Giving Mum a Hand Ch. 02


In Chapter One I told of visiting my sweet mother and of the discovery that Dad was not only cheating on her but was now lying dead on a mortuary slab. Far from being upset however, Mum seemed quite relieved and when both my sister and then Mum's own twin sister came to visit, things heated up quickly. But it was upon their departure that matters boiled over and before long Mum and I were fucking the night away happily.


The following morning I woke up to the feeling of another warm body in bed close to me and saw what was visibly a soft, relaxed and comfortable female body lying there facing away from me. For a moment my brain paused as it remembered what had taken place to get an obviously pretty lady into my bed then in an instant it all clicked back into place.

Of course it was Mum, her delicious body relaxed in the morning light, her shoulders and back moving gently as she breathed. She'd been such an incredibly wonderful fuck last night that I felt as if I'd found the right girl at last and that thought was all the more logical since I came from the same hole that my cock had entered and flooded so eagerly and profusely. She'd loved every moment of our love-making and had been remarkably energetic considering her age and that she'd been without sex for so long. I let my mind drift back to our delicious activities yesterday night, then found myself wanting to be inside her again.

Waking more completely now I gently lifted the duvet and let the sight fill my eyes; images of her smooth back, the outline of her shoulder blades and ribs visible beneath her skin, the curve of her waistline and her amazingly erotic arse. Instantly I felt my cock stiffening as the pleasurable sight stirred me and as memories of the night before grew stronger and as my penis grew into hardness I felt the way my penis seemed mildly tender in places. Again the memories filled me in - that must have been caused by Mum and I fucking each other so hard that I must have almost worn the skin away against her gripping vaginal lips. That wonderful oozing, slippery pussy, her tight vagina, her delicious and heavy breasts with their finger-tip sized nipples, even just her loving face - each alone would cause my penis to rise and stiffen inside seconds it seemed, just as the sight of her body was making it do now. I could do it all over again, right now!

Carefully as I caressed my stiffening rod I pulled my foreskin back, quickly discovering that the slight tenderness actually seemed to enhance the feelings in my penis. I stropped my fist up and down a few times to ensure that he was ready for action, then I wriggled gently across the bed until I could feel the heat emanating from my mother's body against me. Still careful not to disturb her I pushed my cock down and fitted him into the cleft between her legs, feeling her body react to the touch - firstly by flinching away and then by relaxing as I pressed deeper. With another small wriggle I was able to press the top of my knob up against her soft, warm, smooth pussy. The lips of her pussy were warmer than her body generally and were closed, probably I guessed by a combination of our dried juices. We'd fallen asleep after our last fuck, exhausted at last and entirely replete but now however I felt my desire to sink my rigid cock back inside my mother's body again.

I slid my cock backwards and forwards, the slight upward pressure of my erection gently caressing her opening and causing her hips to start to move in response, then suddenly her lips seemed to part and I felt the wet heat of her lubrications gushing over my cock.

A few more movements back and forwards and my penis was well and truly lubricated and soon became surrounded by her soft, welcoming slippery lips.

I wriggled once again so that I could press my lubricated cock upwards and then, having felt that I was in the right place I pushed a little harder and felt my penis slide easily up into her vagina.

A vague moan came from my mother as her body responded to me inside it.

Warmth surrounded my cock, salving the slight soreness and stirring my own responses. I felt my cock stiffen even more as my balls came to rest against the back of Mum's thighs and knew that even though we'd fucked at least three times last night and that I'd cum each time too, I still needed do it again this morning.

Right now that amazing feeling of a slow fuck was washing over me as I gently slid in and out of my mother's hole - a leisurely movement that I hardly wanted to end. Mum's hips were beginning to respond to my thrusts by pressing back against me while inside her body her vagina was now at work, masturbating me gently with it's muscular walls. Her hole felt perfect for my cock, as if I belonged there.

"Mmmmm," I murmured as I continued to enjoy her slippery hole, "Fuckin' lovely!"

"It is, isn't it!" answered Mum, "Such a long time since I last woke up being poked!"

"Ahhh - oh, sorry Mum," I said as I froze, "I couldn't help it, I just needed to..."

"Just needed to make love to me, did you?" asked Mum quietly, her hips moving again now, "Or just needed to empty your balls?"

"Both," I admitted and as I spoke Mum's hand snaked out and reached over me to pull me closer to her arse.

"Oh good," she breathed as her pussy continued to work on my cock, "Hoped you'd say that - it was so nice when we made love last night and now I'd love to feel you spurting up there again - it was wonderful."

"Yeah, surprised even myself!" I said, "Three times wasn't it?"

"Ohhh is that all, I lost count but I must have cum ten times, maybe more!" said Mum as she stroked her hand over my hip, "You were so good - so hard too!"

"Just like I'm hard now," I breathed as I drove my cock more strongly into her hole, "Feels so good inside you."

"Ohhh Chris, yesss!" moaned Mum as her rump pressed back against me as I pumped into her, "It does - it certainly does!"

The trouble was however, that as languid as our fuck may have been, it was also very erotic and stimulating and what with that and the pressure within my bladder I was already feeling the onset of my orgasm. I knew that I wouldn't be able to last long if this carried on, perhaps because Mum's tight hole had made my cock more tender and more responsive.

"Better be quick Mum!" I said as I carefully slid in and out, "I'm going to cum soon if I'm not careful."

"Yes darling, do it when you're ready!" said Mum as her body began to move with more energy, "Make it a quickie - I don't want us worn out before the day even starts but I do so need to feel you squirting your stuff in me."

"Won't be able to hold it when I start," I said but Mum chuckled.

"Don't care," she said, "Don't even care if I don't cum - I just want to feel you doing it!"

I knew that Mum was telling the truth so with that encouragement I pressed myself even closer to her, reached over her until I could cup one breast, then began pumping my cock up into her with more powerful strokes. Feeling her breast and her hardening nipple in my hand and the mobile flesh of her vagina working on my cock was doing nothing to make me last longer but fortunately the activity now seemed to be working on Mum too.

"Ohhh darling, yessssss!" hissed Mum as her hips rolled against my strokes, "Keep doing that and you'll make me cum too!"

"Thought you weren't going to?" I asked.

"That was then - now I've a feeling that I'll cum as well!" she answered as her body squirmed around my cock.

I tweaked her nipple and felt it grow and stiffen between my fingers. With a final squeeze I left it alone and slid my hand down into her groin, finding Mum's hand to be already there. She slid it out of the way as I delved into her slit, now finding her clit to be already wet and aroused. I stroked it and felt Mum's body respond again, this time with more powerful contractions around my penis.

"Ohhh Chris, you're wicked!" Mum cried as her hips pressed back against my driving cock, "You're going to make me cum, I know it!"

"So am I," I grunted as I slammed my cock up her hole, my thighs slapping against her buttocks, "Almost, almost!"

"When you're ready, just do it!" Mum answered quickly as her hand pressed mine harder onto her clit, "I think I'll be there with you."

A few more powerful thrusts, another tweak of her clit, some strong tremors inside her vagina, a stiffening of my thighs and I felt my cum rising quickly.

"Here it cums!" I gasped as I pressed deeply inside her vagina, "Ohhh fuck, ohhh fuck!"

I doubt that I set any records for the amount of spunk I ejected but it felt as if I was flooding her womb, filling her completely and as my first wave of cum was ejected so Mum began to orgasm too.

"Chris, Chris, Chris!" she howled, "You've made me cum - oh my god - oh Chris!"

For long seconds we thrust and shook and twitched as our two climaxes meshed and interwove with my belly hard up against Mum's arse and our hands clutching each other tightly at her groin.

"Oh wow!" sighed Mum eventually as her hand let go of mine, "What a way to wake up!"

"Yeah, good, wasn't it," I agreed, "Thank you Mum, you were perfect."

"So were you darling," answered Mum as she reached up and stroked my cheek.

The scent of her hot pussy was strong now as her hand conveyed waves of perfumed juices to my nose and I felt my cock answer by jumping inside her.

"No, no more," said Mum soothingly, "That was just right, couldn't do it again right now though - I need a wee soon."

"Ah yes, so do I actually," I answered, "You can pee upstairs - I'll go and use the toilet downstairs and I'll get some coffee on the go too."

Almost immediately Mum rolled over onto her back, sliding my penis from his happy home, then she patted her pussy with a small towel that she pulled from the bedside chair and faced me.

"I can hardly think how long it's been since I was woken up like that," she purred, "I'm going to have to get used to it though, aren't I?"

"Why, do you want me here every night?" I asked, "I thought you'd want your freedom."

"Only freedom to do what I want," said Mum as she sat up and slithered to the edge of the bed, "And what I want is to be fucked by you, time and time again!"

We laughed happily together as we headed to the bathroom where Mum sat down and made herself comfy on the toilet, then, feeling my own need increasing I turned to leave her to go downstairs and use the toilet in the utility room.

My footsteps were light as I headed to the toilet, peed and then I moved to the kitchen to fill the kettle. I guess that my footsteps should have been heavy considering the news we'd received about Dad last night but instead there was happiness in the air and certainly plenty of sex!

I relaxed as I wondered what to do today. I'd recently returned from an extended sales tour of the Far East and as was customary and having dealt with all the paperwork I was now free to take a couple of weeks of paid leave. Decisions, decisions, interrupted by Mum appearing in the doorway of the kitchen, her delightful body covered with her voluminous dressing gown.

