Two Pregnant Moms - and Sis?


The following story, about 3 ½ Literotica pages long, explores the relationship that develops between an eighteen year old teen and his mom after his father marries a younger women. And how this teenager then becomes torn between two beautiful, competing women. Please enjoy. 2 Pregnant Moms....and sis?


1 -- Dad March 15th 2006

"I'm getting married again son," Dad said nervously, and then after a questioning glance into my eyes looked quickly away.

"WHAT?" I screeched, stunned at his words. Shit, I told myself, I should have known it was coming; he'd been dating that bitch Katrina for six months. And then today when he called me into his den and said he'd like to discuss something serious with me I should have guessed.

But I'd thought we were going to have a heart-to-heart about school...or maybe the summer job at his company...or even maybe a little discussion of my activities with my current girlfriend.

"But what about Mom?" I demanded.

"We're divorced son. Your Mom and I have to move on."

"Move on to fucking where? Christ dad, you're sixty-two. She's a girl," I accused.

"Billy, she's a university graduate. Twenty-three," Dad said softly, knowing how much his words had hurt me.

It had never really occurred to me that dad would remarry, especially to someone like Katrina. But given his history I shouldn't have been surprised. He'd always preferred young girls. He'd married for the first time at eighteen, a college freshman who knocked up his girlfriend in his second month on campus. Then married her, and over the next five years had somehow graduated with a degree in business and had three daughters while starting a company that supported them all.

At forty, with his youngest child, my half sister, seventeen, he'd simply walked out. Two years later he married mom, a sixteen year old high school junior. Neither mom nor dad had ever fully explained how they'd met and fallen in love but apparently they had.

My sister Chrissie was born a year later...then I, William Koury jr., Bill or Billy to everyone, his first son, came along another year later in November 1987. He'd stuck around until I was sixteen and then he left us. Actually he'd been a pretty good dad while he was there. But in leaving he'd broken my mom's heart. And this latest news wasn't going to help her any in getting it all back together.

For the last two years I'd been spending my time between two houses just over a mile apart, a week with mom followed by a week with dad. It had been a weird experience but for a horny teenager it had certain advantages. Like they both spoiled me. I had lots of spending money. Dad gave me a motorcycle and I had access to two cars.

And half of my friend's parents were divorced. Still, it had hurt. It still did. My sister had absolutely refused to live with dad, instead, for the first year she had simply visited him every second weekend or so. Now, a freshman at the University of Florida, she didn't even have to do that. It wasn't so much that she hated him, it was just that she wasn't prepared to do anything that would hurt mom anymore than she'd already been hurt.

Dad informed me the wedding was set for the first weekend in May. "That way Chrissie will be home from school," he said explaining his choice.

"That's only six weeks from now dad," I complained while thinking what the fuck does he care when his daughter finishes school, the chances of her coming were slim and none.

"She's leaving for Europe right was the only weekend that fit," he said, then added, "I'm hoping you'll get her to come son. I know, I know," he said seeing my grimace, "but I'd sure appreciate it."

"I'll try dad," I promised, caught between my love for him and my love for my mom and sis.

2 - Katrina March 16th 2006

She knocked on my door the next morning ten minutes after dad had left for work.

"I know you're angry...maybe hate me," she started after venturing a few feet into the room.

"You got that right," I interrupted. "Breaking up marriages...fucking old men for their money," I accused my soon to be new step-mother.

"Liar. I never even knew your father until he'd left your mom."

"Christ, you're twenty-three. Can't you find somebody to pick on your own age?" Except the truth was that Katrina Molotov was about the hottest babe you could hope to find. And smart. She could have had anyone she wanted. And for some reason she'd chosen sixty-two year old dad. I'd had a hard-on for her since the day dad had brought her home and introduced her to me three months ago.

I'd even lain in bed stroking myself as she and dad went at it on the other side of the house. She was a screamer and even the supposed sound proof construction of dad's new house couldn't muffle Katrina's groans of pleasure as she writhed under his big prick. I'd even watched them once. Had watched them late one night, had stood in the darkened hallway outside their room, naked, my throbbing prick in hand, as dad had pounded deep inside of her.

I'd had to fight myself to stop from rushing into the room and pushing my old man off her and replacing him. My hard cock had finally spurted great gobs of cum against the wall even as Katrina's orgasmic screams echoed around me. I knew I still wanted to fuck her even after dad's marriage announcement.

"I want us to be friends. I'll be your second mom from now on," she answered.

"Second mom?" I asked, flabbergasted by her chutzpah. Then as a bright red blush spread over her pale skin I demanded, "What about my first fucking mom."

"Their marriage is finished Billy...your mom is'll find someone new."

"What, she'll go out and find a twenty year old boy toy and live happily ever after?"

"I'm an adult...a trained psychologist, a therapist."

"Great! Maybe you can give mom and Chrissie and I some free therapy. When you're not fucking dad."

"If you're going to be such an asshole yes, maybe you do need therapy," she spat back, finished trying to sweet talk me.

"I'm the asshole?" I wailed.

"You could come to the office...we could talk your problems out."

"My problem is you!"

"Well you better get used to me buddy," she hissed, then turned on her heels and stomped out of the room.

3 - Mom March 18th 2006

It was I who broke the news to mom and sis two days later. Dad said he'd do it but had wondered aloud to me if it wouldn't be better coming from me. That was after asking me to be his best man. "You're a chickenshit dad," I'd accused but finally agreed to his request.

My sister Chrissie was home from Gainesville for spring break but even she was surprised when mom's only reaction to my news was, "I'd like to strangle that prick."

"She's just a little, fortune seeking slut mommy," Chrissie said as she rushed to hug mom.

My mom, born Sophia Rosa Fratelli to second generation Italian Americans, was only thirty-six that spring, impossibly beautiful for a woman who had children aged nineteen and eighteen. Her thick, curly, auburn hair tumbled over her shoulders in a fiery cascade that simply led ones eyes downward to the full, round, still high and firm breasts that screamed to be cupped and caressed.

And then the ridiculously small waist, easily circled by my two hands, and then the flaring outward of hips and rear.... Mom was hot, something that my buddies almost inevitably pointed out to me after seeing her. Even my girlfriends refused to believe she was my mother.

And, in the twenty some months since dad had left her, mom hadn't had sex. Or at least I didn't think she had. She'd never dated, and unless she was having secret daytime trysts she was living cock free. And over the previous six months, with the two of us living together and Chrissie gone, I'd slowly come to the realization that I wanted to make love with her. My own mom!

"Are you guys okay?" I asked from the doorway of mom's bedroom a couple of hours after I'd broken dad's news. Mom and sis had retired there to commiserate together over my sad tidings. They'd taken a bottle of rum with them.

"You're all bastards," Chrissie slurred at me as I approached the bed. "Bloody men!"

I had come to try and comfort mom but still, I couldn't help notice what they were wearing. Mom was in a gossamer thin, light blue, v-necked satin slip, her large areolas easily seen through the material. Chrissie, was in a yellow tank top that only reached mid thigh and struggled to contain her breasts, full, round orbs that were spilling out the sides of it. Neither seemed to be wearing panties. Pissed off and half soused they were unaware of the effect they produced in me.

