A Family Destroyed Ch. 04 a


"Hey!" Brittany said wiggling her nose, "I didn't hear you complaining when you came four times inside of me yesterday."

"Hey, what can I say that's a tight little hole you have there," Adam said shrugging his shoulders as he took a sip of his beer.

"Would you like to try it Simon?" Brittany asked hoping that he would. "I'll do anything you want, just let me feel you inside of me," she whispered in a wanton purr.

"Anything?!" Simon asked wondering if he could add to his father's downfall.

"Mmm-hmm," Brittany cooed stroking Simon's cock through his pants.

"So Simon you said something about Melody?" Adam asked eager to fulfill his high school wet dream.

"Ah, right, I'll have to go back to six years ago," Simon said, going into detail how he found out she was sleeping with his father while leaving everything else out. How upon his return learnt how they had married and nothing ever happened to them. "See," he said. Opening up his message app setting his phone in the middle of the table showing them the nudes she had sent him. "Even after she ran off, got pregnant she is still trying to fuck with me."

"Damn!" All three said unison as Melody's picture filled the screen. Simon wasn't ashamed to say he was checking out his friend's ass as she leaned over the table. He was sure most the guys that had a view of it were too. Not that he could blame them she was flashing off that mound of hers as her dress rode up. Placing his hand palm up on her seat Simon was curious to see if it felt like a real woman's labia. Brittany didn't say word when she sat back down, yet those eyes of hers shot quickly towards him. Simon's Adams apple bobbed as that devious smile spread across her lips.

"My aren't you the naughty one," Brittany whispered in his ear, "Does my pussy feel like your sister's? Better yet I think you need to really feel me," she said lifting her hips slightly. Pushing back her dress enough, taking hold of his middle and index finger, peeling her panties to the side before allowing him to explore her sex. "So what do you think?" Brittany asked in a hushed whisper squeezing her muscles around his appendages.

"Feels like the real thing," Simon admitted.

"Then you'll stick this cock inside of me?" Brittany asked breathing heavily into a ear.

"So..." Cody began to say only to be cut off by Adam.

"We can fuck her right?" Adam asked low so not to be over heard.

"Yeah, that is why I have asked for you three to meet here," Simon nodded, "Because I'm so not fucking her."

"Good. Not when there are better women eager and willing to fuck you," Brittany said. She just couldn't stop touching Simon's cock. She had to see it. Had to know how it felt deep inside of her. Biting Simon's shoulder as she came on his fingers.

"And you're okay with us taking turns?" Cody asked feeling himself getting hard at the thought and the look on Brittany's face. He knew that look well enough to know she had just came.

"Well," Simon said scratching his chin, "At first yes, see I want her to believe I'm the one doing it. While in all actuality the two of you will be taking turns. You just can't say a word. At least until I end the charade. Then how would the two of you feel spilt roasting the bitch?"

"Oh, they won't have a problem with that. They've tag teamed me enough to not have performance issues," Brittany said shooting her childhood friends a coy smirk. "But what about me Simon? I too want to fuck this bitch. I hate how she broke your heart," she said, her hand moved over his sculpted chest to come to a rest over Simon's heart.

"Umm...sure, you can but it'll be after I end the game. However, there is one thing I would like for you to do," Simon said looking over at Brittany.

"I've already told you I'll do anything you want Simon. The question is are you willing to pay the price," Brittany said taking a sip of Simon's beer. "So what is it you need me to do?"

"I need you to fuck my father," Simon said leaning in to Brittany, "Can you make him believe he's fucking Amy?" he whispered into her ear. Since she had already knew, however she had guessed at it, he didn't see a reason to hide it from her.

"Why isn't she doing it?"

"Umm...personal reasons." Simon blushed hard as those eyes of hers became sultry.

"Oh, she's in love with you," Brittany gasped before that sinful smile formed on her lips. "I can't blame her," her tongue curled touching the tip of her nose, "A man as handsome, caring, strong as you are is a rare find. So do you fuck all your family members?" Brittany asked low wondering if their two families could mingle together. Her eyes lit up when Simon nodded. "You and I need to get together some time. I think our families would get along extremely well."

"It have to be after the holiday weekend. Mom and Amy wants to go to the lake house."

"You have a lake house!" Brittany said in awe.

"Dude! Why didn't you tell us we could be partying at the lake," Adam said faking annoyance.

"I have a mountain one too," Simon said taunting his friend.

