Big Changes At Home Ch. 05~6


Chapter Five: Richard's Dirty Little Secret

To the outside world, Richard Thompson was the picture of success. Many people envied him; many people wanted his life. He was a partner in one of the larger law firms in town. He had a beautiful wife who was devoted to him, and committed to raising their children, full-time. His two children were earning top marks in university. His son was even following in his footsteps and studying to become a lawyer, with the intention of one-day joining the firm. His house was an older house that had been his parent's home that he had renovated after their untimely death. Yep, to most people, Richard Thompson was the kind of guy that other guys looked up to.

What people didn't see were, the long hours at the office researching cases, and the countless family functions and dinners that he had missed over the years. He felt like a stranger in his own house and didn't know his kids as well as he would have liked. Even his wife felt more like a roommate than a boon companion. He didn't blame anyone but himself for the hollow shell of his family life, he knew that his career success had come at a price of his home-life. There were times when he wondered if it was worth it, if the trade-off had been a good one. What good were money and prestige when the people you worked so hard for, didn't love you as much as they could?

The hollow shell of his life was not the most guarded part of his Richard's life. Anyone who looked closely at his life could guess what his home-life was like. The part of his life that he kept locked away from the world came up suddenly, ten years ago. It was then that his life took an odd turn that he was ashamed of, yet couldn't live without. What Richard would be mortified if anyone ever found out, was that for the past ten years, he had a Mistress. The Mistress that Richard had was not the typical Mistress; she was not a girlfriend he kept on the side. No, the Mistress that Richard had was the kind that he served, the kind that made him grovel, beg, please her, and beat him when he was wrong. Yes Richard Thompson was a Slave to a Dominatrix. He didn't serve her on a permanent basis, but for an evening at a time. They had a regular schedule to their meetings but the occasional time she would call and demand to see him immediately. Every time she called, unless he was in court, he would drop everything and rush to see her.

All that ended two weeks ago, and since it ended he felt lost and confused. He had become so used to their regular get-togethers, along with the degradation and servitude, that he was having trouble going back to the "vanilla lifestyle." Something about the way he was treated by her almost seemed like penance for his monumental success. It was a strange and twisted way of keeping him grounded. He went through the routine of his life these past two weeks but life itself had lost its flavor, he was depressed.

Sex with his wife, Taryn had lost all interest for him because she liked it plain and ordinary, but he had developed a flair for the kinky. Richard needed the extra kick of being dominated and humiliated by a woman to really get off. While part of him wanted to go out and find another Mistress, the risk of being exposed, always kept him from doing so. A small part of him even thought of confiding in Taryn, to see if she would be willing to give him what he needed. The shocked and outraged reaction as well as the hurtful argument that he imagined always kept his mouth shut. Richard knew that this strange limbo couldn't last for long; sooner or later his needs would push him to seek satisfaction somewhere.

As Richard sat in his office at the law firm downtown, his thoughts drifted to his beloved Mistress. He sighed as he valiantly tried to stop his memories from forcing him to think of her. Unwanted and undaunted, the memory rolled up on him with the force and determination of a freight train. Richard closed his eyes, bowed his head and let the memory of how it all started come back to him in graphic detail.

It all started ten years ago in this very office, it was the middle of the day and to Richard she was just another appointment, just another potential client. He glanced over the file and saw that she was being charged with assault and unlawful confinement. It was nothing out of the ordinary, or so he thought, as he closed the file.

"Send her in," Richard said he pressed the button on the intercom.

"Right away, Mr. Thompson," Julie, his secretary replied through the intercom.

The door opened up and in walked a tall woman in a business suit. She had black hair that fell in a dead-straight style, that her Chinese heritage had given her. Her brown eyes were little slits as she eyed up Richard, walking towards him with confidence in her stride. She was quite tall, unusually tall for a Chinese woman, and quite thin and slender. Her arms and legs were quite long and thin, almost appearing to be sticks attached to her torso. While she was an attractive woman, she didn't have an hourglass figure, her profile was fairly straight. Tight, trim and small would be the best way to describe her figure.

"Mr. Thompson, I'm Heather Lee, so good of you to see me," the tall Chinese woman said without the barest hint of an Asian accent as she shook Richard's hand firmly.

"My pleasure, Ms. Lee, have a seat," Richard said as he motioned to the seat in front of his desk.

"Thank you," Heather said curtly as she sat down.

"I've looked over your case and I think we can deal with this before it goes to trial. I have a few questions for you though. For one, how do you know the plaintiff, Mr. Jenkins?" Richard asked in a dispassionate and professional tone of voice.

"He was a client of mine," Heather said curtly.

"Are you in the habit of tying up and beating on your clients?" Richard asked with a raised eyebrow and a light chuckle.

"Yes, and they pay me well to do it," Heather said with a smirk on her face and eyed up Richard for a reaction.

"What?" Richard asked in a confused tone of voice. "People pay you to tie them up and whip them with a . . . riding crop?" Richard said as he momentarily looked at the file on his desk.

"I only deal handle men, and the beatings are just the beginning of what I do. And I never get any complaints from any of my clients," Heather said with a proud smile on her face and a laughing lilt in her voice.

"Well you have now," Richard replied with a slight chuckle.

"That idiot's only problem is that his wife found out about us, so he's just doing this to save his own ass!" Heather said in a voice full of loathing as she sneered at Richard.

"So you were having an affair with Mr. Jenkins?" Richard replied, asking for clarification.

"How can you be the great lawyer everyone says you are if you are this stupid?" Heather snapped with a disbelieving scowl as she shook her head. "I was not his girlfriend, I was his Mistress! He was my Slave and I was his Dominatrix! He would do anything I told him and loved it most when I whipped his bony ass! That is what I do Mr. Thompson, I have a select clientele of men who want to be Dominated, humiliated and made to serve me! I make a lot of money for it, mostly because I'm damn good at it, but also because I am very discrete," Heather said with an angry and commanding tone of voice as she stood up sometime during her speech.

"People . . . men like it when you . . . boss them around?" Richard replied in an absolutely flabbergasted manner, staring up at the aggravated and stern-looking Heather.

"A lot of rich and powerful men need to be put in their place now and again. They love being made to serve a worthy woman, a woman who knows how to treat a man like the worms that they are!" Heather said with a gleeful look in her eye, a growl in her voice and with a commanding presence about her.

For a brief moment neither said anything to each other as Heather and Richard just stared at each other. As they looked at one another they saw in the other's eyes that they were thinking about something. Richard was stunned and flabbergasted, for he had never really confronted anything like this. Sure he had heard about it but he had never had it described so vividly to him. The result left his head spinning and he barely noticed Heather walk over to him with long, smooth, definite strides. She stopped only when the chair touched her legs, she was standing right in front of him, between his legs. She looked down at him with a knowing look on her stern face and nodded to herself.

"I bet you're one of those men." Heather said with a laugh. "I bet you have a stiffie just thinking about what I might do to you, don't you?" Heather asked with a victorious tone in amongst her otherwise gruff manner.

"W. . . W . . . What?" Richard replied in a stammering stutter.

"Your cock is as hard as a rock, isn't it . . . Dickie-boy?" Heather said as she leaned in and towered over Richard who for some reason couldn't speak at the moment. "Thought so," Heather said with a laugh after she reached down and grasped Richard's stiff cock through his pants. "C'mon then, show me what you got!" Heather said as she stepped back a step and looked at Richard's groin expectantly.

"What?" Richard asked in an open-mouthed expression of shock.

"Pull out your cock! I want to see if you have any redeeming qualities, Dickie-boy!" Heather ordered with a stern tone of voice and glared right into Richard's eyes and waited.

"I . . . I won't . . . I c . . . can't!" Richard replied in what was supposed to be an outraged scream but only came out as a whimpering snivel of a protest.

