Hard Times with Mom Ch. 12


My tongue eagerly explored the intimate creases of my mom's luscious pussy. Light from the street, from colored signs, and passing cars filled our shabby motel room, steaming in through the purposely open curtains. Mom lay naked and exposed on the bed, with me between her legs. A vague figure loomed at the edge of our window, drawn to our sinful exhibition like a degenerate moth.

"That man can see your Mommy's naked titties." she fondled and squeezed her big breasts. "He's watching me play with my nipples. He's watching how I let my son suck my cunt."

"Let him see what a whore you are, Mom."

I turned her hips to the side, so she was facing the window. I saw a dark shape skulking there. I lifted my mother's leg, revealing her pussy to the stranger. I let him have a good look, then returned my mouth to her warm wetness. She held her leg up in the air, and moaned with unrestrained indulgence.

"Oh, God, I think he's taking his penis out," Mom reported, more excited now than scared. I moved behind her and took her shoulders, bringing her up so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the window. The light from outside shown on her skin leaving nothing hidden.

"Open your legs, Mom. Let him see your hairy pussy." I knelt on the bed behind her, and reached around to caress her tits.

"Don't make me do this. Don't make your Mommy show her pussy to the dirty pervert." Even as she protested she spread her legs and exposed herself willingly.

"Now let him see you play with it." I commanded, as I jiggled her tits for the gratification of our peeper.

"He's rubbing his penis now." She began to finger herself. "That man is looking at my naked body and masturbating like a filthy animal." I lifted one of her tits up high and she enthusiastically licked her own nipple. "Look, there's another one."

A second man was at our window. He didn't hide at the edge, but rather stood boldly near the center. His black skin seemed to absorb all light. I lifted Mom's other breast to her mouth, and by the time she was done licking it he had his hard prick out, too.

"Get on your knees, Mom," I instructed her. "Get down on the floor and suck my cock like the shameless slut you are." She quickly obeyed, sliding off the bed and onto her knees. I stood in front of her and she went at it like a woman possessed. I pulled her long, black hair away from her face so our audience could see my swollen member driving in and out of her expert mouth.

A third man stepped up. Perhaps the man I had seen sitting in his car, but he hung back so it was hard to tell. I moved so Mom had to turn with me, revealing a new angle to the crowd. She now had her back to the window so they could see her ass. I pulled my shaft away from her and rubbed my balls on her face. She took them into her mouth, sucking and licking them greedily.

"Those men can see my bare bottom," she breathed. "They're looking at my ass and stroking their nasty cocks."

I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked up at the men outside. The two up front were clearly jerking off, the third just watched from farther back. Mom was still suckling my scrotum and licking my shaft. I lay back and lifted my knees up toward my shoulders. Mom knew just what to do and shifted her tongue down lower.

"That's right freaks," I said. "Watch my mom lick my asshole."

"Don't say that so loud," Mom begged. "I don't want them to know it's your Mommy who's sucking your ass for you."

I reached down and put my hand atop her head and pushed her face firmly into my ass. No longer able to talk, she concentrated on sucking my asshole, shoving her tongue as far into my anus as she could for as long as she could, then gasping for air. I loved the view of her beautiful face beneath my balls.

"Stand up," I told her. She stood after a few more parting licks. "Turn around and go to the window." She hesitated, turned, then took a faltering step.

"I can see their penises," she said.

"Closer," I ordered, and joined the men by stroking myself. I worked my cock slowly as I watched my mother from behind. She took a few more reluctant steps. "What do you see?" I asked.

"One has a little penis. He's jerking it with two fingers, and pulling on his foreskin. He's staring at my naked titties. The other one is big. He has a big, black cock, and he has his balls out, too. He's looking right at me, like he wants to fuck me with his black cock.

"Turn around," I said and she did. "Bend over and spread your ass for him." She turned and bent over, moved her feet wider apart, reached around and spread her ass cheeks open. The black man looked past her at me and gave me a nod of appreciation.

"They can see my asshole, sweetie." She rotated her hips seductively. "They're looking right up close at my wide open asshole and masturbating just outside."

I saw the man standing further behind move, and heard him try our door. Upon finding it locked he pounded on it. Mom let out a little scream.

"Don't let them get in! Sweetie, please, they want to rape me."

"Just do what I say and I won't let them in. If you disobey I'll open the door and let those men do whatever they want with you."

"I don't want those strange men to rape my pussy. I'll do what you say."

"Face the window." I watched my mom straighten up and turn around. The black man yelled at the guy by the door, and he return to the back of group. "Get right up close, Mom. As close as you can and spread your pussy for them."

