Big Changes At Home Ch. 12


Chapter Twelve: The Bizarre Family Meeting

Very little was said as Richard and Taryn drove home that Sunday morning. Taryn felt scared and excited, as she glanced at her husband while he drove the car. She still could hardly believe the previous evening had turned out in the way that it did. What had started out as an evening that she dreaded, turned out to be a spectacular evening. Stranger still was the far-reaching effects, the evening was going to have on both their lives, though they both were happy.

Neither Taryn nor Richard knew what the future had in store for them, but they knew that they would face it together. A strange sense of togetherness bonded the usually distant husband and wife as they pulled into their driveway. They were about to tell Owen about the previous night, reveal Richard's dirty little secret and leave the future in Owen's hands.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, honey? There's no going back afterwards. So you must be completely sure this is what you want," Taryn said, while holding Richard's hand.

The car was parked when Richard turned the engine off, turned and looked at the worried expression on his wife's face and smiled. He could see her genuine concern for him and that show of emotion touched him. It was a look that hadn't been there for some time.

"It's not only what I want, but what I need. Since I lost my former Mistress, I've been shaken, depressed . . . lost," Richard said with a sombre look on his face as he remembered his recent pain.

"Yes, but to go this far? To put your life in your son's hands?" Taryn asked with earnest, still having trouble believing Richard.

"We both know I've been a poor husband and father. Perhaps this is best for the family?" Richard said with a chipper tone, clearly trying to put the best spin on it for both their sakes.

"Well, as long as your sure," Taryn said as she shook her head before she leaned in and gave Richard a peck on the lips. "Let's get in there, Slave!" Taryn said in a playful tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress!" Richard replied with glee as they both got out of the car.

Upstairs, in the Thompson home Owen and Rosina were cuddled up in bed. Breakfast dishes were stacked neatly on the tray, which were sitting on Owen's dresser. Sweat covered both of their bodies in a light sheen as the pair recovered from yet another round of vigorous sex. Their arms and legs were intertwined so much so that it looked like a single body with two heads was in the bed, barely covered with sheets strewn askew. Both lovers had a dazed, yet happy look on their tired faces. It had been a long night filled with lots of hot sex and little sleep.

"Was that the car?" Owen asked as he turned an ear to the window.

"Not yet, Master, my poor little pussy is too sore right now," Rosina mumbled in a dreamy state before she gave Owen a peck.

"No," Owen chuckled. "That sound, did you hear it, I think they're back," he continued while straining to hear any sounds.

"I'm so fucked out, I don't think I would notice a bomb going off, Master," Rosina replied in a tired chuckle.

"We should get up, I think they're home," Owen said with authority as he started to get out of bed.

"But, Master, I don't think my legs work anymore," Rosina whined as she remained motionless on the bed.

Just then Owen heard the front door open up and two people enter. Owen gave Rosina a stern look and nodded in the direction of the door. Rosina groaned and fussed as she slowly rolled towards the edge of the bed and sat up. She scowled at Owen as she sat there, looking and feeling half-dead. Owen wiped that scowl off her face with a loving kiss just as Taryn entered the room.

"Just as I thought, still in bed. Honestly, did the pair of you get any sleep last night?" Taryn scolded in a light-hearted, teasing manner.

"Very little," Rosina said with a cheeky grin on her face. "Jealous?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Taryn replied with a smirk of her own as she winked at Rosina.

"How was last night?" Owen asked curiously as he embraced and kissed Taryn.

"It turned out okay, actually," Taryn said with a heavy sigh of relief.

"So it wasn't as bad as you thought?" Owen asked with a voice of hopeful concern.

"You two need to get dressed and come downstairs . . . we need to talk," Taryn said with a serious tone of voice.

"About what?" Owen asked with a distrustful tone.

"Last night," Taryn replied with a firm look.

"Uh-oh," Rosina said in a troubled manner, her eyes wider than before.

"It's not bad, but we all need to talk," Taryn said in a comforting manner.

Owen and Rosina got dressed while Taryn walked back downstairs. Owen wondered how his father had found out about what had been going on but guessed that was what they needed to talk about. Perhaps he wasn't as clueless as everyone thought he was. How ever he found out, it was clear to Owen at least that Richard knew. Explaining to Rosina was one thing, explaining their unique relationship to his father was something else. When Owen walked into the living room two things struck him as odd. For one, his parents weren't sitting together, his father sat in the loveseat and Taryn sat in another chair. The large chair was left vacant, and this was thing that struck him as odd, because the large chair was Richard's favourite. One last thing that did not go unnoticed was Richard's demeanour. He wasn't his usual confident self, but rather he sat there with his hands in his lap, looking down. Rather than looking confident, he looked the opposite, he looked weak.

"Sit down, honey," Taryn said to Owen as she indicated the large chair, usually reserved for Richard.

As Owen sat down in the large chair Rosina entered the room. Taryn silently directed Rosina to sit beside Richard on the loveseat. It was then that Owen realized that everyone was sitting exactly where they were sitting when Owen and Taryn talked to Rosina. The only difference was that Richard was sitting beside Rosina on the loveseat.

