Hard Times with Mom Ch. 13 p2


"No," she said, biting her lip. "The longer I avoid it the more power I give it. I should sleep in my own bed tonight." She wanted to say something more, but held back.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

She looked at me with thankful eyes, and simply nodded. I followed Mom into her bedroom and watched her undress down to nothing. She selected one of her sexy nighties, the blue one I liked with the puffy shoulders, and slipped it on. She lit a small candle and set it on her nightstand, then turned off the lights. I got undressed and slid into bed with her. Mom snuggled up close to me, resting her head on my chest.

"Thanks, sweetie," she said after a while. "Despite what happened, I actually had a really nice day today."

"I'm glad." I kissed her lightly on the top of her head and stroked her hair. It felt so good to be touching my mother again like this.

"Is your hand okay?"

"A little sore, but it'll be fine," I said, downplaying the reality of the pain I was feeling, but knowing that I would have willingly suffered far more if that's what it had taken to protect her.

She took my hand and touched her lips to each swollen knuckle. Those tender lips that had kissed away all my hurts when I was a boy still held a special kind of magic. I was so overcome with love for her that I felt ready to burst.

"Mom...there's something I wanted to talk about."

"What is it, honey?"

"This might not be a good time..."

"No, it's all right. What do you want to say?"

"I love you, Mom. I've spent a lot of time thinking about things...about you and me, and I'm sure of what I want now. I want to be with you, Mom. Not just as mother and son--even though I never want to lose that part of what have together--but I want us to be more."

"You shouldn't be wasting this time of your life with me. You should be with a girl your own age. Like that Kim girl, what about her?"

"We broke up."

"Oh." She kissed my chest as if to console me. "What happened?"

"She wasn't you, Mom. Kim was a nice girl, but I could never have feelings for someone like I have for you," I explained. Mom propped herself up and looked into my eyes.

"But that's what I'm afraid of, sweetie. I used you to fulfill my filthy urges, and now you have all these feeling for your own mother that you should be having for other girls. It's not right what I did, and I don't want you paying the price for my sick perversions."

"Maybe what you're saying is true. It isn't right what we did. A mother and son shouldn't lust after each other, or live out their sexual fantasies together, and make love with each other, but we did all those things. It's part of who we are now. We can't go back and change what we did, so the only thing we can do is move forward."

"Do you really understand what you're saying?"

"I do. I know it won't be easy, and we'll have a lot of things to figure out as we go, but I'm not a little kid anymore. I've thought this through and I know it's what's right--for the both of us. More important, I know it's what's right in my heart."

Mom looked deep into my eyes and gathered strength from the conviction she saw in me.

"I love you, too," she finally said, and tried to hold back the tears. "I realized when I was last out with...him, that even the thought of being with anyone else made me sick to my stomach. I knew then that it could only be you. My son was the only one I wanted inside me; the only one I wanted to love me."

"Then we both feel the same way." My whole body suddenly felt lighter and somehow more alive. "No more guilt, no more shame? And we're done with the games?"

"Yes," she said and kissed me urgently. "Yes!" She kissed me again. "And, yes!" She all but climbed on top of me with this last kiss. Her tongue sought out mine and we kissed like lovers reunited after years apart. Her body was so warm and soft, she felt like pure happiness given physical form.

She pulled her nightie off, eager to feel her bare flesh against mine. Our bodies came together and it was better than heaven. Her lips on mine, her naked breasts pressed to my chest, our legs intertwining. The wonder of it was almost too much to take in all at once.

"Mom, I've missed your body so much."

"You have no idea how much I want you right now." She pulled my boxers down and grabbed hold of my hard cock, leaving me to kick my shorts the rest of the way off. We were finally together again and completely naked. "Does Mommy's little boy want me to lick his big pee-pee?" she whispered playfully in my ear.

I hated to break the moment, but I had to do it. I took her face tenderly in my hands and tried to make sure she paid close attention.

"Listen, this important. You're not Mommy, and I'm not a little boy. Not tonight."

Mom blinked, taken off guard, then she smiled.

"You're right." She caressed my cheek. "You're not my little boy. You've become your own man right in front of me, haven't you? The best man I've ever known. And I'm your woman now."

"You are."

"Well, your woman wants to suck her man's cock," she growled lustily.

"It's all yours, woman! What are you waiting for?"

She threw off the covers and took me hungrily into her mouth. It was such a welcomed sight to see my cock disappearing into my mother's mouth again. She sucked and licked me like it was her only purpose in life. With each bob of her head she took me deeper, until finally she swallowed my entire cock. I can't even describe the incredible sensation of feeling my mother take the full length of my penis in her mouth and down her throat.

She came up for a breath, then immediately swallowed me again. She worked me up and down as long as she could then released me with a slight gag. Mom moved her attention to my balls and played her tongue over them. While she was licking my scrotum, she shifted into the sixty-nine position and straddled my face.

Mom pressed her shaved pussy down onto my mouth and I happily tasted her glorious essence once more. My tongue reacquainted itself with the now hairless contours of my mother's exquisite pussy. She tasted better than my memories could ever do justice. Her soft, feminine recesses opened readily to my explorations. Mom's sultry juices flowed freely, coating my lips and nose and cheeks as my mouth made love to her precious cunt.

"That's it, eat my pussy," Mom panted. "Stick your tongue in my pussy hole. Your mouth feels so good on my cunt."

She returned her lips to my cock and we continued to suck each other. It was impossible to concentrate fully on both sources of extreme pleasure at the same time. I fucked my mom's mouth, while she fucked mine for a long while. We teased each other to the edge of orgasm. I could feel my mom's breasts brushing against my stomach, and I had to have them.

"Mom, I want your tits."

"You want to play with my big titties?"

"Yes, I need them."

She rolled over and fondled her huge breasts while I repositioned myself.

"They've missed you so much."

"It drove me insane every time I saw your tits and couldn't touch them." I watched her rub and squeeze her own breasts, enjoying Mom's seductive exhibition.

"It was so much fun to watch you get hard when you looked at me. I like showing off for you."

"I love your body so much. Every night I would jerk off and think about your naked tits, and your ass, and your beautiful pussy."

