Good Vibrations Ch. 02


Hello - I'm back so just in case you didn't read my introductory story I'd better tell you a bit about myself.

I'm Chris - I'm six foot three; 180 pounds; blond; blue eyed; fit and healthy and in really good shape. Nice powerful shoulders; trim waist; good biceps; six pack abdomen... need to work on my legs though but otherwise definitely in good shape.

I've just landed a job after over a year of searching and I thought I'd be in trouble at home... because my parents are fine upstanding people - and the job is at the local Sex Shop, of all places.

A place called "Good Vibrations" - suppose it's catchy and at least it's not blatant "in your face" sex, is it.

But my worries about telling my family were completely unfounded as I described in my first story - if anything it seemed that it was the best news they'd heard in ages!

So if you want any more background, make sure you start at the beginning, 'cos right now I'm going to tell you all about how things moved on...


Anyway... we'd just finished dinner when the conversation turned sexy and things soon came to a head.

"In the absence of a decent vibrator," said Sharon as she squeezed my rapidly hardening penis under the table, "you're going to help stop Mum and me from becoming frustrated and perhaps you can help Dad with his prostate."

Who was I to argue - although I was a little concerned about what lay ahead especially after Dad had said... "... we'd like to continue with your education if we may."

At lest my penis had no qualms about what he'd be called on to do - he was all up and ready!

Clearing up after dinner didn't take all that long with four of us all helping and soon I was being dragged down the hall towards the bedrooms by Mum with Sharon and Dad arm in arm not far behind us.

"You are feeling fit enough?" asked Mum as she opened their bedroom door.

Although I obviously understood that we were in for an orgy of some kind, I didn't know what Mum had planned. I mean, until yesterday, even talking about sex had generally been avoided in the family but now here we were... and oh my God - Mum's getting undressed already!

"Fit for what exactly?" I asked, somewhat naively.

Mum didn't answer my question - she was too busy throwing her blouse and bra on the chair and then bending over to remove her skirt... and her knickers too. Moments later she turned and faced me - totally naked and looking radiantly lovely.

"Come on darling - what are you waiting for?" she said, "Let me help."

So saying she pulled me closer to her and expertly stripped me of my t-shirt, shorts, shoes and socks.

I felt a right idiot, because here Mum and I stood, both stark naked while Sharon and Dad stood and looked at us, while both fully dressed. I wanted to cover myself somehow, but Mum wasn't about to let me!

Instead she sank to her knees before me, her big pointy tits sliding down my chest as she did so, until her mouth found my abdomen, then my pubes and then my erection!

Oh yeah - I may have been feeling shy but he wasn't and neither was Mum!

"Would you like me to suck you?" she asked with a glint in her eyes, "Suck you 'til you cum?"

"Oh what...?!" I exclaimed, panicking over the thought of having a public orgasm.

"Get on with it son," said Dad, "Unload a bit, then you'll last longer for the next round!"

I looked over at Dad and Sharon with concern in my eyes but instead my eyes jerked wide open - Sharon had her hand at Dad's trousers and was just in the process of pulling his zip down!

"Come on darling, concentrate," said Mum as her mouth slid over my already straining cock.

"Ahhhhh!" I groaned, sucking in a big breath as Mum's obviously talented mouth set to work on me, "Oh yessss Mum, that's nice!"

"I'll give you nice," said Mum removing my cock from her mouth for a moment, "Nice indeed!"

And with that she pulled me back into her mouth, sinking her lips right down until she'd engulfed my entire length, all ten inches. The constriction of her throat squeezed my cock, sending excited messages up and down my spine, tingles even running down to my toes.

"Wow Mum, that's all of me!" I exclaimed in astonishment, my squeezed penis throbbing with excitement.

"Mmmmmmm," moaned Mum, her eyes rolling upwards, "Mmmmmmmm!"

Briefly she pulled my cock from her mouth again.

"Let's get this one out of the way," she said, sounding remarkably businesslike, "Quickie - then you'll last longer like your Dad says."

So saying she once again engulfed me - not entirely this time but far enough to hold my knob at the back of her mouth while her lips and tongue could work on my shaft. It was a wonderful feeling that was sending ever more excited feelings to parts that didn't usually even get turned on. My fingers tingled so much that I just had to rest my hands on Mum's head and massage her scalp as she sucked me.

Beside us, Dad, his cock jutting from his fly was now stripping Sharon who was holding her arms outstretched to help him and soon she was down to her bra and knickers - not that they hid much. Her bra, I could see, was a lacy creation with more holes than fabric I reckoned. Her nipples, small as they may have been, were visible surrounded by the pretty brown rings of her aureoles - an enchanting sight that stiffened my cock as Mum worked on me.

And looking down, the same almost see-through material was used on her knickers displaying to me her small tuft of pubes, her delightful slit and her eager clit. I almost wanted to push Dad out of the way so I could take over... but Mum was working hard on me and things were getting interesting down there!

But my eyes were once again drawn to Sharon who deftly stripped off her bra and who shook her tits; then rubbed her hands over them quickly.

"Ohhh, that's better!" she said, "Freedom!"