She had an armful of my clothes with her which she now dumped on a chair.

"Didn't know if you wanted to go upstairs again," she said, "I thought I'd save your energy for you!"

We kissed happily and easily, the kiss now far more loving that ever a Mother and child's kiss should be but one that seemed entirely appropriate considering the fact that I was still naked and especially after all the sex we'd enjoyed.

"Trust you to think of me, that's sweet," I said, "I was just wondering what to do."

"Give me a chance to get some coffee in me and then we could always go back to bed!" Mum answered as she rubbed her breasts firmly against my arm and slid her hand down over my belly, "No, that's silly - I've got plenty of other things that need to be done - oh and there's that trip up to London we've got to sort out, isn't there."

"Oh damn, so there is," I said as I poured water into the mugs, "What did they say about it?"

"All we need to do is to phone first to make sure they're not booked up," said Mum, more as if she was arranging a booking at her hairdressers rather than at the mortuary, "Oh, they're probably open by now - I'll phone in a minute or two."

I stood there still naked and realised that the erotic way that Mum had rubbed and stroked me had stirred my cock again and Mum noticed.

"What's up darling," she said as she closed in on me and wrapped her hand around my erection, "Didn't you have enough just now?"

"No, it's you, you get me horny so easily," I said as I tried to hold her hand still, "Thought you were going to make a phone call?"

"I guess there's always time for that," purred Mum as her hand slid my foreskin up and down, "Anyway, this feels much better than using the phone."

"Yeah but..." I mumbled as her fingers and thumb concentrated on my knob, "Ohhh fuck - ahhh, don't!"

With visible reluctance Mum let go of my throbbing penis then smiled up at me.

"Suppose you're right," she said, "Ok - phone - now where's that number the police gave me?"

She glanced around the kitchen fruitlessly while I did much the same.

"I know I put it down somewhere," muttered Mum, "I was a bit kerfuffled last night though, wasn't I, what with everything?"

"Probably in the lounge," I suggested, "I bet you put it down somewhere near the table - I'll go and look for you."

"Thanks sweetheart," said Mum, "I'll tell you what - while you're looking I'm just going to pop back upstairs and get dressed. I need to look like a grieving widow somehow, don't I."

As she disappeared up the stairs I watched her longingly and then, led by my still stiff cock I headed into the lounge where I stood and looked to see if I could spot the bit of paper but it wasn't in sight. The rays of the morning sun were beaming into the lounge and as I felt them against my skin I found I had no great desire to get dressed, not to mention that it was rather erotic and exciting to stay naked with my mother around.

"Down the side of her chair, I bet," I said to myself as I bent over and squeezed my hand into the cleft.

I felt around for a bit without success then tried the other side and felt a scrap of paper in my fingers.

"Ah, is this it?" I asked of myself as I carefully extracted the scrap, "Ah yep - great!"

At that moment I heard Mum call out to me.

"Chris?" she said, "Are you there?"

"Yes, just coming - I found it" I said as I turned and headed back to the kitchen bearing the slip of paper before me.

"Here you are!" I said as I held it out ahead of me, expecting to find Mum back in the kitchen, "Knew I'd find it!"

"Certainly found it now!" said Aunt Sam's voice, "Goodness me Chris, I wasn't expecting such a sight this early on!"

"Oh ahhh! Ooh fuck!" I spluttered, "Aunt Sam - Mum - ahhh, what on earth?"

"I do sound like my sister sometimes, don't I?" she said, "Hello darling!"

My mother's twin sister Samantha was standing there with her car keys in her hand and with her eyes wide open and as she looked me up and down so her mouth fell open too.

She was at least as pretty as Mum generally but today she'd outdone herself. She may well have been fifty years old but, like Mum, her body looked far younger than her years and while Mum was dressing for sombre purpose today, Sam on the other hand was dressed for summer.

She was wearing some tiny shorts today and a lacy cropped top that displayed her trim and tanned midriff and also hinted loudly of her generous breasts contained within. Her legs and arms were bare and beautifully tanned while her hair shone with what looked to be a new auburn tint. Her face was radiant with freshness and brightness and her smooth, full and delectable lips just glowed with warmth.

Her clothes would have well suited a pretty teenager and yet they didn't look one bit out of place on her, such was her innate beauty.

She eventually managed to shut her mouth as she continued to stare at me but now began to lick her lips.

"Don't you dare call me Aunt anything," she said gently, "Not if you're going to stand there with that thing waving around - and don't you dare put it away either!"

"I was ahhh, ummm..." I tried, unable to form any intelligent words, "Shit!"

I felt the weight of her eyes on my cock which immediately began to shrink and as it did so I could almost see the disappointment in her.

"It's alright Chris," said Sam as she put down her keys and quickly crossed the room, "Let me...I'm not shocked - well, not really!"

A moment later and her hand was around my penis which quickly stiffened once again.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as she ran her nails over my knob, "Ohhh, careful!"

"Oh, I'll be careful," she breathed as her firm breasts squashed against my side, "I'd hate to spoil him but I do want to see him all hard again!"

"He's not supposed to be hard, I'm just going to get dressed," I spluttered, feeling my hips jerking uncontrollably from her erotic touch.

"No you're not!" she said, "Not while I'm here!"

At that moment Mum appeared, bursting into the kitchen still dressing and with her belt in her hand.

"Did you find - oh Sam - what on earth?" said Mum as she almost skidded to a halt, "Why didn't you ring if you were coming over?"

"What, and miss this," crooned Sam as she continued to hold and stroke my stiff cock, "I was out so I just popped in to see how you were and apparently you're fine!"

Mum was obviously made of harder stuff than I was and hardly seemed fazed by her sister's sudden appearance nor by the fact that her sister still held my cock.

"Of course I'm fine," she said, "And what's more, I'm satisfied too!"

"Had your breakfast in bed then!" laughed Sam, "That's more than I had - still, it looks as if there's still some left for me!"

"Oh Sam, trust you to want to share with me," answered Mum as she began filling the kettle, "Oh well, you were next anyway, weren't you!"

My eyes flitted back and forwards from one woman to the other and back, watching the way that they both still looked relaxed and happy and I understood immediately that I was about to be traded between them.

"Do you realise we haven't had a cuppa yet, have we?" said Mum, ignoring the sight of Sam's hand around my penis as she smiled at me, "Let me make one then I'll go and make that phone call."

"Yeah sure," I agreed, happy to have some normality around, "Two sugars as usual please."

"I'll just have some of this," said Sam as she continued stroking me, her hand softer and her touch more erotic now, "No sugar but lots of cream in mine!"

"Oh sorry Sam," said Mum, smiling happily, "Of course we can share him - almost forgot my manners - help yourself!"

"Thanks Sis. Be alright to take him upstairs then?" asked Sam as she lifted my hand up and cupped it over one of her warm breasts, "I promise I won't wear him out - well, not entirely!"

"Of course dear, you go and enjoy yourselves!" said Mum happily, "Just a word of warning though."

I froze, expecting Mum to make some firm demand of some sort while Sam's hand paused in it's movements.

"Just wanted to let you know that he certainly knows how to fuck!" said Mum with a happy laugh, "Half the night and then again this morning!"

She turned and headed into the lounge leaving Sam and me alone.

"Well, that's good news!" she said, "But just once will do me - for this morning anyway!"

With that she pulled me by my cock as she led the way towards the stairs and realising that I wasn't in trouble and that I was about to fuck my darling mother's sexy sister I followed eagerly, with the perfect sight of Sam's tight buttocks and firm thighs to stir my juices as we climbed the stairs.

At the entrance to Mum's bedroom Sam now turned and looked at me as she cupped and stroked her breasts.

"In here or where?" she asked, then made up her own mind, "Huh, waste of time making another bed all untidy and it looks as if you both slept here anyway so we'll use this one."

With that she began to undress, purposefully bending over away from me as she slid her shorts and knickers down over her arse, while I just stood there, feeling renewed stiffness returning to my cock. Her delectable arse was as tanned as the rest of her, entirely devoid of blemishes or even wrinkles while between her legs was the view of her darker asshole and her naked pussy, her lips already split apart and glistening.

"Ah good, it worked then!" said Sam as she straightened out, then turned to face me, "You'd better not let it get overexcited when I show you these then!"

I hardly had time to absorb the sight of her smooth naked pussy before she was dropping her cropped top by the bed, then lifting her hands to hold her generous breasts. She tweaked her nipples, causing them to rise into little hard pinkish nubs, then looked up at me again. My cock was now a very rigid bar of steel.

"Mine are different to Shirl's, aren't they?" she said as she looked down on her breasts, "My nips are still unchewed - well, not after pregnancy that is!"

"Pretty though, definitely pretty," I said as I admired the way that even though her breasts were very generous they only sagged slightly, "What a waste!"

"I didn't say that no-one's ever chewed them!" she answered as she gave her nipples a parting twist, "In fact they've seen lots of action but I never wanted kids - I was too busy having fun!"

She moved her hand down to her pussy and teased her lips apart, then sank two fingers between them and into her vagina.

"Ohhh yesss, nice and wet for you!" she said, "How do you want me?"

"Umm, on the bed?" I asked which caused Sam to raise her eyebrows.

