Charlie's Naked Proposal Ch. 02


This is Part 2 of my 2008 NUDE DAY CONTEST story. It continues the story of Charlie, Sophie, Izzy and their mother during their weekend at the Rising Sun Commune over the July 14th 2007 Nude Day Weekend, the weekend of Sophie's marriage. It's approximately three LITEROTICA pages long.

I'd recommend reading Part 1 first. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who voted and/or commented on Chapter 1. Over 800 of you were kind enough to take the time to vote during the first week the story was up! More than for any other story in the contest – I truly appreciated it, thanks.

WARNING: This is an Incest category story that features a teenage boy's discovery of the allures of his sisters and his mother during a family marriage celebration. There is no underage sex described in this story – all participants are 18 years old or older.

It's also a cautionary tale – a warning to all of you to take care and think very carefully before attending any kind of Nude Day event with a family never know what might suddenly pop up...and what mom or sis might do with it!

In Part 1 Charlie made love to his beautiful, older sister Sophie the day before her wedding. It ended as the two of them returned from their forest tryst to find their sister Isabel and their mother washing themselves in the creek that flowed below and around their cabin retreat. Charlie saw his mother's breasts for the first time!

Rising Sun Commune, West Virginia, July 2007

"We've got some masks Charley...for tonight... the Poole's got them for us," mom called from inside the cabin. I was standing naked on the porch looking down at my sister below. Surreptitiously filming Isabel from above as she shampooed her beautiful long hair. She was standing knee deep in the gently flowing creek and her naked, eighteen year old body seemed to glisten as the setting sun lit up the beads of water that were dancing all around her head. My cock, still sticky from Sophie, was half full and swinging between my legs, pointing downward at what it clearly wanted.

"CHARLEY!" mom admonished when she came out through the door and saw what I was doing.

"Well, we do need a film record of this weekend... Sophie's only going to get married once ma...its part of our family history," I answered without hesitation as I turned towards her. Mom had a white towel around her waist and another one around her just shampooed hair. Her breasts, breasts I'd never seen before I'd come upon her bathing naked twenty minutes earlier, were proudly bare. She held three or four brightly colored feathered masks, adorned with sparkling sequins, in her hand. My camera continued to record – it just had a new subject. My penis glanced up.

"Stop're embarrassing me...what if somebody ever saw that film?" she chided. Strangely enough they were words she'd always used when someone had tried to take her picture in the past, something in her Scottish Presbyterian background had always rebelled against having her image captured. But she made no move to cover her nudity.

"You never let us take your picture," I complained, echoing a complaint that my sisters Sophie and Isabel, and I had made a hundred times growing up. "Besides, you're beautiful," I added.

"No I'm not," she answered, "They make me feel old."

"Who?" I asked softly as I set the camera down and moved towards her.

"All these nude, teenage, hippy girls," she answered but seconds after her words had escaped her mouth I saw a rueful grin grow on her lips. Mom knew that even I wouldn't be fooled by that one. She had nothing to fear from a group of girls – she was a woman.

"Here, c'mon, put on this mask, then I'll take a picture," I cajoled after I'd taken the carnival masks she held in her hand and then selected a bright pink, feathered one that would cover half of her face. "Let your hair down first," I instructed, then gently unfastened the towel she had curled around her head.

"Charlie!" she protested but didn't move away as I released her long silken tresses and then attached the mask. "You're crazy," she added but her flashing smile belied her words.

"Now no one will know it's you," I said as I grabbed the camera from the table I'd set it on.

"I will," she whispered but made no move to cover her full breasts.

"Pose for me...pretend you're my bare breasted Amazon Queen," I said laughing.

"You're terrible! I knew I shouldn't have come here this weekend," mom answered but her words were aimed at herself and there was no power behind them. The proud way she held and displayed her body for me indicated her true feelings. She'd discovered in the last twenty-four hours that she liked to be looked at. Even by her son.

"This towel too," I said as I slowly undid the fold holding the towel around her waist up.

"No Charlie...please honey," mom complained but made no move to escape my hand. Stepping back with the towel over my arm I let my eyes hungrily rake up and down her exposed body. Then I zeroed in on the dark triangle that pointed the way down to her sex.

"No-one would ever recognize you mommy... my beautiful mommy," I intoned as I let the camera capture every curve on her body.

"I'm not," she protested even as her body started to move, posing itself in ways women had been using to lure men for thousands of years. My cock slowly hardened as I suddenly realized that the fact I was her son was actually making it even more exciting for her.

"MOMMY!" yelled from behind us brought us out of our semi stupor.

I knew mom was blushing under her mask as I turned to face my little sister, my little sister who had a large beach towel wrapped around her. 'Your turn little sister," I threatened as I reached to grab the edge of her towel.

"You're crazy...stop that," Isabel squealed when with one quick pull I'd left her standing naked before me, then she fled inside when I aimed the camera at her. "You're not my brother," I heard yelled at me through the screen door that had slammed behind her. I checked the replay screen on the camera to make sure I'd captured her perfect, firm and round eighteen year old butt. I had!

"You better go talk to her, if you don't she'll be pouting all night," I told mom when I turned back to face her.

"You tease her too much," mom chastised. But she didn't budge from where she stood in front of me. Nor was she angry.

"I better go get washed if we're going to get there on time," I said as I simply continued to watch her. My cock was suddenly huge in front of me, almost as if it was trying to bridge the three foot gap between our bodies.

"Izzy'll be okay... I'll talk to her," mom said but didn't turn; instead she arched her back and took a tentative half step towards me. Her dark triangle seemed like a magnet drawing my straining shaft.

"I love her," I blurted, a completely unplanned statement. I took a small step towards mother even as she seemed to spread her knees slightly and push her pelvis forward. My cockhead lightly grazed her hair covered mons.

"I know you do...I better go now..." mom whispered without moving. My pulsing penis was now resting upward against her stomach.

"I love you too," I added as I felt her pebbled nipples graze my chest.

"Nooooo Charlie...we can't," mom moaned in answer, her lips now so close to mine I felt the breath that carried the words. And then I tasted her! Met her eager, probing tongue with mine. Moistly pushed inside her mouth.

"I want to be your baby's father," I whispered when our mouths finally released each other. My cock was pulsing violently between our bellies.

