I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 06


Suddenly I jumped up out of a sound sleep. I realized that it was thundering and lightning outside and it was now pouring. The flash of lightning and the instant clap of thunder scared me half to death. I could feel my heart pounding as I laid my head back down on the pillow.

I still couldn't believe what I just did a few hours ago as I looked over at my alarm clock. The high that I had when I was on that stage with Mrs. Graph was amazing. Seducing her like that in front of a crowd is the ultimate thrill that anyone can have.

When my teacher screamed out "I belong to you Master," I felt like I was on top of the world. I knew she was becoming trained as she cried out over and over that she now belonged to me. Realizing that I was going to have a hard time falling back asleep because of the storm, I decided to get up to check my e mail.

I left my computer turned on last night so I only needed to log on. I quickly typed in the web address and called up my e mail. I clicked on the inbox icon and as I expected there was no messages. I sat there looking at the screen when all of a sudden there was a flash of lightning followed by the roar of thunder.

I clicked on the compose button and as the rain intensified I though about what I wanted to write. I pulled open the desk drawer next to my computer and pulled out the e mail address that Stephani left in the money bag for me. I needed money badly and I knew one way I could get it. A grin crept across my face as I placed my hands on the keyboard and began to type.

"You still can't stop fucking him can you Stephani? You can't resist him can you? Well guess what? Because of your continued infidelity you must continue to pay!!!! That's right you two bit whore, you must pay me!!! We will make this one simple. You get four thousand dollars in cash and meet me behind The Valley Christian Academy tonight at midnight. I will be sitting in the dark blue Camaro. You will park your car next to me and you will get into the passenger seat with the money. Try anything funny and I will ruin your life! I'm serious Stephani! If you fuck this up I will make you pay like you never thought possible!! See you tonight."

Just for the hell of it I attached a picture to the e mail. I sent her the picture of her lover with his cock in her mouth just because she looked so erotic. I clicked on the send button and was just about to shut my computer off because of the storm when I realized that I had just received a message. I clicked on the inbox and I nearly jumped out of my chair when the thunder shook the whole house. I couldn't believe it. Mrs. Graph just e mailed me at this insane hour of the night. Quickly I clicked on her message and began to read her note.

"Oh Master I can't believe what happened tonight. I can't sleep, I can't relax, and I can't even go lay down in the same bed next to my husband. You now consume me Master. I now live for you and your every need. I will no longer resist you as resistance is futile. I belong to you now Master and I am willing to prove it to you any way possible. What you did to me tonight changed my life forever. You are the man that I have dreamed about my whole life. I will serve you any time you wish. You own me now Master and I will belong to you for the rest of my life. The way we made love tonight was something I will never forget. The way you handled me in front of those people tonight made me realize how deeply you care for me. The discipline you administered to me for failing your instructions was deserved. That proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that you believe in me. That is something that my husband doesn't do. Tonight was the wildest fuck I ever could have dreamed about. When can we meet face to face Master? I just wanted you to know, I am all yours."

Suddenly there was another flash of lightning and a few moments later there was the roar of the thunder. I knew the storm was moving away from us so I decided to stay on line. Looking over at the clock it was already ten after four. The rain was now coming down in sheets as I clicked on the reply icon and typed.

"Your Master welcomes your acceptance of him with open arms. You have finally achieved inner piece with yourself Mrs. Graph. You have finally realized that the bonds of marriage are too vague and weak. You have finally realized that the bonds of being a Slave to your Master are stronger, much stronger. You will make a fine Slave Mrs. Graph. Just remember that you will not be perfect as you will make mistakes along the way. For your mistakes you will be punished and disciplined. Trust me when I say that I will have tears in my eyes when I discipline you, but that is how you learn to serve your Master." Signed, Master.

I sent the e mail and decided to go take a piss as the storm was now letting up. I knew my parents were going to be getting up in a bit so I was as quiet as possible. I returned to my room and sat down at my computer to log off and shut down when I realized that I had another message.

I clicked on my in box and couldn't believe it when I saw that I had another message from my teacher. I clicked on her message and began to read.

"You are so right Master. The bond that I feel between us is tremendously stronger than the one I share with my husband. I feel as though I should be laying next to you in your bed tonight and not my husband's. I am so scared of these new feelings I have developed but I feel so safe and secure with you. I expect you to discipline me when I fail you. I know in my heart that you only want me to fulfill your requests and that you do not mean to harm me. I too do not want to anger you Master. I need to get to sleep. I am going to lay down next to my husband and close my eyes and pretend that he is you. I know it won't be the same."

I quickly responded by clicking on the reply icon. I thought for a moment and then began to type.

"Your Master will take care of you Mrs. Graph. You have nothing to fear or be afraid of. You taught me how to learn an education so now it is my time to teach you. You will become a perfect Slave. Get some sleep Mrs. Graph." Signed, Master.

The storm had since passed as only a hint of thunder remained in the distance so I left my computer on. I crawled back into bed and tried to get comfortable. Finally after a few minutes I fell fast asleep.

Morning came and it was a little later than I wanted to get up. Quickly I ran into the rest room and showered. I went through the rest of my morning routine and ran down to the kitchen. I figured I could get a bite to eat at the coffee shop so I skipped breakfast.

I went into the garage and opened the door. I really hated riding this bike but until I find a way to get a car this was my only transportation. I rode down the block and rode to the coffee shop. I stashed my bike against a vacant store front and walked down to the coffee shop. I glanced across the street at the Sea Side Diner and it looked busy in there. I pulled on the door and went in and sat down.

It was quite busy as I seated myself at a small two seat table off to the side. I saw Trista as she bounced from table to table with a coffee pot. She hadn't yet spotted me so I took the time to admire her visually stunning features.

The jeans she wore hugged her ass and legs perfectly I could make out the faint panty lines through the denim as she leaned over a booth to pour one of her customers a cup of coffee. The snug white top left a slight hint of her midriff. The green apron covered her breasts but I knew she had a nice set of tits underneath.

Trista turned around and smiled. She quickly walked over to my table as she carried a coffee pot.

"Hi Justin," Trista said as she turned over a coffee cup and filled it.

"Good morning," I said as I picked up the cream and poured some into my coffee.

"Where have you been at?" Trista asked.

"It's almost noon," she said as she smiled and sat down across from me.

"I overslept because of the storm," I said.

"What time do you get off today?" I asked as I placed my hands on the table top in front of me.

I felt my heart skip a beat as Trista reached over and placed her hands on top of mine. She squeezed my fingers and smiled.

"Oh Justin, I can't get out early today," Trista said as her smile turned to a frown.

"I have to work until four today and then I have to help my dad at the church tonight," Trista said as she seemed a little bummed out.

Suddenly a smile flashed across Trista's face.

"I have an idea," Trista said as she now squeezed my hands firmly.

"What's that?" I asked as I flipped my hands over and squeezed her hands back.

"Why don't you meet me tonight behind the church and we can sit in my car and hang out," Trista said as she waited in anticipation for my answer.

"What time?" I asked.

"Nine should be good," Trista said as she had a gleam in her eyes.

"My dad is usually ready for bed by then and he'll never even know I'm out," she said excitedly.

"I'll be there," I said as I let one of her hands go to sip my coffee.

"I'll leave the passenger door unlocked so you can get inside so nobody will see you," Trista said as she got up to retrieve a doughnut for me from the counter.

Trista sat back down and I took a bite out of the jelly filled doughnut. I washed it down with a sip of coffee while I continued to look into Trista's lovely green eyes.

"I'll even leave the spare key under the mat so you can listen to the radio in case you get there before me," Trista said as she stood up.

I nodded my head as I was still chewing my doughnut.

"I have to get back to work," Trista said as she blew me a kiss when she turned around.

