sex in such a long time. Suddenly, I sexually wanted him in the way that I never wanted anyone, not even my husband, especially not my husband.

After receiving good news about my cancer being gone, with me feeling so excitedly happy and not having had sex in so long, had he put a gentle hand on my shoulder, I would have taken the not so subtle hint. I would have moved to my knees and felt him through his pants while staring up at him and before pulling down his zipper. I would reach my hand inside his pants, pushed down his underwear, and pulled out his naked cock. I would have fondled his naked prick while slowly stroking his naked dick.

Something I never would have done before but with me given a new lease on life and with James always there for me, I would have stroked him faster and harder before taking him in my mouth to suck him. With me feeling so happy to be alive without the threat of having cancer and prematurely dying, I would have blown him. I would have sucked his cock. I would have allowed him to cum in my mouth and swallowed his cum. Then, as if his cock was my celebratory champagne bottle, I'd have removed his cock from my mouth to squirt his cum all over my face.

# # #

'He loves me,' I thought. 'James said he loves me. My God, he loves me,' I thought while more preoccupied with his words than with his actions. 'He's always loved me and will always love me. I can't believe he loves me.'

Mesmerized by him telling me that he loved me, as if in a daze, I never felt his hand move from the small of my back to my skirt clad ass until he squeezed my round, firm ass in his big, strong hand. Frozen into inaction from sexual anticipation, something as sexually forbidden as it was sexually arousing, I couldn't believe that James felt and squeezed my ass. Surprising myself, instead of recoiling and pushing him away, snuggling up against him as if we were in bed cuddling, I wiggled my body closer to him as if I was already his sexy bitch.

'His hand feels good on my ass,' I remembered thinking while hoping he'd feel my ass again. 'I like the feel of his hands on me.'

Obviously, already turning me into his whore, I wanted him to squeeze my ass again. Shocking myself, having not been sexually touched in so very long, already so very sexually aroused, I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to more than just touch me through my clothes. I wanted him to feel me through my clothes. I wanted him to squeeze my ass through my clothes.

With him making me sexually aroused and with me an exhibitionist in my younger days, before I was married, as a woman who enjoyed exposing her body and sexual teasing men. With him rekindling those feelings, I wanted him to lift my skirt and flash my panty clad ass to unsuspecting men. Especially if there was someone coming or looking, I wanted him to flash me. I wanted to flash someone, anyone. So very horny now, I wanted him to flash some unsuspecting man my naked ass and my naked cunt.

I wanted him to lift my skirt over my head, pull down my panties, and finger my naked pussy. I wanted him to have his sexual way with my naked body. I wanted him to feel my naked ass while rubbing my clit and fingerfucking my naked cunt. I wanted him to make love to me before fucking me. I wanted him to take me as if I was his girlfriend, his lover, or his wife. I wanted him to make love to me before fucking me. I wanted to have sex with my stepson.

Suddenly, feeling a familiar wetness between my thighs again, I felt my nipples erecting again. Something I haven't felt in years, totally horny, ready for sex, and prepared to submit myself to his wanton and wicked, sexual desire, with him pushing all of my horny buttons, I was sexually aroused. In the way that he felt my ass through my skirt, I wanted to feel his cock through his pants. I imagined unzipping him and holding him in my hand before moving to my knees to take him in my mouth. I imagined stroking him while sucking him.

With his hardening prick rubbing against me through his pants, feeling his sexual passion throbbing against me, immediately, my thoughts were in the gutter. Intertwined in my dirty mind, I equated love with sex. With thoughts of him making love to me before fucking me, I equated him loving me and him squeezing my ass through my clothes with him wanting to have forbidden sex with me, his stepmother, and a married woman. I wondered what he'd do if I touched and felt his cock through his pants in the way that he touched and felt my ass through my short skirt.