She moved up until her nipples touched the glass. She squatted down slightly and opened her pussy using both hands. The black man stepped directly in front of her and began jerking faster.

"His cock is so close to my pussy." Mom pressed herself against the glass and I was jealous that I couldn't see my mom's huge tits mashed on the glass the way those guys were seeing it. "Oh, God, he's coming. He's shooting cum out of his big, black cock right at my pussy. It's all over the glass, there's so much cum everywhere!"

That was all it took for Mom to succumb. She sank down on the grimy carpet, spreading her legs toward the window, and began masturbating herself. I got off the bed and knelt by her head and started seriously jerking as well. The black man continued stroking himself as his jizz ran down the window in a thick white streak. The little guy was whacking away like crazy now, too.

"Did you see that?" Mom asked breathlessly, animated by the excitement of putting on a show. "I made that man come. Your Mommy showed him her naked cunt and made his cock squirt."

"You're going to make me squirt, too, Mom!"

"Shoot it on Mommy's face, baby. I want your cum all over my face."

I leaned in and landed the first spurt on her cheek, the next across her nose. She opened her mouth and I aimed a shot onto her lips and tongue. The rest seeped out and dribbled down onto her forehead. I used the head of my cock to spread my cum around on her skin, and this drove her wild.

Mom's messy facial did it for the little wanker, and he let fly a thin lash of semen that slapped against the glass. His pathetic discharge was comically small in comparison to the other man's.

"He just came, too," Mom called out in the heat of her self-pleasure. "Everybody's coming for me!" A spasm gripped her body as her orgasm rapidly came upon her. "I'm coming, too!" Her body arched, and she thrust her pussy toward the strange men. "Watch me make my cunt come you horny fuckers!" Mom let out a high-pitched wail of release, followed by several low grunts as she pumped every ounce of pleasure from her exhibitionist orgasm. She went limp on the carpet, arms and legs splayed wide, sated and spent for the moment.

The guy in back was gone by the time I stood up. The black man gave me a thumbs up as I closed the curtain, then turned and left. The little fellow still held his tiny pecker in his hand, and didn't look like he was going anywhere soon.

I made sure there was no gap in the curtains, bent down and gave Mom's cum-glazed lips a lick, then went and turned on the shower.


I came out of the small stand-up shower as Mom was coming in. We shared a lingering kiss as we passed. Once back in the room, I opened up her suitcase and searched around until I found her hand lotion. It would have to do. I set it on the rickety table next to the bed that served as a nightstand and waited for Mom to finish getting cleaned up.

"That feels so much better." She settled down next to me and laid her head on my chest. "You can't let me do stuff like that anymore. I can't be thinking about showing off my puss to the neighbors all the time."

"It would certainly add a new meaning to the term 'neighborhood watch.'" I kidded and tickled my fingertips down the center of her back.

"Don't give me ideas." Her hand drifted down across my stomach and she ran her fingers delicately through my pubic hair as we talked.

"You'll just have to be happy with showing off for me."

"Honey, you know what we talked about. It's not going to be like that between you and me after we move in. Our road trip is over tomorrow, and so we're back to normal."

I didn't think that was possible at this stage, but I would leave that for another day. I had a more immediate mission in mind.

"So why can't this last night be like our other 'last' night? Why can't I make love to you?"

"You know perfectly well why."

"I've been doing some thinking about that. If you are pregnant, then I can't get you pregnant again. And I'm no expert, but if you're supposed to be having your period now, then you wouldn't be able to get pregnant at this point in your cycle anyway. Right?"

"That's not the point."

"Even if you could, I can pull out. Hell, I'll go right now and buy some condoms if that's what it takes."

"Sweetie, stop. It's not just that. I want it too, probably more than you, but I know that if I let myself make love with you again I may never be able to keep from doing it after we're settled in to our new home." She stroked her fingers along my erection and down to my balls. "Right now I can tell myself it was only one night. One incredible night that I'll never forget. But, if I let it happen again...then who knows."

"So, I can't put my cock in your pussy?"


"That's your one rule for our last night together?"

"Yes, sweetie. Please don't be upset with me."

"You're not making it easy, but I'll try." I patted her on the butt. "You want a back rub?"

"I'd be crazy to say no to that."

"Then roll over." I waited until she was lying face down, then straddled her hips. My cock settled nicely along the cleft of her round ass. I reached for the lotion I had found earlier and put some on her back. I gave her a nice massage, making sure she was good and relaxed.

I moved down and worked her legs, slowly moving up towards her ass. Her contented moans let me know she was enjoying it. I swirled my hands over her cheeks, and ran a finger down her crack to her hole. I was able to easily slip a finger in her ass and work it around. Once she loosed up a bit, I carefully eased a second finger in. She tensed up a little at that, but then relaxed and enjoyed my efforts.

