A Son Forced Pt. 05


A special thanks to Gunter99 and the one that wishes to remain unnamed for the edits.

All characters are over 18+


Mara looked up to her son then to the white ooze that was flowing out of her sister's asshole. She'd never ate out anyone's brown eye before, yet if she didn't she knew she would never get her own release, a release that had tormented her since breakfast that morning. Without hesitation she buried herself face first in her sister's ass gagging as her tongue licked Scarlet's hole clean.

"Excellent job Mara," Jason said with a devilish grin. "You two can stop now you have played your role," he said looking down at his sister and aunt. "Now I'm going to go shower," Jason said walking towards the stairs.

"Master! You promised that I'd be able to cum!" Mara said frantically getting to her feet whilst trying to get the taste of her sister's ass off of her tongue.

"No, I said if you ate out your sister's asshole I'd let you cum. That is true, I just didn't say when you would be able to cum," Jason said as a sinister light flashed across his amber eyes. "So did you enjoy your treat?" Jason asked his softening member. "Fuck no! I smell like shit you bastard!" his renegade appendage screamed in his head. "Well, that's what you get for getting me into this mess," he said chuckling at his cock. "Not cool man, not cool," said his forlorn rod.

Jason stood in the doorway of his mother's bedroom as the hour of 2 a.m. neared. Watching as she tossed fitfully in her slumber. Smiling wickedly knowing he was the cause of her distress. His eyes flickered over to his aunt as she lightly snored beside his mother, wondering if she knew she was a snorer, and how she would react once he teased her about it in the morning. Yet that didn't matter at the moment he was there for one reason and one reason only. He was a man of his word he would allow her to cum, just not when she wanted too.

Creeping silently into her room, watching his mother's body for any signs that she knew he was there. He already knew Mara liked to sleep in the nude so he knew that wasn't going to be an obstacle for him. Peeling back the covers that hid her naked body from view. He reached down between her legs wondering how she would like to be the one that was about to be violated as she had done to him. Listening to the sharp intake of air as his finger parted her wet lips. Teasing those pink lips ever so lightly as her breathing increased, sinking his fingers deep into his mother, smirking as her eyes opened in shock.

Mara didn't say a word as her son's hand toyed with her womanhood. Biting her lip as his thumb ran along her throbbing clit. Her nails dragged across the linen sheet as she felt her juices soaking into the bed beneath her. Hissing as Jason worked her folds so masterfully. Her hips grinding on his exploring fingers as her hips moved on their own. Knowing how her body yearned for release and only her Master could give her such things.

"Master!" Mara moaned softly so as not to wake her sister. "Please don't stop," she pleaded. Reaching down, her hand covering his, her eyes rolling back as she neared the point of no return. Gripping the headboard as her back arched knowing how explosive it was going to be. "Fuck!" Mara cried out her orgasmic juices shooting across the bed.

"What?" Scarlet asked rolling over in her sleep before falling back to sleep.

"Clean it," Jason commanded holding his hand in front of her mouth. Mara wasted no time heeding his order licking his hand and fingers clean of any and all traces of her sex.

"Thank you Master," Mara said looking up at him. "Would you like if I took care of this for you baby?" she asked her hand reaching up through the leg of his boxers grasping his semi erect cock. The pads of her fingertips skimmed along his shaft. "Please, Master I just want to taste you?" Mara asked looking at him with doe like eyes.

"Yes, I think you should, seeing how you can't get enough of your son's cock," Jason said, a fiendish light playing across his eyes. Mara's legs swung off the bed pulling down her son's boxers as his cock pointed directly at her hungry mouth. Her hands took hold of his ass cheeks as his hand pushed her down onto his cock. Keeping her there as his cock crept down the back of her throat, tapping his right hip as her lungs burned the longer he held her there. Then pulling back getting a few seconds of air before his hips rammed his cock back down her throat.

Mara didn't understand why he was being so rough with her, yet she couldn't deny that she did enjoy having his cock in her mouth. Her nose itched as his pubic hair filled her nostrils as his hot seed surged forth from the tip of his manhood. "Now how does it feel being the one that was violated?" Jason asked as his cum dripped from her lower lip. Not waiting for her reply before marching back to his room.

Mara had lain awake since her son had face-fucked her for the second time. While she wasn't one for that kind of thing, she enjoyed teasing that hard rod, making it yearn to have her lips wrapped around that hard tool. Her mind raced with questions as to why her son would do such a thing.