And then things ramped up sexually as Dad slid her knickers down and off her legs - and finally Sharon sent me over the top by lifting one leg up onto the bed.

There, right beside my busy Mum and me was her pretty pussy, her lips already slightly parted - and I just blew off!

"Aaaaaaahhhh Mum," I cried, as I felt a gusher blast up my penis, "Can't stop - can't...! Ahhhhh cummmming!"

One of Mum's hands came up and grasped my shaft, rubbing me hard as I came.

"Mmmmmmm!" Mum groaned once more, "Uuuuuhh!"

More sperm was still filling her mouth; I could feel every pulse of cum rising and erupting until finally it was over.

"Oh God Mum - that was good!" I groaned, "I feel drained!"

Mum pulled my cock from her mouth and looked at the tip. A final small bubble of spunk appeared which she deftly swiped off with her tongue - sending a last quiver of excitement up my body.

"Mmmm - tasty," she said, "Didn't really taste the first spurt; you were right down my throat but then you filled my mouth perfectly!"

She stood up, naked beside me and pulled me to her. She kissed me and I returned the kiss, our mouths soon melding together to exchange the flavour of my ejaculation.

"Thank you Darling," she said eventually, "Great starter - now, what's next, what should we do now?"

What was next was a complete surprise and departure from any script - the door bell rang!

"Oh fuck," said Dad with feeling and as I looked at him I realised why he felt that way. Sharon had stripped him; his erection was standing proud and Sharon was kneeling in front of him about to pay homage to his penis.

"Go and see who it is, love," said Mum to me - at least my cock wasn't standing to attention right now!

Moments later I'd pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt and I padded to the front door.

And there was James - my soon-to-be new boss, complete with a cardboard box!

"Oh hi Mr... hi James," I stumbled.

"Hi Chris! Nice to see you," he said cheerfully, "Won't come in though. Sorry if I interrupted anything."

"No - no - just had dinner - having a quiet evening in," I lied, "What brings you here?"

"Well, I was having a bit of a sort-out at the shop early this afternoon when I came across a pile of samples," said James, "They're all new and unused but if you remember what I said, the reps leave them for us and I like the staff to get used to dealing with sex toys... so I wondered if you could make use of any of them."

"Wow - yeah, well thanks," I said, somewhat taken aback as he handed me the large cardboard box, "I'll, er, see what I can do."

I couldn't very well say to him "Hey that's brilliant - we're all in the bedroom just about to have an orgy, so your toys will come in really handy" could I, nor could I invite him in so I was completely lost for words.

But fortunately James misunderstood, or mistook my apparent lack of words for shyness I guess and backed off.

"Anyway, have a look at them - read the instructions - get to know them... because they're the things you'll be selling next week!" he said, "Ok - I'll leave them with you."

"What about bringing them back?" I asked, somewhat shyly almost wanting to get rid of them.

"No - no way," he said, smiling, "they're yours now - keep them. See you Monday."

And with that and a wave he was off; back into his car and away.

I shut the door and walked back to the bedroom in a bit of a daze.

"Who was that?" asked Dad as I entered the room, Sharon still on her knees before him.

I put the box down on the bed and pulled my clothes off.

"That was my boss - with some toys for me - well, for us, to try out," I said, "I think I told you that he wants his staff to know what they're selling."

"Wow!" said Mum, crawling across the bed to the box, "What's he given you then?"

"They're for us all really not just me," I repeated, "I can't use everything myself - I'll need some help!"

"Don't worry about that!" said Dad eagerly as he left Sharon and came to look in the box, "Tip 'em out and let's have a look."

There was quite a pile of things in the box and what there was made my eyebrows lift and my eyes open wide! I may have been new to the sex industry but I still knew what most of the contents were even if I'd never used or even touched most of them.

There were several vibrators and things that looked like vibrators; a few cock rings; several strap-on cocks of different sizes; a pair of handcuffs; some blindfolds; some bottles and tubes - lube of one kind or another, I guessed; some butt plugs; a string of beads, some love eggs and an assortment of other bits. There was even a box of condoms - strange ones, all ribbed and with bits sticking out here and there!

I just kind of stood there looking at the pile of goodies but Mum wasn't so slow - she dived in first.

"Mine!" she crowed, grabbing a large vibrator and retreating to a corner of the bed, "Just what I need!"

There was the sound of cardboard tearing and plastic crackling and then a crow of delight.

"Batteries included!" she cried out, "Brilliant!"

And a few moments later a dull hum filled the room as she powered up the vibrator.

Dad went and joined her leaving Sharon and me to rummage.

"I'm going to try one of these love eggs," said Sharon, "Come on - when I'm all worked up you can fuck me!"

"Yes boss!" I said light-heartedly, "We going to your room?"

"No way," said Sharon happily, "I want to watch Mum and Dad and - oh my God, he's given you one of those wireless eggs!"

Sharon's eager hands soon extracted the love egg and its remote control from the pile. In moments she'd unpacked it, then she excitedly threw herself back onto one of the pillows, her hand already busy inserting the egg inside her vagina!

I looked back and forward, my eyes captivated by the two ladies both busily loading their vaginas with toys but still pulled towards the now slightly smaller heap of goodies.