"We're all here, Mom, what is it we need to discuss?" Owen said plainly, even though he found it hard to call Taryn, "Mom."

Taryn took a deep breath and told the story of the previous night. She talked about the dinner, the dancing, and then the sex afterwards. Richard explained about his affair with Heather and that he needed a woman to dominate him. Taryn then explained about her domination of Richard and how much she and Richard needed it. She stressed that the urge to dominate had awoken in her last night and while she still needed to serve Owen, she needed to explore this need to dominate Richard.

"What do you think, Master?" Taryn asked with a hopeful tone of voice.

Owen remained silent as he tried to digest everything that he had just been told. Never would he have ever imagined that his father was a submissive male! Richard had always projected the aura of a calm, confident, successful lawyer. How could someone who was so confident in public wish to be dominated and humiliated in private? Owen's shocked reaction he had to push out of his head, for he knew that he had to take charge of the conversation. He didn't have the luxury to focus on how bizarre the story was, because the result of the story was his to deal with. Owen pondered for a moment on what the story meant and what to do about it.

Rosina sat there and the only thing that she could think of, was how messed up her family was. Not only were she and her mother Slaves to her brother, now her father was the Slave of her mother! The only phrase that kept repeating in Rosina's confused mind was, "We are so fucked up!" She looked at her father and tried to determine, or rather hoped to see, if it was a joke of some kind. Richard sat there and reminded her of how she looked when she had that fateful talk with her mother not that long ago, he looked timid and scared.

"It'll be alright," Rosina said in a whisper to her father as she squeezed his hand.

"Thanks," Richard whispered back and flashed his daughter an appreciative smile.

Taryn looked over at the loveseat and saw the exchange between Richard and Rosina. She smiled as she saw her daughter comfort Richard during this obviously stressful time. Everyone was waiting to see Owen's reaction to what he had been told. Nobody knew just what Owen would say or do and the wait was excruciating. Taryn looked at her family sitting around the living room and took comfort in the fact that there were no secrets between them anymore. Whatever the future held for her family, it would be an honest one. Perhaps they could be happy as a family, once again.

Richard felt a mix of emotions as he sat there beside his daughter. He felt relieved that his family finally knew of his dark secret that he had held in for so long. He felt comforted to know that he was not all that different from his wife and daughter. At least now he didn't feel like so much of a freak, amongst them he was relatively normal. Within his family he could now express himself as the humble submissive that he had previously only revealed to Heather. He felt a great weight lift off his shoulders and knew that the future was already looking up, with the days of secrets and deception behind him. The fear of the unknown still lingered as Owen hadn't said anything yet.

"It's not going to work," Owen said with a firm, yet regrettable tone of voice as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"But don't you see Master, it will work. You are my Master and I am his Mistress. He serves me, and I serve you. We can make this work, Master, please, let's give this a try," Taryn respectfully argued to Owen, the wrinkled forehead the only thing which betrayed her aggravation to the outside world.

"A Slave by definition is a possession. How can a possession own another possession?" Owen said with a slightly angered tone of voice, confident in his reasoning.

"But Master, can we please not try . . . it's important to me." Taryn pleaded with a wrinkled forehead of frustration.

"We will deal with that in a moment. For now, there is a larger issue to deal with," Owen said to Taryn before he sat up straight. "Slaves, kneel before me," Owen commanded in an unambiguous manner.

At that, Taryn and Rosina scurried to their feet and feel to their knees before Owen, both kneeling beside each other. They both were sitting on their haunches, had their hands folded in front of them and had their heads bowed. Almost instinctively they knew how to show their proper respect to their Master. Owen looked over at Richard who hadn't moved yet, and he had a conflicted look on his face. Obviously he didn't know what to do, what he should do.

"Cat, Red, you are not to move or speak until I tell you to," Owen ordered and both women stiffened up, but did not speak or move a muscle. "In this position, how can you possibly dominate Richard, Red? Do you feel the slightest bit dominant? At this moment, do you feel like his Mistress, or my Slave? Answer me," Owen said with a calm yet firm tone of voice to Taryn.

"Your Slave, Master," Taryn replied meekly, not moving a muscle as she answered.

"Exactly, a Slave owning a Slave won't work, not in my house." Owen said before he turned his attention to Richard. "As for you, Worm, are you deaf or are your legs broken? I ordered all my Slaves to kneel before me, so why are you sitting there!" he growled as he looked at Richard with fury. "KNEEL BEFORE YOUR NEW MASTER!" Owen shouted as he pointed to a spot of floor beside Rosina.

Ten years of service to Heather were not wasted on Richard, as he knew how to serve and when to obey. Richard rushed to the floor and knelt beside Rosina in exactly the same manner as she and her mother were kneeling in. Richard's mind was blank, not focusing on what was happening, only on what he was being ordered to do.

