Mistletoe Mommy


First of all, I want to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! It has been a blast to be writing all these stories for the past year-and-a-half, and I hope that more will follow for all of you to enjoy!

I still wanted to get another story out before the new year so I decided to write one through my time consuming schedule. It's just a sweet, short Christmas story that gets to the point pretty fast.

Secondly, this story contains characters from my previously written stories! Before reading this I highly recommend to read my 'Love is Not a Game' story first to get to know the characters a bit better. It's not really needed but you will be doing yourself a favor!

Also, more characters from my other series get referred in this, something cute for those that have read more of my previous works!

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this short story!


It has been several months since Zoë Carillo helped her best friend Caroline Felton to surprise her son Kevin with a very realistic and sexy cosplay that allowed their relationship to turn into an incestuous one.

Since then she came clean with Caroline and told her everything about her own incestuous relationship with her son Gary that had started way before Caroline and Kevin moved to the city to start a new life.

Both women couldn't be any happier, their sons were their partners, lovers and husbands ever since. Zoë has been pregnant for a while with her son's child and Caroline finally got knocked up by Kevin after several tries.

This short story takes place during a very special Christmas day.


"Mom, Kevin and Ms. Felton will be here any minute now! Are you almost ready?" Shouted Gary upstairs as he waited for his mother to finish her attire for tonight while keeping track of time on his watch.

Zoë heard her son reaching out to her once more, a lot louder than the previous one a few minutes ago. "Almost done honey! We ladies need to look our best for special occasions like this!" She shouted in return as she finished putting on her mascara.

Gary sighed before taking a seat on the stairs, waiting for his mother to finish and to wait for his friend Kevin and his mother to arrive.

Finally, after a few more minutes he could hear his mother coming down the stairs, her heels clacking with each step she took.

Gary looked up and was greeted by his mother's beautiful smiling face and curvy body. "Sorry for taking so long, but your silent appreciation tells me everything!" Said Zoë followed by a cute giggle.

Gary only nodded as he watched his mother's outfit for the night. Red high heels on her cute little feet followed by an elegant dark red split dress, topped off with a short, open white cardigan that hung loosely off her shoulders. Her ears decorated with ruby earrings that were the same color red as her full lips and her black hair in a messy, but classy, bun that made her even more sexy.

"So? Think I nailed the Christmas spirit with this one?" Asked Zoë as Gary took her hand to help her further down the stairs.

Gary laughed before answering. "Mom, you nail every outfit that you wear... And I can't wait to 'nail' you out of it too!" He said jokingly.

"Gary Carillo!" Yelped Zoë playfully before pulling her son close to her and planting a deep kiss on his lips.

Gary moaned as his mother's lips explored his, his hands carefully caressing her slightly protruding belly.

"You sure it isn't too tight Mom?" He asked her after the passionate kiss.

Zoë giggled once more. "Such a gentleman... No need to worry, she's going to be fine... Daddy..." Answered Zoë seductive and lovingly.

Both Gary and Zoë looked at each other hungrily for a bit, if this wasn't a special occasion they would have jumped each other right here and now right away.

They both walked to their living room hand-in-hand before sitting down on the couch to wait for their close friends to arrive.

"So, you never really explained this to me Mom but how did you all came to the conclusion to do something like this?" Asked Gary, curiously awaiting his mother's answer.

Zoë cuddled up to her son before she started to speak. "Well... We, 'The Community', decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to meet and mingle with more people that are in the same situation as us. Whether it's mothers and sons, brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters or other incestuous kind of couples that are around, I'm sure you will be surprised by how many of 'us' there actually are around these parts."

Gary nodded. "I understand; the Holidays are a perfect time to bring people together, whether it's 'normal' families or families like us. This is going to pretty new for both of us since we only admitted and acted upon our feelings for each other a few months ago... How did you get involved with this 'The Community' anyway? And how do you know so much about it?"

Zoë giggled again before caressing her son's cheek with one of her soft hands. "That's something I will tell you later baby... You will get to know about them eventually, the same goes for Kevin and all the other younger couples and lovers out there."

Gary still had thousands of questions to ask his mother, but the sudden ring of the front door bell snapped him out of his curious state. A smiled creeped on his face as he jumped off the couch and held his hand out to the beautiful woman next to him once more.