"It's so big," she finally answered, hugged me once tightly against her and then turned and rushed back into the cabin.

You just had sex with Sophie you pervert, now you want make your mother pregnant... and then Izzy're sick, I admonished myself as I fled down the stairs to the creek below. But I also knew that it would be me, not dad, who put the child inside her.

Minutes later, washed, I heard the screen door slam just as I got out of the water. And as I started to climb the stairs to the porch I heard Izzy yell, "It's not's just not fair mommy."

Isabel was standing leaning against the railing when I finally got up to the porch, dressed in a skirt and top and with tears sliding down her cheeks. "Hey," I ventured tentatively.

"I hate you too," she cried, then added, "I wish you weren't my brother."

"Who do you wish I was?" I asked as I put an arm around her shoulder. She tried to push it off. I held her tighter.

"Don't, you'll get me all wet," she protested as she continued to try to escape.

"You're cute," I said as I engulfed her in my embrace.

"You're mean...and naked...and your cock's ugly."

"I love you," I answered.

"I hate you," Izzy cried into my shoulder. Then I let her cry as I held her, listening as her sobs were muffled by my bare skin.

"So what's wrong?" I finally asked.

"She's going's not fair," Isabel stammered out.

"Who is?"

"Your mother! She's gone crazy, she's decided to go to the party topless. In public!"

"She has?" I asked as I looked over Izzy's shoulder and saw mom standing motionless behind the screen door.

"Just to make me feel stupid. Everyone will think I'm a..." Isabel simply left the balance of the sentence unsaid.

"A weirdo? A teeny bopper? A nerd?" I supplied teasingly as mom came through the door. Her breasts were proudly bare.

"Shut up," Izzy ordered.

"A private school snob," I added as I gave her a big, sloppy wet kiss on her cheek.

"Yuck... stop that...I won't go...I'll stay home," she threatened.

"Okay...hey ma, do you think we can get a baby sitter this late?" I shouted toward mom. Who happened to be wearing a long, pleated, white cotton skirt, a necklace of crimson beads and matching earrings, and nothing else. And looked great!

"Neither of you love me," Izzy accused as her eyes darted from mom to I and back, clearing waiting for us to beg her to come.

"We may be back late Isabel," I said as I gave mom a quick wink, then grabbed her arm and made as if to leave.

We bluffed her. She just couldn't wait us out! We were about thirty yards down the path, pretending to be talking happily while knowing we'd have to turn back soon, when we heard her cry. "WAIT!"

"You think you can get rid of me that easily Charlie?" Izzy demanded when she'd caught us.

"Don't Charlie!" Mon warned when she saw that I was going to make a comment to celebrate Izzy's capitulation. "We'd never go without you sweetie," mom promised as she turned and hugged her daughter.

"C'mon, let's go," I urged as I watched their embrace.

"Wait," sis instructed after she'd broken from mom's hug.

"What are you doing? Are you nuts?" I asked.

"If mom is I am too," Izzy answered as she started to unsnap her bra. She'd already lifted her top over her head in one motion and then thrown it into the woods. The bra followed. Her pointed teenage breasts jiggled delightfully.

"You can't," I insisted. Yes she could. I wanted to bend over and swallow one of her puffy nipples.

And that's why Isabel, mom and I arrived at the Rising Sun 2007 NUDE DAY party a fashionable fifteen minutes late. Two topless masked babes and yours truly. My penis, free, was swinging happily between my legs. Nobody noticed! What a fucking zoo we walked into!

There were about three thousand naked, masked people milling about randomly in the mown parkland that stretched back on both sides of the meandering creek that bisected it. And maybe five hundred more in the trees beyond. A hundred campfires dotted the field but it wasn't the smoke from the fires or the smell of the cooking steaks and hamburgers that captured our noses; instead it was the sweet smell of the marijuana that immediately overpowered us.

'You'll see, it's like they're all back in the love', Sophie had warned me earlier. 'For one night they go crazy...they'll do anything', she'd said. And they were! It was still early when we arrived, around nine-thirty, but already you could feel the sexual excitement in the air.

Music attacked our ears from ten different directions... rap to our left...60's folk from twenty-five yards farther left...hard rock over there...acid rock somewhere to our right... electronic; all loud and with each center of music surrounded by swaying, dancing, half stoned nudists. There was no shortage of erections.

We were momentarily rescued by the Poole's who'd set up tables and a bar-b-que next to the creek. But as the three of us sat eating from the overflowing plates presented to us it was hard to ignore Sophie's future father-in-law making love with someone who clearly wasn't his wife. They were doing it standing up knee deep in the water!

Mrs. Poole, completely ignoring (or oblivious to) the noises coming from the creek, arrived with a big smile on her face, and led mom away explaining she wanted her to meet some of her friends across the way. Izzy, as eager to escape as I, wolfed down the last of her burger and then insisted I accompany her. "C'mon, there's some good music over there."

I didn't need a second urging! "Was that his wife's sister that Graham's father was fucking?" Izzy asked as we fled. She was holding on to my hand for dear life. She never used the "F" word.

"I know we met her last night at the family dinner but I can't remember who she was," I said as I looked back.

"Gawd, look at that," Izzy squealed, bringing my attention back to where we were heading. Two middle aged bald guys were making a sandwich of a tall, frizzy haired twenty something year old on a blanket five yards from where we were walking.

"CHARLIE!" suddenly rang out. "Look, its Charlie," we heard added as three sweeties rushed towards us.

"Oh no, it's that space cadet from yesterday," Isabel groaned as my new friend Jenny and two other girls I'd met earlier at lunch ran up. And then plastered their shapely bodies against me.

"We're stealing your brother for a little while," Jenny announced to my steaming sister as she and her friends grabbed my hands and started to drag me away.

I didn't fuck them! They wanted me to...all three of them if you can believe it. My cock wanted to. Sophie rescued me just in time, finding me backed up against a tree with Jennie on her knees in front of me.

"God, you're a slut," my big sister said laughing as she let me away from her complaining friends. She'd lied, telling them I was needed for a family wedding picture.

"Hah! Whose idea was it to get married in Nudist World?" I scoffed as we slipped between a couple of trees and then deeper into the woods. I pulled her against me.

