A Cabin in the Woods Ch. 02


Special thanks to my editor

All characters are over 18+


Dorothy's hand ran along her brother's chest, as she lay naked curled up beside him. Three times he had fucked her filling his house with the smell of sex—three times he had made her scream out like a sex starved slut. Yet that didn't matter anymore, not when she had the man she first fell in love with in her arms. Her eyes glanced down at the tent that always greeted her little brother every morning when they were younger. She didn't know what was going to happen to them now, however, she wasn't about to leave him, not now. Not after everything she had told him last night. She knew her brother would be in a deep sleep after the blissful, exhausting fuckfest they had several hours earlier. Dorothy listened to her brother's slight snoring as that tent held her enthralled.

Sucking on her lower lip as she slowly eased off the covers that hid his hard cock. There it stood so proudly, the very first rod that took her virginity so long ago, the one man that could never be replaced. As much as she wanted to swallow that hard tool, there was a more suitable place where Dorothy wanted that cock to rest. Slowly, swinging her right leg over her sleeping brother's body, so not to wake him from his slumber, she looked lovingly down at his face. She couldn't believe how much of a fool she was, for ever letting him go. No, matter how long it took Dorothy was willing to show him, how much he meant to her. Licking her hand before reaching down between her legs and moistening her pink lips.

Reaching back behind her, gripping William's cock, knowing that every morning this was how she was going to wake him. She didn't know how their life was going to go, she didn't need to work, her trust fund had grown quite well since she had married Jack. How that man was going to rue the day he thought to screw with her. However, that rotund man was a thing of her past as she maneuvered William's cock towards her entrance, sighing in contentment as she sank down on her brother's hard cock. Her hips rocked slowly as she glided along that hard tool. Smirking as William moaned in his sleep as she gradually increased her pace and placed a finger over his lips to shush him, so not to wake her sleeping daughter.

"Hush William or you'll wake Alice," Dorothy whispered as William slowly came to. She knew Alice was going to get her own ride, given how she stared at her in jealousy while William fucked her last night. Yet that didn't mean she wanted to share him at least not yet; not when they were just getting to know each once again. "Just enjoy how your big sister is taking care of you," Dorothy moaned softly, as her womb began to quiver. "Oh William!" she moaned from around her cupped hand. "God, you always know how to make me cum so easily!" Dorothy said trying to keep her voice below a whisper.

William reached up placing his hand behind her neck bringing his sister to his lips. With what he was about to do Dorothy was going to need something to keep her lips entertained. How William savored her as his hands cupped his sister's ass. Dorothy squealed in joy as William pumped his cock into her rapidly.

"Yes, William, make me cum little brother," Dorothy moaned around his mouth as he hammered his cock into her mound. "Give me that hot seed, soil my womb in that salty treat," she begged for release. Her hips slammed down to the hilt of his dagger as it erupted within her canal. "I love you William, I love how this cock fits so perfectly in me," Dorothy said placing a light kiss on his lips as she rode his deflating member. "Now, come take a shower with me, and I'll treat you to some more of this hot pussy," she said smiling hungrily.

Alice leaned against the sink applying her glistening lip gloss, looking into her eyes smirking at how her brown eyes were speckled with bits of green in them. Her father had amber eyes, so she wondered if her uncle was her true father, given how she was the only kid with brown-green eyes. Her brother had amber eyes like their father. Alice pondered if that was why she didn't take after her father - she had too much of her uncle's rebellious streak in her. However, those musings would have to wait; something else held her enthralled. Straightening out the straps of her halter top before cupping her 32B size breasts, a little annoyed that her mother's were a C-cup. Though, it allowed her not to worry about bras if she didn't wish to wear them (like she didn't have one on at that moment.)

While she allowed them to think she didn't hear them while they were in the shower, she knew she was finally going to have that cock of his, that she barely had a taste of yesterday. Alice had started to seduce her uncle two days ago when her mother thought to dump her on him. She remembered how the first taste of his cock was so sweet as she sucked him off, while he sat passed out in his weed induced slumber. Although she didn't get her prize since her mother's surprising arrival had ended her quest to taste her uncle's cum; however, she did get that seed she had sought the day after as her mother ate her out as she watched that cock of his fuck her mother. How her mind was filled with euphoria as William shoved his cock into her mouth letting that hot cum erupt within it.

So she let them have their time together before she would make her move. Whilst she and her mother had been at odds with one another for a long time, Alice could see something change within her mother since they came to stay at William's place. While her mother was cold to her before this all started, in truth she had brought it on herself, smacking her cheeks knowing this was a new start for her and her mother. She just didn't think that having an incestuous affair with her uncle would or could bring this all about. Looking down at her mini skirt she had worn on the first day of her arrival and taking a light spin smiling when her bare ass filled the mirror.

Her uncle or father... Alice stopped wondering if she should just call him dad from now on. Seeing the way her mother acted around him, Alice knew her mother wasn't going to leave him. Not after she had learned of the incestuous affair they had with one another when they were younger. A sneaky smile graced her lips wondering how he was going to act, as she nodded to herself in the mirror. This was it, she was finally going to be fucked, and fucked hard given what she had seen last night. Spraying herself lightly in a cloud of perfume she wanted William to see her as a woman, and not the moody teenager he had meet two days ago. Alice wanted, no, needed him to treat her like a woman that the boys she had sex with before never could. Opening the bathroom door and arching an eyebrow as Alice saw her mother pacing the living room as she spoke rapidly on the phone.

"Yes, Steven, enact the article seven clause of the prenup," Dorothy growled into the phone after the third time she had to repeat herself to her lawyer. "I don't care if Jack will be stranded in Europe! He should have thought about that before he ran off with his whore and cashed in our plane tickets!" Dorothy yelled into the phone. "If Adam wants to come home fine, I'll pay for his plane ticket; if not well he's an adult he can stay in Europe if he likes."

"Mom, is everything alright?" Alice asked as she stepped out of the hallway.

"Hold on Steven," Dorothy said, before putting her phone on mute. "Everything is fine sweetheart," she said smiling warmly at her daughter, "I'm just having a little disagreement with the family lawyer is all."

"Ah okay, I'll just get out of your hair while you take care of that business," Alice said, as her cheeks heated thinking back to how her mother's tongue felt exploring her cunt. "Where's uncle?"

"William, said something about the barn," Dorothy said pointing out the window, winking at her daughter knowing full well what she was going to do.

"Thanks Mom!" Alice said placing a kiss on her mother's cheek. Sucking in a breath as Dorothy's hand rested over her naked mound. "Mom!" Alice squeaked as Dorothy inserted her middle finger into her canal.

"Don't distract your uncle too much," Dorothy said wondering if she should tell her daughter the truth. The truth that for nineteen years the man she called father wasn't her real dad and that there was more to the story of when William walked in on their swinger party.

"Okay," Alice stammered as her mother pulled out her finger brushing along her clitoris as she did.

"Good," Dorothy said smiling devilishly, as she sucked her finger clean. "You still there Steven?" she asked blowing her daughter a kiss as the screen door opened.

Alice walked tentatively towards the barn when she heard some strange noises emanating from within the structure. Peeking around the open doorway as William stood over his work bench that rose just slightly below his hips. His scrub plane cut at the rough fibers of the hewn board, as the course chips clogged the plane's mouth. Biting her lip as she watched his muscles move beneath his shirt as he used a small chisel to clear out the blockage, Alice felt her womanhood grow moist as she watched her uncle blow softly into the mouth of the plane. How she wanted those lips of his on her honey pot, sucking gently on her throbbing clit that tormented her while she listened to him fucking her mother in the shower.

"Hey daddy!" Alice said surprising William causing him to jump dropping his scrub plane onto his work bench. The look on his face as he turned towards her was one of fear, pride and a slew of other emotions she couldn't place in those green eyes of his. "So what are you doing?" Alice asked as she entered the barn placing her hands behind her back innocently.

"Umm..." William stuttered trying to get his mind to work. "Nothing really just roughing out the wood while it's still green before I set it aside to dry."