Zoë's fingers intertwined with those of her son right away before the couple made their way towards the front door.

Gary opened it only to be greeted by an overly excited Caroline and Kevin.

"Merry Christmas!" Said Caroline loudly as she also stood hand-in-hand with her son.

Zoë smiled as she greeted her best friend. "Merry Christmas to both of you as well darlings! Caro, I told you that it would look stunning on you!"

"Wow Mom! I didn't know that you and Ms. Carillo would be rocking the same outfits, you two almost look like twins or something!" Said Kevin after shaking hands with Gary.

Caroline and Zoë had picked their outfits together, only Caroline's was a dark green variation of it.

Caroline turned to her son and smiled at him. "Thanks for the compliment sweetie, we just figured that this would be the perfect thing to wear since we both have about the same sizes.

"Well Ms. Felton, both you and Mom sure know how to 'dress to impress'." Said Gary with a goofy grin on his face.

Both women started to giggle while the boys sneakily winked to each other.

The four of them chatted for bit longer before Zoë locked up their home so they could make their way towards their destination. It had only snowed lightly so they could easily traverse towards the hotel were the Christmas dinner party was being held. Both Caroline and Zoë swooned with romantic feelings as they walked hand-in-hand with their sons, their lovers, through the beautifully lit and light snow covered streets.

"Dude, are you also nervous about meeting all those different kind of people that are, you know, just like us? I really wonder how many guys and girls are the same age as us." Said Kevin to Gary.

Gary nodded. "I know what you mean... Mom told me that I would be surprised to see how many people are the same as us..."

"Don't worry too much you two, you both can be sure that these are all like-minded people that experience the same things we do since our relationships have changed. Just enjoy it, make new friends and see how much joy and happiness we all share." Said Zoë towards the two boys as she had overheard their conversation.

"Aren't you two nervous?" Asked Kevin towards Zoë and his mother.

Caroline smiled and shook her head. "Not at all, we have met most of the mothers and fathers that share the same Incestuous lifestyle as us a couple of times before, even in the short time span we have been together. So, we sort of know everyone already to a certain extend."

Gary snickered. "Let me guess, 'The Community'?"

He then felt his mother's hand grasping his own tighter. "Yes darling, 'The Community'..."

Kevin and Gary decided to drop their questions so the four of them could talk about different topics before reaching the hotel. They all looked forward to it, and only the mothers knowing that making love to their sons was on the menu as well for the night...


"Wow Mom, you weren't kidding when you told me that I would be surprised by the amount of people that would be attending this Christmas dinner! I would have never believed you if you would have told me that this many people are in the same kind of relationship as we are!" Said Gary excited as he looked around the large room that was filled with tables and beautifully dressed people attending the dinner. "How many are there attending anyway?" He asked.

Zoë, still holding hands with her son, smiled as she observed her boy looking his eyes out. "Told you it would surprise you, and to answer your question: about two-hundred this time."

"Wow... And you said you know most of them? Could you... Uh... Like, point out some different families like us to me?" Asked Gary again, still excited to see so many people, young and old, that were in the same situation as he and his mother.

Zoë giggled before pulling her son close to her so she could tell him something about the many people she knew that were sitting all around the tables.

"Let's see... Mhmmm... Do you see that young man in that wheelchair over there? That's the Wilson family, consisting of Cynthia, the mother, Debbie and Casey, her daughters and her son Jake. A really tragic event changed their lives, but for the better in the end. Cynthia and Casey are both pregnant with Jake's children and I think Debbie is trying for a child as well." Explained Zoë as her son listened to her fully concentrated.

"Over there we have the Caldwells. Mother Judith and her children Matthew and Stephanie. All of them are very well known around these parts, both Judith and Matthew in the medical branch and Stephanie because of her successful photography studio, yes, the very same were we took our pictures together! Matthew is in a relationship with both his mother and sister, he and Stephanie have two adorable children." Continued Zoë.

