Miss Miller's Summer Vacation


Hi, Guys. This may be a stand-along story. I haven't decided yet. For those of you who like incest stories, especially sibling incest, you may like this one. I hope you don't mind the rather lengthy build-up. It's the literary equivalent of foreplay. And who doesn't like foreplay, right? (I do.) I hope you enjoy this. Let me know how you like it.


Miss Miller's Summer Vacation

Dinah Miller smiled as entered the last of her students' grades into the computer. It had been a long year. The students had been hard to control, especially in the last grading period. Dinah taught math at the local high school. She took great pride in her work, and felt that she was very good at what she did. In the 6 years that she had been teaching, she had been given more responsibility each year. She had started out teaching basic mathematics, but her obvious mastery of the subject matter, her work ethic, and the success of her students had inspired the principal of the school to assign her higher classes to teach. She now taught Calculus, Trigonometry, and Advanced Algebra. She had the best students, academically, in the school, even though they were not always the best behaved.

Dinah had great satisfaction with her job. Her students often came back after they had graduated and told her how well they were doing in college mathematics. This year had its distractions, however. Several high school boys had a "crush" on her. They would write little notes on the papers they turned in, telling her how pretty she was and other innocent comments. This year, however, a couple of boys had bordered on being inappropriate. One had written her letters about how hot he thought she was and how he loved her breasts and legs.

Another was even more inappropriate in his comments and had actually asked her to meet him for sex. She knew that she should have reported these students, but she didn't. In fact, she kept their letters in a special place at her apartment. She would get them out and read them sometimes when she touched herself. She did nothing to lead these boys on, though. Instead, she just ignored them and never responded in any way to their notes or letters.

Occasionally one of her students would tell her to her face that she was pretty, to which she always told them 'thank-you'. A couple of boys had commented on her figure and she had immediately told them that their comments were inappropriate and that they were not to say such things again, even though their comments excited her a great deal.

Dinah realized that she was pretty. She had a good body, but she never wore clothing that emphasized her assets. The truth was that she had been a late bloomer and was considered "boyish" in high school. She had been a star basketball player and had little time to think about dating. She was also a very diligent student and was considered to be a nerd. Few boys paid much attention to her and she wasn't really interested in them.

Her body developed rapidly after high school. She was playing college basketball and, as her breasts suddenly developed, she thought that they actually hindered her mobility and her jump shot. Later she realized that she was only rationalizing the fact that she was just an average college player, whereas she had been one of the top players in high school. Boys and men began to notice her and flirted with her often. The fact that she had always been ambivalent about boys, however, left her ill-equipped to know how to handle their advances. She had only been on a couple of dates in high school - and those were with guys who were as nerdy as she was. They hadn't even tried to kiss her!

When she started college and guys flocked around her, asking for a date, she didn't know how to handle it, so she just automatically turned them down. She figured that the right guy would eventually come along, but he never did. She became more and more uncomfortable when guys lavished attention on her.

So, here she was - 28 years old, a virgin, having never even been kissed. The more time passed, the worse her fear of dating became. She could look in the mirror and know, academically, that she was a desirable woman. The number of male admirers who had made all kinds of comments about her proved that she was attractive. She was very attracted to men - extremely so - but she was almost phobic about being alone with one.

She had resigned herself to a life of spinsterhood. She had bought several sex toys online with which to pleasure herself and was quite satisfied to just please herself instead of developing a sexual relationship with a man. As a college student she had broken her own hymen, quite accidentally, with her first vibrator. She was upset, at first. As time went on, however, and she purchased various kinds of sex toys with which to stimulate and penetrate herself, she looked back on the accidental breaking of her hymen as a blessing. She still preferred a vibrator to anything else, but she had various types and sizes of dildos. She had recently purchased a G-spot toy that had given her many fantastic orgasms. Sometimes she would use one of these toys for penetration and another to stimulate her clitoris. Sometimes, if she was in just the right mood, she would lubricate one of her dildos, or a vibrator, and insert it into her ass. The orgasms that she had when she did that felt different, but she enjoyed them in the extreme.

Dinah usually spent at least a month each summer at her parents' home, some 50 miles from where she lived and taught. They usually went on vacation together. They would visit various National Parks, or go to the mountains or, her favorite, go to the beach. Her father, Jerry, had told her mother, Cindi, and Dinah to choose where they would go that coming summer. They had immediately told him that they wanted to go to the beach.

Dinah had packed the previous evening so that she could head to her parents' house right after school. She dropped by her apartment to double check with the landlord and to change clothes. She decided she would check in with her brother, Rob, whom she talked with nearly every day. She was hoping that he might be able to get off from work and join them on their trip to the beach.

Rob was a year older than Dinah and they had been best friends ever since they were small children. Rob had been married several years previously, but his wife had left him for another man. Rob had talked to Dinah nearly every day during that period of his life. He was heartbroken and could find no solace anywhere except with his sister. She had a way of making him see the light at the end of the tunnel. They didn't get to see each other very often, as he lived some 30 miles from their parents' home, which made him and Dinah some 80 miles apart.

Dinah was almost 6 feet tall with auburn-red hair and green eyes. Her breasts were a very full B-cup, which looked great on her slender body. Her skin was naturally pale, but she got a good tan every summer. She had freckles over her face and body, but she didn't consider them unattractive and hardly wore any makeup. She kept her hair cut to shoulder length and sometimes wore it in a ponytail, especially if she was dressing casually. She dressed in tight denim shorts and a HOTLANTA tee-shirt, along with sandals. Her legs were, of course, very athletic. Even after she graduated from college, and stopped playing basketball, she ran several times a week and went to the gym on a regular basis.

She grabbed her cell phone and dialed her brother.

"Hey, Rob, what's up?" she asked, cheerfully.

"Hey, Sis! I was just thinking about you! Are you finished with school?"

"Yes. I'm just getting ready to drive home. When can you come over? I can't wait to see you!"

"Well, I think I can come this weekend. I would have to drive back on Sunday night, though," he told her. "We're pretty busy at work. Everybody's computer goes down at the same time." Rob was in charge of keeping the computers running and updated at his job.