"Put your hands on me. Come feel me, sweetheart."

I reached out and let my hands settle gratefully onto my mother's big breasts. She pushed them together for me and I traced her voluptuous mounds with my fingertips. Mom released them to me and I took complete control of her fleshy globes. I massaged her, entranced by the inexplicable fascination her breasts held for me.

"Suck my nipples, sweetie. Please..."

I readily complied with her desire and took one of her large nipples into my mouth. I licked and sucked her sensitive areola, delighting in Mom's writhing reaction to my efforts. I moved to the other, and received and equally enthusiastic response. I then switched over to suckling her. I mouthed her quick and hard, like I was an infant trying to draw milk from her impassioned nipple.

"Oh, God, yes--just like that!" she cried out. I shifted to her other nipple and gave it the same treatment while pinching and pulling at the spit soaked one I'd just abandoned. "That's it... suck me hard. You're going to make me come."

I sucked even harder when I heard that. I bit down lightly and that brought forth a loud moan from Mom. Her legs thrashed, pressing together, then opening wide as I continued with unforgiving intensity.

"Do it with me, Mom." I abruptly pushed the tit I was sucking on up toward her face and watched her take her own nipple into her mouth. There was something about watching her do this that sent chills up my spine every time I saw it. She grabbed the back of my head and forced my mouth down onto her unattended nipple, where I resumed my aggressive nursing.

She pressed her tits together with her hands so that our faces were cheek to cheek as we each sucked and bit and pulled at her big, dark nipples. Her hips bucked rhythmically and her muffled screams built to an ecstatic crescendo. At the height of her passion she let her nipple pop from her mouth, and screamed out.

"Oh, God, I'm coming!" She clamped her legs together and lifted her ass up off the bed. I squished her tits closer together and sucked both her nipples at the same time. "Right there, that's it! Make me come. Yes!" Mom let out a feral grunt of release as her first orgasm of the night cascaded through her body.

It was only then that I realized she had come without touching her pussy at all. She must have been so ridiculously horny to have achieved orgasm from just having her nipples sucked. Mom managed to surprise me yet again.

"I liked the sound of that," I said, kissing and licking her nipples softly in an attempt to soothe them after all the rough handling.

"That was so good. You're the only one who ever made me come like that," she said between hurried breaths. She ran her fingers through my hair as I continued feathering kisses all over her breasts in ever widening circles. "You know, you used to make me come when you were just a baby."

"How do you mean?" I asked without interrupting my ongoing oral journey across my mother's chest.

"Sometimes, when I was breastfeeding you, I would get wet and my clit would get all hard. I tried to ignore it at first, thinking there was something wrong with me, but it kept happening, especially during night feedings." I realized that she was finishing the confession she had started at the diner but was too ashamed then to say it out loud. I worked my way down underneath her breast and ran my tongue along the sweaty crease I found there.

"One night, I couldn't take it anymore and I touched myself while you were feeding. I masturbated while my innocent little baby was sucking milk from my breast, and I made myself come--with your help."

"I wish you had some milk for me now," I teased and suckled playfully on her nipple.

"This might seem funny to you, but at the time I felt like such a degenerate." Her fingers drifted down to my shoulders and tickled the bare skin of my arm as she talked. "I promised myself I would never do anything that despicable again, but a week later I fingered myself while your were sucking at my nipple and had my first multiple-orgasm, if you can believe it."

"When it comes to your pussy, Mom, I can believe anything."

She gave me a light pinch and went on. "I found a magazine article that mentioned how some women became sexually excited while breastfeeding, and I didn't feel so bad after that. I played with myself while I fed you as often as I could, mostly when I was sure there was no chance your father would catch us--I mean me."

"No wonder I feel so warm and fuzzy when you masturbate for me now." I nuzzled my way up between her breasts and kissed her neck as I listened to her comforting voice.

Mom had admitted quite a few secrets to me over the past months, but this time something was different. The confessions always came from a place of deep guilt. She was usually ashamed of her feelings and the things she had done because of those feelings. When she almost told me about this before, she was too overcome with humiliation to even divulge this intensely private secret.

But this time it was different. She wasn't trying to justify her transgression or seek forgiveness. This wasn't coming from a sense of shame. She was expressing how much she loved me. Not only by telling me about what she did with me when I was a baby, but by showing unconditional trust in sharing this with me. To be honest, if she had told me these things at the diner several weeks ago, I would have been shocked, and probably a little disturbed. But to hear it now, like this, it seemed like the most natural, loving thing a mother could do with her baby.

"But, you know me, I can never just be happy with a good thing. I always have to take it a step too far," she went on.

"What did you do?" I kissed her on the lips, causing a brief lapse in her story.

"Ahh, you made me forget what I was saying."

"You went too far..."

"Oh, yes. You're father was away on a fishing trip and it was just you and me all alone. That night I decided to get totally naked when I breastfed you."

"Was I naked, too?"

"Yes, and you were a horny little thing back then, too. You sucked so hard on me that night. And I could feel your naked little penis rubbing against my bare skin, and you even got a tiny erection. I couldn't count how many times I made myself come that night. Even after you were done feeding, I kept fingering myself as I held you on my tummy. It was the best feeling I'd ever had." She sighed with wistful nostalgia. "Then, you peed on me."

I couldn't help but bust out laughing at that. She joined in and we were both practically in tears by the time our laughter subsided.

"Would it make your feel better if I peed on you now for old time's sake?" I offered jokingly.

"Don't be gross." She smacked me on the shoulder. "But...if that's something you really want, I guess we could try it some time." There seemed to be no limits to this woman's kinky appetites.

Mom stretched her whole body then, reaching her arms above her head, pointing her toes and arching her back. She then released the tension from all her muscles at once and relaxed.

"I doesn't seem fair to be this happy," she mused.

My gaze fell on the hollow of my mom's armpit. With her hands still over her head, both her underarms were open to me and were looking strangely alluring in the shifting light of the candle. I started back at one of Mom's nipples and kissed my way toward my newest fixation. She squirmed a bit when I reached my destination, but she let me indulge my curiosity.