"Don't be silly - if you think you're going to screw me on the floor when we've got this nice big bed to use..." she said, "No, I meant who's going to be on top. On second thoughts, come on, you go and lie down - I want to ride you."

I was soon on the bed, settling the pillows beneath my head and pulling crumpled bedding straight beneath me while Sam gazed down at me.

"This is going to feel so good!" she said eagerly, her tongue sliding over her lips constantly, "Don't cum too quickly though, will you?"

"I'll try not to," I answered as Sam now stood above me, "Might be hard though."

"He'd better be hard!" said Sam, "Don't let me down, please."

I smiled confidently as I looked up at her as she straddled me, her already wet pussy now silhouetted in the morning light, then reached down and held my cock upright as she lowered herself towards me.

"I don't need you to fiddle around," she said calmly, "Just let me put him in and then I'll do the work."

Despite watching her as she lowered herself onto my penis I still jumped as I felt our bodies meet and was unable to avoid thrusting upwards as her pussy engulfed my length.

"Uhhh Chris, yesss, that's lovely!" she sighed as I suddenly slipped deep up inside, "God, you feel so hard and strong!"

Right at that moment I did indeed feel very hard and very excited too and I immediately hoped that I'd also be able to hold out long enough to satisfy my sexy aunt and her eager pussy. I felt her body starting to move on me, her firm arse pressing against my upper thighs, her own thighs gripping my body. I felt the way that her hot slippery but very tight vagina was now caressing my cock with every movement and the way the tip of my cock seemed to be pressing against what had to be her cervix and I felt my penis jerking as she responded to it inside her.

"Delicious!" she sighed, her eyes closed in her ecstasy, "Oooh, this is what I needed!"

Her eyes flashed open to reveal her warm dark pupils, then she smiled broadly at me.

"I haven't had a man for at least a month or so!" she said as she started to rise and fall on my erection, "Been too busy somehow - ohhh, this is perfect!"

Her hips were starting to move around now, rubbing her pussy and her arse against me, sometimes pressing herself down on me, sometimes just squirming around to cause my cock to press against different places inside her. Her breasts rose and fell with every movement and every breath and I found my hands lifting to cup them, one warm firm breast in each hand.

"Mmmmm," she hummed as I gently stroked her breasts, "Ohhhh yessss!"

It was noticeable now that her movements were somewhat faster and more energetic now and it was then that I realised that my own hips were also at work, thrusting my cock up into her steadily. I stopped, remembering that she'd said that she'd do all the work.

"What's up, ready to cum?" she asked but I shook my head.

"No, not yet," I answered, "Just enjoying feeling you moving around me."

I was fine for now although I knew that I'd soon be able to bring about a climax if I just concentrated on it but suddenly Sam seemed to realise.

"It's ok for you to move Chris," she said, "Sorry, when I said I'd do all the work I meant that I'd do the riding - but I don't expect my horse to stay still."

"Glad about that," I said cheerfully, "I definitely need to move occasionally."

"Oh good, so you'd better - I need you to fuck me too!" said Sam as she pressed down hard on me, "I do like a nice energetic ride!"

Immediately it seemed that our love-making changed gear and suddenly we were both in motion, my hips pushing firmly up while Sam's own hips slammed down onto me repeatedly. A powerful aroma was starting to envelop us now; the scent of our love juices being pummelled into vapour as we fucked harder and harder.

"Bit more, bit more!" gasped Sam suddenly, her body pounding up and down, "Ohhh Chris, I'm cumming, ohh fuck!"

In an instant her body began flailing wildly while slamming down onto my still stiff penis as Sam climaxed noisily.

"Yess, yesss!" she yelled, "Super - fantastic - oh fuck - oh god!"

I, on the other hand, kept quiet and just concentrated on not cumming - the way her body was using my cock was way better than even the very best hand job and I'd soon blow off if I let my body take over. She was quite as good as Mum and her eager pussy!

And then she was quietening, her movements easing while her breathing came in great gulps and gasps before she relaxed and smiled down at me.

"That was really, really good!" she said happily, "I think it's your turn now, isn't it?"

"Be ok will it?" I asked, "Ok if I cum inside you?"

"Where else!" she said with a wriggle of her hips, "I want to feel you spurting everything you've got - right up inside - I don't see why my sister should have it all!"

"Can we change places?" I asked, realising that, while I was quite capable of having her ride me until I climaxed, it would be easier if I was on top.

"Of course we can," said Sam as she lifted off my erection and rolled over to lie beside me, "Oh, look at that mess!"

My penis was simply smothered with her juices and even my pubes were a matted mess. My thighs and belly weren't much better either, for that matter and anyway Sam was delighted!

"Oh my gosh - I knew I'd had a lovely orgasm but I didn't know I'd enjoyed it that much!" she giggled as she gazed at my cock, "Do you want me to clean it up?"

"I'll only get all messy again once we start," I said, "I'll go and have a shower afterwards anyway."

"Actually I think I will clean it up a bit," said Sam as she rose and moved to a kneeling position beside me.

She closed her hand around my erection and moved her fist up and down my length, my penis sliding easily amid it's coating of lubricant. I thought that she was then going to use a towel but instead she leaned over and lowered her head onto my cock, letting most of it slide into her mouth.

"Ahhh, fuck - that's fantastic!" I sighed as her tonsils tickled my tip, "Don't overdo it - don't get me too excited!"

"No way - I want you to fuck it up me!" said Sam as she lifted her head, "No, I'm just giving you a quick once-over."

I was glad it was only a quick bit of oral sex because her mouth was so welcoming and her tongue so active that I knew that I'd never last long were she to offer to suck me off - but then she was lifting her head away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and smiling at me.

"That's better, I'll be able to feel him even more now," she said as she reclined on her back again, "You ready?"

It was my turn to be on my knees and a few moments later I was in place between her legs, leaning forward to observe her glistening and smooth pussy.

Her clit, now that it was aroused, stood proudly some inch or so above her slit, an easy target and it looked so inviting. Her lips weren't overly fleshy and neither were they loose or pendulant but just seemed to glow in readiness for my attention. Her thighs, just like Mum's, were firm and smooth and perhaps even muscular and certainly had felt strong enough as she rode me.

"Beautiful," I breathed as I admired the view, "You ready?"

Sam nodded quickly and I saw that the muscles of her legs and her belly seemed to tighten in anticipation of my assault on her pussy. Her eyes were now closed and her hands were now gripping handfuls of bedclothes but more importantly her pussy was still spread wide open for me. I just had to have a taste of it!

Quickly I bent down and swiped my tongue over her clit - an action that caused Sam's entire body to almost leap off the bed.

"Ahhh - oh Chris, I wasn't expecting that!" said Sam as her hands clamped suddenly around my head, "Don't stop though!"

"Wasn't planning to!" I admitted as I applied my tongue to her clit again, now tasting the deliciousness of her vaginal juices.

I sucked her clit into my mouth, stretching it, then sliding my tongue all around it in a way that caused Sam to try to push my head from her groin.

"Ohhh Chris, if you don't stop that soon I'll...I'll..." moaned Sam as I assaulted her delicious and substantial clit.

"You'll what?" I asked, my mouth now poised over her vagina.

"I'll, I'll - cum!" she yelled, "Oh Chris - fuck - do it again - don't stop now!"

I slapped my mouth over her clit as her body bounced wildly beneath me as the power of her sudden orgasm overwhelmed her. I could feel my face becoming wetted by her sudden release of sexual juices until with a last quick flip of my tongue I left her clit to recover while I vacuumed up some of her secretions.

She was wet - very wet now and almost past caring what I did so I went to town on her vaginal opening, shoving my tongue deeply into her, feeling her muscles gripping me, swallowing her delicious cum until eventually she pushed me away firmly.

"No more, please!" she panted, "No more of that - you're too much for me!"

"Will this be too much for you too?" I asked as I knelt upright and displayed my very stiff penis to her.

"Oh no, that's different," she said between breaths, "No, I definitely want to feel that inside me again - deep inside!"

I shuffled forward and adjusted myself until I was bent over her with my cock no more than a few inches from her pussy while Sam also slid down the bed towards me.

"Ok?" I asked as I let my cock touch her body, "You ready?"

"So ready!" she sighed eagerly, "Put him back; fuck me hard and this time you finish off inside me!"

"Don't suppose I'll last long," I admitted as I gently pressed my cock back inside her welcoming hole, "Is that ok?"

"That'll be perfect," agreed Sam as her hips rose to meet me, "A nice quickie to finish me off!"

It seemed that no sooner had I settled inside her vagina than we were fucking hard and fast, our bodies slamming together smoothly. Sam's eyes were gleaming happily and her lips were wet and shiny as we fucked while her legs had clamped themselves around my back once again, her heels banging against my arse with almost every stroke. Even now I could feel the way her pussy was stroking my cock, working hard to get my cum to flow and inside a few minutes I knew that I wouldn't be lasting much longer.

I slowed so that I could focus on Sam's face and she too paused her movements.

"You're nearly there, aren't you?" she asked and I nodded quickly.

"I think I can hold it a bit," I offered but Sam shook her head.

"No Chris, just let it go," she said, her voice all excited, "Let me feel you spurting - I want lots and lots of it up inside me!"

"I'll try," I said, "Can't control what comes out!"