"Am I going to get a happy ending?" she asked with a wiggle.

"That's the plan." I slowly pushed my two fingers in and out of her anus, spreading it open a little more each time and stretching her out. I put some lotion on my cock. I smeared it around, and was ready to go for it. I pulled my fingers out and squirted a big load of hand cream onto my mother's asshole.

"Ooo, what happened?" she giggled.

"Mom, I'm getting ready to fuck you in the ass."

"What? No!"

"You said I couldn't fuck your pussy. That was your only rule. You didn't say anything about fucking you in the ass."

"No, sweetie, please. I've never had anal sex before. I don't even think you can fit in there."

"I'm going to fuck you, Mom, one way or another. It's either in the pussy or in the ass. Your choice." I forced her legs apart and moved into position behind her, ready to thrust into either hole.

"Wait! Let me think a second." I waited. After a moment I pushed forward until the head of my cock touched her pussy. "Okay, okay! The ass."

"You forgot the magic word."


"Please, what?"

"Please, fuck me in the ass," she whimpered. I brought my cock up to her lotion-covered butthole and rubbed against it. "I'm scared," Mom squeaked.

"Just relax, Mom. Don't fight it." I pressed forward gently. I could feel resistance. I pulled away and put a finger back in there, then two. "That's it," I encouraged her when she unclenched. I removed my fingers and quickly moved my cock back into place. This time the very tip of my penis made entry. I pushed a little more and in a few seconds the head of my cock popped inside her asshole.

Mom let out a groan. "That feels so weird. Go slow, sweetie, please." The hard part was over and I took a second to reflect. I was actually putting my cock in my own mother's ass. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd ever be so lucky.

"You're okay?" I checked.

"I think so. Try a little more."

I inched a bit deeper and Mom sucked in a quick breath. I paused and gave her a few seconds, then continued. Her pussy was nice and tight for an older woman who'd had a kid, but her ass was simply amazing by comparison--like it had been custom fitted for my cock. When I got about halfway in, I pulled back some, and slowly pushed in to halfway again. I then took a good minute to slowly penetrate Mom's ass to the full length of my cock.

"Does that feel good, sweetie?" Mom asked, flexing her butt as she did.

"Geez, Mom, I never imagined it would feel this incredible."

"I'm kinda liking it, too. Now fuck Mommy's ass nice and easy."

I drew out part way and slid back in. I did this several more times so Mom could get acclimated to it. And so I wouldn't blow my load right away. After several strokes I felt in control enough to take some full thrusts.

"Ooo, that's it. My little boy is fucking my ass. Your big cock is all the way in Mommy's asshole."

"You like getting fucked in the ass, Mom? How does it feel when I shove my cock into your slutty hole?"

"It feels so wrong. I love it. I love getting fucked in the ass by my son."

I increased my pace by small degrees until I was pounding my mom's ass at a steady pace. Now, with each thrust, she let out a little cry of pleasure mixed with a hint of pain. I felt I was only a few pumps away from coming and stopped. I stayed deep in her butt until the sensation faded.

"Turn me over, sweetie. I want to see your face when you come in my ass."

I pulled out and rolled Mom over onto her back. She raised her knees up to her chest and presented her asshole to me. I was able to enter her much easier this time, though it felt just as tight. With a few slow thrusts to get warmed up, we were soon going at it pretty good again.

"I didn't think it would feel this great," Mom said as she bounced beneath me. She looked into my eyes with ravenous lust. "Try it harder. Slam your cock into Mommy's asshole."

I was happy to follow her wishes and began jamming my cock into her hard and fast. Again, she responded with loud cries each time I hit my limit, but showed no indication she wanted me to let up. I loved watching her tits ride up and down across her chest as I rammed myself into her again and again.

"Mom, I'm going to come!"

"Yes, come in my ass. Fuck your Mommy's dirty asshole!" She pulled her ankles back even farther and the added pressure triggered my orgasm. I plunged myself as deep into her ass as I could and let go inside her with a yell of satisfaction. I pumped several gouts of cum inside my mother before I was depleted. But she wasn't done.

"Don't stop, keep fucking my ass," she begged. I resumed humping her butthole, and she began fingering her clit. Her hand blurred as it flitted back and forth across her pussy faster than I'd ever seen her go. "I'm going to come with your cock in my ass. I'm going to come while my son fucks my asshole!"

Her body tensed, and her asshole cinched even tighter around my cock. I almost couldn't move it. She let out a cry that came from somewhere within her that I'd never been witness to before. And then something unbelievable happened.

