A Family Destroyed Ch. 03


The piano echoed out an eerie melody as Simon's fingers moved over the ivory keys. Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" filled his grandmother's house. Tears reamed his eyes as every note rang out. The argentine rays of the moon crept along the floorboards as he poured every ounce of emotion into his movements. He had learned to play this song for his grandmother long ago. Her smile flashed in his mind as his fingers hit the keys. The tapping of her finger echoed in his ears as she kept the beat as the strings hummed. The serenity on her face as she sank into the flow of the melody. Those salt filled drops striking the keys as he poured his grief into the music.

Amy stood in the shadows as she watched as her brother played. It had been years' since she heard him play. Wiping away her tears, her lower lip trembling as his hands moved across the keyboard. Her mother's arm wrapped around her shoulder. Pulling her close, placing a soft kiss on her temple neither dared to interrupt Simon. They knew how he need this. They could see it in his eyes at the funeral yesterday.

Simon's mind flashing back to her words as he struggled to walk. Her encouragement as his body grew stronger. To the night in his hospital bed. Where they both gave into their needs. He knew how he had acted when he found out his family. How he felt like a hypocrite. Yet as the days passed he couldn't say it was wrong. He had found something in her eyes he couldn't possibly think to find. She had nursed him back not only from the injury he had sustained, but also, from the dark place he had fallen into from that fire fight that felt like eternity to him. Where every second felt like hours, minutes felt like days, as every bullet seemed to leave the breach of his gun in slow motion. How Simon prayed she could hear this wherever she was. Sighing heavily as the last notes died away. Wiping away his tears, breathing in as he was posed to start a new song. A small smile graced his lips as the first notes of "Vide Cor Meum" rang out. Simon knew she loved this song.

"Simon?" Pamela asked softly so not to distract him. "What song is that?"

"It's a song called Vide Cor Meum. It's based upon Dante's first sonnet La Vita Nuova," Simon said, hearing the Latin lyrics in his head.

"It's beautiful," Amy said moving up to him, gently placing her hand on his left shoulder.

"I know," Simon nodded.

"But why are you playing it?" Pamela asked sitting down next to him. Resting her head on Simon's shoulder. She couldn't agree more with her daughter, it was a beautiful song.

"It's something grandma would always play," Simon said, leaving out the fact it was normally followed after they had horizontal refreshments.

"I never heard her play it before?" Pamela asked perplexed at Simon's smile.

"She told me it was only for special occasions."

"Well," Amy said sinking down beside him, "Will you play it again for... me?" she asked her index finger brushing along the edge of his ear.

"Okay," Simon said pulling out his phone, opening his YouTube app typing the song into the search bar. "I think you would like to know what the song is about," he said, placing his phone on the music desk so they could see the English translation of the lyrics.

"And Mom would play this... for you?" Pamela asked eyeing her son. Wondering why her mother would play something that was so very personal, so intimate for her son.

"Yes," Simon said closing the cover down over the keyboard.

"Why? Simon, why would Mom play this for you?" Pamela asked as Simon reached for his cane.

"Maybe I'll answer that... some day just not today," Simon said sliding off the bench.

"Simon?" Pamela said forcibly as she rose. Yet as he turned she saw the hurt, the lost, the sorrow. It wasn't the kind of grief for a family member, but of someone very close. "I'm sorry, I won't pry," she said, watching Simon walk towards his bedroom.

"Well, I need to get to bed," Amy said, noticing the time, wondering what was going on in that head of his.

"Me too, yet I don't want to leave Simon here all alone," Pamela said, hating the fact her time off had ran out. She had no wish to leave her son alone in the state of mind he was in.

"I'll come by on my lunch break and check on him," Amy said sharing a nod with her mother.

"Simon," Amy whispered sweetly as the new dawn's light filtered through the windows.

"Hmm?" Simon mumbled in his half sleep state.

"I made french toast for you, some eggs and bacon," Amy said resting on the edge of the bed, her fingers weaving through his hair. "It's in the oven for you whenever you get up," she said, wondering how she was going to get him to talk about whatever was on his mind last night. "I was hoping maybe I could come by and have lunch with you?"

"Okay," Simon yawned. Amy fought herself from smiling.

"Burner Boy is still open, I know how you liked their barbecue. Would you like for me to bring some home?" Amy asked her hand running down his bare arm. She couldn't help it she loved the feel of his skin underneath her touch.

"Sure," Simon said smacking his lips in his semi-like dream trance. "Don't forget the sauce," he muttered rolling onto his back.

"I won't," Amy said, out of the corner of her eye her gaze caught sight of something. "You don't have to worry, Simon," she said leaning forward, "I'm going to..." her lips softly pressed against his, her hand moving down his chest. Gently wrapping around that covered hard rod, that she hoped to one day feel deep inside of her. "Always take care of you baby brother," Amy whispered as she pulled away. Looking back one last time as she closed his bedroom door.

Amy's mind flashed back to when Simon was fourteen. To the day she was getting harassed by the boys at her high school. How he shoved and pushed them away from her when they had her backed against the lockers. The way he stood up to boys that were older, taller, and stronger than he was. Yet that didn't stop Simon, no, he got in their faces and told them what he thought of them. Granted he did get beaten up, it still didn't stop him. She knew most of the fights he had gotten into was because of her. How he had won her heart that day. Always flashing her a smile no matter how painful those bruises must have felt. Amy hoped he could come to see that. That all these years' she had loved him. Then just maybe they could grow closer as it should have been all those years' ago.

Simon sat at the kitchen table chewing on the breakfast his sister had made. He had to admit she did know how to cook. The french toast was especially good with the cinnamon mixed in. He was going to have to ask Amy how she did that. For now regular french toast wouldn't hold a candle to it any longer.

"Thanks for breakfast, sis." Simon typed out a text as he bit into the bacon.

"You're welcome Simon, I hope it was good." Amy sent back.

"How did you get the cinnamon on the toast?!"

"I added it to the egg mixture *giggles* silly."

"Oh... that makes more sense then what I was thinking," Simon admitted wiping his mouth as he laid down his fork.

"So... then you wouldn't mind if I cooked for you?"

"You know you don't have to, right?"

"I know, but I want to Simon. I want to take care of you."

"There's no way I can talk you out of it, huh?"

"Nope!" Amy texted back with a smiling emoji. "I have to go, work calls. I'm glad you liked your breakfast Simon. I'll see you at lunch!" A flood of kisses bombarded his screen. Reaching into the cabinet after he had cleaned his dishes. Opening his pill bottle, quickly downing the two pills as he felt the effects of the nerve blocker starting to wear off. Reaching for his cane that hung on the lip of the counter as the doorbell rang.