I crawled up the bed and then, after sitting between the two, put my arms around them and pulled them against me. "I love you two," I said as I gave each of them a squeeze.

"Yeah sure," Chrissie groused.

"Is she beautiful?" mom asked, her watching eyes dark pools of despair.

"Compared to you?" I laughed. "Ma, either dad's going senile or blind in his old age. You two are the prettiest girls in the whole world."

"I'm old," mom lamented.

"She's a blond...a foreigner," Chrissie added.

"Hah! If I wasn't your son...or your brother, I'd..." I added, leering suggestively at the two women as I squeezed them.

"You'd what?" my sister challenged, an invitation in her eyes even as she pushed her thinly covered breast into my chest. Her nipple was hard as it poked against me.

I blushed and said nothing, simply hugged them a little tighter in my arms. I knew that even in their inebriated condition they both could see how excited I was by the way my penis tented upward in my pajama bottoms. Neither said anything. We finally fell asleep together, innocently entwined. I dreamt of making love to the two of them.

4 -- Chrissie May 3rd 2006

The following six weeks seemed to fly by and suddenly we were three days before the wedding. Chrissie had just finished her last exam and was home from school. She was still refusing to attend the wedding.

"I'm staying home with mom," she declared adamantly when I begged her to come.

"I won't go then," I answered, "not without you."

"You have to're the best man," mom insisted. "And you too sweetie," she said to her daughter.

"I hate him," Chrissie spat back.

"He's your father, he loves you."

"I have nothing to wear...its too late to get something...I don't have a date," she stalled.

"You'll be my date. And we'll go buy you a dress tomorrow. Dad told me you had carte blanche to buy whatever you want. At whatever cost."

"He did?" Chrissie asked, her female shopping gene suddenly activated.

"That's settled then," mom announced.


"No buts," I said grinning.

"Why don't you have a date anyway Billy...what about all these girlfriends mom keeps telling me about in her letters?" Chrissie asked me.

I just shrugged as I walked away.


We spent $4200 outfitting Chrissie for the wedding. And I made points with everyone. First, I called Dad to get his credit card info. He was delighted I'd talked my sister into attending. "I owe you son," he'd promised.

I called Katrina for advice on what kind of dress Chrissie should get and where. The two of us had declared a ceasefire over the preceding weeks and although not friends yet we were slowly developing a working relationship. After spending twenty minutes giving me advice she ended the conversation with a simple, "Thanks Billy...for calling me...for trusting me."

Katrina had given me the name of three trendy boutiques on South Beach, expensive shops that catered to the fashion crowd, and my knowledge of them and my advice to my sister truly surprised and impressed her.

"Where'd you learn about women's fashion," she demanded as we entered the first store.

It took an hour and a second store and the seventh dress Chrissie tried on before we found the perfect dress but I'd made no complaint. Helping her get into and out of the dresses had been more than entertaining for her horny young brother.

Chris, at five-eight, was a couple of inches taller than her mom, and although maybe not quite as full chested as her, her round, full orbs certainly reflected her genetic inheritance.

"That bra doesn't go with the dress," I said as I walked around her.

"I know, I'll have to wear a strapless demi bra or something."

"Better completely braless," I said over her shoulder as we both looked and inspected the dress and her in the large wall mirror.


"No buts," I said forcefully as my hands went to the clasp of her bra that was invitingly available with the near backless gown.

"Billy!" Chrissie protested as I slipped the dresses straps from her shoulders and let it fall around her waist. But then she watched transfixed in the mirror as I completely removed her bra and bared her pink capped tits. She said nothing as I stared at her in the mirror, didn't move as her nipples hardened. Finally I slowly raised the dress up and recovered her.

"See, its much better this way," I said.

"People will see my the wedding," she said as she adjusted the bodice of the dress.

"You'll be prettier than Katrina," I whispered.

"She's blond."

"You have nicer..." I said as I ran my eyes appreciatively up and down her body.

"Nicer what?"

"These for one," I said grinning as I cupped her still pointed orbs in my palms. They fit perfectly.

"BILLY!" she screeched as she pulled away from me but as she turned to look at me I couldn't help but notice the saucy invitation in her eyes.

After changing and paying for the dress, as we headed out the door, I suggested, "Now we better go buy some matching panties, I understand there's a great lingerie store on the next block."

"I have lots of panties."

"Daddy's paying," I lured.

"Ohhh. Well maybe I could use something new. But you don't have to come...I can take a cab home."

"Hah!" I croaked. The two of us spent an hour inspecting the latest in women's underwear before we finally finished and went home. I got to see her magnificent breasts again. And again. In fact she seemed to delight in trying on bra after bra in front of her younger brother. Her nips were pointedly erect the whole time.


The wedding turned out to be a great success. Even Chrissie had a great time. Every man at the reception made it clear to her that they found her very attractive. She danced every dance. Even a couple with daddy while his new bride danced with me.

"Your sister's upstaging me at my wedding," Katrina whispered into my ear as we danced.

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Koury," I answered back.

"But she's beautiful," she insisted as we both turned to look at sis and dad dancing. "And she's been showing a lot of cleavage."

Laughing I answered, "You've got your man, you don't need a sexy dress."


"Are you fishing for a compliment?" I asked as I pulled her closer.

"Maybe," she answered even as she smiled sweetly at a passing couple.

"You're the prettiest bride I've ever seen, and you do have nice breasts," I said grinning.

"You're not so bad either...thanks Billy...for everything. Your dad was so happy to have you standing next to him today...that you got Chrissie to come. You've even been nice to me...I was worried that maybe you'd do something, say something," she said as for just a second she pressed her mound against me. She could feel my urgent hardness. "You're going to make some girl very happy some day," she said as the song ended.

I think now, looking back, that it was at that exact second that my plan to seduce Katrina was born.


"C'mon, it's the last dance," Chrissie said as she rushed up to me just after midnight.

"Finally! The beautiful princess has ignored her brother all night and now she decides to talk to him," I mock complained as she led me onto the floor. "She must need a ride home."

"Shut up and dance Billy," she ordered as she slipped into my arms.

And we did. Cheek to cheek. Belly to belly. I didn't talk. The hardness that was soon trapped between our bodies said everything about what I felt, what I wanted. She rubbed her body languorously against mine.


"I love you little brother," Chris whispered as we sat in the car in the driveway when we finally got home.

"I love you too. You were the prettiest girl there," I said as I put an arm around her shoulder.

"Not as pretty as Katrina," she argued.

"Hah! You're so pretty I almost asked the minister to marry us," I teased.

"I had fun...even though dad was're a good dancer," she stammered, her lips just inches from mine, seconds from joining mine in that first taboo kiss.

"Ohhh Chrissssie," I murmured just as the front door opened and mom appeared in the light.

The three of us quickly ended up in mom's bedroom and after giving her the highlights of the night mom started to barrage us with questions. "If we're going to talk all night we better get some drinks," Chrissie insisted, then ordered me to find some.

After doffing my tux and shirt, I returned to the bedroom with bottle and three glasses in hand, bare-chested and wearing only some cotton pajama bottoms.

