Hard Times with Mom Ch. 08


Aunt Linda charged out onto her front porch and down the steps as soon as we pulled into the driveway. My mom burst from the car and ran to meet her sister. They were both screaming and flailing their arms in the frenzied way women do when they haven't seen each other in ages.

They crashed into one another and hugged tightly, hopping in a circle as they did. I felt a shiver run up my back and spread across my shoulders as I thought about the fact that Aunt Linda had no idea her sister's pussy was, at that moment, coated inside and out with her nephew's spunk. I climbed out of the car and waited for the spastic reunion to subside.

"Oh. My. Gawd!" Aunt Linda shouted and pulled me into a smothering embrace. "I can't believe how big you've gotten!"

I normally wouldn't have given it a second thought, but after my recent relations with my own mother, I couldn't help but notice how my aunt's soft body felt pressed against me. And it felt very nice.

Aunt Linda was older than my mom by a few years; a couple inches shorter and a few pounds plumper. My aunt's boobs were a bit smaller than Mom's, but these sisters both had the same shapely legs and curvaceous derrières. Aunt Linda wore her hair short, and colored it blonde, but her eyes sparkled just like Mom's when excited.

"C'mon, let's get inside," Aunt Linda said and ushered us toward the door. "I've had dinner ready for almost an hour! What took you two so long?"

"We stopped off at the pond, ah...for a some sight seeing." Mom gave me a wink out of her sister's view.

All I wanted to do was get back on the road so I could see more of those lovely sights.


Aunt Linda had an awesome home-cooked meal laid out for us that took almost two hours to eat with all the gabbing going on between her and my mom. I was content to be a fly on the wall and listen to their family gossip, and whatnot, wondering the whole time what kind of thrill Mom was getting out of talking to her sister, all the while knowing that her crotch was fouled with evidence of our incestuous transgressions.

"I'm wiped out," Mom finally announced with a yawn and a stretch. "I have to get some rest or I'm going to pass out in the leftovers."

"I've made up the guest room for you." Aunt Linda turned to me. "And you're going to be in Rachel's room, if you're man enough to sleep in a bed with frilly pillows and a princess canopy."

"He's man enough, all right," Mom said as she s gave me a kiss on the cheek. "G'night, sweetie. I'll see you in the morning." Her last words came with a stern look intended to tell me that she would tolerate no monkey business tonight, and I was to stay put in my own room. I nodded, and watched her ass sway invitingly as she climbed the stairs.

I helped Aunt Linda clean up, and when we were done she cut me a big slice of pie and heaped it with whipped cream. She made coffee and we sat and chatted about school, and plans for my future, and what her daughter Rachel was up to. Then she leaned forward and lowered her voice slightly.

"You having fun fooling around with your mother?"

"What?" I coughed, choking on a mouthful of pie. "What do you mean?"

"She tells me you're a real stud in the sack, kiddo."

"She told you that?" I was floored. I couldn't believe with all her shame and worry about people finding out about what we were doing that Mom had blabbed to Aunt Linda.

"Not in so many words." She smirked with an impish twinkle in her eye. "But I see how you two look at each other, the little touches here and there, the way you were staring at her caboose just then." She took a sip of her coffee to cover her smug grin.

"Oh, that?" I struggled, my mind spinning with panic. "That's nothing. We've just been crammed together for a while...I guess...it might look like something..."

"Quit your fussing," Aunt Linda brushed aside my explanations. "I've been a practicing psychologist since before you were born, so give me a little credit for knowing a thing or two about people."

I didn't know what to say, so I just shoveled more pie into my mouth. If Mom found out I'd let the cat out of the bag she would die of humiliation. How could I have been so stupid to have fallen that easily for Aunt Linda's trap?

"Don't get all embarrassed," she tried to comfort me. "Look how red your cheeks are! If you must know, I'm glad you're her rebound guy. It's not necessarily the best choice she's ever made, but it's not the worst by a long shot. At least she has someone she trusts and loves to help her through this rough patch."

"You're...glad I'm fooling around with my own mother?"

"I'd rather she spread her legs for you instead of the first asshole who tells her she's pretty, wouldn't you?"

"I guess," I mumbled, my stomach still feeling like I was plunging down the big drop on a rollercoaster. "But she's really hung-up about how wrong what we're doing is."

"I'm not going to bore you with the whole psychosexual breakdown tonight, but you do need to be careful. You're on very thin emotional ice right now--both of you." Aunt Linda put her coffee down, leaned in and adopted a conspiratorial tone. "But I'll let you in on a secret. I haven't had my pussy licked since my daughter went away to school. And the only person I know who can suck a cunt better than your cousin Rachel, is your dear sweet momma."

My body simply ceased to function in that moment. I sat frozen in place, eyes wide, empty fork gripped in my hand, and my brain suddenly less coherent than the mass of whipped cream melting on my plate. She had to be screwing with me.

"I know she's tired from driving all day," Aunt Linda said as she stood up, "but I'm going up in a few minutes to see if she'd like to go down on her big sister for old times sake."

"Um, okay..."

"How about you?" Her eyes fell on the bulge forming in my pants. "Wanna watch?" She squeezed her boobs through her shirt, juggling them playfully while she waited for my answer.

"Yeah, if you want me to..." I finally managed and her eyes lit up.

"Mmm, this is going to make it even more exciting!" She sat down in the chair next to me with a hand on my knee and explained her plan. "There's a connecting bathroom between Rachel's room and the guest room where your mom is sleeping. You can peek into her room from the bathroom. I'll be up in a few minutes."

Aunt Linda's hand slid up my leg and she gripped my bulge.

"Jerk it as hard as you want while you're looking at your horny ol' auntie getting her nooky nibbled, but don't make any noise! This is our secret, got it?"

She stood up and planted a kiss square on my lips, then was off to get ready to seduce her own sister. I sat there for a moment trying to come to grips with it all. I quickly gave up and snuck upstairs so I wouldn't miss any of the show.


I made my way to Rachel's room as quietly as I could, not turning on any lights as I went. I realized I was literally shaking with nervous expectation for what I was about to experience. I stripped down to boxers, then focused all my ninja powers (which I had gleaned from watching too many bad martial arts movies), and crept into the adjoining bathroom. The door to the guest room where Mom slept was closed.