"Oh Justin, don't worry about the coffee and doughnut," she said as she smiled and waved at me.

I just sat there thinking as I finished my coffee. Trista was extremely busy as she walked from table to table. Occasionally she glanced over at me and flashed me a quick smile. I knew one thing for sure, I was falling for this girl.

Trista was busy so I got up and left. I walked down to my bike and began to ride home. Along the way I had an incredible thought. I already told Brad's mom that she was to meet me tonight in Trista's car with the money. I now had a key to enter without having to sneak Trista's key off of her key ring. This was working out better than I expected as I thought that I would have to try something sneaky to leave Trista's car door open tonight.

I turned down the road leading to Brad's house. I decided that I was going to go see if his mother was home. I turned down the next street and then sailed up Brad's driveway.

I jumped off of my bike and hopped up on the porch. I rang the door bell and waited. Finally the door was pulled open. I nearly choked when Brad's mom opened the door.

"Hello Justin," Stephani said as she pushed the screen door open for me.

I pulled the door open and walked inside as Stephani turned and walked toward the kitchen. I followed her as she went through the doorway and into the kitchen. As she walked I couldn't keep my eyes off of her incredible legs and feet and my mind off of her seeing me tonight when she hands me the money.

"Brad's not home," Stephani said as she bent down to reach inside the oven.

When she bent down I couldn't help but to notice that her shorts rode way up and exposed the lower part of her ass cheeks.

"Do you like muffins?" Brad's mom asked as she carried the first rack over to the table and set it down.

As she set the rack of muffins down she bent down slightly allowing me to see her incredible cleavage.

"Sure, I love muffins," I said as I watched her bend over and reach into the stove again.

This time Stephani reached farther back into the stove causing her tiny white shorts to creep up higher between her ass cheeks. Moments later she stood up and brought the last rack over to the table.

"Let them cool then you can have some," Stephani said as she leaned over a little farther allowing me to see the soft white bra that cupped her lovely breasts.

I couldn't resist any more and picked up a muffin from the first rack.

"Don't burn yourself Justin," Stephani said as she opened the refrigerator and poured me a glass of milk.

"Mmmmmmm," I said as I sank my teeth into the soft warm blueberry muffin."

"So are they really as good as you say they are?" Stephani asked as she set the glass of milk down in front of me and then sat down directly across from me.

"God they are perfect," I said as I finished the warm soft treat.

"Lets go watch television," Stephani said as she got up and walked into the den.

I quickly downed the rest of my milk before following Stephani into the den. I sat down on the sofa while she turned the television on and sat down directly across from me on the love seat. Stephani pulled her bare legs up under her and sat Indian style. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of her sexy feet as her toe nails were painted a delicate shade of pink.

Stephani turned on some music videos and stared into the screen. I watched the television but out of the corner of my eye I kept an eye on her. I was looking for any sign of nervousness but saw none. If she was afraid, she sure didn't show it.

"I hate this video," Stephani said as she bent down and picked the remote off of the floor.

In doing so her top hung down allowing me to see her perfectly golden breasts as they hung down into her bra. She changed the channel and then set the remote on the love seat.

Suddenly the phone rang. Stephani leaned over to the end table and picked up the cordless phone. I continued to watch television but I also listened to her conversation. From the way she was talking I was certain that it was her husband.

"I have to work late tonight," Stephani said into the phone.

My heart skipped a beat as I knew that she was talking about meeting me. I became excited as I began thinking about how I was going to spend the money. My job here was done so as soon as Stephani hung up the phone I stood up.

"Tell Brad I stopped by," I said as I slowly made my way to the front door.

Stephani jumped up off of the love seat and followed me to the door. I went to push the screen door open and forgot to turn the handle causing me to walk face first into the screen. At the same instant I felt Brad's mom walk into my back side, pressing her breasts into my back.

"You would think I would learn how to walk through a door by now," I said as I chuckled and stepped out onto the porch.

"Your not the first one to do that," Stephani said as she closed the door.

"Bye," I said as I stood my bike up.

Looking behind me I saw Stephani already left the door and returned to the love seat. I began to ride home thinking about all the money I was on the verge of having. I began thinking about the nice things I wanted to buy Trista and Mrs. Graph. I had a dilemma growing and I wasn't sure how I was going to handle it

I pulled into the front yard and laid my bike down in the grass. I went inside and went up to my room to log on. I called up my e mail account and checked for any messages. There were two messages, one from Mrs. Graph and one from Brad's mom. I clicked on Mrs. Graph's message and began to read.

"Good morning Master. I slept like a baby last night after we e mailed each other. You make me feel so at ease. Your words of encouragement, your caring attitude, and your genuine affection for me have me on cloud nine. Have you give any thought about meeting face to face? I look forward to the day when I can look my Master in the eyes and tell him how much I need him, how much I belong to him. Is there anything you need Master? Please let me know."

I smiled to myself as I was so happy that she was now mine. I needed to have her go through an official ceremony, swearing under oath that she belongs to me. I clicked on the reply icon and began to type.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Graph. Your Master is grateful for your compliance. You will be rewarded handsomely for your good behavior. I have been thinking about us meeting face to face but I haven't yet decided when. I will tell you where to meet me, just wait patiently for the day. What I want you to do today is to go buy a sexy new outfit and save it for when we meet. I know you will choose something classy. Also, between now and when we do meet I forbid you to have any sexual relations with your husband. You will tell him that you don't feel well. Understand?" Signed, Master.

I clicked on the send button before closing out of her message. I clicked on my in box and then clicked on the message from Brad's mom.

"Whoever you are, this needs to stop. Return all of the pictures that you have to me immediately or I will call the cops. I am not bluffing!"

"That fucking little bitch," I said to myself as I clicked on the reply icon.

I sat there in front of my computer really pissed off as I thought about what I was going to type. I knew I had to type something that had some sort of impact or else my plans could get screwed up. I placed my fingers on the keyboard and began to type.

"You fucking old cunt, who in the fuck do you think your talking to? Do you understand that I can ruin your life? Do you understand that I can do anything to you that I want? I am the one in control! Meet me tonight or pay the price!"

I sent the message and then logged off. I went downstairs just in time as my mom and dad pulled into the garage. My mom walked into the kitchen first and I had to admit, she looked like shit. My dad walked in behind my mom and he had dinner in a bag.

"I'm going to bed," my mom said as she walked past me and down the hallway toward their bedroom.

"She's still sick," my dad said as he helped her into their room. I took the burgers that my dad brought home and set them on the table. I got out a couple of paper plates and napkins and set the table. By the time my dad came into the kitchen I had both plates filled.

"So how was your date last night?" my dad asked as he pulled his chair back and sat down.

I knew I was going to get grilled now so I figured that I would just answer his questions. I figured that if I complied then maybe he would let me use the van again sometime.

"It went pretty good, although her dad is a little weird," I said as I bit into my burger.

"Going to go out with her again?" my dad asked.

"Yep, tonight," I said as I took a sip of some pop.

Not much else was said while we ate. When we finished I picked up all the trash and threw it into the trash can. My dad did his usual routine and sat down in his recliner in front of the television set.

I joined my dad in the living room and stretched out on the sofa since my mom wasn't here. There wasn't really anything good on the television so I became bored. I continued to watch the clock as I was eagerly waiting for the time to pass. Finally after what seemed like an eternity it was eight thirty.

Quietly I slipped off of the sofa and went into the garage. I forgot that I left my bike out in the yard so I went through the small man door. I jumped on my bike and rode to The Valley Christian Academy

Along the way I cut down the alley behind Club Cuffs. There were several cars lined along the back of the building and a few people walking toward the entrance. I continued down the alley and made my way to the church.