'What about me? Ah - the prostate stimulator!' I thought, 'What are they like - never wanted to try one but there's always a first time!'

More crackling of plastic wrapping ensued and soon I was holding the wand, the tip of which vibrated visibly as I turned it on. There was a small bottle of lube in the pile which I appropriated and soon I had a blob spread over the end of the probe.

But then I found myself coming over all shy again as I realised that three sets of eyes were all watching me. I dithered as I knelt on the bed until Dad took over.

"Come on son, give it to me," he said and I just handed it to him.

Before I could object, he pushed my head down, leaving my rump in the air and within a few moments I felt the chill of the lube as Dad found my anus. I breathed in sharply and tried to protectively cover my ass with my hand but Dad patted my back.

"I'll be gentle," he said with a chuckle as he slid the thing inside me.

"Ok - that's it - easy - you take over," he said, urging me to kneel upright once more and pushing the handle of the stimulator into my hand between my legs. And the insertion had indeed been pretty well painless so I gripped it and moved the thing around while looking somewhat blank.

"What's up?" asked Dad and I shook my head.

"What's exciting about this?" I asked...

"Well, turn the damn thing on then!" said Mum as she pulled the vibrator from her pussy to hold it up - the end vibrating and rotating, "Like this!"

Quickly she pushed it back inside herself and the mechanical hum became muted somewhat and replaced by a more erotic and satisfying hum from Mum.

Quickly I pressed the activation button and now I found myself recovering my old poise as the feelings began to grow inside me. I looked up and saw that Mum was still watching but that Dad was now holding the vibrator against his wife's clit and that Sharon had her eyes closed as she pressed buttons on the remote control of her egg. Mum stuck her thumb up to me and, emboldened, I moved the probe around inside me, feeling the quivering end vibrate against various parts of me. My penis had become erect once more almost without me thinking about it and every so often it would jerk wildly as I stimulated parts of the root of my cock.

Not far from me Sharon was now jerking even more than my cock was as she found a suitably enjoyable setting; her legs were splayed wide and her pelvis kept jumping - you could almost see her lower lips shaking too.

"Ooooooh," she began to wail, "Ooooooooh it's coming - I'm getting close!"

We all began watching her as she approached her climax until I realised that her eyes were open once more and looking intensely at me.

"Come and help," she groaned, "Put your hand on my clit - rub me Chris!"

I knee-walked a bit closer to her until I could reach her pussy, not stopping my internal probing though and I was about to make contact when my cock jerked violently once again. I must have found a particularly sensitive and enjoyable place because without warning a stream of milky fluid began to trickle from my cock - straight down onto Sharon's pussy!

"Oh my Goddddd!" she screamed as my emission landed on her, "Oh yes - oh yessss - oh yesssssss!"

And she was off - bucking and heaving, jerking and shaking and having the orgasm of a lifetime; then regaining control of my senses I remembered to rub her clit - which only served to send her off into more orgasmic thralls.

A few feet away Mum suddenly screamed too and practically threw Dad from between her legs as she too started to orgasm - a different kind - a much more intense orgasm that seemed to run in waves up and down her whole body.

"Oooo! W-o-oooo! Ooooooohhh - yessss!" she moaned, her mouth opening and closing like a fish, "Oooooo - that's going all through me - put it back inside dear."

Dad held her still for a moment as he reseated the vibrator at her hole and then pushed it slowly inside her, making Mum groan once more.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh - that's good... oh that's better," she groaned, "Oh - I needed that!"

Sharon looked her in the eye and they smiled at each other.

"Oh God, I did too," said Sharon, "We seemed to have been waiting so long - well, at least eight hours!"

I looked at Sharon but she was serious, but then again she'd been on a promise ever since this morning!

"How about me then?" I asked of Sharon, "Any chance?"

"What'd you mean - any chance?" replied Sharon looking at my once-again erect penis, "There's every chance! I said you could fuck me once I was worked up and I'm all ready now, so come on then!"

In my eagerness to prepare to mount my sister I'd almost forgotten the probe that was still humming away inside me but as I moved a bit something touched some important area in me, making more creamy fluid flow from my cock. And once again it landed on Sharon; this time several inches above her clit.

"Ahhhhhh!" I groaned as waves of pleasure coursed through me.

"Oooooh!" moaned Sharon as she let the little stream slither down her abdomen and into her crack where she proceeded to rub it in around her clit, "Oooh come on - I need you now! Get that thing out of you."

Somewhat reluctantly I gently slid it from my ass and I was about to put it down when Dad reached over and grabbed it from me.

"I've been waiting to use that," he said, "Ta."

And with that he was off to the bathroom; there was the sound of running water and then he was back in moments, triumphantly waving the cleaned anal probe in his hand.

"Where's the lube?" he asked.

I gave him the little bottle and Dad retired to Mum's side of the bed and although he was mere feet from Sharon and me, he was now in another world from me.

Because I'd got something more important to deal with now! My sister's pussy!

I stopped still to get my bearings and to ensure that all was well - and it was!

Sharon lay there on her back; her pretty hair spread out over the pillow; her generous breasts mounded above her; her strong thighs widespread and her pussy flushed with redness, dripping with our secretions and positively welcoming me with open lips.