Oh, she knew it was partially to get her back for what she had done to him, yet there was something else about her son as he drove his cock down her throat. She had seen a change starting to surface within him, more so last night when he had her watch as her daughter fucked her sister. The way he commanded them as he set out to punish his mother for what she had done to him. Had it always been there lurking underneath the surface, or was this something new altogether that she herself had created? Sighing when her mind couldn't give her answers to her growing questions.

The rattle of the phone she had used to clone her wayward son's phone to keep an eye on him, startled her. Arching an eyebrow wondering who could be texting her son so early in the morning.

Mara's eyes narrowed as she read the text, "Hey Jason where have you been for the last few days? Are you sick or something? Is that why you haven't been to class? I hope it's not something I did that made you avoid me?" She knew who exactly it was, and her blood ran hot at the thought of her son lying with the teenage girl. A sneaky smile graced her lips as her son hadn't texted her back.

"Hey, no, I'm not sick my mother is crazy she took me out of school because of what we did. It's why I haven't been able to contact you," Mara typed out before hitting the send button.

Tiptoeing down the hall to his room, peeking through the crack of the door, she saw Margret scowling at his phone as she read the text she had sent. Catching her attention she pointed to the phone in her hand. Pondering on how well her scheme would take. Could she get the girl to meet her somewhere; what then, surely she would see reason Mara hoped. She told her daughter not to let Jason onto her little plan as she took his phone from her.

"What! You're kidding me right? She can't possibly be that horrid to you?" Mara silently chuckled to herself at what she had in stored for the girl.

"I'm not even going to try to explain what she's been doing so far. Most likely you wouldn't even believe it even if I told you. Plus, I don't know if she is listening in on this so I won't repeat it here."

"Damn, that's messed up Jason. I can understand you not wanting to talk about it here....would you care to meet somewhere? Then you can tell me everything. Jason I'm worried about you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we had sex." Mara's grip tightened around the phone as her anger flared at the thought of her son entangled with this girl. "Please, Jason won't you meet me I promise it won't be for long just enough to know you're ok?"

"How quick can you get to the Hardloom park?" Mara asked determined to put this girl in her place.

"I can be there in twenty minutes!" Mara huffed irritably at her rapid fire text that answered her.

"Ok, meet on the east side of the park underneath the old oak tree," Mara typed out while shaking her sister awake. She was sure she could break the girl herself, yet she needed Scarlet to prepare the basement while she was away. Plus, she was sure her sister would enjoy dominating the teenager that thought to lay with their Master.

"Margret," Mara whispered as she inched Jason's door open.

"Yes," Margret said hurrying to the door.

"I need you to get Jason out of the house until five o'clock. I don't want to see him until then at least not until I break that girl," Mara said with a wicked smile.

"Yes, Mistress I'll text you once we leave," Margret said with her own cruel smirk.

Mara hid behind the oak tree resting against its trunk as she waited for the girl that had slept with her son. Smiling as she heard the approaching footsteps. Using her compact to peer around the tree to get a look at the girl, the feeling of pride swelled within her as she studied the girl. She had taken her for a plain young woman, not this fine dressed gorgeous woman that was captivated by her son.

"Come on Jason please hurry," Mara heard her whisper as she began to pace.

"Waiting for someone?" Mara said stepping out from behind the tree, keeping the mirth of her shocked expression from her face. "I'm sorry to inform you my son won't be coming. However, if you come with me I'll take you to him," Mara said innocently. "I know you already know where we live so why don't you follow me there, and the two of you can talk if that is what you want," she said keeping her true plan from spilling from her lips.

"Are you sure that will be alright?" Mary asked skeptically.

"Sure why wouldn't be?" Mara asked tilting her head to the side. "You are a friend of my son correct," a slight smile graced her lips as Mary slowly nodded. "Then it would be rude of me not to invite you into my home. I'm sure Jason would be thrilled to see you. He has been down lately since he has started homeschooling."

"O...Ok," Mary said an uneasy feeling washed over her as she looked into those hazel eyes. "So I can speak to Jason about anything while I'm there?" she asked trying to get the woman to show her what Jason had spoken about to her.

"Of course," Mara said smiling sweetly at her. "Why would I not? I'm sure it's nothing I haven't heard before having raised two children. I'm sure I have heard everything you two will speak about," she said waving off the teenagers worry. "Shall we go?" Mara asked gesturing towards the parking lot.