There was no deodorant or perfume that I could detect. It was just the delicate scent of her natural fragrance and the barest trace of soap. I kissed around the edges, then down into the shallow scoop of her armpit. She had shaved recently, but not today. I could feel the slight prickle on my lips. I reached out with my tongue and gave this unfamiliar area a tentative lick. A sudden tingle spread across my shoulders and back, and encouraged me to continue.

I licked her armpit again, then once more with a longer stroke of my tongue. Mom giggled and pulled away for a second, but then she moved back wanting more. I licked and sucked the soft skin there under her arm, becoming lost in the taste and feel of the experience.

"That feels so weird," Mom gasped. "Do this one, too." She turned and presented her other underarm for my pleasure. I ran my tongue across this matching place of intimate temptation, and was rewarded with a fresh taste of my Mom's unique flavor. Her giggling continued and reminded me how much I adored this woman.

"It's official," I announced after a few minutes, "I love every single inch of you."

"Mmmm, you're spoiling me." She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big kiss. "Now spoil me some more! You know what I'd like to do now?"

"Balance the checkbook?"

"Stop joking around, mister. This is serious business!" She tugged my ear to punctuate her point. "I want you to masturbate for me."

"How about if I jerk off by rubbing myself inside your pussy?"

"No, I want to watch you."

"Okay, if that's what you want..."

"Yay! Go down to the foot of the bed and get up on your knees," Mom directed. She arranged her pillows against the headboard and lay facing me with her legs wide. I was kneeling between her feet and prepared to begin stroking myself for her.


"No, wait! This stupid candle isn't bright enough." She turned on the bedside light and smiled when she looked at the view she had now. "Okay, show me what you got, hot stuff."

I started by running my hands all over my body. I felt completely foolish doing it, but Mom was getting a real kick out of it, so I played it up.

"You've been driving me wild lately walking around here with no shirt on." Her hand went down between her legs and she teased a finger up and down her wet slit as her eyes roamed all over me.

"I've always done that."

"But now you have all those new muscles." She bit her lip and circled her finger around her clit. I had noticed the changes in my body myself, but the way my mother was looking at me made me realize how significant those changes really were.

"And I thought you loved me for my personality," I pouted.

"When we're in bed, all I care about is that hard, young body of yours, sweetheart. Now rub your big cock for me."

I reached down and took my cock lightly between my fingers and rubbed my shaft. Mom spread her pussy lips open with one hand, and continued to diddle her clit with just one finger. Her naked body looked amazing now that I had a better view of it in the light. Each time I saw her nude I couldn't believe my good fortune.

"That's it, honey, look at my pussy and jerk your hard cock while I watch you." She slid her finger down and played it across the opening of her vagina. I wrapped my hand around my shaft and began stroking nice and slow. I reached down with my other hand and toyed with my dangling balls. I tugged on the loose skin of my scrotum, and then lifted my nuts and squeezed them as she watched with rapt concentration.

"You like watching me play with my cock?"

"Oh, yes. It makes me so wet to see my son touch himself like this. I love seeing your big, strong hands on your hard cock. I like watching you be naughty while I put my fingers in my pussy." Mom pushed two fingers into her slick hole.

"I like it when you play with your pussy in front of me."

"It feels so good to masturbate with you, sweetie. I love to spread my legs, and show off my pussy to my son." She continued finger fucking herself with one hand, and reached around her leg with the other. She lifted her hips and rubbed a finger around her asshole. "Remember when you put your cock in here? Remember when you fucked my ass?"

"It was so tight," I recalled.

"I was sore for days, but it was worth it." Mom eased a finger into her asshole. I beat my cock at the same pace as her fingers pumping in and out of both her holes. "That looks so good, honey, jerk off with me."

"You're going to make me come, Mom. Where do you want it?"

"In my mouth, sweetie. Come up here and masturbate into my mouth."

I moved up the bed so I was kneeling next to my mom's face. She was thumping away at her pussy and ass with increasing energy. Her eyes focused on the swollen head of my cock and I jerked off over her opened mouth.

"You want it in your mouth, Mom?"

"I want to taste your cum, darling. I want it on my tongue when I get myself off. I love eating my son's cum so much."

"Are you still my whore?"

"Yes. I'm your filthy slut. You can have me whenever you want. I'll do anything you tell me. Come in your whore's mouth."

I jacked off faster, letting my balls slap against my mom's cheek as I did. I could feel the sensation building. After so many weeks I was finally going to come again with Mom. I looked down at her beautiful face and her gaping mouth, and felt the surge overtake me.

The first jet of semen shot right past her face and onto the far pillow. I angled myself lower and fired the next spurt into her mouth, then another, and another. As soon as the first gob of warm cum hit the inside of her cheek, Mom's own orgasm took hold of her.

I still hadn't exhausted my load, and even more cum erupted from my cock and squirted onto my mother's waiting tongue. Her hand was working her pussy hard and fast, extending and intensifying her ongoing orgasm as much as possible. Her mouth was so full of my cum she couldn't speak, but her incessant moans of pleasure told the whole story.

I milked the last oozing drops of semen out of my cock and onto her lips, then bent down and kissed her. My time with Mom had trained me to love the taste of my own cum, especially when it was on her body. Kissing her cummy lips sparked off another wave of orgasm for her and she came again while I licked her clean. As soon as I was done, she let some more of my white goo dribble out of her mouth and onto her chin. I dutifully licked and sucked it up as well.

Mom opened up to show me she had my ridiculously huge load still in her mouth. I stuck my tongue in there and swirled it around, feeling the thick, slimy wad of fresh cum. Her hands were no longer between her legs and were now grasping and clawing at my body with unrestrained passion.

She got up and pushed me down so I was lying on my stomach. I had no idea what she had in mind, but she got down between my legs and spread my ass cheeks open. She then let my cum dribble from her mouth down into my ass crack. I felt it seep down and over my asshole.

"Does that feel good? Does it feel nice to have your cum all over your ass?"

"Yes," was all I could manage.

"Don't worry, I'll clean up the mess for you." I felt her tongue on my asshole as she began licking up the spilt cum and swallowing it. Her mouth worked up and down my ass crack and all over my butt as she swabbed up every last trace of cum. Once clean she returned to my asshole and spent several minutes tonguing me there, much to my delight.