"That would be great! Hey, I was wondering. Can you go to the beach with us? You haven't gone on vacation with us in, like, two years."

"Well. Maybe. They owe me like 20 days' vacation, I think. If I can get caught up and train this new guy to do part of my work... When?" he asked.

"I think the 3rd week of July. Please say you can!" she begged.

"Okay, checking my calendar. Hmmm... I think that would be okay. I'll talk to the boss man today. You gonna wear a bikini and show that hot body?" he teased.

"Shut UP!" she giggled. "You're not supposed to talk about my hot body!" She was smiling from ear to ear. She knew that Rob liked to tease her and she was more comfortable with him than anybody else.

"Well, nobody else is talking about it! Or...Are they?" he laughed.

"Nobody but my silly students. Kids these days just say whatever pops in their perverted little minds," she commented.

"You think they're perverted because they think you're hot? I call that NORMAL. School boys have always had the hots for their teachers. There was even a song back in the 80's..."

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard that song. I assure you that I don't flirt with them. Some are pretty good looking though!" she laughed.

"I used to have a crush on Ms. Douglas. Remember her?"

"Yes. She was a good looking woman, for sure. I think all the guys had eyes for her. Didn't she get accused of having sex with one of her students?" she remembered.

"One? I heard it was several. Like a gang bang!" he informed her.

"You are lying. I don't believe that at all!" she said, but the image of the beautiful young teacher, naked, in a room full of young studs, interjected itself into her mind.

"Well, I guess it was just rumor, but she was as hot as a firecracker...and she flirted with a lot of guys. Not me, of course."

"If I was her and I was gonna flirt with a student, it woulda been you, Robbie!" she teased.

"You're sweet, Sis. And you're as sexy as Ms. Douglas, just for the record. Hey, I gotta get back to work... call me, okay?"

"Bye, Robbie. I love you!"

"I love you, Little Sister," he replied. "Hey, by the way, remember I told you that they are talking about transferring me?"

"Yes. Please don't move farther away!"

He chuckled. "Well, nothing's for sure, but they're talking about moving me to Beacon City." Beacon City was where Dinah lived and taught.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Please, please, please, please! You can move in with me! I have two bedrooms. And you can pay half of the rent," she laughed.

"Well, don't get excited just yet. They're supposed to let me know any day, though. I told them I would prefer to move there than anywhere else. I gotta go now, Sis. Love you!"

Dinah took her clothing back off. She went to her dresser and, underneath some clothes in the bottom drawer, reached into her stash of sex toys. She chose a phallus-shaped vibrator. She fluffed up a pillow and made herself comfortable. She had not planned on this, but the conversation with her handsome brother and the image of the sexy teacher with her students, from a decade earlier, had gotten her juices flowing. She imagined her brother with Ms. Douglas, how eager he would have been. She imagined the young teacher's sexy body presented to Robbie's view, her legs spread in welcome.

Dinah turned the vibrator on and touched it to her sensitive nipples, then slowly moved it down her flat abdomen toward her nearly-trimmed pussy. She knew she was wet, already, and her clit was swollen in anticipation of the delicious waves of pleasure that the vibrator would provide. She tentatively touched the vibrator to her clit. "Ohhh, yessss..." she groaned. She needed this more than she had realized. She applied more pressure against her swollen, eager clit. "Fuck!" she moaned. Dinah never, ever used such words, except when she masturbated, when the words sprang from her lips, unbidden.

Suddenly her image of Ms. Douglas welcoming Robbie between her legs transformed into her, Dinah (who, after-all, had a similar body to that of Mrs. Douglas), who was laying naked on the bed with Robbie crawling between her legs. Dinah normally would not allow such thoughts to dwell in her mind, but when she masturbated, anything was okay. Anything that gave her that wonderful release. Anything that gave her those intense, beautiful orgasms that she needed so badly!

Dinah heaved her hips upward as she continued to stimulate her clit. Then she drew the vibrator down toward her opening. She opened her legs as wide as she could, her eyes tightly closed. She imagined Robbie between her legs as she began to push the 6-inch vibrator into her hungrily-clasping cunt. "Ohhhh, Robbie! I am cummmmingggggggggggggggggggggg!" she gasped as her orgasm shook her from head to foot. She pushed the vibrator deeper, suddenly wishing that she had used one of her big dildos...her climax continued to grip her delightfully for several seconds before she began to come down. "Ohhh," she groaned. "That was so goooood!" She always orgasmed very easily and could usually have several of them. As she got eventually got her breathing back under control, she felt slightly guilty. It was one thing to imagine her brother, or someone else, fucking another women, but she certainly shouldn't imagine him doing anything with his own sister. That was just wrong.

Dinah made sure she included the vibrator and an assortment of other toys in her luggage. She was soon on the road toward her parents' house.


Jerry and Cindi made their way out to the patio when Dinah drove into the driveway in her Honda Accord. They had presented it to her for her high-school graduation and she swore that she loved it so much that she would never trade it. It now had well over 200,000 miles and had never given any trouble at all.

Jerry and Cindi had both been teachers but had both retired as soon as they had completed their 30 years of service. Although they both loved education, they agreed that education had been made into a political football by the government. Jerry was of the opinion that anything that was run by the government was, automatically, going to be inefficient. Added to that was the fact that children had gotten more disrespectful and hard to deal with. It was against the rules to use any form of punishment that actually worked. Jerry enjoyed reading, watching sports, and often contributed opinion pieces to the local newspaper. He and Cindi both loved working in the lawn and often went bird-watching. Cindi was active in several organizations, including a book-club and a sewing club. They both wondered how they had ever had time to teach.

Dinah hugged her parents and Jerry helped her carry her luggage into her room. Cindi had been cleaning all day and the room was spotless. Dinah chastised her for spending time cleaning her room, telling her that she was a grown woman who could clean her own room. Cindi just smiled. She was the mother - she would always treat her offspring as if they were children.

For the next week, Dinah talked to Rob almost every day. Some days they would Facetime so that Jerry and Cindi could join in the conversation, as well. The siblings were careful not to tease each other as much when their parents were listening, however. They knew that it was all innocent fun, but their parents might not understand. Rob had gotten permission to take off from work and would be accompanying them on their trip to the beach.