"You so have to take me," Brittany said leaning in, "Then maybe you'll fuck me on the beach or in the snow?"

"So what exactly is in it for you if we do this?" Cody asked wondering if Simon was the same person he once knew. The way Brittany was hanging all over him told him she must have found something she wanted.

"Blackmail," Simon said matter-of-fact, "It's the only way I can protect my family from that whore. Plus breaking my father that's just a damn good bonus."

"Wait?! Let me get this right she's blackmailing you into fucking her, so you're going to orchestrate this elaborate plan all so you can blackmail her back?! Why?" Adam asked perplexed.

"And break her so splendidly that she leaves me and my family alone for the rest of her life. Plus I thought given how she felt about the three of you what better way then having you three drill her so spectacularly that it will forever live with her."

"Okay I get that, but why?" Adam asked stabbing the table with his finger.

"Come on genus," Brittany sighed in aspiration, "Because Simon here shares something special with us," she said shooting her two friends a knowing look.

"Oh! Is that why your mom wouldn't give me the time of day?" Adam asked shaking the table. "Tell me how was she?! What about Amy? Are her tits as awesome as they appear to be?!"

"Dude!" Cody said slapping Adam's arm, "Would you want Simon to ask about how your own mother," he whispered low, "Pussy looked liked?"

"Forgive me Simon, it's just they're so damn hot," Adam sighed deeply.

"Mmm-hmm," Brittany nodded, "Simon, have you ever seen you mom or sister with another woman?"

"No," Simon lied.

"Maybe you'll like to see me with them?" Brittany asked walking her fingers up his arm.

"We'll see."

"I need another beer," Adam said sliding off his seat, "Want me to get you another?" he asked Simon reaching over picking up his empty bottle.

"Nah, one is my limit."

"Don't be a pussy have another," Brittany said bumping his shoulder.

"Can't it affects me to much with the meds I'm on," Simon said looking over at her.

"Oh. I'm sorry I should have known," Brittany said hiding her embarrassment.

"Don't worry bud I'll get you a soda," Adam said patting Simon's shoulder as he passed.

"Well, wouldn't you know," Simon chuckled wickedly as Melody sent him another nude text.

"I can't wait for tomorrow night. My pussy is already wet thinking about your cock. God. It was so big! I wonder if I can fit it all inside this pretty pussy?!" Melody texted sending along another picture of her gapping cunt.

"God! Who the hell wants to see that!" Brittany spat in disgust.

"Damn!" Adam said nearly yelling in Simon's ear.

"So what hotel are we going to?" Running a goggle search for the closest hotel near his grandmother's place. All so Melody would believe he was genuine in meeting her. Quickly, reserving a room for tomorrow night, prepaying for the room so once he was gone all Adam to do was turn in the key once they were done with Melody. Sending a text to her to meet up at eight tomorrow night at the Sea Maiden hotel

"Is any one of you working tomorrow?" Simon asked looking around the table.

"I do," Cody said.

"Me too," Adam said in a tired sigh.

"Well, I'm free all day, and I mean all day," Brittany said sensuously before assaulting Simon's lips. "God, a man who can actually kiss," she said dreamily.

"Hey!" Adam and Cody chirped in unison.

"What?! None of you knows how to move that flaccid thing you call a tongue," Brittany said in a matter-of-fact tone, "If you worked on it like I said I wouldn't have said it. So who taught you how to kiss like that?" she asked snuggling up to Simon.

"My grandmother," Simon whispered the hints of pain underlying his words.

"Well, you tell her she has my seal of approval in her teaching," Brittany sighed happily.

"I can't she died over a week ago," Simon said a single tear glistened in his eye.

"Man! Why didn't you say something!" Cody said irked that Simon hadn't told them about it. "Melody, knows this right?" his anger flaring when Simon nodded.

"Oh, we are so going to take this bitch down," Adam said looking over at Cody.

"Damn right we are," Cody said with a stern nod. "We're going to make her regret fucking with our friend when he's grieving."

Simon couldn't help but smile at their words. It seemed to him they haven't changed in the six years he was gone. While some things and a certain person might have changed, yet they were the same people he knew all his life.

"You loved her more than a grandson should didn't you?" Brittany asked when she saw the lost in his eyes when he spoke of her. How her heart ached for him as Simon slowly nodded. "She was the one that brought you in to our world?" she asked again Simon nodded. "Oh Simon!" Brittany said thrusting his face into her bosom.