"Mom, that was unbelievable," I said when she finally had her fill and lay down on top of me. I could feel her soft pussy hair against my butt.

"As if I didn't have enough sexual quirks, now you've given me an obsession for playing with asses."

"Yeah, well, you got me addicted to the taste of cum, so we're even."

"I'm so glad we can be together like this," she said and nibbled my ear.

"We're finally living the dream, Mom."

"C'mon, let's go take a nice hot shower together then play some more."

"Sounds great, but we have work in the morning."

"Damn, you're right." Mom squeezed my shoulders, massaging my muscles as she thought. "What if we both call in sick tomorrow? We could just stay home and spend the whole day fucking."

"We are pretty sick, so it wouldn't be like we were lying."

"So that's a yes? I can have your cock as much as I want for the whole day?"

"How can I say no to that?"

Mom squealed with joy and peppered my back with kisses, then slapped my ass and dragged me off to the shower. We took turns washing each other, and it was all I could do to keep from jamming my cock into Mom's soapy pussy right then. But I wanted to wait. I wanted our first time making love as a real couple to be special, and I think my mom had the same thing in mind.

We dried each other off and couldn't stop ourselves from making out like a couple of horny teenagers (which I, of course, was). We navigated our way to the bed without our lips ever parting, turned the light off, and lay down in the candlelight.

With Mom on her back, I settled my hips in between her thighs. We continued to kiss, but we were less frantic about it now, our lips and tongues playing with amorous sensuality. It felt so natural the way that our bodies came together in perfect harmony, as if we were custom made for each other.

"I love you, Mom," I whispered, overcome with emotion.

"I love you so much, darling. You're the only one I've ever truly loved." When she said those words it struck me immediately that they were true for me as well. My mother was the only person I had ever really loved. The thought made this feel all the more special.

"I need you inside me," she murmured and hugged me tight against her.

There was no difficulty, no fumbling awkwardness, no nervous reservations. I simply shifted my hips forward and my cock slid effortlessly into the loving sanctuary of my mother's moist pussy. Her breath left her in a long sigh of contented fulfillment as I entered her, and inch by inch pressed deeper inside.

"Nothing else could ever feel as good as this," Mom groaned and a shiver ran through my whole body when I heard her say that. She wrapped her legs around me and I stayed deep within her just trying to sense every nerve and be aware of every source of concentrated pleasure this moment was creating for me. I began to move my hips with a slow turn, and Mom instinctively matched my motion.

Her hand pressed down against my lower back keeping me from drawing out of her. She continued grinding herself on my cock in slow, tight circles. I could feel her inner muscles convulsing and flexing around me. I held myself steady, maintaining the pressure of my weight upon her, barely moving. Her breath came quicker, and her legs gripped me tighter, as her hips rotated beneath me.

Her body suddenly tensed and shuddered. She was coming already. Mom buried her face in my shoulder and held me firmly inside her as her orgasm blossomed quietly and slowly receded.

"No one ever fucked me so good." Her words came out sounding almost like a prayer. "Your cock fills me up in every way. I feel whole when you're inside me, like more of a woman than I've ever been before." She was really getting dramatic. I put aside my embarrassment and tried to tell her exactly how I felt at that moment in the same way.

"I'm the man I am because of you, Mom. In every way. You were my first love, and will always be the only woman I ever love. You opened yourself up and taught me how to love you with my heart, and with my body." As I spoke Mom began kissing my neck and face, showing her appreciation for my sincere words. "You're all I live for. I'm going to keep you safe, and take care of you, and make you happy always. I promise."

Mom kissed me then on the lips. I watched her squeeze her eyes closed tight, and saw a tear trickle down her cheek. She held my face between her hands and looked at me with a dreamy expression of complete happiness.

"Okay, that's enough soap opera blubbering," she sniffled and wiped her eyes. "How about we get down to some serious pussy fucking?"

"That's my mom! They don't come any classier."

"Screw classy, just make me come so hard I can't see straight for a week!"

"You got it, Mom!"

I curled my arms under her and held onto her shoulders as I began sliding my cock in and out of her sopping wet hole. I could feel the tiny whiskers scratch against my slickened shaft each time I penetrated her shaven pussy.

"That's it, fuck me. Fuck me hard!" Her hands grabbed my ass and raked my back. "You cock is in your Mom's pussy. You're fucking your own mother's cunt!"

I increased my rhythm and began slamming into her harder. I pulled down on her shoulders with each thrust, impaling her on my cock with passionate force.

"That's right," I grunted. "Your son is fucking you. Your own son is between your legs and has his cock inside your pussy."

"It's so good. You fuck me so good. My son fucks my cunt so gooood!"

"Mom, your pussy is going to make me come."

"Come with me, sweetie, let's come together."

"Should I pull out?"

"No, come inside me."

"Are you sure? What if--"

"It's okay. If you want to, you can come in me."

I knew what she meant, and I knew I shouldn't be making these kinds of choices at a moment like this when I have no rational sense whatsoever, but all I wanted in that moment was to shoot my cum inside my mom.

"I do want to, Mom. I'm going to come in your cunt."

"Do it, baby. Fill my pussy!"

I pounded into her, and she fucked me right back as hard as she could. My balls slapped against my mom's ass and became soaked with the pussy juices that were leaking down from her pulsating hole. I was ready to blow, I tried to hold out until she was ready to come with me, but it was no use.

"I'm coming, Mom! I'm coming!" I pushed myself far inside her and unleashed my load into my mom's pussy. My spontaneous bellow of extreme satisfaction triggered Mom's orgasm.

"Squirt it in me. I can feel your hot cum inside my cunt! Fuck me, fuck me, fuuuck meeee!" she screamed as she came. I was spent, but her hips were still bucking under me. "Don't stop, baby. There's another one in there. Keep fucking me." I gritted my teeth and pushed on, focusing all my energy into fucking one more orgasm out of my mother's pussy. "There it is, right there, yes, fuck yes, unnnngh! Fuck yeah!" That did it. She was satiated for the moment, and relaxed.