Plans were made to rent a 3 bedroom condo on the beach. Jerry had a friend who had a time-share and had arranged for it to be available to them. They planned to drive the 300-plus miles to the beach on a Saturday and to return home the following Saturday. Everyone was extremely excited, especially since Rob had been unable to accompany them on vacation the previous year. They had always been a tight-knit family and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

Dinah's bedroom was on the opposite end of the house and upstairs from her parents' bedroom. She was particularly happy about this because, when she masturbated, she could hardly control her moans and words of passion. She was always careful to turn the TV or radio on to mask the sound, just in case. Every couple of days her mind would start wandering. She would think about some things that her students had said to her or written to her. She would even think about her very handsome brother who, although she knew he was teasing, often made remarks about how pretty or even "sexy" she was. It was all fantasy, after all, so what did it matter what she thought about while she masturbated?

Dinah's favorite thing, if she had plenty of time, was to do a strip-tease as she watched herself in the mirror, as a precursor of her masturbation sessions. As a teenager, she had been skinny and shapeless and had longed to have a nice shape like most of her friends. Then, not long after she graduated from high school, her body suddenly blossomed. Her breasts grew, almost overnight. They sat proudly on her slender body, with small, pink, conically shaped nipples. Her hips flared and her legs became shapelier. In short, Dinah loved her body. She had turned men's heads for around 10 years now. She knew that men liked looking at her, especially when she appeared in a bikini at the beach or at a pool party.

She had no sexual experience, of course, and now was of the opinion that if she was ever to have sex, it would have to be a very special person. She was too old to start having casual, meaningless sex - besides, she had been brought up to believe that sex was a sacred, special act. She wasn't going to give her body to someone that she didn't love. That was that, even if she never had sex her whole life. There were many things more important than sex.

A few days before they were to leave for the beach, they received a phone call from Dinah's cousin, Melvin, informing them that his mother, Aunt Nancy, Cindi's sister, had suffered a heart attack. They didn't think that it was life-threatening, but she had wanted them to know. Jerry and Cindi immediately packed and took the hundred-mile trek to the hospital. They would be back by the end of the week, hopefully, they told Dinah.

One night while they were gone, Dinah went to her room and selected a large dildo and a vibrator from her hidden stash. Then she did a slow, sensuous strip-tease in front of the mirror. She hefted her breasts and marveled at how perfectly shaped they were. She tweaked the nipples, causing them to harden. She wondered what it would be like for a man to lick them or suck them.

Dinah had seen pictures of naked men and had even seen a few videos of men and women having sex, but her strong morals didn't allow her to do that often. She rarely felt guilty when she masturbated, but did have guilt pangs if she allowed herself to seek out images or videos of a sexual nature. She had come across several images of men with rather large cocks one day, however. Most of them were black men and she was quite surprised and entranced by the images. That inspired her to order a very large, 10 inch, black dildo. It quickly became her favorite and, while she rarely allowed herself to seek out images of black men or other well-hung men, she could still see them as if they were burned into her brain.

Dinah stretched out on the bed and began to slowly feed the thick black dildo into her slick pussy. She was so tight that it was not easy to force the rubber phallus inside, but it felt good. When she got a few inches in, enough to keep her vaginal muscles from pushing it out, she reached for the vibrator. She turned it on and, holding the dildo in place with one hand, began to rub the bullet-shaped vibrator on her nipples, down her stomach and then lower, along her thighs and up to her pussy. She very tentatively touched it to her clit and almost had an orgasm just from the first touch.

"Fuck!" she groaned. Then she almost laughed. It was amusing how she totally lost control of her words when she was masturbating. She wasn't sure that she could be quiet if she had to do so. She ran the vibrator on her labia and back up to her clit again as she pushed the rubber dick deeper inside her. The dildo was so thick that she couldn't possibly force the entire thing inside her hot pussy, no matter how turned on or how wet she was. She usually got about half of it inside her; sometimes a bit more. She loved the feeling of the fake cock stretching her.

By now, she was panting and was ready for her climax. She placed the vibrator against her clit as her body began to spasmodically undulate in a fucking motion. "Oh fuck it's goooooood! Robbie!" she screamed as her orgasm wracked her body. Unable to tolerate the intense sensations that the vibrator caused, she tossed it aside as she grabbed the rubber phallus and fucked it in and out of her saturated pussy until her climax abated. 'Wow,' she thought. 'That was a good one! Did I just call out Robbie's name?' Immediately she was embarrassed and felt guilty. She had to get her mind on something else!


Robbie arrived the next day, a Friday. They were scheduled to leave the following morning for the beach, but their parents had called and said they might not be back until Saturday evening. If so, they would just leave on Sunday morning and would have one less day at the beach. Aunt Nancy was recovering quite nicely, but was still in the hospital, and they felt obliged to stay with her as long as they could.

Rob and Dinah sat up late watching movies, talking, and eating popcorn. Dinah couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself as much. Her brother was so handsome and he was so funny! Rob was well over 6 feet tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was slender but had been working out for several years, so had a nice physique - certainly not that of a bodybuilder, but he was nicely toned. Dinah liked the way he looked. He wore athletic shorts and a tee shirt. He was very tan; his arms and legs looked so good to her! Rob lay on the couch and Dinah sat in an easy chair across from him.

Dinah wore tight denim shorts and a button down shirt. The top couple of buttons were unfastened, giving a view of the very top of her cleavage if she bent over just right. Rob noticed when she did so and wondered if she was wearing a bra. He was amazed at how attractive and desirable that his little sister had gotten in the last few years. He hadn't noticed it much while he was married; he was completely dedicated to his very attractive wife - but after the divorce, he started noticing attractive, sexy women. His sister, he had to admit, was in that category.

He sometimes wished that she was not his sister. He had never been more comfortable around anyone than he was with her. He felt the need to touch base with her almost every day, as if she was his best friend. He realized that she probably was his best friend, and had always been so. He had been heartbroken when his wife had cheated on him and, later, had left him. He had been depressed and desperate for someone to talk with. Dinah had reached out to him and they often talked for hours. She patiently listened to him pouring out his heart, often weeping, as they talked on the phone. She sometimes cried, too, and he knew that she truly loved him. He was lucky to have such a wonderful, understanding sister.