Owen looked at the three people kneeling before him and smiled to himself as he then knew that he was the man of the house, he, Owen was the head of the family. The dark feeling of power within him seemed to swell and was elated at this elevation of status. Owen held in a chuckle as he knew that it was time to claim what was up for the taking. Owen knew that he had to take the title of the head of the family away from his father, officially.

"Slaves, strip and pile your clothes there," Owen commanded in a firm tone of voice as he pointed to the floor to the right of where he was sitting.

Immediately, Taryn, Rosina and Richard got up and removed their clothes as casually and calmly as they could. The presence of Richard made Rosina a little uncomfortable and in turn, stripping in front of his daughter made Richard self-conscious. Neither of them dared to refuse Owen's order, and complied without any outward question or delay. When they were done removing their clothes, the trio knelt down in front of Owen like they had been before they started stripping. Owen was pleased at their compliance, including Richard's

"Red, what are you?" Owen asked Taryn firmly.

"I am your Slave, Master," Taryn replied respectfully, not looking up from the floor.

"What is your sole purpose in life, Red?" Owen asked Taryn with a slight growl in his voice, his feelings of power coursing through him.

"To serve you in any way you wish, to see you pleased with me, Master," Taryn replied in an earnest tone, still looking down at the floor.

"Cat, what are you?" Owen asked Rosina with the same commanding growl in his voice.

"I am your Slave, Master, to serve you any way you wish in order to see you pleased with me," Rosina said with fervour and devotion to the man she loved, knowing full well it was the complete answer he was looking for.

"Excellent, Cat," Owen said with a pleased smile and Rosina flashed a loving and gratified smile up to Owen before she looked back down. "Worm, what are you?" Owen asked Richard, in a commanding tone of voice, looking at his father and waiting for an answer.

"I am my Mistress's Sla . . ." Richard started to answer before he was cut off in mid-sentence.

"YOU ARE MY SLAVE!" Owen roared as he leaned in towards Richard who vibrated slightly at the angry outburst.

"But Mistress has claimed me. She hasn't given me up, I still serve her, Sir," Richard replied meekly, not sure how to answer but knowing he was right.

"Red, I want your Slave, give him to me," Owen said to Taryn in a quick yet stern manner.

"I humbly give you Richard, Master, he is yours now to do as you wish," Taryn said with an ever so slight tremble of fear in her voice, fear for her husband.

"What are you now, Worm?" Owen asked Richard with a commanding growl.

"I am your Slave, Master, to serve you any way you wish in order to see you pleased with me," Richard replied, remembering exactly what Rosina had said, knowing this was what Owen wanted to hear.

"Excellent answer, Slave, it appears that ten years of experience has taught you something. I expect great things from you, Slave," Owen said with a pleased tone of voice as he smiled at Richard, who was still looking down. "Red, suck Your Master's cock," Owen ordered, keeping his eye on Richard.

Even though Taryn felt a little strange sucking off Owen in front of her husband, she moved immediately to comply. Taryn walked on her knees towards Owen and reached for his pants when she was near enough. She had only unbuckled his pants and unzipped his fly when he ordered her to remove his pants. It wasn't long before Owen sat there nude from the waist down.

Richard watched as intently as he could while keeping his eyes down. He watched with his peripheral vision as his wife leaned forward, grasped the base of his son's cock just before wrapping her lips around the head. His eyes bugged out and his cock throbbed as he watched his "vanilla, conservative" wife begin eagerly sucking their son's cock. Richard couldn't believe the considerable girth of his son's fat cock, nor could he believe that Taryn had no trouble deep-throating it.

"That's enough, Red," Owen said to Taryn after a moment of the blowjob had passed. "Cat, your turn, suck your Master's cock," Owen said to Rosina.

Taryn had to swiftly dart out of the way in order to avoid Rosina crashing into her. Rosina's passion and eagerness of the fast-paced blowjob stunned Richard almost as much as seeing his "sweet little angel" sucking off her brother. Rosina bobbed her head up and down on Owen's cock twice as fast as Taryn had, and her cheeks were hollowed out from her hard suction. Rather than being repulsed by what he saw, Richard was turned on by the sexual act between his kids.

"Enough, Cat, sit back where you were." Owen said casually. Rosina complied, though she silently let her displeasure of stopping known with a dirty look. "Your turn, Worm, suck your Master's cock!" he sternly Ordered Richard in an unambiguous way.

Three sets of eyes went wide and looked at Owen in disbelief. Richard's mind froze; this was not an outcome he expected. He never wanted to ever have any kind of sex with another man. It was an uncomfortable stretch of his desire to be dominated to allow himself to become a Slave to his son. While he was repulsed by the thought of sucking off his son, his new Master, he couldn't leave. Richard couldn't bring himself to comply, nor could he refuse to obey a direct command by his Master, he was torn.

"What's the matter, Slave! Why do you not comply?" Owen ordered sternly, as he glared at Richard.

"I . . . I don't w . . . want to, Master," Richard said in a shaky and confused manner, the fight that was raging in his head evident on his face.