My cock jerked even stiffer than he had been - this woman was my dream girl and now I was about to put my cock inside her - my wonderful sister.

I lay down on my front alongside her; my chest above her torso; my lips at her breasts. Slowly and gently I allowed my tongue to travel over her plump breast, down into the valley between them and up the other small mountain. Quickly I slashed my tongue over one little nipple, making it shiver and stand, aroused and stiffened.

I brought my hand up and softly grasped her other breast, gently rubbing and squeezing her other nipple until she let out a small sigh. I lightly bit the nipple in my mouth, eliciting another sigh from her lips and another series of quiverings. Sharon was on a knife-edge of anticipation; one more touch on an erotic zone and she'd probably go off like a firework... I'd have to be careful if I didn't want her flying away without me!

Carefully I aligned the tip of my cock with her slit and, using my hand to guide me, I slid him up and down her slot, gauging where her leaking hole was; bathing him generously in her juices.

Sharon was moaning and groaning steadily now; it was time my penis met my sister's cunt for the first time!

"I'm coming in," I said quietly; almost in awe of the beautiful creature that lay wide open for me.

"Mmmmmm," came the reply, "Mmmmmm!"

I pushed gently and felt my knob begin to sink between her lips. Her warmth encompassed my cock as I pushed further into her; the tightness of her gorgeous cunt grasping my knob as he speared his way into her depth.

"Oh Chris - oh fuck - why did I wait?" Sharon groaned, "Oh yessss, that's fantastic - you're filling me and stretching me... "

I continued to penetrate her body and now only about half of my cock was still exposed when I felt my penis nudge up against something. Was she wearing a coil or a cap, I wondered.

And then I was shocked to the core as the thing inside her began to buzz and vibrate against my cock!

My eyes quickly locked onto hers - to find Sharon grinning madly at me!

"What's that like?" she asked, "Mmmmmm - feels good to me!"

I wasn't entirely sure how I felt, but then my cock slid past the egg which then vibrated hard against my shaft and now it was good!

"Ooooooohhh!" I moaned, "Fuck - that's different! Tight as hell but good!"

"It's getting good for me too," panted Sharon, "Yesssss! Oooh fuck! That's nice, oooooh yessss!"

I didn't need to slide in and out now to stimulate myself - Sharon's love egg was bringing everything to the boil. All I could do was to move an inch or so each way as the egg quivered deliciously against my excited penis.

"Sharon - you're going to make me cum," I groaned and Sharon nodded.

"And me - come with me - try!" she said and I felt her vaginal muscles pulsating around my cock... a few more minutes of this and I'd lose it!

"Nearly there, nearly...!" moaned Sharon, her pussy now well alive and becoming extremely active, "Push deeper... "

Overcoming my reluctance to move I leaned in a little closer and gently drove my cock to the limit - now stretching Sharon's vagina - in fact I could have sworn that I'd penetrated her cervix judging from the tightness I felt around my knob.

"Oh my God - I'm full... Ohhh I'm cumming - I'm oooooohhhhh!" cried Sharon; her whole body now shivering, quivering, jerking and pulsating as she rode the powerful orgasm that shook her to the core.

And as the last of her erotic quiverings died away, my cock suddenly stiffened; strained and spat. I felt a liquid bubble of sperm rise rapidly up my penis where it seemed to pause before blasting out into Sharon's internal receptacle. Another eruption followed; and another and yet another and even a fifth squirt burst from my penis and suddenly it was easy to slide in and out - my cock was floating in a sea of sperm and female juices.

For once I was actually beyond speech - all I could do was to groan and breathe heavily and quickly as my orgasm took over my body... until almost suddenly it was all over.

I slumped down on Sharon's body, coming face to face with her.

Our lips met for a 'thank you' kiss, but they refused to part - they simply melded together and suddenly we were lip-locked, slobbering over each other, our tongues twisting and turning around each other, our breaths being shared as we enjoyed our moment of deep intimacy.

Finally we came up for air.

"Phew," said Sharon, "What was that?"

I shook my head and licked my lips with delight, tasting the honey-sweet nectar of Sharon's kiss.

"Dunno," I said, "But I'll have some more if I can!"

But our love-in was interrupted by cries from across the bed - cries of pleasure as Mum became excited.

We both looked at Mum and Dad - they were both in the throes of their own orgasms as we watched.

Mum was using the vibrator all over herself; rubbing it across her nipples, under her arms, against her clit and deep up inside her and she was gasping with delight as the vibrator sent shivers through her.

Between her legs, Dad still had the anal probe working away up inside himself and his erect penis was still dripping seminal fluids onto Mum's pussy - and as we watched, Dad grasped his cock, gave it several long quick strokes and started to cum!

"Ahhhhhh - yeahhhhhh!" he cried as his spunk covered Mum's left breast.

"Oooooh fuuuuuuck!" Mum cried as another gout of cum filled her navel.

"Oooooohhhh Godddd!" groaned Dad as a big streamer of cum squirted up to Mum's chin - but that was his lot... only dribbles remained which he stropped from his gradually deflating penis.