"THAT WASN'T A REQUEST!" Heather screamed as she lunged forward and in a flash had Richard by the throat and squeezed, choking him. "Now, I've been patient with you, Worm, 'cause you're new, but I've lost my patience with you now. I'm going to let go of you in a moment and when I do, you're going to be a good little boy, drop your pants and show me your cock . . . aren't you?" Heather said in a low voice that dripped with rage as she spoke so close to him that their noses touched.

Heather stared at Richard as he sputtered and fought valiantly for air. She looked at him dispassionately as she waited for some sort of affirmation from him that he would comply. Richard's mind was going a mile a minute as he panicked from lack of air. He was now in fear of his life, so meekly he nodded into the woman who held his life in her hands.

"Good." Heather smiled with a self-satisfied smirk on her face as she stood up straight.

Richard inhaled deeply and coughed as fresh air filled his lungs. He looked up at Heather and thought about yelling at her, tossing her out or even calling the police. Such thoughts evaporated quickly as he looked up at her, standing over him with her hands on her hips. She towered over him and wore the expression on her face that she had little patience for the worm in front of her. Before he knew what he was doing, Richard did indeed drop his pants and underwear, as ordered.

"I've seen better, I've seen worse. Average is what I would say about that. Then again that is what I would say about you . . . average." Heather said as she glanced at Richard's hard and throbbing cock. "Average office," she said after giving the room a glance. "Average family," she said after picking up the family photo, glancing at it and tossing it on his desk. "Average life," she said looking Richard right in the eye with a look that pierced his soul.

"Yes," Richard agreed, though he didn't know why he did.

"Let's see if you know how to use that thing, Dickie-boy, give it a tug for me," Heather said confidently as she pointed at Richard's cock.

"Excuse me?" Richard asked with a queer look on his face.

"Give it a tug! Whack-off! Masturbate! Prove to me that a stupid little worm like you at least knows how to use that thing between your legs!" Heather spat with frustrated grunt as she shook her head.

While his mind was shocked and stunned, his hand wasn't, it seemed. For before Richard even realized it, his right hand had grasped his cock and started to stroke the shaft. As if, he was watching someone else do it, Richard looked down in great shock to see that he was indeed jacking-off in front of this strange woman. Heather looked down at him victoriously and laughed to herself as she watched him stroke his own shaft.

"That's enough!" Heather snapped as she grasped a clump of Richard's hair and pulled forward.

With a fearful look on his face, Richard found himself sprawled on the floor in frighteningly short order. He looked over his shoulder and back to the chair, his chair to see Heather now sitting in it like she owned the office. She smiled at him with daring, arrogant smile on her face for a moment, before she spoke up.

"Lose the pants and undies, Dickie-boy!" Heather curtly said, without moving a muscle.

"Yes," Richard replied, though he didn't know why he answered her

Nor did Richard understand why he was pulling his Armani suit pants off along with his silk boxers. In the end he was standing nude from the waist down, other than his socks. He looked in her face for a moment before quickly looking down at the floor, feeling small and scared. Richard didn't know why he felt weak in her presence, but not only did he feel like a worm, he felt excited because of it.

"Get over here and please me, Dickie-boy!" Heather said and Richard looked up at her and knew in instant knew what she wanted.

There she was, seated in his desk chair, with her skirt up around her waist, with no panties on at all. Her ass was scooted forward so that her crotch was at the edge of the seat. She leisurely stroked a finger up and down her slit as she glared at him, expectantly. Richard looked up at Heather's face, then back down at her pussy, and crawled over to her.

For some reason, Richard knew that he needed to taste that pussy. He also had a need to please her, to see her pleased with him, to serve her. Richard never took his eyes off of her pussy as he moved toward it. He licked his lips and then licked her pussy from the bottom to the top, without hesitation.

A satisfied sigh escaped Heather's lips as she leaned back in the chair, while Richard began to eat her pussy. Heather smiled to herself as she knew that he was hers, completely hers. Men were so easy, such simple fools that easily succumbed to her power. She had not met a man yet that once she set her sights on him, she could not dominate. Having a top lawyer under her heel seemed like a smart thing to do. For now though she would enjoy the adequate job he was doing licking her pussy.

Richard was never a man who liked to eat pussy, of his own accord. Once in a while, for special occasions he would eat his wife's pussy, but it was always hurried and not something he enjoyed. He still couldn't understand why he was on his knees in his own office eating a woman he never met before who was seated in his chair! For some inexplicable reason he was under her sway, he willingly did what she wanted, and loved knowing that he served her.

Richard licked from the bottom of her slit to the top, making sure to flick his tongue across her clitoris. As the first taste of her sweet pussy reached his tongue, Richard loved the taste of it. For some reason, this woman was incredibly arousing to him. He wanted to please her, he wanted to know that she was happy with him. He licked that pussy the best way he knew how, bringing up a finger to thrust into her wet pussy. After a moment of Richard's licking of Heather's pussy her hips began to gyrate, a silent way of showing her excitement.

"That's it Dickie-boy, eat your Mistresses pussy! Prove to me that you are worthy to serve me, make me cum and I may give you the privilege of being my Slave!" Heather said in a lusty growl as she started to pet Richard's head as he still ate her out. "You'd like that wouldn't you Dickie-boy?" Heather said with a hateful growl as she grasped a handful of Richard's hair and pulled his face away from her pussy.

"Yes Mistress," Richard said in a needy tone of voice from somewhere deep in his soul.

"Then what are you talking for? EAT ME SLAVE!" Heather said as she pulled on Richard's hair so hard that he was smothered in her pussy.

Richard redoubled his efforts to bring his Mistress to orgasm. He desperately needed to satisfy her, he loved the fact that he served her, even though he had been given little choice in the matter. He was too far along now to wonder what he was doing, he just accepted his place and ate that pussy with all he had, wanting nothing else to feel her come on his tongue, to come all over his face.

"Yesssssss!" Heather hissed as she slammed her legs around Richard's head, holding him in place between her thighs. "Cumming! Swallow it! Don't spill a drop Slave!" Heather moaned out as she thrashed about, snapping this way and that, while her orgasm ripped through her.

Eventually, her orgasm subsided and Heather's legs fell away from Richard's head. Richard continued to lick up all the abundant pussy-juice that abounded the satisfied Mistresses pussy. For a moment she laid there, luxuriating in the oral attentions of her new Slave. Without warning, she brought her right leg up and placed it on his chest, near his shoulder. With a hard push, Richard flew backwards, landing hard on his ass, staring up at his Mistress with a look of hurt and shock on his face.

"Don't move Slave, I want your cock!" Heather said as she stood up and walked over to Richard who was still lying on his back beside his desk.

Without a word she positioned herself over his cock, lined it up and sank down, taking his whole length in her. When she was sitting on him, groin on groin, a satisfied smile on her face as she looked up and off into apace for a moment. When she looked down at Richard she had a sneer on her face.

"Don't you dare cum! This is for me, not you, Slave!" Heather said with a firm tone of voice as she bounced up and almost off of his cock.

At a quick and steady pace Heather bounced up on Richard's cock solely looking for her own release. Richard had to concentrate hard not to loose control and cum deep within her. Every so often Heather would slow down the pace of her bouncing to an excruciatingly slow, grinding fuck. Then she would start to bounce up and down, at a blinding pace. Near the end her whole body started to roll and convulse as her pleasure quickly reached its peak. Suddenly, Heather slammed down on Richard's cock one last time and opened her mouth and eyes wide. No sound came from her though as she deeply gasped for air as her body shook and twitched. With a surprising suddenness, Heather fell forward, catching herself with her outstretched arms.