I got off of my bike in front of the church and walked my bike over to a phone pole in front of the next building. I locked my bike to the pole and casually walked across the church parking lot. It was virtually dark now so I didn't worry about anyone seeing me. I scanned all around me making sure that I was alone as I approached Trista's car. Taking one last look around I pulled on the handle and opened the passenger door.

I sat down in the passenger seat and tried to close the door as quietly as possible. The tinted windows prevented anyone from seeing me. I reached down under the mat and found the key that Trista left for me. I slipped the key into the ignition and turned the stereo on.

I found a station that played love songs and figured that maybe it would help set the mood. I looked back toward the church and saw someone walking toward the car. I realized that it was Trista as she came closer and I noticed that she was carrying something. I reached over and unlocked her door as she pulled the door open.

"Look what I got," Trista said as she sat down and handed me a brown paper bag.

I pulled the bottle out of the bag and realized that it was a bottle of church wine. I smiled as I looked up at her.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked as I twisted off the top.

Trista took the bottle from me and lifted it up to her mouth. She took a good swig before handing me the bottle.

"My dad will never even know I took it," Trista said as she slumped back into the drivers seat.

"Are you sure? I asked as I took a sip.

"I take a bottle every once in a while and he hasn't noticed yet," Trista said as she reached over and took the bottle from me.

We continued to pass the bottle of wine back and forth as we made small talk The time was flying and I was really enjoying myself. I made sure that my sips of wine were smaller than Trista's as I still had to meet Brad's mother yet.

"I'm so sick and tired of being thought of as a sweet little innocent girl," Trista said before taking a big chug of wine.

"It can't be that bad," I said as she handed me the bottle back.

"Trust me, it is," she said as she shifted in her seat so she was now leaning against me.

"I am so glad we met Justin," Trista said as she reached over and slipped her hand into mine.

"Me too," I said as I took a sip of wine and then set the empty bottle on the floor.

"I have to break out of this good girl image Justin," Trista said as she reached up and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Can you help me do that Justin?" Trista asked as she kissed me softly on the lips again.

I kissed her back over and over until our mouth's came together. Our lips parted and before I knew it our tongues were slithering across each other's in unison. I slipped my arm around Trista and held her gently as we continued to kiss.

Trista pulled back slightly as our eyes were now glued to each other's. We just gazed into each other's soul's until our faces slowly began to move closer. Our eyes closed just before our lips met again. Trista and I continued to kiss and hold each other. Song after song played on the radio as we continued to make out. I wanted so desperately to reach out and caress her soft breast but I was afraid to. I didn't want to rush things and take a chance of screwing up this relationship.

Looking at the clock on the dash board I saw it was already past eleven. I was beginning to get nervous as Stephani was due here in less than an hour. Trista rested her head on my chest as she now lay sideways across the two bucket seats. She felt so incredible in my arms as I casually rubbed her back. I became brazen as I kissed her on her forehead as I slipped my hand across her blue jeans covered ass.

"Mmmm... that feels so good Justin," Trista said as she slowly rubbed my chest through my shirt.

"You are so wonderful to me Justin," Trista said as she picked her head up and kissed me passionately on the mouth.

I kissed her back as I again rubbed her ass while our tongues continued to dart in and out of each other's mouths.

"I better get going," Trista said as she slid back into the driver's seat.

"That wine did a number on me," she said as she smiled at me.

I could see her eyes were half closed from the wine as she drank two thirds of the bottle. She looked so hot in those jeans as she sat there next to me. I just wanted to reach out and take her right her and now but I knew that I shouldn't.

"You can sit in here for a while if you need to let the wine wear off," Trista said as she leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Yeah, I'm gonna sit here for a while and chill," I said as I kissed her back.

It was now eleven forty five and Brad's mother was probably on her way. I needed Trista to leave and leave now.

"Good night Justin," Trista said as she leaned over and kissed me softly before pulling the door handle to open the door.

"Good night," I said as I watched Trista stand up and shut the door.

I watched her walk across the parking lot toward her house and she seemed to have a little trouble walking as she couldn't walk in a strait line.

Trista disappeared into her house and I focused my attention on the entrance of the church parking lot. As I sat there waiting I changed radio stations to something harder. I kept the volume low so I wouldn't attract any attention. Looking back toward the entrance I saw a pair of headlights.

Peering through the tinted windows I saw a car slowly driving toward me. I shifted over into the driver's seat and I flipped my sweatshirt hood up over my head and put my sun glasses on, completely covering my face.

Stephani did as instructed as she pulled up along the passenger side of Trista's car. I continued to look forward as I could see out of the corner of my eye that Stephani opened her car door. I flipped the switch, unlocking the passenger door just as Stephani closed her car door. Just then Stephani opened the passenger door and sat down.

The door made a soft thud as it closed and my heart was now beating rampant. I waited for a second for Brad's mother to place the bag of money on my lap. Seconds seemed to take an eternity until she finally spoke. I did however keep my finger on the lock button.

"I don't have the money," she said softly in a trembling voice.

I remained silent although I was extremely disappointed. Actually, I was quite pissed.

"I can't get anymore money without my husband getting suspicious," Stephani pleaded as she looked in my direction.

The hood of my sweatshirt remained over my head and well past my eyes as I sat there looking through my dark sun glasses. Rage filled my insides as I had expected a different outcome.

"Please...please...please, just give me...more time," Stephani said as her voice trembled.

I remained silent. Just as Brad's mom reached for the door handle to open the door I pushed the button with my finger, locking it.

"Oh God pleaseeeeeee...let me goooooooo," Stephani cried out.

She paused for a moment as she remained turned toward the passenger side window. Her breathing was heavy and the windows were getting fogged up.

Still facing away, Brad's mom said, "I can get the money but not all at once."

There was a long pause. Neither I nor Brad's mother said a word.

"Say something," Stephani screamed as she whirled about and faced me.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked as she reached over to grab my hood.

Instantly I reached up and grabbed her wrist, squeezing it tightly to the point of causing her discomfort.

"Who the fuck are you...you bastard...why in the fuck are you doing this to me," she screamed as she began to struggle.

I knew I had to get this situation under control. My cock was still throbbing from the heavy petting that Trista and I did earlier so I reached down with my other hand and pulled the button of my pants open. I ripped the zipper of my pants down before reaching into my underwear to free my throbbing erect cock.

I let Stephani's wrist go long enough to grab a handful of her blonde hair. She screamed as I slowly began to pull her head down to my groin.

"Oh God no," Stephanie screamed as she slapped at my face.

Using my other hand I reached across and slapped her face with the palm of my hand. Instantly she became quiet, only sobs were heard as I now forced her head down to my towering member.

"Please stop, I'll get the money you asked for, I promise," Brad's mom begged as I felt my cock touch her face.

"Oh God stop," she cried as she broke into a heavy sob.

I could feel her warm breath on my lap as her face was now pressed against my throbbing penis. "I can't do this," she said through the heavy sobs.

I felt her tears drip onto my lap as she began to sniffle. She continued to cry as I held her by her hair.

"Please stop," she begged as she tried to pull her head up.

Just then I let her hair go and instantly grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed. The sudden pain she experienced caused her mouth to open out of instinct. I pushed down on her head and before she knew what happened, my cock was in her mouth.

"Ughhhhhhhhh...ggglllllllllhhhhh," Brad's mother gurgled out.

I could feel the warmth of her mouth as it was now wrapped completely around my cock. She began to flail her arms about wildly as she desperately tried to shove herself away. Her feet began to kick about as I forced her head to slide up and down my raging member.

Stephani tried to talk. She tried to plea and bargain but to no avail. I continued to squeeze her neck, forcing her mouth to remain open around my cock.