With the drinking we'd done at the wedding combined with what we quickly consumed in mom's bed the three of us were soon feeling no pain. Chrissie, perhaps because of all the dancing she'd done earlier, passed out first. Mom, who turned maudlin and teary soon after, was quick to follow.

I took off my pajama bottoms. Then, as I lay wedged in between the two of them, my hard cock pushing insistently against mom's bum, a bum I'd carefully bared, I made my second decision of the night. I suddenly knew I didn't want just Katrina, I also wanted mom. And then Chrissie, I thought as I fell asleep.

The two were gone from the bed when I finally awoke. I wondered what they had thought when they found me sleeping naked next to them. Wondered how long they'd stared at my prick.


I drove my sister to the airport later that day. We didn't have the opportunity to say the words we wanted to. But at the gate she turned and slipped into my arms and swallowed my mouth. "I'll be back September 2nd -- we have to talk," she said when we finally broke apart, "and make sure you e-mail every day," she ended, then turned and slipped through the gate.

Three women, I thought to myself as I drove home, three women and I want them all.

5 - Katrina May 26th 2006

"Vanessa's coming to dinner," I announced to Katrina after getting home from school on a Friday afternoon in late May. It had been my first week staying with dad and Katrina since they'd returned from Hawaii and their honeymoon.

"Well we have lots to eat...your father's working again," she said, the exasperation clear in her voice.

"I know, he text messaged me at school. Urgent meeting with an irate customer," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Urgent fanny. He's taking a couple of his cronies fishing for the weekend. Who's Vanessa anyway, I don't remember meeting anyone called that."

"Just a friend...we're going to go clubbing afterward."

"Lucky you."

"C'mon, don't get mad at should be happy your boy has a date for the night," I teased.

"Fuck you junior," she snapped back but I could see the small grin that was forming at the corners of her mouth. Just as I oscillated between anger at her and lust for her, I knew she was beginning to regard me with a strange duality. I'd wondered if she ever dreamed of me like I dreamed of her.


Vanessa arrived just after seven thirty, suitably prepped by yours truly. A bottle blond, this twenty-one year old green eyed, golden tanned sweetie was sex personified. I'd met her where she worked, Miami's number one strip club.

"So nice to meet you Mrs. Koury, Vanessa crooned when I introduced the two girls. "Billy's told me so much about you." Then turning to me she added, "You're so right honey, I'd never have guessed your mom had two teenager children. She doesn't look a day over thirty." Then turning back to Katrina asked, "How do you keep looking so young maam?"

I thought my Katrina-mom was about to explode so quickly said, "No Van, this is my step mom...not my real mom. Katrina's only twenty-three."

"Ohhhh! But how old is your husband then maam?"

It actually got better after that. It was hard for anyone to dislike Vanessa; although she was somewhat dizzy (and knew it), she was so friendly and upbeat that it was impossible not to catch her happiness. After a great dinner and a bottle of wine, Vanessa and Kat (as she called her) were giggling like schoolgirls.

"We're going to grab a quick shower, get changed before we go," I told Katrina when we finally got up from the table at ten fifteen.

"Why don't you come with us Kat?" Vanessa asked.

"Yes, why don't you mommy? Do you have something you could lend mom Vanessa? Some clothes that would let mommy fit in with us youngsters?"

"Billlllly," Katrina hissed.

"He likes to tease, don't you sweetie?" Vanessa asked but then added, "Seriously Katrina, why don't you come? It'll be fun?"

Prodded by my clothing quip Katrina appeared twenty minutes later dressed for bear. She was braless under a semi see-through, crimson, silk top that seemed to have a life of its own as her high, pointed cones danced delightfully under it.

"Your mommy seems to have some clothes of her own Billy," Vanessa said as I stared.

The club was loud and crowded. We danced and talked and laughed and drank...just three young party kids out for a night on the town. I'd never seen Katrina so alive and was Van and I who finally had to drag her from the club.

"It's still early," she complained as I drove the two girls home. "I never used to leave clubs this early. C'mon, let's go to that after hours place."

"Vanessa and I are tired...we have to get to bed," I answered.

"Is Vanessa staying over?"

"Yes Kat, if that's okay with you," my sexy stripper answered, then turned to me and added, "And you better not be that tired Billy Koury."

"Why not?" the slightly high and befuddled Kat asked as we pulled into the driveway of Dad's house. Then simply said, "Ohhh," when she saw Van's hand move onto my thigh and groin.

"Night Kat," Vanessa said a minute later after the three of us had entered the house as she and I started to move towards my bedroom.

"It was fun...thanks Vanessa...thanks Billy," Katrina said.


"I think she'd have liked to join us," Vanessa said as I pushed my penis deep inside her.

"Join us where?" I groaned as Vanessa's heels locked behind my back.

"Right here baby," she laughed as she snaked one of her hands down between our bellies.


"She's too old for you...she's a stripper for God's sake...your daddy'll kill you," were some of my step moms first words when I appeared alone and disheveled in the kitchen around noon the next day.

"She liked you," I answered. "Maybe you can put in a good word for her with him."

"I'm sorry Billy, I shouldn't have said that...I had fun last night," she mumbled.

6 - Mom - June 3rd 2006

"You did what?"

"Vanessa and I, we took Katrina out clubbing with us," I told mom for a second time as we sat eating dinner on my first night back at her house. Then I continued to tell her the complete account of our evening.

"Vanessa's too old for shouldn't be dating a stripper," mom chastened when I'd finished. "I'm going to talk to your dad, and that woman should never have gone along with it...encouraged it. Why'd you take her anyway?"

"I have a plan," I whispered with an evil grin.

"What plan?"

And so I told her.

"Oh god, you shouldn't...Billy, it's so wrong," mom said when I'd finished but she hadn't been able to hide her excitement, her interest, her real desire as I'd poured out my plan. "He's your father."

I'd explained to mom that I was going to cuckold dad, that I was going to seduce his young bride. Mom tried to talk me out of it but I could see she was attracted to the idea of her own son messing up her ex's new marriage.

"And you know what mom, when I'm finished with Katrina, then I'm going to get to work on plan two."

"Plan two?" mom asked dubiously.

"You probably don't want to know," I answered.

"Tell me!" she ordered.

"Plan two is that I'm going to find a man for you," I announced proudly.

"I don't need," she started.

"Have you had a date since dad left?" I interrupted.



"Stop that!"

"Have you?"

Mom blushed as she shook her head. "I can't...I loved your much. I don't think I can do it."

"You need somebody young. Maybe one of my classmates," I said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.

"Billy!" mom said in a shocked tone.

"They all think you're way hot," I teased.

"They do not," she said firmly but then asked, "Which ones?"

"Charlie, Sam, Kenny, Brian," I answered, ticking off their names on my fingers. "Darryl, Bobby, Craig," I added, naming all my buddies who were regular visitors in the Koury house.

"You're terrible," she accused, but with a smile.

"So do we have a deal? I teach dad a lesson and then we find a handsome man for you."

"I don't want you sleep with that hurt daddy," she insisted but it was obvious she found the idea riveting.

"I'll put my baby inside her," I promised my mom.

"But honey..."

7 - Katrina June 10th 2006

"Can I talk to you?" I asked Katrina one afternoon a week later after I'd got home from school.

"About what?"

