Summer Lessons with Mom


The sun had just come up in the morning on the second day of the trip. We had all gone to bed early the night before from the long car ride we had, so there was no problem for me being wide awake at 7 am.

The whole setup was perfect, too. Dad was an author who enjoyed the seclusion of a lake house. Mom was a free-spirited woman who loved the outdoors and the feeling of uninhibited liberation. And I was on break from college. So this worked out well for the three of us.

I took in the view of the lake through my room's window. The sunlight was reflecting off the water and everything felt perfect.

But then I saw something which would change the entire course of this trip for me. I saw my mother completely naked as she was coming out of the lake. She had gone for an early morning swim without anything on and was walking over to her towel to dry herself. She ran the towel through her long dark wet hair. Then she used the towel to dry her tanned body, along with her large breasts with it's brown nipples. Her body was slightly curvaceous with a thick dark bush.

When she was done drying herself, she casually hung her towel on a nearby clothing line and proceeded to do her usual morning stretches after her exercise. I was then treated to the wonderfully erotic sight of her twisting and turning her body every which way to loosen up her muscles for the day. My favorite part was when she stood straight up and then bent down to touch her toes, and I was able to see her large breasts hang downwards.

Once she was finished with her early morning routine, she took her time getting dressed. I watched as she put on her white colored bra and panties, completely unaware that she was being voyeured, followed by a casual sun dress. And after she got dressed, she came back inside the house.

I couldn't believe that I had finally seen my mother naked for the first time in my life. It had been a long forgotten fantasy of mine, starting from when she used to lecture me about how natural sex is and how it's a part of life, and of course how beautiful I thought she was. I even used to masturbate regularly thinking about her. But as open as she was about discussing sex, I was never able to see her since she would always keep her door closed whenever she was undressed.

I no longer cared about the lake or anything else we had planned for that vacation. All I could think about was when I was going to see my mother's body again.


We were all relaxing around the house after spending the day swimming, eating, and just having fun in the summer weather by the lake. My dad was in his room, busy with his new book, and I was on the couch watching television. That's when my mother announced that she would be going outside to lounge in the sun for a little while longer. And after letting everyone know that she would be back in a few moments, she grabbed a towel and headed out the door.

My heart began racing at all the different possibilities. My mother was obviously going to be naked outside again and I was just a short distance away. It didn't take long for me to make the decision to go out and try to spy on her for the second time today.


I went outside in the direction she headed in after seeing which way she left the house. It wasn't hard to find her as she was just settling into her spot on a beach blanket right in front of the lake. She was only topless this time and had a bikini bottom on. Her arms were spread apart and she was truly at ease, letting her body soak up the warm rays of the sun.

It was hard not to just walk over there as quietly as I could because I knew I would get caught if I did. But I couldn't resist not taking a few steps in her direction so that I could get a better look. And as I made my way closer to where my mother was sun bathing, I was able to get a better look at her breasts spread across her chest while she laid back.

She suddenly turned her head in my direction and grabbed the towel to wrap around her body. She had just caught me and I desperately tried my best to hide behind a tree.

"Is that you?" she asked. "I know you're there. What are you doing here?"

She came towards me with a curious look on her face wondering why I followed her. And of course I felt utterly humiliated in the process.

"I just...wanted to see what you were doing," I stammered to her, hoping she would believe my innocent excuse.

"I already told you in the house what I would be doing out here," she replied with a stern look on her face. "You were spying on me, weren't you? Why would you do something like that?"

"Do we really need this conversation?" I asked back.

She nodded.

"Fine," I sighed. "This is so embarrassing but... I saw you swimming outside early this morning, and I just wanted to see you again. It's all I've thought about the whole day. I hope you aren't mad."

A smile suddenly appeared on her face as if she wanted to laugh at me. She then pulled the towel tied around her chest and opened it, revealing her bare breasts to me. Her nipples were large and brown, and stood out for nearly half an inch. Her areolas were also fairly wide and were a lighter shade of brown. Her breasts were also fairly large, c cups, and they sagged enough to show that she was a middle aged woman. Seeing them from far away did no justice as to how big they were.

She let her towel fall to the floor.

"You see, they're just boobs," she said like it was no big deal. "It's nothing for either of us to be embarrassed about. Besides, you even used to nurse from then growing up, believe it or not."

It was hard to believe that this naked goddess was my mother, that she was still the same woman standing before me. She certainly wasn't acting like it. Especially with her so proud of her nudity. Or maybe this was another side to her, a sexual side she kept closely guarded.

"God, I never thought I'd ever say this to you, but you look"

"Say it."

"Sexy," I finally admitted.

Mom smiled. "Tell me, I'm sure you've been with a few college girls by now- but why the sudden interest in your own mother?"

"It's hard to explain. I don't think I can."

"Try for me. I'm genuinely curious. Besides, I'm standing here naked for you, so I think you owe me something."

I gulped and thought for a moment. "If I had to give you an answer right now, it would be that I've always had a thing for older woman. And you're definitely not an exception to that. I think you're stunning."

"That's very sweet of you," she said with a warm hearted smile. "Come on, I was just about to get back in the water to cool off before you came. Why don't you take your clothes off and join me?"