Having not had sex in a long while, not even wanting sex, I hated being touched after all of the invasive prodding and probing because of the needles, the chemo, the radiation, and the nausea. Between the doctors, the nurses, the orderlies, and the technicians, so many people saw me naked that I lost count. I had so much radiation, that I was surprised that I didn't glow in the dark. Now, instead of associating nakedness with sex, I related nakedness to having to have another medical test or procedure.

Yet, as if a switched had been turned on by my positive, medical diagnosis, not even caring that he wasn't my husband and was inappropriately touching me and feeling me, I was horny. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to feel me. I wanted him to strip me naked. I wanted him to give me sex, extramarital sex.

So very horny and so very sexually frustrated, at that point and so happy with having another chance at life, I would have had sex with anyone. Not really caring who he was, I wanted sex. I wanted sex now.

With him at the right place and the right time, I wanted James. I wanted James now. In the way that he was looking at me while continuing to grope my ass through my short skirt as if he owned me, was he testing the water to see how far I'd allow him to go? Definitely, no stopping now, I'd go all the way. I imagined having forbidden, extramarital sex with him.

Going through the sexual motions in my mind, I wondered what I'd do if he kissed me, really kissed me, French kissed me. If it wasn't enough that he was already rubbing his erection against me while groping my ass, I wondered what I'd do if he touched me and felt the rest of me through my clothes. Imagining that I would, I wondered if I'd allow him to strip me naked. Having never cheated on my husband before, now that I was willing to cheat and ready for sex, I wondered if I'd actually go through with having sex with James.

In the way that I imagined myself naked with him, I imagined him naked with me. While French kissing me, I imagined him feeling my naked breasts and turning, twisting, and pulling my nipples. I imagined him reaching behind me to touch, feel, and squeeze my naked ass. I imagined him rubbing my clit and fingerfucking my naked pussy. Only, totally forbidden, and as wrong as my forbidden sexual thoughts were nasty, nothing like that would ever happen between us. No doubt, forgetting himself, him grabbing my ass was nothing more than a reaction of his happiness that my cancer was gone.

# # #

Yet, something so forbidden that it made me as physically ill as much as it made me sexually excited, I couldn't stop thinking about his cock. With his erect prick poking my tummy, I imagined seeing his naked cock and staring at his naked prick while stroking his erect dick. I imagined sucking his cock before fucking his cock. I imagined having a sexual relationship with my stepson.

'James, I want you,' I thought. 'I have to have you. Fuck me, James. Force me to suck your prick.'

Knowing what it was before I even looked but when I looked down to see what poked my tummy, as surprised as I was sexually aroused, I saw that James had a huge erection again. Instead of being disgusted and turned off, I was sexually aroused and turned on. I couldn't help but think of that monster in my hand, in my mouth, and in my pussy. Something a stepmother should never think about her stepson but I wanted to feel his prick through his pants in the way that he was groping my ass through my skirt.

Now with my mind going where no married woman's mind should go, I imagined touching his erect cock and fondling his stiff prick while stroking him and masturbating him. I imagined opening my mouth for him. I imagined taking him in my hand before taking him in my mouth and sucking him before taking him in my pussy and fucking him. I imagined spreading my legs for him and allowing him to make love to me before fucking me. I wanted him. I sexually wanted James.

Then, as if was meant to be, as soon as we got in the car, surprising me and shocking me into submission, he kissed me. James kissed me again. It wasn't a peck in the way that he kissed me on my cheek on Christmas, on Valentine's Day, and on my birthday, but a real kiss.

Not knowing what else to do by his unanticipated show of sexual emotion, forbidden affection, and by his unexpected kiss, with me so happy to be alive, I returned his kiss with my kiss. Then, shocking me, he parted my lips with his tongue. James was French kissing me.

Surprising even myself, instead of pulling away and putting a stop to this, I returned his French kiss with my French kiss. Instead of slapping him across his face, I surrendered him my tongue. I kissed him as deeply and as passionately as he kissed me. Then, with him continuing to kiss me, as if we were long, lost lovers, away at sea too long, or just released from prison, we made out as if we were horny teenagers left alone without parental supervision on prom night.