"What are you, Worm?" Owen asked calmly.

"I am your Slave, Master," Richard replied quietly, while looking at the floor.

"As my Slave you are bound to obey my every command without question, are you not?" Owen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Master," Richard relied in a defeated tone.

"Your Master has given you an order and you have this one last chance to comply," Owen said and then watched Richard intently.

Richard hated Owen at that point for making him do what he knew he had to do. What was it about Owen that could easily drain his will to resist? With revulsion in his stomach and a desire to puke, Richard crawled forward. He never looked up from the floor as he approached his, Master. When he saw Owen's feet before him he knew he was in position. Raising his eyes only as far as Owen's crotch, he got an up close look at Owen's substantial cock, a cock that he was about to suck. Richard leaned in, reached out and grasped the thick cock at its base. He opened his mouth wide and even though his mind was screaming to leave, he was powerless to stop himself. With only inches between Richard's lips and Owen's cockhead everyone in the room knew this blowjob was going to happen.

"STOP!" Owen shouted.

Richard quickly let go of the cock and sat back, great relief washing over him as he did so. Taryn and Rosina were also relieved to know that they wouldn't have to witness the troubling act between father and son.

"I believe that you were going to comply, Slave. That is enough. You have passed the test and have earned the right to call me 'Master.' You are indeed my Slave. Go back to where you were," Owen said in a calm and soothing manner.

"Thank you, Master," Richard said as he returned to his place beside Rosina.

"That makes it complete, I am the Master of everyone in the house. As such that makes me the Master of the house, the head of the family. I hereby claim my rightful place as the head of this family, any objections?" Owen said in a stern and serious manner. "Taryn?" Owen asked calmly, looking right at Taryn.

"No, Owen," Taryn replied with a proud smile on her face as she looked up at her son.

"Rosie?" Owen asked as he looked at Rosina,

"No, Owen," Rosina replied with a loving look at her brother.

"Richard?" Owen asked as he looked at his father.

"No, Son," Richard replied with a calm and peaceful look on his face as he looked up at his son.

"Then it is done, I am the head of this family, I will have the final say on all decisions this family faces. Richard, since you are no longer the head of the family you have lost the right to the title 'Father.' As such, you no longer have the right to call me 'son', nor may you call Rosina, 'daughter,' and neither of us call you 'Father.' When I am not exerting my authority, as I am now, you will call us by our given names and we will call you Richard. As well, since you and Taryn are both my Slaves, nor are you head of the family, you no longer have any rights to her as your wife. She will remain your wife, in name only; she is my Slave, first and foremost. You no longer have any intimate or sexual rights to her! As such you will not call or refer to her as 'Wife,' nor will she refer to you as 'Husband.' Are there any objections or questions?" Owen spoke in a calm and definite manner, and everyone knew that he wasn't kidding.

Richard sat there and the strangest thing about all that he had just heard was that he wasn't outraged. He was the father of this family and now that title had been taken away from him and no longer was he the head of the family. Rather than be incensed as he should have been, he felt relieved, like a great burden was no longer his to bear. No longer did he have to worry about the family or if they would be okay, Owen would take care of that. All Richard had to look after was his work at the law firm; the house and family would take care of itself. This was exactly what Richard wanted and he was now getting the domination and humiliation that he needed from home. The only change that Richard would like to have seen was that Taryn was the one who dominated him, not Owen. Richard would serve Master diligently, for he was a good and faithful Slave who could do no less.

"I am the head of this family but I cannot run the family alone, I will need help. I need the help of my oldest and most trusted Slave," Owen said with a stern tone of voice. His lips curled up into a smile, as he glanced at Taryn who shot him a puzzled look in reply. "As I said before, Slaves can't dominate other Slaves, so I will have to promote you, Red. From this moment henceforth, you are my 'Mistress,' you will serve me as any Slave does, but you will have authority over all my Slaves. You are to see that my wishes are carried out, and that my Slaves are conducting themselves accordingly. As long as you are operating within my guidelines, you have free reign over any and all of my Slaves." Owen said with a smile to Taryn whose face wore a stunned look. "Arise, Mistress Red," he commanded Taryn with a loving smile on his face.

"Thank you, Master! I . . . I don't know what to say," Taryn replied in tears of joy and gratitude as she rose to her feet.

"Say nothing, serve me well and that will be thanks enough, Red. As you see, I will still call you 'Red' but all my Slaves must call you 'Mistress Red,' in order to show you their proper respect." Owen said with a serious tone of voice but his lips were curled up in a smile.

"I won't let you down, Master. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you," Taryn said with a proud tone of voice.

"Let's see what you can do, have a little fun with Richard but first of all you need to give him his Slave-name." Owen said in a calm tone of voice.

"Yes, Master," Taryn said with a confident tone before she turned on the spot to face Richard and Rosina. "Cat, Sit down over there," Taryn commanded Rosina.