I gripped the doorknob and turned it by fractions of an inch until I was able to pull the door open. I edged it toward me by the barest margin, praying there was no squeak or tell-tale noise. Once opened a crack I could hear a rhythmic sound coming from Mom's room. I guess she wasn't too tired to get herself off before going to sleep!

I dared a peek through the slim opening and saw my mom from the back. She was at the end of the bed, one foot on the floor, her opposite knee on the mattress. She was straddling the rounded top of the low footboard, and humping it with a slow, gliding motion. Mom simply can't resist polishing the furniture every chance she gets.

She had nothing on except for her black, lace panties--which by then must have been well saturated with my jizz and mom's juices. I could hear her whispering dirty talk to herself. I couldn't make out the words, but I had a pretty good idea what she was saying.

There came a soft tapping at her door. Mom, like a little girl who's been caught misbehaving, scrambled onto the bed, curled up on her side, and pretended to be asleep. I heard the guestroom door to the hallway open up, and a tongue of light fell across my mother as she lay naked except for her panties atop the blankets.

The door closed and I saw Aunt Linda, wearing a short, satin robe that barely reached the tops of her thighs, tip-toe to the bed. She pulled a string at the window, opening the blinds, bathing the room in soft moonlight, then untied the bow at her waist letting the robe fall open before climbing into bed with her sister.

Aunt Linda snuggled up behind my mother and draped an arm over her.

"Sis? You awake?" Aunt Linda whispered. She began caressing her sister, running her fingers along her sides, down her arms, and across her bare back. Mom finally gave up her ruse of being asleep and stirred as if awakening.

"Hmm, that feels nice," Mom purred.

"Remember how we used to do this for each other when we were little girls?"

"Love tickles."

"That's right," Aunt Linda said then shed her robe and pressed her naked body against my mom from behind. "Do you remember what else we did when we were little girls?" And with that her fingers sought out one of Mom's nipples and played gently across it.

"No, Linda, we can't," my mom protested weakly, even while turning her shoulders and opening herself up even more to her sister's touch. "My son is in the other room, he might hear us."

"Then we'll just have to be quiet, won't we?" I could see Aunt Linda look to the door I was hiding behind. Once she confirmed I was there watching, a sly smile came to her face. "I've missed you so much, baby girl, I've missed your sweet mouth."

"But we're grown women now," Mom argued without conviction. "We're not curious little girls playing naughty any more. We can't be doing this at our age." As she spoke, my mom turned to face my aunt and their lips met in sensual reunion.

The women's hands roamed freely over each other's naked flesh. The tips of their breasts danced tantalizingly between them, touching, and rubbing together freely. The passion of the kiss intensified, as did the eagerness of their hands. I felt an aching anticipation in my gut, and released my pulsing erection from my boxers. I watched Aunt Linda lift her breast and guide my mother's head away from her lips to her nipple. Mom hungrily latched on and began suckling her sister with unrestrained bliss. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

"Your mouth feels so good on my nippies," Aunt Linda breathed. "I want you to eat my ginny," she said in a childlike voice. "Taste my cunny just like when we were girls."

Without hesitation my mom moved down toward the foot of the bed. Aunt Linda shifted to a half-sitting position, with the pillows propped up behind her. She opened her legs and it was clear even in the dim, silvery light that Aunt Linda was shaved totally bald down there. My mom, lying on her tummy with her face only inches from my aunt's hairless pussy, stared at the sight before her.

"Your pussy looks just like I remember," Mom marveled with plaintive desire. Aunt Linda reached down between her own legs and spread lips, opening herself completely to my mother, who yielded willingly to her forbidden yearnings.

When my mother's mouth reached it's carnal destination, my aunt's entire body seized in incestuous rapture. She drew a sharp breath and arched her body against my mom's face. I watched in amazement as Mom responded, heaving herself forward and lifting her hips enough so she could get a hand between her own legs.

When Aunt Linda recovered from the initial euphoric shock of once again feeling her own sister's mouth on her pussy, she looked expectantly toward me as she caressed and pinched her nipples. I took a chance and guessed at what she wanted.

With Mom focused entirely on her sister's pussy, I could safely open the door wider without her being able to see me there. Once I had eased the door wide, the moonlight illuminated my bare skin. Aunt Linda's eyes feasted on my hard cock. I pulled off my boxers and took careful hold of my shaft. My aunt favored me with a lewd smile and moved one hand to the back of my mom's head, but continued staring at my cock.

"That's it, baby girl," she encouraged. "Suck my virgin puss. Hurry up and make me come before Mommy catches us." These women sure did enjoy their little games. I fought to restrain the pace of my stroking as I watched Mom's head circling lustfully between my aunt's open legs. Aunt Linda began thrusting her hips, fucking my mom's face with indecent delight.

"Oh, yeah," she panted. "I'm going to come in your mouth, sis. Please don't tell Mommy I made you suck my cunny. Don't tell her that your tongue was in my tight, little pussy hole. Mommy can never know I fucked my own sister's innocent mouth."

Aunt Linda's eyes were still locked onto my dick as I jerked myself, and I couldn't wait any longer. The tingle started beneath my balls and spread across my ass and up my spine. I fucked my fist with increasing fervor. My aunt opened her mouth wide, as if inviting me to shoot my load onto her tongue. I would have loved to give what she wanted, but I didn't dare. Instead, as my balls tightened and I felt the gush of sperm racing up inside my cock, I cupped my hand at the tip of my penis and caught my load in the palm of my hand.

I clenched my jaw and barely held in a grunt of primal release as I filled my hand with warm goo. Aunt Linda's eyes were wide with lecherous amusement. She licked her lips to punctuate her sentiments about what she just saw me do, then her eyes rolled back as she was taken away by the approach of her own orgasm.

"Right there, baby sister," she moaned. "Suck my little ginny hole! Make me come! Yes, yes, yes...oh, God, yes!" Aunt Linda bucked and humped my mom's face as she reached climax, pulling her sister's head even harder against her crotch. Mom didn't let up for a second and continued sucking and slurping my aunt's cunt throughout her orgasm, until Aunt Linda finally had to push her away from her now hyper-sensitive clit.