"Please, why don't you come in," Mara said holding the door open for her. Her eyes narrowing as Mary passed her, locking the door ensuring the girl wouldn't run. "So you're the one that fucked my Master," she hissed into Mary's ear as Mara came up from behind her, taking the teenager by the throat as she caught her off guard. "Or at least one of them!" Mara growled, her left arm keeping Mary tight against her body. "Did you enjoy fucking my son? Did you let him explore this youthful body of yours? Did his hot cum fill that slutty mouth of yours?"

"Let me go you crazy bitch!" Mary yelled trying to wiggle out of her hold.

"You will listen if you want to be with my son. One, you will tell me who else fucked him along with you, when you had your fun with my son. Two, you will submit to me for I am the Mistress of this house. You will yield this body to me or I will break you! Trust me I have far more experience in pleasing a woman than my son does," Mara whispered her lips brushing against Mary's ear.

Her left hand slipped beneath Mary's waistband, her eyes narrowing at the lack of hair, she knew she had just shaved, wondering if her son enjoyed looking at a bald pussy as it swallowed his cock. "So I take it you were excepting to get somewhere with my son today? Does my son like watching this cunt riding his fat cock?" Mary peered at her in shock wondering how she knew the size of her son's manhood. "So answer me," Mara demanded nibbling on her earlobe.

"M.....My...mother," Mary stuttered as Mara teased her clit.

"Oh, I see then you have no hesitations about incestuous relationships?" Mara asked teasing the girl and feeling her canal growing moist as her finger slipped into her tight cunt.

"N....o, I just want to be with Jason," Mary said fighting not to give into her orgasm.

"Then I should tell you we all have been fucking my son," Mara cooed slipping another finger into her hot mound. "That I am his submissive as well as the Mistress of this house. So, if you want to be with Jason, strip!" Mara commanded, seeing her sister breaching the threshold of the stairs to her dungeon. Retracting her hand from the girl's pants before pushing her into her sister's arms. "Well, what will it be, strip or shall we break you. We do have all day," she said with a sadistic grin. "Holly be so kind to take her below since she won't answer her Mistress," Mara said reverting to her sister's dominatrix name.

"Sure thing Rose," Scarlet said smiling wickedly. She did enjoy breaking in the new breed whether it be man or woman. However, given her actives with her Master she was going to take great pleasure in making the girl submit to them. "Come along slut it's time to learn your place here," Scarlet said steering the girl towards the basement. "Well, you heard Rose, strip," she said pushing Mary towards the metal frame. "I want to see the body that made our Master lay with you," Scarlet sneered as her eyes ran down the teenager's body.

"No! I will not be a part of this!" Mary shouted trying to steel her resolve, yet her eyes couldn't help but take in the items that surrounded her.

"Oh, then are you saying you don't want Jason?" Scarlet asked, hoping that she won't have to share Jason with another woman.

"No, I never said that," Mary said retreating as she saw something flare in Scarlet's eyes.

"Strip, or I will cut your clothes from your body and make you walk home nude!" Scarlet yelled her anger getting the better of her.

"Now, now Holly you shouldn't allow your anger to get the better of you," Mara said walking down the stairs nude. Mary took a dry swallow knowing her escape route was blocked.

"Mistress we are almost home just stopping for gas before heading back," Margret typed out before sending it to her mother.

"Good, our plan bore fruit and you'll be pleasantly surprised when you come home baby. So tell me how is our Master is he doing well? Did he get enough to eat today at the Zoo? Is he too tired to perform his duties as the head of this household?"

"Jason is moody but that's more about being whisked off to the Zoo at 6:30 in the morning than anything else. We had a light lunch so I am sure he'll be starving when we get home. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us when we arrive. There he is I have to go see you soon," Margret typed out sending it to Mara before dropping it into her purse.

"Jason I know today was spontaneous," she said reaching over taking his hand into hers. "I just wanted you to know that it meant a lot to me that you came with me and that I got to spend the entire day with you. That in of itself is worth everything to me," Margret said leaning into her brother. Her soft lips brushing against his savoring the feeling as Jason's lips returned her affections.

"Mom we're home!" Margret called out as the door closed behind her.

"Jason!" Scarlet giggled as she ran to greet her nephew. Her tongue drove into Jason's mouth moaning into his mouth as his tongue swirled around hers. "Oh, Master you're improving," she said shyly before her tongue flickered out teasing the tip of his nose. "I can't wait to show you more, but first we have something to show you," Scarlet cooed into his ear.