"Good, Slave, you didn't cum," Heather said with a satisfied smile before standing up. "You can cum in this," she said as she tossed Richard a box of Kleenex that had been on his desk. "Call that idiot and tell him that I'm not going to give him a penny, and that I will make sure we take this to trial where I will get up on the stand and tell everyone in detail what we did together. I even have pictures and videos, that should make him shit a brick," Heather said as she straightened up her clothes before she fished though her purse. "Be here, Friday at five," she said as she tossed Richard a business card that landed beside him.

"Yes Mistress," Richard said as Heather walked out, not looking back once.

That was how it all started for Richard ten years ago and was why he was sitting in his office, feeling especially depressed this Friday. This memory brought a smile to his face as he thought of her and the things they did together. Richard knew that it had been just a professional relationship, he knew that the only reason they got together was because he paid her. That didn't stop him from loving her, not only what she did to him, but the woman herself. That was what made this parting all the much harder, for he not only lost a Mistress, but a great love as well.

Richard took a long drink on his scotch and sighed heavily. He rubbed his forehead and wiped away the tears in his eyes, for he knew the next memory that would visit him. He knew his thoughts would turn to two weeks ago and how things ended between them. Was there something he could have done differently? Could he have said or done something that might have caused her not to break it off?

Two weeks ago to this night, Richard was at his Mistresses place, as he had been practically every Friday for the past ten years. As he looked back he could almost feel the collar around his neck, the restraints on his wrists and ankles. It was a large, studio space, converted from an old warehouse in a light-industrial part of town. Richard was standing with his feet chained to the floor and his arms chained above his head. He had a large but-plug stuffed up his ass with instructions to not let it slip out, no matter what happened.

His Mistress was standing nearby in thigh-high leather boots with stiletto-heels. She also wore a vest made completely of 1 inch wide leather straps that crisscrossed across her torso. Her leather gloves rose to her wrists and the whole outfit was made of highly polished black leather. In her hands she held her favorite item, her riding crop.

Richard's ass stung and glowed red from the whipping that he had just received. He had taken the beating like a good Slave, thanked her for each hit and made sure that the but-plug didn't slip out of his ass. There was a pause in the whipping and Richard wondered what would happen next, this was part of the excitement, the not knowing, nor having any control over it. Whatever would happen, would happen and he would have to take it.

He could hear some rustling in some drawers behind him and knew that his Mistress was getting something out. At least he knew that the activity would change, but from the sounds he couldn't guess what it was. He didn't look behind him for he knew that he had to keep looking straight, to look anywhere but straight ahead was forbidden. The winch that was attached to the chains that bound his wrists sprang to life and the chains lowered towards him.

"Get on your, hands and knees, Slave," Mistress ordered him curtly.

"Yes, Mistress," Richard replied obediently and did as he was told.

Richard waited on his hands and knees on the cold concrete floor, not knowing what would happen next. He heard footsteps approach him from behind and could feel her presence, his Mistress was near and he smiled to himself, knowing that. With an audible pop and shocking suddenness, his ass felt cavernous without the large plug in his ass. It was now that Richard had an idea of what was going to happen and mentally prepared himself for the invasion. When he felt something pushing at rear entrance he knew without a doubt and momentarily tensed up.

"Relax, Slave or this will hurt much more," Mistress said as she aimed the lubed up strap-on dildo at Richard's ass.

Pausing only for a moment Mistress then leaned forward and pushed the plastic dick into her Slave's ass. With steady pressure she kept pushing forward until the whole thing was inside Richard's ass. Back she withdrew until just the head was inside his ass before she thrust forward, shoving the whole thing back in. She set up a quick and steady pace, not considering at all that Richard may need a moment to adjust to the size of the new anal invader.

Richard bit his lip as a tear rolled down his cheek, his ass was on fire, but he dared not shout out. He silently took the pain and quietly reveled in the knowledge that his Mistress, a woman, was fucking his ass with a strap-on dildo. The bizarre and taboo thought always heightened the pleasure for him, and strangely enough he got off on this.

At a quick and steady pace Mistress fucked Richard's ass, smiling to herself at her complete dominance of him. To Heather, this was the ultimate sign of her dominance over a man, for him to let her fuck his ass. This was the way she showed both of them that he was her bitch! She got a sexual charge out of doing the act and even more of a sexual hit when the men started to enjoy it. After a few minutes of this anal fucking, she knew that Richard was about to cum. After ten years of being his Mistress, she knew when Richard was about to cum. With a stifled grunt and a twitch, his cock started to spurt and Richard came all over the floor as she still fucked his ass. She continued to fuck his ass until his excitement had cause his cock to regain its hardness once more. She pulled out of him as suddenly as she had entered him, and left his ass looking cavernous, as it started to close up. Quickly removing the strap-on pleasure device she returned to Richard who was still on his hands and knees, still saying nothing.

"Lie on your back," Mistress said as she approached him swiftly.

Richard scurried to get into position and made it just in time as Mistress stepped over him. She kneeled overtop of him, and lowered herself on his cock, making sure not to smile as she did so. He knew that she liked his cock, he could tell, even if she didn't show it outwardly, he knew she needed his cock. With swift and definite strokes she raised and lowered herself on his cock. Richard's ass was on fire from both the beating and the ass-fucking. This let Richard last much longer than usual because it detracted from the pleasure of his Mistress using his cock. The pain had a mixture of pleasure in it for him as she bounced steadily on his cock. Her bouncing turned especially hard and harried near the end as her excitement got the better of her. Richard was fast approaching orgasm and didn't want to be a bad Slave and cum inside her.

"Gonna cum, sorry Mistress," Richard said with gritted teeth as he fought hard against the impending climax.

"Do it, Slave! Cum in me!" Mistress ordered as she looked down at Richard in a deadly serious manner.

The shock and wondrous gift of being allowed to cum in her pussy for the first time eve, pushed Richard over the edge and he came hard, fast and long inside the innermost depths of Mistresses pussy. From the first time feeling his hot cum shoot deeply inside her Mistress came quickly and in the most intense climax she had had in years. Heather moaned out a mournful scream as she came, remaining motionless on his cock for a moment.

Slowly she opened her eyes and looked down at him. For the first time there was a hint of love in them before that look turned to sadness then her eyes drained of all emotion. She let out a heavy sigh and got off of him, then without saying a word she removed Richard's restraints and then his collar.

"Get out, we're done, Mr. Thompson," Mistress said in a casual manner as she reached for a bathrobe and put it on.

"Mistress, I don't understand. What's going on?" Richard asked with a most troubled tone of voice.

The only time she had ever called him Mr. Thompson was when she first met him. After that it had always been: "Worm", "Slave" or "Dickie-boy." This was completely out of character, as well there time was not yet finished, usually they went for at least an hour more.

"I said we're done, now get out Mr. Thompson. Don't let me catch you around here again or I will call the police and then your wife . . . in that order." Mistress said to him in a calm but definite tone of voice as she lit a cigarette and began to smoke it.

"B . . . but Mistress? I don't understand." Richard implored in a hurt tone of voice as tears welled up in his eyes.

"You really are an idiot aren't you, Dickie-boy?" Mistress said with a disgusted scoff. "Do you know what today is? Today marks ten years to the day that you have been coming to me. Most men, by now, find some way to get what they need from the wife. You keep crawling back here like some dog who doesn't know what else to do," she said with a scoff as she picked up Richard's clothes and tossed them at his feet.

"But, I've been a good Slave! I love you, Mistress, let me stay. I need you," Richard said with all the love that he felt for her and looked deeply into her eyes.

"GET OUT!" Mistress screamed as she rushed toward him and slapped him hard across the face. "The only reason you were ever here is because you paid me for the pleasure of being my Slave!" she growled into his face with hatred, a tear running down her cheek as she did so.

"But Mistress?" Richard said with shock and confusion.

"You bore me, you pathetic little man, get out," Mistress said and walked away from him, facing away from him, smoking her cigarette.