Looking down, the sight of my best friend's mother sucking my cock was totally erotic. Stephani didn't want to do it, but because of her elicit affair she had to do it.

All kinds of thoughts began to race through my mind. What will she do when she finds out it is me? What will happen with Trista if she ever finds out about this? What will happen if Trista ever finds out about Mrs. Graph? But most importantly, will Stephani keep her mouth closed.

I continued to watch my best friend's mother give me head. She continued to thrash about as I continued to force her mouth up and down the length of my prick. I was so horny from messing around with Trista that I was now ready to blow my wad.

I had one slight lapse in concentration and I realized at the last second that Stephani turned her head and was now looking up at me. Her one hand was reaching up for my hood.

"It was now or never," I thought to myself as I was so close to cumming in my best friend's mother's mouth.

Brad's mother reached up and pushed my hood back and then ripped my sun glasses from my face. Her eyes shot wide open. A shriek escaped her mouth as I instantly forced her head back down

"JUSTIN, NOOOOOOO," she screamed as I forced her head up and down my now throbbing cock.

My hips began to involuntarily thrust as my impending orgasm intensified. Just the thought of cumming in my best friend's mother's mouth was too much. I felt my toes begin to tingle and the hair on my spine stand on end. I held Stephani's head still as I now force fucked her mouth with intensity. Her cries went unheard as I suddenly felt my nuts contract and my boiling cum begin to race up my shaft.

"Uggghhh," I grunted over and over as I released my pent up energy into Stephani's mouth.

I could feel her mouth become slipperier as my jizz filled her mouth. She continued to flail about wildly as her legs kicked at the floor and door. I felt the last of my cum squirt into her mouth and then suddenly pulled her head up.

Reaching over I placed my hand on her mouth and shouted, "SWALLOW IT!"

Still holding her by the neck, I wrapped my hand tightly around her mouth.

"SWALLOW IT ALL," I shouted.

Suddenly Brad's mother swallowed my cum as she slumped down into the passenger seat. She covered her face with her hands as she began to sob heavily. I saw her car keys sitting on the floor so I reached down and picked them up.

"Go get in your car," I said as Brad's mom continued to cry.

I jumped out of Trista's car and walked around to the passenger door. I opened the door and as Stephani sat there crying I reached down and grabbed a handful of blonde hair. I pulled her out of the seat as she screamed wildly. I wrapped my hand around her mouth to muffle her cries as I shut the door and pulled her around to the passenger side of her own car. Quickly I pulled the door open before shoving her into the passenger seat.

I walked around to the driver's side and sat down behind the wheel while Stephani continued to sob. I started her car and drove out of the church parking lot before anyone heard her.

"Why Justin?" Stephani said as she continued to sob into her hands.

"Because I can," I said as I turned out of the church parking lot and headed for the adult store.

"I never did anything to you," Brad's mom said as her sobs began to slow to a lot of sniffling.

"You didn't pay me when I asked you to," I said as I turned the corner.

"Where are you taking me?" Stephani asked as she saw the row of adult stores.

"Since you didn't bring me any money then you will have to make me some," I said as I turned sharply into the parking lot of this one adult book store.

"Oh God no," Brad's mother cried out as I stopped the car quickly in the parking space.

"Bring your purse," I said as I parked her car and jumped out.

I quickly walked around to the passenger door and opened it. Reaching inside I grabbed Stephani by the hair and pulled her out of the car.

"Keep your mouth shut and you'll have nothing to worry about," I said as I took her hand and pulled her toward the front door.

"I can't go in there," Brad's mother said as I continued to pull her along.

Looking back at my best friend's forty one year old mom as I pulled her helplessly into the adult store was an immediate turn on. I forced her to walk with me between the rows of videos and then magazines. Stephani followed me closely as several of the customers watched her walk past.

I paused right before the video booths to look at the large display of dildo's and vibrators. Stephani shuddered when she saw the eighteen inch monster cock hanging from the wall. I squeezed her hand tightly and ducked past the curtain that hung down from the ceiling.

"Oh Justin take me home," Stephani begged as I pulled her farther and farther into the maze of video booths.

"Please," Stephani begged as I pulled sharply on her arm causing her to stumble into me.

I grabbed her and shoved her in this one booth and pushed her down on the bench. She trembled and sobbed as I grabbed her face in my hand. I turned her face toward me and I bent down to look into her beautiful eyes.

"Just do as your told and everything will be all right," I said as I let her face go.

Looking up I saw two hand cuffs that were attached to the walls. The keys were hanging next to the cuffs on a small nail. I took Stephani's hand and lifted it up, guiding her wrist into the clasp. I secured her wrist firmly as she began to beg and plead with me. I did the same to her other hand and before she could do anything about it I had both of her wrists cuffed to the wall of the stall.

"Please Justin stop it," she cried as she struggled.

I stood between her legs as I now towered over her. I slowly lowered my hands to the front of her blouse and pushed the first button through the hole.

"NOOOOOOOOO," Stephani cried out as I now pulled the second button through the hole, exposing a little of her cleavage.

"No?" I asked as I stopped and just stood there.

"I guess your not in the mood," I said as I turned around and grabbed her purse.

I opened her purse and pulled out her change purse. I opened it and pulled out all of the quarters that she had. I began to slide the quarters in the slot for the movie. Moments later the porn movie started.

"There," I said as I looked back into my best friend's mother's eyes.

"That's better," I said softly as I returned my hands to her blouse.

Stephani began kicking her legs as I pulled on her blouse causing the third button to pop free. Her bra was now visible as she continued to squirm and struggle.

"Stop now and I promise I will never tell a soul," Stephani begged as I pulled the fourth button open.

I reached down and pulled on her shirt causing the final two buttons to pop free. I pulled up on her yellow blouse causing it to come out of the dress pants she was wearing.

"Oh God Noooooooooo," Stephani cried out.

I left her blouse on her shoulders as I realized that she was wearing a front clasping bra. Stephani began to struggle but to no avail as I reached down and placed my fingers on the clasp between her now heaving breasts.

"You mother fucker, noooooooo," Stephani cried out.

"Now I finally get to see these tits that I have drooled over for so long," I said as I slowly began to pull the clasp apart.

Gasping for air, Stephani began to flail about as I slowly pulled her bra away from her heavy breasts. Brad's mom turned her head to the side as she broke down into tears again as I pulled the cups of her soft bra away from her magnificent breasts.

"Oh God nooooooooooo," Brad's mom cried out as she continued to sob.

I looked at the tag on her bra to see what size it was. Looking in the dim light I let out a whistle as I read the size.

"38C," I said as I reached down and cupped her warm breasts in my hands.

Stephani continued to cry as I scraped my thumb nails across her soft nipples. I scraped them harder a second time, noticing how stiff and long they became.

I wanted to take my cock out right here and fuck these beautiful titties but I knew that this wasn't the time. Now was the time to make money.

I reached down and pulled on her dress pants causing the button to pop free and her zipper to come undone. Continuous sobs were evident as Brad's mother now seemed to just give up as I violently pulled her pants down over her ass.

"What the fuck," I said as I saw she was wearing pantyhose.

"Fuck you, you bastard," Stephani screamed as she began kicking at me.

Reaching up I slapped her sharply across her face causing her to instantly silence her voice. She began to quiver as I reached down and pulled off both of her shoes. I pulled her pants down her legs and off of her feet before reaching up to pull her pantyhose down over her ass.

"I hope you rot in hell," Stephani screamed as tears continued to run down her face.

I tugged at her pantyhose, pulling them down her shapely legs, then off her feet. Stephani continued to struggle and kick as I hooked my fingers under the waistband of her panties. She screamed and struggled as I began to pull her white frilly panties down, exposing more and more of her soft naked ass.

"Arrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh," Stephani screamed out as her panties slipped past her hips and then down her legs.

I left her panties dangle around one ankle as she sat there before me completely naked. I was surprised when I looked between her legs and saw her bush. Her bush was unshaven and completely wild. Her pussy was wet as her lips glistened in the light of the video monitor. The sounds of women moaning from the television seemed to calm her a bit as her sobbing slowed.

"Wait here," I said as I quickly ducked past the curtain covering our booth.

I walked out into the store where several customers were looking at merchandise. I spotted this one older man who was looking at a fetish magazine and approached him.

"Hey," I said softly as I picked up a magazine and leafed through it.

Looking over at me the older man nodded his head to let me know that he heard me. We continued to leaf through the magazines as I cautiously looked around.

"What would you say if I told you a foxy blonde would give you a blow job through a hole in the wall?" I said as I flipped a couple of pages.

The man paused for a moment and then looked around cautiously.

"Are you a cop?" the man asked after a long silent pause.

I flipped a couple of pages of the magazine I was holding as I again looked all around.

"Nope, just trying to collect a debt that she owes me," I said as I set my magazine back down in the rack.

I picked up another magazine as I awaited his answer. I flipped open the cover noticing that it was a foot fetish magazine. It was incredible how sexy a ladies foot could be with the correct toe nail polish and shoes. Just then the older gentleman spoke.

"How much?" he asked as he stared into the magazine he was holding.

"Looking around I leaned closer to him and whispered, "Fifty."

The man paused for a moment as he was obviously thinking.

"Where?" he asked as he set his magazine down.

I set my magazine down reluctantly and took a step as I whispered, "Follow me."

I walked back to the other side of the booth where I had Stephani stripped and cuffed. The older gentleman followed me and I led him into a booth on the opposite side of our booth. I pulled the curtain back and stepped inside. The gentleman stepped inside and saw where I was pointing.

There was a two inch hole in the wall where the man could stand and place his cock through it. The man bent down and took a peek through the hole. He let out a whistle when he saw Stephani sitting there naked and cuffed to the wall. He stood up and reached into his pocket.

"I guess you weren't lying," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money.

"Can I fuck her?" the man asked as he unfurled hundred after hundred.

"Sure," I said.

"After you cum in her mouth you just come around to the other side and if you want to pay another two fifty then she is all yours in that booth," I said as the man slipped a fifty in my hand.

"Have fun," I said as I slipped his money into my pocket and walked around to the other side of the booth.

I ducked into the booth where Brad's mom was still sitting cuffed to the wall. I stood there and admired her nakedness as I waited for the customer's cock to poke through the wall.

"Look," I said as suddenly a large bulbous head began to slide through the hole in the wall.

"Oh Godddddd," Stephani screamed out as the old man shoved his entire prick through the hole in the wall.

I was quite impressed as his cock was quite large for an older man. He just barely fit through the hole and he stuck out a good eight inches on this side of the wall.

"Oh fuck no," Stephani cried out as she saw me reach up for the keys.

I stuck the key in the lock of the cuff around her left wrist. She immediately pulled her arm down to cover her breasts and pussy.

I reached out and grabbed a handful of hair. I pulled firmly until she screamed out and slid off of the bench, landing on her knees.

"Oh god don't make me do this," Stephani screamed as I pushed her head down farther until his cock was in front of her face.

"Justin stop it, I'll get you all the money you want," she cried out as her one wrist was still cuffed high above her head to the wall.

"Too late Steph, he already paid me," I said as I pressed her face against his twitching cock.

She resisted and tried to pull away so I resorted to what worked before. I slid my hand down her neck and squeezed firmly.

"Arrrggghhh," Stephani screamed as her mouth opened wide.

I pushed her mouth over the enormous cock that was poking through the wall. She gagged and coughed as she realized that she had no choice but to fulfill my request.

"Suck his cock bitch," I said as I began to shove her head back and forth.

I could hear the old man moaning on the other side of the wall. I continued to shove her head back and forth as I dropped to my knees right next to her.

I placed my face next to Brad's mom's. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye as I continued to push and pull her head back and forth. Her mouth was stretched open wide as I could see the creases around her mouth. Our eyes remained glued together in the dimly lit booth as she moaned and grunted from the cock that was fucking her mouth.

"Suck it bitch," I said as I began to push and pull her head faster.

Tears began to run down her cheeks as she continued to look into my eyes. I reached behind her and lifted my hand and smacked her ass.

Uggghhhh," Stephani grunted as I smacked her ass a second time.

"Suck him good bitch, that will teach you a lesson not to fuck with me," I said as I stood up.

I unbuckled my pants and dropped my pants to the floor. I shoved my underwear down to my ankles and knelt down behind my best friend's mother. I reached out and cupped her ass with both of my hands. Her ass was magnificent. At forty one she still had a nice firm ass as I began to spread her cheeks apart and then shove them back together.

Stephani began to grunt as I continued to slap her ass cheeks together before I reached up and cupped her dripping wet mound. I slid my fingers along her slit, feeling her lips hanging down the sides of my fingers.

"I always wanted to fuck you Stephani," I said as I laid on the floor and crawled under her parted legs.

I reached up and placed my hands on her ass cheeks as I pulled myself under her pussy. Looking up I was treated to the sight of her hairy wet pussy. I lifted my head up and placed her cunt on my mouth as I slithered my tongue into her depths.

"Ogghhhh," Steph moaned out as she continued to suck on the cock that was sticking through the wall.

"God I have wanted to eat your pussy all my life," I said as I again slithered my tongue into her dripping cunt. I began to lick up and down her slit, feeling her engorged clit on the tip of my tongue. I could smell her scent as her pussy juice trickled down onto my chin.

I quickly pulled myself up and knelt behind Brad's mom. I placed my hands on her hips as I guided my cock between her ass cheeks. I took my cock in my hand and began to slide it up and down the length of her slit, eliciting moan after moan.

"Suck his cock while I fuck you," I said as I pressed the tip of my cock into my best friend's mother's cunt.

"Ohhhhh Goddddd," I said as her warm wet cunt enveloped my cock as I slid completely in.

"I have always wanted to fuck you," I said as I began to slide in and out.

I held her hips as she still hung down by one arm. I increased my tempo as her pussy felt incredible.

"You should have just paid me Steph," I said as I slapped her ass cheek.

"Tell me to fuck you," I said as I began to slam into her cunt harder.

"Fuck you," Stephani said as she still had the large cock in her mouth.

I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back causing her to scream out.

"TELL ME TO FUCK YOU," I shouted as my hips began to slam into her ass..

There was no sound so I pulled harder on her head.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...Fuck me," Stephani shouted out.

"Fuck me Master," I shouted as I pulled even harder on her hair.

"Fuck me Master," Stephani shouted as I pushed her head back down to the cock sticking through the wall.

I felt my nuts begin to boil as Brad's mother now called me Master. I could feel my toes begin to tingle and my nipples stiffened as I knew I was going to cum.

I realized that the cock that Stephani was sucking was now squirting into her mouth. I began to thrust as hard as I could as her pussy felt like a warm velvet lined vice.

"Swallow it all," I shouted as I felt the first wave of pleasure flow through my body.

I felt my cum begin to race up my shaft as I began to explode. I felt my best friend's mother's cunt begin to get slipperier as I filled her soft cunt with my jizz. Looking up I saw Stephani stroking the huge member as she looked back over her shoulder at me.

"Oh yeah bitch, take that," I said as I continued to pump my cum deep into Brad's mom's pussy.

"God you are as hot as I thought you would be," I said as I felt my contractions begin to lessen.