Simon began to wonder why he was constantly face down in breasts. Not that he was complaining. He pondered if he just had that kind of face. Although Simon was genuinely surprised how good Brittany breasts felt. He could feel the implants, yet they didn't detract from the softness of those mounds of pillowy flesh. Nevertheless, they weren't anywhere near how good his sister's felt.

"I know they aren't real breasts, but I hope they can offer you solace in your time of need," Brittany whispered sweetly stroking his hair.

"So compared to Brittany's how does your sister's boobs feel like?" Adam asked with a cocky grin.

"I'm so not answering that," Simon said knowing a trap when he saw one. All four shared a heartily laugh. Enjoying each others company as ten minutes turned to an half an hour then and hour. Yet as the time reached nine thirty p.m. Simon felt his medication starting to wear off. He needed to get back before it wore off completely. Simon didn't notice the worried, concerned looks Adam and Brittany wore as he rubbed his leg.

"Alright, I got to hit the head," Simon sighed at their confused looks, "The bathroom," he said shaking his head while reaching for his cane. He had texted his sister once the pain started to awaken, and to bring his percocet with her. Simon didn't see the nod Brittany gave the other two as they followed after Simon. Bracing himself against the wall as he stood in front of the urinal. Wincing as he accidentally put weight on his left leg from being startled by the pair of hands running up his back.

"Simon," Brittany whispered into his ear, "Allow me to help you. It can't be easy standing on one leg while taking a piss," she said reaching around batting his hand away. "Can you feel how soft my hands are on that thick cock of yours?" Brittany asked shaking his cock once he had finished. "Now I think a good cleaning is in order," she said feeling her cunt throbbing in heat. Smirking at Simon as she lead him towards the sink by his cock. "Now you rest here and I'll get your cane," Brittany said kissing him softly while her hands gently stroked his cock.


"Shh! Let me take care of you, Simon. You don't have to fuck me yet. I want that to be special between you and I, and not in the men's bathroom in a sports bar. There's no need to worry about being interrupted Adam and Cody are standing guard outside," Brittany said, her left hand stroked his shaft, right thumb kneaded that bulbous head. "What am I doing! Here you are showing me this fabulous cock of yours, and you are haven't even seen my boobs!" she said quickly shoving down the front of her dress. "Go on, Simon, touch them I promise you'll like them," Brittany said tilting her head back as Simon palmed her breasts. "Now I think...I know I need to feel your cock stuffing my mouth," she said squatting down in front of him. Brittany wasn't going to soil her knees on that bathroom floor. "You just let me know when you're about to cum, okay?" Brittany said before licking up the back of Simon's cock.

Brittany was in heaven as his semen exploded in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered as his sperm coated her tongue. She didn't know why, but Simon's cum tasted delicious not even her father's, Adam's, or Cody's tasted so good. Before she knew it she was bobbing rapidly on his softening member trying draw out every drop of cum still deep within his balls. As the head of his cock neared her lips as she pulled back, sucking hard as she swallowed his hot cum.

"Simon, take out your phone," Brittany ordered as she rose to her full height. Holding out her hand to him. Opening up his camera app snapping a few photos of her in various poses displaying her naked breasts for him. Hiking up her dress pushing her panties to the floor, her black lace g-string flipped in the air before landing on Simon's softening member. "Go on, get a whiff of my scent, can't you feel how wet they've been since you arrived?" Brittany asked smirking at how his cock started to rise again. She loved her father. She loved him all the more because of his acceptance. Yet Dale-her father-was getting up there in age, and she didn't wish to push her father. That was why she allowed Adam and Cody to fuck her. To ease some of the strain off of her father from her insatiable apatite.

Simon didn't need to feel her panties. He could feel their dampness on his cock. However, his attention wasn't focused on her panties, no, his eyes were captivated by Brittany's naked dance floor.

"Would you like to see it?" Brittany asked reaching down running her middle finger through her sex. Leaving a trail of her juice along her skin as her finger moved up that smooth patch of sin. "Have a taste of your oldest friend," she said offering her juice coated finger. Simon was perplexed it tasted like a pussy yet a tad sweeter. He was so confused. "Look at it Simon," Brittany said as she bent over in front of him. Showing off her perfectly sculpted pink throbbing labia, running two fingers through her lips before spreading them open. Letting Simon view her tight little hole she knew that he would soon be occupying. "Now, I hope you jack this fucking delicious cock to me," Brittany said holding him his phone back filled with pictures of her moist snatch.