"Oh! And that young man over there, That's Nick and he's in a relationship with his mother Carrie, grandmother Aileen and sister Jennifer after a very, very special vacation they all went on together. Both his father and grandfather got out of the picture after his mother and grandmother divorced them. I don't really know much more about them but in the short time span I have known them I can say that they dearly love each other. I think Carrie is also pregnant with her son's child." Said Zoë before looking back at her son.

"Damn Mom! You're like a walking encyclopedia with all that knowledge!" Said Gary excited, a sort of proudness emitting out of him towards his mother.

"Oh dear, I just have met these people more times than you! But tonight is your chance to get acquainted with many of them. I'm sure you will be making more friends if you socialize a bit, like Caroline said: These people are all on the same line as us!" Responded Zoë, happy to see her son showing interest.

"Don't worry Mom, I will! But first let us grab some of that delicious food, can't meet new people with an empty stomach, right?" Said Gary as he pulled himself and his mother off their chairs so they could attend to the vast variety of food that was there for them to feast on.

Zoë giggled as her son guided her, holding her tight as a couple in love, which they were. She knew that this would be a night for him to remember, and for her as well. Because the best part had yet to come, a private moment for the two of them to make love on Christmas night, just like all the other incestuous couples, families and lovers would tonight in this very hotel.


"So, did you two enjoy socializing with all the other younger guys and girls tonight?" Asked Zoë to Gary as they walked hand-in-hand towards their room for the night.

"Well what can I say, it's still a bit weird meeting so many new people that are in the same situation as us Mom. But to answer your question: Yes, we did, Kevin and I couldn't believe that so many of them were so... so..."

"Normal?" Butted Zoë in.

Gary nodded. "Yeah, guess so. Nice and kind people just like our friends. We even made a few appointments to meet up with some of them. Jake, the guy in the wheelchair, was just as much of a sportsman as I am before his incident. It immediately clicked sort to speak of, with his sisters as well."

Zoë giggled as she fished out the keycard to their room from her handbag. "A delicious Christmas dinner, meeting interesting people... What can we ask more?" She said.

Gary brought his hand to his mother's ass and gave her right cheek a firm squeeze. "You know damn well how we can end this successful Christmas night Mom." He said with a grin.

"You naughty boy... Was Mommy on your Christmas wish list or something?" Asked Zoë flirty.

"Mom... You are on top of all my lists, the Christmas one is just one of the special ones each year." Responded Gary fully confident.

Zoë opened the door with a satisfying smirk before pulling herself and her son into their hotel room. She turned around, cupped her son's face and gave him a deep, long lasting passionate kiss that rocked Gary's world. As they kissed she pointed her finger up above them.

Gary's eyes, wanting to keep on watching his mother, made a quick detour to where Zoë was pointing and spotted a mistletoe hanging above them.

"Well... That's convenient..." Said Gary after the passionate kiss ended.

"Isn't it? Mommy has been in this room earlier to... 'spice' up some certain aspects for the night." Said Zoë as she kicked off her heels and got rid of her handbag.

Gary walked further into the room, impressed with the scene his mother apparently created. It all felt 'Christmassy', candles and all that stuff to give it a warm feeling. He let out another small laugh when he looked up to the ceiling above the king-sized hotel bed to see more mistletoes hanging from it.

"Somebody wants to receive a lot of kisses..." He mumbled as he plopped down onto the soft, comfy bed for two.

He quietly watched his mother for a while as she released her hair bun and styled her long dark raven hair.

"Say Mom, do all the families and couples that attended the dinner stay in this hotel tonight just like us?" He asked.

Zoë turned, still busy with her hair, to answer him. "Mhmm... I guess so, it's somewhat of a tradition to stay with the ones you love for the night. I know that Caro and Kev surely stayed for the night and the Wilson family as well."

"Okay... So we aren't the only ones that will uh... 'Embrace' the holiday spirit with some passion?" Asked Gary after his mother's response.

Zoë looked at Gary, stuck out her tongue a bit and winked. "Santa has heard your wishes baby, and he told Mommy exactly what to get for you."

Gary could see his mother's nipples, already hard, pressing through the tight fitted dress. He could already feel his cock starting to harden, curiously waiting for his mother's surprise.