" know privately," I lured, knowing that the chance to get a little more information about her stepson would prove irresistible.

"You mean like therapy?"

"Not officially...I just want to know, private stuff...not for anyone else's ears."

"I'd never tell...let's go into the den."

"Not even dad," I insisted, my eyes boring deeply into hers. "It's embarrassing."

"I'm a professional," she promised as she led me by the hand to a couch and bade me lie down. She pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"It's about mom," I hesitantly started, "things that have happened...feelings...I'm scared. You can't repeat this, not even to dad...especially not him."

"Yes," she encouraged, her eyes now alight with curiosity.

"Is it normal...I mean, I your studies...have you ever you think..." I stammered.

"What Billy?" she asked softly.

"Sometimes...I have feelings...for mom," I finally gasped.

"Sexual?" she asked and then seeing my tentative nod went on, "Oh Billy, it's one hundred percent normal."

"It is?" I asked, trying to look surprised.

"When a teenage boy, especially one your age, loses his dad, whether through divorce or death, he immediately wants to replace his dad. He wants to protect his mom, support her, even love her. It shows up in case study after case study."

"But I want to..."

"You want sleep with her," she finished.

"Yes, how'd you know," I whispered.

"If you didn't you wouldn't be normal. But have you actually done anything? Or said anything to your mom?"

"No, no, but I think about it. A lot. I dream of her...of putting my..." I said blushing.

"Your penis?" she supplied.

"Un huh. I masturbate...thinking of mom. Even when I'm sleeping with one of my girlfriends, even Vanessa, sometimes I'm thinking about mom, what it would feel cock inside her...filling her. I'm going crazy."

"Does your mom know?"

"No, I don't think so anyway. But once in a while I look up and she's watching me...and sometimes I think maybe she's thinking of me that way...I don't know...its weird...I'm confused Katrina."

"Tell me about it," she encouraged in a gentle voice.

And I did. It was quite easy actually; I simply told her a lot of the things I'd really felt, or done, or dreamed of. "I've gone through her underwear...touched it...smelled it...touched myself with it... "I spied on her...when she was changing... "She has beautiful round breasts...bigger, fuller than yours... "I let her see me naked the cock... "When I hugged her I got a hard-on, she must have felt it...

Katrina was fascinated, continually interrupting my litany with questions that demanded more and more intimate information.

"We better stop now," she finally announced. "We can continue next week."

"Thanks've made me feel better already. I was going crazy," I said as I stood to go. "What should I do in the meantime?"

"Well, you seem to be okay...the other night," she started.

"What other night?"

"You know...when you were with Vanessa...I mean it sounded like you were still able to perform," she stammered.

"What do you mean? You didn't watch or something did you?"

"Certainly not! But I must say that Vanessa certainly makes her sexual satisfaction known quite vocally."

"I know...she's like you," I said raising my eyes.

"Are your daddy and I too loud?" Katrina asked blushing.

"Very educational mom," I said as Kat continued to redden.

"I've also got another idea," she said after seconds of silence. "I think we're going to have to find your mom a boyfriend. It's not good for her to be always alone. And then maybe you won't think you have her man."

"Thanks's nice to be able to talk about this with someone...I thought I was sick...a pervert or something."

"Not a chance," she said as she tousled my hair playfully.

I turned back towards her just before I reached the door. "Katrina?"

"Yes?" she asked, smiling as she looked up.

"There's something else. I don't know if this is normal too. It's weird, sometimes I dream of my other mom."

"Your other mom? Who... Ohhh," she said as a blush returned to her cheeks. Finally recovering she said, "Then maybe we'll have to discuss that too next week."

8 - Mom June 20th 2006

"You told Katrina you were attracted to me? Sexually?" Mom asked, almost choking on the forkful of food she'd just put into her mouth.

"Yup," I said proudly. "I've made it a big challenge for her. To help me overcome these feelings. We talked about all sorts of things...she asked all about my sex life. What I like. Who I've had sex with. She asked about you too."

"She did? What did you tell her?"

"She agreed with my plan B. She said it's very important for a divorced woman to get back in the saddle so to speak."

"You're terrible," she accused. "And what does she know about me? She'll just tell your father...about me."

"I don't think so ma," I said proudly, "I also told her I'm attracted to her. That I have dreams of both of you naked in my bed. It's all part of my plan."

"You and your plans. What'd she say to that anyway?"

"We're going to discuss that in our next session." I said. Mom was looking at me dubiously when I grabbed the package I'd brought to the dinner table with me and offered it to her.

"What is it?"

"Katrina thought it was a very good idea. That it's very important that you regain confidence, that you realize you're still a beautiful, sexy woman. That you wear sexy clothes... she chose it," I lied.

"Billy," she warned, then pulled the skimpy, white bikini from the bag.

"Some of my buddies, Charlie, Darryl, Kenny....I invited them over for a swim and barbeque...tomorrow. We thought, Katrina and I...that if you saw how the boys reacted...well, you know."

"Are you crazy? I won't wear it," mom insisted as she held the little bra up in the air in front of herself. "I don't need a bunch of horny teenagers ogling me to..."

"Ma, I know that! It's just that I have to have know, some stories for my next session with Katrina. C'mon, please."

"Definitely not."

Okay, okay," I said, pretending to agree.


"Hi," I said as I entered the kitchen the next morning around eleven wearing just a pair of white boxers while I dried my hair.

"You're finally up," she complained but then offered, "Bacon and eggs?"

"Please ma," I said as I sat.

"Where were you last night honey? Not out with that Vanessa girl again I hope?"

"She's a nice girl ma."

"She's a stripper."

"She's an expert on men. I thought she might be able to give me advice on how to attract Katrina, and maybe help me find a man for you."

"William!" she threatened.

"So, did you try it on after I left?" I countered.

"What?" she asked but her quickly reddening cheeks told me she knew I was referring to the bikini and also it told me that she had tried it on.

"C'mon, mom, admit it," I teased.

"Are the boys coming over this afternoon?" mom asked as I ate the breakfast she'd fixed me.

"No, I called them last night and told them it was off for today. That I had to help you do some stuff around the house."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Kenny said I was lucky, told me if you had any jobs for him he'd be happy to help you. Anytime."

"I never liked that boy...and don't you try to be smart," mom warned.

"Maybe just you and I can hang out by the pool this aft," I suggested.

"It is a nice day," mom conceded.

"And you could try your new suit...privately," I said with a leer.


I usually wore one of my pairs of Hawaiian shorts when I hung out around our pool but when mom came out an hour later she found me sitting on a chaisse lounge in my racing suit, a little red Speedo that just accentuated the bulge between my legs.

Mom, her hands full of magazines and sun block and towels, stood fidgeting before finally sitting down on the next chair.

"Did you wear it?"

"Don't you dare say anything," she warned as she spread her towel on the chair. Then slowly shook the robe off her shoulders.

"It fits...I think," I said, then whistled appreciatively as my eyes watched the thin triangles of cloth that barely covered her nipples, let alone her breasts. The bottom of the suit wasn't a thong, instead, it was one of those Brazilian boy short cuts that only highlighted the firm butt that peeked out from both sides. The thin material, so tight over her mound, did nothing to disguise her slit.

"You're beautiful mom."