"I'll be waiting with baited breath for a ride on this thing," Brittany cooed kissing him with longing after she had straightened out her dress. Yet that didn't quench the fire that was burning within her cunt. God. If Simon wasn't in pain at the moment she be filling that bathroom with her moans. "Now your sister should be here soon," she said, her hands down Simon's taut chest feeling her juices starting to gather in her canal. Moaning in her mind as she felt every single muscle he had. "There like nothing happen," Brittany said smiling sweetly at Simon.

"Okay, I need you three to meet me at Sea Maiden hotel, room 222 at seven thirty so we can be ready for Melody when she arrives," Simon said as he saw Amy's car pulling up. "Oh," he said pointing between Cody and Adam, "Might want to bring condoms no telling what she has."

"Right," Adam nodded.

"We are so going to destroy that bitch," Cody nodded fist bumping Adam.

"Damn right we are," Brittany said grimly. Her eyes flashed to Amy's car as it pulled to a stop. Her hips swayed alluringly as she walked towards Simon. She wanted to know if Amy was indeed in love with her brother. Brittany watched as Amy's eyes narrowed, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as she pressed her body against Simon's.

"Simon!" Amy shouted out the window as she saw that strange, beautiful woman kissing her brother.

"Now I'm jealous," Brittany pouted, "Why does she get to have you," she sighed heavily as she rested her head against his chest. "Give my apologizes to your sister I had to know."

"I see you all tomorrow," Simon said waving to his friends as limped towards Amy's car.

"Who the fuck was that bitch!" Amy seethed as Simon opened the passenger side door.

"Oh, that was Matt," Simon said sliding into the seat. Taking the pill bottle from the cup holder, "Thanks," he said popping two pills into his mouth.

"Wait! Back up. That was Matt, are you shitting me?!" Amy asked dumbfounded. "Matt!" she called out to Brittany as she pulled behind her car.

"Hey Amy, it's been a long time," Brittany said her crimson painted lips curved into a smile.

"When did you become a chick?! And just where did you get that dress?" Amy asked green eyes ran down Brittany's body. Wondering if Simon would enjoy seeing her wear such a dress.

"It's Brittany now, I transitioned a year after high school; and my daddy bought me this just last mouth I'll ask where he got it when I get home. He enjoys taking it off of me when I wear it. As I'm sure you're thinking the same thing with Simon," Brittany said smiling coyly as she bent over. Resting her arms on the seal of the open window. "So Amy how does his cock feel like deep inside of you? Does his thick cock stretch you out like I hope it will?" she asked giving Amy a knowing smile at her shocked look. "Please don't play innocent we both know how hot your brother is," Brittany said leaning into the cab of the car. Taking Amy by surprise her eyes glancing up at Simon as their kiss lasted for five heart beats. "Was that your first kiss from a woman?"

"N-n-no," Amy stammered.

"Mmm...then maybe you and I can put on a show for your brother, hmm? We both want to see that beast in it's full glory don't we?" Brittany asked her fingers running along Amy's jaw. "There's nothing like family love is there? It's okay I know...we all know what you and your mother does to Simon. I'm a little jealous you get to ride that fat cock any time you want. Can I see the two of you kiss?" She giggled when Amy didn't waste a second. "Damn that was hot! Makes me wish I had a brother," Brittany sighed quickly glancing down wondering if that beast had reared its head. "Simon, call me later we need to setup a meet and greet between our families, because I so want to share our unique taste with one another."

"I think..." Amy began to say looking over at Simon. She did wish they could be more open with one another. Was it possible? Could they finally be so open with one another; and not be shunned by the people around them, or have to lie about who they were? "We would like that."

"Good. Maybe we all could go to his lake house one weekend and really get to know one another?" Brittany asked planting the seed. "Well, I need to get home. My daddy will want to peel this off of me. It was good to see you again Simon and you Amy."

"Damn she's hotter than I am, and I'm a real woman! That is so unfair!" Amy said in stunned aspiration when they were half way home

"Umm...sis have you looked at yourself lately? You're rather..." Simon said eyeing her black slip dress that ended at mid thigh. He wondered why she would wear such a dress just to pick him up.


"Hot. You do know that right?" Simon asked pondering why she was comparing herself to Brittany.

"So...say if I wore a dress like that..."

"You wouldn't be wearing it for long," Simon said interrupting his sister. Smirking when Amy released a primal moan. He didn't know why his heart was racing as the lights of his house appeared down the road. Yet as he looked over at his sister the smile she wore kind of made him nervous.