"Why don't you get yourself comfortable on that bed honey? Mommy has to change into something for you, and I know you will absolutely love it..." Said Zoë as she turned again, lifting the lower part of her dress to show her ass and moist, pink pussy to Gary, teasing him further. She had been going commando for her son the whole night, no bra and panties present.

She shook her jiggly, meaty ass a couple of times to the left and right before grabbing a small suitcase and darted off into the bathroom. "And no peeking mister! Be a good boy because good boys get a reward!" Was the last thing she said before she disappeared.

Gary smiled as he started to undress himself, his cock now straining hard against the fabric of his pants. Ever since he and Zoë got together he wasn't able to not get a hard-on around his mother whenever she showed some skin, Of course, Zoë being the good mother she is, always immediately 'helped' her boy with some relief.

He laid back onto the soft bed, his head on top of the mountain of pillows at the headboard, patiently waiting as he used one hand to slowly stroke his rock-hard cock. Both mother and son already knew that they were going to make some passionate love this day long before Christmas had arrived.

Christmas had always been sort of a bad holiday for Zoë ever since she caught her husband cheating on her during this period a long time ago. Since that time Gary did everything in his might to help his mother forget that sorrow and show her how much loved she was and what she meant to him. Every Christmas day had to be unique and only filled with happiness for her in his book.

He heard the rustling of clothes, his mother softly humming Christmas tunes to herself coming from the bathroom. Whatever she was doing, he knew that it was going to be something special. He already had the kind of idea his mother was up to, and it had to do with one of her most precious hobbies.

It took another five minutes or so before he heard his mother's voice breaking through the silence inside of the bedroom. All the time Gary kept his ears open, his eyes focused on the door and one hand wrapped around his hard cock.

"Are you ready for your present baby?" Asked Zoë sweetly as she applied the last bit of make-up on her face.

"Oh, I am Mom... In many different ways..." Responded Gary, eager to see what she came up with.

Zoë smiled to herself as she turned around, opened the door of the bathroom and stepped forward into the field of vision of her son.

"Holy shit!" Were the first words that came out of Gary's mouth, his eyes moving up and down, feasting on his mother's body and the cosplay outfit she was wearing.

"Holy indeed baby!" Giggled Zoë in response as she took a stance in front of the bed and took on various poses to show herself off.

On her head she had a headband with fluffy reindeer antlers accompanied by her beautifully made up face. Her chest was bare, showing off her big and perky breasts with their already hard, smallish pink nipples pointing at her son. Her arms were covered with fluffy brown shoulder length gloves that ended with paws covering her hands. Her pussy and ass were only covered by a teeny-tiny thong that had a cute tiny white fluffy tail attached to it. And last but not least were her knee length boots, also made of a fluffy brown material, that encased her legs and feet which ended in hooves. Gary wondered for a split second how in God's name she managed to make those, but he knew that his mother was a cosplay designing expert. The rest of her bronze tanned skin made the whole picture complete, perfectly in contrast with most of the brown material she had used, no body paint had to be used this time.

"You have been a very, very good boy this year baby... So Santa was kind enough to give you the one thing that was on top of your wish list. Your own Rudolphette, the horny, big titted and wet pussy having reindeer!" Said Zoë before licking her lips and setting her sights on her boy.

Gary, his cock now hard as a steel bar and pointing straight towards the mistletoes on the ceiling, felt a shock of excitement and love running through his body. His mother had done it again, arousing him so greatly that he couldn't wait to fuck her silly.

He then laughed before speaking back. "That quite a mouthful Mom! Say, you don't mind if I just call you Mom as usual instead of Rudolphette?"

Zoë giggled in return again. "Baby, you can call Mommy whatever you want. Now... Speaking of mouthfuls..."

Zoë climbed onto the bed and seductively crawled closer and closer toward her son.

Gary watched as his mother came closer and closer, his eyes switching between those sparkling ones of her and her large bosom that swung and jiggled underneath her.

He then let out a gasp of air when Zoë wrapped his hard cock around her tits, immediately engulfing it with her warm and soft fun bags. His precum stained her skin, colliding with her sweat as she slid his cock between her tits a couple of times before releasing it again.

Zoë crawled further until their heads came together. They both smiled for a split second before their lips crashed together.