"So, Dinah, suppose they don't come home tomorrow night," he said, "What do we do? Call the vacation off?"

"I thought of that. I don't know! Do we go without them? They don't seem to be in a hurry to give us an answer so we can make plans," she told him.

"I sure would hate to go with just you!" he said sarcastically. "I don't think I could put up with you for a whole week."

Dinah picked up a throw pillow and, standing up from her chair, crossed to the couch where he lay, and began to beat him with it. "Can't put up with me, huh?" she laughed as he fended off her playful blows.

He grabbed the pillow and jerked it out of her hands. She dove for it as he held it above his head. She landed on top of him as he reclined on the couch. Her face was inches from his. They both continued to laugh as she strove to gain access to the pillow that he held just out of her reach. Rob could feel his sister's ripe body on top of him and thought that he should push her off of him before his body started having embarrassing reactions. She was a good looking woman and he was a man who hadn't had sex in two years. His cock was bound to begin to harden, regardless of who she was. Suddenly she stopped giggling, her face just inches from his own.

"I love you," she said, then giggled again. "I don't know why!"

Rob glanced at her lips and, on impulse, gave her a brief kiss. She looked surprised, then amused.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"I...don't know. I didn't mean...I didn't think," he replied, feeling his cheeks warming with embarrassment.

Dinah suddenly realize that their position was not quite appropriate, so she pushed herself up and stood. "Well...it was nice. Thank you!" She certainly wasn't going to tell him that nobody had ever kissed her lips before. How embarrassing would that be?

"I was kidding, by the way. I think we would have fun if we had to go without Mom and Dad. But I sure hope they can go. I miss them. I was looking forward to spending time with them."

"I know. Me too. I'm going to hit the hay. I'll see you in the morning!"

"Good night, Dinah. I love you," he smiled.

Dinah smiled and walked to her bedroom, suddenly realizing that her panties were wet and her nipples were tingling.

Rob's bedroom was at the opposite end of the hall from Dinah's. There were 2 other bedrooms and a bathroom in between. The bathroom was the only one upstairs. Dinah closed the door to her room and changed for bed. She read for a while and, even though she was turned on, tried not to think about her interaction with her brother. She was hoping that she could read and get drowsy enough to fall asleep. Rob, however, had music blaring. He was playing some of their parents' old records from the 60's and 70's. It was music that was created to be played loud, but it was keeping her awake. She decided that she would walk down the hall to bathroom to pee, then she would walk to his room and ask him to turn the music down.

As she came out of the bathroom she yelled, "Rob, can you turn that down?" She didn't get a response, but figured he was just taking his time, so she went back to her bedroom.

She lay there for several minutes, but the volume of the music never decreased. She tried putting a pillow over her head, but that didn't work. She sent a text message to him, but never got a response. She finally dragged herself out of her bed again, threw a robe on over her nightie, and made her way down the hall.

The old house had, long ago, settled. A few of the doors throughout the house could not be closed fully because they hit against the door jamb. Jerry had repaired some of these doors, but had not gotten around to Rob's room quite yet. After all, Rob rarely was at home.

Rob had pulled his door closed, but it wouldn't fully close, leaving a tiny opening, just a couple of millimeters. Dinah made her way toward the sliver of light, intent on yelling at Rob to turn the music down. To her shock, her brother was lying totally naked on his bed, reading the jacket of an old record, which was obviously playing on the turntable. His head and hands were moving to the beat, but they weren't the parts that her eyes gazed upon. She had never seen a naked man in person before. Even though his penis was totally flaccid, it looked quite long. His body was lean, but muscular.

She pulled her head back, so that he couldn't see her if he glanced at the door, but continued to stand there and drink in the beauty of her brother's naked body. She was shaking with either lust or fear of being caught - or both. She couldn't help it. This could have been anyone. Her body was naturally reacting to seeing a naked man for the first time. It wasn't because it was her brother. It wasn't because she loved him...or was it? She wondered why his wife had left him. Did she really find someone more physically desirable, as smart, as funny, and as kind and good as her brother? She suddenly wished that she could find a husband exactly like her brother.

She was shocked out of her reverie as Rob, still totally unware of his sister's presence, stood and began to search through several old record albums that were in a case beside his bed. He stood in profile to her and she could see his penis as it hung down. She could see his balls, which looked very large compared to what she had seen on the internet. She also noted that the head of his penis hung lower than his balls. She didn't know if that was normal, but a spate of lust rushed through her body. She suddenly wished that she could touch him, to kiss him, to fondle his penis and balls... She very carefully pattered back down the hall to her own bedroom, and locked the door.

Dinah quickly removed her nightgown, nightie, and panties and reached for her favorite bullet-shaped vibrator. She spread her long legs and pushed the vibrator inside her desire-slickened pussy as far as she could, then hit the switch, causing the vibrator to send delicious thrills throughout her sex-starved body.

"Fuckkkkkkkk! Oh Robbie! Fuck me!" she cried, attempting to keep her voice down. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I'm cumming, Babeeeee!" Her body thrashed as she stroked the vibrator in and out of her clasping hole. She quickly pulled it out and threw it aside as her body heaved in the throes of the afterglow of her orgasm. She reflected that she had never had a climax that quickly in her entire life - nor had she ever been that completely and utterly aroused. Yet, already, she was feeling pangs of guilt. She had spied on her brother! Worse than that, she had thought about him while she masturbated. Usually she was thinking of someone else, or something else, when she masturbated and her brother would come, unbidden, into her thoughts. That wasn't so bad, but this time she had thought of nothing but HIM, from beginning to end. She had imagined fucking her own brother! This was awful. She had to get herself under control.


The next morning, Saturday, Jerry called to tell them that they had decided to stay a few more days. Aunt Nancy's heart was out of rhythm and they were not going to try cardioversion for a few more days. The doctors were confident that the procedure would be successful and that she could probably go home the day they did it, but Cindi was reluctant to leave her sister. Jerry suggested that the siblings go ahead and go without them and that, if possible, they might come down at the end of the week.