"I know but no harm in asking!" said Sam with a big smile, "Just don't take him out until you've finished!"

We began fucking again and this time we both knew that we were approaching the final climax. I could feel the extra effort that Sam and her body was putting into extracting my juices just as I was driving as deeply as I could into her recesses. With each stroke I felt my cock bump against her cervix and each time it did so her vagina seemed to clamp more tightly around me.

"Fuckin' lovely!" moaned Sam as the tempo rose and rose, "Ohhh Chris - gonna have a big one!"

"And me - I hope!" I answered as the tension increased, "Any minute now!"

I think that Sam was about to reply when another voice joined in - it was Mum.

"Goodness me that looks good!" she said, one hand shoved up her skirt as she stood in the doorway, "Finish him off Sam - take it all!"

It was too late to stop now anyway and Sam wanted me to finish inside her just as I wanted to do.

"I want it all - now, do it - fill me!" she yelled and at that moment I knew that I was cumming too.

"Yeah, yeah, cumming!" I gasped as my hips pressed my cock into her in that final flurry, "Yeah, yeah, ahhhh, cumming!"

All the build-up had worked and now I could feel my penis spraying jet after jet into my aunt's hole, drowning her in my cum. Sam was jerking and squirming madly on my gushing cock, her hands raking my back and her legs pulling me firmly into her and she was obviously having yet another huge orgasm. Our bodies were pressed tightly together but even that couldn't prevent my cum from squeezing from her overflowing pussy and gathering around the base of my cock and then our pleasure was enhanced a moment later.

"Oh, ohhh, I'm cumming too!" moaned Mum from beside us, "That was so hot - oh my, what a lovely sight!"

Her skirt and knickers were missing now as she stood there shaking with her hand still delving deep into her own pussy.

"Shirl - oh wow!" exclaimed Sam as she convulsed anew as another climax thrilled her, "Oh Chris, I can't stop - can't stop!"

With my remaining stiffness and with reserves of strength I continued to pump my cock into her wet, slippery hole as she gasped and shook through the final phases of her second - or was it her third or even fourth orgasm and then I moved more languidly as I felt her unwind. Her vagina was still grasping me and still caressing me but neither of us had much left and a little while later we were both slumping and relaxing - while Mum came and sat on the bed too.

Eventually I lifted my head, kissed Sam and then looked at Mum.

"What're you doing up here?" I asked sociably.

"All the racket upstairs!" she said, "I just had to come and see how you two were getting on and I'm so glad I did!"

"So I gather," said Sam as she stretched out a hand to rest it on her sister's thigh, "Certainly looked as if you enjoyed it."

"Not as much as you did!" said Mum with a smile, "And I also came up to tell you that we have to be on our way in about an hour; we've got our appointment at the mortuary at one o'clock."

I wasn't sure if I should let my mother see the result of our fuck - there was a fair degree of embarrassment at being seen fucking another woman and especially Mum's sister. I could feel that we'd both produced loads of juices that were still spreading out from our union and I wasn't even entirely sure if the ladies had even seen each other's adult naked body either but Mum saved the day.

"Come on Chris, lift off!" she said, "I want to see how well you did!"

"Eh?" I asked, bemused.

"I want to see if my sister's pussy looks as well fucked as mine did after you'd done me!" said Mum with a laugh, "I mean, we're all in this together, aren't we?"

Sam was laughing as well now and understanding that no-one except me was shy I checked with Sam, who nodded to me, then I raised myself up until my still engorged cock slid from her hole.

"Ohhh!" gasped Sam, "Uhhh, I can feel it all leaking out - bloody hell - I must be full!"

"He certainly gives you plenty," said Mum, "You'll be leaking until tea time!"

"I'd better have that towel then," said Sam and I handed it to her, noting that it was still damp from earlier in the day.

Sam sat up and looked down at her pussy.

"Amazing!" she said as she surveyed the scene, "When I said fill me I didn't know you'd give me that much!"

"He filled me up like that too," said Mum, "Just as well he cums a lot or there wouldn't be enough for us both, would there."

Sam rubbed the towel over her thighs, belly and pussy before grimacing and throwing the towel away.

"I'm still covered!" she said, "And it's all run down between my legs - can I have a shower?"

"I think you'd better and I think Chris had better have one too," said Mum, "But you use the downstairs shower Chris - I daren't let the two of you share!"

I felt the twitch of excitement in my cock as the thought of showering with Sam entered my mind but then Mum's hand was gripping mine and firmly pulling me towards the door.

"Sorry darling," she said, "We'll run out of time if I don't stop you - I know what Sam's like!"

"Thanks Sam," I said as we left her in peace, "You were wonderful!"

"Watch it!" said Mum as she slapped my bare arse, ""Don't get too enamoured."

We headed down the stairs and just as I disappeared into the downstairs shower we heard the water pumping upstairs and knowing that Sam was showering I soon got myself clean and dried. Sam and I were both quick to shower and having finished we met back in the kitchen where I found that Mum had laid out all my clothes for me so I dressed as they watched me.

"You'll do," said Mum as she tossed my car keys to me, "Time to get moving."

She paused and looked at her sister.

"You've got the spare key, haven't you?" she asked and Sam nodded and held up her own keys with our key easily visible.

"I'll come out with you, then I'll lock up for you," said Sam and a few moments later we were by the cars with Sam giving me a big warm, sexy and loving hug and kiss.

"Put him down!" said Mum as she climbed into my car, "See you later sis!"

The journey up to London was quick and easy for once and it was only once we were well into the suburbs that the traffic began slowing us but we had more than enough time to get to the mortuary and we actually arrived some fifteen minutes early. We sat in the car park wondering what to do with our spare time before Mum spoke.

"You know you've screwed both Sam and me?" she began slowly, "What's going to happen about your sister?"

I immediately felt my cock start to respond as thoughts of my deliciously sexy sister grew in my mind.

"That's up to her I reckon, so long as it's ok with you," I answered, "Anyway, I don't think that she'll reject me."

"No chance of that judging from the way she...errr, what's the word...attacked you yesterday!" exclaimed Mum with a laugh, "But it's fine with me, just so long as you don't neglect my needs!"

"How could I?" I said as I looked into my mother's eyes, "Look, Sharon's my sister and Sam's my aunt but you're my mother so that makes you the most important person to me."

"Oh, thank you sweetheart, you're a darling," said Mum happily, "I've so many years to catch up - so many dry years, and now we're being intimate I'm going to want as much as I can get of you!"

"Brilliant!" I added enthusiastically, "I won't let you down."

"Good, you'd better not! But we ought to find some way to include your sister too, I don't want her being left out," said Mum, "We'll have to get her involved soon, won't we?"

"Guess so," I said, feeling an excited trembling inside me, "Mind you, the way she was coming on like that yesterday said that won't take much doing!"

"Yes, so I noticed!" said Mum as her hand rested on my thigh, "Are you going to go to see her or what?"

"Hadn't really thought about it yet - I seem to have been a bit busy!" I said as the comforting pressure of her hand began to arouse me, "Wouldn't mind going to visit her - haven't seen her place for ages."

"Or we could ask her to come to my place," said Mum, "Then perhaps I'd be able to watch like I did this morning."

I felt a strong jerk of excitement in my groin and noticed Mum's eyes locked onto my growing erection. My cock was however somewhat tangled in my underwear so I just had to straighten out the kinks and in doing so I accidentally let my penis escape from my underwear and it now stretched out down my thigh, raising a huge ridge in my trousers.

"Damn!" I exclaimed, "Sorry Mum, let me put him back."

I started to push my cock back into his proper confines but Mum lifted her hand and held mine, stopping me from moving.

"Oh Chris, no, don't do that - leave it!" Mum hissed as I lifted my hand from my extended and distended cock, "That's making me feel all horny again!"

A moment later and her hand settled around the bulge of my now rigid cock, her fingers already caressing me deliciously.

"Ohhh Chris, that feels so good!" breathed Mum as she tried to get my zip undone, "Oh please, let me...!"

"We can't do it here!" I exclaimed quickly as I imagined Mum climbing on top of me here in the mortuary car park, "Stop getting me all worked up."

"But I like it!" moaned Mum, her hand back on my cock and beginning to stroke up and down my length, "Oh Chris, you're going to have to do me again as soon as we get home then!"

"Willingly," I answered, "But we've got things to do first - look, it's nearly one o'clock."

"Oh Chris, that's not fair!" said Mum as she slowly lifted her hand away and began composing herself, "Suppose we have to, don't we?"

While Mum checked her face in her little mirror I managed to return my cock to his hiding place and, with the solemnity of the occasion now in my mind, my erection slowly deflated.

Inside the mortuary it was quiet and peaceful and efficient and inside quarter of an hour Mum had confirmed her identification of the body and we were waiting for the paperwork. The doctor who'd checked him over after the medics had tried to revive him had agreed that he'd died of a massive stroke and had overruled any need of an autopsy, thank heavens.

"Silly old bugger!" she exclaimed, "Serves him bloody right!"

I tried to look serious for a moment but Mum was having none of it.

"Did you see me lift the sheet up?" she asked with a smile and I nodded.

"What were you after?" I asked, "Were you looking for his wedding ring?"

"No darling, not his wedding ring; his wedding tackle! I just wanted a last look at his willy!" she said with a wink and a quick laugh, "Huh, that's about the only time I've seen him stiff in the last ten years!"