"Hello Simon," his aunt stood at the door. Her brown eyes running down Simon's body. A sinful smile graced her lips knowing how he was going to enjoy what's to come. Her thin pink summer dress clung tightly to her body, accentuating her 38C cup breasts, her flat stomach, and her alluring hips. Her smooth tone legs felt the warmth of the morning sun as its rays bathed her exposed skin. Every item on her body matched her outfit from: her pink pumps, to her pink clutch, the frames of her glasses, her pink sapphire earrings, the pink opal rings that lined her fingers. To Caroline her attire had to be perfect.

"Hello Aunt Caroline," Simon said perplexed as to why she was there. He had thought they had left town after the funeral, apparently he was wrong.

"May I come in?" Caroline asked her pink hued lips flashed him a warm smile. Yet Simon knew not the hunger behind them.

"Sure," Simon said stepping to the side, "So... what brings you here? I thought you and uncle had left after the funeral?"

"Robert, is trying to contest the will. So we'll be here for a few more days. However, I know it's iron tight. Judy, was a smart woman in business and other things. She wouldn't have left it all to you without making sure there were no loose ends," Caroline said stepping into the house. Her clutch slid down the back of the couch before bouncing on the cushion.

"Not that I'm happy to see you aunt, yet why are you here?" Simon asked closing the door.

"You know I tried to make things work with me and Robert," Caroline said ignoring Simon's question, "Yet after six years you would think he would've learned his lesson," she said, her fingers trailed along the back of the couch. Slowly sauntering along wondering how he would react. "And still that man thinks he can cheat on me! The nerve of that man, to think I wouldn't notice some other woman's cunt juice on his cock!" Caroline hissed angrily, "If it hadn't been for you Simon," she said turning towards him. "I would've never have known Robert was being unfaithful to me," Joan said, her eyes running down his body wondering if his injury affected his manhood. "Now I'm done with Robert's infidelity!"

"Okay..." Simon said, a little unnerved how her eyes followed him as

he walked over the chair. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Why? I do wonder..." Caroline said, her hips swayed, her eyes lustered, her mouth watered as she viewed Simon. Her hands rested on the armrest of the chair as she leaned forward, filling Simon's gaze with her breasts. "If your cock still works?" Caroline whispered lustfully into his ear. Reaching out softly caressing Simon's phallus through his shorts, urging it to awaken from its slumber. "It seems it does," she cooed as Simon's rod grew in her hand. A gasp resounded from her lips. Her eyes widening as his girth expanded her hand. "That's not possible!" Caroline's mind was in a state of shock. She has never felt something so thick before. "It has to be twice the thickness of Robert's!"

"Well, just what do you have here nephew?" Caroline purred.

"Umm... that's my cock you have in your hand," Simon said tilting his head.

"Yes, yes, it is," Caroline said hungrily pulling down his shorts, "Oh my! Simon, that's... a fat cock!" she gasped as Simon's cock swung back and forth as the waistband left the head of his rod.

"Oh, you think so?" Simon said with a coy smirk.

"Mmmhmm," Caroline muttered salaciously turning around, "Unzip me Simon, I want to be naked for you," she said peering over her right shoulder. "Can you stand long enough to fuck me?" Caroline asked as her zipper lowered

"No," Simon lied. He was wondering how far she was going to take this.

"No worries," Caroline said, turning back around holding her dress to her chest. "It's been some time since I've rode a cock," she said her eyes dipping low, "And baby you do have one hell of a cock," Caroline said releasing her hold on her dress. "So tell me nephew does your aunt have a sexy body?" she asked running her hands up her stomach.

"Yes..." his eyes running down her naked body, "You do," Simon nodded.

"Mmm... good," Caroline said smirking, noticing how Simon had yet to soften. If it was Robert sitting before her his cock would have lost its hard-on by now. Yet no, this wasn't Robert, no, this was a cock she hungrily wanted to ride. "Come taste your aunt's pussy, Simon," Caroline said, placing her right foot on the seat cushion. The heel of her pump decompressing the cushion as she spread her labia open. Her left hand ran through his hair as Simon leaned forward. Her body trembled as she felt his lips wrapping around her clitoris. It's been two years since she laid with her husband, after the last time she tasted some strange pussy on his cock. She knew then Robert was never going to be faithful to their marriage even after she gave them another chance. Yet now it appear she would have to destroy him in court to show Robert the errors of his ways. "Yes, Simon, doesn't it taste good? Doesn't your aunt have the sweetest juice?" Caroline moaned as she held his head to her cunt.

"Yes! Get that tongue inside that pussy!" Caroline's body quaked as his tongue probed her hot channel. "Oh god! Simon! Yes, fucking eat that pussy!" she howled her juices flowed, "It's been to fucking long since I've had a man's tongue so deep inside of my pussy!" Caroline moaned sensuously as she ground her mound on his tongue. "Oh fuck! Yes, Simon, make me fucking cum on that tongue!" she said grabbing hold of his shoulders to steady herself.

"God! That was good," Caroline said catching her breathe, "I so needed that," she said flashing Simon a satisfied smile. Her tongue ran through her juices that coated his chin before lips captured his. She wondered if he had watched the DVD Judy had left for him. If this was why he wasn't pitching a fit. Not that she was complaining she was about feel that beast deep inside of her. "Now I think I should repay you, don't you think?" Caroline cooed pushing Simon back against the chair. Her body sank to her knees as her hand ran down his chest. Her tongue ran along her lips, as her fingers curled around the shaft of Simon's cock. Caroline was a little taken back when Judy had suggested her scheme to her. Now, however, as she licked up the back of her nephew's cock. She wondered how Judy had come up with her little plan.

Swallowing Simon's cock, how she loved the feel of it on her tongue. The way his heart beat against it. The way his girth stretched out her mouth. The feel of his pre-cum coating her tongue. Her hand working his shaft as her head bobbed on his pole. Her left hand cradled his balls, massaging them as her mind started to go blank. She wondered if Judy knew she would become addicted to her nephew's cock. That the moment she tasted it, did Judy know she would hunger for it?

"Now I think it's time for the main course, don't you think?" Caroline purred giving that bulbous crown one last hard suck. "Look at it Simon," she said bending over in front of him. Filling Simon's view of her ass and her light pink, wet lips. "Doesn't this call out to you?" Caroline asked running her middle finger through her labia. "Simon, this pussy needs to be fucked! You'll let your aunt fuck that cock of yours won't you?" she asked looking between her legs.