Smirking at his confused look her fingers ran along his jaw before turning back towards the kitchen. "Mara let's show Jason his present!"

Jason's eyes ran up his mother's fishnet stocking, the black leather mini skirt contoured tightly to her hips. Her loose red silk blouse allowing her son to view her chest, as she smiled triumphantly at her Master. Yet that wasn't what held his attention, no, it was the black leather leash that she held in her right hand.

"Come along dear you do wish to see your Master?" Mara asked tugging her new pet out for all to view. Jason's mouth hung agape as Mary stood buck naked in his living room with only the dog collar around her neck. Her hands covered her womanhood as she stood before Jason. "Kneel pet," Mara commanded her hand stroking her hair as Mary knelt at her side.

"Watch Jason see how obedient she is," she said unhooking the leash from the collar. Instantly, Mary's arms wrapped around Mara's right leg. "Who do you serve my pet?" Mara asked looking down at the teenager.

"I serve you Mistress," Mary said obediently looking up at Mara.

"You see Jason I am good at what I do," Mara said with amused smirk. "Now I have no problem with you fucking this girl anymore, because she serves me now as I serve you. While we can't show our affections for you out in the real world Master, this little beauty allows us to appear as a normal family. This is fine, we still get to be with you as well as she does, albeit in a restrictive form until she learns her role in this family," Mara said finally noticing the cold demeanor that washed over her son.

"So you took it upon yourself to trick me; to taint the one thing that had no ties to you?" Jason growled coldly. "Margret, go fetch the paddle," he said in a monotone voice. "I can only assume you all were in this together," Jason said as he began to pace, smacking his forehead knowing that was why he was whisked out of the house for that sole reason. Holding out his hand as Margret held the paddle in her hands. "All of you strip, wall, now!" Jason sneered as he glared at the three of them.

"But Master...." Margret's words died in her throat as she saw the rage burning within his amber eyes.

"Did I stutter!" Jason said his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Quickly!" he yelled pointing once again to the wall. His eyes glanced down noting how Mary hadn't moved an inch. "Are you alright? She didn't hurt you did she?" Jason asked whispering into her ear.

"I'm fine Master," Mary said softly. "This way I get to be with you," she said her green eyes glanced over to him.

"You sure, this has all got to be overwhelming to you?" Jason asked ignoring their huffs the longer he spoke with Mary.

"At first yes," Mary said reaching out touching his forearm lightly. "Yet then there was you Jason," she said turning her body towards him. "I want to be yours Jason, and as strange as your family is I can see they care for you."

"Master. How long must we stand like this?" Scarlet asked not liking how Jason spent far too much time on the girl and not on her.

"Oh, did I say you could speak!" Jason barked as he rose to his feet.

"Come then if this is what you want?" he asked holding out his hand to her. Mary's hand slid into his as her eyes ran up his body. Her cheeks heated as Jason led her into the living room. He pushed the coffee table against the couch before dragging the leather chair to its former spot. Jason wanted them watch once he was done with their physical punishment.

"So who's idea was all this?" Jason asked as he paced behind them, the paddle slapping against his palm as he waited for their answer.

"We all had a hand in it Master," Margret said looking over her shoulder. Crying out in pain as the wooden paddle struck her bare ass.

"That is not what I asked Margret. It seems I must repeat myself," Jason said in an annoyed huff.

"If you must punish someone Jason punish me," Mara said trepidation flooded her mind. She had watched as the paddle struck her daughter more forcefully then she thought he would. So she knew this wasn't about the pleasure filled experience, her son meant to truly punish them for interfering in his life. Mara bit her lip to keep her howl of pain from escaping.

"Again that's not what I asked Mara, I asked whose idea was this!" Jason yelled.

"Master if you hadn't....." tears streamed from Scarlet's eyes as Jason didn't wait for her to finish her sentence.

"I won't ask again!" Jason growled his grip tightening on the handle of the paddle.

"It was my idea Master," Mara said through waves of pain. "It was my idea to lure Mary to the park. Have Margret get you out of the house while Scarlet prepared the basement. If you must levy your anger on someone let it be me," Mara said peering out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh, are you trying dictate how and who I am going to punish for this?" Jason asked coldly as the paddle rested against his shoulder.

"No, never Master, but I'm the one who set this in motion. Only I should be the one that you vent your wrath onto," Mara said before her eyes flew wide. Her head snatch backwards as her son's hand pulled her hair back. Taking a dry swallow as those amber eyes burned into her skin.