"So what are all of these?" Alice asked looking around his barn at his assorted array of planes, chisels, rasps, his mallet and froe that rested on the stump William used to split the logs. "Daddy, what are these?" Alice asked bending over at that her waist knowing how her skirt would ride up flashing William her naked mound.

"That's a mallet and a froe," William said taking a dry swallow as his eyes couldn't look away from those puffy pink lips of hers. Starting to feel his member growing down his leg, his Adams apple bobbed in his throat as his niece, or should he call her daughter now, wiggled her hips a bit. He knew she was his; Dorothy had called him a few days after her period never came. William knew she always used protection during those parties, so when it was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, Dorothy thought it would be best that Alice thought Jack was her father. He and Dorothy couldn't come right out and say he had gotten her pregnant at one of her swinger parties. William knew that wouldn't sit well with his parents, or with Sally whom he had just started dating. So when Alice was born he tried to be around as much as he could to appear as the loving uncle, yet in his mind he just wanted to see his baby girl. However, that was until the altercation with his parents - that forced him out.

"So once it's dried, what are you planning to make, Dad?" Alice asked over her shoulder, smirking at his uneasiness of the word.

"Don't know yet," William said eyeing the black walnut plank. Wondering if she knew the truth about her heritage, or was she just teasing him? "Mr. Conner wants me to make him an end table for his wife for their anniversary here in the next month. Yet what walnut I have is too green to work with."

"Why's that?" Alice asked as her hand ran along his ass as she walked passed him.

"Well..." William said clearing his throat, "If you work the wood while it's still fresh and place each piece together then when it dries the joints will loosen. So that's why I only rough it out while it's green so what shrinkage occurs will be stripped away when I shape it into the size I need."

"Yes, shrinkage is a bad thing," Alice whispered into his ear as she stood on the tips of her toes. Watching as goose bumps raced across his skin as she blew softly into his ear, as she rubbed the hard bulge that protruded out before him. "We certainly wouldn't want that, now would we daddy?" Alice asked smiling coyly, as she walked away her fingertips skimming along the surface of the workbench, as she walked around the table. Watching him while she shook her ass for him as she meandered around his barn until she came upon the radio that hung suspended by a bungee cord along the beam off of two of the inner posts. Her tongue stuck out of the corner of her mouth as she scanned the stations. Scowling when she was only met with country stations, until Alice came upon an alternative station. Her eyes lit up when Coldplay's 'Something like this' came on. Slipping out of her shoes as her hips began to sway, rolling her pelvis as her hands kept the beat on her thighs. While she had stopped taking her ballet classes years ago that didn't mean she had forgotten her training.

William stood in awe as he watched his daughter twirl around the barn. He caught that tantalizing smile of hers as her skirt rose flashing him her naked ass and her triangle patch of pubic hair. Her fingers raised and lowered her halter top coming centimeters away from the bottoms of her breasts as she sashayed in front of him, slowly rolling her belly before him, showing William just how well she could move. Her right hand ruffled her hair, as her left index finger ran down the bridge of her nose then down to her lush lips. Biting her nail as hips shook, rolled, and swayed side to side, rolling her stomach all for him before sucking gently on her finger. Those sultry eyes of hers looked at him hungrily as they roamed down his body. William knew he should stop this, yet his mind refused to function.

"Daddy," Alice said slipping in front of him hopping onto the table. Her legs wrapped around his waist closing the distance between them, making that covered bulge of his rub against her swollen mound. "You wouldn't want to leave your little girl out would you?" Alice asked rocking her hips against his hard rod soaking his jeans in her womanly scent as her moist lips glided along it. "You'll let me have what Mom had won't you?" she asked drawing his gaze downward to her perky breasts, knowing how her hard nipples were cutting against the soft fabric. Her left hand ran up his hard chest, while her right unbuckled his belt, snapping the button that held his jeans taut. "You'll make me feel like a woman won't you daddy?" Alice asked lustfully. Her tantalizing lips were only inches away from his, as her hand slowly lowered the brass zipper; smiling coyly as they fell to the barn floor, Alice stroked his cock through the cotton fabric of his underwear.

'Fuck! I'm so going to hell for this', William thought, yet he couldn't fight it any longer. Alice weaved her fingers through his hair as their tongues rolled, twisted, teased each others, all the while running that hard tool of his along her hot mound, taunting him with her wet sex.

"Daddy, will you taste me like you did Mom, please?" Alice asked with pleading eyes as she stared lovingly into to those radiant green eyes. Alice held her breath as she watched William sink to his knees. Her chest heaved in anticipation as he began to kiss along her inner thigh. Pulling her skirt up so she could watch as her father neared her mound. She could already feel her juices leaking out filling William's nose in her arousal. Her fingers trembled as she worked loose the buttons that held her skirt taut. Biting her lip as a primal moan rumbled in her throat as her father's hot breath flowed over her moist lips. Pushing her skirt off to the side, "Daddy, look at me," Alice said as those green eyes peered up at her. She smiled triumphantly as the hem of her shirt rose revealing her youthful breasts to him.

"Will you suck on these too?" Alice asked as she squeezed her breasts lightly causing radiating warm to surge down into her womb. Alice screamed out as her father's tongue parted her lips. All the boys she had ever been with were more interested in sticking their cocks into to her tight cunt. Not taking the time to get her properly aroused enough so it wouldn't hurt when they started to thrust into her. However, unlike those foolish boys, her father lavished her cunt gently allowing his tongue to explore every inch of her womanhood. Her eyes flew wide as William rolled his tongue within her canal. Her diaphragm convulsed, her lungs tried to draw in the much needed air as that hot tongue explored her moist channel. "Ah, fuck yes Daddy!" Alice howled tossing back her head as she came on William's tongue. Something strange happened, something that had never occurred to her before - Alice felt something squirt out of her, striking William just below his left eye coating his cheek in her fluid.

"Well..." William said wiping his face, "Seems you inherited that from your mother," he said smirking amusingly whilst kissing up his daughter's stomach as he pushed down his boxer-briefs. Alice breathed heavily as she looked hungrily down at her father as his lips captured her left nipple. Grinding her mound against his cock as it pressed against her sex.

"Fuck me," Alice growled low into William's ear. Her body trembled as his engorged head ran through her saturated lips. Her mouth was frozen in a silent moan as William inched his cock into her mound. "F...k, yes give it to me Daddy!" Alice cried out when her mind finally caught up to her vocal cords. Her insides melted as his hips pumped his rod deep into her, her folds wrapped around his shaft squeezing that tool with all her might. While she liked the slow thrust allowing her sex to mesmerize every inch, every vein of his cock, what she really wanted was to be fucked like he had performed on her mother. "Harder! Fuck me harder Daddy! I can take it," Alice said sucking in a breath as William hammered her into the table. Alice reached back bracing herself, while her left hand gripped his right shoulder as his balls slapped against her ass.

"Fuck... Alice, you're so tight!" William grunted as his rough callous hands gripped her hips, his thumb rolled across her clit smirking at her as she held onto him.

"Cum... make me cum, please!" Alice begged as she held onto his neck. Feeling her slickness coating his cock as William showed no signs of slowing. It had taken three guys that ran a train on her to make her cum, while it only took a matter of minutes to get themselves off, leaving her rather unsatisfied while the last two had they're way with her. Alice's eyes went wide as William placed his hands beneath her ass, lifting her off the workbench, locking her ankles together so she wouldn't slip as her father held her, while he sent his cock surging upward into her hot, dripping sex. "Oh god! Oh god!" Alice screamed out; her mind slowly went blank as her womb detonated. Her body going limp in his arms as William brought her down hard on his tool. Alice couldn't breathe, her head bobbed around as if it wasn't attached to her body, as that steel rod was relentless in its precision. Her tongue rolled side to side as her womb began to meltdown. One orgasm was a rarity for her, yet her father threatened to bring her over the cusp of another, more glorious, explosive one.