"Do you want to taste it?" I asked.

"Not yet. Let's leave it in there for a little while."

I didn't want to ruin the mood, but I felt like I had to say something.

"Mom, I thought about over the past weeks and I would like to have a baby with you, if you want, but I don't know if I'm ready."

"No one's ever ready to have a baby." She brushed her fingers through my hair. "But I understand what you mean. You don't have to worry about me getting pregnant tonight, but I guess it's something we'll need to discuss."

"I was thinking I'd like to have a little girl, that way I'd have someone to help me in the shower before we go to church."

"Oh, God. That's all we need around here, another generation of perverts!"

"Gotta keep the old family traditions alive."

"How about we make a new family tradition where you fuck me in the ass while I finger myself?"

"Now that's a tradition I can get behind."

I lifted Mom's legs and pulled out of her. A messy stream of my cum and her juices seeped out of her pussy and down over her asshole. The perfect lubrication. I watched as she pushed a finger inside her asshole, then another. She slid them in and out, twisting and spreading them, loosening herself up for me. When she was ready she put her hands on her ass cheeks and spread herself open.

My cock was raging hard again by the time she had finished her little exercise, and I rubbed the head against her slippery hole. With just a small amount of pressure I once again infiltrated Mom's rear end. She let out a thrilled gasp, and moved a hand up to her stiff clit.

"I wish I knew how good this felt twenty years ago," Mom said as she played with her pussy.

"I'm glad you didn't." I worked the full length of my cock up into my mom's butt. "I got to be the first one to fuck your virgin asshole."

"I don't want anyone else's cock in my ass but yours."

That sounded fine by me. I moved in and out of her ass with long steady thrusts and watched Mom masturbate herself. Her fingers were wet with a liberal coating of our combined cum. She worked her clit aggressively, occasionally slapping her pussy with a hard smack.

My eyes were drawn up to my mom's tits. As she urgently fingered her pussy, her breasts wobbled with mesmerizing grace. I loved Mom's tits like crazy when they were just sitting there looking beautiful, but to see them in action drove me out of my mind. I stepped up my pace, ramming my cock harder into her ass, and was rewarded with the sight of my mom's tits bouncing even more wildly, almost slapping her under the chin with my every upstroke.

"I'm going to come," she panted. "Fuck my asshole while I come!"

I wouldn't have thought I'd be able to come again so soon, but Mom's ass clenched so tight around my shaft that I could feel the tingle of another orgasm approaching. I gripped my mom's ankles tighter and fucked her harder.

"That's it, Mom. Fuck my cock with your ass. Make me come in your asshole!"

"Oh, yes! Right there, right there, motherfucker! Come in my ass!" Mom started coming first this time, and I followed her within seconds. I shot my first spurt in her ass, then pulled out and sprayed the rest onto her pussy while she held it open for me. She scooped my semen from her swollen lips and quickly transferred it to her mouth. She brought herself off yet again with her fingers as she ate my cum.

Her body continued to tremble with aftershocks for the next minute. She lightly tickled her fingers across her pussy that she had moments before been giving such hard abuse. I was still holding her ankles and began kissing her calf, then moved up to her pretty feet.

My softening cock wilted and came to rest on her pussy. She took it and rubbed herself with it as I kissed and licked my way across her instep to her pretty toes. Mom twisted and purred like a kitten when I ran my tongue between her toes, and occasionally took one into my mouth for a gentle suck.

"That tickles," she giggled, and took her foot away. Her other foot took its place and I tickled that one with my lips and tongue as well. After several minutes of playing with Mom's sexy feet, I fell onto the bed next to her exhausted.

"I need to rest," I groaned.

"We're just getting started! I need to make up for lost time." Mom shook me to keep me from dozing off. I could smell my cum on her breath and it made me smile.

"Just give me a minute, you sex-crazed cougar."

"Cougar? I like that." Mom dragged her nails across my chest like a big cat. "Okay, you stay here and rest, I'm going to rinse off."

I watched her head off to the bathroom, marveling at the alluring sway of her derriere. I rearranged the pillows and felt something underneath one of them. I reached down and pulled it out. It was the panties I had come all over while I was reading her story. They hadn't been washed, and were crusted with my dried cum. Mom was one special woman.

I tucked them back away, then zoned out for a few minutes. When I came around Mom was cleaning my penis with a warm cloth. She was so tender and attentive to her task that I just lay there and enjoyed the attention. When she was done she kissed the tip of my cock and snuggled up next to me.

"I can't believe I wasted so much energy fighting this," she eventually told me. "I was so worried about maintaining some kind of control over my out of control life that I couldn't see what should have been so obvious."

"Do you have idea how nuts you made me, Mom."

"I'm sorry, honey. I know it must have been confusing for you."

"There's a nominee for Understatement of the Year."

"But we're together now, really together. Just promise me we'll always be honest with each other, and not keep any secrets."

"I promise." I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"And if we have trouble, we'll stick together and work things out."

"I'll never leave you, Mom."

"But if things change between us, if you do want a different kind of life, don't hold yourself back for me. I don't want you to have any regrets, or have any reason to resent me."

"Let's not worry about all that right now," I gave her a kiss on the end of her nose. "We have plenty of time to talk and figure this all out together. I love you, and that's all that matters tonight." I kissed her on the lips, and her tension melted away.

We were quiet for a long while, watching the shadows from the guttering candle flame dance fitfully across the ceiling. Mom's fingers drifted across my chest, circling my taut nipples, then meandering over my belly and eventually to my cock. She toyed with my limp penis until it showed some life and began to grow firm.

"Are you done resting yet?"

"I hope you've already hit your sexual peak, because I'm not going to be able to handle you if you get any hornier."

"I want you to fuck me outside." She waggled her eyebrows seductively, and it worked.

"I suppose the lawn could use a night seeding."

She hopped out of bed and blew out the candle. We left the bedroom and I headed for the sliding doors leading out to the back yard. Mom grabbed my wrist.

"No. I want to do it out in the front yard, silly!" She dragged me to the door and peeked out. With a nervous giggle she ran down the walk and onto the grass like a giddy streaker. I followed her out a bit more cautiously, double checking the area even though all the houses around us were still empty.