Nothing else was said as Richard got dressed and left for the last time. That was it, after ten years of pleasing and serving her, it was over. It was over as suddenly as it had started, and the loss was something Richard was still dealing with. The two weeks since it happened had been hard to bear for him as he searched his mind for what he should do next. Since it was over there was little need to tell Taryn, but he still needed the dominance of a Mistress. He was lost and confused, not knowing which way to turn, what the right course of action was. It was with a heavy sigh that Richard drank the last of his scotch, before leaving his office to go home. He had no more answers than when he started brooding in his office, hours ago.

Chapter Six: Happy Birthday Owen

Owen was having one incredible dream that Saturday morning, a dream so vivid he could swear it was actually happening. He was dreaming that he was fucking Lisa, a tease of a hot chick who sat in one of his classes. The greatest part of the fuck was the victory, the fact that he had worn her down until she had given in to him. They were at school and in a janitor's closet and Lisa was bent over, bracing herself against the wall. Owen was standing behind the large-breasted blonde with a firm grasp on her hips.

"For a tease you sure do have a tight little pussy, Tease," Owen said with a sneer as he slammed extra hard into his dream-slut.

"That's 'cause I never put out," Lisa replied, her voice raspy as she tried to talk, while moaning in pleasure.

"But you like my cock don't you, Tease," Owen laughed a conceited laugh as he continued to fuck Lisa in his dream.

"If I knew you were this good, baby, I would have jumped you the first day in class!" Lisa squeaked out in a needy whine as she hung her head. "God, I love your cock, Baby. Harder, fuck me harder!" Lisa replied with a stern tone of lust through gritted teeth.

At that moment something about the sensations changed suddenly, and no longer made sense. Owen couldn't feel the wet and warm sensation of being "balls deep" in Lisa's tight, wet pussy anymore. Instead, it was replaced with the sensation of cool air now surrounding his cock. Nothing but a wet, slick sensation ran down his cock from the shaft to his balls. Then one ball entered something warm, and gently there was pressure on in. This odd sensation didn't match with the ravaging of Lisa, so suddenly Lisa popped and vanished into a cloud of smoke. Then the walls of the janitor's closet started to melt and Owen knew that he was waking up, much to his frustration.

The wet and wonderful sensations on his cock didn't fade when he woke up, as Owen had anticipated. Instead they got more intense, until he could clearly feel something slick on his cock. It was a faintly familiar sensation, and it was a most welcome experience. With a fogy mind, Owen looked down to see just what was going on.

Owen let out a chuckle as he smiled to himself, he should have known. There, lying across the bed with her head between Owen's legs was his mother, Taryn. His faithful Slave of a mother was sucking on his cock and had a contented look on her face as she did so. More specifically she was sucking on his right testicle as her hand slowly jacked off the shaft. She was fast becoming skilled at pleasing him like this; as he looked at her he was filled with love.

As his mother slowly, yet expertly gave him a blowjob, nowhere in his mind did this strike him as strange or odd. It had been only half a week since this had all started between the two of them, only since Wednesday of this week when anything remotely sexual began. Already they seemed to fit together and welcomed their respective roles as Master and Slave. It was on his birthday that his mother took him out for a birthday drink. It was during that evening, and for reasons that he still couldn't explain, he took control of her and made her his Slave. Rather than be repulsed and never speak to him again, she submitted willingly and quickly grew to love being her son's Slave.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Who's Lisa?" Taryn said as she let Owen's ball fall out of her mouth.

"A tease at school I know," Owen replied with a wide smile.

"I'm not sure if I should be upset or not, you dreaming of some other woman, while I blow you," Taryn said just before she began to lick her way up Owen's shaft.

"She isn't here, and probably never will be. You are, Slave, now suck your Master's cock!" Owen ordered with a broad, loving smile on his face.

"Yes, Master!" Taryn replied with an excited giggle and a sparkle in her eye.

Taryn then returned to her efforts of sucking Owen's cock, she placed her lips on the tip of the cock she loved and lowered her head. She closed her eyes as more and more of the thick cock that had brought her so much pleasure disappeared into her mouth. Without pausing, she relaxed her throat, as was almost second nature to her now. Slowly the cock slipped down her throat until the entire length of it had passed her lips. Slowly she lifted her head until her lips kissed the head, before she pressed back down. Taryn kept up this tortuously slow pace of the blowjob for a little while.

It was a way to tease Owen as well as draw out the act that she had grown to love; she loved to suck his cock. Of course she loved to fuck it too. She loved to do anything with him, to him or for him. It had only been half a week but the sex was far more intense than any sex with Richard had been, even when they were first married. Though, Taryn will admit that sex with Richard, early in their marriage, ran a close second to this time with Owen. It was the illicit and taboo sex of being a Slave to her son that gave it that extra kick.

Owen had had enough of the teasing pace it seemed as now he grasped the sides of Taryn's head and began to set the pace. Taryn growled in lust as Owen took control, she loved that, she loved it when he fucked her mouth. She loved being used for his pleasure, it always heightened the experience for her, and she knew Owen loved it as well.

"Suck it hard, Slave," Owen sneered with a scowl of disgust. "Let me show you the real way to suck my cock!" he growled with lust as he continued to guide Taryn's head up and down on his cock.

Owen set a quick and rough pace to the blowjob as he lifted and lowered his mother's head on his cock. At a fast pace, her lips flew up and down his shaft, her mouth constantly sucking hard on his cock. Taryn's excitement was growing almost as quickly as Owen's was, and strangely enough this act was bringing her close to cumming. Owen was possessed with lust as he repeatedly forced his cock down his Slave's throat. Always on his mind was that this person sucking his cock was his possession, to do with as he pleased. This was only a sampling, an example of what he could do to this woman, anytime he wanted, anywhere he wanted.

"Cuming!" Owen groaned in a deep-throaty growl as he pulled hard on Taryn's head, forcing his cock down her throat. "Swallow it all! Don't you dare spill a drop, or else!" he ordered as he let go of her head and surrendered himself to the blissful climax.

Taryn sucked hard and swallowed repeatedly but quickly had to pull the cock out of her throat. She let the cock stay in her mouth but used her nostrils to fight for air as her own climax hit her. The sensation of her Master forcing himself down her throat and using her mouth for his pleasure, at his pace, sent her over the edge. She let the cum collect in her mouth and swallowed as often as she could. Somehow she fought to get both the air into her lungs and the cum into her stomach, both needing the same passageway.

A wicked thought crossed through Taryn's brain as the last of Owen's cum spurted into her mouth. If she let just a little cum slip out of her mouth, perhaps she would get a spanking. The last time he spanked her was an incredible rush for her, and she longed to feel that wicked joy again. So as she pulled her mouth off of his now spent cock, she let just a little cum drop out of her mouth and onto his balls.

"Did you like that, Master?" Taryn asked in an innocent tone of voice, with big eyes to further convey the innocent image.

"That was great, Slave." Owen said as he stroked Taryn's head, petting her like you would a dog that had been a good puppy.

Something out of the corner of his eye caught Owen's attention and he glanced down to his balls. There on his left nut, were a few drops of cum, he looked up at Taryn with fire in his eyes. His hand that had been stroking her head now grasped a clump of her hair on the back of her head.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I told you not to spill a drop! What is this?" Owen seethed with anger as he brought Taryn's head down to his balls. "Lick it up!" he snapped and immediately Taryn did so, fear and excitement coursing through her.

When she was done he pulled on her hair to pull her away from his body. Without letting go of the back of Taryn's head Owen swung his legs finally out of bed. Then with a tug he directed Taryn until she was across his lap, perfect for a spanking. He then let go of her hair and fully expected her to stay there. Taryn made sure not to squeal her joy or excitement at the prospect of being spanked again.