"Oh, god Daddy! You're fucking me so good, my tight pussy can't take any more," Alice said before her folds clamped down on the steel rod that filled her womanhood. Her hot juices flooded out around William's cock creating a small

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, little girl," William grunted placing his daughter back onto the table. His broad hand pressed her down against the table as he shoved his cock back into his daughter's dripping cunt. Alice howled as he sent that phallus deep and hard into her mound. Arching her back as his hands squeezed her breasts as William hammered into her as if on a mission. Alice knew he was close, she wanted all of it, she wanted at hot cum coating her womb, bathing her folds in his hot spunk, marking her sex in his seed.

"Come in me Daddy! Make me your cumslut!" Alice squealed as William pinched her nipples. "Do it Dad! Shoot that hot load into my pussy!" she said squeezing his cock with the last bit of the strength she had in her body. William's body quaked as he thrust hard one last time dumping his hot load into his fertile teenage daughter's womb. His breath came out in heaves as he watched as his softening cock inching out of his daughter as he backed away.

"I'll never get tired of eating your cum, Daddy," Alice said sucking her cum coated fingers clean. "Here, let me clean that," she said sliding off the table getting to her knees cleaning William's soiled cock. "Thank you Daddy," Alice said raising to the tips of her toes kissing him lightly, "I really needed that, and I'm sure you did too," she said smirking tossing her discarded clothes over her shoulder, her hips swayed as she walked nude towards his cabin; all the while a satisfied smirk was painted on her lips as she felt her father's cum running down her thigh. Dorothy arched an eyebrow as she poured herself a cup of coffee watching her daughter walk in, nude as the day she was born. "Hi Mom," Alice said happily as she walked by, stopping in her tracks running two fingers along her thigh, coating them in William's cum and offering it to her mother.

"Thank you sweetheart," Dorothy said as her finger ran her lips adding the few droplets to her coffee.

"Dorothy," William whispered sticking his head into his house looking around for Alice, after ten minutes of his daughter leaving him in the barn.

"William, what's wrong?" Dorothy asked rising from the couch.

"We need to talk," William said pulling his sister out onto his porch.

"Okay," Dorothy said curious as what this was all about. "So you want to tell me why we're out here?"

"What did you tell Alice?"

"Tell Alice about what? William, what's going on?" Dorothy asked her eyes glanced sideways into the interior of the cabin.

"She kept calling me dad, did you tell her?" William asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

"No, she didn't," Alice said standing in the doorway startling them both. "So why don't you come in and tell me all about it," she said pushing the screen door open. Enjoying how she had the upper hand over her parents as she stood over them while they sat on the couch. "Well, I'm waiting," Alice said crossing her arms, her index finger tapping her arm as she feigned annoyance.

"Alice, you remember when I told you about the party your father and I were at, yesterday," Dorothy said leaning forward rubbing her hands nervously.

"Yeah," Alice said arching an eyebrow.

"Well, you remember when I said I was being fucked by this bear of a man... well that wasn't the whole truth. While your uncle... let me rephrase your father did find me out that night. It wasn't the man I described in the story; he was more of the smelly, beer belly, pig of a man that just pawed at me. Thinking he knew how to turn me on," Dorothy said shivering thinking about his fat sausage fingers on her body, smiling lovingly at her brother as William rubbed her back. "I couldn't take it anymore, to be subjected to that because my husband didn't know how to please a woman; and there he stood the man I always loved yet took for granted," Dorothy said leaning back against William, feeling like she finally belonged somewhere as William's left hand rubbed her shoulder.

"So I pushed that man off of me, I rushed into William's arms begging him to take me to a shower, so that I could wash the stink off my body. I needed to feel loved, I needed to be held in the arms of the man I fell in love with so long ago," Dorothy said, as her hand ran up and down William's thigh. "One thing led to another we ended up in the garage after I had washed the stink off of me. Your father had me on the hood of Jack's car, fucking me like no one ever could. In that blissful night sweetheart," Dorothy said looking at her daughter, "That was the moment you were conceived. Now, I know I have lied to you about it, for that I am sorry Alice. If you're angry, be angry with me not with your father," Dorothy said placing her hand on William's chest. "Your father was always there for you when you were little unlike Jack. It was him that taught you your very first word, although it wasn't what I would have chosen," Dorothy said looking at his face hating herself for the time she had wasted.

"Oh, and just what was it?" Alice asked intrigued, eyeing her mother this wasn't a side of her she had ever seen before. Before all this her mother had been cold, uncaring, almost tyrannical in that mansion of theirs. 'Was that because she was forced to live a life that in her heart that she knew was wrong?' Alice asked herself as she studied Dorothy's demeanor.

"Fucking boobs," William said smirking at his childish act.

"William!" Dorothy chuckled playfully batting his chest. Alice found herself joining in on her mother's mirth. As she looked between the two she could actually see what parents were meant to be. Not the constant fights she heard throughout her childhood, not the constant slammed doors as Jack stormed out of the house, not the constant disappointment she felt pressing down on her shoulders. "So now you know the truth Alice, I hope you don't look unkindly on your father," Dorothy said looking over at her daughter.

"Hmm..." Alice mused as she tapped her chin as her eyes fell on her father. Walking around the coffee table, her blue jeans became taut as she bent at her hips, highlighting her ass in the reflection in the TV. "I don't know; that depends on if I can keep fucking you, Daddy!" Alice purred before sinking into his lap sharing an amused smirk between her and her mother.

"Well, then I think it would be best that we discuss what happens now," Dorothy said pulling Alice and William into a hug. Dorothy's heart swelled now that the truth was out, and she could finally have the true family she had always wanted for her daughter. She had only agreed to have another child to keep Jack's suspicions at bay. She loved her son, yet Adam was conceived as a ruse, and not the love that a child should come into this world for. However, that didn't necessarily mean that Adam was loved any less then she loved Alice. Yet now with William in her arms everything was going to be different. "William, I think it's time for you to come home, a home that should have been yours years ago," Dorothy whispered into his ear as her lips brushed along it.

"Yes, come home," Alice said pressing her chest into his, "Then you can come visit me in the middle of the night and have your way with your naughty daughter," she said lustfully into his other ear as her hand cupped his groin.

"Long as mother and father don't know I'm there," William said palming his sister's and daughter's asses. "But first I'll have to take care of a few things at the shop before I go," he said running his index fingers along each of their slits.

"Oh, daddy you're so naughty, I love it," Alice giggled loving the feel of his hands on her body.

"Now, now Alice, don't forget about me," Dorothy said, lightly pinching her daughter's nipple, smiling wickedly at her daughter's soft moan.

One week later...

William packed up his truck, for the trek back to the city he had left behind years ago. He had turned over most of the day to day operations to Tammy, ensuring that she knew how to balance the books and place the orders from the food vendors while he was away from that small mountainous town. Locking everything down, he had finished the end table a few days ago that Mr. Conner had wanted. William wasn't about to take off not when he had obligations.

Dorothy had left a few days ago to rid her home of the vestiges of her soon to be ex-husband, telling William that the house has to be fit for his arrival, that he shouldn't be subjected to the vestiges of the wrong man that shared her home for so long. Closing the door on the camper top as Alice exited his home, the lock falling into place as the latch stuck the striker plate, Alice hummed a tune as she handed her father the last bag. Alice smirked at his grunt, skipping around the rear of the truck as William placed the bag in back. Alice had worn her red miniskirt just so she could tease her father on the six hour drive back to the city.

Slyly, unbuckling her seatbelt when they had been on the road for an hour, Alice could see her father's eyes glancing at her as she leaned against the door. She hiked up her skirt, running her fingers through her labia, teasing him as they drove down that nearly desolate highway. Resting her right foot on the dash giving her the room she needed as she spread her lips open, Alice glanced up, her sultry eyes beckoning to her father as she played with that throbbing pink bud.