"CHARLIE! I'm getting married tomorrow!" she protested even as her hand slipped between our bodies and circled my penis.

"Where is the groom anyway?" I asked.

"He's busy," Sophie answered as she pulled me inside her.

"I'll bet. Christ, we saw his dad screwing his cousin or someone in the creek."

"Mom sent me to look for you," Sophie said as she tightened her arms around my neck and then lifted her legs up off the ground and then curled them around my back.

It was quick and hard, an urgent, needy fuck that ended with Sophie pinned between me and the trunk of a large sugar maple tree. She was groaning as I flooded her insides with my sap.

Five minutes later, we strolled back into the clearing and over to the Poole's tables. Mom rushed over as soon as she saw me. If it hadn't been so dark she would have seen my cum oozing down her daughter's thighs.

"I'm going to go back now Charlie, to the cabin," my mother said the second she was next to me.

"I'll walk you back," I said as I put my arm around her. I immediately felt the trembles that were coursing through her body. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. You stay and have fun," she said but I heard the desperation in her voice. I hugged her and as I held her whispered, "It's awful isn't it?"

"You too?" she asked.

"We gotta find Isabel and get out of here," I answered as I looked up and tried to locate my sister.

"I think she's over there," mom said as she pointed across the field. Five minutes later we found Izzy in a jam of people listening to a group playing folk music.

"Charlie...Mom," she welcomed as she fled from the boys surrounding her. I couldn't help notice that at least three of her admirers were sporting erections.

"What the heck were you doing to those guys," I accused as the three of us turned to leave.

"Just shut up for once Charlie," my little sister instructed as she took mom's hand and started to lead her away. She clearly hadn't been enjoying herself!

"I don't want my future nephews and nieces growing up here," I said as we slowly walked through the forest towards our cabin. Mom was on my left, Izzy on the right; the three of us were holding hands. I had caught up to them and slipped between them. We still had our masks on.

"It was gross," my sister agreed.

"They'll be living in Philadelphia," mom said softly. I knew after tonight she dreaded the prospect of her grandchildren growing up here as much as I did.

"They always go back mom. That's what everyone said at the bar-b-que this aft. They go away for University... then they'll work away from the commune for a while...make some money...but as soon as their children get to school age they come back to live. To teach them the way."

"What can we do? They'll be married."

"I won't let her come back," I promised, a promise I made as much to myself as I did to mom or Isabel. I was really thinking about the baby I knew I'd put in Sophie that afternoon. My child.

"We'll kidnap the children and bring them up ourselves," Izzy agreed. She had no idea I'd slept with her sister twice that day.

We were almost shy with each other when we got back to the cabin. We'd seen so much that night, so much nudity, so many loveless couplings, that even though there was an incredible sexual electricity between us, we were hesitant to go to bed.

"I could sleep on the futon thing," I offered.

"Don't talk crazy Charlie," Izzy said, "that thing is diseased."

Mom and Isabel quickly went and washed and brushed their teeth but were both bashfully standing in their skirts at the side of the bed when I went in to use the washroom. And when I exited the can five minutes later, naked, I found them lying on their backs under the thin, virgin white sheet that covered them and immediately wondered what, if anything, they'd left on.

Standing at the foot of the bed I found that Mom and Isabel had each positioned themselves so that the only place for me was in the middle. I slowly started to climb up the bed between them.

"You should put on your underwear," Izzy said as I grabbed the top of the sheet and slowly pulled it back so I could get in.

"Don't look...and where's your bra anyway?" I asked when the descending sheet revealed her pert, puffy nippled breasts.

"It's hot. Besides, at least I have my panties on."

"Do you?" I asked as I peeked under the sheet. I gave her a wolf whistle and a leer. "Where'd you get those," I asked as I took in the sexy string of cloth through which I could easily see the dark pubic triangle underneath.

"Yes I do ...and stop that," she ordered but I sensed the excitement she was feeling. The excitement that we were all feeling.

"And you mom, do you have your panties on?" I asked as I slipped my legs under the sheet after taking a quick glance at my mom. "No you don't," I said as I nestled down between them.

"You don't?" Isabel squawked as she lifted the sheet and leaned over me to get a look. Her breasts brushed my chest as she hovered above me. Then she announced after she'd fallen back in bed, "Well, then I won't either." Seconds later her hands appeared out from under the sheet with a lacy little piece of white cloth. I watched it sail through the air.

I lay back, watching as mom stretched to reach the bedside lamp that was providing the only illumination in the room and switched it off. And then for minutes the three of us lay on our backs, our bodies touching from foot to shoulder, silent but for our thoughts. My thoughts were on the breast I'd seen hanging as mom had reached for the lamp. On the nipple that seemed to invite. Without thinking I voiced the thought that flashed through my mind.

"Will you let me... I mean when you've had your new baby?" I asked my mother softly in the darkness. I felt Isabel's body stir beside me as I issued the words.

"Let you do what?" mom asked nervously.

"Yes, let you do what Charlie?" my sister echoed.


"Drink?" mom asked, her surprise evident in her tone of voice.

"Your milk," I answered as my hand involuntarily reached for my mother's breast. "It's my earliest memory."

"What is?" mom asked. She didn't pull back when my fingers touched her.

"Drinking your milk...lying at your breast...your hand supporting my head."

"That's impossible," Izzy announced from my other side. She was now sitting up. "You would have been too young one remembers anything before their second birthday," she lectured confidently, obviously repeating something she'd read somewhere.

"I do though," I answered and I did. My hand was slowly cupping and fondling my mother's breasts as I spoke. Mom groaned softly. She made no attempt to stop my urgent caresses.

"How long did you breastfeed Charlie Mom?" Isabel demanded, clearly trying to disprove my statement. My fingers closed on my mother's now hardened nipples. In the darkness Izzy hadn't yet realized I was touching her mother.

"Til he was two and a half," mom finally admitted, something neither I nor sis would ever have guessed.

My, "I did" was echoed by Izzy's amazed, "HE DID?"

"I weaned your brother the first time after six months... and that wasn't easy I can promise you," mom said as she remembered. "Then as soon as you were born Isabel your big brother latched on again."

"You let him take my milk?"

"It was that or having him howling like a banshee twenty-four hours a day."