"Property values are going to skyrocket if anyone finds out about this," I joked.

The autumn air was crisp, but we were warmed by the thrill of our daring little adventure. Mom went to the center of our small front yard and went down onto her hands and knees. She faced toward the street, wagged her tail invitingly at me, and gave a little bark. Mom let her tongue hang out and panted like a sexy puppy.

"Looks like my cougar is now a bitch is in heat," I observed as I came up behind her. She nodded and whined piteously. I couldn't resist having a taste of the tempting treats being presented to me. I lapped Mom's pussy beginning with her clit, working my way up her meaty lips to her always wet pussy hole. I sucked her pungent nectar for a few moments, then continued up until I reached the tight little pucker of her asshole.

The strong smell of her sex mixed with the earthy scent of the grass and soil to create a uniquely invigorating effect. I finished feasting on my mother's backside and moved my cock to her pussy and ran the head along her slit. The intimate fluid escaping from Mom's expectant vagina shimmered in the luster of the nearly full moon. I lubed myself with her lusty secretions and continued to massage her pussy with my cock.

"Stop teasing and stick it in me," Mom begged. "Fuck me out here where everyone can see." There was actually no one around to see. It was late and our closest neighbors were about ten empty houses away. Still, it did feel exciting to be outside like this where it was possible to be seen.

I ended the torture and eased my cock into my mom from behind. Her pussy was nice and tight from that angle and I especially enjoyed the view from back there.

"Ooo, that's it, fuck me like a bad doggie." Mom rocked back and forth on my cock, pulling forward as I pulled back, then slamming back as I thrust forward. Our bodies slapped together loudly with each collision. I grabbed onto her hips for better leverage and by small measures increased the tempo.

Soon I was humping her with quick hard strokes, like a sex-starved dog. It was killing me that I couldn't see my Mom's tits right then. I imagined how they were hanging down beneath her, her nipples stretching almost to the ground. They'd be swaying and swinging with each slamming thrust. I instead focused on my mom's incredible ass.

Her wide cheeks were spread out before me. I could spread them wider and watch how her asshole gaped open just a little for me. I could take my hands away and see how her fleshy butt jiggled each time she bounced back onto my cock. My mom's ass was a true miracle that I'd never tire of worshiping.

"Oh, God, your cock feels so good. I never want to stop fucking you." Mom pushed back against me driving my cock as deep into her pussy as she could. It was just then that I heard something. A metallic jingle came from up the street. I looked and could see someone walking this way with a dog on a leash.

"Mom, someone's coming," I whispered urgently.

"Don't come yet, sweetie."

"No, someone's coming this way. They're going to see us."

"I don't care, keep fucking me. This feels too good, I can't stop now."

I though she was crazy, but I continued humping away. Mom moaned, and making sure she was loud enough to attract attention. I saw the dog-walker stop and look our way. I didn't know if we could be seen in the dark, but the light of the moon should have been bright enough to get a good idea of what we were doing.

The dog-walker backed away, and I was somewhat relieved. I just hoped they weren't going to call the police. I refocused my efforts on getting Mom off as quickly as I possible so we could hurry back inside, when I saw the walker returning, this time without the dog. I watched warily as the shadowy figure came to the center of the unlit cul-de-sac and stopped there. Whoever it was definitely saw us, and now they were watching.

"Fuck me, baby! Fuck my hot pussy!" Mom called out loudly, more for the benefit of our voyeur than anything else.

The watcher came closer, tentatively at first, then getting the courage to step up onto the sidewalk only about twenty feet from where we were going at it like a couple of animals.

It was a woman, probably in her mid-thirties. She had long blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail, and wore a powder blue track suit. She had a slender figure, and from what I could tell in the dim light, a pretty face.

Mom couldn't help but see her now and moaned with heightened arousal. She came up off her hands so that she was kneeling in front of me, my cock still in her pussy, and her body on full display to the strange woman. My mom's hands caressed her skin, squeezing her tits and rubbing her clit. She was really putting on a show.

It must have had an effect on the woman because she slipped her hand down the front of her sweat pants. This blew my mind. I'd expect this from a guy, but I'd never had thought a woman would behave like such a perv. I guess there were more women out there like my mom than I had suspected.

"I'm so turned on right now I can't stand it," Mom whispered to me, then lifted herself up so I slid out of her. She moved to my side and took my cock in her hand. She worked me with exaggerated strokes, putting me on display for her new friend. The woman's hand was busy down her pants while the other found its way up to her chest. She began squeezing her small tits through the track suit.

Mom turned me, giving our voyeur a side view, and bent down to lick the tip of my pussy-soaked cock.

"Oh, yes..." I heard the woman gasp under her breath. She looked around to be sure it was just the three of us out here, then unzipped her top and fondled her bare breasts.

"You want me to suck him?" Mom asked. "Do you want to see his beautiful cock in my mouth?"

The woman nodded and took a few steps closer to the edge of our lawn. My mom sucked the head of my cock into her mouth and we heard the woman moan. Slowly, she took me deeper, enveloping each inch of my cock with dramatic finesse. Mom missed her calling as a porn star.

I looked over at our guest. She had a nipple pinched between her thumb and forefinger as she watched Mom's lips reach the base of my cock. Her eyes were wide with carnal craving when she noticed my attention was on her. She matched my stare, brave enough now not to look away. She stopped playing with herself, and hooked both thumbs into the waistband of her jogging pants. She hesitated.

Mom's head bobbed up and down on my cock, and she was humming her favorite tune. This seemed to encourage the woman to further indulge her public depravity and she pulled her pants down to her knees. This was too good to be true.

I reached down and played with my mom's dangling tits, never taking my eyes off this entrancing stranger. She dropped down to her knees and shrugged the warm-up jacket off her shoulders. The white flesh of her small breasts practically glowed in the moonlight. Her hand was back between her legs and she masturbated openly in front of me as she watched my mom suck my dick.

"I want to show you my pussy," Mom said to her after a bit. "Do you want to see?"

The woman nodded.

"Tell me," Mom prompted her.