"Sure," Simon said patting his legs.

"Excellent!" Caroline purred. Eyeing the chair then the coffee table knowing it was the perfect height. "Give me one second," she said gesturing to him with a finger. Dashing over to her purse, snapping open the button, digging her smart phone out she wanted to rub Robert's face in this. Grabbing some books from the mantle, resting her phone against the spines of the books. Her ass wiggled giving Simon a show as she opened her camera app. Making sure the camera was only capturing her in the screen. She didn't want this to come back on Simon. Caroline thought if it did he wouldn't want to fuck her again if it brought to much grief to him.

"Hello Robert," Caroline said coldly into the mic of her phone, "So you think you can keep cheating on me, and I wouldn't fucking find out?! Did you think I won't taste that woman's pussy on your dick! Haven't you ever wondered why I haven't fucking touched you in two years? Now I'm done with you! You're going to watch as someone with a real cock fucks me, like I had to watch as you fucked your sister with that limp noodle you call a dick!" she said, her dangling breasts filled the camera as she backed up.

"Look at it Robert! This is a cock!" Caroline said taunting him as her labia glided along Simon's cock. Her body blocking out his face so Robert wouldn't know who was going to fuck her. Her hands held onto the armrest as she placed her right foot then her left onto the seat cushion. "Baby, don't worry I want your hot cum deep inside of me. So, don't worry if you cum to quickly. My pussy..." Caroline gasped as she slowly lowered herself onto that stiff, fat, stout rod of her nephew's, "Oh god! It's so fucking big!" she moaned loudly as Simon's cock stretched her out. "Oh... I'm so going to cum on this cock," Caroline muttered salaciously passing the halfway point of her nephew's delicious cock. "You like that tight pussy don't you, baby?" she asked her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Sucking in a breath as she rose to were only where the tip remained inside of her cunt, then slamming back down on that hard rod of his. "Oh fuck! Yes! You could never fuck me like this Robert! No, when was the last time you could keep a hard-on without the help of a pill, hmm?" Caroline asked losing herself in the ecstasy that was flooding her body.

"Oh god! I'm going to cum!" Caroline shouted tossing her head back. Her grip tightened on the armrest of the chair as her hot white cream smeared Simon's cock. "Look at that Robert! In less than five minutes this man has got me off. When was the last time you even tried to give me an orgasm?" she asked breathlessly her hips slowly regaining their momentum. "Baby? I want you to fuck me. I mean really fuck me. I want to feel you for days..." Her jaw hung open in a silent surprised moan as Simon hammered his cock upward into her cunt. His hands held her hips to keep her rooted in place. "Oh... god! Oh yes! Pump that cock into that pussy!" Her head jerked erratically, her muscles rippled, her face contorted as if possessed. "Fuck! God! Yes! Don't stop... fucking... me!" Caroline howled as her womb detonated in the most explosive orgasm she had ever felt before. For fifteen minutes Caroline howled like a banshee as Simon ruthlessly pounded her cunt. Her sex resounded through that house in loud wet slaps as Simon hammered his aunt.

"I can feel it!" Caroline purred with a blissful look on her face as Simon's hot cum flooded her womb. Quickly scurrying off of his cock, talking her phone from the table. "Look at it Robert! Look at all that hot rich cum my man dumped inside of my fuckable pussy," she said placing a leg on the table. Filling the screen with her wet, throbbing, satisfied lips as Simon's cum slowly dripped out of her canal. "Now you can expect to hear from my lawyers, Robert. You should have tried. You should have never have broken my trust. Now I'm going to take everything you have. Maybe then you'll learn to keep that limp thing you call a dick to yourself! Now if you excuse me I have a cock to clean!" Caroline said shutting off the camera.

"Now..." Caroline said spinning on her heel. Tossing her phone onto the couch. "Where was I... ah yes, I need to clean something," she said licking her lips. Her hands rested on Simon's knees as she lowered herself between his legs. "There all clean," Caroline said after his cock left her lips. Rolling her tongue in her mouth loving the taste of her sex, and the last beads of his cum mingled together. Feeling his cum running down her thighs as she gave his rod one last lick. "Zip me up Simon," Caroline said, standing with her back to him holding her dress to her chest. "Thank you, Simon, now I hate to fuck and dash, but I have papers to get served to a deadbeat," she said, checking her makeup in her compact mirror applying a few touch ups. "But don't let that mean I didn't love being fucked by you, nephew," Caroline said, filling his gaze once again with her breasts. Flashing Simon a smile, staring into his eyes hoping he be eager for a round two tomorrow. "Now come walk me to my car," she said patting his hand. She started to help him up, but Simon waved her off.

"Simon?" Caroline said looping her right arm around his left as they walked down the pathway to her car.


"You won't mind if I come by again tomorrow morning," Caroline said leaning in, "Tomorrow I want you to pound my tight pussy from behind. I want to feel those tight balls slapping my pussy as you fuck me," she whispered lustfully into his ear.

"Sure," Simon said with a coy smile. He had to admit if only to himself Caroline did feel exquisite riding his cock.

"Good, because I'm not leaving town," Caroline said, moving her body in front of his. Knowing her car, and the hedge would block prying eyes. "Not after I felt this thing fucked me so splendidly," she purred rubbing Simon's member. "I do hope you can get it up quickly. I have no wish to not experience this as much as I can." Caroline's lips plucking sweetly at his.

Ten o'clock rolled passed as Simon stepped out onto the back porch. An ice cold glass of Pepsi in his hand, and a book tucking under his arm. The old rocking chair creaking as he lowered himself into that worn seat.

Simon didn't know how long it had been before he heard heels clicking on the floorboards of the porch. His eyes narrowed hatefully as she came into view.

"You aren't welcomed here," Simon growled.

"Don't be like that Simon," Melody pouted, "I thought maybe we could make up," she said, bowing her head her hair cascading out before her, her toe of her high heels grinding into the porch. Her black mid thigh waistcoat was the only thing she was wearing other than her matching black bra and panties.

"Not going to happen, so you best leave my property," Simon said returning to his book.

"Please Simon!" Melody pleaded. Blocking his light as she slightly bent over him, her index finger rested in the nook of the book as she relieved Simon of his reading material. "I promise you'll like what I have to show you," she purred.

"If it's your naked ass I've seen it plenty of times," Simon said annoyed. Reaching for his cane only to have Melody snatch it from him, and tossing it to the other side of the porch.

"You aren't going to run from me Simon. I'm your stepmother," Melody hissed her hands slamming down on the armrest. "You will appreciate me!"