"You've been very naughty, Slave! You need to be punished!" Owen said with a disgusted snarl in his voice.

Owen then roughly and quickly removed Taryn's bathrobe so that she was now nude across his nude lap. Without warning he brought his hand swiftly and smarty across her ass; the sound of the spank bouncing off the walls. Again Owen spanked her ass with merciless force, again the sound of the slap was the only sound heard. After the third spank had gone unanswered, Owen spoke up.

"Listen, Bitch, you know full well that if you don't count them off, they don't count!" Owen growled as he once again spanked Taryn's ass.

"Sorry, Master," Taryn moaned out pitifully, though she knew full well what she was supposed to do, she was just drawing out the delicious punishment. "One, thank you, Master," Taryn said with a satisfied mew tainting her voice.

The spanking and the thanking continued for a short while yet, until both Taryn's ass was red and sore, and Owen was satisfied. With a shove, he pushed Taryn off of his lap and onto the floor, roughly. She landed with a thud from the unexpected expulsion from his lap. She gathered herself together and stood up slowly, smiling at him as she did so. She leaned over and kissed her Master, her large breasts hanging lewdly down from her body like lusty pendulums. Owen reached up and softly caressed Tarn's tempting tits as they kissed.

"I should go and make breakfast, dear," Taryn said with a loving smile as she stroked her son's cheek after the kiss was over. "I just wanted to give you a special wake up," she said as she smiled lovingly into his eyes with an unmistakable look of adoration.

Taryn bend down to pick up her robe from the floor, where Owen had tossed it. Owen reached up and caressed Taryn's ass in one large, round stroke. Taryn playfully swatted his hand away as she stood back up with robe in hand. She shot Owen a slight glare as a warning for him to behave himself. In response Owen looked back at her with a raised eyebrow and a daring look on his face.

"Where do you think you're going?" Owen said as he stood up and approached Taryn from behind.

"I have to get out of here before anyone catches us!" Taryn said sternly, but the corners of her mouth were turned up in the beginnings of a smirk. "I have to make breakfast, dear," Taryn said as she leaned forward to give Owen a kiss goodbye

"Not yet you don't," Owen said as he grabbed Tarn and directed her to the bed.

With smooth motion that he carried out with confidence, Owen moved Taryn to the bed and on it so that she was on her hands and knees across it. She was across the short end of the bed, with her head inches away from the wall. Only after she was in this position did she snap back to her senses and realized what was going on. She glanced back over her shoulders to see Owen lining himself up to mount her.

"We can't! Richard and your sister are home!" Taryn hissed as she tried to get off the bed, and away from Owen.

"Then keep quiet!" Owen snapped as he moved forward to stick his dick into Taryn's pussy.

The trouble was that at the moment he moved forward, was the very moment that Taryn moved to get off the bed. Owen missed her pussy altogether, instead hitting the back of her left thigh. Quickly he pulled back, though the pain was only minor and momentary. Sharply he brought his hand down across Taryn's ass, as he grasped a clump of Taryn's long red hair.

"STAY STILL!" Owen barked angrily as he tugged on the red hair of his mother.

"OW! Sweetie we have to go! We don't have time for this now!" Taryn urged but remained motionless nonetheless, for Owen still had her by the hair and the hip.

"No, we'll do it now, Slave!" Owen said as he lined up his cock to her pussy and slid it in, while still keeping a firm hold on Taryn's hair.

"Please, Master, I don't want to get caught!" Taryn moaned softly as Owen slid his thick cock into her wet pussy.

"Then keep quiet, Slave," Owen said as he leaned forward to whisper in her ear after he was fully imbedded into her pussy.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied in a softer, subservient tone of voice.

"You only have yourself to blame for this, you know," Owen said with a chuckle as he quickly withdrew his cock and began the swift pace of fucking that they both loved.

"Why's that, Master?" Taryn asked with a husky tone of voice. The pleasure of the savage fucking, coupled by the tugging on her hair, excited her to no end.

Owen had on hand on the small of Taryn's back and the other had a firm hold on Taryn's hair like it was a rope. He would direct Taryn's thrusts back toward him with a slow, steady tug on the hair, or rather Taryn's rein. Taryn's protest to this fuck now forgotten due to the sheer heat of the moment, and the overpowering will of Owen. With each passing encounter, Taryn submitted sooner and easier to the man she loved to serve.

"You are one sexy bitch! When you bent over, I had to have you! Damn you have one hot body!" Owen said in between huffing breaths as he continued to pound Taryn's pussy mercilessly.

Taryn laughed as best as she could with her gasping for breath due to the heated fuck. They had fallen into a rhythm and the tugging on Taryn's hair was purely for show and to keep time, Taryn knew when to thrust back at Owen. Taryn laughed for a bit and then looked over her shoulder at the puzzled face of her son and knew she had to speak up.

"It has been years since anyone has called me a 'sexy bitch' and I can't remember the last time Richard has 'simply had to have me.' I love him but I swear he's lost all interest in sex," Taryn said with a plain tone of voice, her breath broken up with heaving breaths.

"Well, the limp-dick, doesn't matter anymore, does he?" Owen asked with an arrogant tone of voice as he quickened the pace of the fuck even more.

"No, honey, he doesn't. I don't need him for sex anymore. His dick can shrivel up and fall off for all I care. I don't care if he ever touches me again. I have all the man I need right here," Taryn said with a sincere and loving tone of voice as she looked at her son, her lover, her Master.

"Damn straight!" Owen said as he pulled wildly on Taryn's hair and savagely fucked Taryn with all the force of a wild animal.

Taryn couldn't help herself, she let out a low animal growl as her lust boiled within her. She was blinded by lust as her son fucked the shit out of her, and she loved it. Taryn was the first to cum but in reality they came at the same time. Taryn came and moaned out an unmistakable sexually satisfied moan that she couldn't hold in. Owen slammed into her one last time, hard and came deep within his mother's womb. Then he collapsed on top of her and the pair rested, catching their breath, holding each other as they did so. Owen was still deep within his mother, his cock softening and withdrawing from her pussy.

"Now I really do have to go and get breakfast started," Taryn said as she nudged Owen in the ribs, to get him to move.

"Damn straight, woman, I'm hungry, what's the matter with you?" Owen said in a snippy tone that was purely for show, the broad smile on his face was a testament to this.

"Someone, held me up because he couldn't control his hormones!" Taryn laughed back as she smacked Owen while she crawled from underneath him.

"Are you complaining?" Owen asked with a cheeky, yet arrogant tone.

"No, but if you keep this up, the whole bloody world will find out about us!" Taryn scolded as she put her robe on, briskly.

"Yeah," Owen admitted, sheepishly, looking down, embarrassed for a moment.

"If anyone does find out about us, it will be you who will have to explain our unique relationship, got it?" Taryn said in a motherly tone, wearing a demanding look, which only a mother could master.

"Yeah, sure," Owen said in an uncomfortable tone of voice.

"I love you, sweetheart, and I love what we do together, I just don't want to have to explain this to anyone! Already I'm sure your sister suspects something," Taryn said with a most troubled tone of voice, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"It'll be alright, mom, I'll be more careful, no one will ever find out," Owen said in an assuring manner as he embraced Taryn tenderly, Taryn winced when the last word was mentioned.

"From now on, when were alone, let's refrain from calling each other 'mother' and 'son.' Seems out of place, given our new relationship and all, Owen," Taryn said with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face.

"Sure, Taryn," Owen said and the name felt strange, leaving his mouth. "Don't worry about Rosie. Who would possibly imagine you and I hooking up?" Owen said as he kissed Taryn on the lips and smiled confidently at her.

"Okay, I hope you're right," Taryn replied as she flashed Owen a brave smile, kissed him one last time and then departed the room.