"Is that what you think? That they would be free and clear, as every one of you interfered with my private life?" Jason asked in a cold emotionless voice. Yet Mara saw the rage burning with the depths of his eyes. "To twist the one thing that had no connection to you, this smut you're into, or anyone in this household not including me. Did you truly think I would be pleased by this Mara?!"

"I had to do something Jason!" Mara said knowing soon her ass would feel the sting of the paddle once again. "I thought I was losing you to her! I just couldn't allow that to happen baby, not after I found a worthy Master. So go ahead punish your mother! Use that piece of wood on her ass as any good Master would do when his submissive has displeased him."

"Oh, I have something far more painful than just using this piece of wood," Jason said cruelly as the paddle bumped against his shoulder. "However, if it makes you feel any better I believe you," he said letting go of her hair.

Twelve strokes of the paddle resounded throughout his house as each member of his family got their due penitence. The paddle fell from his hand as he walked back to the chair. "Kneel," Jason commanded as the leather squeaked as it molded around him. "You will not move an inch from that spot until I wish it, am I clear?"

"Yes, Master we understand," they said in unison.

"Come kneel before me Mary," Jason said his eyes following her every move as he leaned on the armrest of the chair. Opening up his legs giving her access to what he had in store for her. A wicked smirk graced his face as Jason saw their scowls.

"Take it out Mary let them watch as you service me," Jason commanded smiling sweetly at her. Mary didn't need to be told twice as Mara had kept her on the edge of her orgasm always pulling back before she reached that point, then making her chase that dragon, only to have it snatched away from her. She didn't know if she had gone mad from the experience or not.

Right then it didn't matter as her fingers kneaded through his zipper seeking out what she hungered for. Purring loudly as they wrapped around his growing tool, Mary looked up one last time to Jason, who gave her a slight nod, her mouth engulfing his manhood in one swift move. Jason brushed back her hair as Mary worked his cock leaning his head back breathing out a blissful sigh as her tongue worked the length of his shaft.

"Master," Mary said softly blowing across the tip of his cock. "May I please fuck this cock Master?" she asked before running it along her lips.

"Oh, so polite you are, asking me," Jason said leaning down his fingertips skimmed along her jaw tilting her chin up. Mary's heart fluttered as his lips brushed against hers. The way Jason started slow, taking his time to explore the warmth she had to offer. She had experienced more wet, forceful, and inexperience kisses before, yet none like this. Her hands took hold of his face as she allowed his tongue to explore hers. Jason peered at the three of them as his and Mary's kiss deepened, smiling inwardly seeing the displeasure that was etched on their faces. "Does your Master's cock please you my sweet?" Jason asked his finger tracing along Mary's lower lip.

"Yes, Master ever so much," Mary said loving the feel of his touch upon her skin.

"Then come," Jason said leaning back patting his lap. "No, turn around I want them to see your beautiful orgasmic face as you cum upon my cock," he said as Mary started to climb onto the chair. Watching with delight as Mary posed his cock at her secret entrance, sucking in a breath as she slowly lowered herself onto his heated rod. Mary peered over her shoulder, a smile spread across her lips knowing how her cunt pleased him. "God, I do love being inside you Mary!" Jason groaned as her folds squeezed his member.

"Thank you Master, my pussy is only for you now," Mary said her body shuddering as she used the armrest as leverage. Her breathing was heavy after feeling her body on the verge from Mara's torment. "M.....aster may I cum?! Please, I can't hold it!"

"Of course my sweet, coat my cock in that hot cream," Jason said running his hands along her hips.

His hands traveled northward pulling her back against his chest, cupping her breast as his hips thrust upwards, smiling evilly as he watched his family's reaction as Mary's womb detonated.

"Yes, that's it show them that face," he whispered into her ear. "Do you want to drink your Master's juice, or shall I sow it deep within your womb?"

"Inside me Master!" Mary moaned loudly. Tossing back her head as she felt his semen flooding her canal.

"Clean it," Jason commanded as Mary slid off his lap.

"Do you understand why I have done this?" he asked looking at the three of them as Mary cleaned his spent cock of their combined juices.

"Yes, I believe I do Jason," Mara said trying not to focus on how her son's hot cum was leaking of the teenage girl's cunt.

"Oh do you now. Please explain to the class?" Jason asked in a quizzical light.