A forceful stream of liquid gushed out of her pussy and splashed against my belly. I thought it was pee at first, but it didn't smell anything like piss. Her orgasm continued to rock her body, and as she worked her clit in a rapturous frenzy, more liquid spurted out and got scattered all over my chest and face. After what seemed like a minute-long orgasm, she collapsed back, my cock still buried in her ass.

"What the fuck was that!?" Mom shouted.

"I think you came so hard that you squirted."

"Holy fucking shit! Look at you, you're drenched. That never happened to me before. I didn't even think it was possible. Oh, my God, my head is spinning."

"Just slow down and breathe." I withdrew my cock from her ass and lay on top of my mom. She pulled me tight to her and rubbed her body against my skin, covering herself with her own ejaculate. She kissed and licked my cheeks where her cum had spattered. It was several minutes before our heart rates slowed to normal.

"This stuff smells pretty strong, doesn't it? We should probably take another shower."

"I like it. It smells like you, Mom." I guess that was the right response because her face beamed with a smile just like when she opened the perfect gift on Christmas morning.

Mom began kissing me passionately, pushing her tongue aggressively into my mouth. She rolled us over so she was on top. I was so distracted by our feverish making out that I didn't notice what she was doing until I felt her lower her pussy over my cock.

"But Mom, you said--"

"Shut up."

"Does this mean--"

"Just shut up and fuck me."

To make sure I stopped talking she lowered one of her nipples into my mouth. I sucked it cheerfully, then moved to the other. I grabbed her tits and pushed them together and sucked both nipples at the same time. I loved the way her heavy tits dangled down on my face and I just lost myself between her soft globes of flesh.

As absolutely mind blowing as being in Mom's ass was, it was even more exciting for me to be back in her pussy. When I was fucking her ass there was this visceral feeling of conquering new territory, breaking down walls, and the sheer thrill of the 'badness' of it all. But feeling myself inside my mother's pussy came with a whole different set of emotional sparks.

Mom's pussy was love. Pure and simple. She could jerk me off, suck me, let me whack it onto her tits, or lick my ass, and it was all incredible. When she took me into her pussy, she was showing me how much she loved me. The rest was animal lust; this was acceptance, and trust, and unconditional acknowledgement that we belonged to each other.

With each of us having had a couple of orgasms already, we were able to make love like that for a long while. Mom rode up and down on me, settled in deep and rotated her hips, and for several minutes just squeezed my cock with her pussy and released. The whole time my hands roamed over every inch of her body that I could reach.

"Sweetie, Mommy loves your cock so much," she whispered.

"I love your pussy, Mom."

"It's so nice when my little boy puts his big penis in my cunt. It makes Mommy come so good. You like it when Mommy comes on your cock?"

"I do. I like it when you come. I want to be the one who always makes you come."

"You will, sweetie." She began fucking me faster, working herself purposefully toward an orgasm now. "Every time Mommy masturbates her pussy I'll be thinking about you. I'll think about your cock, and tasting your cum, and watching you fuck my sister. I'll remember the way you look at my naked body, and the way you touch me, and how your cock feels inside me."

"You don't have to take that all away, Mom." I was feeling a strange mix of emotions as my mother made love to my cock, while at the same time breaking my heart by telling me we'd never share this again. "We both want this."

"Shhhh..." She tried to quiet me with kisses.

"I love you, Mom. And not just like a son loves his mom. I love you like a man loves a woman."

"Don't say that, darling. Don't even think about it, just think about Mommy's pussy fucking your cock right now. Think about Mommy's pussy almost ready to come."

"I want to be with you, Mom. I want to take care of you, and protect you. I want to love you and not care if it's right or wrong." I was having a hard time concentrating on my words as Mom increased her pace. Her hips were moving fast, and her pussy convulsed up and down the full length of my cock. Her beautiful tits bounced and slapped together inches from my face.

"Just fuck me, baby. Fuck Mommy and make me come. Make my cunt come all over your sweet cock."

I finally lost all ability to form rational thoughts and grabbed onto my mom's bucking ass. I began answering my mother's thrusts with my own, matching her intensity and rhythm. I spread her ass cheeks open and drove my cock deep into her pussy.

"Oh, God, that's it. Fuck Mommy harder. Fuck Mommy's cunt hard. Make me come, baby!" We pounded each other for only a few seconds more before our orgasms exploded through us at the same time. Mom screamed and dug her fingers into my shoulders, and I pushed myself into her so hard my hips lifted off the bed, carrying her up with me. My cock surged and I released my cum inside her pussy. It was the most glorious sensation.