Dinah got off the phone and informed her brother what their father had said. "Well, what do you think?" she asked. "Can you put up with me for a week?"

"I can try," Rob smiled. "Are you packed? I'm ready to roll."

"I'm close to being ready. I didn't get much sleep last night. Your music was too loud! What were you doing?" she stated, studying him for any hint that he might have realized that she had seen him.

"I got to going through some old records. Dad and Mom have quite a collection. I started playing them. I guess I never thought about how loud it was. I got your text this morning when I took my phone off the charger. Sorry!"

Dinah faked looking exasperated. "I'm not sure I can tolerate you for a week. Get your stuff in the car, then come and get mine. I'm a girl - you're the man. You get to carry my luggage."

"Oh brother," he said. "I can see that this is going to be no fun at all. You're like a drill sergeant."


They loaded Rob's Honda CRV and got on the road by 10 AM. The trip took around 7 hours, including a stop for lunch. Dinah and Rob took turns driving. They had great fun talking, telling stories, and singing along with the radio. They both got a nap as the other one drove. As they got nearer to the beach, the traffic became fairly heavy, but they eventually arrived at around 6 PM. They unloaded the car, took their luggage to their respective rooms, and took off again in search of dinner and then, to the grocery store to stock up for the week. One of the great things about a condo was that they could prepare their own meals.

Since their parents were not with them, they chose the two rooms that had a view of the beach. They were adjacent to each other, with a large bathroom across the hall. There was another bathroom at the other end of the condo, inside the other bedroom. The condo was on the third floor of the complex. A huge swimming pool was immediately below the deck. Sliding doors opened from both of their bedrooms onto the deck, which also afforded a view of the beach and the ocean beyond. When they got back from dinner, they put away the groceries that they had purchased and stood on the deck and could see a few people strolling down the beach, although it was almost totally dark.

"I love the smell of that sea air!" Dinah exclaimed. "Can we go for a walk?"

"I'm tired, Sis," Rob whined.

"I knew it. I knew it. You're just going to be a drag all week, aren't you?" she smiled.

"You really want to go?" he asked.

"Yes, I do. And I don't want to go alone. Please??"

"Okay, let me find my Crocs. Are you wearing shorts? It will be cold after the sun sets," he told her.

"Yes, I'm wearing shorts. It's the beach! You can go put on your winter clothes if you want," she said, sarcastically.

The siblings walked down that beach and, as Rob had predicted, they soon became chilled. Both of them had worn shorts and short-sleeved tee shirts.

"Brrrrrrr!" I'm cold, Dinah complained.


"I know. Shut up! You told me so. Warm me up!" she said as she snuggled into her brother's chest and put her arms around him.

Rob put his arms around his sister and pulled her close to him as she burrowed her face into his chest. He reflected that anyone seeing them might assume they were lovers, but he didn't care. Nobody knew them here. He thought that the next day, when his pretty sister came to the beach in her bikini, hundreds of men would be staring at her, lusting for her. They might even be jealous that she was his - not realizing that they were only brother and sister. Rob smiled at the thought.

Dinah looked up at her brother's face. He was so good-looking to her. She wondered if he was really that handsome to everyone, or if it was just because he was so familiar to her and that she loved him so much. It didn't matter. She grabbed his hand and they walked back toward the condo, hand in hand. Anyone that saw them would assume that they were lovers. She was okay with that.

The next morning Dinah cooked omelets, toast, and coffee. Rob walked into the kitchen, dressed only in swim trunks. Dinah tried not to stare at him, but it was difficult. He looked so hot! She could feel her body reacting to him and tried to think of something else.

"Sleep well, Sis?" he asked.

"Yes," she laughed. "Much better since I didn't have Deep Purple and Jimi Hendrix blasting at full volume!"

"Sorry," he grinned. "Dad needs to fix that door. I had it shut as much as I could. I never thought about it being that loud all the way down at your room. You have to admit that he had good musical tastes back in the day."

"Yeah, but some of those records are Mom's. They both rocked!" They both laughed. Their parents were really slowing down and had aged quite a bit in the last few years. It was hard to imagine them back in their youth, rocking out to 60's and 70's rock bands.

After they finished their breakfast, Rob volunteered to clean up while Dinah changed. They were both eager to get to the beach, which was but a short walk from the condo. They already had an umbrella and beach chairs reserved in Jerry's name.

Dinah appeared a few minutes later. She was wearing an oversized, loose tunic that gave no hint as to what she wore beneath. It was dark green, with a V-neck, which revealed a tiny bit of cleavage, and came down to a few inches above her knee. She had her beach bag, which was stocked with sunscreen, earplugs, towels, snacks, water, and various other odds-and-ends that she thought she might want at the beach. She intended to stay several hours.

Rob grabbed his own beach towels and bag, which was similarly stocked. They set out for the beach and soon arrived at their umbrella. The attendant had already set it up. Rob took their beach chairs and moved them out from the shade.

"You want to walk down to the beach?" he asked.

"Sunscreen first," she reminded him. "Lay down, I'll get your back."

Rob stretched out on one of the beach chairs, which he had put into a flat position. Dinah sat on the edge and began to squirt sunscreen onto his back, then started rubbing it in, covering his entire back and shoulders. She loved the feel of his warm skin under her hands and reveled in the opportunity to touch her beautiful, sexy brother. After she finished his back, she rubbed the lotion on his muscular legs. Her hands rubbed between his legs, but only to the bottoms of his swim trunks, which came halfway to his knees. She thought idly that she would love to touch higher - much higher!

"Okay, you're done. You get your own front!" she laughed.

Rob took the sunscreen bottle and began to rub the lotion on his face, chest, stomach, and legs. As he finished, his sister suddenly lifted her tunic over her head, revealing her lush body, clad in a rather revealing, though not tiny, bikini. Its color matched the dark green of the tunic - they were obviously a set. He nearly dropped the sunscreen as his Dinah's curvaceous body was revealed to him.

"Wow," he gulped. "You're hot!"