"Suck my dick!" Simon roared. Granted it probably wasn't the best choice of words to say to her given the look in her eyes.

"With pleasure Simon, see was that so hard..." Simon couldn't be more happy to see her as the rear door open. Her green scrubs were distorted by the glass.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Amy screamed as her eyes went to Melody's bare ass, then to her hand that was gripping her brother's cock. "You were told to stay away!"

"I can see my stepson any time I want, Amy," Melody sneered at Amy all the while her hand stroked Simon's cock. "You might not like me, this cock does," she cooed as Simon grew in her hand.

"Fuck you!" Simon yelled batting off her hand.

"Oh, I am going to fuck you, Simon. Don't you doubt that," Melody hissed inches away from his face. "But..." her eyes flickered over to Amy, "When there isn't a audience to interfere," she said reaching down squeezing Simon's cock. "When you see me again you better be in a more receptive mood," Melody growled. Her ass sashaying as she stuck her nose in the air as she passed.

"Simon! She didn't do anything did she?!" Amy asked rushing to his side. "Where's your cane?!"

"She tossed it somewhere over there, so I couldn't slam the door in her face," Simon said pointing across the porch.

"That bitch! Don't worry I'll get it," Amy said squeezing his arm. "Here," she said, blushing as his hand rested over hers.

"Thanks," Simon said, lifting himself out of the chair now that his serenity had been ruined. "While I'm so happy to see you, but isn't it early for lunch?"

"Well," Amy said, her hand running down his right arm before her fingers interlaced with his. "I took an early lunch, and I'm glad I did."

"So am I, or I don't know what I do if you hadn't shown up," Simon said reaching down to pick up his items.

"I'll get that!" Amy said a little too hastily. "You... just go sit down and we'll eat."

"Okay," Simon said slightly perplexed at her tone of voice.

"I got all your favorites, Simon," Amy said her voice quivered for a second. Knowing it was just her and her brother all alone. "Also, I got us two pounds, so you can have sandwiches."

"Cool," Simon said grabbing two plates from the cabinet.

Biting her lip as Simon limped over to the table. She knew even if she offered Simon was stubborn. Yet every night she would count his pills. Happy to find that he was trying the nerve blocker. She didn't want him to be so reliant on the percocet. Although she knew he would forever need to take it, but she hoped to help him take as little of it as possible.

"Simon? How is the nerve blocker?" Amy asked pulling out the items from the bag.


"No side effects? No negative interactions with your percocet?" Amy asked her hands trailing along his shoulders as she walked behind him for the buns, and two forks and a spoon for the sauce.

"No sis," Simon sighed, "Are you done playing mother hen?" he asked teasingly.

"Only one more question then we can eat," Amy said pouring Simon a drink.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Are you really going to let that bitch fuck you?!" Amy asked staring into his eyes. She wasn't expecting Simon to burst out in laughter.

"Oh, that's a good one, you were joking right?" Simon asked after he was able to gather breathe. "I won't fuck that cunt with a ten foot pole. I'd fuck you before I even think of sticking my dick into that," he said offhandedly, reaching for his glass unaware of the look in Amy's eyes.

"Good. I don't want her claws in you ever again," Amy said, placing a kiss on the top of his head. A wicked smile formed on her lips. She knew he had said it in jest; yet Simon opened the door, and she was going to walk through it.

"God! I forgotten how good they were," Simon moaned heavenly as they finished their early lunch.

"Don't they have BBQ joints where you live?" Amy asked wiping the sauce from the corner of her mouth.

"None like Burner Boy," Simon said, plucking the stray bits of meat that escaped the bun from his plate. He wasn't about to waste a single morsel.

"I'm glad you liked it Simon," Amy said, her hand covering his, giving it a light squeezed. Her eyes glanced to the clock, a sigh resounded in her mind knowing she had to leave. "I have to get back. Walk me to the door?"

"Sure," Simon said pushing himself out of his seat.

"Simon? Do you find me pretty?" Amy asked catching Simon off guard. "Do you find me sexy?"

"You've always been pretty, Amy," Simon said rubbing the back of his head.

"Then maybe you'll kiss me?" Amy asked her hands running up his chest. Moving closer to Simon as they stood in front of the door.

"This really what you want?"

"Yes, Simon. This is what I've wanted since I was sixteen," Amy said, her lips centimeters away from his. "For you to kiss me willing. To feel your passion as our lips locked together." Her eyes widen then closed as she became lost in their kiss. Her hands ran along his back pressing them together. "Mmm..." she muttered as her eyes fluttered opened. Amy jumped in her brother's arms as the doorbell rang.

"What now!" Simon grumbled.

"I'm looking for a private first class Winters," the man said reading from the clipboard in his hand as the door opened.

"Yes? Can I help you..." Simon's voice stilled in his throat as the man looked up from the clipboard.

"Simon?! You're private Winters?" he said in shock. He didn't think he would stumble upon the boy he and his pals used to beat on.

"Once upon a time, I was called that. Now why do you want to know Brad?" Simon asked blocking his view of his sister.

"Oh right! Sorry. I just wasn't expecting it to be you, Simon," Brad said squaring his shoulders, "The members of the local Legion would like to invite you to our meeting hall. Where we hope that you might like to wish to join."

"The Legion? Where did you serve?" Simon asked arching an eyebrow.

"USNBS Georgia," Brad said proudly.

"Oh? A Boomer? I didn't take you for a submariner, Brad. I bet a steel tube filled with guys was right up your alley," Simon smirked.

"Hey," Brad said shrugging his shoulders, "At least I still have two legs," he said, in a good natured rip as he pointed at his cane.

"Oh this?" Simon said, tapping his cane on the floor. "Well, this is so I can support the massive cock I got swinging around."

"Right," Brad said rolling his eyes. "So... as one of the Legions repersentives we offer our sincerest condolences for your lost. We thought maybe your brothers and sisters could help you deal with this tragic time of your life."

"You should go Simon," Amy whispered tugging on his sleeve. She thought maybe being around others that served might help him figure out what was going on inside of his head.

"Sure, I guess."

"Cool. I'll come pick you up at 6:30. That way you'll get to meet all the members," Brad said holding his hand out.

"Long as you don't drive like you used to," Simon said shaking Brad's hand.

"Nah, the Navy taught me better than that," Brad chuckled waving at Simon as he left the porch.

"May I have another kiss, Simon?" Amy asked batting her eyes as she stood in the doorway. How her tongue savored the warmth of his mouth. Her eyes shooting open as Simon's hands grabbed her ass. Hands that she has longed to feel on her body. Now she hated the fact she had to go. If she had more time maybe, just maybe she could get him to touch something else.