"How much longer did you feed me?" I asked, fascinated by mom's unexpected story.

"I weaned your sister at about eight months but you kept hanging on," mom said as I squeezed and stretched the teats that had fed me so many years earlier.

"So it is possible I can remember it," I said triumphantly to my sister. "And that's probably why I'm so much smarter than my little sister," I added, "Everyone knows how important to future intelligence and health a mother's milk is." Then I gave Isabel a quick little slap on the butt.

"I'm smarter than you... I was first in my class last PSAT scores were..."

"It shows up in the long run dear sister," I interrupted smugly, then quickly asked mom, "So can I? When the new baby comes?"

"Dad and mom haven't decided yet if they're going to have another baby Charlie," Isabel said but the fight had gone out of her.

"Can I?" I asked again and then dipped my lips to one of mom's erect buds.

"Charlie! What are you doing?" Isabel spat out when she realized what I was doing. Mom moaned softly as her hand came to the back of my head and lightly caressed my hair as she held me against her soft skin.

"There's no milk now Charlie," my mother finally cried as she pulled her nipple away from my lips. I could taste and smell her sexual excitement.

"There will be," I answered.

"Well maybe I will...if that day ever comes," mom muttered, making a promise we both knew would soon come to fruition.

"MOM!" Isabel interjected angrily. "Don't encourage him."

"And what about you?" I asked my sister as I turned towards her.

"What about me what?"

"Will you let your favorite brother taste your milk once you've found some poor guy willing to marry you and father your children?"

"You're crazy. No! N...O...," she spelled.

"Not even once?" I asked as I slipped my hand onto her.

"Never. DON'T! Stop... that's disgusting," Izzy begged as my lips latched onto her nipple, a surprising thick and long nipple compared to her older sister's. They were almost as large as her moms. I sucked hungrily for seconds as I felt her push ineffectually on the top of my head. I finally released her straining bud.

"CHARLIE!" I heard mom say in her most authoritative voice. I ignored her as I looked up into Izzy's eyes.

"Promise me," I demanded.

"No!" Izzy answered, then cried out, "Mommy... stop him," when I dipped my head and swallowed her other nipple as I cupped the breast that supported it.

"Promise," I ordered when I came up for air.

"No...never," she answered and then watched as I dipped my head and captured the first nipple again. "Okay...okay...okay, I promise" she finally agreed.

"I love them...your nipples are perfect," I said and then took the second one back into my mouth and suckled hungrily at her teenage tit.

"You're a pervert," she announced when all three of us were again settled minutes later, lying motionless on our backs. "And who knows," she added, "I may not even have babies... I'll probably be so busy running a company or being a top lawyer that I won't have time."

"Oh you'll have baby's all right sis. Remember it's your brother who got the milk and the brains in this family." I knew an angry retort was on her lips so I quickly leaned over and whispered in her ear, "They'll be my babies."

Isabel didn't say a word. In fact that was the last word any of us said before the three of us fell asleep.


I'm one of those guys who once he falls asleep is usually dead to the world for the next eight hours.

So it was a very rare occurrence when I woke up later that night. It happened around four I figured out later. I was on my back but slowly became aware of a body next to me. Where am I, who am I with, I asked myself as I turned groggily towards the person pressing against my left side. Two eyes stared back.

"Mom?" I mumbled softly when I finally recognized my mother's face in the moonlit room. One of her hands was gently caressing my hair. Lying on her side and leaning against me I slowly became aware of her nudity, of her hanging breast lying on my chest. Her nipple was hard!

"Mom?" I tried again when she didn't answer but then almost immediately felt one of her fingers move against my lips, shushing me. And just as she quieted me I suddenly realized I had a hard-on and quickly looking down saw mom's top thigh lifted up over mine.

My penis was in her palm! She slipped her shushing finger into my mouth as mesmerized, I watched her hand move up and down my cock. Stroking him to hardness. Then she lightly ran the tip of my penis up and down her slit. She started to push her finger in and out of my mouth!

"Its so big hard," my mother whispered as she raised her leg even higher and adjusted herself so that each time she ran my prick along her crack my cockhead was momentarily caught and half swallowed by her now well lubricated entrance.

"Mommeeeeeeeee," I groaned out around the finger she still had between my lips as she climbed up on my thighs and straddled me. My cock was still firmly grasped in her hand. I watched silently as mom quickly dipped her head and blocked my view with a curtain of her soft hair. Hair that blocked me from seeing her tongue flick across my penis before she took it between her lips. Groaning I tried to lift my hips off the bed to force more of my shaft into her moist mouth.

A small gasp made me turn my head and even in the moonlight I was able to make out the look of surprise on my sisters face. For seconds our eyes remained locked together. We said nothing. Then, when I felt mom slowly release me from her mouth I turned back to her and watched as she brought my saliva covered shaft towards the engorged pussy lips waiting at the junction of her legs.

She slowly lowered herself. Inch by agonizing inch her tightness enfolded me. Until she was full. Full of her son. My hands found her hanging breasts as she started to ride me. Low grunts escaped her mouth each time she slowly lowered and skewered herself on my thick shaft.

I was inside my mother! For the first time in nineteen years. I started to move my hips, slamming them upward each time she lowered herself. Faster... harder... deeper... each thrust seemingly more urgent. Our mindless voices started to echo around the room. Isabel was forgotten as our orgasms neared.

"Fuck me...oh please Charlie...fuck mommy...hurry baby... yes... yes honey... yes, like that ... hurry... huuuurrrry!" mother cried as she rode me.

We were loud, almost screaming, as we approached the end.

"Aaaah... aaaahhh... ohhh mommeeeeee," I cried out as I felt the tightening in my balls, as I felt my cream rush explosively up my prick, as I felt it spurt out into her vagina. Then another strand. Again... again... again... splashing out my impregnating cum as her insides tightened and pulsed in orgasm around my burning cock.

Mom simply collapsed down onto my chest when we'd finished, panting into my chest as I held her against me. My cock, still hard, was plugging my seed deep inside her. We slept....


I woke again just after seven, brought out of a deep sleep by a piercing shaft of morning sunlight that flooded through the high east window.