"Nice one Dad!" said Sharon, "Come on me next time!"

Dad smiled at her but that was about all he could do before collapsing in a little heap on the bed.

I knew how he felt!

Beside me I realised there was some movement and as I looked at her, Sharon had one hand at her pussy and was pushing her fingers inside herself. She had a slightly worried look on her face.

"What up?" I asked.

"That bloody egg - that's what's up!" she said, "You pushed it right up me and I can't reach it - well, I can touch it but I can't get hold of it - you'll have to help!"

Fucked if I knew how to help! My fingers might have been a bit longer than Sharon's but my hand was probably too large to fit inside her without causing her a lot of pain.

"Can't you push it out?" I asked a concerned Sharon and she shook her head.

"I can feel it moving a bit but I seem to be able to move it down a little bit but then it sort of slides back to where it was," she said, her fingers still buried deep inside herself.

"Get a spoon!" suggested Mum and quite possibly that was the best suggestion. Perhaps an arrow with a sucker on the end might have worked but that wasn't the kind of thing we had lying around the house.

"Hang on Sharon, I'll try the spoon idea," I said as I got up and headed out to the kitchen.

There I debated the type and size of spoon before choosing a long slim antique silver spoon and moments later I was back with her.

Sharon spread her legs as wide as she could and there before me was her pussy - split wide open; her lips splayed and reddened; her hole stretched wide open too and all over her entire pussy sexual fluids of various kinds were spread giving everything a kind of surreal appearance.

Sharon looked at me with trepidation in her eyes.

"Warm that thing up before you poke it up me!" she said but I was already doing just that; holding the spoon in my fist to impart some heat.

"Ok - ready," I said as I laid my hand on top of her pussy to hold her steady, "Coming in!"

With that I moved my fingers to each side of her hole and slowly inserted the spoon.

"Oooohhh!" groaned Sharon, "It's still cold!"

"Sorry - did my best," I said, "Now hold still... "

"Oooooooh, I can't," said Sharon, her body shivering from time to time. Her vaginal opening was also opening and closing rhythmically for some reason as I probed.

Suddenly I met with an obstruction; I'd reached the egg. Carefully I pushed the spoon to one side and slowly slid it further into Sharon's vagina and eventually past the egg.

"Got it!" I cried triumphantly, "Hey - it's still vibrating!"

"I know," said Sharon, "It's too nice to turn off!"

There was a chorus of raucous laughter from Mum and Dad and I had to join in.

"You horny little bitch!" I said, good-naturedly, "Making sure you got the best of it!"

"It was lovely," said Sharon dreamily as she pressed some controls and killed off the egg's motions, "I could have lived with that up there all the time!"

Gradually I slid the spoon and the egg down and eventually out of her pussy, releasing a torrent of my dammed up cum, before Sharon managed to hold a towel over her vagina.

"Oh, thank you dear brother," she said, taking the egg from me, "I'm keeping this one!"

"You'd better keep the spoon too then!" I suggested, but I was only joking.

Sharon sat up cross-legged on the bed and looked at me.

"Ok - what else can we do?" she asked

"Sleep!" said Dad, obviously feeling his age, "There's always tomorrow."

But Mum was ready for more and she was on her knees, inspecting the pile of toys...

"Ahhhhhh!" she cried, "This'll be fun!"

And with that she pulled out a long belt arrangement, all complete with an enormous plastic penis; quite as long as mine and even thicker. She pulled it around herself and strapped it tightly in place, now turning towards up, waving her monster penis before her.

"Who's game?" she asked with a big smile but I quickly turned my ass away from her.

"No way!" I cried, but Sharon's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yeah - I'll try it Mum," she said, "Put plenty of lube on it though."

In a few minutes they were arranged to suit themselves - Sharon on her hands and knees with her ass in the air; her legs slightly apart and her hips tilted to offer her still soaked pussy up for Mum.

Mum knee-walked until she was just behind Sharon, then she put her hands on Sharon's hips to pull her towards her. The end of the cock slammed into Sharon's ass, making them both grunt.

"Oooops, sorry darling," said Mum, "Not used to having something sticking out like this."

But only moments later she'd slotted it into Sharon's hole - the tip disappearing quickly and easily, well lubricated by Mum's lube, Sharon's juices and my offerings.

"Hang on Mum - that's big," said Sharon, "Let me get the feel of it... "

I could almost see Sharon's body adjusting to accommodate the monster; it seemed that her pelvic area was almost flowing to enlarge her opening; to facilitate entry of the thing.

"Ok - ready," she said and Mum leaned forward.

Slowly more and more of the phallus disappeared into Sharon's greedy hole until finally she held up one hand.

"Stop - stop - won't go any further yet," she said, "Ok - just go in and out gently now and we'll see how I get on."

Mum began the age old motion that was copulation but this was purely for their gratification; purely to give Sharon a damn big orgasm and Sharon was already getting into it.

"Oh wow Mum, that fills me completely - so stretched!" she said, almost wincing, "Feels good but be careful - it's almost too much!"

Mum now changed her actions; now she'd buried as much of the phallus as she could in Sharon and was grinding her own pussy against the strap-on, groaning as she did.