Just then the paperwork arrived and after a few sympathetic words from the staff we were back in the car and ready to return home. Mum leaned towards me and we kissed warmly then fastened our seat belts.

"Anywhere you want to go?" I asked, "Since we're out I just wondered."

"No sweetheart," said Mum as her hand settled on my thigh again, "I just want you to take me home and then we can fuck away all the memories of that thing back there."

"Hey, he was your husband for what, the best part of thirty years," I said but Mum had definitely lost interest in her late husband.

"So what!" she exclaimed as her hand searched for and found my cock, "I've got this now and it's much, much better!"

The return journey was just as quick as the inbound trip and somewhat more enjoyable too because Mum explored and roused my cock and for at least the last ten minutes she'd had it out through my fly so she could stroke it more easily. She'd also pulled her skirt up to her waist and had her other hand busy at her pussy and I was sure that if the journey had been much longer then she'd have asked me to pull over so that I could fuck her there beside the road. However, as we neared home she tucked my cock away for me but it refused to lose interest and stayed remarkably hard despite me concentrating on driving. Then, before he'd gone down much we were heading into our road and I began to imagine us naked on Mum's bed again but as we turned into Mum's driveway we realised that Sam's car still there. We turned and frowned at each other but then, before I'd even turned the motor off Sam was there to greet us.

"Thought you'd like a warm welcome," she said as she opened Mum's car door, "So I went home, had a quick lunch and then came back - the kettle's hot and ready. Anyway, I want to catch up on the news - how did it go?"

"More like you want some more of Chris's cock!" said Mum ignoring Sam's question as the two ladies hugged and kissed lovingly, "And there was me thinking I'd be able to have him all to myself this afternoon!"

"What on earth made you think that?" asked Sam as she came and hugged me too, "Oh, I see, you've got him all worked up and ready, haven't you!"

As she held me tightly with one hand her other hand surrounded the shaft of my penis, quickly bringing him back to a condition of rigid stiffness.

"Feels lovely Chris, are you going do me again please?" breathed my aunt into my ear, "I need to feel you back inside me!"

"Get off! You're going to have to share him with me," said Mum as she joined in, her hand pushing her sister's away from my cock, "And I got him all worked up so I get first go!"

"That's mean!" said Sam gently, the two sisters playing happily together, "He was so much fun this morning that when I went home all I could think about was his lovely hard cock and I've been on edge ever since!"

"Huh and I've been stroking him and playing with myself most of the way back so I'm just as worked up as you are!" said Mum, "Anyway he's my son, so there!"

We'd managed to get into the house by now and there was a pause while Mum and I unwound and then the pressure was on again. It was a very warm afternoon and I was quite happy for the ladies to insist that I strip down to my underpants which by now were obscenely stretched by my erection. Mum and Sam had worked together to remove my shirt and trousers and then, with a knowing glance between them they too began to remove clothes until we were all showing a fair amount of skin.

"So what are we going to do next?" asked Sam as she pulled her knickers from where they seemed to have stuck between her legs, "Have I really got to wait until you've finished?"

Mum and Sam's eyes swivelled from me to each other and back before Mum made up her mind.

"I'll tell you what, you don't half look good, sis," she said and with that she stepped up close to Sam and I heard her whispering in her ear.

"Do you remember how we used to play around together?" she asked as her hand stroked Sam's arse.

"Mmmm, yes and you look good too," said Sam as her body began to respond to Mum's caresses, "How could I forget those days! Wonderful times - why, what were you thinking of doing?"

"I was just thinking that if we're going to share Chris then we'll wear him out that much quicker, so if we can share each other too then that'll help give him time to recover," said Mum as she bent down and kissed the top of Sam's tits, her hands already stroking her flanks, "What do you think?"

"Perfect answer," my aunt sighed as she responded to Mum's kisses, "Perhaps I won't have to wait so long that way."

"Shall we take him upstairs and see what happens?" asked Mum as she reached around her sister and undid her bra, "Ohhh darling, love the way your tits are still firm like mine."

"Love your touch too," breathed Sam and she pinged Mum's bra loose with a quick flip of her fingers, "Your tits look pretty damn good too!"

By now I was straining at the leash, quickly realising that my cock needed some action. Having been confined inside my somewhat tight trousers for much of the past few hours and also stimulated by Mum so much, my penis was throbbing with pent up excitement and now, with two delicious women playing together just feet from me, I knew that some energetic fucking would be just perfect.

I slid my underpants off and stropped my already stiffened penis a few times until I felt the movement of some precum as it welled from my tip then I spread the bubble of liquid over my knob, before stopping to admire the way it glowed with health and energy. My cock stood pointing half way to the ceiling and seemed to bounce in time with my breathing and then it released another bubble of precum that grew until it lost it's grip and stretched out to the floor.

"Look at him! All that delicious juice!" sighed Sam as she lifted her head from Mum's breast, "God, that's so inviting!"

"Oh come on then, let's get down to business!" said Mum as she gave her sister's breast a parting stroke then reached for my cock, "Get upstairs, the pair of you."

There seemed to be a mad flurry of half naked, or in my case entirely naked bodies as we all tried to climb the stairs at once and then I let the ladies lead the way so I could enjoy watching their pert, tight, smooth and delicious arses as they moved. I stood and watched them as their pert bums jiggled ahead of me and realised immediately that there was indeed more than enough for me. I'd have to be something of a superman to fuck them both to their satisfaction then found myself wondering which one of the two I'd like to fuck first. I was still debating the matter in my mind when my ruminations were cut short by Mum.

"Come on Chris, we're waiting!" she called from her bedroom and I scurried to cross the landing, led by my excited penis.

"Here he comes!" hissed Sam as she dropped her knickers onto the chair, "Let me have him first, please!"

"Oh go on then!" said Mum as she threw her own knickers on the chair, "Make it quick though but don't let him finish - it's my turn to have him spurt in me!"

Sam was on her back almost immediately, her legs spread wide to welcome me. Mum also now lay down beside her and smiled broadly at me.

"So which one of us looks the best?" she asked provocatively as she slid her hands slowly up the inside of her thighs.

"How on earth can I answer that!" I exclaimed, realising that there was little to choose between them, "What can I say - you're my Mum so you're the best I suppose but then Sam's your twin sister so she looks just as good as you and you both look good enough to eat."

"Forget eating," moaned Sam as she lifted her pussy up towards me, "I just want fucking!"

Mum curled up and covered her face as she heard Sam's words, then she burst out laughing.

"You're completely insatiable, aren't you!" she exclaimed as she reached out and took hold of my cock, "Come on Chris, you'd better get to work!"

Mum's hand pulled me downwards until I was poised above her sister's body, then pushed my cock downwards until it aligned with Sam's slit.

"Love the way you've shaved everything off," said Mum as she let go of my cock and stroked her hand over her sister's naked pussy, "Feels so wonderfully smooth and sexy."

I heard Sam gasp delightedly as their bodies touched, then Mum returned to my cock and guided my rigid instrument up and down Sam's slit until her juices were well and truly spread.

"You'll do," she said calmly as she pushed my penis into the depression of Sam's vagina, "Get busy - she's all ready for you."

She was indeed and as I let my body sink downwards, so my cock just slid inside her smoothly and easily. Despite the amount of lubrication in her vagina she still felt beautifully tight as I pressed deeper into her until our bodies were squashed together firmly.

"Ohhh Chris, that's what I needed!" sighed Sam as her hips moved languidly, adjusting her body until my penis was seated perfectly, "Just let him stay there - don't move for a bit."

I could feel our pulses causing steady waves of slight movement of our united organs until Sam's body jerked suddenly.

"Oh that was incredible!" she sighed, "And now you can start fucking me!"

Gently I started to slide in and out, my movements slow and relaxing until I felt Sam's body responding. It began as a slow caressing of my penis by her internal muscles and then she seemed to gather more energy until she was squeezing me with powerful contractions of the rings of muscles inside her.

Faster and more eagerly her vagina moved in various ways until it seemed to settle into a steady rhythm of pleasurable waves all around me until her entire vagina was alive to make use of my cock. I pumped steadily, feeling my penis pressing through her contracting, convulsing vaginal flesh, noting that Sam's eyes were closed as she concentrated - before suddenly they popped open.

"Ahhh, oh Chris, ahhh!" she gasped, "Ohhh god, more, do it more!"

I pumped deeper and harder, driving my cock even more strongly into her as her excitement rose and rose. Her hips now joined in, lifting her pussy up to meet me, thrusting up at me with ever increasing energy.

"Ohhh fuck!" she exclaimed as our combined actions shook the bed, "That feels so damn good! Oh god - oh god - I'm going to cum, I know it!"

Suddenly she was convulsing, shuddering and shaking as she climaxed noisily on my rigid penis, her internal muscles working overtime and her hips thrusting her pussy almost violently at me.

"Oh sis - he's doing me!" she howled, "He's making me cum already!"

She was certainly doing that and I hung on, doing my best not to make any undue movement to unseat myself as my aunt enjoyed getting herself off on my cock. Her orgasm was abrupt, powerful and exciting and for a few moments I wondered if I'd erupt too but then suddenly her body lost all it's movement and she relaxed beneath me. There was a short period of silence, broken only by our breathing before Sam recovered somewhat and smiled up at me.