Looking up I saw the shiny cock slide back through the wall and disappear. I quickly jumped up and pulled my underwear and pants up. Seconds later the older gentleman pulled the curtain aside.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wad of cash. He unfurled two hundreds and a fifty and he handed it to me.

"Oh Jesus Christ Justin, NO," Stephani yelled as she watched the transaction take place before her eyes.

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up onto the seat. I again raised her arm over her head and cuffed her wrist to the wall as it was before.

Stephani began to sob as the older gentleman began to undress. I pushed the curtain out of the way so if anyone wanted to watch then they were welcome. If anyone wanted to pay to join they were welcome too.

The old man stood in front of Stephani and bent down, grabbing her by her ankles. She kicked and struggled but to no avail as he raised her ankles up and placed them on his shoulders. Leaning forward the man's cock was pointing just above Stephani's gaping cunt.

"Fuck him," I said as the man began to lower his member into her drenched opening.

"Tell him to fuck you," I said as I stood back to watch the show.

"Tell him," I shouted as he stretched Stephani open wide.

Stephani gasped from the size of the old man's cock.

"Oh God STOP," Stephani shouted as the old man lowered even more of his large cock into her.

"It hurts," she gasped out as tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

Suddenly the old man was all the way in. Stephani began to breath heavy as her head turned from side to side. Slowly he began to withdraw his cock from her wet snatch. Just as the tip of his cock was about to slip completely out of her cunt, he slid back in, completely filling her.

"Tell him," I shouted as the old man began to increase his tempo.

"Fuck me," Stephani whispered as her ankles remained next to the older gentleman's ears.

"Louder," I said as I stood there watching the action before me.

"Fuck me," Stephani said again a little louder as her eyes were now closed.

"Now tell him like you want him to," I shouted as I continued to watch this older man fuck my best friend's mother.

"FUCK ME," Stephani shouted as the old man began to drill her wet pussy.

"How do you want him to fuck you?" I asked

"FUCK ME HARDER," Brad's mom shouted out.

The old man began to fuck Stephani harder and harder until her breasts began to make a rippling movement. The way her breasts jiggled reminded me of Mrs. Graph's breasts last night at Club Cuffs.

Stephani was no longer crying but her cheeks were still wet from her tears. The old man began to moan as he continued to fuck Stephani like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh God stop, "Stephani cried out.

"Oh God Stop," Stephani cried out a little louder as her breasts continued to sling shot back and forth.

I just stood there watching as the old man continued to fuck the living shit out of Brad's mom. Even though this gentleman was considerably older, he definitely had staying power.

"Oh God Stop," Stephani cried out as the old man now had sweat running down his face.

The gray hair above his ears and side burns was no indication that this man was out of shape. Hell, he even came in her mouth once before he began to fuck her.

"Oh God Stop," Stephani cried out with a carnal lust sound in her voice.

Suddenly Stephani began to get red in the face as she began to tremble. Her ankles were still pinned up next to his ears as the old man continued to power fuck her like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh God Stop!"

"Oh God Stop!"

"Oh Go STOPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!" Stephani screamed out as she began to shake and quiver.

"Oh God Stop, Before I..."

"Oh God I'm Gonna..."

"Oh Godddddddddddd," Stephani screamed out as her forty one year old body rocked into a mind blowing orgasm.

As I stood there watching I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I wanted to be the one fucking her, making her scream, making her cum. But tonight it was about the money.

Stephani continued to scream "Oh God," over and over as her trapped body was now covered in a sheen of sweat. Just like Mrs. Graph, Stephani too curled her toes and bit her bottom lip. Every muscle in Stephani's body was taught and stiff as her nipples were as hard as granite. As the old man continued to fuck her she began to cum again.

"Oh Jesus Fucking Christ NO!!!!!" Stephani screamed out as her body rocked into a second more powerful orgasm.

Another tear trickled down her cheek but it was a tear of orgasmic bliss and not of sorrow. Her toes curled even farther as her face reddened even more.

"Oh Justin why?" Stephani moaned out as her body twitched, trembled and shook out of control.

Just then the older gentleman pulled his massive member out of her cunt and placed his shaft right in the cleft of her gaping pussy. His cock glistened in the dim light as he began to thrust his cock up and down. Stephani looked down as the old man began to grunt.

"Uggghhhh," the old man grunted over and over. Suddenly a rope of cum shot out of his cock and landed on Stephani's face as he continued to thrust his hips. Squirt after squirt of hot sticky jizz began to coat Brad's mother's breasts and stomach. I have never seen so much cum squirt out of one cock in my life like I saw tonight. Finally the old man stopped cumming as he rested his cock against Stephani's dripping cunt.

Stephani turned her head away as the old man lowered her legs to the floor. She began to sob lightly as the old man looked over at me.

"Pull your pants up and get out of here," I said to the old man as he quickly began to pull his underwear up.

The old man quickly left the booth and disappeared out of sight. Looking down I saw Stephani's shoe upside down with the number eight on it. I kicked it back into the booth before walking away, leaving her there all alone, completely shackled and exposed for anyone else to see.

"Justin," Stephani yelled out as I made my way back into the merchandise area of the store.

I walked over to the small selection of sexy clothes they sold and looked for a sweet outfit for Brad's mother. I found this one blue dress that was slit high on the side and nearly transparent. The tag said one size fits all and I knew that it would fit as Brad's mom had a hot body.

I walked over to the shoe rack and found three pair of size eight's. I selected the white strappy seven inch platforms and walked to the counter. I had to wait for a couple of people in front of me and I couldn't help but to wonder if anyone else was in back looking at Stephani.

I paid the cashier and walked back to the video booths. Stephani turned her head and looked at me as tears continued to stream down her cheeks. I reached down and pulled her panties off of her foot and rolled them up into a ball before shoving them into my pants pocket. I kicked the rest of her clothes out of the booth and down the aisle way. All that remained was the yellow blouse and white bra that still remained on Brad's mom.

I reached up for the keys and unlocked one of the cuffs. Stephani's arm fell to her lap as she continued to sniffle. I pulled her limp arm through the sleeve of her blouse. I pulled the strap of her bra down and pulled her arm through the elastic straps, completely exposing one side of her chest.

I unlocked the cuff around her other arm and again her arm fell to her lap. Stephani turned into the corner and broke down crying as she curled up into a ball the best she could on the small bench. I pulled her blouse and bra completely off of her arm and tossed them out into the aisle.

I set the bag containing the dress and heels I bought for her down on the bench. Not a word was said as she continued to sit facing the corner of the booth.

"Put these on," I said as I tapped her on her shoulder.

Giving her a little privacy, I closed the curtain and stood outside. There was silence in the booth for a few moments before the rustling of a plastic bag was heard. I could hear Brad's mother moving behind the curtain as she was obviously dressing.

It seemed to take forever but finally the curtain moved. Slowly Stephani pulled the curtain aside revealing herself. She just stood there as I admired her body from head to toe. The blue strap around her neck was the only thing holding the material over her gorgeous breasts. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her tits as her dress was virtually transparent. I could see her areolas and her nipples through the thin material. Her nipples pushed the delicate fabric up as they were still stiff.

Looking down I was amazed at how much of her naked body I could see through her dress. Her bush was completely visible and when she turned around to pick up her purse I could completely see her ass.

Her feet looked edible as the heels made her toes look like peas in a pod. The high heels caused her calf muscles to tighten and made her to appear even taller. I slipped my fingers between hers and pulled her gently toward the store.

"Lets go," I said as I tugged on her to get her moving.

"My clothes," Stephani gasped as she tried to turn around.

I pulled firmly on her arms causing her to spin around and stumble.

"Leave them," I said.

"These clothes are the new you," I said as we walked toward the curtain separating the video booths from the general merchandise.