"Simon?" Pamela called out as she entered his home.

"What?!" Simon called back from the master bedroom. For most of the day he had been rearranged the room.

"Simon!" Pamela gasped snatching her rather luscious underwear from his hands. "Just what do you think your doing?!" Her chest heaved as she held the matching underwear to her chest.

"What? This is my room, Mom. What does it look like?" Simon asked gesturing to his bag. "Now what are you doing with such under garments in my house?"

"Well..." Pamela's cheeks heated as her son starred at her.

"Yes?" Simon said crossing his arms.

"Is it wrong that I want to feel sexy, and to show you how sexy I can be for you?" Pamela asked taking a step forward. "Is it wrong that you excite my body?"

"Some would say, yes? It's wrong for you to feel like that for your own son," Simon said putting most of his weight on his right leg.

"But do you find it wrong? After all I am your cum dumpster," Pamela said, feeling her body heat as she stood inches away from her son. "Well, do you, Simon, find it wrong that your mother wants to feel sexy for you?"

"No.." Simon said scratching his cheek, "I guess I don't."

"Then may I have a load, please?"

"I don't know, I do have to get ready," Simon said looking over at the clock.

"Please! I'll make you cum quick I promise!" Pamela pleaded. She needed her fix. She needed to taste her son's cum. "Please baby! Don't make your mother beg!"

"Well, hurry up," Simon said, pushing his shorts to the floor.

"Yes dear," Pamela said, tossing her under garments onto the bed. Kicking her heels across the floor. Her skirt slid down her legs, quickly unbuttoning her shirt she didn't want his cum to stain it. Not when her skin wanted to feel his seed.

"Do you always go to work in crotchless panties?" Simon asked eyeing his mother's trimmed martini shaped patch of brunette hair.

"Only..." Pamela's face went beet red, "When I want to touch myself in my office."

"Oh? Is that so? And just who were you thinking about?"

"You. Simon," Pamela said, biting her lip as she watched his cock stiffen.

"Well then, I guess I better unload this in a certain place then shouldn't I?" Simon said with a coy smile.

"Simon, what do you mean?" Pamela asked her heart fluttering hoping it was what she had been praying for since he came back a few days ago.

"Turn around, bend over, and bracing yourself against the dresser," Simon said, stepping out of his shorts, his finger doing a slow circle directing her.

"Really?! Oh Simon!" Pamela said, her eyes going wide, feeling her slickness growing within her canal.

"Well, you did say you would get me off quickly, did you not? And a pussy that hasn't been fucked in..."

"Six years," Pamela squeaked.

"I wonder how tight that cunt will be?" Simon said arcing an eyebrow.

"Well..." Pamela said, quickly spinning around placing her hands on the lip of the dresser. "Stick that cock inside of your cum dumpster and find out," she said, wiggling her ass at her son. Her eyes fluttered in the mirror as Simon slapped his cock against her clit. "Oh Simon! I forgotten how big you were!" Pamela moaned as Simon eased his cock into her eager cunt. Her nails scrapped down that polished surface. "Fuck!" she cried out as Simon thrust hard into her, "Yes Simon! Fuck your mother!" Pamela purred as his cock began it's increasing pace through her folds. "Mmm... god! You feel so good baby! That's it use that pussy as your play thing!"

"Oh, you like being my cum dumpster?" Simon asked slapping her ass.

"Mmmhmm," Pamela cooed as her breasts swung with each thrust. "I'll be whatever you want baby. Your cum dumpster, your whore, your slut mother, I don't care I'll take whatever punishment you want to give me. Just so long as you fuck me with that fucking cock!" she said, biting her lip as her womb quivered threateningly.

"Such a dirty mother getting so wet being fucked by her son," Simon said spanking her ass again.

"Oh god! I'm going to cumming!" Pamela yelled as her folds clamped down on her son's cock.

"I got to say you do have a tight pussy," Simon grunted, "Although not as tight as Aunt Caroline's," he said with a devious smirk.

"What!" Pamela roared. "You let her fuck you!"

"Oh yeah, I plan on fucking her again," Simon said riding his mother as she tried to buck him off.

"Simon! Take that cock out of me!"

"No, I'm fucking my whore mother," Simon said, reaching up grabbing on of her hair riding out her fury.

"God damn it! Simon!" Pamela growled she knew not to give into her anger or her lust as her orgasm neared. "Fuck! I... don't want you fucking her... ever again." she said through heaves of breathes.

"I don't think you get to tell me who I can or can't fuck," Simon said, losing his interest in fucking her. Not telling his mother as he released his load into her.

"I do when you're fucking me," Pamela growled using the dresser to steady her legs.

"Then I guess that be the last time I do," Simon said coldly walking towards the bathroom.

"What?!" Pamela said dumbfounded.

"What? Were my words too difficult to understand?" Simon asked looking back at her as he grabbed a towel.

"But... Simon..."

"You raped your own son, and you expected me to fuck only you," Simon snorted in disgust. "If you think that you can get out of my house."

"Simon! Please!" Pamela rushed to the door. Her fist pounding on it. "I'm sorry, please don't push me out!" she begged as her forehead pressed against the door. "I love you sweetheart. I only want you for myself; but I understand where your coming from." Pamela said hearing the rings of the shower curtain sliding along the bar. "Please don't let my jealousy that another woman gets to touch you, make you push me away."

"Then..." Simon said opening the door, "I'll fuck who I want when I want. You are a cum dumpster nothing more, nothing less," he said seeing her eye twitch.

"I understand," Pamela sighed seeing that smoldering anger in his eyes. "Please, Simon, call me Mom not cum dumpster. I might be that, but can you not use it as my title."

"We'll see," Simon said closing the door in her face.


"Mom? Why are you crying?" Amy asked as she closed the door.

"I think I might have screwed up," Pamela said wiping away her tears.

"Why?" Amy asked looking around for her brother then looking down at her phone. Silently cursing to herself knowing she had just missed him.

"Did you know Caroline fucked Simon?" Pamela asked with the undertones of bitterness.

"When?" Amy asked slightly annoyed with her brother. If he could fuck his aunt then why not her?

"I don't know, but when he was fucking..."

"What?!" Amy shouted as her hands slammed onto the back of the couch. "Why am I the only one Simon isn't fucking?"

"Well... sweetheart, he only did it because he was in a rush. Plus, I don't think you would want to be what I am."