"I need to taste it, sweetie. I need your cum in my mouth." I rolled her over and went down between her legs. She spread her pussy for me and I cupped my hand beneath her gaping hole. "No, baby, with your mouth. Suck your cum out of my cunt and bring it to me."

I placed my lips around Mom's open vagina and sucked. She flexed her pussy and my cum flooded out of her hole and into my mouth. As soon as I had my entire load in my mouth, I mounted her again, sliding my cock back into her cunt. She knew what treasure I held in my mouth and licked my lips, eager to taste it.

"Give Mommy your cum, sweetie. I want to eat my baby's cum so bad."

I made her work for it, and after a struggle she was able to force my mouth open. My cum oozed onto her tongue. After I had sent only about half of my wad down to her she stopped me. Mom played with my semen on her tongue, savoring the taste and feel of it, opening up and showing it to me, then swallowed it all. I was prepared to feed her the rest I still held in my mouth, but she put her fingers over my lips.

"No. The rest is for you." Her eyes had a wicked light in them. "I want to watch you eat your own cum. Will you do that for Mommy?" I nodded. "Show me first." I carefully gathered my semen onto the end of my tongue and let her see. "Mmm, now swallow it, baby. Swallow your own cum." I let the wad of jizz slide down my throat, then opened up again to show her it was all gone. "Such a good boy."

By this time we were fucking again at a pretty good clip, and as soon as I began swallowing my cum, Mom was closing in on her next orgasm. It wasn't going to be as easy for me, but I was determined to come again, too.

I got my knees under me, lifted her legs up, pushing them together and holding them in front of me, and focused all my attention on my cock. Her pussy was tighter in this position, which I really needed at this point. There was a loud, slick sucking sound each time I slammed into her. But I needed something more. Mom's voice.

"You like when I fuck you like a whore?"

"Yes. I am your whore."

"Tell me what a slut you are," I growled and smacked the side of her ass.

"I'm such a horny slut. I can't stop fucking my son. I'm a slut for your big cock."

"Where do you want me to come?" I demanded and slapped her ass harder.

"Come inside me. Come inside your Mommy's cunt."

"Make me come, bitch!" I smacked her again and she cried out when she felt the sting.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck my cunt, fuck my cunt, come in my fucking cunt! I want your cum inside my pussy. Mommy wants your cock to come in my big, wet cunt!"

That did it for me. My increasingly sore testicles strained and sent the remaining few dregs of my semen into my mom's pussy. What it lacked in volume, my orgasm made up for in fulfillment. My mom peaked moments later and came with a shivery spasm. I fell onto the bed next to my mom, coated in sweat and exhausted.

I watched limp and helpless as my mother continued without me. She squeezed what little cum I had deposited inside her out into her hand and rubbed it onto her tits. She then proceeded to lick and suck my semen off her own nipples as she masturbated beside me. Within seconds she was writhing under the effects of yet another orgasm.

This woman never ceased to amaze.


We had both lain awake for hours after that. We didn't quite have the energy to make love again, but neither of us wanted to go to sleep. I was lying on my stomach. Mom, warm and naked, was pressed close to me. Her fingers drifted lazily across my back, occasionally finding their way down across my butt to my legs.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can we talk about tomorrow?"

"What's left to talk about?"

"I know you said we can't...be intimate once we're in our new place. I know you said that's the way it has to be. But I also know it isn't what you really want."

"Things can't always be the way we want, honey." She kissed my shoulder and moved closer to me.

"I have to be honest, Mom. I don't know if I can handle not being with you like this ever again."

"We have to be strong." She draped her leg over my back and I could feel the hair between her legs tickle my hip. "We need to help each other be strong."

"So I'm supposed to go find myself a girl, and you're going to get a new man, and that'll make us normal and happy again?"

"I don't know about me getting a man," she climbed on top of me, "but it would be good for you to find a girlfriend." Once she was straddling my lower back, Mom leaned forward and let just the tips of her nipples brush against my bare skin.

"A girlfriend that will eat my cum, and pee for me, and masturbate in front of strangers?"

"Why would you want a perverted woman like that?" She laughed as her nipples traced graceful circles on my back. My flesh responded with goose bumps.

"I want to make sure she's the kind of girl I can take home to mom." I shifted and she lifted herself to allow me to turn over. "I just want to make sure it's for real this time. That we're really going to give all this up after tonight."

"When you were fourteen I finally admitted to myself that I wanted to have sex with my own son." She leaned down and grazed her dangling nipples over my chest. "I was able to control my urges for almost five years. Then my life went haywire and I let myself give in." She moved herself down a bit lower so her pussy rested atop my flaccid penis. "My life is about to get back on track. When it does, I'll be able to get myself, and my urges, back under control."

She sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as me. I wanted to argue, to shake her and scream, to make her see how wrong she was. But I couldn't be that selfish. I had to try to give her what she wanted, or thought she wanted, no matter how much it hurt.

"I love you, Mom."

"That's all I need to be happy." She brought her lips to mine. Mom pressed her wet pussy against my soft cock and awakened my weary appendage. I was barely hard enough to be useful when she tucked me inside her. "Mmm, this reminds me of my first time," she said after a few subtle turns of her hips.

"You mean your first time you had sex with a warm marshmallow?"

"It was the summer before my junior year. I was at bible camp and went with this guy on a dare. He was so nervous he couldn't get it up all the way. He's lucky my sister and I were so preoccupied with putting things in each other's pussies or he would never have been able to get it in."

"What happened?"

"He gave me two pumps with his mushy wiener, filled his condom, then ran back to the boy's camp and left me there in the woods with my shorts down around my ankles." Mom continued to massage my cock with her pussy, but it wasn't like we were fucking with the single-minded purpose of an orgasm. She just wanted me inside her.

"So you didn't even get off your first time?"

"Technically, no." She sat up on me, reaching around and tickling my balls. "After he was gone, I got totally naked and spent hours sneaking around the outskirts of camp and masturbating. I heard a group of counselors around a campfire, so I snuck up within about thirty feet. I hid in the shadows, diddling my pussy and listening to them talk about how much they loved Jesus. Now that was a damn good orgasm."

"You are going to hell for sure, young lady."

"Gee, you think?" She giggled and pinched my thigh. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Tell me about your first time."

"Oh. No, you don't want to hear about that."

"Was it Cindy after the senior prom?"


"C'mon, tell Mommy about the slut who popped my little boy's cherry."

"Okay, well...we went out to a nice dinner first, and had a really nice time. She looked beautiful in her sexy dress and hair done up real pretty." I paused, not sure if I should continue. "We had a cheap motel room."

"Ooo," Mom interrupted, "so now I know why motels get you so horny."

"We were really hot for each other, but she didn't want to go all the way with me. So we started fooling around, and I asked her to let me rub my penis on her pussy, but she wouldn't do it until I told her she could hold it and rub herself with my cock."

"You used that same trick on me! You little stinker!" Mom squeezed my face, pinching my cheeks together, but not yet getting what I was saying.

"I talked her into putting it in her pussy just once, but after I was inside of her she didn't want to take it out."

"I know that feeling!" She flexed her pussy muscles tight around my cock for emphasis.

"We stayed up all night and made love. It was the most amazing night of my life."

"Okay, I'm starting to get a little jealous." Mom was moving a bit more now, but still with relaxed purpose. "What happened with you two after that? Did you see her again?"

"Yes." I reached up and caressed Mom's face. "The next day we checked out of the motel and headed for Texas to start our new life together."

My mom froze. Her eyes searched mine in the silent gloom. I could see her putting the pieces together, and then full realization struck her. And it struck her hard.

A gulping sob caught in her chest and she jumped off of me. She turned in several directions, not knowing where she wanted to go. She fled to the corner of the room by the door and hid her face. She stood there naked, shaking her head, her shoulders trembling as she wept silently into her hands.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I had no idea she would react like this. I figured she'd be surprised, but not like this. I went to her and put my arm around her. "Don't be upset."

"You were a virgin?" The words came out as something less than a whisper. She turned and pressed her teary face against my chest. "I took my own son's virginity?"

I wrapped my arms tight around her, knowing I had done an awful thing to her, but not understanding exactly what.

"It's okay," I offered lamely.

"I'm a horrible mother. If I had known..."

"It's no big deal, Mom. Really."

"You don't understand. It is a big deal. I took something from you that I had no right to. Something you can never get back, and now that's a part of who you are forever."

"I'm glad it was you, Mom." I gently led her back to the bed and we sat down. "It was the most exciting, best night of my life. And it was with someone I loved, and who loved me. Isn't that what's important?"

"What are you going to say to your wife when she asks about your first time? Are you going to tell her your own mother stole your innocence?"

"I was hardly innocent, Mom. That's not even worth worrying about that." Mom's body was driving me crazy. I know we were in the middle of a very emotional situation, but she was sitting next to me, completely naked, and all I could think about was sucking her nipples and playing with her pussy. My cock was awakened from it stupor and stood up from my lap strong and firm. "From what you told me, my first time was a hell of a lot better than yours."

"Can't argue that." The tears had subsided but she was still clearly upset.

"If you could go back and do it all over, would you want to lose your virginity to that dork in the woods at bible camp, or would you rather your first time be with your dad?"