"Mmm... daddy," Alice cooed as her fingers plunged in and out of her canal. "Yes, daddy fuck me," she moaned closing her eyes, tilting her head back, biting her lip as she gave in to her dream. "Oh god daddy! Your cock is so hard, yes fuck me, use me, bend me over and spank my ass," Alice squealed as her pace quickened. Slowly, her eyes open grinning madly as she saw the twitching in his pants. William jumped in his seat as a trucker honked his horn beside him keeping pace with them, watching the show. Covering herself up her show was only for her father and no one else. Seeing how he had ruined it the trucker sped off. "Daddy, touch me," Alice said reaching up taking his right hand from the wheel.

"Doesn't your baby girl's pussy feel exquisite to you?" Alice asked as she guided two of his fingers into her wet snatch while his eyes remained on the road.

"Yes..." William said his voice strained, he needed to move his cock to another position, yet that would have to wait as his daughter rode his appendages. "Alice, you know how dangerous this is?" William asked looking briefly at her, the sound of the tires running over the wake-up strips made him return his eyes to the road.

"That's the point dad, what better way to fuck your daughter than this." Alice breathed out heavily, as her father's fingers wiggled within her channel. Her eyes flew wide when William found that small rough patch. "Fuck! Daddy, yes, right there!" Alice screamed out, squeezing her breasts as he pressed hard on that spot. "Please, don't stop daddy make me cum! Make me beg to be fucked by those fingers!" Alice moaned loudly as she reached up gripping the handle above her. Her chest rose and fell in rapid successions, her eyes burnt in the fires of her lust as she looked upon her father.

"Oh god! Oh... fuck yes!" Alice howled as her womb convulsed, her canal liquefied, her folds clamped down on his fingers with deadly force. "That's it daddy fuck me, make me fucking cum!" Alice's eyes rolled to the back of her head, her mouth hung agape, her voice was stolen as William's thumb rolled along her engorged clit. "O... my... dad... cu..." Alice's words came out in an incoherent dribble as her body violently shook. Her muscles seized, her body quaked, and her juices came pouring out in a torrent, coating the seat in one of the most orgasmic climaxes she had ever experienced in her life. Her hands wrapped around his sucking in a breath as she slowly pulled out his fingers from her oversensitive sex. Smiling devilishly as she saw how her juices coated his skin. Her eyes fluttered as her tongue rolled across his fingers loving how she tasted on her father's skin. Once she was sure not a trace of her sex remained, only then did Alice release her father's hand.

"Alice, what the hell!" William squirmed in his seat as his daughter leaned over his lap.

"What something looked like it needed some relief," Alice said mischievously as she unzipped his pants. "And I plan on relieving the pressure," she said hungrily as she licked her lips. Laying her body down onto the seat so not draw attention to themselves. While she enjoyed it when the boys she had sex with took control of her mouth, she did also find it highly arousing to be the one in control. "So Dad is this how you thought your daughter would act around you?" Alice asked glancing up at him as she stroked his cock. Squealing in pleasure as William lightly spanked her bare ass.

"Actually, I didn't think you would ever know I was your father," William said spanking her other cheek just so it wouldn't be lonely in its red hue. "Now whatever am I to do with a naughty daughter?"

"You'd fuck her," Alice smirked before his cock disappeared into her mouth. Smiling around his cock as she felt her father's body stiffen as her tongue worked around the shaft of his rod. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets then narrowed in her lust as her father parted her ass cheeks, moaning around his member as he teased her wet lips. Breathing heavily as her tongue circled his head, her back arched as those magic fingers of his penetrated her mound. "Yes daddy, use me like I'm your slut," Alice said before bobbing vigorously on her father's cock. For over thirty minutes she kept her father at the brink only to back off then bring him back as he did the same to her. By the time they reached the halfway point the cabin of the truck was filled with the smell of Alice's sex.

'God, boys never made me this wet', she thought to herself as her father brought her to her fourth orgasm. Alice didn't know if she'd have the ability to walk once they got there, and she didn't care, all that mattered to her was the cock in her mouth.

"Give it to me daddy," Alice said before swallowing his cock to the hilt. Alice squirmed as William held her head down forcing his rod down her throat as it erupted with enough force to make her flinch. She tried to swallow all of it, yet it was too much for her to keep up. "Thank you for the meal daddy," Alice said after she cleaned his cock of the spilt cum she had failed to swallow.

"I can't wait to have my bed soiled in your cum, Dad," Alice said as they passed the city limit sign, reaching into her purse as her cell phone rang. "Oh, hi Janus," Alice said slyly glancing at her father. "Oh, is he now!" she growled into her phone as her friend told her what one of the boys she had sex with was spreading around town. "Well, you tell him if he doesn't want the world to know that he has one of the tiniest dicks I've ever seen, not only that he's quick on the draw, and doesn't know how to give anyone an orgasm, he'll shut his mouth!" Alice said nearly yelling into her phone, blushing as she saw her father's smirk. "Yeah, sure you can come over I'm almost home, say about ten minutes or so," she said looking out the window as they rode over the overpass that overlooked the interstate.

"Yeah, me and mom patched things up," Alice said switching to text. She didn't want her father to hear her talking about him. "You should try to get an older guy Janus, the one that has been fucking me for the past week. God, I can't remember the last time I got off so much. Just the ride home he's given me four orgasms!"

"Wait! Weren't you staying at your uncle's place?" Janus typed out in shock that her friend would do such a thing.

"Yeah," Alice sent back she wasn't about to tell her best friend he was actually her father at least not over text message. "Here, you tell me you wouldn't fuck him, knowing the numerous orgasms he's already given me," she typed out turning quickly in her seat snapping a picture of her father as the late morning sun haloed his body.


"Liar! I know you, as well as you know me Janus; and I know how tired you are of the boys at school not giving you what you need. How many times have you come to me asking me to do what they can't or won't do for you? How many times have you just laid there just wishing for them to get it over with when they only thought about themselves?" Alice asked reaching over rubbing William's thigh, glad that she finally knew the truth and that she got to have him.

"Sigh yeah, but Alice that's your uncle though!"

"So, what does that have to do with how he held me aloft and impaled me on that hard cock? No boy has ever given me such an orgasm as he did that day. Hell, even when he fingered me while on the way home, god, it was blissful, you should have seen how wet I made the seat. No one, and I mean no one has ever got me off like that before. So why don't you find that little green two piece swimsuit and stay the night with us. I'm sure I can talk him into it, and you can finally feel what it's like to cum on a cock." Alice sent to her friend knowing how Janus wanted that just as much as she had. "Oh, did I mention he knows how to eat a pussy." She sent taunting her friend.

"Mmm... you sure you're okay with this?" Janus asked squirming on her bed her thighs already rubbing together daydreaming, wondering if Alice's uncle could actually do all that.

"I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't Janus, I don't mind sharing him as long as your okay with me being in the mix. I just can't get enough of his cock!" Alice said feeling her mounding growing moist once again.

"Okay, let me tell my mom that I'm staying over at your place and I'll be there in twenty." Janus hurriedly typed out as she rolled off her bed. Alice heart raced as they entered the upscale part of the city.

Dorothy came rushing out of her house as William climbed out of the cabin of his truck. Hugging Alice tightly her nose wiggled smelling the faint hints of her daughter's sex on the air. Her brown eyes glanced over at William as he opened the door of his camper top, biting her lip as she watched as William unloaded the bags from rear of the truck. The days she had spent away from him passed so slowly. Dorothy had shipped all of Jack's belongings to the apartment he thought he kept hidden from her.

"Hello William," Dorothy said bashfully, as she stood at the rear of the truck as he closed the tailgate. How she wanted to just jump into those strong arms of his, yet everyone knew who he was or at least they did. So Dorothy took the safest route placing her hands behind her back waiting for him to gather his things.

"Hey Sis," William said smiling coyly, as the strap of his bag settled onto his shoulder.

"Here, let me help," Dorothy said bending over in front of him showing off her ass and the fact that there were no panty lines. "Alice, help your father with his bags," she said, looking at her daughter while flashing him a smile over her shoulder. "We need to show him that he's most welcome here," Dorothy said, shaking her ass for him as she led the way to the front door. "This way William," she said, as she stood on the grand staircase, smiling devilishly at her daughter as she followed after him. "The man of the house should always sleep with his woman," Dorothy said coyly, as she led them down the expansive hallway, the ornate door to the master bedroom swung open effortlessly on the well oiled hinges. Placing his bags by the door, sashaying over to the canopy bed slowly grinding on the post, Dorothy peered lustfully at her brother as her hand ran up her chest.