"And what's that?" Amy asked crossing her arms her anger apparent on her face.

"I'm his cum dumpster. It's my punishment for what I did to him."

"Oh... so he was fucking you and then what?" Amy asked rolling her hand.

"And Simon said Caroline was tighter than I was. I lost it. To think that she had fucked my son. To be one that felt his cock first. I kind of..." Pamela stuttered hanging her head in shame for her actions.

"What did you do Mom?" Amy asked in a tired sigh.

"I told him he wasn't to fuck her any more."

"Mom, you didn't!" Amy said in shock.

"I know. I know. I allowed my jealousy to get the better of me. But to think he would kick me out of this house... it was just to much to take," Pamela said sobbing once again.


"So how did you know where I lived?" Simon asked as he and Brad entered the Legion hall.

"Well, the president found your address on your release papers, along with your accommodations," Brad said giving Simon a knowing smirk. "Just how did you earn the silver star?" The once noisy bar/meeting hall came deathly silent as all waited to hear Simon's explanation.

"Trust me I didn't really want it," Simon said offhandedly, sighing as the group waited with pointed looks. "We were traveling light, since there wasn't a need for the whole platoon for a small explosive they found. So it was eight of us traveling down this dusty road," he said sinking down into the seat as one of the members held it steady for him. "Thanks," Simon said over his shoulder.

"Not a problem," the middle aged man said patting Simon's right shoulder.

"I never knew what that village was called or even if it had a name. The leading Humvee was taken out by an RPG, flipping it backwards, crushing the driver and passenger of the Humvee I was riding in. I don't know how it happened, rather it was from the tremors of the explosion, or someone set it off remotely. Ten feet to our left an IED went off. Most of the armor plating adsorbed the blast but not enough," Simon said rubbing his leg underneath the table, "I dragged my Sargent out as she screamed in pain and fear at the lost of her legs. All the while I was firing at anything that moved. After I got her bleeding under control, I notice what remained of my lower leg. Pushing that to the back of my mind, dragging my body back to the twisted remains of our Humvee praying the radio stilled worked. I wasn't about to die in that god forsaken dessert. So after the conformation that my distress signal got through. I dragged myself back to were my Sargent was. For ten minutes all I heard was yelling, gunfire, screaming of the dying, and my words to my Sargent to keep her awake so she wouldn't fall into shock. It was her that put my name in for the medal. I didn't think I deserved it. To me I was only doing what I was trained to do, to fight, and to survive. When I heard the roar of the chopper blades, and rapid fire of the .50 calibers of the companies Humvees that came to our rescue. It was my captain's words that broke through the tunnel vision I gotten when those ten minutes felt like an eternity to me. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital in Germany."

"Damn," Brad said waving at the waitress for two beers. "So what happened to your Sargent?"

"Discharged like me, since well..." Simon said, tapping the handle of his cane against the table. "She and her husband helps out with their local wounded warrior project affiliate."

Two beers in and an hour an a half later. Simon was feeling weird as if he had drank a fifth of vodka or a case of beer. His eyes were blurry, his coordination was off, his speech slurred. "Damn. Should have looked up the effects the nerve blocker with alcohol, because this has never happened on the straight pain killers, or was it both?" Simon asked himself as he fumbled to pull his phone from his pocket.

"Sis?" Simon sent a text trying to keep his focus on the small screen.

"Yes Simon?"

"Something's wrong, do you mind coming and picking me up?" Simon texted back trying to shake the dizziness from his head.

"What?! Okay! You stay there, I'll be there in ten minutes!" Amy sent back.

Simon looked up as whistles and cat calls resounded in the Legion hall. His Adams apple bobbed as his sister's heels clicked along the wood flooring. Her black mini skirt swayed showing off her smooth tone legs. Her red halter top conformed to her chest, detailing every aspect of her heavenly orbs.

"This is a..." Brad began to say stopping himself as he watched that beautiful woman dripping herself along Simon's shoulders. "Simon? Do you know this woman?"

"I'm his girlfriend," Amy said smiling sweetly at Brad, "Say anything to contradict me, and I'll let everyone here know you fucked your aunt and your mother," she whispered into Simon's ear.

"Okay..." Brad said, clearing his throat eyeing Simon in a new light. "I get that, but you can't just walk in here."

"Oh, I'm sorry! Simon, here is having problems, it seems his new medication isn't reacting to well..." Amy said glancing down at the beer bottles, "To the alcohol in those beers," she said pointing to the empty bottles.

"Dude! Why didn't you tell me?!" Brad asked rushing to his feet.

"Oh, my Simon is quite stubborn," Amy said, her fingers weaving through his hair. "When he told me you came by the house he was eager to be around those that were like him. No matter how he was feeling he simply didn't want to ruin your night," she lied blatantly.

"Still. Man, Simon, that doesn't matter you should have told me, I would've taken you home," Brad said shaking his head, "Here, let me help you get him to the car."

"Why, thank you," Amy said, flashing Brad a genuine smile.

"No problem," Brad said, lifting Simon out of the chair.

"Here, you go, baby," Amy said, handing Simon his cane, her eyes taunting him to rebuff her words.

"Thanks," Simon's voice slurred.

"You know I'm always happy to help you," Amy said warmly, her hand rubbing his back as they walked to the door.

"You won't happen to have a sister would ya?" Brad asked with a coy smirk.

"No," Amy said shaking her head, "I do have a brother though," she said, giving Simon a sly glance.

"Shame," Brad grunted as he helped Simon into the passenger seat.

"I know someone, though her schedule has been kind of hectic as of late. If you're only looking for a one night stand..." Amy said, looking up at Brad as she pulled out her phone.

"What?! No! Those days are long behind me," Brad said aghast at the thought.

"Good," Amy nodded, "I would hate to find out you only wanted one thing from her..."

"No ma'am. I wouldn't do anything like that."

"Good. Tell Stacy I-Amy-gave you her name and number," Amy said, quickly writing her friends number down on the palm of his hand. "Just don't break my friend," she smirked coyly patting his cheek.

"Where are we going?" Simon asked looking down as the passing tress messed with his intoxicated brain. "This isn't the way to my house," he slurred. Wondering just how long he was going to feel like this.

"Somewhere were you and I can talk," Amy said, patting his hand before her fingers curled around his hand. "Privately," she said speeding down the interstate.

"But why?"

"You know why Simon!" Amy hissed glancing at Simon coldly.

"I don't think I do," Simon hiccupped.

"First you fuck Aunt Caroline, then you fuck Mom! Why haven't you fucked me yet Simon?!"