Rosina jumped slightly before she looked at Owen with a puzzled look. He nodded slightly, signalling for her to comply with Taryn's order. Rosina then got up and complied, certainly feeling uncomfortable about this new arrangement, and the gruff look on her face made this evident. She was silent as she sat down on the loveseat, with her hands folded in front of her, her head bowed slightly. Looking up, she was able to watch what was about to go on, yet remain respectful.

"Worm, your Slave-name will be used by either Master or myself to signal that we are giving you an order. No matter if we are in public or private, you must comply, regardless of where you are or what the order is. When we are in public, or when outsiders are nearby, you will call me, 'Red' and call Master, 'Moe.' This way we can still order you about, and you can reply properly, without outsiders being any wiser. Do you understand this, Worm?" Taryn said in a firm in an almost uncharacteristically commanding presence.

"Yes, Mistress Red," Richard replied meekly.

"Good. While I would love to give you the Slave-name of, 'Worm,' it is hardly appropriate to call you that in public. Since your Slave-name will appear to the outside world as a nickname used within the family, 'Worm', won't do. Since you are a spineless little worm of a man with all the balls of a eunuch, you will be known as, 'Nick.' It's short for 'Eunuch,' in case you were wondering. Do you like it, Nick?" Taryn said with a snarl on her lips, as she looked down at Richard.

"Yes, thank you, Mistress Red," Richard said in a respectful, Slave tone of voice.

"Get over here and pay homage to your Mistress's pussy, Nick!" Taryn said as she sat down in her chair and tossed her legs over each arm of the overstuffed chair.

"Yes, Mistress Red!" Richard responded with glee.

Richard crossed the distance between him and the chair in no time, keeping his eyes on Taryn's dripping pussy all the while. As soon as he arrived at the chair he lunged forward and his lips touched her pussy lips before any other part of his body. It was a kiss from Richard's lips to Taryn's pussy lips. His tongue then snaked out and broke the kiss. With a long lick up her slit, his tongue just barely missed her clitoris. All Richard saw in the world was the pussy of his Mistress, and he was going to worship it. He wanted her to explode in pleasure, pleasure that he would give her. He traced his tongue down the slit of her pussy and lightly skirted the entrance of her pussy before licking back up to the top of the slit.

Taryn loved what he was doing, she loved the way he ate her pussy, and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. For a short while yet, the pussy munching continued with Taryn shouting out orders to do this or that, most of them were just to get the pleasure of watching him comply. With Richard's pussy eating skill and Taryn's heightened excitement, it didn't take long before Taryn exploded in an intense climax. Richard kept eating and licking Taryn's pussy all through her climax. As her climax subsided, she was breathless but still had enough breath to give an important order.

"Kneel, Nick!" Taryn commanded with heaving breaths. "Cat, fetch me the largest wooden spoon we have!" she said as she glanced at Rosina.

Rosina did just that and hurried off to the kitchen to find the largest wooden spoon. When she returned she saw that Richard was across Taryn's lap and clearly in the position to be spanked. Rosina almost feared for Richard as she handed the wooden spoon to Taryn, who smiled wickedly as she took it from her. Taryn gave a stern glance at Rosina and then to the loveseat, so as to tell Rosina to sit down, which she did.

"You worthless, Worm! You are responsible for this whole mess that this family is in! If you had been a better husband to me and a more attentive father, we would still be a 'normal' family! For this foul crime you must be punished, show everyone how well you have been trained, Nick!" Taryn said with a tone of loathing in her voice as she gripped the wooden spoon tight. Crack! The wooden spoon came down hard on Richard's ass, but he didn't cry out.

"One, thank you, Mistress Red, can I have another!" Richard replied firmly.

Time and again Taryn spanked Richard with the wooden spoon, and each time Richard would repeat his line. After 37 spanks, Taryn broke down in tears and sobbed momentarily after getting out her anger and frustration towards Richard for the years of neglect. With a hard shove, Taryn pushed Richard off her lap and onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Lie on your back!" Taryn ordered as she stood up, tossing the wooden spoon aside.

Richard complied and lay on his back on the floor, even thought his ass was on fire and hurt immensely. Taryn quickly straddled him, lowering herself on his cock, in one swift motion. Richard's cock felt quite thin compared to Owen's cock, but this cock was one that was at her disposal. She was in charge of Richard, so his cock was hers to do with as she pleased. The kick of excitement made up for the lack of size of the cock buried in her pussy. She lifted herself off of his cock before slamming back down hard. Taryn looked down at Richard's face and knew that he was in pain from his ass being spanked hard. With that in mind, Taryn bounced up and down hard on his cock, making sure to slam down hard each time. Time stopped as Taryn bounced up and down on Richard's cock, brining her pleasure and Richard pain and pleasure. Eventually, though Taryn did climax while sitting on Richard's cock. The milking of his cock along with the knowledge that he had once again brought his Mistress pleasure, triggered Richard's orgasm. Taryn sat there on Richard with his cock still deep inside her pussy and a dopy smile of satisfaction crept across her lips.