"Bloody hell sis," breathed Mum, "Wish I'd asked to go first - that looked amazing!"

"Damn well was!" agreed Sam, her eyes glowing with excitement, "Can we get another one like this so we don't have to share!"

We laughed happily together, then Sam patted my thigh to indicate that she wanted me to move. "Give your Mum some of that lovely thing!" she said, "That's taken the edge off - I can wait for a bit now."

Gently I let my still stiff penis slide from it's happy nest between her legs, then watched as her vaginal opening seemed to pulsate before it closed up again, leaving a bubble of glistening lubrication at it's entrance. I wanted to sink my cock back into that exciting slippery hole and finish what I'd started but the girls had other ideas.

Guided by Mum's hand I lifted my knees over assorted legs until I was in position above my darling mother's thighs.

"How do you want me?" I asked, "Same as Sam?"

"Yeah, do it to her just like that," said Sam as she rolled towards us and grabbed my sticky cock, "Just push it in and then let her do the work."

Her hand repeated the actions that Mum had done and then, having made sure that my cock was slippery she seated my tip in her sister's vaginal opening then rolled onto her back again.

"Have fun," she said with a smile, "Then you can come back here Chris."

Sam's hand settled over her pussy and she began to slowly caress her sex, one finger now disappearing into her vagina as she watched us. I wanted to watch Sam but Mum was now taking control of my senses and my body and I felt her vaginal muscles squeeze me tightly. I found myself glancing up at Mum quickly, then pressing my penis into her vagina which let me smoothly slide inside.

"That's better, concentrate!" she said as her vagina began to massage me, "I'm down here!"

"Sorry Mum," I said "I'm just overwhelmed I think - both your lovely bodies to enjoy - I hardly know where I am!"

"You're right here, inside me," said Mum gently as her hips started to move around, "And you're going to give me another delicious fuck, aren't you?"

I was - most definitely well and truly embedded inside my mother's hot sexy hole now and it wasn't just hot but very lively! Every few seconds she seemed to squeeze me then gently caress me then let pulses of contractions ripple up and down my penis in a most arousing way. I found myself starting to slide in and out, my almost unintentional movements driven by her responsive pussy.

"That's better," she sighed, "Now make your strokes longer and deeper darling."

Immediately I began moving with her, then entirely in time with her and with my hips answering her movements the sensations increased as did my concentration and from a nice slow beginning we were soon fucking hard with our bodies slapping together with every stroke. Mum's hips were working hard too, lifting to meet my thrusts while our breathing came faster and harder with every passing minute.

"Chris, that looks so bloody good!" said Sam from beside us, "You're really giving it to her!"

"He's definitely doing that!" panted Mum, "Oh god, this is wonderful - oh god, this is what I've been missing!"

Amid our strenuous efforts I now realised that not only were we now fucking hard but that my own climax wasn't too far away but all that did however was to drive me on, now pumping my cock even harder and faster into Mum's body.

"Yess, yesss!" hissed Mum as her arms came up and closed over my shoulders, "More, more, make me cum, make me cum!"

Her own body was now moving powerfully as our strokes met and as we collided our bodies slapped together with a most erotic sound, the music of a good fuck in progress. We'd both begun to sweat and our groins were becoming wet too as Mum's pussy overflowed with her passion but we couldn't stop; no way could we stop! Both of us were very obviously heading towards a huge climax...

"Kiss me!" called my mother and in an instant our lips met and locked together wetly, then my tongue delved deeply inside her mouth much like my cock was doing down below.

"Uhhh, uhhhh!" grunted Mum as we smooched and fucked and stroked each other, "Uhhhh, gonna cum, cum, cummmm!"

"Give it to her, go on Chris - fuck her, fill her up!" urged Sam as she rolled towards us, her hand now pressing my arse downwards with every stroke, "Give her what she wants!"

"Yeah, I am!" I panted as we fucked harder and harder, "Ohhh fuck - here it cums Mum!"

"Do it - do it now!" gasped Mum as her vagina began to convulse around my swollen, rigid, pumping cock, "I'm cumming too!"

Suddenly we were both there - I felt my cock seem to reach even deeper into Mum's cavity as my first eruption began and as I started to unload so Mum reached her own climax too.

"Yessss!" she yelled as she reached for and found her sister's hand, "Ohhhh, ohhhh sis - cumming, cumming!"

"Doing it, doing it!" I managed to say between spasms, "Oh god, oh fuck!"

I'm sure I unloaded five times; at least I certainly felt five huge convulsions and spasms and I knew that Mum's vagina was now filled with my cream because I could feel the warmth of it swilling around my cock as I slowly came down from my climactic peak.

Mum stretched up and found my mouth again and we kissed with soft hot loving lips and slippery tongues until the need to breathe forced us apart.

"Phew!" said Mum after she'd drawn in some big breaths, "Now that's what I call a lovely fuck!"

"Looked so hot from here too," said Sam as she watched us unwinding, "Wish he'd unloaded inside me instead."

"Your turn next," said Mum as if auctioning me off, "And thank you darling for letting me finish him off this time."

The two ladies leaned together and kissed, briefly at first. Then they pulled apart for a few moments and I could see the gleam of love in their eyes right before they met again but this time in a full-on lip-locking session with Mum's body squirming under me as they made out. I felt Sam's hand sliding between us as she reached to stroke Mum's clit and felt the moment as she found her sensitive morsel of flesh.

In seconds Mum was responding to Sam's kisses and touches with her body moving against me as did her vagina around me, most certainly not moving away from me but now stroking and caressing my somewhat depleted cock again. Her actions around my instrument were sufficient to stir him once again and almost before I knew it I was as hard as a nail and thrusting my renewed erection in and out of her hole.

"Ohhh god, don't, ohhh don't," she hissed as our movements increased, "You'll make me cum again!"

"Yesss, do it!" urged Sam again and Mum's body answered for her as it's movements beneath and around me increased in intensity until we really were fucking again.

This round wasn't to last as long though because Mum was already primed and ready and with the onslaught of my cock and Sam's fingers she had no defence.

"Ohhh Chris, lovely, lovely!" she cried as her vagina began to tighten and to squeeze my cock in ever-mounting waves of passion, "Ohh, ohhh, ohhhhh - can't stop - cumming again!"

And suddenly she was out of control with her hands beating the bed, her heels pressing hard against the back of my thighs and her pussy convulsing and throbbing as she climaxed powerfully.

"Oh sis, keep cumming!" said Sam, "Don't stop - have a good one - a really good one!"

I could feel Sam's fingers alternately quivering over Mum's clit and delving down to slip into her vagina alongside my pumping penis, exchanging her position every few moments until Mum's orgasm died to just a few spasms then she withdrew her hand and smiled at me.

"I bet you enjoyed that, didn't you?" she asked as her hand now settled at her own groin.

"Mmmm," I agreed with a smile, "Brilliant!"

"Good," she added, "So now that your mother's full and exhausted you can come and do the same for me, can't you!"

"Phew - I'll try," I acceded, feeling completely shattered, "Don't know how much I've got left thought."

I felt Mum's hand gently rubbing my back and I looked at her face, to see her smiling happily.

"Yes, go on darling," she said encouragingly, "It's not fair that I have you all and you know we want to share you - anyway I've got all I want for now so go and make her happy too!"

I felt her pussy pressing me as if to push me out and I understood that it was entirely the right thing to do. It felt incredible to be having hot sex with my mother but while Sam may have had a good orgasm she hadn't been filled and certainly wasn't exhausted yet and at the thought of enjoying another hot empty pussy I felt my cock jerk suddenly. Immediately I felt Mum's hole sucking at me again and I knew that she'd just love me to give her another round of loving but I managed to avoid sliding back deeper into her and slowly began to pull my cock out of her hole instead.

"You like the idea of fucking Sam, don't you?" said Mum as she quickly pulled a towel down between us, "Ahhh, caught it - didn't want to let the bed get too wet."

"Of course I do," I agreed, "She's as sexy and as exciting as you are."

"What a diplomat!" said Sam, "Now come over here and let's indulge in some strategic manoeuvres!"

My cock slid from Mum's hole and sprang up, slapping against my belly as I straightened and I felt the weight of Sam's eyes on my penis. He bounced again and I glanced down at my cock, seeing him smothered in glistening juices and remnants of spunk. There was even a strand of cum that now connected my cock to my belly from when he'd slapped against my body. I reached for the towel that Mum had clamped over her pussy but Sam stopped me.

"No Chris, I want you like that!" she said, "I want to feel my sister's juices in me - I want to know that we're sharing you completely."

My shoulders bounced as I laughed quietly then lifted my legs over the girls' legs until I was back and poised over my aunt once again.

"Hello again, lover boy!" she breathed in a husky voice, "I hope you've got plenty of that lovely spunk left for me and plenty of energy too!"

"I'll have a go," I said as I gazed up and down my aunt's superb body, "So you want me to fuck you again, do you?"

"What do you think! Stop teasing - of course I do!" she said as she pulled her lips apart for me, "Look - I'm almost dripping - just put him in and make it soon!"

Suddenly galvanised into action I smiled at Sam and slid one hand over her pussy, feeling the way her hips jerked to my touch and feeling how amazingly wet she was - she was obviously very needy. I lowered myself over her, bending down first of all to kiss her hard sweet nipples then aiming my cock at her hole. Our sexual parts touched and another shockwave shook her before I pressed my penis into her, allowing her eager vagina to engulf me.