"I'm an old divorcee," she complained back but I could see she was happy with the compliment.

"Maybe we should go to the beach'll have men chasing you in two minutes," I offered.

"This suit is for the backyard only, it''s immodest," she finally finished as her fingers tried to adjust the cloth over her left breast. "And your suit isn't much better," she said as her eyes trailed over my groin.

"You may have to trim a bit before you wear it in public," I conceded as I let my eyes drift downward to her suit bottom.


"Your hair...pubic hair," I corrected. "Its sorta spilling out," I added as I bent over and plucked one thick auburn hair from her groin.

"Ouch, stop that!" she ordered, "What's got into you?"

"Katrina will love it when I tell her about it," I said laughing. "Maybe I'll tell her you let me shave you...shave you completely bare. I'll give her this, as a souvenir," I said as I held up the curly hair.

"You're awful," she said but I could see she was wondering how the woman who replaced her would like my story.

"She'll be jealous of you," I interjected, having read her mind.

"She will?"

"Bloody right mom. She's the most competitive girl in the world. And when I show her the picture...she'll go ballistic."

"What picture?"

"That's why I wore this suit," I said, then slid a hand down across my stomach and slowly adjusted my penis through the thin cloth. Her eyes followed every movement of my fingers as I added, "A picture of you and I mom, our suits wet from a swim, standing arm in arm...she'll see your nipples...see how excited they are...she'll see the outline of my penis...see how it's straining to escape, hard..."

"That's disgusting." But I could see she was examining my idea. "Who'd take the picture?" she finally asked.

"The digital, it's got a timer," I answered as I reached under my shirt beside me and produced my Nikon. "C'mon, let's try it," I urged as I jumped up from the chair and held out my hand to her.


"She'll go crazy mom," I promised as I pulled her up and led her to the pool.

A minute later I led a dripping and smiling mom from the pool, and couldn't help but notice how the white bikini had become almost transparent. She looked up into my eyes in surprise when she saw my hand slip inside my suit and start to move. "What are you doing?"

"I want to be ready...for the picture, Katrina's got to see how excited I was,' I stammered as I stroked myself to hardness, then moved to the table, adjusted the shot, pushed the button and then ran back to mom's side and put my arm around her.

"You're your dad," she whispered as she stared at the red tent pole pushing my suit outward.

"Look at the," I instructed, and then just before the click I moved the hand I had around her waist up and onto her breast.

"Billy!" she screeched but I ignored her, instead went to the camera and pushed the timer again.

"This is really going to work," I promised mom when I rejoined her and put my arm back around her.


"No buts ma...just a few more," I insisted, this time moving my hand to her breast well before the camera clicked and moving the material aside and baring a straining, mahogany colored nipple. I felt a tremor pulse through her breast as the camera clicked.

9 - Katrina June 30th 2006

"Wanna go out?"

"It's already ten," Katrina answered, looking up from the television screen. "Where?"

"I don't know. Maybe the 'Maze'. Its usually pretty good Thursday nights," I answered nonchalantly.

"I don't think," she started before I interrupted her.

"We could talk about mom."

"I don't know," she delayed. I dropped a picture of mom and me into her lap

"Oh my gawd!" she gasped as she stared at mom's bared breast.

"It was sorta crazy this weekend," I said shyly.

"Well, maybe we can go for an hour or two," she said as she looked at her watch. "Just let me get changed." It was my third day back at dad's and Katrina and I so far hadn't had a chance to resume our previous conversation.

I gave my step mom a long, appreciative whistle when she rushed down the stairs five minutes later. She had done some serious clothes shopping since our last night out. Edgier. Younger. Sexier looking duds. She looked like a sexy club princess personified.

"Ya look good," I said appreciatively as I ran my eyes over the black, pleated micro mini skirt that rode high on her thighs; over the silver colored lace, spaghetti strapped, vee necked halter top that struggled to contain her breasts and which stopped about four inches above her skirt.

"It's okay?" she asked coyly.

"As if you didn't know," I said as I took her hand and then led her out the door to my waiting motorcycle.

"Let's take the BMW," she offered, clearly uneasy at the thought of riding on the back of my bike.

"Not tonight," I answered as I straddled the hog. "C'mon, get on."

I could feel her fear as we rode but also her excitement. She wrapped her arms tightly around me as we rode.


"What about your mom?" Kat yelled above the near ear shattering music.

We'd found a small booth in the back, away from the dance floor, but even there we couldn't escape the pounding beat of the music. Our cheeks were almost touching as we tried to talk over the sound.

"I think it might work," I yelled.

"What might work?"

"Your get mom interested in other find her a lover. But e have to hurry."

"Why? What happened?" she asked excitedly. I put another of the pictures on the table.

As we talked I could feel Kat's leg against mine, could feel one of her breasts as it pressed against my arm, inhaled the subtle perfume she wore, and all the while I continually moved my fingers over her arm, her cheek, her back, her hair, never letting her completely escape my touch.

I told her I'd talked with mom, that I'd asked her what she was going to do about men, that Chrissie and I were almost adults and would be leaving her soon. "I told her we wouldn't mind if she had a boyfriend...if she wanted to remarry."

"You didn't?" Kat gasped. "Did you tell her how you feel? About her?"

"No, but I got her to agree to join that dating service. And I..."

"You what? How?" my eager step mom therapist asked.

"We gotta do something fast Kat. Christ, I touched mom's breasts," I suddenly admitted.

"YOU DID?" she screeched, loud enough to draw inquiring glances from our neighbors.

I explained about the bathing suit, the bikini, about how we'd played in the pool, about how her top had come off. "She was against me," I whispered right into Kat's ear, "her breasts against my chest...I was hard...she must have noticed but she didn't say anything...oh shit Kat, I really wanted fuck her...right there in the pool," I admitted. "Then she let me take these pictures. Look at her, she is so hot," I said as I fanned four pictures in front of her face.

"But nothing happened? And she agreed to try a dating service?"

"Later...after we'd had dinner...we talked. She misses it. She told me," I lied.

"She misses what?" Kat demanded.

"Sex. She said she missed sex...that she missed what she'd had with daddy...she missed his cock. His big cock. But then she said mine was bigger...she kept looking at it stretched my bathing suit."

"Oh Billy, maybe we shouldn't be interfering...maybe I'm too close to you two," Katrina said after a couple of minutes of silence.

"She wanted to touch it Kat. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to...we didn't...but"

"You can't honey...she's your mom."

"But what about me? I want her Kat...I want you!"

"Let's finish our drinks," was her only response.

We left the club twenty minutes later. "Where are we going?" Katrina asked after I didn't turn the motorcycle towards the west and home.

"Surprise," I shouted into the wind as she tightened her arms around me. I could feel her pointed nipples pushing into my back.

"NO!, no, no," she protested when I pulled up in front of the 'Pussycat', the number one Gentleman's Club in our fair city.

"Vanessa's working tonight. She called, told me to drop bring you too."

"I won't go in! I'm a married woman. They're disgusting places."

"You're scared," I accused, challenging her. "C'mon...we'll just go in for ten minutes, say hello to Van and have a drink. It'll be good for me, it'll get my mind off mom," I cajoled as I led her resisting toward the front door. "It'll be good research for you."