I wanted to clean the jizz from my hand, but I didn't dare move in the quiet moment that had settled over the room. Aunt Linda slowly began maneuvering her sister into a new position.

"You were too loud," my mom complained. "I think he might have heard." They were both up on their knees, face-to-face and tit-to-tit, when Mom began to turn her head, and would have easily spotted me standing there buck naked with a handful of my own spunk, if Aunt Linda hadn't caught her attention with a kiss.

Aunt Linda eased Mom down so they were lying with their heads toward the foot of the bed, making sure my mother wouldn't have an easy view of her lurking voyeur of a son. I took this opportunity to duck away and wipe the spooge off my hand onto one of the clean guest towels hanging nearby. By the time I returned to the doorway my aunt was kissing down my mother's belly on her way further south.

"Oh!" Mom squeaked with sudden realization. "No, Linda, don't." She reached for her sister trying to keep her from going any lower.

"Why not? I thought you'd be desperate for a good tongue lashing by now."

"I am, but it's a bad time..." Linda waited for an explanation. "It's...it's my time of the month."

"That never stopped us before," her sister said and escaped Mom's grasp. My mom tried to resist, but Aunt Linda overpowered her and managed to pull her black panties down. Watching my mom and aunt wrestle naked like a couple of horny school girls was a vision beyond even my raunchiest boyhood fantasies.

My aunt forced Mom's knees apart and plunged her face down between her legs. Mom cringed and covered her face. Aunt Linda's head popped up almost immediately with an expression of affected shock.

"It smells like a man's been down here recently," Aunt Linda said accusingly.

"Maybe...yes," Mom confessed through her hands.

"Does your son know about this?" she asked, shooting me a wicked smile.

"Please don't say anything to him."

"What would your dear son do if he knew that his mother is walking around with some man's slimy cum all over her pussy?"

"Promise you won't tell," Mom begged.

"I don't want my favorite nephew to know what a slut his mother is. I'll just have to clean you all up so he never finds out."

Aunt Linda hunkered back down and began licking my mother's crotch with long slow strokes of her tongue. My aunt's eyes focused on me for a long moment, reassuring me that she knew exactly whose encrusted cum she was eating off of my mom's cunt. She closed her eyes and rapaciously went about her work.

My mother writhed and gyrated under the oral attentions of her sister. Aunt Linda took her time, using her tongue like an artists brush--delicately dabbing, and swirling, and stroking the masterpiece between my mother's wide open legs. I envied my aunt, longing to once again savor the taste of my own mom's musky juices, and indulge in the silky flesh of her most intimate places.

"You shouldn't be licking my dirty pussy," Mom sighed. "I'm going to tell Daddy how you put your mouth on my privates."

"Please don't tell Daddy," Aunt Linda pleaded. "I'll make you feel so good."

"You have to make me come or I'll tell," my mom blackmailed. "I'll tell Daddy you've been a bad girl and he won't let you play in the shower with him anymore."

"I'll make you come, baby girl, I'll lick your little cunny 'til you come all over your big sister's face."

With her hands on the backs of her thighs, Mom pulled her knees up toward her chest, leaving her feet dangling in the air, then lifted her head so she could watch Aunt Linda as she ate her cunt. What an incredibly sexy position. Her sister was lapping and sucking faster now, scooting up on her knees for a better angle, which gave me a good view of my aunt's voluptuous rear end.

Mom pulled her knees even higher, so that her feet were sticking straight up in the air, which had the effect of angling her hips and backside upwards.

"Lick my ass," Mom whispered. "I want your tongue on my asshole."

"Someone's taught baby sister a new trick," Aunt Linda teased and gave me a wink. "You want me to put my mouth on your dirty hole?"

"Yes," Mom implored. "Please, suck my ass for me."

My aunt's head lowered and I could tell by Mom's reaction that she was getting exactly what she asked for. I was dying for better lighting, and a better view of the action. I wanted to be in there with them, but knew if I intruded on their lovemaking that Mom would absolutely flip out.

"Don't make me lick your stinky butt any more," Aunt Linda whined.

"Put your tongue in my asshole, right now," Mom demanded. "Do it or I'll tell Daddy how you stuck your fingers inside my puss. He'll be very angry with you and won't let you wash his dinky and make it all big and hard and soapy."

"Please don't tattle, I'll be good."

Aunt Linda returned to licking and sucking my mother's ass. I had to keep letting go of my hard-on to prevent myself from coming again too soon. My balls were ready to explode, and my pisshole was leaking pre-cum like never before. I squeezed and tugged on my ball sack as I watched, then reached a finger back between my own butt cheeks. I spread my stance a bit so I could more easily finger my sweaty asshole while I jacked off with my other hand.

"Oh, Linda, your mouth feels so good on my ass," Mom enthused. "I need to come now. Suck my cunt. Suck me and eat my cum like a dirty slut." Aunt Linda worked her way back up to Mom's clit and concentrated there. "Yes, suck it! Suck it hard! Make me come, make your little sister come, I'm coming! I'm cooooming!


Now Mom was the one being too loud. She held her legs up, spread high in the air, and squirmed against Aunt Linda's face as she orgasmed. My aunt abandoned her sister's clit a that moment and moved her mouth down to her pussy hole and sucked up the fresh juices that would now be flowing from deep within my mother's sex. Aunt Linda slurped and swallowed until she had her fill.

As I watched this climactic display of sisterly incest, I finally gave in and beat my cock hard and fast. I pushed my finger into my asshole and seconds later I was launching jets of semen across the threshold, into the room and onto the polished hardwood floor. My entire body convulsed with the force of my ejaculation.

After my mom let her legs down and relaxed, Aunt Linda kissed her way back north. The two women's bodies entwined and they exchanged the deep, forgiving kiss of lovers condemned by mutual sin. My aunt's hand came away from my mother's breast for a brief moment and signaled me with a winking wave goodbye.

For a moment I dared to hope she was going to invite me to join them in the bed, but it looked like that was all for me. I eased the door closed, then crept back into Rachel's room. I listened for almost an hour, but I didn't hear the sounds of any further lovemaking.

I whacked off again before falling asleep to the mental image of my mom licking my naked aunt's pussy. I restlessly woke up twice more during the night, and each time I masturbated while thinking about the amazing display I had the rare privilege of seeing.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.