"I...I don't know if I could..." I stammered nervously.

She put her hands on her hips and gave me that stern motherly look. "Oh, so it's okay for you to spy on me and for me to be topless in front of you, but you're too good to do the same?"

"You know it's not like that mom, it's just that..." I tried arguing with her, but with the look she had on her face, I knew it was pointless. "Okay, I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Good," she smiled. "Now take your clothes off."

It was super awkward stripping naked in front of my mother while she stood there and watched. But then again, if that's what I needed to do in order for her be naked around me, then it was completely worth it.

We stepped into the water after our clothes were removed. It was just me and my mother swimming naked and having fun splashing each other. We both smiled a lot and I never got tired of the sight of her breasts popping out whenever she flung water at me.

"Come closer," she said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" I asked, coming nearer.

She placed both of her hands on my shoulders as we stood in the shallow end of the lake.

"I'm still curious about you watching me today. It's something you've fantasized about previously, haven't you?"

"Was I that obvious?" I replied.

"Sort of. You've been acting strange this morning, and mothers know a lot more about their sons than you think. I don't expect you to understand that though. But I did get the feeling that you had been thinking of me beyond the typical mother/son boundaries in the past few years."

"Well, to be perfectly honest, it started when you used to give me those lectures about safe sex and telling me that it was okay to masturbate as long as I did it privately. I knew you meant well, but hearing you talk about those things was... you know... Plus, I think you're pretty."

"I should have known this would happen," she said with a laugh. "You're so much like your father."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but your father has had incestuous relations with his own mother in the past. I'm the only one he's ever told. He still loves talking about it, and I love listening to his stories. I guess you could say that it's a fantasy that both of us enjoy. Now listening to you talk about how you have the hots for me is kind of amusing from that perspective."

"Amusing?" I jokingly replied. "That's the last thing I expected you to say after I admitted all that to you. But it's not as shocking as hearing that about dad."

"It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"This is embarrassing."

She started moving her hands down my body and began rubbing my back with a loving smile on her face. "Oh, poor little you, I didn't realize that saying that would upset you. Maybe this would help?"

Her hands suddenly moved down to my crotch and she grabbed a hold of my cock with both hands. She pulled me closer to her until we were face to face and could feel each other's breath on our lips. She then used one of her hands to massage my balls, and the other hand to stroke my growing erection.

"Jeez! Mom...that feels so good."

"I'm sure it does," she said, continuing to stroke my cock underwater. "There's something so arousing about making your sexual fantasy come true. Well, make that both of our fantasies."

We looked each other intimately in the eyes, face to face, for the next several minutes as she jerked me off. Her hands made different motions on my private area in a successful attempt to sexually pleasure me. And I could tell that she was enjoying this by the look she had on her face and feeling her breathe harder on me.

"I'm about to cum," I whispered.

Her eyes widened with excitement. "Good boy. Show your mother how you feel about her."

She squeezed me tighter and stroked me to the point where I had to shoot a massive load of cum in the water. Her hands kept at it until I was completely drained and my penis became flaccid. Then she leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss on the lips, followed by another, and then another.

"Good boy," she said with a smile as she let go of me. "We better get going. And I expect this to stay between us- not a single word about this to anyone."



She woke me up early the next morning and asked me to accompany her for outdoor exercise. And of course, with dad still asleep, I jumped at the chance to have more private time with her.

It started innocently enough, with both of us holding hands as we walked around the lake.

"Yesterday was a pretty intense experience," she said.

"It was," I replied. "I never thought anything like that would ever happen. I thought about it a lot yesterday."

A smile appeared on her face. "As did I. It was a spur the moment thing for me. And I haven't told your father yet, but I will. I know he would love hearing about it but I don't want to interfere with his writing."

"I understand. So...can I see you naked again now?"

She playfully pushed her shoulder against mine. "Well so much for having a heart-felt conversation. Is this why you thought I woke you up this morning? So I can show you my tits and jerk you off again?"

I blushed. "Sorry."

"I'm only teasing. You were very respectful yesterday. I don't see why we can't continue as long as you act mature about this."

We went to the lake where she laid out a large beach blanket for us to lay on. She then slipped her fingers underneath the top straps of her sun dress and slid it off her body and onto the ground. Then off came her bra and panties so that she stood there fully naked, in all her mature glory. She was proud of the body she had and she loved showing it off. She laid on the blanket and playfully struck a sexy pose for me.

And with a single raise of her eyebrow, she signaled for me to get undressed as well and to lay down with her, which I gladly did.

"I'm assuming you want to continue where we left off yesterday," she said.

"I absolutely do. What did you have in mind?"

She opened her legs and rubbed her hand through her crotch, before spreading her labia apart.

"Yesterday I pleasured your manhood," she said. "Today I want you to return the favor, with your tongue. Have you ever licked a woman's pussy before?"

"Yes, but none like yours."

"I'll teach you. It's easy, and if you follow my instructions, I'll cum just like you did."

"Yes mom."