We ducked into the store and walked between the row of videos. The few men that were in the store stopped what they were doing to look at Stephani. We walked to the front door, pushed it open, then walked out into the darkness. As Stephani walked I couldn't help but to stare at her beautiful figure as I could see completely through her dress.

We walked to her car and I opened the passenger door as not a word was said. I closed the door after she sat down and then walked around to the drivers side.

I started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. As I drove toward Brad's house I looked over at his mother as she sat looking out the passenger door window. Her make up had run down her face leaving dark streaks under her eyes. I knew that I now had her too under my control as she sat next to me in an incredibly sexy dress.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Stephani asked in a dry hoarse voice.

"Because you deserve it," I said as I turned down another street.

"You flaunt your shit around like your some hot bitch when your my best friend's forty one year old mother," I said as I sped up to beat a yellow light.

"You are married and you fucked around on not only your husband but your entire family," I said as I turned down Stephani's street.

"I asked you to pay for your sins and you wouldn't, so now you must pay," I said as I slowed down and pulled up into her driveway.

I shut off her car and just sat there for a moment. I looked over at Brad's mother as she finally looked over at me. She was clutching her purse as she looked into my eyes. I noticed the slit on the side of her dress as her entire leg was visible all the way to her waist.

"You will give me money whenever I come over," I said as she nodded her head slowly.

"If you don't, you know what I will do," I said as I watched her close her eyes and nod her head slowly.

"I can't go into my house dressed like this," Stephani said as she looked down at herself.

"What if my husband or my son wake up and see me dressed like this," she said as she reached down and tried to cover her exposed leg.

"That's just the chance you have to take and the price you have to pay," I said as I opened the driver side door.

I got out and walked to the passenger door. I opened the door and reached down for Stephani's hand as I helped her to her feet.

"I can't believe this is happening to me," she said as I slipped my fingers between hers and escorted her to the front porch.

"You better leave before someone sees you," Stephani said quietly as we stepped up onto the front porch.

Stephani reached into her purse and pulled out her keys. She fumbled through the various keys in the dark as she searched for the one for the door.

"Get out of here," Stephani said as she turned the key and pushed the door open silently.

"Kiss me," I said.

Stephani just stood there like a deer frozen in headlights. Our eyes looked into others as our faces ever so slowly came together. As she leaned into me I opened my mouth as I slipped my hand into the slit of her dress. I felt her breath on my face as she paused with our lips barely touching. I slid my hand over her naked ass and squeezed, causing her to slowly slide her tongue into my mouth.

Our eyes closed as I began to caress her ass beneath her transparent dress. Stephani began to breath heavily as our tongues repeatedly darted in and out of each others mouths. Reaching behind a little further I felt her rapidly moistening pussy on my finger tips. As I slipped my finger into her cunt, Brad's mother slid her tongue even farther into my mouth.

I felt Stephani begin to rock her hips as if she was on the verge of cumming. I could feel her cunt become slipperier as I worked my finger in and out. Slight moans escaped her mouth and resonated throughout my body as our mouth's were glued together. Just as fast as it started, I pulled away. I pulled my finger from her cunt and I pulled my mouth from hers.

"Your my whore now," I said as I stepped back.

"I'm not a whore," Brad's mother said as she took a step toward me and off of the porch.

Reaching out I took her hand and slowly guided her back down the driveway. The clicking of her heels seemed to be extremely loud as the entire neighborhood was asleep, or so I thought. I walked hand in hand with Stephani until I turned to face her as I leaned back against the hood of her car.

"We have to..." was all Stephani could say as I pulled her into me.

Our faces came together and instantly our tongues began to dart in and out of each other's mouth's. Our breathing became rampant as I again reached behind my est friend's mom and slipped my hand under her dress, feeling her naked ass. I slipped my fingers into her warm, soft ass crack. I felt my fingers slide over her sphincter, causing her to shiver as she slipped her tongue even farther into my mouth.

"We have to stop, my husband or Brad might wake up," Stephani said as I swung her around and put her into my position, leaning her ass against the front of her car.

"Oh God, noooo," Stephani whispered as I pulled the strap around her neck over her head.

"Justin stop it," Stephani whispered a little louder as I pulled her top down.

The ambiance of being outside with my best friend's mom and undressing her had me harder than I thought was possible. The dim glow of the street lights cascaded down upon her now naked breasts as I reached up and cupped both of them.

"Ohh," Stephani moaned as she threw her head back when I lowered my head to her heaving breasts

"Oh God stop," Stephani whispered as I felt her place her hands on my head.

"Were gonna get caught," Stephani whispered as she arched her back making it easier for me to cup and kiss her breasts.

Stephani's breathing became ragged as I pushed her breasts together until her nipples touched. I began to swirl my tongue around both areolas and nipples simultaneously. I could feel her buds growing tighter and stiffer as I fluttered my tongue across her enormous nipples.

Reaching behind her I lifted her up and set her ass on the hood of her car. I pushed her legs up, wrapping them around my legs as I continued to suck and bite on her nipples.

"Oh Justin no," Stephani cried as her heavy breathing turned into a sudden pant.

I bit harder on her nipples causing her to throw her head back and arch her back. Reaching up, I pushed on her until her back was on the hood of her car. She began to writhe about as I began to kiss my way down her stomach to her hairy bush.

"Stop," Stephani moaned as she pushed my head away.

I felt her legs along the sides of my arms so I lifted them up and placed them on my shoulders. The dim street light glistened on her wet pussy as her cunt stared at my face. Her untamed hair was matted down from her excited juices as her lips were parted and swollen.

"Oh Justin no," Stephani moaned out as I placed my lips on her wet swollen pussy.

"Oh God," Brad's mom moaned as she began to thrash around on the warm hood of her car.

The smell of her pussy and the images of the old guy fucking her caused me to become super excited. I sunk my tongue in as far as I could as my childhood fantasy was now on my mouth. I had dreamed of eating my buddy's mom's pussy ever since I could remember.

Stephani continued to wiggle on the hood of her car. I could feel her cunt leaking more and more juice as I pushed her dress completely out of the way. I couldn't believe how insatiable this forty one year old lady was. I fucked her once, the old guy fucked her, and here she was on the verge of getting fucked a third time.

I felt Stephani grab my hair and pull me into her, smashing her dripping pussy against my face. Her gasping was growing louder as her head swung from side to side.

"Oh Justin please stop," Stephani said as I felt her stomach begin to quiver.

"Oh God stop before..." Stephani moaned as her hips began to gyrate.

"Oh Godddddddddd..." Stephani cried out as her hips began to buck and her gasps grew even louder.

I held her hips as she thrust her pussy up and down on my face. Brad's mother pulled me in even tighter as she smeared her slippery cunt all over my mouth and chin.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh..." Stephani moaned in a higher pitch as she shot off into a second orgasm.

I felt her legs wrap tightly around my neck as she continued to buck her hips against my face. I was finally fulfilling my childhood fantasy as Brad's mom continued to cum on my mouth. Stephani's gasping grew louder until she let out one final groan as she wrapped her legs around my head until I nearly passed out.

Stephani finally stopped thrashing around on the hood of the car. The grip her legs had on my head relaxed as she now lay motionless on her back. Her breathing began to subside to a light pant as I stood up between her parted legs.

Quickly I unfastened my pants and dropped them to my feet. I shoved my underwear down causing my cock to spring up. Looking around I saw only a couple of lights on in the neighborhood. I glanced over my shoulder to see if Brad or his dad were watching but I didn't see anything.

Stephani looked so beautiful as she lay back on the hood of her car. Her breasts hung to her sides as her arms supported them. The transparent blue dress I bought her was bunched around her waist.