The air in the bathroom was steamy from my shower. I stood naked in front of the fogged mirror and spread shaving cream over my chin and cheeks. I felt a cool rush of air and heard my mom's voice behind me.

"Oops, I didn't know you were still in here," she said. I looked over and saw her standing in the doorway nude, covering her chest and pubic area modestly with her hands. "I'll use the downstairs toilet."

"Why? Just go here," I told her and turned my attention to clearing a spot in the mirror so I could shave. She balked, and I watched her reflection as she checked over her shoulder, as if to ensure there would be no witnesses to her impending indiscretion. How could someone so crazy, be so darned cute?

She gingerly hurried to the toilet and sat down, one arm still hiding her bare nipples, the other tucked across her lap. I dragged the razor over my cheek, and rinsed the blade. After a few more passes, I realized Mom hadn't started going yet.

"Shy bladder?" I teased. She looked up at me, making those adorable puppy dog eyes, and I knew she had something in mind. "Want me wait outside while you go?"

Mom shook her head, and uncovered her breasts revealing her erect nipples and immediately gained my full attention. She looked down at herself and sheepishly opened her legs. Her dark pussy hair was matted with my dried cum and her sister's saliva. Then, with a sudden shush, she was peeing.

I watched in silence as my mom pissed right in front of me. My limp cock began to stiffen as the golden stream gushed from it's hidden source within her tangled pubic hair. She looked up at my hard-on then down again at herself, and we both watched the forceful torrent flow from her, then gradually lessen until it was a trickle that dribbled down her slit and moistened her curly bush. She flexed and forced out another squirt, then one more. My cock bobbed at full attention as Mom's eyes came up and fixed on my erection.

I was about to step forward and let her take me into her mouth, but then we heard my aunt call up.

"Breakfast's ready!"

Mom hopped off the toilet like a startled jackrabbit, and darted into her room, closing the door behind her. I flushed the toiled, and my cock slowly wilted as I finished shaving, left to ponder yet another lost opportunity.


I sat down at the table. Aunt Linda, wearing only a two-piece bathing suit under a sheer linen cover-up, placed a plate of eggs, sausages, and hash browns in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She smiled with satisfaction, obviously accepting my blatant ogling of her body as a compliment.

"Eat up, stud," she said. "You need to replenish your strength, you look a bit drained this morning."

"Not only that, but my right arm is really sore for some strange reason."

"You liked what you saw?"

"I can now die a happy man," I pronounced and dug into breakfast.

"Hopefully you'll live long enough to catch the second act," she said mysteriously with a suggestive leer.

"So you and mom've been fooling around since you were little?"

"It's all your mother's fault," Aunt Linda said as she sat down across from me with her tea. "She had it figured out long before I ever did. I used to catch her humping her toys or the sofa cushions all the time, but she'd never tell me what she was doing. I finally caught her grinding away on my favorite doll one day and threatened to tell our mom if she didn't spill the beans." She took a sip of her tea as she fondly remembered those days.

"You learned how to masturbate from your little sister?"

"Yep. I tell ya, that kid was born horny. Your mom and I started rubbing ourselves off together, and before long we were fiddling with each other's naughty bits and playing all kinds of nasty games. But when we reached high school we became more interested in boys, so we had something new to experiment with. After I went off to college, we only fooled around a couple more times during summer breaks. I didn't realize how much I missed being with her like that until last night," she sighed.

"That reminds me, what the hell is a ginny hole?"

"Ha!" Aunt Linda laughed. "That's what we called our vaginas when we were little. Our 'virgin holes.' Just hearing it still makes my snatch pucker." She reached down between her legs and scratched her crotch vigorously. "Damn, I forgot how itchy it gets when you shave your pussy. I don't know how your cousin Rachel can stand to walk around like this all the time."

I loved that Aunt Linda was so crude and open around me. I wondered what she would do if I yanked those bikini bottoms down right there and gave her a tongue lashing of my own.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" I tried to redirect my thoughts.

"Sure, kiddo, shoot."

"You know how Mom likes to talk dirty when she's messing around?" Aunt Linda just nodded. "I love it like crazy, but she acts like I'm still a little boy when we're...doing stuff, you know? Like always calling herself 'mommy' for one thing."

"Your mother is going to a very tough time right now," Aunt Linda explained, comfortably transitioning into professional counselor mode. "She's dealing with it, in part, by going back to a happier time in her life. She's probably not even consciously aware of it, but this regressive coping strategy of hers is the whole reason she's allowed herself to cross the line with you, and violate every mother's most shameful taboo by giving in to her sexual desire for her own son."

I let that sink in. "So this is a bad thing?"

"Yes and no," she responded. "Your Mom's life has collapsed around her ears. She needs something stable, something she can depend on, to keep her anchored. That's where you fit in, stud. She's dealing with an overwhelming amount of stress, so she also needs a way to feel safe and comforted. She has powerfully emotional memories of joy and contentment centered around her incestuous explorations with me as a little girl. Your mom also associates the years she spent nurturing you as the happiest and most fulfilling time of her life. She has conflated these two elements of her past, and come up with actualizing her fantasies with you as her way of getting through this crisis without having a complete breakdown."

She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. We both heard the shower turn off upstairs, letting us know that Mom would be down soon.

"So, no, it's not entirely a bad thing," Aunt Linda continued. "There are worse ways your mother could have chosen to cope with her problems. But, as I said last night, this is an emotional high wire act. She counting on you being there if she falls.

"I don't want to hurt her--that's the last thing I want in the world. But sometimes I can't help but feel like I'm taking advantage of her. You know, using her vulnerability to live out my own sick fantasy about having sex with my mom."

"Don't worry about that right now," she advised and came around to my side of the table. "The fact that you're thinking about it tells me that you will know enough to do the right thing when the time comes." Aunt Linda surprised me by sitting in my lap and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Your mom is a strong woman and what she needs most right now is all the love we can give her. And in this screwed up family of ours, the way we express love is with sex, lots of it." She tweaked my nose. "And the kinkier the better, got it?"

"Got it." I couldn't help wondering at that moment where Aunt Linda had gotten her psychology degree from.

"But more importantly, did you get a good look at your auntie's naked twat last night while your were jerking that big hog of yours?"