"Wait Simon!" Amy said taking him by the arm when he neared the front door.


"You can't see your gift yet," Pamela said rounding the corner of the house.

"Your sister went to a lot of trouble setting this up for you," Caroline said rounding the other corner.

"Why don't we let your sister go in first, and we'll guide you inside," Pamela said placing the blindfold over his eyes. "Don't worry baby let us lead you. We won't let you fall," she said. Placing his left arm along her shoulders, her right arm wrapped around his waist to bear his weight.

"Do bring in my adorable brother!" Amy called out once she was ready. Pamela and Caroline slowly led Simon into the living room. The items that could be moved into other rooms were to free up space for the stage and that chrome pole. The couch was pushed back against the farthest wall. The chairs were currently occupying the bedroom Amy had taken over. Ever changing lights pulsated in a random intervals that was attached to the head of the pole. Soft blue light illuminated the stage showing Pamela and Caroline the path in that dark room to the lone folding chair a foot away from the stage.

"Okay, Simon, just ease yourself down," Pamela said holding the back of the chair steady for her son.

"If you like it maybe...I could do the same thing for you?" Caroline whispered into his ear. When Amy and her friend brought the item into their home at first she was apprehensive, yet then as she walked around it when they waited for Amy to return with Simon. She spun around the pole a few times. Rolling her hips against just to see if she could actually do it. Looking behind her as Amy stood ready in the dark of the doorway to the living room. Wondering if she could get Amy to teach her, however, first she wanted to see this show. Only then would she make any decision if it would be feasible for her to preform such an act.

"I'm going to lay your cane down here on the floor," Pamela said setting it down beside him, "Do enjoy your gift baby. Maybe later you'll let your mother do the same thing for you," she purred as her hand ran up his crotch.

"Can I take this off now?" Simon asked touching the blindfold.

"Nah ah ah, not just yet. Allow your sister to do that." Pamela softly blew into his ear. "If you need anything we'll be over on the couch, you just howler if you need me for anything," she purred wantonly.

Police sirens echoed through the speakers as the intro to Madonna's 'Like a prayer' began to play. Amy walked sensuously towards her brother's back. Her hands rested on his shoulders before running down his chest as she leaned forward. His head sat in-between her breasts as her hips swayed to the music. Giving her mother the signal to pause the music.

"Simon, before I take off the blindfold. I want you to know no one has ever seen me do this outside of the studio that is. I do hope you enjoy what your about to see, because if you do I was thinking making this a regular thing between us," Amy said lovingly, "How about we take this off now?" she asked tossing the blindfold to her mother. "Now you sit there, and allow your sister to please the only man she ever loved," Amy whispered into his hair before placing a kiss on top of his head.

Simon's eyes went wide at the sight of the stripper pole and its stage. His Adams apple bobbed as Amy's sultry green eyes fell upon him. His tongue rolled around his mouth to try to bring some symbolize of moisture to it as he eyed Amy's black translucent bra and panties.

"Does my body please you Simon?" Amy asked. Yet all Simon could do was nod. "Excellent!" Amy purred before lightly kissing his lips. "Now enjoy the show," she said slyly smirking turning back to the stage.

Nodding to her mother that she was ready.

"Life is a mystery." Amy slowly walked around the pole allowing the flashing lights to display her body to her brother. "Everyone must stand alone." Her eyes falling on Simon foretelling of his years alone. "I hear you call my name." Grabbing high onto pole inverting herself as legs wrapped around the top of the pole. "And it feels like home." Amy hanged upside down, winking at Simon as she began to see that hunger in his eyes.

"When you call my name it's like a little prayer." Placing her hands on the stage releasing her hold on the pole. Spreading her legs flashing her brother her paradise before bending forward going into a split in front of Simon. "I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there." Peering over her shoulder smirking at Simon as she softly bounced her hips simulating what they were going to do soon. "In the midnight hour I can feel your power." Amy bit her lips as her aching mound softly brushed against the stage as she twerked. "Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there." Reaching behind her back unhooking the clasp of her bra. Cupping her breasts, holding her bra to her chest as she spun around on her knees to face him.