Dinah could feel her face blush immediately and she suddenly felt embarrassed, even though she was confident that her body looked nice. Still, she had never liked to draw attention to herself. She didn't normally wear revealing clothes and, if they were not at the beach where everyone wore very few clothes, she certainly would not be dressed in a bikini.

"Shut up," she whispered, even though nobody was within earshot. "You can't say that to your sister!" she chided, even though she loved the compliment.

"Why not? If I can't tell you that you're attractive, who can? I'm your brother. I can be objective. Of course...if you were ugly I probably wouldn't say anything," he mused. "Want me to rub some lotion on you? Assume the position!"

Dinah smiled and lay down on her stomach. She had to admit that she was looking forward to feeling his hands on her body. In years past, her brother had applied sunscreen to her body and, even though she was very shy about her body, she had loved how his hands felt on her. He had never touched her in any inappropriate way, but she had fantasized about him doing so.

Rob liberally applied sunscreen to her back. Even though she kept a good tan by going to tanning beds, she was naturally fair complected. Freckles, few in number on her face, were thick on her shoulders. With the tan, however, they looked sexy. Rob gazed at his sister's slender body and shapely ass as he applied sunscreen on her shoulders and back. He ran his fingers under the back strap on her bikini top. He was tempted to untie it, but didn't want to do anything that might be misconstrued. As attractive and sexy as his sister was, he would always treat her like the lady that she was. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable with him, ever.

After covering her back, he moved to her long, shapely legs. He slathered them from her dainty feet, up her calves, and then her thighs. As he finished, he carefully rubbed the sunscreen all the way to the bottom of her bikini. Then he stood.

His hands felt wonderful on her. She wished that he would touch her all day. She would never tire of the feeling of her brother's strong hands touching her body. He was not touching her in any way that was the slightest bit inappropriate, but still...she was getting wet. She imagined him touching her all over, in every place. She thought about when she had seen him naked and the rush of lust that had washed over her body. She admitted to herself that she loved thinking about him, even in a sexual way. She really needed to get a boyfriend, fall in love, get married, and have sex. In that order.

"You better get the front, Sis," he told her, without explanation. The real reason was that he was getting a hardy erection from touching his red-haired sister's sexy body. It felt inappropriate and he didn't want to dwell on it. Yes, he had thought of his sister many times and wondered about her body, but he didn't think it was right. If he allowed himself to think that way, he was afraid that he would begin to think of her in an unwholesome way. He even feared that he might fall for her in a way that would not be appropriate for siblings.

Dinah lowered her sunglasses, squinting up at him. She had intended to do the front herself, of course, but she wondered what his comment meant, exactly. She took the bottle of sunscreen and soon had slathered it all over her exposed skin.

"Walk down to the beach?" she asked as she stood and grabbed his hand.

"Sure...are we holding hands?" he laughed. "I'm a big boy, Mommy."

Dinah threw his hand back at him. "Fine. I was trying to be sweet. But if you want to be that way..."

Rob grabbed at her hand. "I was teasing. Give me your hand!" She twisted away from him and, as he continued to reach for her hand, she was suddenly in his arms, her face mere inches from his. Rob reached for her sunglasses and removed them from her face.

'She is absolutely luscious,' he thought. 'I wish I could kiss her. Would that be so bad?'

Dinah's heart was suddenly racing. Was he going to kiss her? Would she stop him if he did? She knew she wouldn't, even though everything she had ever believed told her that it wasn't a good idea. He was so good looking and she loved him so much. She would do anything for him...within reason.

Rob grasped her hand and stepped back. He started walking toward the beach, her hand in his. He hoped that his erection would go down before she noticed.

Dinah smiled as her brother pulled her along and then they settled into a comfortable stroll as they neared the water's edge. The surf was periodically reaching their feet as they walked along. The sun was very warm, but not extremely hot yet. How could anything be any more pleasant than this? Her favorite person in the world was holding her hand and walking along the beach with her! School was out. No kids to endure. No papers to grade! She felt total, unfettered, freedom. A whole week with her wonderful brother! Things didn't get better than this!

Rob was thinking about his ex-wife. His beautiful Renee. He had been head-over-heels in love with her. They had tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. Rob's doctor told him that, because he had a severe case of Mumps as a child, that he likely could not father children. After that, Renee was never the same. A few months later, she admitted to him that she was pregnant. He knew immediately that it was not his. He offered to raise the child as his own, but Renee wanted a divorce. Rob had been heartbroken.

Rob remembered walking along the beach, holding hands with Renee, just as he was now holding hands with his sister. Renee had been a slender blonde of medium height, but with great breasts. She was, at least to Rob, extremely beautiful. She was sweet and kind and smart and funny. He had adored her. His family had loved her and her family had loved him. He constantly wracked his brain for something that he could have done to have kept her. He tried to accept that it was because he couldn't give her a child. That just didn't seem fair to him, but what could he do? Since she left him, he had hardly dated. He hadn't had sex. He rarely - very rarely - masturbated. His heart ached for her.

"Penny for your thoughts, Robbie!" she said, snapping him out of his reverie. "You look sad. What's wrong? You're on the beach! With me!" She let his hand go and twirled around, teasingly before grasping his hand again and kissing it.

"I'm sorry." He wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'll be better."

"Oh, Robbie, I know you miss her," she whispered as she hugged him to her. His near-naked body next to hers felt way better than it should have. Tingles coursed through her body as her bikini-encased breasts were flattened against his naked, muscular chest.

He held her close and, once again, reached to take her sunglasses off so he could look into her beautiful green eyes. Why did she have to be his sister? She was so lovely, so kind, so gentle...and she loved him as much as he loved her. Without thinking he pulled her head toward him and very quickly and very gently kissed her lips.

Dinah made no move to disengage, but instead looked deeply into her brother's eyes. Her heart raced. She felt emotions that she had never felt in her life. They were confusing. She moved her face toward him and gave him another quick peck (though she wanted more) on the lips.

Dinah stepped back, but took both of Rob's hands and held them. She looked down at the ground as they faced each other. Then she looked in his face again. "I love you, Robbie. I would do anything for you."

Robbie reached and gently wiped a tear away that was coursing down her cute, freckled nose. He swallowed, then told her, "I think you're the most wonderful person I've ever known. I mean that."