Not stopping there, as sexually wicked as I could be, not pushing his horny hands away and/or rebuking him, I allowed him to feel my breasts through my blouse and bra. I wanted him to touch me and feel me while kissing me. As soon as he touched and fondled my breasts through my clothes, my nipples grew hard and erect and my pussy continued to moisten. With me being so deathly ill, a long time since I've been in a sexual mood and had such sexual feelings, it's been a long time since I had sex.

Again, instead of slapping his hand away, I allowed him to finger my nipples through my blouse and bra. Sexually wicked for me to admit, I wanted him to finger my nipples through my blouse and bra. Instead of pulling away from him and stopping him, I allowed him to unbutton my blouse and feel my breasts and finger my erect nipples through my bra. I was so sexually aroused that I wanted him to unbutton my blouse and feel my breasts and finger my erect nipples through my bra. I wanted him to see my bra clad breasts.

Instead of being embarrassed or ashamed, with one feeling erasing the other, I was as sexually aroused as I was sexually frustrated and horny. With him continuing to French kiss me while touching me and feeling me through my clothes, I was his for the taking. I wanted him to see my naked breasts as much as I wanted to show him my naked breasts.

Not stopping him, I was so sexually aroused that I allowed him to lift my bra. I allowed him to expose my naked breasts. Something a stepmother should never do with her stepson, I allowed him to feel my naked tits while turning, twisting, and pulling my erect nipples. As if he was my baby and I was nursing him, I put my hand behind his head and allowed him to suck my breasts.

'Oh, my God,' I thought. 'Suck my tits, James. Bite my nipples,' I thought while wanting to say everything that I wanted him to do.

Forgetting that I was married, never have I been as sexually aroused. Forgetting that I had a husband, never have I ever been as horny. Well aware that he wasn't my husband, never have I ever been as ready for sex. Having never cheated on my husband before, nonetheless, never have I wanted a man as much as I wanted James. Never have I wanted and needed sex as much as I wanted and needed sex now.

Then, he did something that I never expected him to do. Surprising me and sexually arousing me, he moved his hand beneath my short skirt and parted my naked thighs with his forceful hand. With him about to finger my pussy through my panties, I wondered what I'd do. This was my chance to put an end to this before it totally got out of hand.

Yet, wanting him to know that I was ready for him and sexually wanted him, I was so wet that I thought I was going to cum. Something I've never allowed anyone to do other than my husband, I allowed him to cup my pussy through my panties. His big, warm hand felt so good on my panty clad cunt that I wondered how his big, erect cock would feel inside my warm, wet pussy.

I allowed him to rub my clit and finger my pussy through my white, bikini panties. I allowed him to have his wicked, sexual way with my body. Instead of slapping him away, pushing him away, and pulling away from him, with me already his forbidden whore, I allowed him to push my panties aside with his finger.

I allowed him to finger my naked, wet cunt. I allowed him to fingerfuck my wet pussy with his long, stiff fingers. Instead of feeling guilty, remorseful, and ashamed, I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to sexually finger me. I wanted him to give me a sexual orgasm with his fingers before giving me another one with his tongue and a third one with his cock.

Nakedly exposed to a man who wasn't my husband, instead of stopping him, closing my legs, and pushing down my skirt, I allowed him to feel, finger, and explore my warm wetness deeper. I allowed him to rub my naked clit. I allowed him to fingerfuck my naked pussy. Wanting him to masturbate me and wanting him to give me sexual orgasm with his long, stiff fingers, I allowed James to masturbate me.

"James. James," I whispered in a sexually aroused voice. "You're going to make me cum. Don't stop. Please don't stop," I said putting my hand on his hand and my fingers on his fingers. "Rub me faster. Fingerfuck me deep. I'm cumming James. I'm cumming," I said while enjoying having my first sexual orgasm in more than three years.