"Come little brother," Dorothy said beckoning to him. However, they were interrupted by the sound of the front doorbell. "Whoever could that be?" Dorothy asked as she huffed irritably.

"Oh, that's Janus, I told her she could stay the night Mom, you don't mind do you?" Alice asked innocently, feeling her cheeks blushing underneath her mother's gaze.

"Oh, did you now," Dorothy smirked she didn't know what her daughter had planned, however, she was eager to see what was to come. "Sure, Janus is always welcome here Alice you know that, just keep her downstairs for an hour or two." Dorothy arched an eyebrow as her daughter scurried over to her.

"Mom, could you be vocal so Janus can hear you, I want to show her that someone can actually make a woman cum," Alice whispered into her mother's ear.

Dorothy looked at her daughter as if she lost her mind then her eyes lit up in recognition, "Alice, are you trying to pimp your father out?" Dorothy whispered into Alice's ear, as Dorothy nuzzled her neck.

"Well, Janus never has had an orgasm before when she's been with her boyfriends', I thought since...well Dad can give us so exquisite ones that she at least deserved to have one or two," Alice whispered looking down at the tops of her feet.

"If I do this then you have to eat me out," Dorothy said lifting her daughter's chin, a sinister smile spread across her lips as her daughter agreed. "Good," Dorothy purred before kissing her daughter passionately, "Now go and greet your friend."

"Mmm... William," Dorothy said after her daughter raced down the hall, hugging the post, her hands running up and down its polished surface seductively. "Would you mind waiting for a minute, I want to get into something more fitting for you to take off of my tight, little body?" Dorothy asked sucking on her lower lip as those green eyes of his savored her body.

"Sure, gives me time to unpack," William said with a mischievous smile.

"No, no," Dorothy said shaking her head. "I want you naked waiting on this bed when I come out," she said her tongue running along her upper lip as his shirt began to rise. "I won't be long, my William," Dorothy said her hand roaming over his chest as she passed. Taking the sky blue lace teddy along with the matching panties from the dresser drawer, she had bought when she arrived home. Tossing her clothes against the wall, her eyes running down her nude body as she looked at herself in the mirror; Dorothy ran her fingers through the neat, trimmed patch of hair that sat just above her pink bud. She didn't like being hairless down there, nor did she want her brother to have a mouthful of hair either. So she opted for the middle ground. Dorothy's heart raced as the soft delicate fabric rose along her skin. This was what she had always wanted. To share her home, her heart, her bed with the man she loved, not the man her parents saddled her with. She never wore such things for Jack, no, that man only used her for her money and status. Unlike Jack, William she knew loved her with all of his heart.

Straightening out the hem of the teddy as it rested at the middle of her hips. Lightly, spraying out a cloud of perfume, she wanted this moment to be forever ingrained into his mind. The moment her home was finally made whole.

"Hello William, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long?" Dorothy asked as her lush lips curved into a loving smile. William's mouth hung open as the bathroom light haloed Dorothy's brunette hair. Forcing his tongue to work as his eyes ran down her body, her light brown areolas showed through the material, her nipples poked through the lace telling him they waited for his lips to pluck at them. Those smooth tone legs glistened into the artificial light of the bathroom. "William, I bought this just for you," Dorothy said gliding across the floor to the foot of the bed. "Do you like it?" she asked as she went into a slow spin, stopping once her back was turned to him showing off her ass as the thong parted her ass cheeks. Giving that firm, round, taut ass a light smack she knew how appealing it was given the hours she had spent maintaining it. Peering over her right shoulder, a predatory smile graced her lips as her brother couldn't seem to pull his eyes away.

"It seems that you do baby brother," Dorothy said as she spun once more on the ball of her foot. Her eyes fell on his body, licking her lips as she crawled towards him, hoping that from this day forward all the memories of her soon to be ex-husband would be nothing more than a whisper of the wind. "Mmm... now how are we going to christen this bed I wonder," Dorothy said seductively as her hand ran along his thigh. Swinging her legs one by one over his hips, her hot covered mound teased that growing phallus underneath her. Biting her lip as her fingers feathered out as they ran up his chest. She had already memorized every inch of his chest; however, she did enjoy reaffirming what lay beneath her.

"Oh, I could think of a few things," William said eyeing the open door. "But first shouldn't you close the door?"

Shaking her head causing her hair to fly about, "Nah uh," Dorothy said in a child-like voice. If the door was closed it would muffle her moans too much to be heard from across the house, and she wanted to feel her daughter's tongue on her cunt. "No, William they are adults they knew what we are doing, I see no need to hide that fact," Dorothy said as the hem of the teddy rose. Her body trembled as William's hands trailed after it. "That's it baby fondle my breasts," Dorothy cooed as the teddy fell to the bed in a soft kiss. "Yes William, make them remember who they belong to," she moaned softly, as her hips ground her clit against William's solar plexus.

Tilting her head back her body quaking as William cradled her breasts in his hands. Her hands pressed down on his chest as her hips rocked rubbing her mound against him, enjoying how his very touch set her nerves on fire. Leaning forward her heart was filled with anticipation as Dorothy looked into his eyes, a smoldering fire hissed and popped within the core of her being as her lips inched closer to his; a chill of excitement ran down her spine as her chest pressed against his, a roaring conflagration exploded within her very soul as their lips locked. Their tongues rolled, twisted, and explored each other's warmth as Dorothy's fingers intertwined within the locks of his hair. Dorothy pawed at her brother's lips ravenously, as she felt something hard poking at her covered entrance.

"William, there's this position I've always wanted try," Dorothy purred, her tongue flickered out teasing his upper lip, as her right hand reached down inching down her panties down. "You'll let your older sister experiment on you, won't you?" Dorothy asked swinging her leg over his body, rolling onto her back flashing William her moisten lips, as her legs jutted into the air.

"Within reason Dorothy," William said as he watched as her panties sailed over the bed.

"Excellent," Dorothy said devilishly, as her eyes fell upon her brother's hard cock. Dorothy posed herself over his body, that hard, veiny, twitching; one eye monster stared up at her taunting her to partake in its goodness. Her body quivered as she felt her brother's hands on her ass, how she loved that feeling. Those rough calluses running over her smooth skin, the heat of his own soaking into her body, Dorothy's breath came out in ragged heaves as William's hot breath flowed along her honey pot. When she had first heard of the position, William was already married, and she wasn't about to do this for Jack. Not when he himself barely knew how to pleasure her with his tongue, unlike her brother who knew every spot to hit to make her canal flood. Dorothy glanced up seeing movement out in the hallway as two pairs of eyes stared at her in awe as they peered around the corner.

"Alice, isn't that your uncle?" Janus asked unsure how to feel about the display she was spying upon.

"Yeah," Alice said with a mix of jealousy, and admiration as she watched her mother's body quivering as William assaulted her cunt. "Janus, I have a secret to tell you, but you have to promise me you won't ever tell a soul," she whispered as she peered over her shoulder. Janus knew the look in her friend's eye all too well. It meant what she was about to say needed to remain hidden unless Alice herself spoke freely of it.

"You know me Alice, I'd never reveal anything to anyone you know that," Janus said, yet all the while her blue eyes couldn't look away from the sight before her. The way Alice's mother was panting for breath, the way those eyes of hers were glazed over, her inability to function as the man beneath her tormented her with his tongue. For so long Janus had sought someone that could do that to her, however, the boys she had slept with were far too inexperienced, or just didn't care about such things as they shoved their cocks into her tight hole. Janus begun to feel her teenage mound starting to grow moist, as she continued to listen to the soft moans that emanated from the bedroom.