I got down in between her legs with my mouth near her vagina. I was able to get a good look at her most intimate of areas. I could even smell her aroma. Underneath her thick patch of dark pubic hair was a sizable clitoris and a brown colored opening. Her insides were bright pink and were beginning to moisten as her arousal was on the rise.

"The main thing is you can't be afraid," she said, holding her pussy open with her fingers. "It's not gross at all. It's beautiful. And it taste like nectar. Sweet nectar. I promise. Come taste your mother's nectar. Lick it up. Big deep licks, like you're eating ice cream on a hot day."

Being able to taste my own mother was a dream come true for me as I put my tongue and lips on her vagina and began to pleasure her. Her mouth was wide open, moaning. The more I licked, the more she moaned. I became rock hard, not just from performing oral sex on my own mother, but also from watching her squirm and seeing her chest start to heave from her heart beating fast.

"Notice how I rub my clitoris," she said, playing with her pussy while I kept working my tongue. "A woman's clit is so sensitive. But each woman is different in what she likes. This is how I like to be pleasured."

Her fingers rubbed herself in a circular motion while I kept on tasting her sweet nectar. She came at that point. There was a pleasant look on her face while it happened and she made a soft, humming noise while she enjoyed the blissful feeling coursing through her. Her pussy was dripping from it too.

She opened her eyes wide and she gently ran her fingers through my hair. "That was wonderful. Now I want you to lay back. It's your turn."

Once I got on my back, my mom got in the same position I was in just a moment ago. She was on all fours between my legs, and she bent down and began planting soft and loving kisses on the tip of my erect penis. Then she held my cock up and started licking the shaft before fully engulfing me inside of her mouth.

"Oh my feels so good," I groaned.

She looked me straight in the eyes with my throbbing cock in her mouth and began to suck me even harder, bobbing her head up and down in the process. Seeing my prim and proper mother doing such a nasty thing for me was easily the most surreal sight of my life.

She let my cock plop out of her mouth. "You're about to feel even better. Are you a virgin?"

"No," I said, shaking my head.

"Ever have a woman my age?"

I shook my head.

"Then I get to be your first older woman," she said with mischievous and joyful smile. "Not to mention that I'm your mother. It's our first experience ever having sex together."

With my cock throbbing for more, my mother climbed on top of me and guided my aching cock towards her opening where she teased me by rubbing my head through her labia, before allowing me to enter her. She felt tight and soaking wet. And she felt even tighter as she clenched her vaginal muscles together, making the pleasure for both of us even more sensational. Slowly, she began rocking her body back and forth, gyrating her hips in the same manner. Her heavy set breasts also began waving around along with her body's motion, making the nude sight of her on top of me all the more erotic.

"You feel so good in me," she moaned as we continued looking each other in the eyes while having sex. "This feels natural. It feels right between us."

"It does. God, it does."

"Pay close to attention to how I'm doing this, okay? I want you to learn. Let this be an educational experience for you."

She continued rocking her body. Every moment she did was for a purpose. She had every intention on showing me how she liked to have sex as my cock was buried deep within her pussy. But of course, her magic worked wonders on me and I found myself on the verge of an intense orgasm.

"Mom, I really need to cum," I gasped.

She started rocking her body harder. "Cum inside me. I want you to cum inside your mother. Cum inside the womb where you were conceived. Do you like the thought of that?"

Mom played with her pussy as she rode me with more intensity. Her vaginal muscles started contracting and the moment we shared together became even more intimate. It was clear that she was cumming again as well. Her eyes widened and her back arched, with a steady stream of fluids pouring from inside of her. The second orgasm she had was much stronger than the first. Having a cock inside her really did the trick, and from her son of all people. Maybe that was what sent her over the edge?

A few seconds later, I shot my massive load of cum deep inside of her. Her eyes and mouth became even larger the moment I came in her, giving me a sign that she knew that her own son had planted his seed inside of her womb- the place where I was conceived many years ago.

"There it is," she smiled, slowing down her hips. "That was what I wanted to feel. I've been wanting this since late last night. I even had a dream about this happening."

My cock turned flaccid inside of her. She laid on top of me. I could feel her heart racing along with trickles of sweat still coming out of her body as her breasts laid across my skin. Her hair was scattered across my face and she moved it aside so that we could kiss. And when her lips pressed against mine, I grabbed her tightly and kissed her back. And when she used her tongue in my mouth, I did the same.

"I'm at a loss for words," she said, in between kisses. "This certainly isn't the summer vacation I expected."

"It wasn't what I expected either."

"Now you know how to treat a lady," she whispered. "And you also know how your mother likes to be fucked. You know what that means, don't you?"

My cock twitched. "Yes, mom. I do."

She smiled. "Before we go back inside the house, it's my turn to have a drink of nectar. My favorite kind, in fact."

Mom climbed off me, and with a deviant grin, she lowered herself and sucked off all the juices; my cum mixed with her orgasmic squirt. It was unbelievable seeing and feeling her lips and tongue devour all that cum. She loved it. She craved it.

We went for a brief swim in the lake. After all, the purpose of this early morning meeting was for exercise, wasn't it? When we finished, we dried each other off, got dressed, and went back inside the house.

The End