Hungrily she pushed her son's head against hers, Gary doing the same by gently pushing his mother harder against himself. Their lips battled a ferocious battle, tongues that swapped their saliva through their mouths. The whole lust filled kissing lasted for a couple of minutes before Zoë decided to take it to the next level.

Their mouths separated, only a thin line of saliva hanging between their lips. They watched each other's lust and loved filled eyes for a second before Zoë pushed her son down onto his back. She then turned her own body one-hundred-and-eighty degrees around, making sure that her now soaked pussy was right up her son's face and her own face was in a perfect position to feast on her son's throbbing cock.

"Why don't you sample your Christmas present baby? Mommy has waited the whole year to give it like this to you..." She moaned seductively again, wiggling her juicy ass and dripping pussy invitingly towards Gary.

"Don't mind if I do Mom..." Responded Gary as he carefully pulled the tiny thong to the side, exposing his mother's cute little asshole and her deliciously, pink nectar dripping cunt.

He could immediately feel drops of her cunt juice dripping down the cleft of his neck as he watched her most sacred and forbidden part of her body contracting to the situation. He knew how good his mother's pussy tasted so he went straight for her soaked labia.

Zoë moaned and gasped for air when she felt her son's eager tongue splitting her lips apart and ravaging itself up, down and into her cunt. Once more she was being eaten out by her own son and every time it felt better than the last.

Gary grabbed his mother's juicy ass-cheeks and started kneading the soft flesh as he enjoyed the taste of his aroused mother.

Zoë herself couldn't wait any longer as well. She licked her lips as she watched her son's hard cock twitch from excitement while his precum poured from his slit. She lowered her head down and wrapped her soft lips around the head of his cock, sucking, kissing and nibbling on it as the tasty pre-seed spread through her eager mouth.

She gave it a few more sucks and licks before lowering herself further down, now taking half of the impressive piece of meat into her mouth. She started bobbing up and down, switching between slow and fast to make sure that she covered every inch of sensitive skin. Her tongue flicked around the stiff pole as if she was licking a lollypop.

Gary didn't stop pleasuring his mother either, especially when he felt her soft lips claiming his cock once more. He made sure to give her erected clit attention as well, giving her surprise attacks by suddenly licking and softly biting the erected nub after a few deep and hard licks through her soaked labia.

Every time he did so his mother took more of his cock into her mouth until her lips were coming into contact with his pubes. Zoë had learned how to deep-throat her son which they both absolutely loved. She kept it still for a few seconds before slowly going up, coating his shaft with saliva and his precum.

She used to gag when trying to do this for him in the past but experience comes with the time. Now she loved to take it all in and let her throat muscles and tongue stimulate her son's stiff prick.

Gary had to stop eating out his mother for a bit to moan and grunt. He loved his mother going down on him and she knew exactly how to ring his bells.

But of course he couldn't stay behind, he gathered some spit and juice from his mother's leaking cunt before switching to that cute, little and clean puckered hole just above her equally cute, tight pussy.

He spread his collected liquid around her asshole before pushing forward to prod his tongue against her rear entrance.

Zoë's eyes shot open when she felt her son's tongue trying to invade her ass. He had done this before and every time he did it would drive her wild.

She started to suck harder on her son's cock, bobbing up and down, taking in about three quarters before repeating the whole process.

The moans, sucks and slurping sounds roamed through the dimly lit hotel room as mother and son pleasured each other in every way possible. Both zoned out in their own little world as they made forbidden love, an act that would forever go on without stopping if it could.

Suddenly Gary could hear his mother scream out of pleasure before a warm stream of liquid splashed against his neck, soaking him and the sheets under him. He stopped his assault when he felt her body shaking and trembling after she had her first climax of the night.

"F-fuck baby... You made Mommy... Your personal reindeer... Cum her brain out..." Said Zoë between gasps for air, her son's saliva and precum soaked cock resting against her cheek.

She then did something unexpected after a few more seconds of resting. Usually she would suck her son off until he came into her mouth but this time she had other plans.

Gary pushed himself up to see what his mother was up too. He watched as she crawled forward a bit, stopped and pushed her ass up in the air before seductively wiggling it side by side, the fluffy tail made it so much hotter to him.

Zoë turned her head to look at her son, her eyes sparkling and a small stream of drool dripping down her lips.