Dinah desperately wanted to break the tension. She suddenly stooped and, grabbing a handful of sand, threw it at her brother's chest, then turned and ran.

Rob stooped and grabbed a handful of sand and chased his sister. She was in good shape and was very fast. He soon realized that he couldn't catch her. He stopped and watched as she continued to run down the beach. He admired her shape and, especially, her magnificent ass. Even Renee didn't have an ass that was as shapely as his little sister. He noticed several men watching her as she ran. He smiled, then walked down the beach, following her. She stopped and looked back, then turned and walked back toward their umbrella and beach chairs.

She was lying in the sun, sunglasses on, paperback novel open, and water bottle handy when he got to her. "Hey slow poke! I win!" she smiled.

"This time. I would throw sand on you, but you look too good to mess up," he told her as he scooted his beach chair over next to hers, then reached for his own paperback book that he had brought. Before sitting he stooped over and kissed her forehead.

"What was that for?" she grinned. "Was that my prize for winning?"

"You could say that. Or you could say that I just had the urge."

She raised her sunglasses and peered at him. "Seems like we've both had that urge lately, huh?"

"Yes. Maybe we should cool it with the lip kissing," he stated, half-heartedly.

"Maybe," she replied. "But what's the harm? They were just pecks. It's not like it's foreplay."

Robbie laughed. "What do you know about foreplay? Is there something I should know?"

Dinah felt herself blush, all over. How embarrassing! She should watch what she said. "Um. Definitely not. If you're wondering... no. Never. Not even close." She could feel her face burning, not from the sun, but from her deep blush. Why had she told him this?

"Don't be embarrassed, Sis," he told her. "I think you're very wise. I do wonder, though, why guys are not in line to ask you out. You are very, very beautiful - and it's not just physical. You're beautiful through and through."

"I get plenty of offers for dates. I'm just picky. I'm 28 years old. Nobody paid any attention to me back when I was a girl. I was flat as a board and a ballplayer - more interested in hoops than boys. Now, I'm not going out with just anyone. He has to meet certain...criteria," she giggled.

"Okay," he smiled. "I'm interested. What are the criteria? Can I guess?"

"Sure. Go ahead and guess. I like games," she smiled.

"One. He has to be a man of integrity. Church goer. Honest. Kind...," he stated. "How am I doing?"

"Correct so far. More or less. What else?"

"Let's see. You aren't shallow, so I know that looks aren't high on the list, but he has to be in reasonably good shape, right?"

"Oh yeah, definitely," she grinned. "I don't care about handsome, necessarily. But I take care of myself. I don't want to be with a slob!"

"Yes, Little Sister. You obviously do take care of yourself. You're the hottest girl on the beach, in case you haven't noticed," Rob smiled.

"Robbie, stop it! You embarrass me. You're not supposed to say stuff like that to your sister...even if you think it," she smiled.

"Well, let the record show that I do, indeed, think it. I don't mean to embarrass you, though. But nobody knows but us, right? Nobody has to know what we say to each other, right? Nobody is gonna know that we - gasp! - kissed each other on the - gasp! - lips, right?" he teased her.

"No, indeed. Nobody will know that. Now... let's continue our game...what else do you think I want in a man?"

"Okay...let's see. Smart. Definitely smart. It's not good to have an intelligent woman with an unintelligent man. And...gotta be a Republican. That should have been number one, right?" he laughed.

"Well, he doesn't have to be a Republican, per se. He just can't be a Democrat. I'm not attracted to retards or people who hate our country!" she replied. "My first question is, 'List the accomplishments of Barrack Obama'. Of course, there are none, but a Democrat will say, the Affordable Care Act...which should have been called the UNAFFORDABLE Care Act, and which has ruined the healthcare system in this country..." her voice was rising.

Robbie was laughing. He knew that his sister was passionate about politics. He agreed with her, for the most part, but he often took the opportunity to tease her to get her on a rant. "Okay, okay. I get it. Anything else? Is there anything we left out? Any other qualifications for a man to date my little sister?"

"Well. If he's anything like my big brother, I'll go out with him in a heartbeat...unless he's a Democrat!" she laughed.

The siblings stayed for several hours, alternately teasing each other, talking, and reading. They moved under the shade of the umbrella to keep from getting a sunburn. At one point they walked down to the water and waded out into the ocean until a large wave hit them and swept them both off their feet.

Upon returning, they agreed that it was time to go eat and, perhaps, take a nap. They could come back later and walk along the beach if they wanted. They hadn't decided if they would go to a nice restaurant that evening or prepare something in the condo.


That afternoon, after a nap, Robbie peeked into his sister's room to see if she was asleep. She was propped up in bed reading. She was dressed in tight denim shorts and a bikini top. She looked amazing to him.

"Hey, you awake?" he asked as he jumped on the bed next to her. He was dressed in only swim trunks. "What are you reading, anyway?"

"It's a murder mystery called, 'In the Woods', by Tana French. It's set in Ireland. It's hard to get through the lingo, but it's fascinating! You should read it!" she told him, excitedly.

"Sounds good. Hey, if we go into town I need to go to a Walmart. I kinda forgot something."

"Oooh. That sounds mysterious. What did you forget? You can tell me!" she laughed.

"Underwear. I didn't bring a single pair of undershorts from home. I've been going...commando," he told her, sounding slightly embarrassed.

Dinah snorted; then she laughed out loud, a real belly laugh. Then she suddenly understood why he was naked when she peeked in his room when she was intending to tell him to turn the volume down.

"It's not that funny, Little Sister. I know guys that wouldn't care, but I just don't feel right without them."

"Well, we wouldn't want your...goodies...getting loose, would we?" She laughed again.

"Well, I could just walk around in the buff. You know I normally wear boxer shorts around the house at night. I can just wear swim trunks, but they're not as comfortable," he told her.

"Yeah, yeah. I know about you and your boxer shorts. Mom used to get onto you all the time about it," she giggled.

"I never thought anything of it. Are they too revealing?" he asked her seriously.

"Wow. I...no, I guess not. I mean, I never saw anything. I just thought you might be really...small?" At this she broke into great peals of laughter, yet again.