"Just for ten minutes, I won't stay any longer," she warned as her feet followed mine through the pink doors.

Vanessa was on stage when we entered, nude, lying on her back on a tiger skin rug, with her hips arched upward as her hands caressed her full breasts. I led Katrina to a booth along the side wall, a booth that gave its occupants a great view of the stage while offering them privacy from the eyes of the general audience.

Whistles followed Katrina's march through the club, and one guy even tried to grab her bum before we finally reached the semi sanctuary of the booth. "God, that's revolting. They're pigs," Katrina hissed as she settled herself in.

"They think you're a dancer, that you're hot. You know, you are. Maybe you could dance here," I teased.

"They're sluts...whores."

"I'd like you to dance for me," I whispered in her ear. "Naked."

Vanessa had seen us as we'd progressed through the club and, after finishing her act and collecting the many dollars that the appreciative audience had stuffed in her garter belt, arrived laughing at our table before Katrina could answer me.

"Do you like it?" the effervescent Vanessa asked Katrina.

"They're all perverts," Kat answered, scowling out at the crowd.

"C'mon, they're harmless. And look," she said, holding up the thick wad of bills.

"But they touch you, grope you," Kat protested.

"It excites me. Just think Katty," she laughed, "all those hard cocks wanting little ole me."

"You're crazy," my step mom said but still broke into a grin.

"You look hot tonight," my girlfriend said as she inspected Kat's clothes. "You're not trying to steal my boyfriend are you?"

"Don't be silly...I just wanted something to wear if we ever went out again...I mean," she stammered.

""You are so damn hot girl. I think I'm going to dance one for you," she said suddenly, thenslid the dancing stool between Kat's legs.

"No...please Vanessa," she pled, then turned to me for support. I just shrugged my shoulders as the music started and a naked Vanessa stood on the box and started to dance.

And Vanessa was an expert friction dancer. Soon she had Kat's head between her hands as she brought an erect nipple towards her lips.

"Kiss it," Vanessa cooed softly. I watched spellbound as Kat's long, pointed tongue reluctantly darted out and then flicked over first one, then a second nipple.

"Please," she whimpered as Van slowly slid down her body and slipped her hands under Kat's short skirt. Seconds later they reappeared pulling my step moms lacy, lilac colored panties down her thighs.

"Here baby," Vanessa said seconds later as she held out the damp panties to me. Before I could react she grabbed the top of my pants and then stuffed the soft material down onto my straining prick.

"No...don't," Kat protested as she watched her underwear disappear but Vanessa simply ignored her and lifted Kats miniskirt and bared her sex.

"Look Billy, your step moms so hot," she said as she slowly ran her fingers through the blond strands on Katrina's mound. Her other hand reached over and wrapped itself around my throbbing cock. The dance ended with me spewing my hot cum into Kat's panties as Vanessa stroked me. Kat herself was moaning as Vanessa pulled a wet finger from her open and pink insides.

I drove Katrina home on the back of my cycle soon after and Vanessa followed in her car. We didn't talk as I drove but I did capture one of her hands that was wrapped around my stomach and forced it down under my jeans and onto my sticky shaft. Saying nothing she slowly explored it as we raced through the deserted streets.

But when we got home we didn't ask Kat to join us. Instead, we let her go to bed alone. And I soon had Vanessa screaming under me.

10 - Mom July 18th 2006 beach

"How was your week?" mom asked when I arrived back from dad's house on Saturday morning around ten.

"It was grayyyyt," I answered with a big smile as I encircled mom in my arms and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "And have I got a story for you?"

"You do? About Katrina?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with interest. "Tell me."

I did and mom interrupted every few seconds with a screeched question. "She let Vanessa touch her? "She took off her panties in public? "She caressed your penis? "On your motorcycle? God, you could have had an accident. Been killed. "She watched? As you made love to Vanessa? "I told you that you shouldn't see that girl. A stripper," she said with scorn.

"Before I left I told her," I said in conclusion to mom.

"Told her what?"

"That I'm going to put a baby inside her."

"I don't know why your dad married that hussy," was mom's only response.


"Did you ever want another baby?" I asked mom as we lay tanning on South Beach later that afternoon. I had successfully convinced mom to come to the beach with me although she had flat out refused to wear the bikini I'd given her. Still, although the yellow one she'd chosen had more material than the other, it was still more than sexy.

I could see her pondering her response as I grabbed the tube of sun tan lotion and squeezed a big drop into my palm. "I'll do your back," I offered, then without waiting for an answer started to caress the white cream into her firm, soft skin. She didn't protest when I undid the string of her top.

"We wanted have at least one more," she finally admitted.

"Why didn't you?"

"We tried, for awhile anyway. It didn't work. I don't know why," she said as she remembered. "The doctor wasn't sure...maybe I wasn't able to anymore."

"Maybe daddy was too old," I offered.

She lifted herself on her elbow and turned to look at me, unselfconsciously displaying one of her breasts when she answered, "Your daddy is virile...very virile Billy. He was always ready...we used to do it..." then mom quickly stopped and blushed when she realized what she was saying and to who.

"What about now? When I find you a boyfriend...will you have another if you can?" As I talked my fingers had slipped off her back and down onto the side of her hanging tit.

"I have to find a boy first," she said with a rueful laugh.

"I'll find someone for you," I promised.

"Will you?"

Oh yes mommy, I will, I thought to myself.

As we lay on our stomachs talking we watched the nubile, topless girls that continually passed us in a typical Saturday afternoon South Beach parade. Still, I was surprised when mom turned over without doing up her top.

"You don't mind?" she asked, almost in a flirting tone, watching my eyes as they hungrily devoured her.

"They're beautiful," I said reverentially. "He's going to be one lucky guy."

"Who is?"

"The boy you find," I said as I squeezed the tube of lotion into my hand. Mom simply watched, made no protest as I moved suddenly shaking fingers across her stomach and onto her gorgeous breasts.

"I'll never find someone like you," she whispered as her nipples twitched under my hands.

11 - Katrina July 26th 2006

"I told her about you."

"Who?" Katrina asked.


"What did you tell her?"

"I told her I wanted to have sex with dad's new wife...with you. That I wanted to put my baby inside you."

"That's disgusting."

"My mom would like to have another baby," I said deflecting the conversation from Kat.

"How do you know?" she asked, her eyes alive with interest.

"She told me."

"What did she say?"

"She wishes I wasn't her son. That I was just someone she'd met at the beach or at work. She wishes she could make love with with me...marry me."

"Did she really say that?" Kat asked almost breathlessly. Seeing my nod she quickly said, "Oh Billy, we shouldn't have done anything. You've become your daddy in her eyes...its not you she wants, it's your dad."

"You know, they wanted another baby," I told her.


"Dad and mom...years ago...after they had me. They couldn't," I said shaking my head. "There was a's sperm."

"That's impossible."

"Are you and dad going to have children?"



"We just got married," Kat protested.

"Are you trying to have them?"


"You may need me then," I offered.

"You're crazy. I don't want you. He's a great lover. Your daddy. No ones ever made me feel like he does."

"I'm bigger," I lured.

"You're not."

"Soon," I promised. "If daddy can't make you pregnant I will. After I've been with mom."