* * * *

Rosina's dream that Saturday morning was not something that she could avoid. It was the same dream that she had dreamt the night before as well. The dream excited and scared her, it was a dream of what she wanted, and a dream of what she couldn't accept. The dream didn't only plague her during her night's rest, but during her waking hours as well. The strain of the struggle between wanting something, yet knowing with every fiber of her being that it is wrong, wore on Rosina's sanity. The relentless struggle within Rosina was beginning to drive her mad; something would have to give soon: her desire, her will, or her sanity.

The dream was the same whether it came at her by night or by day. It was a replaying of what she saw Thursday night, yet in her dream, the evening came out quite different. It started with Rosina perched outside Owen's window, like she had been, watching her brother and her mother have wild sex. Her brother and mother had just finished having sex, her mother had just cum so hard that she had had passed out. Rosina watched as Owen's slick cock slipped out of his mother's wet pussy. Taryn's lower section collapsed so that now she was flat on her stomach, out like a light.

Owen looked up suddenly and out the window, something outside caught his eye. Instead of cuddling up with his mother like he actually done, in the dream he rushed to the window and opened it wide. Before Rosina could think of moving she was staring her nude brother in the face with a shocked, slack-jawed expression.

"I thought I saw something out here," Owen said with a disgusted scoff before he reached up and grasped Rosina by the back of her head.

With a shocked sputter of protest, Rosina was pulled inside the room and tossed to the floor by the bed. She looked up in horror as her nude brother closed the window and turned to face her. The expression on his face was one of anger and cool determination.

"You saw a little too much out there I think, I can't let you leave, knowing what you know. You might talk, and that I can't have," Owen said with a determined growl in his voice as he looked down at Rosina.

Owen's firm expression bored into her soul and drained her of her will to resist. She felt weak from being near him and weaker still as a result of his stare. She kneeled before him, bowed her head, folded her hands in her lap and waited to be addressed. She didn't know why she did it, it just felt right. It felt like what she was supposed to do, to show her obedience to him, that she wanted to be good.

"You want a little taste of what you saw . . . don't you?" Owen asked Rosina with a knowing smile on his face as he nodded to himself.

"Yes, sir," Rosina meekly replied, not looking up at him still.

"The by all means, have your taste," Owen said in a cock-sure manner.

Rosina looked up at him, not sure what he meant but found his gaze obviously looking down at his cock. When her eyes fell on the slick, fat cock before her, her eyes widened. She knew that his cock was slick from not only his cum but her mother's juices as well. If she sucked his cock now it would be like tasting them both, like sucking him off and eating her mothers pussy at the same time.

"Okay then," Owen said as he turned away from Rosina and toward the bed.

Rosina's eyes watered instantly as she saw her opportunity to suck him off evaporating. She lunged forward and pushed his hip so that his pelvis turned toward her. That cock swung back into view and was before her in no time. She licked her lips and with great anticipation she lifted the cock with her right hand, and brought it to her lips. She opened her mouth wide and closed her lips around it, sucking hard as it slipped past her lips. Since it was a dream she was able to take his thick cock down her throat without any effort. She found the combined taste much to her liking and the knowledge that she was tasting her mother and her brother fueled her fire. Rosina sucked hard and fast, bobbing her head up and down faster than she had seen her mother doing. She was rewarded soon enough with a blast of cum down her throat and swallowed the whole load, relishing in the tasty, illicit seed.

"You did well, but I know what you really want. Ask me, sis, I dare you," Owen laughed a taunting and slightly evil laugh as he looked down at her, expectantly.

"I . . . I want to serve you M . . . Master," Rosina said in a whispering reply that was barely audible, her eyes fixed on the floor between her knees.

"You want to be my Slave?" Owen said with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Yes, Master," Rosina replied in a slightly more confident tone of voice.

"You really want to be your brother's Slave . . . for life?" Owen asked with a challenging tone of voice as he looked down at his sister's bowed head.

"More than anything, Master!" Rosina said in a pitiful and whiney tone of voice as she looked up at Owen with the most desperate expression imaginable.

"Do you surrender yourself, your will, and your body to me?" Owen asked with a serious tone of voice as he looked down at Rosina with a demanding tone of voice.

"Oh YES, Master!" Rosina gushed with worshipful reverence to her new Master.

"Then I claim you as my new Slave!" Owen said with a confident tone of voice. "Get the fuck out of those clothes, Slave!" he commanded as he sat down on the edge of the bed, next to the sleeping Taryn.

"Right away, Master!" Rosina said with joy as she pulled and tugged at her clothes in a rushed effort to get them off.

Rosina felt complete, now that she had a Master, her life was now worth something. As long as she belonged to him, served him, she was okay. She needed to know that he was happy with her, to have him unhappy with him even for the slightest thing was an unbearable thought. Her hands shook with excitement as she was to reveal her body, her Master's body rather, to her new Master.

"You have been hiding a tight, hot little body there, Slave," Owen said with an impressed tone of voice as he nodded his approval. "Get over here and fuck me," he said casually.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said and walked toward her, Master.

Without another word said, she straddled him and lined up his cock to her pussy. She was facing away from him, it was an awkward position to fuck, but she would do so because her Master ordered her to. When she felt the thick cock of her Master slitting her slit, she strained to memorize each sensation of this entry. She felt him slide deeper and deeper within her until she was sitting on his lap. He was fully inside her, or rather he was as deep as the awkward position would allow. She steadily bounced on his cock and soon she felt his hands on her hips, guiding her bouncing efforts, to regulate and set a pace of their fucking. Soon her breath became raspy and strained as she gasped for air. The intense pleasure that the thick cock gave her was overwhelming, further enhanced by the fact that she was being fucked by the man who owned her.

The fuck continued for a blissful few moments yet, the inevitable came soon enough. Owen was the first to cum and he pulled Rosina down until he was fully inside her. When she felt her brother, her lover, her Master cum inside her, she came and came hard. It was at that point, as she screamed out in orgasmic ecstasy that the dream ended.

Rosina awoke with a start that Saturday morning and looked around the room, something had stirred her from her sleep but she didn't know what. She was relieved to be awake and away from that disturbing dream, a dream that always left her pussy soaked. This morning was no exception, as her panties, nightshirt and sheets were soaked with her pussy juices. She sighed her relief from being away from that terrible dream, a dream that always filled her with dread, guilt and fear when it was over.

The worst part of the dream was that always took the same course. In the dream she surrendered and succumbed to her innermost desires, in her dreams she became Owen's Slave. In that damn dream she asked Owen to be her Master, she actually asked for it! The euphoric feelings of being complete, knowing that her brother owned her was what wore on her mind the most. The dream had run through her mind so many times that she was starting to have trouble figuring out what really happened and what was the dream.

A sharp sound that came from next door startled Rosina and she looked at the wall where the sound came from. She tried to identify the sound but couldn't, and shook her head to dismiss it. When the sound came again, she understood way too much. The sound was the sound of a hand spanking a bare ass, she had heard that sound before. From the direction that the sound came from Rosina knew that at that very moment her mother was in her brother's room being spanked.

As if she had X-ray vision, Rosina's mind painted a picture of exactly what was going on. In her mind's eye Owen was sitting on the bed, with their mother across his lap and the image synchronized with the spanking sound that steadily came from the room. Rosina let out a lustful groan that doubled as a frustrated growl as she sobbed a few tears.

Rosina's pussy didn't care that it was wrong, sick, twisted, and bizarre what was going on next door, it just knew the scene was hot! Her pussy throbbed and ached for relief as the lewd image of the spanking played, larger than life, across her mind. Rosina laid back, thrust a hand down to her pussy, and played with herself.