"Not really," I gulped. "I was kinda far away, and the lighting..." I heard Mom's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I'll see if I can arrange something more graphic for you, stud," she said with a wink and stood up just before Mom caught her sitting on my lap.

It was a lot to process and I didn't know yet if I should be thrilled or depressed. I watched as Mom and Aunt Linda hugged and exchanged a quick kiss on the lips. Mom gave me a smooch on the top of my head and sat down at the table. Meanwhile, behind my mom's back, so only I could see, Aunt Linda yanked her top aside and flashed me her boob.

I decided, for the time being, to be thrilled.

Mom had planned on us getting back on the road after lunchtime, but Aunt Linda talked her into staying another night. I can't imagine Mom put up much resistance if she was promised a romp in the sack with her sister again tonight.

I returned from the store with a bag of charcoal, and food for a backyard cookout. I dragged an old grill out of the garage and rolled it around back, where I found my mom and Aunt Linda lying by the pool. They were stretched out on padded lounge chairs, both in two-piece bathing suits, chatting away merrily.

Mom must have been wearing one of her sister's suits. The top was too small and the bottom too big--an enticing combination. Their skin shimmered with a greasy sheen of tanning oil in the warm day's sun. I realized I was staring, and went about hosing the cobwebs out of the grill before my cock became hard enough to be obvious.

By the time I had the charcoal burning the ladies had turned over and were lying with their asses to the sun. Aunt Linda's top was nowhere to be seen, and Mom had untied the string across her back, but kept the top beneath her.

"Pool boy!" Aunt Linda called. "Oh, pool boy!"

I pulled off my sweaty t-shirt as I crossed the grass to where they were lying.

"Be a darling," my aunt pointed to a nearby bottle, "and put some sunscreen on my back for me."

"Ugh!" Mom rolled her eyes. "Could you get any more cliche?"

"You're just upset you didn't think of it first. Oil me up, stud!"

I looked at Mom, unsure if it would be okay with her. She just shrugged and gave me an exasperated 'go ahead' face. I poured some oil into my palm and rubbed it onto my aunt's back. She squirmed and moaned as my hands worked over her sun-darkened skin. Her lack of tan lines told me she spent a lot of time out here by the pool topless.

"My legs, too." Aunt Linda wiggled her butt suggestively. I knelt down and began at her calves, working my way up behind her knees, and finally to her ample, yet smooth, thighs. Mom watched me as I massaged the oil onto her sister's bare skin. She didn't look very happy.

As soon as I was done with her legs, Aunt Linda turned face up, exposing her bare breasts and fleshy nipples to me.

"Linda, what are you doing?" My mom's brow furrowed in annoyance.

"Oh, tish!" She waved off my mother's distress. "He's a big boy now. It's not like he's never seen a set of knockers before. Well, maybe not a pair this nice."

"You're impossible," Mom clucked and turned away.

"Besides," Aunt Linda motioned for me to continue rubbing the oil on her legs, "I haven't been touched by a man in years. You wouldn't deny your only sister this one chance for some cheap thrills, would you?"

Aunt Linda lifted her sunglasses and watched me rub her thighs with an expression of barely contained craving. When I worked my hand up the inside of her thigh, she double-checked to make sure her sister was still turned the other way, then pulled the crotch of her bikini aside revealing the shaven groove of her pussy.

Before I realized what I was doing, my hand bolted forward and I slipped an oily finger directly into her pussy hole. Her astonished face let me know she definitely wasn't expecting that, but her eyes told me she was absolutely loving it. Mom must have heard Aunt Linda's gasp and stifled giggle, and looked over to see what we were up to. I yanked my finger out of my aunt's bald snatch just in time.

"Am I being selfish?" Aunt Linda innocently asked my mom. "Do you want the pool boy to put some oil on you, too?"

"Are you even familiar with the word 'inappropriate'?"

"Speaking of inappropriate, don't forget the girls," Aunt Linda said and tweaked her nipples. "We wouldn't want these beauties to get sunburned, now would we?" I checked with Mom again, and she just rolled her eyes then closed them so she would see no evil.

I moved up and eagerly ran my hands across my aunt's soft breasts. Though somewhat smaller than my mom's, they were slightly firmer, but her nipples weren't as dark. I spread oil across her chest and in the shallow folds beneath her supple bosom. I noticed that my mom's eyes were open again, watching enviously as my hands fondled her sister's big, greasy tits.

Aunt Linda was lying with her head back, luxuriating in sensations of her breasts being gently kneaded by her horny nephew. My mom began subtly flexing her butt and pushing her hips downward. I could tell that she was pressing her mound against the cushion beneath her in an attempt to satisfy her mounting, unbidden arousal. I ran my fingers in circles around both my aunt's nipples at the same time, squeezing them lightly. This pushed Mom over the edge.

"Now that I think of it," she reconsidered, "maybe I do need some more oil on my back." Aunt Linda wore a Cheshire grin as I moved to sit on the edge of my Mom's lounge chair. Her muscles were tense when I first touched her, but within moments she relaxed and softened beneath my hands. She sighed with utter contentment, and once again turned her head away from her sister.

Almost as soon as Mom turned, I saw Aunt Linda sneak a hand down the front of her swim suit. She grabbed at her tits aggressively while her hand worked quietly between her legs. My aunt could easily see how hard I was. She nodded, looking meaningfully at my crotch, indicating she wanted to see more.

I used the moment when I moved from my mom's back down to her legs as an opportunity to snake my hard-on down the leg of my shorts. Only half of my dick was sticking out, but that appeared to be enough for Aunt Linda. She fingered herself briskly as she stared at the bulbous head of my penis peeking out of my shorts. I ran my hands up and down my mother's shapely thighs, barely able to contain my urge to shove my cock into my aunt's beckoning mouth.

I indiscreetly slid my hands up under my mom's suit and squeezed her ass cheeks. Surprisingly, she didn't react. As I withdrew my hands, I let my thumb slip into her crack and glide across her asshole. She flinched at that, but didn't say anything. Aunt Linda had seen what I'd done, and it was encouragement enough to bring on her orgasm.