Mom got a faraway look in her eye. I lay back on the bed, drawing her down with me.

"I guess I would have liked that better." She sniffled and thought about it some more. "He stopped playing with us when my sister reached puberty. I was so mad at her. I cried for a week. When I was older I'd dream about him coming into my room at night and making love to me."

I couldn't keep my hands off my mom any longer. I caressed her belly and soon worked my way up to her chest. She moved her own hand down between her legs.

"I wanted my daddy inside me so much. I'd think about how we played with him in the shower. How I'd soap up his penis and it would get so big." Her fingers worked slowly around her clit as she talked. "I didn't understand what we were doing at the time, but when I was older I realized what I had missed out on. I wanted my father in my mouth, I wanted to stroke him and feel his warm cum on my skin, I wanted Daddy's cock deep in my pussy."

"I had all those same kinds of fantasies about you, except all mine came true." I took one of my mom's hard nipples into my mouth, and her hand quickened on her pussy.

"Just because you wanted it doesn't make it right for me to have done what I've done. I'm a bad mother, and what I did was wrong."

"Was it wrong for you to masturbate with me?"

"Yes." She opened her legs wider as I pressed my cock against her hip.

"Was it wrong for you to suck my cock?"

"Yes. I should never have swallowed my baby's cum."

"Was it wrong for me to taste your pussy?" I climbed on top of her.

"Yes. You shouldn't have sucked my clit, and put your tongue in my cunt."

"Was it wrong of me to lick your ass?" I slid my cock inside my mother as she continued to masturbate her clit. She hooked her legs around mine and drew me in.

"Yes. It was wrong for me to let my little boy suck my asshole and put his fingers in me back there."

"Was it wrong for me to put my penis inside you?"

"Yes..." She became unfocused in her mounting ecstasy. I pulled nearly all the way out and then pushed myself deep inside her with one long smooth thrust.

"Is this wrong?"

"Yes...no... no, it can't be wrong. It feels so right when you're inside me. Your cock belongs in Mommy's pussy. It can't be wrong to feel this good. Please fuck me, baby. Fuck Mommy's cunt with your big, hard cock. Fuck me and make me come one last time."

"I will, Mom. I'll always be here to make you feel good."

I moved in and out of my mother with slow, deliberate strokes while she fingered the stiff nub of her clit. I held my body above her so I was able to look down and watch my cock repeatedly sink into Mom's wet hole. Her hand sped up, and her body told me she was close to coming.

"Oh, God," she panted, "you fuck me so good, sweetie."

I gave her a few more seconds, and just as she was about to reach the crest of her orgasm I took hold of her wrist and pulled her hand away from her clit. Her eyes flew open and she cried out in anguish.

"What? No!"

"Not yet," I leered down at her as I grabbed her other wrist and pinned her hands above her head like I had earlier in the night.

"I was almost there, I can feel it so close, let me come, please let me come."

I ignored her pleas and held myself motionless inside her until I was sure she was no longer on the verge of orgasm. Only then did I resume fucking my mom, occasionally dipping my head down to suck a nipple or kiss her lips.

"You'll come when I decide to make you come, Mom." I held her arms firm, she tested me, but I did not release her.

"Hurry, sweetie, please make me come."

My slow strokes were driving her crazy. She writhed and pushed against me, trying desperately to wrest more pleasure from me than I was prepared to ration out. I was taking a great deal of satisfaction from exercising this kind of power over my mother.

"Be a good little girl," I said to her, lowering my voice, "and Daddy will make you feel real nice." Mom's frantic movements lessened. "Don't tell your sister about Daddy's special treat. This is just for you, princess." She became suddenly passive beneath me, her eyes drifted closed and she seemed to shift into another world.

"I won't tell, Daddy," she whispered huskily. "I'll be good."

"You like touching Daddy's penis in the shower, don't you, sweetheart?"

"Yes. I like to be naked with you, and play with your big penis when it's all soapy and slippery."

"Daddy's penis gets hard when he gives you love tickles on your little privates."

"I know, Daddy, I can feel it when I sit on your lap. Does it feel good for you when you put your fingers on my naked puss?"

"It feels so good, princess." I was captivated by the look of childlike elation on my mom's face as we played out her fantasy. "So good that I had to see what it was like to put my penis inside you."

"Oh, Daddy, it's wonderful. But what about mother?"

"We have to keep this secret from your mother. She can't know how naughty we are."

"I won't tell, Daddy, I promise. You can put your penis in me whenever you want."

"That's a good girl. Do you want Daddy to go faster now?"

"Yes, please Daddy, I want you to fuck me like a big girl."