What the fuck, I wondered as I opened my eyes into a blinding glare. Shading them I tried again and found the suns rays slicing across the bed, and found that only my head and the body next to me were in the bright glare of light. I moved my head back into the dimness

Don't, I ordered myself even as my left hand reached out towards the naked form. The top sheet had somehow disappeared during the night leaving her unprotected. Lying on her back with her knees splayed outward every inch of my sisters skin was exposed under the intense light. My fingers gently traced across Isabel's stomach before they slowly moved upward.

Her body twitched just as my hand cupped her perfectly formed, firm teenage breast. I knew immediately that she was awake even though her eyes were still tightly shut.

"You're beautiful... so beautiful," I whispered in her ear as my fingers caressed her young breast. I felt another tremble as I lightly stretched her fat nipple. Still she feigned sleep. I brushed her hair from her eyes as my lips moved softly across hers.

My hand slipped off her breast and slowly started to move downward, across her quivering stomach before it found her hair covered mound. My mouth found a nipple. My finger slid down her moist channel. Isabel's hips seemed to jump upward as I touched her in her most intimate place, upward in welcome even as she spread her legs even wider apart. Still she feigned sleep!

My middle finger moved up and down, each time stopping to gently tweak her crimson bud of a clitoris before it slipped back down into her slit. I finally pushed inside of her, penetrating her teenage pussy with my longest finger. Small groans started to escape her lips as my finger aroused her. She was bucking against my hand when I finally climbed between her legs. Her eyes were still shut tight.

But my mothers weren't! She was staring at me... at the large, sunlit, golden shaft that was poised between her daughter's legs. At the penis that just hours earlier had split her. At the cock that still had traces of her orgasmic juices splattered all along its length. My eyes, locked on my mom's, silently asked permission. An almost imperceptible nod signaled her acceptance of what I was about to do. I turned back to Izzy...her eyes still remained shut.

I rubbed my pre-cum coated cockhead into her slit and slowly pushed it inside her. Levered open by the heart shaped organ I moved my fingers to her clit and slowly manipulated it. I felt the tremor come from deep inside her and pass over my cockhead just microseconds before the head of my prick popped completely inside her.

She was sopping inside but still it was a struggle to push my penis into the tightness of her young pussy. She groaned when I thrust and got about half of my cock inside her. Softly moaned, "Nooooo," when I retreated. Still she feigned sleep. I pushed in again, a little deeper, retreated, pumped again, pumped again as she spread her legs even wider and tried to lift her hips off the mattress to meet me.

It went on and on, for minute after minute, a slow pistoning. I felt no urgency to finish. Her eyes remained clamped shut.

She came. Quick wet pulses that radiated out and around my cock. High pitched short grunts spilled from her mouth as her first orgasm passed through her. A baby orgasm. I wanted more!

My cock, which had already ejaculated three times over the previous twelve hours, was in no rush. It was only another five minutes later, as a much stronger series of orgasmic spasms were taking control of Izzy's body, that I finally started to spout.

Knowing she was on the pill I had no reason to pull out until every last drop of my cream was deposited inside her.

"You're my wife now," I whispered softly in my little sister's ear as she lay panting under me. Her eyes remained closed. But a tear of happiness was slowly trickling down her cheek. "I love you," I added as I rolled off her.

"I love you too," I heard whispered into my ear just before I fell into a deep sleep.

Wedding Day, Rising Sun Commune

We awoke late – it was close to one in the afternoon when the three of us came slowly back to life.

"Oh my gawd, I'm supposed to be at the Poole's by two," Izzy squealed when we finally figured out the time. "I gotta my hair... mom," she pled as she leapt from the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

I leaned over and kissed my mother. "Oh honey," she moaned when our lips finally separated.

"Stop that! I'm late," Isabel demanded when she rushed out of the can and found our lips again interlocked.

"Okay...okay," I complained as I disengaged myself from mom and rolled out of bed. The two of us washed her in the creek. Mom shampooed her daughter's hair while I washed my dried sperm from her body. Ten minutes later I watched my little sister race away down the path in shorts and tank top, her fancy dress over her arm.

"We better get ready too," mom said as she stood next to me.

"We have lots of time," I promised as I turned and took her in my arms.

"Are you sure?" mom asked as the back of her knees came in contact with the side of the bed.

"At least an hour," I answered as I pushed her backwards.

"You're so big," she groaned happily as I pushed my thick shaft inside of her. "No ones ever made me feel like this..."

We made love! There's no other way to put it. I'd had sex with my share of girls growing up but what I was doing with my mother, what I'd done with Sophie and Izzy, was different. Better. It's wrong, many people would say. Illegal. Immoral. Against God's teachings.

But we weren't hurting anyone. We were making love. And we did. Hungrily. A man and a woman needing each other, needing what the other had.

We washed each other in the creek when we'd finished. After my throbbing cock had spat strand after warm strand of impregnating cum inside her. She was my mother and lover now!


"So, how was the party," Sophie asked me an hour later. Earlier, Mom, who'd decided to go to the ceremony naked, had joined the Poole's and they'd all left for the clearing where the wedding was to be held.

"My sons not growing up here," I answered. We were walking through the woods towards the amphitheater where in fifteen minutes I was due to deliver her to her bridegroom. My arm was around her shoulder. We were both naked... although, for this special occasion, my sister was wearing a virginal, white lace wedding veil.

"Isn't she?"

"It's a girl?" I asked and immediately knew it was. We both knew. I bent down and quickly kissed my sisters belly. "Hi beautiful," I whispered to my daughter-to-be.

"We have to hurry," she said as she grabbed a hand full of my hair and tried to pull me up. I caught a nipple between my lips.

"Charlie we don't have time!" she ordered. We walked on.

"Did you park your boat on the beach?" she asked when we reached the edge of the bowl and looked down, referring to my threat of yesterday to whisk her away from her marriage by speed boat. "I guess I'll have to get married then," she added with a smile after I'd shaken my head no.

"You don't have to...we could just turn around..." I offered, quite prepared to lead her away even though the crowd had caught sight of us.

"C'mon Charlie, we've come this far, time for you to deliver me to my husband," she said laughing, then started down the incline towards the altar fifty yards away. The natural bowl was a swirling mass of people, some standing but most sitting on the grassy slopes. All naked! I couldn't help but hope that mom was capturing every step of our descent with the camera I'd insisted she bring.