In her mind's eye, Rosina substituted herself for Owen, as a way to placate her shattered psyche. Rosina focused all of her frustration on her mother, and made her the one who started all of this. Now the one who was responsible for her current predicament was across her lap and she was going to punish her. Rosina smiled a wicked smile as in her mind she spanked her mother hard as she told her how horrible a mother she had been. Rosina's mother begged for mercy and swore she would never touch her son again if the spanking would stop. The Rosina in her mind laughed menially and continued the punishment unabated. After a bit, though, the spanking did stop so the image in Rosina's mind vanished quickly.

Rosina hoped for a brief moment that the amorous activities in her brother's room was over. She sighed her relief and was about to get out of bed when she heard a struggle next door. Exact words were hard to make out but she got the idea that Owen wanted their mother do to something and she didn't.

A deep moan came through the wall near the foot of Rosina's bed. Despite her better judgment Rosina laid her head down on that end of the bed, so she could hear the scene better. A thump came from the wall and Rosina actually felt the vibration shake the bed, ever so slightly. Again the thump shook her and she knew that Owen was fucking their mother right next door, at that instant! Repeatedly and steadily the thumping came and the fertile imagination of Rosina painted the picture of what they were doing, in living colour.

For a fleeting moment Rosina thought of crawling out the window to watch them from the outside. She dismissed this as improper and immoral. The moral part of her mind suggested that she burst into the room and stop them. Although, her greatest fear was that when she did open that door and saw them going at it a few feet away from her, that her will would weaken. She was afraid that if she ever saw them having sex in the same room as her that she wouldn't stop them, she would join them. That last thought lingered in her mind too long for Rosina's comfort.

Rosina moaned out a pitiful moan of frustration as she resumed her masturbation efforts. The image in her shattered mind was too much for her, it was too hot to resist, she had to cum with them. The moans, mews, and coos of approval and pleasure that came through the wall fueled Rosina's imagination and lust. Thanks to the vivid dreams she could almost feel what it would be like to be her mother at that moment. Her fingers flew within her pussy and she was focused on nothing but her release. In her mind she saw her brother fucking their mother and their mother loving it. Rosina's passion and excitement reached its peak, and when she heard her mother cry out in orgasm, Rosina's eyes shot open.

That was the final straw, that was the final push she needed to make her cum. With the image of the son cumming deep within his mother, Rosina shook and came. She bit her hand to keep from shouting out her blissful, yet tortured orgasm. Even as she shook and thrashed about in the much needed release, her guilt came upon her like a wave.

Rosina was mortified for what she had done, she had gotten off to the images of her brother fucking their mother. Rosina knew that none of this was right. It was not right for them to be doing what they were doing. It was certainly not right for her to be excited by it, or even think of participating in it!

As the guilt washed over her, the tears poured out of her so Rosina curled up in a ball and cried. The conflicting emotions to the same scene wore on her, she couldn't keep this up for long; Rosina knew that. Now that she knew what they were doing, she couldn't ignore it. Somehow she would have to get them to stop, but she would do it in a discrete way. Dad didn't have to know, that would only serve to split up the family and no good would come of it. No, Rosina would talk to them, talk to her mother and find a way to get them to stop, that was the best thing for everyone.

For the rest of the day, Rosina kept her distance and sequestered herself in her room. She told everyone that she needed the quiet to study, but the truth was she couldn't face anyone. She couldn't look at either her brother or mother without the images of wild sex flashing across her mind, or her eyes wandering over their bodies. Both of which scared and confused Rosina, so the best course was to stay away from them. Studying went poorly, but while she may not have retained much information, it served as a good distraction.

That evening was the "official" birthday outing for Owen, even though his birthday was this past Wednesday. It was an odd tradition that the family had, as the closest weekend to the actual birthday, the family would go out to dinner. It was a dinner just for the four of them to a nice restaurant, the same restaurant as a matter of fact. They never stayed out that late, so the need to hold the celebration on the weekend no longer made sense. The real reason for the weekend celebration was when Owen and Rosina were younger. The birthday parties with all their friends would have to be on a Saturday so everyone could attend. As the years went on, it changed to a simple dinner with the family but the day never did. So now at all special occasions, the family went out. It was one of the few things the family did together.

The dinner was a tasteful affair with plenty of superficial conversation all around. Everyone was careful about the face they showed the rest of the family. Richard didn't want to appear depressed or disappointed over the loss of his beloved Mistress, though he was still dealing with the loss. Owen and Taryn tried to act as mother and son, not lovers, Rosina tried to behave as if nothing was bothering her, that she wasn't disgusted and excited over what her brother and mother were doing. For the most part everyone was successful, though there was one perceptive person in the group: Taryn.

Taryn kept an eye on Rosina, trying to figure out if her daughter knew about her and Owen. While she couldn't determine that, she could tell that something profound was bothering her daughter. As a mother this concerned her greatly, and she wanted to comfort her child. What if the matter that troubled her child was in fact her relationship with Owen? That thought always chilled Taryn and kept her from pressing Rosina about her troubles. When Taryn saw Rosina look at Owen with a pained look on her face that she tried to hide, Taryn knew she had to risk it.

As luck would have it, Rosina excused herself to visit the ladies room a little further in the evening. Taryn knew that this was her chance to talk to her daughter about her daughter's troubles. Taryn excused herself as well and followed Rosina to the ladies room. Rosina wasn't at all comfortable with the thought of being alone with her mother. She was afraid that she might forget herself and berate her mother for what she had witnessed. Even thought the thought was tempting, Rosina couldn't bring herself to do that to her mother, especially in public.

After the pair had finished using the facilities and were washing their hands, Taryn turned to Rosina. With a breath of courage Taryn decided to press Rosina about her troubles. Taryn put her hand on Rosina's shoulder and waited until their eyes met before she spoke.

"What is it, honey?" Taryn asked in a compassionate tone of voice with a tentative look in her eye.

"Wh . . . what do you mean, mom?" Rosina replied with a troubled tone of voice and a furrowed brow.

"Something's bothering you, I can tell," Taryn said as she tugged on her daughter's shoulder causing Rosina to face Taryn.

"Don't worry about it, mom," Rosina said in a subdued tone as she fought hard, not to cry.

"You can tell me anything, you know . . . anything," Taryn said with a piercing look that Rosina couldn't look away from. "Even if it is about me," she added with a pained look of her own before she looked down in shame.

Rosina's mind froze, could she know? How could her mother know that she knew? Did her mother actually see her Thursday night outside the window? Was it simply the fact that Rosina wasn't as good at hiding her pain from her mother as well as she thought? Rosina looked at her mother, who was looking at the floor, and sighed with compassion. Her mother knew something was up, and Rosina needed to talk about it, but now was not the time or place. Perhaps later tonight, or even perhaps tomorrow she could talk to her mother in private. Not now, not here, not in a restaurant bathroom during her brothers birthday outing.

"Don't worry, Mom," Rosina said as she lifted her mother's chin so that their eyes met.

"Are you sure? I know something's wrong and I want to talk about it," Taryn implored as she looked intently into Rosina's eyes.

Rosina was about to say not to worry about it but the intently pleading look in her mother's eyes tugged at her heartstrings. Rosina's resistance weakened as she looked into her mother's wet eyes. Rosina opened her mouth to confess everything to her mother, but caught the words before they left her mouth.

"I said don't worry about it!" snapped Rosina as she turned and ran out of the bathroom, fighting the tears as she went.

Rosina was in such a hurry to get away from her mother that she didn't look where she was going. Pure chance and dumb luck caused her to run right into Owen's chest. Talk about going from the frying pan and into the fire! Rosina had just run away from her mother only to find herself in her brother's arms. His powerful presence already started to work its magic on her and she felt herself weaken, just being held by him in those initial few seconds.

"Watch where you're going, sis," Owen laughed as his arms encircled his sister.