"That's not funny," Robbie told her, trying to sound serious. "You shouldn't make fun of a man's small...goodies!" At this, he broke into laughter, along with his sister.

When Dinah finally could talk without laughing, she looked at her brother, who was lying next to her on the bed. He was still giggling. "So, Big Brother...I don't know how to ask this, but is it really...small?" She laughed, nervously. She was teasing, but she did want to know what he would say. From what she had seen, she thought it was quite large.

"Shall I show you?" he challenged.

"No! Robbie! No! Don't you dare!" she yelled.

"I am teasing, Sis. Relax. To answer your question, it isn't small, nor is it big. It's just right!" he smiled.

Dinah felt her face grow warm and knew she was blushing. Her face wasn't the only body part that was growing warm. Why and how did she get in a conversation with her brother about his genitals? She really needed to watch herself.

"I think we should change the subject," she suggested.

Robbie gazed at his sister's body. Her stomach was flat, her breasts jutted upward and were pushed up by her bikini top. Her cleavage, in this position, looked magnificent. He felt his cock stir in his swim trunks. Her ass was so perfectly encased in those tiny denim shorts. He wondered what it would be like to peel them off of her. He thought back at some of the things he had done with Renee - things that she had loved - and wondered how his sister would react to those things. He knew that she had absolutely no experience with sex. He needed to stop thinking about that. Then there was her face. She was absolutely gorgeous, by any standard. Her red hair and green eyes complimented each other perfectly. Her lips were full and kissable. Her nose was small, and flecked with freckles as were her cheeks and forehead. Her beauty was almost breathtaking to him.

"Robbie, you're off in the Twilight Zone again! What are you thinking about? Renee? Want to talk about it?" she offered.

He smiled. "No, not this time. I don't think you want to know," he teased.

"Yes I do," she countered. "I want to know. Tell me. Remember, nobody is ever gonna know what we tell each other...or anything else," she said mysteriously.

Robbie reached and ran his hand absently across her stomach. He suddenly realized what he was doing and quickly drew it back. "Sorry..."

Dinah reached for his hand. "It's okay. It feels good," she told him. "Now tell me what you were thinking about."


"Me? What about me?" she urged, as he continued to stroke her bare stomach. It really felt too good. Maybe she should stop him.

"Honestly? No repercussions?"

"Of course not. Tell me!" she laughed.

"Okay. You asked for it...I was thinking that you may be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen - including Renee. I hope that doesn't embarrass or offend you," he told her as he gazed into her eyes.

"Wow. I mean...," she swallowed as she gazed at him. She longed to kiss him - to hold him and kiss him - for hours. "I don't know what to say, but that means more to me than you can possibly know," she told him as her eyes teared.

Robbie reached for her and she eagerly came to him. Her arms encircled him as her lips sought out his mouth. They kissed - not a sensuous tongue kiss, but a passionate kiss, nonetheless. Robbie stroked her back and his hand found the back tie of her bikini. He played with it, desperately wanting to untie it and reveal his sister's luscious breasts.

Dinah broke the kiss and gasped for air. She kissed his ear and whispered, "Please don't, Robbie. Please don't. I...want you to... but please don't..."

Robbie broke the embrace and pushed himself up to a standing position. His cock was achingly hard and he knew that it was tenting his swim trunks. "I'm sorry, Dinah. I just got carried away. Please don't be mad?"

Dinah noticed that the material of his swim trunks were protruding outward. He had an erection! For her! Her sweet brother was aroused for HER. She felt a bolt of lust run through her body and knew that her panties were saturated with her own juices. She couldn't believe it! Their bodies were preparing themselves for sexual intercourse. Their bodies didn't care if they were siblings! Their bodies wanted sex. Their bodies wanted to mate, to breed, to produce children, if possible. She had never in her life wanted anything so badly. She knew that this was nothing but pure lust. Her body demanded sex. She had to get her mind off of this. She could masturbate later. Yes - she would even allow herself to think of her brother. She would imagine them having sex as she brought herself to several earth-shattering orgasms!

Dinah gasped. "I'm...not mad! How could I be mad? Everything's okay...right?"

"I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to go out to eat? I can cook. I don't mind," he told her.

"Okay, let's stay in and watch TV. I'll help you cook," she told him. He turned and left the room.

Dinah jumped up and quickly changed clothes. Her panties and even her denim shorts were saturated. She was tempted to masturbate as her pussy was throbbing with need, but decided that she would wait until after she went to bed so she would have as much time as she wanted. She took her nightgown to the other end of the condo and took a quick shower, then returned to her room and locked the door.

She considered what she should wear, since they were staying home. She was convinced, now, that her brother was aroused by her body. She should wear something conservative, shouldn't she? She searched through her clothes and couldn't find anything that was comfortable, casual, and that was as "frumpy" as she wanted. She ended up slipping a long tee shirt on. It came almost to her knees. Should she wear a bra? No way. That wouldn't be comfortable. She was on vacation. She pulled a pair of bikini panties on, then stood in front of the mirror. She decided that she didn't look overtly sexy. It would have to do.


Rob grilled hamburgers downstairs on one of the grills that was provided for condo guests. Dinah microwave baked some potatoes and made a salad. They sat on the deck, overlooking the pool and the ocean in the distance, as they ate.

Both siblings were Atlanta Braves fans who, in the summer, they played almost every night. Rob found the game and they both settled on the sofa to watch. After a few innings, Dinah felt drowsy. She lay a pillow in Rob's lap and then lay her head on it and was soon asleep.

Rob allowed himself to gaze at her lovely face, and to consider how much he cared for her. He has always been extremely fond of her, but after his divorce he had come to love his sister in a deeper way. She allowed him to complain and talk to her for hours on end. He figured that she probably put the phone on speaker and went to sleep at times, but he could never detect that for sure. She was genuinely worried about him. She texted him several times a day and tried to keep his spirits up. She sent him funny pictures and memes. She sometimes called him just to tell him a joke. At some point, he now realized, she no longer seemed like "just a sister" to him. He loved her. It was more than sibling love, but he wouldn't allow himself to think of it as "romantic". He knew that was wrong and that it was dangerous.