We were about three quarters of the way down when Sophie gasped, then laughed before saying, "Well just get a look at our once shy baby sister."

Isabel was naked! "Where's the bloody dress she's been going on about for days?" I demanded. But I was starting to laugh. Isabel blushed when she saw us staring at her.

I joined mom and sat next to her on the blanket she'd brought to sit on. We were ten feet away from Sophie and Graham. I took the camera from mom and started to film! "Dad will love this," I whispered to mom as I let the camera rove over the crowd.

"You'll have to censer it before he sees it," she whispered back, then gave my penis a quick squeeze.

The ceremony was over in minutes, the words spoken by a long haired, bearded and ancient hippy who presided and whose words were completely unlike any I'd ever heard at any previous wedding. However, the watching audience seemed to approve and cheered wildly when Sophie and Graham kissed, apparently cementing the union. I had no idea if what we'd just seen was actually a legal ceremony under American law.

"So, what happened to the famous dress?" I asked my blushing sister as she, mom and I stood talking in front of the altar after Sophie and her husband had paraded up out of the amphitheater. Ninety per cent of the audience had already flowed out after them.

"Why, you don't like the one I'm wearing?" my nude sister demanded as she did a pirouette in front of us. I picked up the camera.

"I love it," I answered as I handed the camera (still recording) to mom and took Isabel into my arms. I kissed her.

"Don't... someone will see," she said shyly when we'd broken apart.

"You know, we could get one would notice," I offered.

"You're crazy," she answered with a saucy grin on her lips.

"We can do it right now... here... mom can be the minister," I told Isabel as I took her hand and led her to a spot directly in front of the altar.

"Charlie!" mom tssked as I took her hand and pulled her so she was standing between the altar and us.

And so, with fifty or so laggard wedding guests still milling around, and with the camera we'd set on the stone block that made up the altar still recording, mother, a grin on her face, started, "Will you, Isabel Ann Woodman, take Charles to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Don't forget the obey part mom," I instructed about one second before Izzy's elbow rammed into my side.

"You'll obey me Charlie," she said with total confidence.

"I know," I agreed grumpily.

"Don't're sooooooo lucky," my sister answered. Her face was radiating happiness. And I knew I was lucky.

In the end mom pronounced us man and wife. It had no legal standing of course but as I held my little sister and looked lovingly into her eyes we both knew we'd always be husband and wife. And we've got the video to prove it!

It was a great reception – a great party. But as soon as Graham and Sophie had left just after ten, mom, Isabel and I rushed home to our cabin in the woods.

I carried my new bride over the threshold. Then rushed back and carried my giggling mother inside and dropped her next to Izzy on our marriage bed.

No one will ever be able to claim that Izzy's and my union wasn't consummated. It was! Four times. In fact I also consummated it with my new mother-in-law three more times just to make sure. Mother and daughter. Mom and sister. Bride and mother-in-law. And once more with Izzy just to make sure.

Seven times lucky! We've got that video too.

Isabel didn't feign sleep this time. In fact she proved to be a very noisy lover. Her urgent cries of need echoed loudly out from the cabin into the forest beyond as my cock pistoned in and out of her writhing body.

Mom was much quieter. But her orgasms were more powerful as they rumbled over my thrusting cock.

It was late when the three of us finally fell into a deep, untroubled slumber.

Sunday, Rising Sun Commune

"Wake up...wake up all of you! What are you guys doing anyway?"

"Don't shout," I heard yelled from beside me. Izzy's voice I thought.

"Why are you all naked?" I heard demanded from the first voice. It was Sophie speaking I realized. I slowly opened my eyes. My married sister was standing at the foot of the bed looking down at us. She was wearing clothes for the first time all weekend.

"Sophie?" I asked. Mom stretched as she rolled off me and onto her back. "Why are you dressed?" I added.

"Not all the Woodman's are hippy nudists," Sophie giggled out. "Its amazing I turned out normal growing up in such a weird family."

"It's your fault," Izzy accused as she sat up while brushing her hair from her eyes.

"My husband and I are about to leave on our honeymoon and dutiful daughter that I am I thought I'd come by and say thank you to my family who've been so supportive. And look what I find," she finished as she sat down on the edge of the bed next to her mom. Then, bent over and hugged her.

She then proceeded to climb over my naked body so that she could reach Izzy and hug her. Then as she sat up again she asked her sister, "What's all this sticky stuff all over your stomach and legs anyway?" Izzy blushed as Sophie turned to me.

"Thanks Charlie ... for walking me down the aisle," she added as she hugged me.

"We'll miss you," I whispered.

"It's just six weeks... then we'll be back ... I'll miss you guys too," she said as she slid down towards the foot of the bed and then stood, poised to leave. "I'll miss him too," she said as she climbed back up onto the bed between my legs. "Yes I will," she added as she lifted my penis from where it lay on my thigh. Then she kissed its tip.

"SOPHIE!" Izzy cried as she watched her sister open her lips and take half of my soft, semen splattered prick into her mouth.

"Well you two didn't do a very good job cleaning the poor boy, did you?" she asked after releasing my penis.

"But you're married!"

"I gotta go, Grahams waiting," Sophie said as she jumped from the bed. "I'm late."

"But...What was that all about?" Izzy demanded as the screen door slammed behind her departing sister.

"I guess married life isn't all it's cracked up to be," I said nonchalantly, "now come and give your brother a wake up kiss".

"No...I gotta brush my teeth first," my wife answered as she jumped from the bed.

"Morning mom," I said turning. "Will you give me a kiss?" My mother did. Then a second and a third. Then she slid down my body, giving me little wet nips every six inches until she reached my groin.

"You are sticky," mom said after running her tongue from the base of my shaft to its head. My cute sister decamped from the bathroom just as mom was planting a wet kiss on its tip.

"You get too many hard-ons Charlie," Izzy admonished as she sat back down on the bed. But there was an excited sparkle in her eye.

"Isabel, you're definitely old enough to help your mom with her cleaning chores... it's not fair to make her do all the work," I teased. "What kind of wife are you anyway?"

"I've always done my share," my little sister answered haughtily as she leaned over. Then two tongues were licking me! "This is the kind of wife I am," she said just before she lowered her lips down over my cockhead.