"That was a good start, Red. Now for something a little more challenging. I've always wanted to see two women eating each other out, care to make that come true for me?" Owen said to Taryn with a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes, Master!" Taryn replied with fervour as she stood up. "Nick, on the loveseat!" she shouted at Richard as she pointed at the loveseat. "Cat, on the floor!" she shouted at Rosina as she pointed at the floor in the middle of the room.

Richard did as he was told and returned to the loveseat as quickly as he could. Rosina sat there stunned, not sure how to react. She knew exactly what was going to happen if she lay on the floor and wasn't sure if she was ready to cross that line. Sure she had played around with her mother the other day at the spa, but then it was her mother who brought her off with a vibrator. Now, clearly she was going to be expected to eat her mother's pussy while her mother ate her pussy. Somehow this seemed like a larger step than the one she made with Owen, so her confused mind hadn't allowed her to move from the loveseat.

"Cat, I said lay on the floor and I mean it NOW!" Taryn sternly ordered as she pointed at the floor by her feet.

Owen glanced at Rosina and then at Taryn, a cheeky smirk on his face as he did so. Taryn glanced at Owen and knew that he was thinking that she didn't have it in her, that she wasn't really a dominant. Taryn would show him that she most certainly did have what it took to dominate both Richard and Rosina. After ten seconds had gone by and Rosina hadn't moved, Taryn rushed over to Rosina and grasped a clump of her hair at the back of her head. Squealing in pain all the way Rosina was led from the loveseat to the floor, and made to lie down on it. Before she could bolt back up, Taryn planted her knees on either side of Rosina's head. Rosina now was as close to a pussy as she had ever been in her life and wasn't sure what to make of this development. The other troubling thing was that the hot and wet pussy that hovered over her was filled with a mixture of her mother's juices and her father's cum.

"Now, you are going to be a good little Slave and eat my pussy, aren't you, Cat?" Taryn growled in a voice that she tried to remain calm.

"Y . . . yes R . . . Mistress Red," Rosina replied in a shaky and timid sounding voice.

"Then get to it, Cat, eat your Mistress's pussy!" Taryn said with a victorious smirk on her face.

Rosina didn't answer, she just closed her eyes, leaned up and licked at the air. Her tongue contacted the outer pussy lips of her mother's pussy and when it came back into her mouth the taste was sweet yet tangy. Rosina opened her eyes and was conflicted in that she liked the taste and where she was getting that taste from. Part of her found it wicked that she was eating her father's cum out of her mother's freshly fucked pussy.

Rosina pushed all thoughts out of her mind and simply focused on the fact that she was eating this pussy to be a good Slave. She wanted to prove to Master that she would obey him or those he put in charge of her, above all she wanted to show her devotion to him. Always Rosina wanted to show her Master that she loved him and would do anything he asked of her.

Rosina had never eaten pussy before, but she knew what she liked when she played with herself and proceeded to use that knowledge. A groan of pleasure escaped from Taryn's lips just before she leaned forward and brought her lips down to her daughter's pussy. Taryn had some experience from her one time with Karen, but still, this was her second time eating pussy, and it was her daughter's pussy at that. Taryn also focussed on her desire to please her Master through eating this pussy. Both women shared this desire and this, combined with focusing on the task of brining pleasure to the other, helped them get through this otherwise odd experience. As the incestuous lesbian show proceeded, the immense pleasure Taryn and Rosina were receiving from the other fuelled their passion. Soon both women were eagerly eating the pussy before them, long forgetting their reluctance in doing so.

"You eat me so good, Cat! Where have you learned to eat pussy!" Taryn moaned out with a heavy slur as she continued to eat pussy as she spoke.

"Never, Mistress Red! Yours is the first pussy I've ever eaten," Rosina replied with a mew of pleasure in her voice, while also eating the pussy that hovered over her.

"You must be lying! FUCK, can you eat pussy!" Taryn said as she thrust two fingers into Rosina's pussy.

"I must admit, I didn't want to do this when we started, but, I can say now that I actually like it!" Rosina said while lapping away at Taryn's pussy.

"I felt the same way, but DAMN GIRL have you got one SWEET little pussy!" Taryn replied with enthusiasm as she stuffed a slick finger into Rosina's ass.

With the admission out of the way, both women redoubled their efforts to make the other woman cum. In a few short moments both women were writhing about in ecstasy with their heads clamped in place by the other woman's legs. When their respective climaxes were done, mother and daughter were laying side by side, faces smeared in pussy juice, and breathing heavily while staring at the pussy they just ate.

"Excellent show, both of you. Now lick each other's faces clean." Owen said calmly after he had allowed both Taryn and Rosina to relax for a moment.

Instantly, both women got on their knees and faced each other. With a nervous smile at the other women, each woman leaned in to lick juice smeared off the other woman's face. After a first few ineffective licks, Taryn grunted in frustration and grasped Rosina's head in order to hold it still. Taryn gave Rosina's cheek a long lick before staying still and nodding to Rosina, releasing her head as she did. Rosina took the hint and then leaned in and licked Taryn's face. Mother and daughter took turns licking her own cum off of each other's face. Finally, when they were satisfied that their faces were cleaned they turned to kneel in front of Owen and await his next command.