"I hear you voice, it's like an angel sighing." Rolling her hips alluringly, unbridled lust filled her eyes as that rod of man flicked against Simon's jeans. "I have no choice, I hear your voice." Amy beckoned Simon forward. "Feels like flying." Using her bra, hooking it behind his head bringing Simon forward. "I close my eyes, oh God I think I'm falling." Holding Simon's head against her chest brushing her breasts across his face. "Out of the sky, I close my eyes." Amy leaned down her lips brushing against his allowing Simon to feel her passion, her need, her hunger as he tasted his woman. "Heaven help me." Amy mouthed the words as she pulled away. Pushing her brother back, wagging her finger at him before lowering herself onto her back.

"Like a child you whisper softly to me." Bracing her feet on the lip of the stage, spreading her legs, her right hand ran down her flat stomach. Her back arched as the pad of her index finger ran up her slit. Her body trembled as she fought to contain her moan. "You're in control just like a child." Bringing her legs up, pressing them together showing off her red puffy lips. Her left hand reached down smacking her ass as she rocked her legs back and forth. "Now I'm dancing." Rolling to her knees, reaching back resting her left leg then her right on his lap. "It's like a dream, no end and no beginning." Thrusting her ass against his chest, rocking her hips rubbing her mound against his shirt.

"F-f-fuck!" Amy hissed her nails dragged along the stage. She didn't think she would have came, yet it appeared her body had other plans. Pressing her hand against Simon's hand as he held onto her right breast to steady her body. "You're here with me, it's like a dream." Reaching between her legs unzipping Simon's fly, her fingers seeking out the one thing that could make things right.

Her body craved for the only thing that could quench the fire in her molten mound. While she wanted to finish the set for Simon, however, her desire overruled everything. Bracing her hands on the lip of the stage lowering her legs to the floor.

"Oh Simon!" Amy howled out in surprise as Simon licked up her covered mound. "Fuck baby! If you want my pussy I think it would be better if you went straight to the source," she said looking back pulling aside her thong. Wondering why her mother and aunt were still sitting on the couch. That was until she saw them touching themselves. "Oh God!" Amy screamed out as Simon clamped his mouth around her clit. "Yes, yes, yes! That's it baby bro make your sister feel good!"

"Yes, you better take care of my darling girl, Simon," Pamela said sternly as her fingers ran slowly up and down her labia.

"Yes, do give us a show," Caroline said licking her lips as she fondled herself.

"Simon, get up here and fuck your sister! I've been waiting all day for this, to feel you thrusting hard into me. I know your leg might be hurting so just hold on to me for support while you fuck me with that delicious cock of yours," Amy ordered.

"With pleasure," Simon said getting to his feet. A primal moan rumbled in his chest as his cock inched into his sister's tight cunt.

8:00 p.m. the next night...

"Simon!" Melody cried joyfully as she entered the lobby of the hotel. Wearing the same trench coat she had worn a few days ago and little of nothing else underneath it. It was so Simon wouldn't have to trouble his leg to undress her. Throwing her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his lips. A mischievous light flared in her eyes as Simon actually kissed her back. Thinking that she was indeed getting Simon underneath her thumb. "So Simon are you ready to experience me?!" she asked breathing heavily into his ear. Simon said nothing as he took her by the hand leading her towards the elevators. She didn't care if he was or wasn't after tonight none of that would matter any longer. She knew once he felt how it was being inside of her that Simon would be just another pawn for her to use just like when they were in high school. "Simon, we have all night your father said he was going to be with your sister for the rest of the evening," Melody said watching his reflection for any hint of reaction to her words. Yet all she was meet with was that steely gaze of his. "I'm going to show you such a good time Simon," she said sucking on his neck.

"It's okay Simon," Melody said rubbing his crotch knowing the security personnel a very good show. "I know the bad blood between us won't be easy to repair, but I want you to know I'm willing to work at it," she said as the elevator doors rolled open. "Come, I want to show everything I have to offer," Melody said tugging him out of the cab.

"This way," Simon said leading her down the hall to room 222. An evil light flared in the depths of his brown eyes knowing his father was ready to feel his wrath. The quickness the man jumped when Amy called him. Simon shuddered in the darkness of the bathroom at how his father nearly jumped on his sister when she opened the door. However, due to Amy's quick thinking she avoided the mauling. Looking to his friends as Amy told his father she had something special for him. Cody and Adam covered their mouths as Brittany teased Simon in the dark of the bathroom. Listening to the sound of the cuffs closing as Amy got their father ready. With his father blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed Simon knew they were ready. Brittany winked at him as she got to her knees in front of his father as he passed to go fetch Melody. "Put this on," Simon said turning to her holding out an extra blindfold. "I want to surprise you," he said bashfully hoping Melody was buying his act.