I looked at her; enjoying the erotic sight of my own mother bringing herself off.

"Ooooh yessss," she groaned, "I like it - oh yessss!"

Then aside she spoke to us.

"There's a lovely vibrating pad in this thing and it's up against my clit and it's gorgeous!" she said, groaning once more, "Every time I push... ooooooh! Oooooh... it's off again!"

This was going to be a race to see who'd cum first I reckoned as Mum started to shake and jerk and Sharon began to work her hips harder.

I wondered who'd get there first then realised I could help Sharon, so I reached under her and cupped her pussy from around her thigh. She gasped as I touched her but the look she gave me said she wanted me to continue...

With her hole fully occupied I stroked her clit, rubbing my fingers up and down the sides until Sharon was jerking around so much I couldn't keep my hand in place and I just had to move my hand. Instead I found one of her nipples which I lightly pinched and twisted.

"Aaaaaaghhhh! Yes, yes - oooh Mum - more - more - harder! Cumming! I'm cumming!" screamed Sharon, her hips now slamming back against Mum's driving phallus. It was completely buried inside her as she orgasmed and Mum had her pussy pressed hard against the base of it!

"So am I!" screamed Mum, "Aaaahhhhh - aaaahhhhh! Oooooh - yesssss!"

The two of them were fucking and orgasming so hard that they fell over onto their sides; still united and rutting hard while shrieks and yells arose from the pair... until eventually things slowed down and finally stopped.

Then there was silence except for heavy panting - from all of us I think!

Well actually some of the heavy breathing was coming from Dad, who'd actually gone to sleep after all the activity! Mum was having none of that!

"Let's have a look at that pile of stuff again" she said as she moved to look at the pile which I'd taken a moment to move off the bed, "I wanted some handcuffs didn't I and I seem to remember seeing some... ah, yes - just the thing! Oh - and there's some silk rope too... "

Having checked that the cuffs were in working order, Mum returned to the bed and got down beside Dad. Very gently she laced some of the rope around his ankles and tied them together before picking up the handcuffs.

"Get his hands behind him," she said and Sharon was quick to help - and even I pulled one hand into place and very quickly Mum had Dad's hands locked behind his back and his feet tied together!

She slapped him on the bum - a resounding slap that echoed round the room!

"Aaaaagh! Owwwwww!" yelled Dad as his slumber was rudely interrupted, "What the...?"

"Who said you could go to sleep?" said Mum firmly but without nastiness.

"You were busy," said Dad defensively, "And why am I tied up?"

"You're going to try out one of Chris's toys!" said Mum now with a wicked grin on her face and waving her plastic erection at him, "I'll give you three guesses!"

"Oh what...? Not that thing - it's bloody huge!" said Dad, trying to back away across the bed. But to be honest his efforts didn't seem all that serious and anyway Sharon soon stopped him in his tracks.

"Come on Dad - you going to make this easy or hard?" she said as she pushed Dad back into the middle of the bed, "Get over on your knees or lie on your back."

"It's going to be painful either way," moaned Dad as he lay stretched out on his back but part of him was obviously looking forward to the experience - his penis was rock hard already!

Mum had been waiting for Dad to settle before she joined in.

"We need some pillows under his bum first," she said. She hopped off the bed, went to the hall cupboard and returned with two extra pillows which she flung onto the bed.

"Get them under him, kids," she instructed.

Entering into the fun of things - well, it was fun from where I was - I helped lever Dad's somewhat reluctant form off the bed until three pillows were firmly in place underneath his ass, leaving his head and shoulders and heels on the bed and his erection standing like a drunken flagpole atop a small pinnacle.

"Ok," said Mum, inspecting our work and grasping Dad's ankles, "Now, if he's firmly seated then let's lift up his legs."

Sharon immediately caught on and between them the ladies succeeded in almost doubling Dad up - leaving his ass still supported on the pillows but now thoroughly exposed.

"Excellent," said Mum happily, "Where's the KY... "

I gave the tube to Mum and as she applied some to her phallus Dad started to struggle somewhat.

"Sit on him Sharon," Mum told my sister and Sharon was quick to act.

Soon she was astride Dad's face and leaning forward to hold his legs down, with a happy grin on her face.

"What a good idea Mum," she said, sucking in a sharp breath, "Dad's licking me!"

"Good - help keep his mind off this thing perhaps!" she said with a laugh, "What about if you suck him too - can you get into a sort of 69 position and still hold his legs?"

"I'll try," said Sharon, "Hey - come and help Chris. Hold Dad's legs until I can get in place."

Between us it was comparatively easy for Sharon to lean forward, upon which Dad's erect penis was pretty well right in line with her mouth. A quick manual adjustment and she was set up - a good proportion of Dad's quivering cock was now between her lips.

She waved a 'thumbs up' to me as she now grasped Dad's legs once more, now above her head as she delved into his groin.

Dad was the next one to make a noise - he groaned with delight as Sharon began to stimulate his cock with her mouth but the groan would soon be changing to one of pain, I reckoned!

Because down below Dad's ass, Mum now had a blob of KY on her fingers and was about to apply it to Dad's asshole.