"Oh! Oh! Is that all you fucking have to say!" Amy growled hastily turning onto the off ramp to the state park. Where she knew they would be alone. Leaves swirled in the air as her car sped down the road, her tires squealed as she pulled into the first deserted parking lot. "Now Simon..." Amy said steadying her breath, "Answer me. Why haven't you fucked me yet?" she asked turning his chin towards her. "Am I not pretty enough? Am I not helpful enough? Haven't I been sincere enough in my feelings for you?!"

"Amy, in these six years you haven't lost that beauty that you had when you stood in my doorway holding that cup of hot chocolate," Simon said, his words spilling from his lips. His intoxicated mind unable to stop them from escaping his lips.

Amy's hand shot to her mouth to hide her trembling lip. She was glad for the darkness, so Simon couldn't see the glistening of her eyes.

"Then why Simon? Why haven't I felt your touch like Mom and Caroline has?" Amy asked sweetly.

"Because I don't want to fall in love with you only to have you die like grandma did," Simon said, his eyes widening as the words left his lips.

"What?! Simon, what do you mean by that?" Amy asked in shock.

"She... helped me, showed me it was okay to feel attracted to a family member. She made loved to me on my hospital bed. I didn't think having sex with with my grandmother would bring out something. That I thought only belonged in normal relationships," Simon said, a tear running down his cheek.

"What did she show you, Simon?" Amy asked her hand rubbing his forearm. Quite shocked to hear that the two people that were so distraught by their actions six years ago. Would do the something that broke apart their family.

"Love. I fell in love with her. I don't know how it happened. Over the eight months of my rehabilitation every time I looked into her eyes. I found something that I wasn't expecting to find. It's the same way you look at me," Simon said wiping away the tear, "But she wanted me to grow into my own, not to be tied down to her."

"Simon," Amy said. Taking off her heels, they would only get in the way of what she had planned. "Maybe..." crawling over the console, kneeling on the seat, her hand reaching down pulling on the lever. A sinfully smile graced her lips as Simon fell backwards to the seats limit. Nearly making the seat flat as a bed, her hands ran up his chest as she leaned forward. "Grandma, knew there was someone out there that could and would always take care you. Maybe she knew her time was short, and hoped you would find that somebody. But Simon can't you see I am that person," Amy said lovingly, her hand sneakily ran down his chest. Her green eyes flashed devilishly as she starred down at her brother, as her hand slipped beneath the waistband of his jeans. "In these six long years I've only thought of you, Simon. No other man has..." Amy scowled as she felt his phone vibrate and rang against her thigh.

"How the fuck did that bitch get my number!" Simon growled as he viewed the picture text Melody sent him.

"Who?" Amy asked turning his hand. "I always knew she was a fucking slut," she spat looking at the nude photo of Melody posing for the camera. Her eyes narrowing when she recognized the number. "That's dad's number, why would he be sending you this?!"

"I don't fucking know, you tell me? You were fucking him were you not?"

"Not in six years Simon, that was what I was trying to tell you," Amy said, pushing his phone away so his attention would be solely on her. "No man," she said, taking hold of his right hand. Her left hand covering his as she brought it to her left breast. Her sultry eyes starred down at him, biting her lip as Simon gently squeezed her breast. Feeling that tight bud of hers tightening underneath the palm of his hand. "Has touch me," Amy cooed guiding his hand down her stomach. Her muscles rippled as it moved over her covered mound. "Here!" she purred loudly. Tossing her head back, her eyes fluttering as she felt the man she loved finally touching her womanhood.

"Shall we find out if that's true?!" Simon asked not waiting for her answer. His fingers pushed aside her panties.

Amy's eyes went wide, her mouth hung frozen in place. Feeling her cunt eagerly accepting her brother's fingers. "Oh yes! Yes Simon! Right there!" Amy cried out as Simon rubbed that dime size rough patch. Her fingers cured around his t-shirt as his appendages glided through her awakening mound. Her mouth froze in the shape of an "O" when Simon rolled his thumb along her clitoris. "Yes baby! Don't fucking stop!" Amy begged as her hips moved on their own. "Oh god! I always... I prayed this... your fingers would feel so good deep inside of me," she stuttered.

"Seems you were telling the truth," Simon said, increasing the upward thrust into his sister's cunt.

"Mmmhmm," Amy muttered salaciously. Amy gave her brother a sly smirk as she unsnapped the button of his jeans. "Oh fuck! Yes, yes, let me fuck those fingers Simon," she whimpered as her hips rocked rapidly on his fingers.

"Cum Amy, I know that's what you been awaiting on," Simon said devilishly, pressing hard on her clit as he rubbed hard on her throbbing pink bud.

"Oh Simon!" Amy moaned as her womb sent down a torrent of cream. "I've needed that for so... long," she said breathlessly, "But I need this even more," Amy purred as her hand ran up and down her brother's hard covered cock. Her eye twitched as Simon's phone rang again.

"Simon. I know you like my body you always have. What happened years' ago maybe I shouldn't have done that to you, but it is what it is. Now I'm your stepmother, and as such I demand you fuck this pussy of mine. Trust me my pussy is far better than that sister of yours. Don't waste this chance Simon, we are only here for two more days; and I want to feel my son between my legs before we leave. When we see each other again I want that cock out for me to taste." Amy's eyes narrowed hatefully as she read the text Melody sent her brother with close up view of her cunt. Which in her opinion looked like an overcooked roast beef sandwich.

"I show you who's pussy is better," Amy growled at the phone before pushing it away. Roughly pushing down Simon's underwear, pushing aside her own, Amy looked at her brother as she posed the head of his cock at her entrance. "Oh Simon! I knew you were big... but damn..." Hissing as she quickly rose taking a few breathes as her canal grew accustom to his size. Her body quaked in bliss as she inched down on that hard, thick, hot pole of his. "Touch me like you would grandma," Amy whispered pleadingly. Gooseflesh rose along her skin as her brother's hands moved lightly along her body. The way his thumbs circled around her areolas. How his hands cradled her breasts as her hips slowly rocked along that steel rod. The way his right hand pressed gently on the back of her neck. Her heart raced in anticipation as Simon brought her closer to his lips inch by inch. Her muscles trembled as his left hand danced down her spine. A moan rumbled deep within her chest as their lips touched, and the way his hand squeezed her ass. Her eyes shot wide as Simon thrust matched her own downward ones. Sending that hard tool into the depths of her womanhood that hadn't felt the touch of a man in so long. Amy squealed into his mouth as she orgasmed on that cock of his.