# # #

Again, something I never thought I'd ever do, I had sex with my stepson. Hard to wrap my brain around, difficult to accept that I was an incestuous whore, my stepson had sex with me. Once he sexually pleasured me, wanting to return the favor by giving him a sexual orgasm, I wanted to sexually pleasure him. I wanted to make him cum all over my hand, in my mouth, and in my pussy.

I felt his throbbing erection through his pants. I fondled the head of his pulsating cock with my manicured fingertips. Then, I unzipped him. While staring down at him, I reached my hand inside his pants and felt his stiff prick through his underwear. In the way that he exposed my naked breasts to him, I exposed his naked cock to me.

I was so sexually aroused. I wanted to continue fondling his naked prick. I wanted to wrap my fingers and hand around his throbbing cock. I wanted to stroke his naked prick. I wanted to stroke him hard and fast. I wanted to make him cum. I wanted to watch him cum. I wanted to suck his naked prick before fucking his naked prick. I not only wanted him to cum in my mouth but also, I wanted him to cum in my pussy, too. I wanted him to give me his baby.

I unbuckled and unbuttoned his pants. Then as soon as I pulled his prick out from his underwear, in the way that he stared at my naked breasts, I stared down at his naked prick. Having never seen another man's hard prick, other than my husband's limp dick, I couldn't stop staring at his penis. Mesmerized by his erect dick, as if hypnotized to touch him, I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and fondled the head of his prick with my fingertips while slowly stroking him.

While he continued feeling my naked breasts and fingering my erect nipples, I slowly stroked his cock. Drawn to it, wanting to taste him, I lowered my mouth to his prick and took him in my mouth. Having never stroked and/or sucked any man other than my husband, I couldn't believe I was giving James sexual pleasure with not only my hand but also with my mouth. Sucking him while stroking him, I couldn't believe I was masturbating my him while sucking him. I couldn't believe I was giving my stepson a blowjob.

Not wanting him to cum just yet, I needed to feel him inside me first. Selfishly sexually using him in the way that he had already selfishly sexually used me, I needed him to make love to me. I needed him to fuck me. I needed to have another sexual orgasm, something I have had in a long time, this time with his cock instead of just with his fingers. If we weren't inside the car, I'd have him eat me before making love to me and fucking me.

We moved to the backseat where I allowed him to mount me. He was as eager to have sexual intercourse with me as I was ready to have sexual intercourse with him. With us both so horny and sexually aroused, instead of making love, we fucked. Humping me harder and humping me faster, it didn't take me long to have another sexual orgasm.

Now, his turn, I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I needed him to cum in my mouth. I needed to taste his cum, another man's cum, I needed to swallow his cum. As my way of surrendering and submitting to him, with him making me his by marking his territory as if peeing on me, I wanted and needed to him to cum all over my face, in my long, lush, blonde hair, and across my big, naked breasts.

In the way that it didn't take me long to cum, it didn't take him long to cum either. As soon as he deposited a load of his warm, oozy cum in my willing mouth, I removed his prick from my mouth and stroked him. As soon as I stroked him harder and faster, he shot a second load of cum all over my face, in my opened mouth, in my hair, and across my naked breasts.

Something I thought would never, ever happen, I was awash with his cum. I was stained and soiled with a man's cum who wasn't my husband. How dare I? How could I? What's wrong with me to have sex with my stepson? Yet, not only had I fucked him but also, I sucked his cock, allowed him to cum in my mouth, and allowed him to give me a cum bath. Without a doubt, I had become James' sexual slave and his incestuous whore.

"That was, by far, the best sex I ever had and the best blowjob I've ever had...Mom," said James.

The first time he called me Mom, even though I had been his stepmother for the past dozen years, after giving him incestuous sex, I felt closer to him now than I ever did before.

"Our dirty, little secret, maybe we can do this again," I said with a wink, a sexy smile, and a naughty look.

Only, with him living out of state, he found someone else. With him married with children, at least I have the memory of my stepson making love to me. More important than that, with me having a second chance at life, I'm alive and cancer free. Now, that I divorced my husband and my stepson is out of my life, it's time for me to find my dream man.