"Sorry, bro," Rosina chuckled nervously as she tried to laugh off dismissively. She looked up at him to give him a smart-aleck comment, but words failed her when she looked into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Owen asked with a perceptive look that was mixed with brotherly concern for his little sister.

"Don't worry about it," Rosina said with a saddened, subdued tone of voice that she had intended to be a dismissive one.

Rosina turned to walk away from Owen and return to the table but instead she found Owen's embrace, constricting. She had expected to easily break free of his embrace but instead of opening up his arms and letting her go, he held her firm. She lunged again to break out of his arms but they didn't budge as she expected. She looked up to his eye with a dirty look, as a silent warning for him to let her go.

"Tell me about it," Owen said calmly with a concerned look on his face.

"No," Rosina huffed in a tone that was close to a pout, rather than the angry tone that she had intended.

Still Rosina struggled to get out of Owen's embrace; she knew she needed to get away from him quick. His strong arms and masculine chest felt far too good against her, a feeling which comforted and scared her at the same time. The trouble was that time was on Owen's side and Rosina knew this. The longer Rosina struggled to break free of Owen's embrace, the more of her will to fight was drained away. That damned powerful presence of her brother, caused the weakness within her to grow at an alarming rate. It wasn't much longer than a minute that her struggling ceased altogether. With a deep sigh she resigned herself to remaining in his arms and rested her head on his chest.

The most troubling thing was that once she stopped fighting it, she enjoyed it. In Owen's arms she felt safe and her troubles were kept at bay for the time-being. A tear ran down her cheek as the thought of seeking comfort in her brother's arms scared her. The truth was that she felt loved, protected and cared for in his arms. As long as he held her, everything was okay, she felt her heart start to go out to him in a most un-sibling type way.

"Oh good, why don't you two go for a dance," Taryn said lovingly as she put a hand on Owen's shoulder and a hand on Rosina's shoulder.

"Sure, Mom, good idea," Owen said and started to lead Rosina toward the dance floor.

"Oh I don't think that . . ." Rosina started to protest but she was cut off.

"Nonsense, a dance with your brother on his birthday won't hurt you!" Taryn said in a motherly way and at that Rosina fell silent.

On the dance floor they embraced again and she enjoyed the embrace this time. Rosina smiled up at Owen warmly as they swayed to the soft music. A moment later the siblings saw their parents walk onto the dance floor and start to slow-dance. Owen's eyes rested on the two of them for a long time yet and a twinge of jealousy rose up in him as he saw his mother dance with his father. Rosina looked up at him and perceived exactly what was going through his mind. His eyes looked down at the troubled, yet understanding look in them and feared that he had been caught.

"What?" Owen snorted in a defensive huff.

"You love her, don't you?" Rosina asked with a curious look on her face.

"She's mom, of course I do, don't you?" Owen shot back in a nervous snort.

"No, I mean really love her," Rosina said with a serious tone of voice and a perceptive look on her face.

Owen looked down at his sister and his instinct was to lie and tell her that she was nuts. When his eyes met hers, his will to lie evaporated in the intensity of her stare. In her eyes it was clear that she knew, really and truly knew about his relationship with their mother. Any attempt to lie to her would be fruitless; Owen felt it deep within his bones.

"Yeah," Owen meekly admitted with a shameful manner.

"I saw you two Thursday night," Rosina said with a lowered tone of voice, her face wearing an uncomfortable expression as she looked deep into her eyes.

"What?" Owen replied in a shocked whisper, his eyes wide, his mouth wide open.

"I didn't go to the library," Rosina confessed and looked down as she was filled with her own shame. "I snuck back and watched the whole thing," Rosina said looking up at him with a furrowed brow of a stern look.

"What did you see?" Owen asked, hoping she didn't see that she didn't see much.

"Everything from when you told her to consult you on all major decisions to when you held her," Rosina said with a troubled tone of voice. She paused for a moment before she added in a whisper, "After you fucked her."

Owen looked at Rosina in shock and words failed him, he didn't know what to say. How would he explain that he and his mother needed something from each other? How do you explain that it was a mutually beneficial arrangement between consenting adults? He sighed heavily and opened his mouth to explain, but he didn't know what words would come out of his mouth.

"Rosina, you just don't understand . . ." Owen started to say with a deep sigh of regret but he was cut of abruptly.

"You're damn right I don't understand!" Rosina snapped in a tone that she tried to keep down. "I don't understand how you could fuck mom! I don't understand why you would want to! I don't understand why she would let you . . . repeatedly! Don't get me started on this whole 'Master-Slave' crap!" Rosina growled in an angry but lowered tone of voice and glared her displeasure at her brother.

"Let me explain Rosie," Owen said with a pained and troubled tone of voice. He had only paused to breathe but Rosina spoke up to cut him off before he could continue.

"Not here! We can talk about it later, but I need to understand what is going on!" Rosina snapped with a hurt look on her face as she stared at Owen for a moment. Owen looked at back at her with a look of fear in his eyes. Her anger drained from her face as she saw the fear in his eyes. "Don't worry, I won't tell dad, I'm not going to blackmail you either," she added with a softer tone of voice and at that Owen let out a relieved sigh. "I just want to understand this . . . sick thing between you and mom. I can see that you love each other, but I don't understand any of it!" Rosina said with a look that conveyed her sincerity.

"Okay, Rosie, we'll talk later, I promise," Owen said as he leaned down and kissed Rosina on the forehead, like he had done many times before.

"Thanks," Rosina said and smiled at Owen for a moment before she snuggled back into his arms once again and for a tender moment yet nothing was said.

"What is the chance of me dancing with the 'birthday boy'?" Taryn asked with a chipper smile as she and Richard danced close by, after a bit.

"What if I don't want to give him up?" Rosina teased back at her mother with a playful grin on her face.

"Are you saying you won't dance with 'dear old dad'?" Richard quipped as he feigned a hurt expression on his face.

"Don't be silly dad, I'll always dance with you," Rosina replied with a sarcastically condescending tone of voice as she let go of Owen and walked toward her father.

"That's more like it," Taryn said with a contented flavor to her voice that she tried to keep under control as she felt Owen's arms wrap around her.

The new couples danced silently for a moment, enjoying the quiet time with a loved one. Taryn looked up at Owen after a bit and asked the question that was on her mind. A fearful look was on her face as she did so.

"Did she tell you what was bothering her?" Taryn asked with an apprehensive look on her face.

"Yeah, she knows," Owen said with a deeply troubled sigh. "She won't cause any trouble, she just wants to understand," Owen said in as calm a manner as he could, since the development troubled him as much as it did Taryn.

Taryn felt like she had been kicked in the gut. It was one thing to suspect it, to fear it, but quite another to have it actually happen! Her daughter knew about her special relationship with her son, and she didn't know how to explain it. Her private world of love and pleasure with her son, her Master was now torn open for another to examine. While Taryn felt outraged for her daughter to be so nosy as to demand an explanation, she knew that her daughter was owed an explanation.

"I don't know what to say to her. How are we going to get her to understand this, baby?" Taryn asked with wet eyes of fear as she rested her head on his chest, taking comfort in his arms.

Taryn knew that she shouldn't be seen to be so intimate with Owen in public, especially with her husband and his father so close. She took comfort in the belief in Richard's unperceptive nature. He wouldn't suspect a thing; he barely noticed anything that happened around the house unless she pointed it out to him. Taryn needed the warm and tender embrace of her Master as she feared for their future. Would their relationship withstand the scrutiny of an outsider? If Rosina couldn't understand what had happened between them, could Taryn continue, knowing that to do so would cause her daughter pain? This dance may well be the last time she could hold her Master, the man she loved more than anything else in the world. A tear rolled down her cheek as she pondered the thought of actually loosing him. She would do anything to get her daughter to understand and approve, that much she swore to herself.