"I want to see it," the woman said quietly after a pause. "Show me your pussy." The Texas accent sounded adorable on her.

Mom smiled and turned me again so I was facing straight toward our voyeur, still on my knees. She then lay down so her face was under my cock with her body stretching out toward the woman. Mom opened her legs slowly, then spread them wide. The woman continued fingering her own pussy as she stared at my mom's. I watched my mom reach down and pull her pussy lips apart, exposing everything to this stranger.

The woman turned and fumbled with her jacket. It seemed that she might be having second thoughts and was going to grab her clothes and run away. But instead, she pulled something out of the pocket of the jacket. She pressed the switch on her small flashlight and pointed it between my mother's legs. This woman didn't want to miss a thing.

"Oh, yes," Mom moaned. "Look at my pussy." She reached up with her mouth and sucked my balls as I watched this amazing display of perversions. This time there was no glass barrier between us and our watcher, there was no hiding, this was not at all like our other anonymous encounters. This woman knew where we lived. Who might she tell? Would she come back?

Mom writhed under the glow of the tiny spotlight, delighting in the attention. She licked my balls, slurping them loudly--louder than she needed to. The woman moved her light up along Mom's body, pausing on her tits, then settling on my cock. My mom pushed her mouth back, reached around to spread my cheeks, and began tonguing my butthole.

"Is she licking your behind?" The woman asked with surprise. Her voice was still meek and hesitant, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes," I confirmed. "She has her tongue in my asshole right now."

"That's so nasty." She reached past her pussy and fingered her own ass. "I love it."

"I love your body," I told her. "You have beautiful tits."

"Aw, they ain't much." She shined the flashlight on her own chest and tweaked each of her nipples for me. She returned the light back to me. "You got a nice cock." Her voice was stronger now, more confident. I took hold of my shaft and started stroking. "Shoot, that sure looks nice." Our voyeur buried a finger in her own pussy, while Mom continued to suck my ass and balls. "I never did nothing like this before."

"We're glad you decided to join us."

"You guys are so sexy, I couldn't help it. I never seen people having sex for real."

Mom came up for air. "How'd you like to see some real fucking, little lady?"

"I'd like that just fine." The woman laughed with a nervous giggle.

I lay down on my back in the cool grass, and my mom climbed on top. She faced away from me and toward our watcher. Mom squatted and guided my cock into her pussy.

"You like that?" Mom asked the woman. "You like seeing his cock fuck my pussy?"

"I do. I feel so dirty watching you and touching myself like this."

"You look very sexy with your fingers in your puss."

I couldn't see what the woman was doing, but I heard her moving and could see the light darting around the lawn. A few moments later she came up beside us. She had removed her sweat pants and was in nothing but a pair of sneakers.

"Do you all want to see my kitty?"

"No." Mom said with throaty desire. "We want to see your cunt."

"Oh, my." She was taken aback by Mom's crude talk, but she went ahead anyway.

She pointed the flashlight down between her own legs and used two fingers to spread her lips apart for us to see. Her pussy was a dainty little thing compared to Mom's. She was shaved with a tiny strip of wispy blonde hair up above. She was pink everywhere, except for the places where she had rubbed herself red.

"Do you like my...cunt?" the woman whispered the last word and giggled. "I never said that word out loud before. Cunt. It sounds so nasty. Look at my cunt y'all!"

"It looks real nice. I want to see you taste it." Mom leaned back without missing a beat and continued riding my cock.

"Really? I don't know..."

"Put your fingers in your wet cunt then lick them clean."

The woman squatted down, keeping the light on her open pussy. She was much closer to us, but still beyond arm's reach. I wanted to taste her. I wanted his strange woman to sit on my face with that darling cunt while I fucked my mom.

We both watched as she dipped her fingers into her hole and swirled them around. She brought her wet fingers up and sniffed them experimentally. She considered what she was about to do--it must have been another first for this sheltered Texas suburbanite.

She plunged her fingers into her mouth, doing it quick before she changed her mind, and her expression went immediately from doubt to enchantment. She sucked her own juices greedily, then went back for more.

"How does that pussy of yours taste?" Mom asked breathlessly. She was really working hard on me and I was getting close to blowing another load.

"I never knew how good it was." The woman was close enough that she didn't need the light to see us clearly. She put it aside and used her free hand to tug on her hard nipples while she resumed playing with her clit. "I don't know about y'all, but I'm fixin' to come soon."

"How you doing back there, sweetie?"

"I'm ready to come, Mo--, uh, Mistress..." That was a close one! Mom tittered gleefully, knowing I had almost slipped up.

"Can I see it?" the woman pleaded. "Can I see the cum squirt out of his penis?"

"What d'ya say, stud? You got enough left in those big balls of yours to put on a good show for our neighbor lady here?"

"I'll do my best," was all I could say.

The woman moved so she could get a better view. She retrieved her flashlight and focused it on Mom's pussy again, right where my cock was pumping in and out of her dripping hole. I could still see this beautiful stranger finger fucking herself, and that drove me over the precipice.

I pulled out of Mom's cunt, she grabbed hold of me and started jerking. My orgasm came from deep in my gut, raced through my balls, and launched itself out of my engorged cock. I got off at least three good spurts, then the rest dribbled out over my mom's hand.

"Oh, lord, I saw it. I saw his cum shoot all over you. Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooooh!" She chirped like an orgasmic little bird as she made herself come.

Mom suddenly stood up and turned around to face me. Her feet were planted astride my hips and I could see the spots where my cum landed on her tits and belly. She was ramming her fingers violently into her cunt. The heel of her hand pounded loudly against her clit. Her face was strained with impending release. I had seen that look once before.

"God damn!" Mom screamed and let loose. She moved her hand and ejaculated a gushing jet directly onto my cock. Her legs quivered, as she grabbed her cunt again and with a few quick strokes elicited another stream of womanly cum that splashed down on my stomach and chest.

"Sweet Jesus!" the woman cried out in stunned delirium at the same moment my mother's second squirt burst out from her pussy and hit me. "I'm coming again! My cunt is gonna come! Oh, oh, oh, my cuuuuunt!"

