Trick or Treat


Finally Halloween arrived. I really had no plans when my buddy from down the street asked me to fill in for him this year. He had something come up and needed me to pass out candy to all of the trick or treaters. He said he had already spent so much money and time to get his house ready that he didn't want to just cancel everything.

After work I went home and took a quick shower. Halloween was on a Friday night this year and I could tell from the clouds in the sky that it was going to be a warm spooky night tonight. I figured I could scare the hell out of some of the neighborhood rug rats. I drove down to Bob's and he let me in. It was almost time for the trick or treaters to start so he helped me light all the carved jack-o'-lanterns.

The porch was secluded by tall bushes and there were about a dozen evil looking pumpkins. He gave me his 'Ghost' costume to wear. I tried it on and I looked exactly like the ghost in the movie "Scream". Bob jumped in his car and wished me good luck before speeding off into the darkness.

I sat there on the small chair as I pressed the play button on the tape recorder. Suddenly a low moaning sound started to emanate from the speakers. I thought this was pretty cool as the moans filled the eerie looking porch. Finally the first of the trick or treaters arrived. I began handing out candy and tried pathetically to scare some of the kids.

Children continued to arrive. Some with their parents and some with their friends. Occasionally one of the hot mom's from down the road would escort their children. They really couldn't tell that I was staring at their asses and tits because of my costume. On several occasions a few of them gave me a woody under my costume.

The children were all so cute in their costumes. As time went by and it got later, the amount of trick or treaters began to slow down. In fact when the time came for trick or treat to end it had already been twenty minutes since anyone had walked up onto the porch.

I figured I would give it a few more minutes before I would call it a night and head home. As I sat there listening to the eerie sounds I seemed to slip into a trance. I would look into the eyes of a jack-o'-lantern and almost believe it was real. It was like a visual into the underworld. I thought I was looking at the devil himself.

Suddenly I heard a clicking noise and realize that someone was walking up the driveway. The first thing I saw was a sexy five inch heel and fishnet stocking clad leg step onto the first step of the porch. My heart skipped a beat as she walked up onto the porch. It was El Vira. Walking ever so slowly towards me she stood between my parted legs and looked down into my ghostly eyes. I didn't know who this woman was but my cock in my pants wanted to find out.

"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat". El Vira mumbled as she slowly dropped to her knees in front of me without taking her eyes off of mine. I felt a fumbling in my lap as my ghost covering was pushed up and away. I felt the button on my pants pop open and felt my zipper begin to be pulled down. My cock was already at full attention. The jack-o'-lanterns candles cast an eerie glow on the house and on us. Suddenly I watched as El Vira slowly sank to her knees and lowered her full red lips to my towering cock.

Pre cum was already oozing out of my cock and into her mouth. Her lips felt so wonderful as they would slowly slide up and down the length of my aching manhood. She would alter the pressure of her lips and the pressure of her sucking as she expertly sucked on my throbbing member.

Moans of pleasure began to escape my lips as I felt my body becoming excited to an orgasmic state. Sensing this, El Vira stood up in front of me. I reached up under her black dress and slid my hand up her fishnet stocking clad legs. I felt the tops of her stockings and her soft hot thigh's as I slid my hand around and cupped her sexy soft ass. Realizing that she was wearing a thong, I hooked my fingers around her waist band and yanked them down.

I pulled her thong down to her ankles and she immediately stepped out of them. I pushed El Vira's dress aside and reached out and cupped her ass pulling her glistening pussy towards my face. The glow of the pumpkins caused her glistening pussy to look so inviting. I plastered my mouth to her dripping pussy as I sat there. El Vira threw her head back and began to moan as I sank my tongue into her depths. The smell of her pussy and the taste of her juices were more intoxicating then the hard cider I was drinking. I French kissed her pussy until I heard her begin to pant. I began to flick my tongue across her clit and I felt her legs grow weaker and almost give out.

"Oh god, I'm cumming" El Vira moaned as I felt her juices running out of her bald pussy and onto my face. "Oh god, yes, yes, oh yeahhhhhhhhhh" El Vira moaned as she climaxed. Instantly I turned her around and pushed her down over the railing. Her head was in between two bushes. I pushed her dress aside and dropped to my knees. Again I sank my tongue into her hot pussy and tasted her cum. This time I slid my tongue up and onto her ass hole. A scream emanated from El Vira as she began to pant.

I stood up and leaned into El Vira from behind. My cock pressed against her labia. Inching foreword, my cock slowly parted her pussy lips and began to sink farther and farther into her hot love tunnel. I reached up farther under her dress and cupped her breasts. To my surprise, El Vira was bra less under her costume. I began to thrust my member in and out of El Vira's tight pussy as I continued to fondle her breasts. I could feel her nipples stiffening in the palm's of my hands.

El Vira was now thrusting her ass back to meet my every thrust. I pinched her nipples causing her to moan out loud into the bushes. I slid one hand down El Vira's stomach until my fingers found her pussy. Using a finger I began to rub her clit as I continued to fuck her from behind.

"Oh my fucking god YES" El Vira screamed. Again I could feel her knees giving way as I supported her as I continued to assault her tight pussy with my hard cock. "God I'm cummmmmmmiiiinnnnngggggggggggg" El Vira moaned as her whole body began to convulse in orgasm. Just then I felt my balls beginning to tingle. Jolts of electricity raced through my body and were heading towards my cock. I pulled El Vira up and around. I pulled her head down to my lap and pushed my cock towards her mouth. My first spurt shot out and landed on her cheeks and lips before she could clamp her lips around my cock I continued to thrust my hips as my orgasm continued. I watched El Vira as not a drop dribbled from her sexy red lips.

looking up into my ghost eyes El Vira stood up and straitened up her dress. Slowly, without a word she turned and walked down the steps and down the driveway. I sat there exhausted for a few moments as I realized that this was a special Halloween. I pulled up my pants and took off the ghost costume. I blew out the candles in the pumpkins and shut off the eerie music. I reached down and picked up the El Vira's damp thong and placed it in my pocket.

As I drove home I wondered who El Vira really was. She was just amazing. I pulled my car into the driveway and went into the house and turned on the television on. As I watched television I heard the front door open. Looking over to the door I almost fell off the couch as I watched El Vira walk into the house. It was then I knew who she was. She was my eighteen year old daughter!