"Oh, do you have something special for me? Did you make the room ready for me?" Melody asked with a sinister smile as she took the blindfold from him. She was willing to humour him. She wanted Simon to think she was genuine in her words. Melody had no inkling of repairing the bad blood between them. All that mattered to her was that Simon would should be giving into her whenever she wanted. She was forever going to hold the threat of his incestuous activities over him. It was the only way she knew that Simon would forever be underneath her thumb. "Okay, I'm ready," Melody said as the blindfold settled over her eyes.

With the sound of the card key sliding into the reader, giving his friends the signal to open the door. Silently stepping to the side as Adam took hold of Melody's hand. Simon diverted his eyes at the sight of his nude friend. Rolling his eyes at Adam's smirk. Quietly following after them, closing the door behind them as Melody's voice filled the room. Simon saw his father become still as Brittany sucked him off at the sound of her voice. An evil smirk appeared on Simon's lips knowing his father's thoughts on people like Brittany. Simon wondered if this would fracture his psyche. An maniacal laugh rippled through his mind at the thought.

"Oh, Simon," Melody cooed as Adam roughly pushed her onto the bed. "Go easy baby, we have all night," she said worriedly as Adam snatched down her panties. Buttons popped as he ripped open her coat. "Fuck!" Melody cried out as Adam thrust rough and hard into her. Squeezing her breasts before sucking on her milk filled orbs. "Simon...I don't... know...you liked it rough."

Simon rested against the dresser blowing his sister a kiss as she moved around the room videoing it all. Watching as Amy whispered into their father's ear, Simon fought down his laughter at his father's vehement nod. Seeing the sour look on Brittany's face as she spat out Paul's semen. Her nose wrinkled as she scurried over to him.

"His semen is so rancid," Brittany whispered so Melody won't hear. "Simon, after I'm done can I please suck you off to get the taste out of my mouth?" she asked with pleading eyes. How could he say no? She was doing him a huge favour. Reaching down undoing his fly, watching how Brittany's eyes lit up as he freed his cock from his underwear. "Thank you Simon," Brittany whispered smiling up at Simon.

Quickly looking up as Adam grunted, arching an eyebrow at his friends loud grunts as he came deep within Melody. Nodding to Cody telling him it was his turn. Listening to Melody's surprised gasp as Cody flipped her onto her stomach. Brining her up to her knees listening to her gasp as Cody ravished her cunt.

"Oh Simon! I thought you would be bigger, but I didn't know you could get it up so soon so unlike your father." Simon glanced over at his father watching his brow furrow in annoyance. Looking down as Brittany's mouth glided along his rod. Holding the back of her head as his cock swelled.

"So much better," Brittany whispered her eyes fluttered as she swallowed his load. "Now let's get this charade over with shall we?" she asked wondering if Simon liked the sight of her naked body. Simon couldn't argue. It was indeed time to end this charade, and end his ex-girlfriend's schemes once and for all. Nodding to Adam to take up his position, and for his sister to get the camera ready. When they were ready reaching over snatching off the blindfold.

"So you think I would fuck you!" Simon said grinning madly at her shocked expression. Giving Adam the perfect opportunity to thrust his cock into her mouth. "Did you honestly believe I would stick my cock into that whorish loose cunt you call a pussy?!"

"It is pretty damn loose," Cody said which Adam confirmed with a nod.

"That you could threaten me and my family and nothing would happen to you, slut! So tell me how does it feel getting fucked by the very guys you bitched about in high school?" Simon asked smiling wickedly at her pleading eyes. "Please! Getting fucked by two guys shouldn't be..." Laughing along with Adam and Cody as she came on Cody's tool. "Well, I do wonder if Dad knows you're still fucking uncle?" he asked looking over Melody's back seeing his father looking over at them. Melody's eyes shot towards him as if to say "How did you know?!"

"A whore will always be a whore. Knowing you, you wouldn't retract those claws you have in those two stupid idiots. However, you are no longer my problem. I would think you have more pressing concerns like - divorce. Oh, do smile for the camera," Simon said pointing to his sister. He couldn't contain his maniacal laughter as Amy waved at her from behind camera. "Oh, do say hey to Dad he's heard everything! So I do wonder how much longer I'll have to deal with a whorish stepmother?"

"Simon please..." Melody began to say only to have Adam shoving his cock back into her mouth.