"Ohhhh, that's what I wanted!" breathed Sam happily, "Nice and slow to start, let me just feel all that lovely hard meat sliding inside me!"

Her vaginal walls were just as tight and sexy as my mother's vagina had been and I could even feel how her muscular hole seemed to suck at my cock on each outward stroke, then seemed to ripple to allow my penis to slide back in just as Mum's vagina did. For a few minutes we slowly and gently fucked but much as it was simply perfect I could feel myself losing my rigidity - I needed a few minutes in which to recharge my energy.

I held myself still after I'd slid my cock as far into her as I could and looked up at her face, a face that showed her concern for me.

"What's up lover?" she asked, "Am I too much for you?"

"No, no, it's not that," I said, "I just need a break - just a little break. It's there and you feel wonderful but I just want to lie down for a few minutes."

"Ahhh, to top up your balls!" she said, "Of course darling; I can hardly expect you to cum twice so quickly, can I?"

"Well I usually can but I'm just exhausted what with everything this morning," I admitted, "Not a big problem but just let me take five, let me get my breath back."

Without her approval I slid slowly from her and rolled over into the space that the girls made for me between then, finding that my cock had immediately lost it's rigidity.

"I'm not used to all this excitement," I said as I held up my depleted tool, "I'm not complaining but it's knackering!"

I let my eyes close as I rested and relaxed and enjoyed knowing that I had my two favourite ladies beside me - I could feel the warm weight of their tits as they pressed against my arms and it felt very comforting - and with that thought I must have quickly dozed off.

After what might have been five minutes or a whole hour for all I knew I woke to the sensation of someone's mouth around my cock, which was solidly stiff again. I let my eyes slowly open and discovered that it was Mum whose mouth was around me, her sexy lips sliding up and down my length steadily.

I felt her tongue stroke the underside of my knob and felt my hips jerk to her touch - then felt her pull away and blow a kiss down at me.

"Hi Chris!" said Sam brightly, "Enjoyed your break?"

I shook my head to clear the cobwebs then smiled back at her.

"Yep, thanks, just what I needed," I said, "Feel much more energetic now."

"I think he's all ready for you sis!" said Mum as she licked her lips seductively, "Hard as a rock!"

"I thought for a moment that you were going to suck him off!" said Sam as she reached out to test my rigidity, "My turn again now!"

I felt so much more alive now, invigorated and refreshed and the quick break had done me good, allowing my body enough time to absorb the toxins in my system that had built up from my muscular action. I took hold of my erection, noting now that my cock was nice and clean, then waggled it towards Sam.

"Do you want me to come back over there?" I asked and Sam nodded furiously.

"Been waiting patiently!" she said, "And your Mum's been playing with me so I'll probably cum as soon as you put him inside!"

"Sounds good," I said as I rose, climbed over the legs again and settled myself between her legs again.

Her smooth pussy looked hot and wet and much as before although this time there was even more lubrication visible. Her fingers and Mum's too, had spread her liquid offerings all up and over her clit and even her thighs were glistening with her juices.

"Mum HAS been busy, hasn't she!" I said as I felt my cock straining to get back to work, "Hope you're not too wet!"

Can't help it if I am - it's your fault really!" she said, "Perhaps it would be sensible if you did something to get rid of some of it."

"Mmmmm!" I agreed, "Let's see - where to start..."

Her fingers pointed straight at her hole, pulling her wet lips apart for me.

"Right there darling!" she said eagerly, "Oh fuck - anywhere!"

Her hips were already lifting towards me as I headed downwards, bending until I could press my lips against one of her sweet little nipples. Her generous breast pushed up at me and I engulfed her nipple and a mouthful of breast while reaching up with my hand to hold her other breast.

"Ahhhh, lovely!" she hissed, "Yeah, like that! That's nice! Ohhh Chris, yesss!"

I sucked and chewed her nipple, then moved to the other one and repeated my actions, actions that made her hips lift upwards until her pussy pressed against my cock.

"Ohhh Chris, do it, fuck me!" she panted, "Come on darling - put it in me!"

I had the entire length of her body to enjoy first though but I released her nipple and worked my mouth down her body, letting my tongue tickle her every inch of the way until eventually I felt the extra-slippery smoothness of her pubic mound against my chin. A couple more inches to go and now that I was close the scent of her already heated pussy was filling my nose and stiffening my cock even more. I'd soon be at her clit, preparing her for my assault on her vagina itself.

"Get in there!" hissed Sam as she wriggled around while I absorbed her scent, "Please Chris, please - I want him inside me!"

I moved a few more inches and settled my mouth over her clit, immediately discovering that it was more pronounced than Mum's and awash with her juices. It tasted delicious and felt incredibly stiff and eager and my touch was answered by Sam's hands suddenly holding my head in place.

"Yesss!" she breathed, her hips pressing her clit into my mouth, "Suck it - lick it - make me cum!"

I let my tongue slide over it as I explored it's shape then began flicking my tongue up and down it's sides, feeling the way my touch was affecting my aunt's body.

"Keep going!" she hissed as I paused for breath, "Bit more and I'll cum - I can feel it already."

Sliding my hand up between her legs I found her pussy and let my fingers explore her slippery wet lips, then pushed one finger slowly into her hole. I felt her body convulse around my finger and felt her hips jerking powerfully up at me.

"Ohhhh!" she gasped, "Oh Chris - my god - oh fuck - make me cum, ahhh, you're making me cum!"

Suddenly I was riding a bucking bronco as her orgasm peaked, Sam's hips driving themselves at me, her hands grasping my shoulders hard, her juices flooding out everywhere.

"Can't stop!" she cried as she continued to spasm, "Ahhh, cumming again - ahhh - and again!"

I clung on, managing to retain both my finger in her vagina and my lips around her clit while she climaxed strongly, until finally her hands pushed me away and I withdrew my finger and lifted my lips from her body. She lay there below me, her thighs wide spread, her breasts rising and falling quickly as she panted and her pussy awash with her lubrications. Sweat glistened on her body and her face but despite her depleted condition she still smiled hugely.

"Oh my god," she breathed, "I'd almost forgotten how good that could feel."

She paused as a strong shudder made her whole body quiver then smiled again but it was Mum who spoke this time.

"I think you enjoyed that, didn't you?" she asked of her sister, "You're even wetter than you were before - do you want the towel?"

"No, no, not yet," panted Sam, "I don't think he's finished yet!"

My penis still stood before me as I knelt poised above my aunt's pussy and I glanced from face to face.

"Do you want some more then?" I asked provocatively and Sam smiled hugely, then raised her knees and opened her pussy even wider.

"What do you think!" she said, "Whenever you're ready!"

"Insatiable beast!" said Mum with a chuckle, "You're as bad as me!"

After my short break I felt entirely rejuvenated and ready to start all over again and without further ado I lowered my cock until it pressed into the entrance to Sam's vagina.

She nodded vigorously at me so I simply continued to press in, immediately feeling the heat of her pussy around me.

"Fuuuuuuck!" she breathed as she absorbed my length, "Oh yesss - lots of that please!"

It was only a matter of moments before we were slamming our bodies together, my rigid cock slipping in and out of her hole as easily as the proverbial well-oiled piston while Sam's body rose to meet my thrusts.

She pulled me down and raised her lips towards me and we met and kissed sloppily and hungrily. She tasted delicious, a wonderful combination of all of our juices that had me driving my cock into her even harder.

"Oh fuck, fuck, lovely!" she panted as our mouths parted briefly, "Don't stop, don't stop!"

A moment later and her mouth was attached to mine again, her tongue flickering around wildly as her arousal rose and rose and then, not minutes afterwards her hips were suddenly undulating, her body began squirming and her breathing became gasps.

"Oh Chris, yesss! Already!" she cried as her body trembled powerfully as another orgasm struck home, "Oh my god - oh god - cummmming! I'm cummming!"

I held my penis deep inside her as she climaxed, letting her use my stiffness as a dildo to enhance her orgasm and then I felt a hand slide between us and realised that it was Mum giving Sam some of what Sam had given her, some additional attention to her clit and it didn't help Sam one bit!

"Ahhhh - cummming again!" she screamed, "Oh Shirl - no, no, no more!"

Mum slid her fingers away and moved them to Sam's nipple while I began to slide in and out of Sam's hole slowly and smoothly to let her come down gently and Sam turned her head and smiled at her sister.

"Oh you're wicked!" she exclaimed happily, "I was coming along nicely and then suddenly you sent me off into orbit just when I though I was on my way down."

Her hand reached up to hold her sister's onto her breast, then they rolled together and kissed deeply and lovingly. I felt her body respond as her vagina clamped down on my cock so I started to move in and out again.

"Ohhh Chris, slow down!" Sam panted, "Let me calm down a bit first."

That wasn't a problem because it just felt so nice to have my cock buried inside her sexy tight wet pussy and on top of that Mum had pulled my hand down to her own pussy where my fingers were now tracing the outline of her clit while the two ladies were still kissing and caressing each other contentedly.

A minute or so later and Sam's body tightened and she broke their kissing to smile up at me.

"Oh gosh, wow!" she said, "That was wonderful but now for the big finale, eh?"