12 - Mom Sunday July 30th

We'd been going up to the cabin, which had been in mom's family for generations, every summer since I'd been a baby. Situated in the hills on the Georgia-South Carolina border a couple of hours north of Atlanta, title to it had only passed to mom four years earlier when one of her great uncles had passed away. This was the first time Chrissie hadn't been with us.

It was a ten hour drive from Miami and, after getting a fairly late start, we only arrived at the red clay covered turnoff road for the cottage at about eight-fifteen at night. Despite the long drive both mom and I were keyed up, excited as always to be returning to this place with so many memories. We could look forward to a week just to ourselves as mom had always insisted to her relatives that they give her a week's privacy before the whole extended clan descended on the property.

"What are you doing," mom asked giggling, when after opening the car door I lifted her in my arms and carried her to and then through the front door of the cabin.

"You're crazy...put me down," she ordered, but with a smile on her face. "Why'd you do that," she asked as I slowly put her back on her feet.

"Why do you think?" I asked, my arms still around her. Our lips crashed hungrily together.

"We can't," she protested when she finally pulled back from me.

"You're mine now, my wife," I said as I pulled her back into my arms.

"Ohhh Billlly," she moaned as our bodies melted together.

I ripped a button on mom's dress in my hurry to bare her, and then felt her tremble as I undid her bra. "Babbby," she murmured as I fell to my knees in front of her and then slowly lowered her panties. She spread her legs wide and arched her pelvis towards me as my tongue slowly slid up her slit.

Holding her bum in my hands I ate my way into the channel that had borne me, hungrily licking in her essence. She groaned once, almost a wail, when my tongue curled around her clitoric erection.

"No...Hurry...please...I want you in me," mom growled as she twisted her fingers in my hair and pulled me upward. Then I felt her fingers urgently fumbling with my zipper. "Oh honey...oh it's so beautiful beautiful," she said as her palm circled my suddenly released giant. I half dragged, half carried her to the black bearskin rug in front of the unlit fireplace.

It was fast and furious, urgent thrusts welcomed in a squeezing, moist cave. I was hardly in her before I was spurting a tidal wave of creamy cum into her waiting, orgasming centre.

"I'm sorry...I was too excited...I couldn't stop," I said as I lay gasping atop her, my thick lance still hard and thick inside her.

'You were perfect...perfect," she hushed, then somehow tightened her vagina around me and thrust her hips upward. "Fuck mommy baby, fuck mommy...oh baby...hard fuck mommy baby," she begged.

And I did. Hard powerful man strokes that pinned her writhing body to the pelt under her, that split her wide, that penetrated to the mouth of her gaping womb...a fuck that ended with another spasmic spurting explosion of my seed into her pulsing vagina.

"Again," she pled, her body, a body that had gone so long without sex, now a voracious receptacle for my slippery snake.

Twice more we made love, with each coupling ending with her vagina milking my shaft of every drop of dripping semen, sucking millions of swimming sperm towards her waiting egg.

"You'll kill me," I complained as we lay panting on our backs.

"Hah," she laughed as she ran her hand down my stomach and onto my sticky cock.

"Mommmmy," I cried as her tongue slowly licked its way from my balls to my cockhead.

"It's bigger than your daddy's," she said lovingly, then lowered her lips and swallowed me.

We drove two counties west the next morning, finally stopping outside of a Justice of the Peace's office in a town we'd never visited before. I'd called them the week before from home to arrange the ceremony.

We were pronounced man and wife at ten twenty-five on the morning of Monday July 31st 2006.

We made love nonstop for ten days before returning to the city. Mom was pregnant!

13 - Katrina August 13th 2006

She knocked gently on my bedroom door, then softly called, "Billy? Are you up?"

I sat up in my bed, sat up and then draped the sheet so it just covered my groin while leaving the rest of my naked body uncovered. I watched as the doorknob turned, said nothing as the door slowly opened. Another whispered, "Billy," and then Katrina's head peeked into the room.

"Kat?" I asked as I stretched and yawned.

"Oh sorry...I didn't know you were still in bed" she said, but not retreating just stood in the doorway watching me.

"It's okay. C'mon in," I invited as I pretended to adjust the sheet.


"C'mon. I've missed you. Sit," I ordered indicating the side of the bed.

"So, how was your vacation?" Katrina asked as she tentatively sat. "What?" she demanded as I grinned back at her.

"I got married," I finally announced.


"I did."

"Sure you did. Who is this young woman? Someone your dad and I might know."

"Mom," I answered.

She understood immediately. She watched me for second after second before asking, "You slept with your mom?"

"I put my baby in her," I said as I moved the sheet and bared myself completely.

"Noooooo," she denied as I cupped her cheek and gently pulled her to me.

"It's my second mommy's turn now," I said as I rushed to undo the buttons running down the front of her summer dress.

"We can't."

"Billy's both his mommies," I insisted as I pulled her flimsy, yellow lacy panties from her loins. Somehow I knew she'd chosen them this morning just for me.

I took my time. Pushed fully into her in one long, deep thrust, then stopped and let her feel the totality of my fat organ inside of her.

"Unhh," she groaned, then, "No...please...your daddy."

I flexed my hips once, sending my thickness just a little deeper, then slowly retreated, leaving only the thick bulb of my cockhead inside. Another long, deep stroke, a pause, then a slow retreat, again, again, a fourth time, each thrust eliciting a feral grunt from deep in her belly. A grunt that called out her need.

And then after that fourth vagina splitting stroke a total retreat, the thick ridged cockhead making a wet plopping sound as it escaped Katrina grasping pussy.

"Noooo," she cried, now protesting my departure.

I knelt between her legs and cock in hand ran its sticky end up and down her dripping slit.

"Billllly....please, I need it," she pled.

"Tell me what you want, what you want me to do," I asked almost cruelly, enjoying her sexual need.

"Fuck me...fuck me...please baby."

"Fuck who?" I asked, teasingly slipping my cock in and out of her engorged pussy lips.

"Fuck mommy...fuck your mommy...fuck your daddy's wife," she cried, knowing instinctively the words I wanted to hear. "Put Billy's baby in daddy's little Katrina," she screamed as I smashed deep into her. Hard and fast now, rushing to fuck her, fill her, cream her.

We were both yelling incoherently when the first spurt of cum cascaded up my prick and splashed inside her. And then for hours we used each other as animals might, a rutting together that bespoke more our caveman past than the civilized humans we supposedly were.

I had two wives now.


August passed in a blur of sex for me. I spent most nights in mom's bed but returned repeatedly to Katrina's arms. Mom would milk be dry and then demand details of my latest foray with dad's wife. Always wanting me to compare her with Katrina.

"Am I better," she'd demand even as my sperm leaked down her thighs.

Katrina of course asked the same question, wanted the same reassurance.

The truth was it was impossible to choose. They were so different but somehow I loved them both. And then, all of a sudden, it was time for Chrissie to come home!

14 - Chrissie September 3rd 2006

Chris flew in to Miami from Paris on the first Sunday in September, and the second she saw mom and I after walking through the gate she ran shrieking into our arms.

"Oh god I missed you guys," she cried as she hugged us.

"You've cut your hair...very sexy," I said as I cupped her head in my hand and kissed her lips.