"He's my real dad," Alice said feeling her heart swell as the words left her lips. Janus stared at her friend in shock, her crimson hair brushed along her high cheek bones as it slipped from behind her ear. "So tell me are you now interested in what my father can do to that hot little mound of yours?" Alice asked as she cupped her friend's crotch.

"Alice, you know how wrong that is!" Janus said in a heated whisper.

"And just look at her Janus," Alice said moving behind her friend so Janus would have a better view of them. "When have you ever seen my Mom that happy? Just listen to her Janus," she said pushing down Janus' shorts slightly. "Tell me what is wrong with that?" Alice asked as she whispered into her ear, as her fingers ran along her friend's swollen lips. "How can that be wrong, when you're this wet already, just from watching them?"

"But..." Janus bit her lip, one, to keep herself under control as Alice plunged her fingers in and out of her, two, because she rightly couldn't think of an answer. She knew Alice was right, Janus never saw Alice's mother so content before, as the man beneath her gave her such bliss. How she envied Dorothy to know that someone could do that for her. "Alice... please not here, not this close to them," Janus said panting for breath.

"Why? You want to see him shoving that cock into her pussy as much as I do," Alice said evilly, as her thumb rolled across her friend's clit. "You can't lie to me, not when I'm two fingers deep inside of you, and your folds are clamping down on them just mentioning the word cock," Alice whispered lustfully into Janus' ear. "Tell me Janus, you want him to taste this sweet pussy, don't you?" she asked as she licked her fingers clean. "You want him to explore this body of yours with those big, strong, rough hands of his. To have him feel the softness of this body, the curvature of these breasts," Alice said, as her hands ran up Janus' stomach before she cradled her friend's 42D cup breasts. Alice knew it was the main reasons the boys at her school flocked to her. "To have that hot mouth of his sucking on these beauties," she said running her thumb across Janus' harden nipple. "To have a real man that knows what he's doing when he has a woman beneath, on top, or in front of him," Alice whispered as she pushed her friend's shorts to the floor.

"God yes, when you put it that way," Janus said wantonly, as she pressed the back of her head against the wall.

"Then you'll want to watch this," Alice said turning her friend's chin back towards the room as Dorothy's climax hit.

Dorothy eased her trembling body down her brother's body, while she wanted to have that cock of his inside of her mouth as much as William lashed her mound with his tongue. Yet she was never one to think coherently when her brother worked that magic tongue on her. While she wasn't proud that he had done most of the work, she wasn't about to let him think she wouldn't repay him, however, first her womb needed his cock more than her mouth did at the moment. Smiling warmly at her daughter and her friend, as Dorothy positioned William's cock at her entrance; she ran her tongue along her upper lip as she sank down on his pole.

"God, I've missed this cock, William," Dorothy moaned as she rode her brother in the reverse cowgirl position. "You like how that ass looks as it bounces?" she asked as she leaned forward bracing herself on his knees as her hips rose and fell rapidly. Her eyes fluttered, biting down on her lip as her brother's hands gripped her ass.

Alice sank down Janus' body as her eyes flickered over to her mother as her sex resounded throughout her room. Janus sucked in a breath as Alice' captured her mound. Janus' hand flew to her mouth to keep her gasp from escaping her lips, as Alice parted her labia with her tongue.

"You've seen how good he is eating out my Mom," Alice said, looking up at her friend. "You know how good I am," she said rolling her thumb along Janus' clitoris. "Just think of what my daddy can do to this hot little pussy," Alice said before returning to her friend's quivering mound.

"Alice, I want it, I need to feel it, you're sure you don't mind?" Janus asked as she felt her legs slowly losing their strength.

"Why do you think the door is open?" Alice asked smirking mischievously. "Come I'll finish eating that pussy somewhere more private," she said gathering Janus' discarded garments.

Dorothy didn't know when Alice and Janus had left; she was far too distracted to keep up where the two teenagers were, while William pounded his cock into her. Her eyes glanced over at the huge wet spot she had left on the bed as she listened to the sound of the running shower. Her hands ran along her smooth stomach pondering how it would look in a few months. The morning when she had taken her brother on his bed at his cabin, she knew that was the day that their family would get a new member; however, it wasn't until she reached home, that the slight morning sickness she got with her other two children that gave her pause. The day after her return, she went to see her doctor to confirm that she was indeed pregnant with her brother's second child.

"William," Dorothy said, as she walked into the steam filled bathroom as he stood there drying his face.

"Yeah," William said his voice muffled by the towel.

"I have something important to tell you, I need you to look at me," Dorothy said, knowing that this child would know who his real father was.

"What's going on, Sis?" William said concerned as he stepped out of the shower.

"Just that our lives are to have a new member in it," Dorothy said lovingly, as she reached over taking his hand in hers placing it gently on her stomach. "You're going to meet your son or daughter in a few months."

William's eyes darted between his sister's face and her stomach. Shocked was too weak of an emotion of what was playing out in his mind; pride, joy, fear of what the baby faced given his sister's age. However, that didn't matter as he wrapped his sister in a warm embrace, then quickly pushing her away thinking that he had inadvertently harmed his unborn child.

"Silly brother," Dorothy cooed bring William back into her arms. "He or she is too small for you to harm right now, but I'm glad you're taking the child's safety into account," she said, her hands ran along his back, as they embraced in their long pleasure filled kiss. Dorothy knew this home of hers was finally going to feel like a home, and not the prison she had felt for the past twenty-two years. "Now I think you should go and relax by the pool," Dorothy said kissing William one last time, "And I'll take care of the bed, can't have you sleeping on soiled sheets," she said smacking his ass sending him out the room.

William's grinder set on the patio table as he rolled himself a blunt. The thought of his new child on his mind as his lighter sparked to life. His green eyes stared out on the reflection of the crystal clear water of the pool as he thought about baby names. He watched the smoke drift aimlessly on the wind unaware of two teenagers that peered through the double glass doors.

"Alice, your dad smokes pot!" Janus said in awe taking hold of her friend's hand.

"Oh, if you think that's something watch this," Alice said, her turquoise blue micro bikini reflected in the glass, its one inch triangle patch of cloth covered her nipples leaving most of her breasts exposed. Her mound to felt exposed as the thong threatened to reveal her hungry lips. "Remain as quiet as you can," Alice whispered as she slowly opened the door.

"Hey Dad," Alice said wantonly, as her hand trailed along his shoulder, down his arm following the curvature of muscles, as her eyes ran down his chest. "Are you here to watch me swim?" Alice asked sinking into William's lap, gently plunking his blunt from his lips glancing over at her friend as she puffed on that rolled cigar. "Mmm..." she moaned as the sweet smoke mingled in her mouth. Alice leaned forward making sure her friend was watching as her lips locked around William's, swapping the smoke between the two as her tongue explored his mouth. "Mmm... daddy, yes spank me," Alice purred sensuously as she felt the slight sting of his hand.

"What have I told you about taking without asking?" William asked taking his blunt back from his daughter.

"Oh, I've been a bad little girl, are you going to punish me?" Alice asked as she rubbed William's groin.

"Perhaps," William said as his finger skimmed along his daughter's entrance.

"Oh, daddy you're going to make me wet," Alice moaned as she squirmed on his lap. "Maybe you should come and take a dip with us," she said smirking as she nodded to her friend.

"Hello," Janus said bashfully, brushing her crimson hair back behind her ear. Wanting Alice's father to see what she had to offer, hoping that she could feel that orgasmic tongue of his. "I'm Janus, it's nice to meet you," she said her breasts bouncing as she approached him.

"Hello, I'm William," William said reaching across his chest to shake her hand. "So what are you getting into today?" he asked his eyes running down the young woman's body, noting how her green bikini top strained to contain her heavenly orbs, and the way her bottoms contoured to her mound.