She clenched her legs together, and bit her lip to keep from making any noise as she came right in front of me, without her sister having any idea what was happening. After holding tight to her pussy for several seconds she relaxed and licked her fingers, savoring the taste of her own juices. It was right about then that my mom turned over.

"You're doing good, honey, but let's stick to the places where the sun does shine, hmm?" She added a wry smile to let me know she wasn't really that upset about my slip of the thumb. She tried to adjust the undersized bikini to cover her oversized breasts. She'd tug it one way, and the edge of her nipple would show on the opposite side. She'd try to cover that nipple, and the other would pop out again.

"Just take it off, already, will ya?" Aunt Linda shook her head and laughed at her sister. Mom refused to give up and continued fumbling with the skimpy top while I enjoyed the show. "As a matter of fact, it's getting too hot for these." Aunt Linda pulled the knots at her hips, releasing her bikini bottoms, and casually tossed them aside. She let her knees fall apart, allowing the sun to shin straight onto her naked, clean-shaven pussy.

"Linda!" Mom was horrified by her sister's brazen display. "Not in front of my son!"

"He doesn't mind, do you darling?"

"I'm okay with it," I quickly acknowledged.

"Besides," my aunt continued, "we're all family, so there's nothing to be ashamed of." Mom had stopped struggling with her top and we both stared at Aunt Linda's exposed pussy. "You should tell your boy to get out of those shorts before he suffers permanent boner damage." Mom looked and saw my hard-on straining against my shorts.

"Can I, Mom?"

"I guess, if you want to," she answered distractedly, seemingly unable to keep up with all that was happening. I stripped out of my shorts and boxers and stood before my aunt and mother completely naked with my hard penis in full view.

Mom looked from my bare cock, to her sister's open pussy, and threw in the towel. She pulled off her bikini top freeing her huge tits. "If our mom could only see us now, she'd be so proud," she remarked sarcastically.

I sat back down and worked some oil onto my mom's thighs. She had a lust-filled look in her eye that sent my heart racing. Her legs parted a little and I was able to see her luscious pubic hair showing to either side of her loose-fitting bikini bottoms. I worked my hands up across the round curve of her belly and toward her chest.

Mom's tits were pale compared to her tanned skin elsewhere. The white flesh stood out in alluring contrast, seeming to define her breasts as something meant to be hidden away, therefore making it all the more exotic that they were revealed. As my hands glided closer, her nipples began to rise in anticipation of my touch.

Even though I'd had the pleasure of touching my mother's chest repeatedly over the past weeks, it felt like it was the first time all over. Something about doing it outside in the open, with my aunt only a few feet away made the experience brand new. My oily hands cupped her heavy breasts from below and slowly curled around the sides, and up over the tops. Mom's hands gripped the sides of her lounge chair, as though it was the only way she could keep herself from using them on me.

"Feels nice, don't it?" Aunt Linda commented.

"Yes," my mom and I both said at the same time. We all busted out laughing at that. I continued rubbing and massaging my mother's soft tits. Aunt Linda watched with prurient interest, and all pretense of me applying tanning oil had fallen away. I gently pinched and pulled at my mom's wide nipples, sometimes twisting them lightly between my thumb and forefinger.

My aunt's hand drifted lazily up and down her body, pausing frequently just above her slit and lingering where recently there had been a patch of hair. She was obviously aching to pleasure herself again, but wasn't yet ready to push my mom's indulgence to that extent.

I slid my hands down Mom's sides and caught the top of her bikini bottoms and pulled them down her hips a bit. I expected her to slap my hands away, but she just lifted her butt and let me slide them off. I rubbed some oil on the areas of her groin that had been previously covered, coming tantalizingly close to touching her pussy. I was so jazzed about being out by the pool with two incredibly sexy naked ladies, I was dying to jack off right there in front of them.

"Pool boy," Aunt Linda motioned me toward her, "come here and let me to put some sunscreen on that big, delicious pecker of yours."

"Oh, no you don't, Sis," Mom warned her.

"Sounds like your momma wants to handle that herself," my aunt said with a flirty thrill. Mom looked like she was seriously considering it.

"He can take care of that on his own." Mom handed me the bottle of oil.

I stood between their chairs and squeezed some oil directly onto my anxious boner. I spread it a little with my fingers, then wrapped my hand around my shaft and coated my hard cock with oil. My hand slipped past the head of my dick, then back down its length. I did this several more times being sure to use long, slow strokes.

My mom and aunt watched from behind their sunglasses, both fascinated into silence by the sight of me groping my slick cock. Aunt Linda pressed her legs together, crossing her ankles and tensing her thighs, putting pressure on her excited pussy. Mom chose the opposite approach, and put her feet down on either side of her chair, thus spreading herself open to me.

I reached my hand down and rubbed some of the oil on my balls, fondling and squeezing them. I tamped down my urge to grab myself and start whacking like crazy, and instead concentrated on putting on a good show for my ladies. After playing with myself like that for several minutes I could see the translucent wetness beginning to leak from my mom's vagina. It sparkled in the bright light of the sun as it slowly trickled down the crease of her ass.

I filled my palm with oil and turned around. I worked it onto my ass cheeks, hoping that they were enjoying the view as I rubbed my backside for them. I bent over to put the bottle of oil down, which gave them a nice peek at my butthole.

"Okay, boys and girls," Aunt Linda abruptly called out, "I need to cool off!" She climbed out of her chair, slapped my ass as she passed, and hopped into the pool.

"I think we all need to cool down," Mom said, snapping out of her trance. She got up and gave me a peck on the cheek, being sure to let her nipples brush against my arm, then dragged me into the pool with her. We landed with a splash and the cold water almost forced my nuts to disappear up inside my body.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in Aunt Linda's secluded backyard like a trio of happy nudists. We cooked and ate, played badminton, and swam, all while totally naked. My erection came and went throughout the day, and it was so wonderful that I didn't have to be embarrassed or try to hide it. Both women took every opportunity to tease me by finding excuses to bounce their tits, or bend over and show off their asses. I was in a heaven of bare skin and jiggling flesh.

We got so comfortable that Mom even did me the favor of reapplying my sunscreen. She was careful not to miss a spot, and spent a little extra effort to make sure my cock and balls were well protected, all with Aunt Linda sitting right there watching the whole time.