We left the Rising Sun Commune three hours later. Dressed. Isabel drove. She smiled the whole way home.

Sunday, Woodman House, on Philly's Main Line

Dad couldn't wait to hear the news. Of course we could only give him the highlights. We didn't mention Mom's or Isabel's nudity. Although, when I'd edited the pics I'd taken, I did leave in enough that dad got a pretty good idea of what a show it had been. He actually gasped when I showed him one panorama picture of the hillside around the altar littered with at least a thousand naked bodies.

"Isabel shouldn't have gone. I shouldn't have let her go," he said aloud in self criticism. We'd taken a few of shots of Isabel wearing her fancy gown that morning before we'd left so that we'd have something to show dad. Some of mom and I dressed too. Dad just shook his head when he saw the pictures of the bride and groom.

"It wasn't that bad daddy," Izzy told her father but I made sure he saw my raised eyes as she spoke.

Later, when mom and Isabel had gone to do something he asked me, "What was it really like son?"

"They're animals dad ... it was ... just horrible," I finally admitted.

"Jesus, I knew I shouldn't have let her marry that guy."

"Worse than you could ever imagine," I added as I shook my head.


Some hours later I slipped into my sister's room. I was naked. I bent down and picked her naked form from the bed and then, with her cradled in my arms, started towards the door. "And don't think you can pretend you're asleep this time Izzy," I warned as I started up the stairs to my room.

"Charlie?" she asked as her eyes popped open. She had a sly smile on her lips.

"And who were you expecting?"

"We can't...what if daddy comes up?"

Our father hadn't visited either the second floor or the third floor of our house since he'd suffered a heart scare five years earlier. The day he'd got back from the hospital he'd called an architect. Two months later dad and mom moved into a two thousand square foot master suite in a ground floor extension jutting out from the house into the back yard. Izzy had inherited the old master suite on the second floor where she'd lived in luxury since Sophie had gone to University and I had the third floor to myself.

"You're sleeping with me from now on, understand?"

"Yes dear," she answered saucily.

It was our first night alone together. The first of what we both knew would be thousands. We took our time. Explored every inch of each others body.

Then fucked hard!


The next morning, after dad and Izzy had left for town (Isabel was working as an intern in Dad's office for the summer), I wandered into the kitchen dressed just in my boxers. Mom was drinking coffee at the kitchen table with her back to me.

"Charlie, you shouldn't... Maria might see," she started to admonish when I wrapped my arms around her from behind and bent and kissed her.

"She's upstairs, I just saw her," I answered, referring to our housekeeper. My hands closed on mom's breasts.

"We can't... not here... that was ... it was just for there ... it was wrong... daddy..." she stammered out as I lifted her from her seat and pulled her against me. I carried her to her bedroom. Made love to her.

"I'll never leave him... I love him," mom whispered as we lay panting side by side later.

"I know. I love him too."

"He can't know," mom insisted.

"He won't," I promised.

And in the weeks that followed the four of us settled back into our new day to day existence. Izzy and I lived together upstairs as man and wife.

Mother and I made love irregularly. Every four or five days we'd find ourselves together and would simply smash together in need and lust.

I told dad I wasn't going to Yale; that instead I'd accepted an offer from Penn. He pretended to be angry at first that I wasn't going to his alma mater. But mom reported the next day that he'd admitted to her that he was happy his only son would still be living at home for the next four years. That he'd hated the thought of me leaving but hadn't wanted to say anything.

A week after we got home mom told me that dad and she had agreed to have another child. The fact that I was staying at home apparently had helped her convince dad to have another.

To his, 'I'm too old ... what if something happens to me?' my mother had answered, 'Charlie's here. And Isabel. If anything ever happened they'd be there.' And so he'd agreed.

But my child was already planted!


"They should live here with us," I said between bites. It was early August, three weeks after Sophie's marriage. The four of us were having dinner and we'd been talking about the newlyweds.

"He's a commie... a nudist," dad scoffed.

"We'll only have a couple of years while they're in Philly to change him... to make him more normal," I argued. "You don't want your grandkids growing up there dad."

"What the hell can I do?" dad muttered angrily.

"There must have been four thousand of them, from two to ninety, naked, smoking dope... Christ dad, you shoulda seen it." I could see the frustration in dad's eyes. For a couple of weeks I'd been telling him stories of our foray into hippie land.

"You know they've rented an apartment in town Charlie, what the hell can I do?"

"Don't swear John," mom chided dad.

"It's not a safe area they're moving into dad. We have lots of room here, heck you could give them the whole second floor... redecorate it... give them free rent," I cajoled.

"He doesn't want to stay with us ... besides, what about your sister? Where will she stay?" he asked as he nodded at Isabel.

"There's lots of room on the third floor daddy," Izzy chimed in with perfect timing.

"It'd be so much better for all of us John," mom added. The seed was set! We even convinced dad to take the stairs upstairs and tour the second floor after dinner. I let mom point out how easy it would be to give the newlyweds their own apartment.

"Maybe we can talk to them... maybe after they've lived in their new place for a couple of months they'll realize how much better they'd have it here," we finally got dad to concede. We left it at that. But in the following weeks the three of us continued to revisit the issue with him.

On August 27th, two days before Graham and Sophie were to get home from their European honeymoon, and four days before they were to move in to their new apartment, it just happened that an electrical fire flared in the third floor apartment of an old Philly townhouse. In fact in the exact apartment my sister had been planning on moving into.

Isabel alerted us to the fire. "There was a fire on Sophie's street last night," she announced breathlessly as she rushed into the den the next night. "I just saw it on the news."

We didn't know it was Sophie's apartment (or my parents didn't) when the four of us watched the late news that night. "She shouldn't be living in that area John," mother admonished dad. "They're all firetraps... and the crime rate is terrible. She'll be raped some night. And what about your grandchild?"

There was a sudden look of steely determination in dad's eyes. A decision finally made. "C'mon Charlie we're going to find out just what the heck is going on down there. What's the house number Sophie's supposed to be moving into?" he asked mom.

"Tonight Dad?" I asked dubiously.

"Yes tonight, she's your sister for crying out loud," my father insisted. And of course we quickly discovered it was Sophie' apartment that had been damaged. Quite badly damaged in fact!