"I can't wait any longer my strong stud of a son... Come her and mount your Mommy reindeer baby. Ride this motherly pussy like it belongs to you, which it does!" She begged him.

Gary smiled and laughed before pulling himself further up. His mother was so hot and cute at the same time in this adorable cosplay outfit. He knew she wanted to make love tonight but didn't expect her to become this naughty that fast.

He crawled up to her from behind, smacking her big ass first a couple of times with the palm of his hand before assuming the position.

Zoë moaned and bit her lip as her son spanked her ass to assert his dominance. She loved it when he was ready to give her a rough fuck.

Gary then took ahold of her hips and pushed his pelvis forward to insert his cock deep into her juice drooling pussy, at least, that was what Zoë expected him to do.

She did indeed felt him entering her but he stopped when only the tip of his cock was inside. Frustrated she tried to push back to take more of it inside but Gary prevented her to do so by holding tightly onto her.

"Baby don't tease Mommy! Fuck my wet pussy! It's ready for you and all yours!" She moaned back towards her son, still trying to push her body further onto the stiff pole.

She let out a loud yelp when Gary spanked her ass again, this time harder and more aggressive. "Since I have been a good boy I get to call the shots Mom! And you, you have been a very naughty reindeer Mommy so far tonight, not wearing panties or a bra to a Christmas dinner? Unbelievable! You wanted me to mount and ride you, right? Be a good girl and patiently wait for me to give you what you want!" He said to her.

Zoë let out a cute little whimper out of excitement, her heart beating faster and faster as her son once again claimed her all to himself. The way his strong hands grasped onto her, how his thick cock pulsated in her pussy and the way he spoke to her. It drove her nuts with lust and love but she knew that he was calling the shots now.

Gary waited for a few more seconds to see what his mother would do. This time she had decided to be a good girl, and good girls get rewards for their behavior.

He suddenly pushed forward, spearing his mother's cunt in one go until her ass slapped against his sweat soaked skin. His cock buried itself deep into her hotbox, his cockhead slamming into contact with her contracting cervix.

"OH F-FUCK!" Screamed Zoë as she felt him ramming inside of her in one hard push.

But Gary knew she wanted it hard so he didn't hesitate. Immediately he almost pulled out again before slamming and returning deep into his mother's depths once more.

"OH! Don't stop now baby! Fuck Mommy hard! Pound Mommy's nasty pussy with all your desire! Claim Mommy once more!" Screamed Zoë again, feeling a rush shocking through her very core.

Gary did what his mother asked him, what she wanted from him. He started to plunge in and out of her, holding her hips tight as their bodies slapped together. Droplets of sweat and their combined juices scattered across their lower bodies as mother and son mated.

Zo�� let out scream after scream as her son fucked her doggy style, her hands grasping onto the sheets as her body was violently rammed back and forth.

The hotel bed started to creak and shake from the hard fucking.

Gary's breathing was rigid as he fucked into his beautiful mom. His whole world was being rocked as he felt her pussy grasping onto his mating organ. Her walls swallowed him whole and every ripple and bump from it send shocks to his brain. This woman, his own mother, was the love of his life and she gave him everything just as much he would give her everything.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Pound Mommy's pussy!" Screamed Zoë as she pushed back as hard as possible when her son fucked into her. They were fucking in perfect sync, coming together at the right time for maximum pleasure.

"Grab my hair baby! Don't hesitate now, grab my hair and fuck me like the nasty, horny mother I am!" She suddenly shouted, knowing that her son wouldn't be able to resist.

Gary freed one hand from his mother's thick jiggling ass before wrapping it around her dark raven colored ponytail. He didn't want to hurt his mother but he knew that she would be okay in this state of mind.

Zoë felt her head being pulled backwards. Instinctively she pushed herself up a bit to get a better grip. Her big, perky tits were now free to bounce back and forth with each hard slamming impact she received from her son.

"I love you Mom! I love fucking you so much!" Shouted Gary through his moans as he fucked his mother hard, one hand pulling her hair while the other smacked her ass once more.