"Holding tight?" asked Mum, looking at us kids and Sharon "hummed" her confirmation and I nodded - and at that moment Mum dabbed the gel onto his hole.

"Aaaagh! Cold!" mumbled Dad, "No - don't! Ooooooh! Darling - don't - please don't!"

"Too late!" crowed Mum as she worked one slippery finger inside him, "Just getting my own back anyway!"

"Oooooooo," moaned Dad through clenched teeth and a mouthful of my sister's cunt, "It's gonna hurt!"

"Stop being a pussy!" said Mum shoving two fingers into him with some force, "Save your breath!"

She began twisting her fingers around inside and I watched as she turned her hand palm upwards and felt around inside her husband's hole with her two fingers.

"Ah - found it," she said and a few moments later both Sharon and Dad let out moans of pleasure as Mum stimulated Dad's prostate.

A little while later Mum slid her fingers out and moved closer behind Dad while tightening the belt and straps on her prosthesis.

'This is going to be fun' I thought, although I was glad that it wasn't me on the receiving end!

A slight adjustment to her position and Mum let the tip of the plastic penis nudge against Dad's hole, just causing the puckered, slippery flesh to give way a little bit.

Another shuffle of her knees and Mum pushed a bit more firmly, causing the first inch or so to begin to penetrate his hole. She started rocking gently back and forwards, just easing a small length of the phallus in and out - until finally she'd managed to get the whole knob end inside.

Dad hadn't made any noise recently - perhaps Sharon was grinding down too hard on his face - perhaps Mum had just been very gently but whatever, soon she had at least half of the penis lodged inside her husband's asshole.

Mum looked at me and winked. She reached down and grasped my penis which was up and ready for anything - practically drooling with need for some action.

"Wait 'til I get settled then you can come up behind me," she said and as she spoke she pushed more and more of the phallus into her husband.

"Aaaaaaagh! No more - no more!" came a cry from underneath Sharon, "Don't push so deep!"

Ignoring his pleas, Mum settled into a steady rhythm and judging from the way her eyes had closed, the regular motion was because Mum was getting her kicks from the vibrating pad in the strap-on cock as attested by her regular sharp intake of breath and her glowing cheeks.

Behind her I was now getting a bit restless so I slapped my erection against her thigh on her next out-stroke. Mum looked round; caught my purpose and nodded.

Quickly I got up, moved behind Mum, sank to my knees and looked to see what was on offer, so to speak.

With each out-stroke her buttocks parted revealing a very well lubed asshole and I was sorely tempted to make use of it, but her pussy was really my target.

And a little lower down it was there on display for me. Mum's legs were slightly parted and each time she squashed her pubic area, her clitoris and the vibrating pad together, so her lips parted, often revealing strings of feminine secretions between her lips and small dribbles of liquid on her thighs. Apart from ensuring that my cock was slippery enough to slide in everything else was fine - Mum was very obviously both lubed and excited.

I positioned the tip of my penis just below her lips so that as she pulled back they'd slide over my cock and that's just what happened.

Mum immediately jerked as my cock touched her - but only slightly and on the next stroke I felt Mum pushing down onto my cock, her hot lips almost surrounding my knob.

A few more strokes and he was thoroughly bathed in slippery juices and I held him at a slightly different angle.

And this time as Mum pulled back, my knob slid smoothly up and inside her hole.

"Oooooohhhhh - yesssss, love," she groaned as she sank back onto my cock, "That's hard - that's so hard - that's lovely!"

I leaned forward and on the next stroke I had him about as far inside Mum as he could go - she was filled about as much as Dad was!

And Dad - well he seemed to be getting into it now. The initial pain and stress seemed to have gone and now, each time Mum powered her cock into him he groaned with delight, not pain.

Sharon meanwhile was visibly writhing as Dad's tongue worked on her pussy and she was beginning to pant with excitement.

But with a mouthful of her father's penis she couldn't really say much apart from providing the occasional squeak and humming noise as she sucked him off.

Needing to find release already I was now pumping my cock in and out of Mum's increasingly wet hole, my thighs slapping against her buttocks with each stroke, also driving Mum's phallus harder into my Dad's ass - and pushing Mum's clit against the vibrating pad. We'd all got an excellent rhythm going that could only lead to a massive multiple orgasm! It was only a matter of time and of timing - of who'd cum when...

Sharon was first to break - Dad had been working on her pussy for ages and now she just had to let it all go.

With a slight scream she shook all over; her hips jerking up and down on his face as she peaked.

"Cumming - cumming - cummming!" she cried, "Can't stop - oooooh God - can't stop!"

It didn't help that Dad's lips were clasped round her clit but eventually he had to let go to draw a breath and Sharon was able to lift her pussy off his head and begin to come down off her plateau. She was still twitching from time to time and was just covered in a light sheen of sweat. I longed to go and lick it all off - but I was busy!

Mum was still giving Dad's hole a damn good workout which she was enjoying too but perhaps not as much as Dad, as he became the next to explode.

We could hear his breathing change as he neared his orgasm and we heard Sharon's lips slurping as the action at his groin became more energetic until Dad groaned loud and long.