I gradually transitioned from my rolling movements inside my mom to more forceful thrusts, slowly building in speed and intensity.

"How's that, princess?"

"Oh, Daddy, fuck me harder. Fuck me hard with your big cock!"

"I don't want to hurt my little girl's privates."

"It's okay, Daddy, you can fuck my pussy as hard as you want."

With that I began really going at it. I got my knees beneath me for maximum leverage and put my whole body into my efforts to fuck my mother as hard as she wanted. She responded with cries of pleasure as each thrust slammed deep within her. Our bodies slapped and pounded together in a mad frenzy. Her amazing breasts whipped around wildly in time with our powerful lovemaking.

"Daddy's going to come!" I cried out.

"Yes! Come inside me, Daddy! I want Daddy's cum in my cunt!"

"Here it comes, princess! Daddy's coming!" I pushed as far into my mother as I could and unleashed my load inside her. But it was only a momentary pause, as Mom was riding my cock to the brink of her own orgasm and wasn't about to let up. I resumed fucking her as hard as I could, giving her everything I had left.

"Daddy, your cum feels so good in my little cunny. I can feel it way up in my tummy. I want to come on your cock now. Make me come on your cock, Daddy!" This orgasm was building from deep inside her. It seemed to be emerging from a place buried within, and exploding out of the darkness of shame into the light of fulfilled revelation. "Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck your little girl's cunt! Fuck my cunt, Daddy!"

Mom's pussy clenched, her body convulsed, her voice screamed out. Her arms and legs grabbed me and pulled me into her with all her might. She came, her orgasm ripping through her, not just once, but repeatedly in a resonating pulse that was amplified with each rebounding wave. She came again, her fingernails digging painfully into my back, her hips grinding hard against me, and her cunt extracting every scintilla of pleasure my cock had to offer. She came a third time. This one was accompanied with a moan that sounded partly like a euphoric sob. The guilt, the pleasure, the shame, and the joy all knotted together in an inextricable amalgamation of vulgar gratification that enlivened her limbs and invigorated every keening nerve to capacity.

Her mind may have been inundated to near incoherence, but her body persisted as if of its own volition. She continued fucking me, urging me to keep on. Her wetness was beyond anything I'd yet experienced. Her delirious groans of ecstasy became almost otherworldly. Her every muscle quivered, expending her last vestiges of strength toward this one final, all-consuming end. When it came, it came in silence.

Mom held her breath, and with every sinew strained taut, experienced this singular culminating orgasm. Rather than a lessening with each successive climax, her orgasms seemed to become even more profoundly intense. I looked down at her with desolate envy, knowing I could never know such divine rapture, but grateful to be witness to it. Then, like a cloud slowly drawing away from the moon to reveal its serene countenance, Mom relaxed beneath me. Contentment suffused her whole being.

Her breath came ragged for several minutes, sweat bathing her body in a delicate luster. Mom's eyes opened, looking as if awakening from an enchanted dream. Her hand reached up and delicately brushed my cheek.

"My handsome boy."

I stayed inside my mom for as long as I could. We kissed, and nuzzled, and basked in each other's glow until I eventually softened and my limp cock slipped out of my mother's still sopping wet pussy.

It would be dawn soon, and if Mom was true to her word, this would be the last time we'd make love.


Morning came gray and cool. The streets outside were quiet and empty. I sat on the bed waiting for Mom to finish in the shower. I had expected to be more depressed that I was. Maybe I was just too tired to know how I really felt, but there was a comfortable warmth at my core that seemed to be assuring me everything was going to be okay.

"Sweetie?" Mom called from behind the closed door of the bathroom.

"Yeah, Mom?"

There was a pause. That pause had a gravity about it that put me on edge.

"Can you go into my suitcase...and bring me a tampon?"

A dozen emotions raced through me all at once upon hearing that final word. Mom, it appeared, was not pregnant with my baby.

Relief was my first natural reaction, but as I rummaged through her bag, I realized there was an inkling of regret there as well. I guess I knew on some level that if she did have my child growing inside her that it would require a radical redefinition of our relationship. We wouldn't just be fooling around together and playing with naughty taboos, but we would need to deal with what we were doing more seriously. Perhaps deciding to live as husband and wife for the sake of the baby.

But that was all nothing more than fanciful speculation, at least for now. I tapped on the bathroom door. Mom opened up and reached out for the tampon. I passed it to her and our eyes met. I could see the relief in her face, but she couldn't mask the sadness in her eyes. As she closed the door I knew that she felt exactly the same regrets as I did.

I became aware in that moment that things would no doubt be different between Mom and me when we were in our new home, but I was now certain they would be anything but normal. And I intended to make sure of it.