"Please what?" Simon asked tilting his head to the side. "Brittany are you done with the old man yet?" he asked looking around the bed.

"Yep!" Brittany said glad to be off that cock. "How did it feel to fuck someone that use to be a man?" she whispered into Paul's ear watching him turn beet red. When Simon told her about his father's perversion to people like her she was all the more willing to fuck his father.

"Then get over here and let this bitch eat her husband's cum out of that pretty pussy you have there," Simon said smiling at her.

"Gladly!" Brittany chirped happily. "Well, you heard Simon eat this pussy!" she said shoving Adam out of the way before thrusting Melody's face into her crotch.

"Dude, don't...ah, who am I kidding say it again!" Simon chuckled.

"Eat that pussy!" Brittany said reverting to her original voice. Smiling over at Simon when Melody choked on Paul's semen. "Well boys, how about we dp this bitch?!"

"Thought you never ask," Adam grinned madly. Rubbing his hands together after he and Cody played rock, paper, scissors for the pink. Teasing Cody when he lost.

"Well Dad," Simon said taking off the blindfold, "How does it feel?" he asked making his father watch as they gangbanged Melody. "To finally know what it's like to see the woman that's supposed to love you fucking everything and everyone without a care. Do you finally feel the pain you caused me six years ago?!" Simon growled in his father's ear. "No, I guess you don't seeing how you didn't give a shit about your own son back then. No, you just wanted some whorish pussy that you could fuck on a whim. Well Dad, she's all fucking yours!" he said sarcastically. "Though I doubt that kid is yours, I would get yourself and the kid tested for whatever she might have. Who knows what uncle could have given her. Do enjoy being cockold for the rest of the night," Simon said patting Paul's shoulder. Walking back to the bed, giving Amy the signal to stop recording.

"Brittany, let her speak for a moment," Simon said waving Brittany off. Taking hold of Melody's chin, making sure she saw the hate in his eyes. "If you ever fucking threaten me or my family again that tape will see the light of day. Who would believe a slut that enjoys gangbangs? Now I think you have far more pressing matters like say as to why you made my father believe that kid is his when in truth it's uncle's," he said whether or not it was true he didn't care. All he cared about was sowing the seed of doubt into his father's mind.Yet as her eyes widened he pondered if had accidentally stumbled onto the truth. "Well fellas, do enjoy this slut of a bitch," Simon said nodding to Amy that it was time to leave.

"Simon!" Brittany scrambled off the bed returning to her sweet, soft, alluring voice


"I'm so glad you're back!" Brittany said, kissing him taking hold of his hands placing them firmly on her ass. "I can't wait for you to fill me with your hot spunk." Brittany and Adam waved to Simon as the door closed forever ending Melody's threat to his family.

The End.


One year and six months later...

Simon stood gazing through the window of the nursery. Once he had left that motel room Simon had never heard a peep from his father or Melody. Whether they were still married or not he didn't care. His uncle had mysteriously fled the home he once occupied with Caroline when Robert learned that Paul knew the truth. Was he proud he had possibly destroyed his father's marriage. Damn right he was! Every night he went to bed with a smile on his face. Yet as the days turned into months then a year Melody soon left his mind. He had other pressing matters on his mind than his old cheating ex-girlfriend.

Brittany held true to her word bring Cody's, Adam's, and her own family together along with his. Surprisingly, their families got along so well, they kind of turned into an extended family. When word was out that Caroline, then Amy, and lastly his mother was pregnant they all rushed over to congratulate them. When the baby shower came around Simon was quickly whisked out of the house by Adam and Cody. His new extended family throwing his own party for him. He had no clue how he was going to be a father, but he knew he be better than his own. Plus he knew he wouldn't be alone any longer Amy would never allow that. Smiling as he read the names of his daughters' and son's names wondering if his grandmother was proud of him. Yet he was unaware of the shadow that moved passed him.

"Simon! What are you doing here!" Brittany called out from down the hall. All Simon did was point to the four empty beds of his children. "Come on silly, they're waiting on you," she giggled pulling him down the hall.

Entering the room where his mother, sister and aunt rested after hours of labor. The crowd parted as they entered the room. There in the arms of their mother's were the next generation of Winters. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the slight movement of that shadow, as it approached their beds. Simon's lip trembled as the shadow solidified into Judy's ghostly form.

"Hallelujah!" everyone sang causing a tear to roll down Simon's cheek.