"Well, now I guess they'll have to stay with us for a while," I announced as we drove home. "And if you can convince them we can get them to stay permanently. It's up to you now Dad."

My father is no fool. You don't get to be one of the most powerful lawyers in Philadelphia and a Director of Fortune 500 companies if you are.

So it came as no surprise when he suddenly stopped the car two blocks from home. "You little bastar-" he started.

"The owners were away for the weekend... there was nobody was insured." I knew he'd figured it out.

"How did-" he started again but again stopped. "I don't want to know. And don't ever tell your mother or sisters," he ordered.

"Yes dad."

My father was smiling. "You could go to jail for something like that you bloody idiot."

"Family should always come first dad." He hugged me. We never discussed it again!

And eventually father was able to convince Graham and Sophie to temporarily move in. Heck it wasn't that hard – free rent in one of the nicest houses in Philadelphia. And dad even threw in a new car for them. Mom and Sophie immediately set about redecorating the second floor. Within days it was obvious to all of us (except perhaps Graham) that they wouldn't be going anywhere soon.

On September seventh, with mom, dad, Isabel and Graham out of the house, Sophie Poole, nee Woodman, my big sister, just back from her honeymoon, climbed the stairs to the third floor and was properly welcomed home by her brother. Three times!

A week later she proudly announced during a family dinner that she and Graham were expecting their first child. That she was about seven weeks gone. The newlyweds beamed.

Them mom announced that she and dad were also having a baby! And that she too was about seven weeks pregnant. To the astonishment of Sophie and Graham. Dad popped the champagne that night. Mom and Sophie were allowed only one glass. By the time Isabel and I stumbled into bed three hours later we could hardly stand. Neither could dad or Graham.


...Seven months later, on April 15th 2008, just four hours apart, first mom, then Sophie produced the most gorgeous daughters imaginable. My daughters. Charlie Woodman daughters. Amanda (mom's) and Jacqui (Sophie's).

And two days later, at long last, after some seventeen years without, I tasted my mother's milk again. Her breasts were much bigger than they'd been the summer before of course. Her teats thicker and longer. I milked mom slowly that first time. Kneaded her ripe melons until the first stream of milk arced out through the air. Savored the taste. Slowly licked my lips before I let them descend to mom's other waiting nipple.

Then greedily sucked.

I tasted Sophie's milk that same night. And in the following days I milked the mothers of my children repeatedly, sharing their bounty with the babies. I made Izzy drink too. I wanted her to know exactly what I was experiencing, what I'd feel when I eventually milked her.

It was a period of happiness and joy in the Woodman household...

Nude Day 2008, Woodman House, on Philly's Main Line

Graham of course wanted to go home to the commune for Nude Day 2008.

Sophie refused! 'The baby's too young'... 'I'm not ready to travel'... 'It's not sanitary there'... she argued adamantly.

Father, mother and Isabel and I supported Sophie, presenting a unified Woodman front that was impervious to any argument Graham tried to make.

Mother finally proposed holding our own 'NUDE DAY' celebration in the back yard around the pool to make up for it.

Dad, when he heard, informed us that while he'd like to attend, he couldn't that weekend due to previously scheduled business commitments. The chicken!

Graham grumpily agreed.

Sophie bought the masks.

And so, at 8:00 pm on Saturday, July 19th 2008, Mom, Isabel, Graham and Sophie, two beautiful babies, and yours truly found ourselves in the Woodman backyard with masks on our faces. And nothing else covering our bodies.

We swam... and ate from a huge spread of food the ladies had prepared ...drank bottles of wine... and talked and laughed (although Graham, for whom the party was being held, did more grumbling than smiling)... we danced ... and mom and Sophie fed their babies. Then they playfully offered their dripping breasts to the rest of us.

"That's gross," Graham declined but that didn't prevent me from taking his wife's teat between my lips. He grimaced when I pulled away from his wife and he saw the huge erection jutting from my groin.

Then he watched as Isabel and I milked mom.

Then we danced some more. Graham, the man who'd been raised on the free loving commune was tentative as he danced with his naked mother-in-law, with Izzy. Not I.

And he could clearly see my excitement. Knew that as I held my mother, my sister, his wife in my arms my throbbing penis was hard and insistent against their stomachs. He watched the hungry kisses I traded with Isabel, with mom... I could see the protest on his lips as I tasted his wife's lips.

"It's wrong," he finally muttered.

"It's NUDE DAY man," I answered, while directing a clear challenge at him with my eyes. I was bigger than my brother-in-law. Everywhere! He finally lowered his eyes.

"C'mon mom, Izzy, its bed time," I finally said. Graham glanced up as I took their hands.

"Will you watch the baby Graham?" my mom asked her son-in-law.

"What?" he asked but three of us were almost at the sliding doors that led from the pool deck into mom and dad's bedroom.

"The baby," Izzy said impatiently, "take care of him."

"But..." he mumbled, clearly befuddled.

I turned back, and after catching Sophie's eyes said, "C'mon, you too!"

"Me?" my big sister asked, and but then, after only a moments hesitation, bent towards her husband, spoke a few words, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then turned and rushed towards us. And then into my arms.

I simply lifted her up and carried her to the bed, then, after laying her back on it, climbed between her legs and brought my cockhead to her glistening slit. Graham, a baby in each arm, was standing in the doorway, a dumbfounded look on his face, when I slowly pushed my penis inside his wife. After watching for seconds he fled.

We made love all night! It was the first time we'd all been together. But we knew it wouldn't be the last. It was a feast of breasts and lips and tongues and fingers and bums and quivering clits and mouths and one cock.

Of sex! Of love!

When dad came home a week later he couldn't help but sense the distance that had suddenly grown between his daughter and her husband. But he didn't say anything.

Graham lasted two more months with us before he suddenly disappeared one day.

"This wasn't some more of your doing was it Charlie?" my clearly pleased father asked that night at dinner.

"Not me dad," I declaimed with a blushing grin.

"C'mon son, what did you..." he started to ask, but then stopped and said, "Don't tell me. I probably don't want to know do I?"

"No dad," I agreed even as I wondered what it would be like to have all five of us in bed together. Did dad like breast milk?

I have a feeling we just might find out...