"Oui monsieur William, do you like it? It's all the rage with we chic French girls."

"Chic eh?"

Her eyes were sparkling, her happiness obvious as she answered in a French accent, "You Americans might not understand."

"You're beautiful," I complimented, then kissed her again. She was! She pushed her moist, pink tongue into my mouth.

"I love too mommy," she said as she turned and kissed her mother.

How do you tell your sister that you're sleeping with her mother? That you now consider her mother your wife? That your baby is growing inside of her? Mom and I had discussed it almost endlessly over the proceeding week without coming to any decision. Chris was only going to be home for three days before leaving for school and Gainesville. Should we even tell her?

I'd told mom that I'd wanted to make love with Chrissie before she'd left for Paris. That I knew that she wanted me. I told mom of the letters and e-mails Chris and I had exchanged over the summer. Letters that only barely hid the desire we felt for each other. Mom and I finally decided to wait and see what happened.

The three of us were together talking all afternoon, then sat down to eat a late dinner of Chrissie's favorite foods mom had lovingly prepared.

"Can we talk...just you and I...later," Chris asked as we waited for mom to bring in the dessert.

"We could go for a ride...maybe to the beach if you want." I answered. She quickly nodded her agreement as mom appeared with the pie and ice cream.

Mom had clearly overheard us because twenty minutes later, when Chris offered to do the dishes, she refused, saying, "Why don't you two go have some fun. You've only got a couple of days before you have to go sweetie."

"But what about you?" Chris asked. "I want to spend some time with you too."

"Tomorrow. Now you two get out of here."

"Thanks mom," she said as she leapt from her seat and then asked me, "Can we take your bike. Gosh, I haven't been on one since I left."

"You're not driving," I warned.

"We'll see," she said as she raced upstairs to change.


My arms were wrapped around Chrissie as we roared across the Rickenbacker Causeway on our way to the beach at Crandon Park. It was a beach we'd often played on as children and I think she knew that it would be almost deserted at eleven at night. Perfect for her plans.

I'd given in to her demand to drive, the opportunity to wrap my arms around her as she drove outweighing my trepidation at leaving her at the controls. She had changed into a tank top that ended six inches above the tight, silk yellow running shorts she wore. As I ran my fingers caressingly over her flat stomach I was still undecided what to do, what to tell her.

After parking in a far corner of he lot Chris ran onto the sand and toward the breaking surf, but stopped halfway to remove her shoes. "Oh Billy, I missed the sand, the you want to swim?"

"We don't have our suits."

"Its dark, besides, I'm French now...we French girls swim naked all the time."

"Do you?" I asked, our bodies now only inches apart.

"Love me," she whispered, her breath tickling my face.

"But Chrissie."

"Please," she demanded as our mouths found each other. She felt my need as she pushed her mound against me. I wanted to simply lower her to the sand and fill her. I couldn't. We finally separated.

"What? Why? I know you want to," she pled as she grasped my prick through my jeans.

"I have to tell you's important."

"Later," she insisted, her fingers working my zipper.

"It's about mom," I finally gasped.

"Mom?" The surprise in her voice was replaced with concern when she asked, "Is something wrong with mom? Is she sick?" She released my cock as she watched my eyes.

"No, no. She's just that something happened," I stammered.


"She's pregnant."

Incredulity was evident on her face when she said, "That's impossible." Getting no immediate response from me she rushed on, "She's not married...I mean she doesn't have a boyfriend...does she...who's the father?" She watched me as she spat out her staccato burst of questions.

I saw comprehension slowly coalesce somewhere at the back of her eyes, then recoiled when a horrible wailing, "nooooooooooo," escaped her lips.

I felt her fists rain down on my chest as I saw first the horror, then sadness in her eyes. She turned and fled, crying as she raced across the sand. I only caught her from behind just before she reached the water, and then fought her struggling body to the ground.

"Pig...bastard," she screamed as I pinned her arms spread-eagled to the sand and then lay gasping on top of her. "I hate you," she yelled as she struggled to escape me.

"I love you."

"You don' can't," she protested, tears now streaming down her cheeks. "Why? You knew I wanted you...that I..."

I kissed my sister. Again and again. Tasted the salt in her tears. Forced my tongue inside her mouth. Finally felt a tentative response from hers.

"You'll have to share me," I said as my hand slipped under her top and onto a handful of tit.

We made love on the sand. Two young, naked, fit, horny teenagers... Mouths and tongues and fingers and cocks and bums and cunts...

An athletic, needy, ravenous, demanding coupling. My hard cock thrusting again and again into her moist, tight cunt.

Completely oblivious to the world around us as I spurted seed deep into her dark, suddenly pulsing cave.

With water lapping at our feet and gritty grains of sand coating our skin we lay together talking after our orgasms. I talked about mom, how we'd become lovers during our week at the cabin, how we'd married.

"You're married? You can't...I mean it's not legal."

"Marry me."

"You're crazy," she giggled.

"I love you."

I carried my sister into the surf and washed the sand from her body. She guided my cock inside her as we stood waist deep in the water. Then she wrapped her legs around me as I lifted her bum up and down, impaling her each time a wave broke against us.

"It's so big," she groaned out.

"Will you marry me?"

"No....yes...maybe," she laughed as my sperm again spurted up my cock in thick strands and flooded inside of her.

"I want your baby too," she said as her vagina shuddered around my sex.

"Let's go home to mom."

The three of us slept together that night. My sister and my mom shared me. Two tongues dueled over my penis, then took turns swallowing me. Both took turns riding me as they kissed softly.

Chris left two days later for school, only finally agreeing to go when she had got confirmation from the University of Miami that she could transfer in after Christmas. Every second weekend during the fall term she flew home. I hadn't told her about Katrina before she'd left but finally told her one night in October as she, mom and I rested after a night of sex.

She was as much amused as angry.

I still saw Kat regularly. Neither of us was prepared to stop.

My three babies grew in their respective mother's wombs. Then, in May, in quick succession, three baby girls were born! Mom's baby, Katrina's, and then Chrissie's. Billy's!

15 - Babies July 28th 2007

Chrissies loud demand of, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" brought me out of my reverie.

We, mom and Chrissie and I, and the two baby girls, had been spending a quiet afternoon around the backyard pool. The little girls were one and two months old.

"Who? What?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

"You have no right," Chrissie added as she stared ferociously at someone behind me.

Before I could turn mom said softly, "You must be Katrina."

"I thought maybe it was time you and I should meet Sophia," dad's wife said to mom. "And Billy's daughters should get to know each other," she added as she held up my third child.

"We don't want you here," Chrissie insisted. I said nothing.

"Why don't you leave us girls alone for a little while Billy," mom said after a long, appraising glance at Katrina, surprising both Chris and I.

"What?" I asked as I saw my sister open her mouth to also protest.

"Please Billy," mom ordered.


I returned three hours later. Katrina was still there. All three women were still alive and all smiled up at me when I walked into the living room.

"Katrina's moving in," Chrissie announced without warning.

"WHAT? ...Does dad know?' I finally asked.

"You'll have to talk to him...Katrina's your wife too now," mom insisted.

Oh Christ, I thought as I watched the smiling faces of my three wives....