I lifted her legs, admiring her sexy feet as they looked glorious in the sexy shoes I bought her. I raised her legs until her calf's were against my shoulders and her ankles were against my ears.

"Looking down into Stephani's eyes I asked her, "Tell me what you want."

"Stop," Stephani moaned as she looked down at my cock as it laid on top of her parted cunt.

"Wrong answer," I said as I tilted my hips to point the tip of my cock at her entrance.

"Who are you?" I asked as I eased the head of my cock past her outer lips.

There was only silence as Brad's mom closed her eyes.

I rubbed her legs with my hands as I remained steady. The heat radiating from her legs indicated how hot she really was.

"Who are you?" I asked again as I nudged my cock inside a little farther

"Ohhhh..I'm...Oh Godddddddd," Stephani said as I slipped inside a little farther.

"Say it," I said as I stopped moving and just held her legs as I gazed down into her half closed eyes.

"Noooooooo," Stephani bedded as she began to pant.

"I guess I just need to yell out loud for your husband and son then," I said as I turned my head toward the front of her house.

"Oh God don't," Stephani whispered out a little louder.

"Then tell me who you are," I said as I withdrew my cock until only my head was between her pussy lips

"I'm...your...Ughhhhh," Stephani moaned out as I plunged my cock back in completely.

"Who are you?" I asked again as I withdrew my cock until only my head was between her glistening wet lips again.

"I'm your whore," Stephani said loud enough to wake her husband.

"Say it again," I said as I plunged back in to the hilt.

"I'm your fucking whore," Brad's mom moaned as her heavy breathing intensified.

"What do you want me to do to you?" I asked as I pulled my cock completely out of her pussy.

"Oh dear God, fuck me," Stephani whispered out above her heavy breathing.

"Say it right," I said as I slid my hands from her soft thigh's up to her heaving breasts.

I pinched her nipples as I cupped her heavy breasts. Her eyes were now virtually closed as her head turned from side to side.

"Oh God fuck me Justin," Stephani said as she began to pant.

"Fuck who?" I asked as I placed the tip of my cock between her cunt lips again.

"Fuck your whore," Stephani whispered out as I could see tears streaming down her cheeks.

Suddenly I pushed my cock back into her pussy. I continued to pinch her nipples with one hand while I massaged her soft sexy thigh with my other hand. Her pussy was so soft, so warm, as I began to thrust in and out. I could feel her cunt muscles gripping my manhood with each and every stroke.

Looking down I saw my best friend's mother like I never thought I would see. Her beautiful blonde hair spread out across the hood of her car. Virtually naked with her breasts at my disposal and her legs over my shoulders. Her pussy wrapped around my cock as she told me to fuck her.

I increased my tempo as I watched her tits begin to bounce up and down. Her nipples were towering above the top of her mounds as she reached up and pinched them.

"Oh Justin why?" she asked as she began to moan softly.

"Oh why Justin," she begged as I could now see the light sheen of sweat glistening on her naked body.

I began to thrust even harder as I said, "Because I can!"

I heard a door open across the street but saw no lights. I saw someone directly across the street light up a cigarette and then sit down on a chair. Just then I stopped thrusting as I pulled my cock completely out of her dripping hole.

"Oh God NOOOOO," Stephani begged as she reached down and pulled on my hips.

"Fuck me Justin," Brad's mom begged.

I pushed the head of my cock back between her parted cunt lips and asked her, "When will I fuck you again?"

"Anytime," Stephani moaned out as she pulled me into her deeper.

"When? I asked.

"Whenever you want to," Stephani said as she lowered her legs around my waist.

I left my cock buried completely inside of her pussy as I lowered my face to hers. I placed my mouth on her open mouth and again we shared a passionate kiss. Our kiss broke as our lips still touched when we both looked into each other's eyes.

"Who am I?" I asked as I felt her heavy breath on my face.

There was a long pause as Stephani stared into my eyes.

"Who am I?" I asked again as I felt her breasts on my bare chest.

"Oh God why?" Stephani asked as her breathing grew rampant.

"Who in the fuck am I?" I asked as I bit lightly on her lip.

"My Master," Stephani said softly.

"I didn't hear you," I said as I remained perfectly still over her naked body.

"My Master," Brad's mom said in a loud whisper.

Still towering over her I asked her once again, "Who am I?"

"My Fucking Master," Stephani moaned out in a dry husky voice.

Just then I began to thrust my hips as I began to fuck her like crazy. I began to pound her pussy so hard as I slipped my tongue back into her warm mouth. I could feel the heels of her sexy shoes as they dug into my lower back from the vice like grip her legs had around me.

"Oh fuck me Master," Stephani moaned out as her head thrashed from side to side.

I could see the person sitting across the street still smoking a cigarette. Stephani began to pant and moan as I increased my tempo even more.

Just then Stephani began to cum. Her pussy began to tremble as it milked my cock with each and every thrust. I felt my toes begin to tingle and my nuts begin to tighten.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God," Stephani moaned over and over.

"I'm cumming," Brad's mom moaned as she arched her back, shoving her breasts up against my chest.

Looking down I saw Stephani bite her lower lip just like Mrs. Graph. I tried to see if her toes curled in her shoes but her legs were locked around my waist. I knew one thing for certain, I had to take Stephani to Club Cuffs and fuck her just like I fucked my teacher.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cum," I moaned as I grunted quietly.

"Oh Master me too," Stephani cried out quietly.

I began to thrust even faster until I lost it. I felt my balls begin to contract and my skin began to quiver.

"Ughhhhh," I grunted out over and over. I felt my cum racing up my shaft and into her wet pussy.

My thrusting became easier as my cum flooded her cunt. I continued to squirt until my balls were totally spent.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Stephani moaned out as she came yet a third time.

I felt my cock softening inside her but I continued to thrust until she finished cumming. I could feel her pussy milking every last drop of cum out of my rapidly deflating cock. After a few moments Brad's mom eased the tension of her legs around my waist and lowered her feet to the driveway.

I leaned back and helped her to her feet. I pulled my underwear up and then my pants while she pulled the strap of her dress over her head. Brad's mom adjusted her dress as I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Why am I your Master?" I asked her as I slowly walked her to her front door.

"Looking up into my eyes as we walked, Stephani said, "Because you need to be."

We stepped up onto her porch. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small package that I bought earlier. I handed her the small black velvet box as I looked into her eyes.

"Every time I come over you will go to your room and put this in," I said as I let the small black box fall into her soft warm hand.

"Please stop this," Stephani said as she turned toward the door.

"I will be busy tomorrow but I will be over the next day so you better have some money for me," I said as I stepped down off of the porch.

Stephani nodded her head as she slipped through the door and disappeared into her dark house, carrying the small remote controlled vibrating egg. I began to walk home knowing that it was getting late. I knew there was probably a hot main event going on at Club Cuffs right now. Tomorrow night though was my night. I had to get enough rest as Kate had something special planned for our main event.

My house was dark as I knew my parents were asleep. I slipped in through the garage and then into the kitchen as I looked up at the clock. It was ten after two as I slipped into my room. My computer was still on so I logged on to see if I had any e mail. There was one message from Mrs. Graph so I clicked on it.

"Oh Master I still cannot get you out of my mind. I fulfilled your request as my husband wanted to make love to me before. He persisted but I told him that I didn't feel well. I hope that pleases you Master. I feel like I want to please you and not that I have to please you. I pray for the day we can meet face to face. I am eternally grateful to you Master."

I smiled as I decided that I was too tired to reply so I laid down on my bed. I made myself comfortable as I propped a pillow under my head. As I was dozing off I realized that I forgot my bike over by the church where I met Trista earlier.

"I'll get it in the morning," I said to myself as I fell fast asleep. (to be continued)