"Oh... fuck... yes! Make me cum again Simon, your sister needs you to make her feel like a woman again," Amy moaned wantonly. Breathing heavily into his hair, as Simon rapidly propelled his cock upwards into her liquefying cunt. "God! You feel so good inside of me little brother!" she howled in joy as his thrust showed no sign of weakening.

Sweat dripped from her nose; the windows supported a nice layer of fog, as her sex filled the her car in its aroma. Four times Simon had made her cum. Four times he had made her womb cream. Four times he had made her howl like a banshee. Yet she needed something. She needed something only Simon could give her. Amy knew she was at the peak of her ovulation. With her mother at the age of 46 and her aunt a few years younger than Pamela. It was up to her to ensure that she was the one that carried Simon's child.

"Simon," Amy said, a soft glow radiated off her skin. Her fingers skimming his cheeks as she looked lovingly into his eyes. "I meant every word. I do want to take care of you. I want to truly be yours now and forever. I've loved you since I was sixteen. I can think of nothing better than the way we are now, to be like this, sharing everything our bodies can offer to one another," she said, mimicking the words her grandmother spoke on the video will. "Please baby don't cry, as grandmother showed you it's okay to love me. To love your family like this," Amy said, placing a kiss on the palm of his hand before placing it on her breast. She knew those tears were more for his time with their grandmother than it was for her words. Yet she didn't care. All that matter to her was Simon was with her and deep inside her. "Now cum inside of the woman that will always be yours!"

"So no more fucking Dad?"

"N...o," Amy stuttered shaking her head, "I only want you, Simon. Oh yes! Yes Simon! Fill up my womb!" she howled her folds squeezed his cock, as that hot seed shot forth.

"So it seems I must destroy the bitch, seeing how she didn't take the hint six years ago," Simon said angrily, as they drove back home. His eyes narrowing at the text and the pictures Melody had sent.

"Simon? What are you going to do?" Amy asked worried about what was brewing inside his head.

"Don't you find it odd nothing happened to them?! That me, grandma, and aunt Caroline were the ones you all hurt the most. Yet nothing happens to these two, that they move off have a kid and what? Just how long was Melody cheating on me, Amy?" Simon asked looking over at her.

"About a year, Simon," Amy whispered.

"And just how did she get involved in what I saw that day?"

"She walked in on us as Mom was getting split roasted by grandpa and uncle Robert, and Dad was fucking me," Amy said matter-of-fact, "She threatened all of us. Telling us she'll tell the whole world about what we were doing, yet all the while eyeing Dad's cock," she said, her hand gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"And how and why did you get involved in that?" Simon asked quizzically.

"Well..." Amy said looking away scratching her cheek, "I found Mom standing in your doorway - naked mind you - one night when you were sound asleep. She was tired of how uncle, grandpa, and Dad treated her. Always using her as if she was just a whore to fulfill their needs. She wanted a man to see her as a woman and not some fuck toy. She thought to take you as hers, to show you want she could offer you; to make you see that she was the only one you needed. But you were sixteen, and soon Mom came to her senses. She knew she couldn't do that to you, or so I thought," she said hinting at what happened six years ago. "So I offered myself to her to protect you, Simon."

"Protect me?" Simon asked confused.

"Yes Simon," Amy nodded, "I told you. I love you, and I'm your older sister it's my job to look out for you. So I took her by the hand led her to my room, and gave my body to Mom. I didn't want you to be caught up in what we were doing until you could make that decision for yourself. So I let them use my body, all so that you - Simon - would be protected from them," she said squeezing Simon's hand.

"Oh?!" Simon said mulling it over.

"So whatever you do Simon, just remember what I've done to keep you safe. So that whatever it is you're going to do doesn't come back onto us, because I want us to grow closer to one another," Amy said, praying that Simon would heed her words.

"Hmm..." Simon said, dropping his chin into his hand as they pulled onto their street. "I have to think about this," he said glancing out of the corner of his eye. Wondering if a fraction of what she said was true.

"I'm willing to help Simon. You have no idea how I hate that women. The things she would always say to you, all the while putting on a pretty face for you," Amy growled hatefully.

"You know I'm probably going to destroy Dad too, right? Since it was his phone she sent this crap from," Simon said coldly.

"I figured as much, Simon. Did you know he had the audacity to text me during grandma's funeral. Asking me to suck his cock, and to meet him in the bathroom so he could fuck me?!" Simon contained his anger, now it was certain. He was going to make his father watch. "No one disrespects my grandmother!" Simon hissed angrily inside his head.

"Simon?" Pamela said, kneeling on a pillow waiting for them to return. Her eyes downcast, her hands folded in her lap. She prayed, she hoped she could get him to change his mind. "Please don't send me way!" she pleaded tears reaming her eyes as she looked up at him as the door opened. "I'll do anything you want. I'll be anything you need, just please don't kick me out."

"Is it true?" Simon asked as Amy closed the door.

"Is what true?" Pamela asked confused.

"That when I was sixteen you were standing nude in my doorway. Thinking on making me see you as a woman?" Simon asked looking down at his mother.

"Then Amy told you?" Pamela asked her eyes glancing over at Amy. "Yes Simon. While I'm not proud of how low I was at the time. But yes, I was a hairs breath away from crawling into your bed and making you see me as a woman and not your mother."

"So then it's true they used you like a cum dumpster?"

"Y-yes," Pamela said, lip trembled remembering her youth when her father and brother took advantage of her. "But!" she said, her hands shooting out taking hold of his pants legs. "I'll be that for you, baby! Your mother will be anything you need, just please don't leave me!"

"No," Simon said shaking his head, "I no longer need a cum dumpster..."

"Then..." Pamela began to say only to be stopped by Simon's hand.

"Let me finish."

"Okay," Pamela said, her cheeks heated in embarrassment.

"What I need now is a slut mother," Simon said bending down, his fingers skimming along her jaw tilting her chin up. "Don't you think so?"

"Oh yes! I'll be your slut, baby," Pamela cooed rubbing her hands along his thighs. "I'll always make sure you're satisfied, Simon."

"I have a question for you, my little slut," Simon said smirking deviously down at his mother.

"Yes, I hope it's will I suck your cock, because your slut is hungry," Pamela purred matching his smirk with one of her own.

"Maybe later," Simon said, his finger brushing along his mother's right cheek.

"Okay, then what is it?" Pamela huffed slightly pouting.

"How," Simon said, his face inches away from hers. An evil, cruel, sinful light flared in Simon's chocolate brown eyes. "Would you like to help me destroy Dad and his little whore?"

"With pleasure!"