"This is how it's meant to be for us baby! Mother and son, lovers, husband and wife! I'm yours forever and you will be mine forever! I love you baby!" Screamed Zoë in return as her son manhandled her, his thick cock knocking against the door to her womb which he had already impregnated.

They fucked hard and fast for a couple of minutes, no change of tempo and no signs of stopping at all. The sheets under them were soaked with their combined liquids and their skin had turned red from the hard impacts.

Gary knew that going at this rate any longer would result into him exploding deep inside of his mother. But he still wanted to do something with her which had been on his mind for a long time.

He gave her a few harder fucking thrusts before switching up their game. He released her hair with the last thrust, pushing her body forward onto the bed as his cock released itself with a loud plopping sound.

He watched as a large squirt of juice emitted from his mother's cunt before she fell forward onto the bed, surprising Zoë as she was still somewhere else with her thoughts.

But Gary didn't wait for a second. His hard and soaked cock bobbed as he lunged himself forward, turning his mother's body around so she was facing him.

Their hungry eyes met for a split second before Gary open his mother's legs as wide as possible and pulled her towards him.

Zoë laid eagle spread under her son, him towering over her as she wondered what he was up to.

Again they watched each other for a few seconds, their chests going up and down to take in as much air as possible.

Gary still couldn't believe how adorable his beautiful and cute mother was in this outfit. Her now sweat soaked tanned body made it even better.

"Baby? You okay?" Asked Zoë after watching her son stare at her.

Gary snapped out of his thoughts and responded to his mother. "S-sorry Mom, I just had to ogle you for a minute, you look so goddamn cute like this!"

Zoë giggled and smiled at him.

"Let's try this Mom! I always wanted to fuck you mating press style!" He said excited.

"Mating press? That's a new one for me... You already got me knocked up, you know!" Responded Zoë to her son's excitement.

Gary smiled. "I know Mom, but you will love this for sure. I'm going to go deep and hard, and I'm sure that's just what you want tonight!"

Zoë bit her lip when she heard her son's words. "Well... Tonight I'm all yours baby... And I have been a naughty girl, a naughty reindeer Mommy..." She whispered to him.

Unable to control himself any longer due to his mother's cuteness, Gary lined up his cock with her drooling slit and wrapped his arms around her spread legs.

"Then your good, stud of a son will give you exactly what you want!" He said in return before plunging balls deep into his mother.

As soon as the first thrust buried her son's cock deeper inside of her than ever before Zoë tried to scream out of pleasure, but the feeling was so overwhelming that only her mouth opened and no words came out. She could feel his rock-hard cock slamming harder than ever against the door to her womb. Her whole body rippled with one continues explosive orgasm as Gary started to pound into her again.

He buried his face against his mother's sweaty neck, her massive tits crashing against his chest as his hips slammed homerun into his mother's cock wanting cunt. The bed once again creaked and shook from the hard fucking impacts. Their sweat soaked bodies once more slapped together like a couple of freight trains colliding, it was hard and nasty, just like the two of them wanted it tonight.

Finally, Zoë managed to regain some strength, she wrapped her arms around her son's head and back to keep him close as possible as he fucked her crazy. Her boots incased legs flopped up and down like jelly, just like the rest of her body as her son dominated her.

"Fuck Mommy! Fuck Mommy! Fuck Mommmmmy!" Was the only thing she managed to scream out of her air gasping mouth.

Mother and son fucked like a couple of wild animals, a breeding like fuck that both of them wanted to have for so long.

Gary's rigid breathing collided with his mother's neck as his hips worked like a well-oiled machine. Her vagina walls were strangling his cock with all the strength they had and his lower body was constantly being wetted by the squirts of juice his mother produced with every in-and-out motion he made.

He could feel her pulling onto his hair with one hand while the other scratched her nails into his back to keep their tight grip on each other. He only felt pleasure and the same was for his mother, no one could stop them now, they had to finish this no matter what.

Gary kept on slamming inside of the hole where he came out of all those years ago, into the hole that belonged to the woman that had birthed him, raised him and loved him for his entire life. Wanting to feel and taste even more of her he started to lick and suck on the sweat soaked and sensitive skin of his mother's neck.