"First Master, may I clean out Mary's cunt, she's wasting valuable cum on my hardwood floor?" Mara asked taking his slight nod as his answer. Sliding between Mary's legs her tongue worked feverishly to catch every drop of her son's delicious cum. Once she was done with her task she returned to the spot her Master had placed her in.

"Now as to why you made us watch. I think it was a mix of things, one of what we have done to you in the past, and our inability to stay out of your life. For that I am sorry Jason. I do hope you know I only did so because of my fear of losing you. However, now that Mary is part of our family, will you be looking elsewhere for escape from us?" Mara asked hoping he would relieve her fears.

"Mary, can you stand being here like this knowing everything now?" Jason asked. However, much he acted the part of the dominant; he was still a boy with very limited experience with the opposite sex.

"Yes, Jason," Mary said resting her head on his lap. "You don't know how much I've thought about you. I don't know why you just won't leave my mind. So if this is how it must be for me to be a part of your life then I will gladly endure it," she said looking up to him. "So the question you must ask yourself Master, are you prepared to have a girlfriend in your life?"

"An interesting question you pose," Jason said, all the while his mind screamed out "I have a girlfriend!" Then he felt that feeling in the back of his mind he knew all too well. "I have to say boss I'm impressed," Jason could feel his rogue appendage mirth rolling over him. "Not only do you have two hot older women and a smoking twenty year old fucking me with gusto, now you have this fine lady riding me like a pro. I bow to you oh great and wise Master." Jason could only roll his eyes at his horny phallus. "At least you didn't put me in her ass this time I still swear I smell like shit. However, I do enjoy the smell of satisfied cunt juice coating me."

Sighing inwardly, wondering if he had indeed gone insane, as he was having a conversation with his cock inside his head, that couldn't possibly sane behavior. "Right, remember I'll stuff you into Mara's ass if you don't behave yourself, and we both know she would enjoy feeling you up her ass." Smirking as Jason felt his rods revulsion at the thought. "Promise me this won't happen and I'll swear to be good."

"So does that mean I get to see you more often?" Mary asked, her hand squeezing lightly on his thigh.

"If you don't mind dating a romance author," Jason said, his thumb running along her cheek bone.

"Not one bit," Mary said smiling up to him. "Mistress," she said looking back at Mara. "Would you mind if I spent the night here on the weekends so I can be with my Master?"

"I am sure we can work something out my pet," Mara said smiling sweetly at her. "Now you best go get dressed I am sure your mother is worried about where you have been all day."

"Crap!" Mary cursed as she noted the time. "I'll text you later," she said as she kissed Jason before heading out the door.

"Now have you got something planned for dinner?" Jason asked looking at his mother.

"No, Master I thought we could order in tonight and gather around the TV and watch some movies. However, I understand if you do not wish to after what has transpired," Mara said watching as Jason pulled out his phone.

"Well, after that I'm going to need a large pizza and bread sticks," Jason said peering up seeing them shaking their heads at the bread stick order. "Bacon cheese sticks it is then, so one pizza for the three of you and one for myself. However, if you behave yourself I just might share," Jason said as the line rang.

"Yes, I need to place an order, no this is a pick up, one large pep and bacon, another pep and bell peppers and a bacon cheese stick as well. Twenty minutes sounds good," Jason said ending his call. "Now the two of you," he said pointing to his mother and sister. "Shall go and fetch my dinner while I teach my dear, dear sweet aunt manners," Jason said his amber eyes falling onto Scarlet.

"Master may I ask what have I done?" Scarlet asked feeling her body heat and tremble underneath his gaze.

"Back talk," was his only answer.

"Well, hurry up, you don't want my food getting cold do you," he said looking over at his mother. Sending them to the New York style pizzeria a couple of miles west of his home. "Now for you," Jason said coldly. "Take that nice taut ass over to the dining room table and bend over," he commanded.

"Damn boss, making me work overtime. Not that I'm complaining or anything you do have some fine choices eager to have me. I'll make sure not to cum too quickly so you can give that woman a proper fucking. Just don't put me in her ass this time!" his cock whispered in his mind as it started to roar back to life. "Hush you!" Jason said smacking his cock as it strained the denim of his jeans.

Scarlet hid her excitement within the curtain of her ebony hair as she posed her ass as her Master commanded. She just couldn't get over how forceful her nephew has become since the time in her club. The way he used the paddle on her rear when he would have once told someone else to enact his commands. While his punishment could be seen as sadistic, to her it showed her that he was easing into his role. There was also the enjoyment that she would be the first of the day to be fucked by her Master. To her mind, Mary didn't count at least not yet.