"Ohhhhh fuuuuuuck - this is going to be big!" he moaned, "I want to cum all over - it's weird - I don't know what's happening!"

What was happening was that Mum was giving him a kind of internal or anal orgasm just as his daughter was bringing him to an oral orgasm and the whole lot was blowing his top!

"Uuuuh - uuuuh - oh God - yeahhhhhhh!" he suddenly cried, "Here it cums!"

"Mmmmmmm!" groaned Sharon as her mouth must have suddenly filled with sperm and Dad grunted again.

"Oooooh yeahhhh - oh fuck me - ohhhh God!" he groaned, "Cumming, just cummming!"

Dad was now panting hard - and so was Mum who was obviously now near her own climax. Instead of her long steady strokes her movements were now flutters - almost uncontrolled quivering of her hips that made the phallus dance in Dad's ass until finally Mum's movements became just one long shiver of orgasmic delight!

"Oh darling - I'm cumming too!" she screamed, "Oh this is lovely - so good - oh yes - yes!"

I knew, without all the histrionics and sound effects that Mum was having an orgasm because her cunt almost locked up around my cock - it suddenly became really hard work to move my penis either in or out of her pussy - but I kept trying, which seemed to add to her pleasure.

Then suddenly the pressure was off and instead her pussy simply gushed with juices - now I had to work hard to get any friction at all.

But I was getting there. Some more powerful deeper strokes and some shallow ones aimed at providing stimulation around the flare of my knob and I was on the brink.

"Ok Mum - ok to cum?" I asked and Mum's cunt tightened round me by way of a signal.

"Yes darling boy - cum, please - now! Fill me up with your hot spunk!" she groaned as her practiced pussy pulled, pushed and pulsated around my penis.

I couldn't hold it a moment more - all I could do now was to go with it - my orgasm had taken over my body.

With a last cry of exertion I froze - then a moment later I felt the rapid rising of my spunk - quickly powering up from my tubes; bulging my penis and blasting from the tip into my mother's hot wet welcoming hole.

"Yessssss!" I cried happily, "Oh Mum - oh cummming - up inside you! Ahhhhhhh - yeahhhhh!"

Blast after blast there was - four or five pulses that I could identify before I was left with just the quivers and dribbles and a slowly deflating penis.

I knelt behind Mum breathing heavily and quickly until finally I got my breath back.

I leaned forward to kiss Mum on her cheek but she turned her head and we managed a warm and loving bit of mouth to mouth resuscitation instead!

"Thank you darling," she said with a chuckle, "That was fun!"

"Great ride Mum," I said, smiling back at her, "Do you want me to come out now?"

"I think you'd better - I can't get this thing out of Dad if you don't!" she said light-heartedly and I slowly pulled my still considerable sized cock from her well-filled hole.

"Ooooo," said Mum, "I'll feel lost without him!"

"You can always use that vibrator," I said and Mum laughed.

"If I can keep it from your sister, that is," she replied, "You'll just have to get us a couple more!"

Mum now slapped Dad on his rump and pulled her phallus from his abused asshole - Dad wincing as she did so and then blew out a breath as it finally exited from his anus. Mum undid the strapping and dropped the phallus on the bed; then she moved up the bed and undid Dad's handcuffs and the silk ties and gradually everyone uncoiled and straightened out.

Sharon now sat astride Dad's chest, her wet and sticky pussy drooling onto his body while Mum collapsed back onto the bed, her head on a pillow. And I helped Dad to remove the pillows from under his ass before I too flopped into a horizontal position.

"Phew," said Dad, "That was a bit of a... "

"... fuckin' good ride!" continued Mum, "But I'm knackered now!"

I was just shaking my head in almost disbelief.

A few days ago I didn't have a job - now I was about to be employed.

A few days ago I'd never even had a good look at my sister's body - now I'd even fucked her!

A few days ago the same applied to my Mum!

And as for Dad - oh my God - I'd never have believed some of the things we'd done with him!

"Guess we've broken a few barriers tonight," I said, "What happens next?"

"Next we all have some sleep," said Dad firmly, "And then tomorrow... we can all start again!"

"You dirty old man!" said Mum, laughing loudly, "Didn't you have enough?"

"Lots more toys yet," he said, "And I wonder if James might like to play too?"

"Eh?" I exclaimed, "Next thing you'll be asking Uncle Dick and Gloria to come and join in!"

"What a good idea!" said Mum happily and to my complete shock, "Told you he's got a big one too, didn't I?"

I got up from the bed.

"Not right now," I said, "I'm off to my room - my brain's scrambled - just so much to take in!"

"Ok love," said Mum, "See you in the morning."

I blew kisses at the trio but as I did so, Sharon jumped off the bed and came up to me.

She kissed my ear and whispered to me.

"I'm coming with you," she said, "I'm sleeping with you tonight - I want some more of that lovely cock!"

"Oh God," I groaned, but inside I was delighted. All the pussy I could want - and it was right here at home!

Sharon broke away from me and dashed back to the bed. She picked up the vibrating egg and held it tight to her breast as she returned to my side.

"Got my good vibrations!" she said happily, "Goodnight everyone!"