Later, I was lying on my stomach on one of the lounge chairs. Not far away Mom and Aunt Linda sat at the patio table in the shade of a big umbrella drinking iced tea and talking. From where I was lying I could see under the table. They were both sitting facing toward me with their legs open, and I was pretty sure that wasn't by accident.

Occasionally Aunt Linda would reach down and scratch her itchy puss, and once in a while, when my aunt wasn't paying attention, my mom would sneak her hand down between her own legs and diddle her clit for a quick second or dip a finger in and out of her hole real fast.

I tried to fight it, but I eventually dozed off in the sun. I awoke some time later and found a raw hot dog tucked between my butt cheeks, along with a generous helping of mustard, ketchup, and relish. Very funny, ladies. As I was wondering what else I had missed while I was asleep, my aunt called from the house.

"C'mon, Colonel Mustard-buns, get cleaned up! We're taking your mom out on the town tonight!"


I showered, washed the condiments out of my ass crack, got dressed and we all headed out. Mom drove with Aunt Linda up front, and me in the back. My aunt did most of the talking on the way to the restaurant, my mom was putting up a good front, but I could tell she was feeling down for some reason. I just sat quietly in the back thinking about our family.

Mom and I had fooled around, pushing the boundaries until we finally violated the ultimate taboo and had sex with each other. We seemed to be repeating that same trajectory, and I wanted more than anything to make love to her again. Aunt Linda had provided me with the excuse that I was supporting my mom during this difficult time in her life, but I wasn't sure if I could trust that advice since my aunt was also using her sister for her own sexual gratification.

Me and mom were playing together. Aunt Linda and my mom were fooling around. Apparently my aunt and her daughter were going at it. And, if it wasn't just dirty talk, it would seem that back in the day grandpa was in on the act, too. Why did I never realized how fucked up my family truly was?

We had dinner at a decent barbeque joint, talking and laughing through the meal. Mom was in better spirits, but there was still something weighing her down. After we ate, Aunt Linda took us to a cowboy bar, with sawdust on the floor and a mechanical bull. The ladies downed a few beers and headed out into the crowd for some good ol' fashioned line dancing, while I sat it out at the bar nursing a soda.

After a while, Aunt Linda came and sat down in the stool next to me to catch her breath and ordered another beer. "Get any phone numbers yet?"

"Not a one. Where's Mom?"

"Out for some fresh air."

"Seems like she's having fun."

"I don't know." Aunt Linda fidgeted with the label on her beer bottle. "We had a long talk back at the house. She's got a lot on her mind right now."

"Did she say anything about me? About...what we're doing?"

"She told me everything." My aunt took my hand, holding it tight. "She loves you more than anything or anyone, you know that, right?" I nodded, feeling a lump forming in my throat for some reason. "She doesn't think she could survive if she didn't have you. Losing you scares her like crazy right now, and she worries that by...doing the things you've been doing, that it will somehow drive you away."

"But it's exactly the opposite. I love her more than anything, too. I love her in ways now that I never could have imagined existed, and what we're doing makes me want to stay with her even more." I felt a low-grade panic welling up within me. "You have to make her understand that."

Aunt Linda recognized the sincerity in my eyes and patted my cheek lovingly. She took a pen and a twenty out of her clutch bag and wrote something on a napkin. She handed me the napkin and the twenty dollar bill.

"Give this to the D.J., and go ask your mother to dance." She nodded toward the other side of the bar, and when I looked I saw my mom standing there alone, lost in thought and looking like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. "You make her understand."

The D.J. looked at me sideways when I gave him the note, but the twenty apparently did the trick. There was now a guy with a big belly and a leather vest talking to my mom, probably hitting on her. I could tell she was trying to be polite, but wanted nothing to do with this jerk. I reached her just as the song started.

"Excuse me, miss?" I interrupted, and was greeted with a scowl from her admirer. "Would you care to dance?" I asked graciously and held out my hand. Mom's eyes glistened with barely contained tears. She took my hand without a word to the guy chatting her up, and followed me out to the nearly empty dance floor. We faced each other and I held her hand in my hand, putting the other chastely on her side, just as she'd taught me before my first junior high formal.

The first words of "Shining Star" by the Manhattans flowed over us and we began to dance together.

"I love this song," my mom said. "I haven't heard it in years." I looked into her eyes, and listened to the words of the song, hearing them in a whole new way as I related them to how I felt about my mom at that moment. By the way she responded to my heartfelt gaze, she felt those lyrics resonate in a new way for her as well. She stepped in closer to me, and I drew her tight against my body. We held each other and became the only two people in the world.

"I'm never going to leave you. You know that, don't you, Mom?"

"But you should, sweetie." She settled her head on my shoulder. "That's the way it's supposed to be. I have to let you go out in the world and be your own man. I can't hold you back just because it's what I want for myself."

"It's what I want for me. And for you. I love you, Mom. Nothing will ever change that."

"You say that now because what we're doing with each other is all new, and exciting. But one day you're going to wake up and hate me for the things I've done to you."

"I know I don't have life all figured out yet, and that I still have some growing up to do, but the one thing I do know for sure is that I could never hate you. Especially not for sharing something so special and perfect with me."

"I want to believe that, sweetie. I want to believe it more than anything."

"Mom, you're all I ever dreamed of. You are my shining star," I said, echoing the words of the song. Yeah, I know it was corny, but at that moment it felt right. My mom hugged me tighter, letting me know it's exactly what she needed to hear. "Believe it."

With her head pressed against my heart, she whispered, "I do."

We finished the dance in silent embrace. As the song ended she looked up at me, her cheeks wet with tears, and I couldn't resist leaning down and kissing her. We stood at the center of the dance floor and kissed like two unrepentant lovers for all the world to see.

The next hillbilly tune kicked in and we finally parted. Mom was too choked up to talk, and so just motioned to her muddled makeup and rushed off to the ladies room. Aunt Linda stepped up next to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

"Looks like you got your wish, Oedipus." She slapped me on the ass, a move that was quickly becoming her trademark. "Now maybe we can get back to having some fun!" She headed toward the ladies room with an exaggerated wiggle in her step.

I returned to the bar, decided to take a walk on the wild side and ordered myself a ginger ale--straight up. A pretty girl in tight denim and fringe all over her shirt was nearby.