"Now Scarlet just what has gotten into you?" she heard him ask as he entered the dining room.

"Forgive me Master, but I can't help it if my jealousy gets the better of me when you spend time with another woman in front of me," Scarlet said releasing a lustful moan as the sound of the smack of his hand on her ass echoed within the room.

"I see," Jason said his eyes running up and down her naked back. "Did it irk you watching me fuck Mary in front of you?" he asked leaning along her back. Brushing back her hair, his hot breath in her ear, his hand ran along her smooth skin cupping her dangling breast.

"Yes, Master to see her enjoying that cock that I haven't felt since last night. To have your hot cum filling her womb when my own has gone without for so long," Scarlet said rubbing her mound against his bulge. "Is it wrong of me to want to please my Master in every way my body can provide for him?" she asked her heart racing as she heard the sound of his pants falling to the floor.

"I see," Jason said his free hand running the head of his cock along his aunts pink lips. "You want this cock don't you, you horny woman? Such a dirty aunt you are lusting after your own nephew's cock."

"Yes, Master I need it badly," Scarlet stammered as waves of pleasure radiated out from her core. "I can't help but lust after my Master's fine cock," she said sucking in a breath as Jason thrust hard into her. "Fuck! That's it Jason use my cunt! Punish this dirty whore of an aunt for being so bad," Scarlet screamed out as Jason's hips pounded her womanhood. Her nails racked down the wooden surface of the table as his rod glided through her folds. "Yes! Spank my ass Master!" Scarlet cried out joyfully as Jason's hand left a nice red rue upon her skin. "Jason I'm going to cum please Master may I cum."

"Yes, you may," Jason growled increasing his pace and reaching around her pinching her clit as he felt his own orgasm near.

"No! Not there Master!" Scarlet moaned before her howls of pleasure filled his home as his spunk filled her womb as her folds had a death grip on his cock. Her chest heaved as she tried to draw breath into her lungs. Biting her lip as she smiled knowing she had stopped taking her birth control since the night at her club. Scarlet knew she was ovulating, and she knew no better choice of a man to father her child then her nephew. Now with his sperm so deep within her she had no doubt in her mind. That those little swimmers' would find the egg that awaited them.

"On your knees Scarlet and clean off my cock you so easily cum upon," Jason commanded. A hungry smirk graced her lips as she sank to her knees as he held his deflating member out for her.

"Jason we're home," Mara called out stopping in her tracks as her son's cock left her sister's lips. Again she saw the dripping of his cum being wasted on her floor. "Jason just what have you been doing while we were gone?" Mara asked closing the door behind Margret as she carried the pizzas into the living room.

"Teaching me manners Mara," Scarlet said smiling up at Jason. She plunged her fingers into her cunt coating them in his still warm spunk, and held out her hand for her sister as she ensured his cock was pristine. Scarlet's eyes peered out of the corner of her left eye as Mara hungrily savored the morsel before her.

"I see," Mara said coming up for breath licking her lips clean. "I do hope the rest of us will receive the same lesson?"

"Maybe," Jason said coyly directing Scarlet to pull his pants up. "First I want dinner," he said walking off towards the living room.

"Jason, sit beside me please," Margret said patting the seat beside her. Handing him the plate she had prepared for him. "I know you might be still angry with me, but know I only did it because I love you," she said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Master, may I sit here?" Scarlet asked pointing to the empty space beside him and ignoring her sister's scowl.

"No, you already had your fun," Jason said smirking and pointing to the leather chair. "Hmm, how to put it... it wouldn't be fair if you were the only one being pleased by their Master."

"Jason, does this mean that you'll let me sit here beside you?" Mara asked draping herself across the back of the couch. Her cheek brushed against his waiting for him to swallow his food before he spoke. Yet she didn't have to as he pointed to the spot beside him. Mara couldn't help herself from giggling as she hurried around the couch. Knowing she had beaten out her sister when she knew he was still annoyed at her ploy. "Thank you sweetheart," Mara said sweetly into his ear. Kissing lightly along his cheek before making up her own plate.

"Jason, is there a movie you want to watch?" Margret asked as she opened up the cable TV guide. Punching in the channel for Showtime, scrolling through the list before Jason told her to stop. While it wasn't something she herself would watch yet it pleased her brother that was all that mattered to her.