"Well... maybe if you're lucky you might get into two hot, young, wet cunts," Alice whispered seductively into his ear, as her tongue teased his earlobe. "My friend needs your help daddy," she cooed, as she pressed her body closer to his. "She needs a man to show her what she has been missing," Alice said breathing heavily, as her father's fingers slipped into her canal. Janus watched in awe as he was so blatant in his fingering of his daughter in front of her. "Will you do that for me daddy?" Alice asked as her hand ran up his leg through the opening of his shorts. A predatory light burned deep within her eyes, as her hand grasped William's cock. "Will you let my friend here know what's it like to feel that tongue on her honey pot? Would you like to see her pretty little pussy Daddy?" Alice asked as his phallus surged in her hand.

"Come closer Janus," Alice said beckoning her friend closer. Janus swallowed hard as she approached their side. She was never one to flaunt herself to anyone; no matter what the rumors said that were spread around their school. Janus was more of the shy, quiet, timid type of person and she knew it was only because of her body that boys flocked to her. Yet as those green eyes of his ran down her body, it wasn't appreciation she felt, no, it was the excitement that a man saw her and not her body.

"Alice, just what are you doing," Dorothy said as she stepped out onto the patio, as Alice's hand held the string that kept Janus' bottom piece secured to her hips.

"Nothing," Alice said innocently, as she slipped her hand out of her father's shorts.

"Then see yourself off of my brother's lap so he can eat," Dorothy said as she held the silver gilded in her hands. "Now why don't you two go for a swim," she said nodding to the pool. Laying down the tray before William as she peered over her shoulder as Alice slipped into warm water. Dorothy turned her brother's chin as Janus stood at the edge of the pool. Janus peered back at William as her fingers ran along the band of the g-string, her hands ran along her ass, her pink labia flashed as the fabric pulled away from her skin. "That's enough William, can't have you getting used to seeing fresh eighteen year old pussy every day," Dorothy said turning his chin back to his plate. Yet that exact moment her hand flew to her mouth, dashing into the house Dorothy hated how she always got morning sickness at that time of the day.

"Dad, what's wrong with Mom?" Alice asked as she glanced over at Janus as she entered the pool.

"Umm..." William said scratching his cheek wondering if it was wise to tell just yet. Nevertheless, Alice was going to find out eventually, and William didn't see a need to keep it hidden from his daughter. "If I had to guess, morning sickness," William said with a slight smirk.

"No way! Really!" Alice said in shock then a wave of giddiness washed over her. She didn't know how she lifted herself out of the water so forcefully, yet she didn't miss how her father's eyes absorbed her body as the water droplets rain down onto the pavers as she raced towards William, smiling at his huff as she collided into his body. "I'm so happy daddy," Alice said joyfully then she leaned in close so Janus wouldn't over hear. "I do hope you're not thinking of wearing a condom with me from now on. Because tonight I want you to fuck me along with Janus; however, I want this seed planted deep inside of me like you did in that barn daddy," Alice purred as she rubbed his still erect cock. Shaking her ass as she walked back to the pool, knowing tonight her mother wouldn't be the only one that was going to be with child. She had stopped taking her pill the night she had first sucked her father's cock. Alice hoped this was enough time for her body to get back on her cycle, so that his little swimmers wouldn't have any trouble finding her Easter egg.

"So how was your lunch William?" Dorothy asked after she had returned from the bathroom; sitting next to him as her eyes looked out onto the pool.

"Good," William said slyly glancing at his sister wondering if there was a glow about her.

"Any thoughts on dinner?" Dorothy asked, her foot rubbing up and down his calf, while her fingers ran along the back of his hand.

"How about pizza?" William inquired. Dorothy simply smiled, as she rested her head on her brother's shoulder sighing in content, knowing how this was how it was meant to be. Then the shrill ring of her phone invaded their serene moment. Dorothy's eyes narrowed as Jack's number flashed across the screen.

"What do you want?!" Dorothy growled into her phone.

"You bitch! How dare you cut off my cards!" Jack screamed into his phone.

"Oh, did you think that running off to Europe with that whore, selling mine and my parents plane tickets, that there wasn't going to be any consequences to your actions," Dorothy said angrily, as she took hold of William's hand gaining strength from it. "Did you honestly think I would allow you, a fool of a man, anywhere near mine or my family's fortune? Did you honestly think after your little stunt, those accounts would be at your disposal? No, Jack you brought this on yourself; do enjoy being an impecunious fat man trapped in Europe! Now, I suggest you go tell that little harlot, my money won't be buying her shit any longer," Dorothy said nearly screaming into the phone. A wicked smile appeared on her lips at Jack's gasp. "Oh, did you think I didn't know about all the money you wasted on those tramps? Did you think you were a little sneak hiding that apartment that I paid for?" Alice asked enjoying how she felt after so long of holding everything back.

"Dorothy, please be reasonable," Jack said trying to save his connection to the wealth he had grown so used to enjoying. "This is all just a great misunderstanding, I'm sure we can work this all out. Think of Adam how is he going to get home?"

"Oh, I've already spoken to my son, he, unlike you, understands. Adam has what he needs while he's there. Should he decide to come home, he knows all he has to do is call. However, you fat disgusting man, will have to find your own way back; do enjoy what was supposed to be our family's vacation. Oh, one last thing, don't ever call me again, if you have something to say do it through my lawyer," Dorothy said her chest heaved in her anger.

"Please, Dorothy..." Dorothy snorted in disgust as she ended the call. She had wasted enough time on that man, and she wasn't about to waste any more.

"I think I'm going to go lay down," Dorothy said as her fingers brushed along William's ear. "I shouldn't subject you or Alice to my foul mood," she said tilting his chin up. "You'll come wake me if there is anything and I mean anything I can do for you," Dorothy purred as her hand rubbed his chest, as her lips plucked sweetly at his. Alice and Janus watched as they treaded water sharing glances with one another as Dorothy disappeared into the depths of her home. William looked down as their soaked tops hit the hot pavers. Then came their bottoms, as they sailed through the air landing almost on top of the discarded tops.

"Girls. Just do you think you're doing?" William asked his eyes fell onto his daughter's wet naked body as she climbed out of the pool.

"Who us?" Alice asked with a mischievously grin. "Oh, you know nothing much, Janus and I thought we sunbathe nude since Mom isn't out here any longer," Alice said taking the towel off of the back of the lounger. "Plus how else is Janus going to show off that pretty pussy of hers," she said as the towel ran down her body. William's eyes flickered over as Janus rose out of the water as she climbed up the sunken steps. "What do you think daddy, she's hot isn't she?" Alice asked as she sashayed over to him, taking the other towel from the other lounger as she passed.

"Just look at this body," Alice said as her own towel slid across her friend's abdomen. Tossing the damp towel aside when it was no longer of use. "Doesn't she have some nice tits?" Alice asked as she peaked over her friend's shoulder as she cradled Janus' breasts. Her brown-green eyes fell upon the tool she loved to please, as it twitched announcing that it did. "Look Dad, look at this nice bald dance floor," Alice said, her hand ran along Janus' heating skin, as her middle finger stopped centimeters away from her throbbing clit. "Now, I know these pink swollen lips need someone to kiss them, to suck on them, to tease this young woman," Alice said as she slipped her finger into her friend's canal.

"Why don't you go and show him," Alice whispered into Janus' ear. Pushing her friend towards her father, Alice ran her finger along her lower lip as she watched Janus' ass shake.

"Umm... Mr. I hope I'm to your liking," Janus said walking nervously towards William. She has never been nervous when it came to sex; her mother had taught her early on that it wasn't something to be frowned upon. However, this was a man she was standing before, and not the boys that just used her for her body. "Please, touch me," Janus said resting her hands on the armrest of the chair as her breasts dangled before him.

"It's okay daddy," Alice said as she draped herself against her father's back. "She wants to please you, as much as she wants to feel how well you can please her, isn't that right Janus?" Alice asked as she reached out caressing her friend's cheek.

"Oh yes," Janus said her blue eyes flaring, as she sucked on her lower lip. Taking the folded towel from Alice and dropping it at her feet so the brick pavers wouldn't mar her skin, "Please, won't you touch me here?" Janus asked wantonly, as she rested her foot on the seat, her toes tickling his hard bulge, as she spread her youthful mound open for William to gaze upon.