"Get on your hands and knees, facing away from me, both of you," Owen commanded and instantly both women did so. "Who do you serve?" he asked with an evil smile on his face.

"You, Master," both Taryn and Rosina replied.

"Who do you belong to?" Owen asked with the same evil smile on his face.

"You, Master," both Taryn and Rosina replied.

"Whose cock do you need?" Owen asked with a chuckle.

"Yours, Master," both Taryn and Rosina replied.

"Who do you need to fuck you right now?" Owen asked with a self-satisfied smile on his face.

"You, Master!" both Taryn and Rosina replied in a needy whine.

"Red, what are you?" Owen asked with a curious tone of voice.

"Master?" Taryn asked with a puzzled tone of voice.

"Explain your new position, as you understand it?" Owen asked with a calm tone of voice and listened carefully.

"I am your Mistress. I am still to serve you as a Slave, as I still belong to you, and I am bound to obey your ever command. You have graciously given me authority over your other Slaves. I am to use this power to make sure that they continue to serve you in a manner that pleases you, Master," Taryn said while still looking at the floor, on her hands and knees beside Rosina.

"Good answer. It seems that you understand your new position well, Good work, Red." Owen said with a satisfied smile on his face as he nodded to himself. "I wonder if the others do, Do you understand, Cat?" he asked as he looked at Rosina's tight little ass.

"Yes, Master, I am to obey her as I would obey you," Rosina answered meekly, also looking at the floor.

"And you Nick, do you understand?" Owen asked as he looked over at Richard.

"Yes, Master, I am to obey, Mistress Red, as I would obey you," Richard answered compliantly.

"I am glad that we're clear on that," Owen said as he got up and knelt behind Taryn.

Without saying a word, Owen lined up his cock and slid it all the way into Taryn's pussy with one quick stroke. Without pausing at all he withdrew his cock and started to fuck her with long and quick strokes. The instant his cock slid into her pussy, Taryn's eyes shot wide open and she drew in a quick breath of shock.

"OH, MASTER! You really should warn a gal before you split her in two with that monster!" Taryn shouted out once Owen's third stroke slammed home, Owen only grunted in response.

Owen continued to hammer away at Taryn's pussy with merciless, savage strokes. Taryn moaned like a whore as she was fucked hard and fast by her son, her Master in front of the whole family. Owen's pace never let up as he fucked Taryn with rough and hard strokes of her pussy with his fat cock. Owen sensed that Taryn was close to cumming and at that point he did the cruellest thing imaginable, he pulled out.

"You cruel bastard, I was so close!" Taryn protested in a whiny cry as Owen lined his cock up to Rosina's pussy and sank it in as quickly as her tight pussy would allow.

"Yessss, Master!" Rosina hissed out as she felt Owen stuffing her pussy with his large cock. "Fuck me! I'm yours, Master! Use me for your pleasure! Fuck your Slave hard!" Rosina groaned out as her upper body collapsed onto the floor, from pleasure overload.

Once again Owen savagely fucked his Slave, purely bent on his pleasure. Hard and fast he slammed into Rosina with quick and fast strokes for a good while. When he sensed that Rosina was about to cum he pulled out of her, much to her displeasure and sank his cock back into Taryn. Here he fucked Taryn with a swift pace, hard and fast, quickly bringing her excitement level back up to the brink, before he pulled out once again. When he sank his cock back into Rosina, she let out a catlike moan. Owen stroked her with fast strokes and it didn't take long before she began to climax on his cock. Owen pulled out of the still climaxing Rosina and slammed back into Taryn. Taryn was so excited that she too was still close to cumming so it didn't take long before she was cumming hard. Rosina was just calming down from her climax when Taryn tore off into her orgasm. Sensing Taryn cumming around his cock was too much for Owen and finally he came, deep within Taryn's pussy. Finally spent, Owen slumped back, letting his cock slip out of Taryn. Owen looked at the quivering women before him that he had fucked to a simultaneous orgasm and smiled to himself, not believing what he just did.

"Okay, I'm hungry, we need some lunch. Get dressed all of you. Red, get lunch on the table and clean up this mess," Owen said with heaving breaths as he looked at Taryn and winked.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied with glee as she stood up. "Alright, you heard, Master, get dressed both of you!" Taryn said sternly to Rosina and Richard. "Nick, you clean up this place, and I will be inspecting it!" she said to Richard who nodded in reply. "Cat, you'll come and help me with lunch," she added as she glanced at Rosina while starting to get dressed.

Owen picked up his pants and walked upstairs casually to have a shower. After his shower he strolled to his room and got changed into fresh clothes. Looking around his room he realized that it was too small for the new head of the family. Walking over to his parent's room he looked around the spacious room and glanced at the bathroom it had and smiled to himself. Why shouldn't' the Master of the house have the Master Bedroom?