With their meal finished Mara and Margret snuggled close to Jason as the movie drew to the finale. Mara's heart swelled as her son hadn't once tried to distance himself from them; or bark at them for being too clingy as they wrapped their arms around his. However, she wasn't expecting what was about to come out of her son's mouth.

"I want to watch a porno," Jason said reaching for the remote only to be denied as Scarlet scooped it up before he could get to it.

"Is that what you really want Jason?" Scarlet asked with an amused grin. She knew the perfect one to watch. It was one she had found a few years ago when she longed for her sister.

"Yes," Jason said vehemently nodding his head, waiting for his mother to rain on his parade.

"Then you don't want to watch any of these on the cable channels' in my opinion they wouldn't suit you. Given how your taste is outside the norm," Scarlet said rising from her seat. "Give me a few minutes and I'll treat you to a superb movie," she said drifting off to the room she shared with her sister.

"Jason, are you sure this is what you want? Is my body not enough to get a rise out of this?" Margret asked her hand resting on his groin while her breast pressed into his arm.

"You know it is Margret, however, this isn't about that," Jason said his fingers drumming on his legs waiting for his aunt to return.

"Then what is it about Jason? Why must you watch such things if our bodies excite you?" Mara asked noting his blushing cheeks.

"Because I've never seen one before," Jason stated before sighing.

"Not once?" Margret asked skeptically.

"No, for the past three years I've been too busy for such things, and I had other things on my mind then to worry about sex or porn for that matter."

"Then let me be then one to enlighten you on such things Master," Scarlet cooed as she sashayed over to the DVD player, switching the TV over to the auxiliary. "I do hope you're ready for this Jason," she said over her shoulder wiggling her ass as the menu screen popped up. Jason took a dry swallow as he read the title 'Family Incest'. Jason's eyes glanced over to his mother as the woman playing the mom in the movie appeared on screen.

"My, my, I hear you been a bad boy son," the actress said standing in the doorway in a bathrobe. "I got a call from the school that you were caught peeping at the girls while they changed. Have I not taught you to respect women?" she asked crossing her arms below her firm breast.

"I know mom but I just can't help myself." Jason cocked an eyebrow at the similarities between the two of them.

"No, it can't be real; they can't be related, or could they?" Jason asked himself as the scene played out. Scarlet bit her lip as she watched her nephew she knew that look. The look that his mind had caught on to the plan facts that were presented before him.

"Oh, I see then it seems I'll have to ensure this doesn't happen again," the actress said undoing the knot in her belt.

"Mom! What are you doing?!" Jason looked the woman over then to his mother.

"Wait! Pause the movie," Jason said looking over at Scarlet. "Mara, go stand by the TV, oh and strip," he said with a mischievous smile.

"Yes, Master," Mara said slyly sliding out of her seat. Smiling as she wiggled out of her clothes she would take every chance to be naked before her son. Watching his eyes darting between her and the TV she wondered what his mind was pondering.

"Master, may I join my sister?" Scarlet asked jumping from her seat when gave his consent.

"Got to say she has nothing on the two of you," Jason said he just couldn't get enough of seeing his mother and aunt in the nude.

"Jason," Margret cooed seductively into his ear. "I do hope that includes me too?" she asked as her breast pressed into his shoulder, her hand tracing along his chest.

"Most definitely," Jason said with a coy smirk. "You can sit down now, and leave your clothes off. Why don't you join them sis," Jason said looking over to Margret.

"As you wish Master," Mara said before walking back over to her seat.

"Of course, silly me still in these rags," Margret said shyly winking at her brother as she rose. Her body went flushed as his eyes stayed on her body as she stripped before her brother. Her fingers running through her neat trimmed pubic hair that was shaped in an upside down triangle directing his gaze towards her womanhood.

"Master, does this mean you are no longer angry with us?" Mara asked softly allowing the heat of her body to soak into her son.

"Possibly," Jason said with amused smirk as Scarlet hit the play button. He took Margret's right hand and Mara's left hand placing them on his groin that had awoken from the show. "Take care of it," Jason ordered. The two of them shared confused looks as to whom he wanted.

"Jason, Master which one of us shall take care of you?" Mary's asked hoping it would be her.

"Both," Jason said easing an eyebrow. "You do want your lesson do you not? Now get to it," he said nodding down to their hands.

"I so love you boss!" his cock roared in the back of his mind. "I would hope so seeing how you already know what I have planned," Jason shot back as the sound of his zipper filled his ears. "You know what to do, and you do it so well," he moaned resting his head against the back of the sofa.