Zoë, even throughout all of the hard fucking, could feel her son tasting her, nibbling onto her neck. Having regained more of her lost strength she managed to wrap her legs around her son's waist, pushing even harder down onto him as he kept on slamming the thick piece of meat deep into her cunt.

Minutes went by as the couple kept up the heavy fucking pace, it was like they were possessed to continue going at it without giving in to tiredness. Seconds felt like hours and each deep penetration seemed to last longer than the one before.

But of course everything has to come to an end, and both Zoë and Gary could feel it from each other, as if they were one. Zoë was once more on the verge of having an explosive orgasm on top of the continues one that had already gotten her off so many times tonight. For Gary it was the same, his cock started to throb heavily, enlarging itself even a bit further as his mother's vaginal walls got tighter and tighter.

And then they both climaxed together at the same time. When the first spurt of semen blasted deep into Zoë already impregnated womb she let out an ear-piercing yell that surely could be heard throughout the whole hotel. Her whole body returned into a jelly like state as she came and came.

Gary himself let out an animalistic like roar as well as he unloaded his pent up seed inside of his mother. Three deep blasts cum inside of her before he managed to wrestle himself free from his mother's tight grasp. He quickly pulled out of his mother's now cum filled pussy before shooting another few ropes of thick seed over her beautifully, sweat soaked body. He aimed at her marvelous breasts, her belly, pussy mound and the final cumshot aimed at her contorted face.

And when the last shot exited his body he could feel that he was down for the count. He dropped himself onto his back next to his heavy breathing, and still trembling mother. He grabbed onto her glove encased hand and held her tight, even through the orgasmic states they were in, and the fabric that separated their fingers, he could feel his mother responding to him.

No words were said, but both mother and son had a smile on their faces as they both slowly rode out their climaxes. It had been a night to remember, a perfect Christmas night for a perfect couple.


"Ah yes... Honey, you have no idea how good this feels to be back into my birthday suit after a good hot shower." Said Zoë as she flopped back onto the bed, the bed that Gary had cleaned up after his mother went to change and took a shower, next to her son.

"I think so too Mom, that reindeer cosplay was something else. And the sex we had tonight... Incredible!" Responded Gary with a grin on his face.

"And you even decided to give Mommy her personal 'White Christmas' at the very end!" Joked Zoë along with him.

Gary smiled at her as he opened up his right arm, making place for his mother to cuddle up to him. Zoë responded to the invitation right away and took her place next to her man, one leg draped over his, her well-endowed chest pressing against him, her right hand caressing his chest and her face close to his.

They laid down like this for a couple of silent minutes, Gary enjoying his mother's touch and warmth as Zoë softly purred and appreciated her son being with her in a similar way.

"I love you Gary..." Whispered Zoë after a while as she guided Gary's free hand to her belly, placing it on top of the child that was growing inside of her.

"I love you too Mom..." Responded Gary before cuddling up closer to his woman.

"Say... throughout all of our lovemaking, we forgot about something..." Said Zoë again after another few minutes of silence.

"We did? Well, I was a bit occupied with tending to other activities I guess so I honestly have no idea Mom..." Answered Gary.

Zoë softly giggled. "Silly boy..." She said as she slowly lifted her hand off her son's chest before pointing her finger up to the ceiling.

Gary followed his mother's hand and finally realized what she meant when he saw the mistletoes hanging from the ceiling. "Oh... OH! How could I have forgotten to kiss you during doing our thing!" He said in an apologetic tone.

Zoë let out another giggle before speaking. "Don't worry, Mommy has already forgiven you since you were such a good boy all night. But now that we are done with the main course, how about we go for desserts? I mean, your mother was smart enough to book an extra day at this very hotel so why not make full use of it?"

"You absolute minx! God, I love you so goddamn much Mom!" Responded Gary happily as he carefully pulled his mother's naked body on top of him until they were face-to-face.

"Merry Christmas baby..." Whispered Zoë with a smile.

"Yeah... Merry Christmas Mom..." Responded Gary.

He then grabbed the loose sheets and pulled it over both their bodies. Body to body, engulfed in warmth not only by the sheets but also by the love they had for each other, in a calm and dimly lit room, a mother and son started to passionately kiss.

It was the perfect ending to their Christmas, and the first of many perfect ones that would surely follow.