The woman tumbled onto her back after witnessing Mom's amazing display, and had her legs spread wide in the air as she orgasmed with one hand fingering her hole, and the other skipping back and forth over her clit. Her screaming climax was loud enough that her dog began howling just up the street a ways.

I was so tempted to crawl over and suck the sweet juices flowing out of her pussy, but Mom dropped to her knees and flopped on top of me. As the woman caught her breath, she felt around, found the little flashlight and snapped it off. The dog continued to bark nearby.

"Good Lord, what have I done?" she said to herself.

Mom smiled and kissed me. "I know that feeling."

"I got to get home before my husband calls the sheriff out to look for me." She got up and hunted around for her clothes in a bit of a daze. She had the cutest little ass, and I was sad to see it disappear beneath her sweat pants.

"Thanks for stopping by to visit," Mom said with friendly cheer.

"Thank you..." She looked at us lying naked in the grass and it seemed she didn't want to go. "Welcome to the neighborhood, and, ah...I'll see you later?"

"I hope so," Mom flirted. The woman picked up her top, gave us a little wave, and hurried off to quiet her barking dog.

"You've done it again, Mom. Turned a sweet, innocent, God-fearin' lady into a wanton slut."

"I know." She held one of her tits to my mouth and made me lick my cum off it. "Isn't it fun? I hope she comes back, I'd love to see you fuck that skinny ass of hers."

"Mom," I whined with mock hurt. "I thought you were my only woman."

"Damn right I am." She licked some of her own cum from my chest. "I don't want you fucking anyone else unless Mommy says it's okay?" She realized her slip. "Oops. Sorry, honey."

"That's okay, Mommy." I tweaked her nose. "I have to admit I kind of missed it."

"Me, too." She shivered. "Okay, Mommy's freezing her twat off our here. I think we could use another hot shower, how about it?"

We hurried inside, and got cleaned up, then climbed into bed naked and got cozy under the covers.

"You wore me out tonight, kiddo." She kissed me and rolled over.

"Then you'd better get your rest, you're going to need it for tomorrow."

"Ooo, I can't wait." Mom wiggled her butt as I cuddled up behind her. Remarkably, the feel of her warm skin against my limp cock coaxed a reaction out of it. It struggled valiantly, but didn't quite achieve the fully rigid status of earlier hard-ons.

Nonetheless, I was just hard enough to slip my penis into my mother's still moist pussy from behind. Once inside, I snuggled closer and wrapped my arm around her. We fell asleep like that and all was right with the world.


The next morning we woke up early and both called in sick. We went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until almost noon.

"Let's spend the whole day naked," Mom suggested as she stretched and got out of bed.

"No arguments here." I once again marveled at my mom's mature body. I'd never get tired of looking at her.

"Come watch me pee."

"That's how you want to start the first day of our new life together?"

She nodded with an impish grin. "Then I want to hold your penis while you go."

We played around in the bathroom then showered and had some breakfast--or more accurately, lunch. We ate naked and as soon as Mom cleared the plates away were going at it on the kitchen table.

We were like horny newlyweds and spent the rest of the day fucking and sucking and getting ourselves off. I fucked Mom in every room of the house, including the garage. I ate her out on the dining room table, she rode me while I sat on the sofa in the living room, and I banged her doggie style on the floor in the hallway. Mom blew me in the foyer, and I fucked her standing up in the shower. We went out in the back yard where she made me give it to her in the ass again while she lay sprawled out face down in the grass.

In my room I had her hump my bedpost while I watched, and she got me to masturbate with my pillow again. We jerked off, and fingered each other's asses, and came countless times using every method we could think of.

Later, Mom was upside down on one of the chairs in the living room playing with her cunt while I crouched over her face. She was sucking my balls while I beat off.

"Come on my face, baby." She gasped. "Come all over Mommy's face!"

I pulled my spit-soaked balls out of her mouth and pointed my cock at her cheek and jacked my cock for all it was worth. My orgasm tingled pleasantly through my groin, but not a drop of cum came out. Mom tried not to laugh, but she couldn't help herself.

We took a nap then had some dinner. We watched TV together. Mom lovingly played with my cock the whole time, while I toyed with her nipples and pussy. When it got late we crept out to the front yard and lay there naked hoping our visitor would make an appearance. We waited almost an hour, and when she didn't show we watched each other jerked off outside, licked up each other's cum, then called it a night.

Once again, Mom turned her ass to me as soon as we got into bed, and I slipped my exhausted excuse for an erection into her heavenly hole. When we woke up the next morning I was still inside her. Life was good.


Mom worked quickly to finalize her divorce. She didn't want anything from my father, and there weren't any assets to speak of, so it all went smoothly. I expected the process to be an emotional one for Mom, and was prepared to support her as best as I could, but she was happy to be done with it.

We ended up buying the house, and both our names were on the paperwork. Mom changed her last name back to her maiden name, which made things easier for us all around.

We were living as a real couple. Around the house we were mother and son, as well as lovers. Out in public we didn't hide the fact that we were together. Sometimes we played it as if we were husband and wife, but usually we left others to assume I was Mom's boy toy.

The idea of having a baby together appealed to us both. I could just imagine how beautiful Mom would look with a big belly that had my child inside. But we decided to take things slow and spend some time being with each other before making such a big commitment. What mattered most to me was that in this, as with everything else now, Mom treated me like an equal partner.

Our cute neighbor did come back for a visit about a week later. She wore the same blue track suit with nothing underneath. She brought a small dildo and proudly showed us how she used it to get herself off. It was so exciting to make love to my mom with her watching. She came back a couple more times, and we taught her a few more new tricks, but like a shy little deer she never came close enough for us to touch her. Some of the houses nearby began to sell, and it must have gotten too risky for her so she stopped coming by. Mom and I were already planning how we were going to track her down when springtime rolled around.

I know 'happily ever after' only happens in fairy tales, but this journey I had taken with my mom was a lot like a fairy tale. There was a quest, wishes had been granted, there was an ugly ogre to contend with, and I ended up with the fairest princess in the land. Even if it didn't turn out to be for 'ever after,' we were happy in the here and now.

And that was enough for us.