"You sure about this Alice?" William asked as he peered out of the corner of his eye at his daughter.

"Oh, yes daddy," Alice purred hungrily, "We've been waiting for this since Mom was fucking you when you got here," she whispered sensuously into his ear. Her eyes flicked over to Janus giving her the signal. "Relax dad, Janus is just going to suck on that hard cock that we both know that's been tormenting you," Alice said reaching down snapping the button on his shorts, as Janus' hands rubbed nervously on William's legs. "Wait! I have a better idea," Alice said slipping her hand into his underwear, watching her friend's reaction as she came face to face with her father's cock. A sinister smile graced her lips as Alice saw the ravenous hunger in Janus' eyes. "You want to suck on this don't you Janus?" Alice asked as she stroked William's cock as she held him in place, licking her lips as a bead of precum bubbled forth from the depths of his core.

"Mmmhmm," Janus said nodding her head.

"Here, have a taste," Alice said pointing his cock towards Janus.

Janus held her hair back with her left hand as she leaned forward. While she wasn't exceptional at sucking cock, given how she would never do if for the boys she slept with, seeing how they never bothered to taste her sex. Her blue eyes flickered up as her ruby lips brushed along the tip of William's head. Her tongue teasing that engorged head, tasting the early treat as it hung on the tip of her tongue. Her mouth and Alice's hand worked in time with one another. Janus' heart fluttered as she heard William's grip tightening on the armrest of the patio chair. Alice had shown her how to suck her father off while they waited for them to be done.

"You like her mouth don't you daddy?" Alice asked with a hint of jealousy. Her thighs rubbed together knowing how her mound was leaking like a faucet, as she watched her best friend giving her father head. "You like having her hot teenage mouth wrapped around that hard cock?" Alice asked taking the tightening of his muscles as her answer. "Janus, have you ever swallowed cum before?" she asked as her friend bobbed on her father's pole. Smirking evilly at William's moan as Janus shook her head, "Would you like to know what it tastes like?"

"Yes," Janus said as she came up for breath. "Then will you taste me? I can't get how you ate out your sister from my mind. I need to feel that," Janus said before she licked up the back of William's cock. "You don't know how much I've wanted that, to have someone that's able to get me off like I saw in that bedroom," she said slurping on his glistening head, sucking up that delicious treat, "Did your sister teach you how to do that?" Janus asked as she swallowed his cock in three quick successions leaving a trail of salvia as she pulled away.

"Yes," William said feeling his balls tightening.

"Oh, daddy are you about to blow your load, I think someone needs to catch this hot load," Alice said, looking to her friend telling her she was all the more willing to take it if she didn't want it. Yet that wasn't meant to be as her friend's mouth wrapped back around that rod. Eager to have the first taste of a man's cum on her tongue. Janus' eyes bulged out as William erupted in her mouth. Her eyes winced as she struggled with the taste of it, yet she knew if she wanted to have him eat her, then she was going to have grow used to the taste. "Open your mouth Janus let us see how well my father's cum sits on that tongue," Alice cooed as she released her hold on his cock. "Look at it daddy, your seed soiling my friend's mouth, don't you think you owe her something?" Alice asked nodding to Janus who cringed as his spunk ran down her throat.

"Alice, umm..." Janus said looking away feeling her cheeks heating. She never had a threesome before much less alone with her friend or her father. Yet the thought of finally having her snatch tasted, overruled her common sense.

"Yes, what is it Janus?" Alice asked as her nose ran along William's neck.

"Can we go somewhere less exposed, I rather not have my Mom hear me getting fucked," Janus said licking her lips as the last few drops of his cum dangled from his cock. While the taste was odd at first she knew she could grow used to it.

"Certainly, Janus, I rather the neighbors not hear how good my daddy fucks, or I'll never get any time with him," Alice said hugging her father tightly, smiling down at her friend as she swallowed his cock again. "Come daddy I got the perfect place for you to fuck us," Alice said tugging on his arm. Janus took his other arm as they lead William through the manor, both looking back flashing him smiles, as they lead him deeper into his new home. "This will be our new fuck pad," Alice said as she pushed open Jack's office door.

"You don't mind if I come around every once in awhile?" Janus asked shyly as she glanced behind her.

"Heavens forbid I keep my daddy all to myself," Alice cooed as they pulled William into the room. "Now daddy do you think you can handle two horny teenagers?" she asked rubbing his deflated cock, as Janus moved behind him pushing his shorts and underwear to the floor.

"Alice, you're asking a lot of an old man," William said as his daughter rose the hem of his shirt.

"Dad, you're not old," Alice purred. "I don't know an old man with these kinds of muscles," she cooed as she tossed aside his shirt, "Nor could they hold me aloft when they impaled me on their cock over and over again," Alice said wantonly, as her fingers ran along his jaw line. "Doesn't he have the most exquisite body Janus?"

"I have to say Alice your dad does have a rocking body," Janus said as her finger ran down his right arm, as her tongue flicked against her teeth enjoying the view. "How about we put those hard muscles to use," Janus said as she pressed her body against his.

"Oh, you're so going to love this Janus," Alice said moving the coffee table aside that sat in front of the sofabed.

"I hope my blow job was good for you," Janus said biting her lip as her hand ran along William's chest, as Alice tossed aside the couch cushions. "So are you as good with that tongue as you appear to be?"

"Well..." William said shyly as the hinges groaned as Alice pulled out the bed.

"Oh, Janus, you're going to get your wish soon enough," Alice said patting the bed. She knew the real reason why Jack had such a couch in his office. Alice had accidentally walked in on him banging one of the women he was seeing at the time - not that he every saw her. "Dad, why don't you come lay down," Alice said as her eyes dipped low seeing the resurgence of that wonderful tool.

"Now you just relax daddy, let your baby girl take care of you," Alice said seductively, before pushing William backwards onto the bed. Alice watched as Janus skirted around the foot of the bed, while not making a show of her haste, yet she could see how eager her friend truly was. "Now Dad, don't you worry about anything let your daughter do all the work, you just focus on that cunt," Alice said as her hands ran along her father's legs.

"Please, let me feel what your sister felt," Janus said as she posed herself over William's mouth. "Don't you see how my little pussy needs it," she said as she spread her lips open. Biting her lip she lowered her mound to his awaiting lips.

Alice's head bobbed along his rod as she listened to Janus moaning. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she rubbed his cock along her nose and lips. That very rod of his made her so intoxicated, so euphoric; it made her dependent on that tool of his. She knew no matter who she slept with in the future, no one would be able to compare to her father.

"Oh god!" Janus screamed as she came on William's tongue. Her body quaked as William rolled his tongue along her clit. "Fuck yes! Fuck me with that tongue!"

"What did I tell you Janus," Alice said as she slid down his shaft.

"I never thought it be like this," Janus said ardently, as her hips rocked on his tongue so she could feel that searing bliss once again. "Please, forgive me but I need this," Janus said, as she looked down at William as she held to his head. Tossing her head back, she plunged down onto his tongue.

"That's it ride that tongue Janus," Alice huffed as she rocked on her father's cock. "Mmm... Daddy I love this cock," she moaned as she leaned forward falling into her ecstasy, as her face pressed against Janus' back.

"Alice, I just might have to move in here just so I can feel this every day," Janus said as she fell to the side in exhaustion.

"Would you like that Daddy, to have us fucking you every day," Alice purred, as her tongue ran through Janus' sweet juices. "To have this cock squeezed by two hot lonely women," Alice said as her eyes flared in her unbridled lust. Pushing herself up, gliding along that hard rod she so enjoyed, feeling her father's cock swelling within her canal. "That's it Daddy cum in me," Alice said rocking her hips faster, and faster urging on that blood engorged organ to fill her womb. "Shoot that hot, sticky, fertile seed into my womb Dad. Let me be the one to give you a grandchild," Alice said lovingly as she caressed William's face. Alice cried out in joy as that glorious spunk shot towards her womb. William lay exhausted, as his daughter and her friend rested on his chest, wondering what fate had in store for him.