"Hi, how's it going," I asked just to be neighborly. She gave me the once over and wasn't impressed. Hey, I know I'm no Mr. Fantastic, but I ain't no slouch neither.

"Fine," she replied, doing her best not to encourage me any further.

"Is it always this crowded?"

"Are you, like, even old enough to be in here?" she sneered. Just then Aunt Linda and Mom arrived on the run and grabbed me excitedly.

"Get away from our man, skank!" Aunt Linda hauled me off the stool.

"We done paid fer the whole night," Mom hollered with a comical drawl, "and we're fixin' on gittin' our money's worth." They pulled me back toward the dance floor. I just shrugged in response to the girl's shocked expression as I was dragged away.

Once on the dance floor we made a spectacle of ourselves. My aunt and mom danced on either side of me, and as the music warmed up so did they. Before I knew it, dirty dancing was being redefined by these two frisky foxes, and they didn't care who was watching. Mom pressed her breasts against my back, and ran her hands all over my chest. Aunt Linda straddled my leg and got very intimate with my knee.

Reactions ranged from envy, to disbelief, to indignation (mostly from the women about the same age as my dancing partners). A couple of the younger ladies took their cue from us and joined in the raunchy display with their own men. The D.J. pumped up the juice and kept the right kind of tunes spinning for maximum heat, and before long the floor was filled with horny folks of all ages rubbing, and grinding, and pawing each other.

I couldn't wait to find out what they had in store for when we got home.


As the designated driver, I got us back to my aunt's place just after midnight. Aunt Linda gave me and my mom a big kiss then tottered off to her room. Mom and I headed upstairs.

"I'm going to take a quick shower before I go to bed," Mom said when we stopped outside the guest room door.

"Want some company?"

"I would, but we both know where that'll lead us." She sounded genuinely disappointed. "I'd still feel funny about playing with you in your aunt's house."

"Aunt Linda told me that she knows what we're doing." I put my hands on my mom's waist and leaned forward touching my forehead to hers. "She won't care if I sleep in your room."

"Let's just behave ourselves for tonight. Tomorrow we'll have a hotel room all to ourselves and we can do whatever we want."

"Whatever we want?" I pressed myself against her. "I want to be inside you again, Mom." I could tell I was getting to her because it took her several seconds to compose her next words.

"I want that too, sweetie, but Mommy can't do that with you." She nearly swooned as I nuzzled her neck with feathery kisses. "Mommy will show you her pussy tomorrow night. You can look at it, and touch it, and lick it, but I can't let you put your beautiful penis inside me any more."

"I want your pussy now, Mom."

"One more night, honey, I promise. Just go to your room and masturbate your penis for now." She forced herself back from me. "Play with your cock and think about how you touched Mommy's naked body outside today in front of your aunt. Think about how we let you see our titties, and our naked asses. When you come, think about how I showed my wet cunt to you by the pool."

"I had a fun day," I said, resigning myself to spending the night alone with my cock.

"It was fun, wasn't it?" She pulled my head down and kissed me passionately. I couldn't help sliding my hand up to cup her breast. She put her hand over mine and held it there for a moment, while our tongues played across one another. Mom pushed herself away with an effort. "Okay. A cold shower for me, a quick diddle, then to sleep. Goodnight, sweetie."

She hurried to her room before she changed her mind, and left me to skulk off to Rachel's room alone. I undressed and heard Mom getting into the shower. I thought about going in there anyway, but knew I shouldn't. I considered spying on her. She might even like me to do that. I snuck over and tried the door to the bathroom, but it was locked. I heard the shower stop, and stood with my ear, and my cock, pressed against the door listening for sounds of her playing with herself.

I was out of luck. She unlocked the door and I heard her return to her room. I went in and took a quick shower and climbed into bed. I stared up at the princess canopy and wondered how often my cousin Rachel had lain here and played with herself. Or, for that matter, how many times her mom had sucked her pussy off in this bed. It was then that I realized I hadn't even taken advantage of a prime snooping opportunity.

I started with the drawer in the nightstand next to her bed and hit the jackpot right away. It was nearly empty, with just a few things left behind. Two tangled thongs, a hair clip, and a little, pink vibrator. I pulled out the thongs, one was cotton and black, the other was a silky turquoise.

I brought them to my nose, but they smelled only of fresh laundry detergent. I wasn't too disappointed. The mere idea that these panties had been wedged up my hot cousin's tight little ass was enough for me.

I pulled out the vibrator next. It was only about five or six inches long and shaped like a pink bullet with small bumps all over it. I took a sniff and could definitely detect the residual scent of pussy. I settled back on the bed with my prizes.

I dangled the silky thong over my erection, dragging it back and forth across my hard dick several times before wrapping it around my shaft. I tucked the cotton one up between my butt cheeks so they rubbed against my asshole. I then concentrated on the vibrator.

The fragrance of Rachel's pussy was faint, but unmistakable. I tested it on the tip of my tongue, but it wasn't enough. I put the very end of the vibrator in my mouth. It tasted mostly of latex, but beneath that was her most intimate essence.

I settled back on the pillows, my knees up and legs spread, and began stroking my thong-wrapped cock. I closed my eyes and eased the vibrator into my mouth, letting the flavor of my cousin's months-old cum awaken upon my tongue. I slid the small sex toy in and out between my lips, and found myself humming lightly just like my mom did when she sucked my cock. The oral sensations elevated me to a state of pure, indulgent pleasure.

"Rachel is going to come in her pants when I tell her about this."

My eyes flew open at the sound of my aunt's voice. I nearly gagged on the vibrator when I saw Aunt Linda standing in the doorway completely naked except for a strap-on dildo featuring a lifelike cock that sprang from her crotch.

"Any chance she won't find out?" I was unable to stop stroking myself as I beheld my aunt in all her natural glory.

"Not a chance, stud." She gave her own phallus a few playful jerks. "I've been dying to fuck your momma all day. Wanna watch me give it to her, or would you rather finish sucking off my daughter's little boyfriend?"

"I'll watch!" I put my toys aside and jumped off the bed. Aunt Linda put her finger to her lips, signaling me to stay quiet, and closed the door as she left.

The prospects for the night had suddenly improved immensely.