"Yeah sure!" I agreed as I reluctantly disengaged from my mother's pussy, "Tell me when you're ready."

"I am right now," she said as her body began to move under me again, "And make sure that you fill me right up with your cum!"

I chuckled happily as I picked up the pace again and immediately Sam too started to move in time with my thrusts. Her vagina was simply awash with her lubrications but she somehow retained a tight grip on my cock as it slid steadily in and out of her with sudden spasms of her muscles adding to the excitement. After a few more minutes I could feel the sweat breaking out on my back and my brow and I wiped my brow quickly and shook my head.

"Getting hot?" asked Sam, her body still in motion and I nodded.

"So am I," she added, "I think I'm getting close again too."

"Ok, I'll try to cum soon then," I assured her as I began to move even faster, "Don't think it'll be long anyway."

"Ahhh, ahhh, better not be long!" gasped Sam, "I'm nearly there again."

"I know, I can feel you," I answered quickly as I felt my own body tightening, "I'll be there in a minute or two as well."

"Yes, yes, yesss, you'd better!" cried Sam urgently, "I need you - I need to feel you cumming - ahh cumming - oh god - I'm cummmming!"

Her body was a tight mess of hardened muscles, so much so that her vagina felt like a steel ring around my cock but she was so slippery that I could still slide in and out but with each stroke I could feel not only Sam's orgasm arriving but mine too.

"Yeah, yeah, here it cums!" I grunted as I slammed into her, "Nearly there!"

"Hurry up - I'm cumming - I can't stop!" yelled Sam as she squirmed and writhed on my penis, "Ohhhh, my god!"

"Uhhhh!" I grunted as I felt my penis swell and erupt convulsively, "Oooh fuck - uhhhh!"

I don't know how many shots of cum I fired into her because we were both jerking around and spasming non-stop until finally our orgasms allowed us to relax and to gently unwind. I managed to hold myself above her hot twitching body and felt the way her vagina was now just caressing and sucking gently at my penis as I held it deep inside her.

"Phew!" I sighed as I began to breathe deeply, "That was a good one!"

"Damn well was, wasn't it!" added Mum from beside us, "God sis, I felt so jealous of you just then!"

Sam was too exhausted to reply but merely turned her head and blew a kiss to her sister.

"You've already had yours," I said, knowing my limitations, "I'll have lots more for you Mum, later tonight perhaps."

"Oh alright," said Mum with a sound of mock sadness in her voice, "Suppose that'll have to do."

She paused as if to consider her next actions, then smiled and turned on her side towards her sister and me.

"Come on off you get, my turn!" she said as she gently pushed me.

Sam was suddenly alert and I felt her vagina squeeze me firmly as if to hold me in place.

"What are you up to, sis?" she asked as I slid slowly from my perch and rolled aside.

"This!" said Mum as she climbed into place between Sam's thighs, "If I can't have Chris right now then I want to taste him!"

A moment later and her head was buried at her sister's pussy and the happy sounds of slurping and groaning filled the air around them.

"Oh sis!" groaned Sam, "That's amazing - that's ahhhhh - that's oh wow!"

"You're just greedy!" I said with a laugh, "The pair of you!"

Mum lifted her head and looked at me with strands and bubbles of cum adorning her mouth and chin.

"Huh!" she puffed, "The pair of us - so what'll it be like when Sharon joins in!"

"Is Sharon coming over then?" Sam asked, her eyes flitting from Mum to me and back, "Can I be here when she comes?"

Mum laughed happily and found her sister's hand with hers.

"I've no idea if she's coming over but I don't see why not," she said, "But that's not now - this is now!"

She dropped her head again and as the two women began to squirm and writhe deliciously together I left them to it and popped into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

Five or so minutes later I returned only to find that they were now in a classic 69 situation with Sam's delectable arse now squirming happily above Mum as Mum licked her out while the pair of them uttered happy and excited sounds. They'd obviously rolled over and were totally absorbed in each other and as the noises of loving, contented sex continued to fill the air I watched for a while and I felt my cock rising into solid hardness again. I could so easily have climbed onto the bed and sunk my cock into Sam's exposed pussy from behind then I decided I'd rather to leave them to it. I had other things to do - not least to phone my sister.

I tiptoed from the room, headed downstairs, climbed into my clothes that remained on the chair then made myself a cup of coffee and settled to ruminate. One thing was certain and that was that our family would never be the same. I seemed to have been elevated to head of the family while Mum's sister had been absorbed into our folds even more closely than before and now we were seemingly about to invite my own sister to join in. Could I handle all three?

Then we had to deal with all of Dad's loose odds and ends; his insurances, his money, the house and so on - not to mention sorting out my own life. Of course I wanted to help Mum but did I want to lose my freedom and perhaps actually move in with her? It wasn't a bad idea except that we'd obviously have to be very careful about our incestual activity. Then I also wanted to go and see my sister because I felt that getting intimate with her would be more comfortable if we were on our own. So many things to sort out without the distraction of my sister's charms.

I'd start with an easy distraction - the car. I finished my coffee, headed to the utility room where I unearthed a large sponge and a bottle of combined car wash and polish, then stepped to the door and I was just about to open it when I heard the phone ringing.

Damn - and Mum and Dad had the old fashioned corded phone in the lounge. I threw everything down quickly and sprinted through, expecting the phone to stop just as I reached it but it didn't and instead I heard a sweet voice on the other end.

"Oh hi Chris!" said my sister Sharon brightly, "What are you doing still there - I expected Mum to answer."

"I'm just, errr, oh ummm, well, we've not long come back from London," I managed to say eventually, finding it impossible to tell Sharon that Mum and Sam were upstairs in the throes of some lusty sex, "Actually I was just going to nip out and clean the car."

"Oh goody, you'll be able to do mine too!" said Sharon cheerfully, "I was just going to come over to see Mum - that's why I rang. I wanted to catch up with the news so while you're out with the hosepipe then Mum and I can have a bit of time to talk together while you're busy."

"Fine," I said calmly although inside me I just knew that my afternoon was about to be disrupted, "Give Mum half an hour or so, will you."

"Why, what's she doing?" Sharon asked.

"She's just upstairs getting dressed, I mean changing," I answered, suddenly flustered.

"Where's Auntie Sam by the way?" asked Sharon, "I tried her number but she wasn't there - I thought perhaps she might be with Mum."

"Yeah, actually she is, she's upstairs too," I said, my brain not altogether under control, "Why, do you want me to get her?"

"So they're both upstairs are they?" asked Sharon, her voice suddenly turning seductive, "What - dressing - or undressing?"

"Uhhhh, dressing I think," I mumbled not knowing quite how much to tell her, "They'll probably be down in a few minutes."

"So they've been undressed, have they?" asked Sam, probingly, "Why, what's been happening?"

"Oh fuck!" I sighed as my brain froze.

"Oh fuck is probably about right!" said Sharon with a laugh, "So you've been up there with them have you - or perhaps in them?"

"Oh yeah, you're right as usual," I admitted, remembering now how she and Sam had acted in my presence and Sharon laughed happily again.

"Thought it wouldn't take long!" she said, "Auntie Sam was gagging for it and so was Mum for that matter."

She paused and I awaited her next question.

"So, were they good?" she asked, "I bet they were! How many times did you have them - not just the once, that's for certain."

I seemed only sensible that I now admit the truth because otherwise Sharon would only drag it from me painfully.

"No, not just once, I slept over here last night with Mum and actually we didn't get a lot of sleep," I said, "Then Sam came over this morning and she dragged me up to bed and then when we came back from London she was still here so we all went and enjoyed ourselves together. Happy now?"

"Wow!" said Sharon, her voice all excited, "Any left for me?"

"Any what?" I asked, my mind perhaps in neutral after all the revelations.

"Any cock of course!" said my sister with a hearty laugh, "What else would I want!"

In an instant I felt my penis stiffening and knew that even if I was tired and exhausted my sister's amazing body would soon rouse me. More that that, she obviously intended to make use of whatever I had in reserve.

"Actually I was going to ring you," I said, "Mum was asking after you because I think she was worried that you wouldn't be keen on sharing me with Sam, so I was going to ask if I could come over and have a chat."

"When?" she asked immediately and I felt my cock jump with excited anticipation.

"In two or three hours after I've washed the car or would that be too late?" I asked.

"Perfect!" purred Sharon, "That'll save me coming over and give me some time to make myself ready for you."

"Nah, don't go to any trouble," I said, loving my sister however I found her, "I like you just as you are."

"Ah, but then my pussy might not be ready!" she said softly, "So I'm going to get some practice in with my nice new vibrator!"

"I didn't mean I was coming over to fuck you!" I said, lying through my back teeth, "It's just a visit."

"A likely story after what you've just told me!" she answered with a chuckle, "Anyway, if you've had Mum and Auntie Sam then I don't want to be left out, so there!"

I felt another tremor of excitement stir my penis and found myself holding my hardening cock with my spare hand. Of course my aim was to screw my sister - any way she wanted!

"You've gone quiet," said Sharon suddenly after a short pause, "What're you doing - playing with yourself?"

I let go of my cock in an instant then found myself laughing loudly.

"You know me so bloody well, don't you!" I said, "Ok - look, I'll see you, ummm, at five then."

"You'd better be here!" said Sharon happily, "And I'll be so ready for you!"