Owen walked downstairs to the dining room, glancing in the living room to find Taryn admonishing Richard for a poor job of cleaning. Walking into the kitchen he saw Rosina dashing back to the stove to stir a pot of lunch. Owen smiled at her and graciously took the spoon from her hand and continued to stir the pot. With a thankful kiss on the cheek she returned to the dining room to set the table. It was not long after when Taryn walked into the kitchen and snatched the spoon away from Owen before she shooed him into the dining room in a motherly manner. Owen laughed, gave her a peck on the lips and walked into the dining room where Rosina seated him at the head of the table, Richard's usually empty chair.

It wasn't that long after that the whole family was seated around the table, eating dinner. Taryn was seated at the other end of the table, across from Owen. Rosina was seated where she usually was and Richard now sat where Owen used to sit. The chatter during dinner was lively once more as the family openly discussed the events of the past few weeks. Richard had a number of questions for Taryn, Rosina and Owen about how everything happened. As well, his family wanted to know more about his relationship with Heather and all that entailed. The talk was light and casual, with everyone using each other's first names. Instead of the expected anger and jealousy that one might expect, there was understanding and laughter. The meal was long over and the family was enjoying after dinner coffee with their continued conversation when Owen spoke up.

"I have decided that we need to re-arrange the bedrooms," Owen said in a calm yet firm tone of voice.

"What do you mean, dear?" Taryn asked curiously, as she took a sip of her coffee.

"I am the head of the family, the Master of the house, so I will take the Master Bedroom. Taryn will move into the old guest room, Richard will move into my old room and Rosie will stay where she is." Owen said casually, expecting no challenges.

"That makes sense, dear," Taryn said after swallowing hard, glancing around the table. Neither Richard nor Rosina said anything but silently nodded their compliance.

Taryn tried not to look shaken by the news that she would lose her bed and bedroom. A small part of her liked the thought of having her own bedroom, though most of her was used to the expected order of a family. That order was tossed upside-down that day, however, the massive changes that had happened, Taryn wasn't sure if they were for the better or worse. She knew that she had to comply, to obey Owen was deeply ingrained in her now, to disobey him simply wasn't in her anymore. The other thing she knew was that the family seemed to be closer now than ever before, the lively conversation over lunch was a testament to that. Rather than balk now, Taryn decided to trust Owen and see just what effect this new arrangement would have on the family.

After the late lunch, the family went upstairs to rearrange the bedrooms as ordered. Owen decided to leave the furniture where they were and simply and move the contents around. It seemed the easiest, but there were a few choice items of furniture that his parents wanted in their rooms. Taryn wanted the dressing vanity, which had been in her family a few generations. Richard wanted a specific, dresser, one that had special sentimental value to him. Owen agreed to these requests and not only helped in the move but made sure that each of them would be comfortable in their new rooms. When it was clear that the extra dresser in Richard's room wouldn't fit, they moved Owen's old dresser into the basement, to free up room. With Taryn's room, there simply wasn't enough closet space for all her clothes and dresses. Owen allowed her to store her rarely used clothes in the back of the walk-in closet in his room, since he didn't need such a large closet.

The moving and re-arranging took the rest of the afternoon yet come dinner time, the family wasn't that hungry so they opted for a light dinner. After dinner the family watched television together for the first time in years. Taryn cuddled up to Richard on the couch and Rosina cuddled up to Owen on the loveseat. Once again this was a casual time enjoyed by the family with no orders shouted or obeyed. The order of the evening was light, happy and a relaxing time of togetherness. Eventually the time grew late and the day drew to a close.

"Time for bed everyone," Owen said as he started to stand up, with a grumble from Rosina.

Everyone walked upstairs and started to get ready for bed. When everyone was ready for bed, Rosina did the natural thing and walked into Owen's room. By now it was natural and expected for her to sleep with Owen and to use her room for merely changing her clothes. Rosina was a little miffed that Owen didn't order her to move into the Master Bedroom with him. When Owen stopped her, Rosina was shocked and gave him a hurt look to match her feelings.

"Rosie, you've slept with me every night for some time now, I think it's Taryn's turn, don't you?" Owen said calmly, with a leading tone of voice as he looked at Rosina with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, how inconsiderate of me, go on mom, it's your turn to sleep with him," Rosina smiled a warm and inviting smile at Taryn as she backed away.

Taryn was flabbergasted, she hadn't expected this! With all the changes this day brought, she didn't imagine that it would mean that she could spend the night with Master. With all of the family secrets out in the open, there was no reason for her not to spend the night with him. For the first time since she had become his Slave, Taryn would actually be able to hold her Master all night long and wake up in his arms. With glee she hurriedly embraced and kissed Rosina thanking her before pulling Owen into the Master Bedroom and closing the door. Richard and Rosina looked at each other before Richard turned to walk into his room, though Rosina stopped him.

"Set your alarm for 5:30, come wake me, there's a tradition you need to see to," Rosina said to Richard before she walked to her room. "If you know what's good for you," she added with a wink before she disappeared into her room for the night.