Audrey's Audition


I had a recent visit from a niece and nephew I hadn't seen in many years. It occurred to me that I didn't know what to expect, and almost didn't recognize them. That started the wheels turning...

I hope you enjoy it.


"Come in," I called out, following the knock on my door. The slightly plump, middle-aged woman who stuck her head in the door knew exactly what we did here, and didn't care one iota. Stella had been my assistant for years, and so long as the paychecks were good, she was a happy employee.

"Your first afternoon audition is here, Mr. Stewart," Stella said. "Shall I send her in?"

"Um, yeah, sure Stella," I nodded, putting down the camera I had been fiddling with. This job combined my two favourite things in the world; cameras, and beautiful women.

Maybe that should be three things. Yes. Expand the list to include fucking those beautiful women. With that in mind, I opened the drawer in my desk, and retrieved a blue, oblong pill, tossing it in my mouth. A drink of water completed the process. I was ready to proceed.

The door opened again, and in stepped a blonde well worthy of the designation 'bombshell'. Tall, lean and decidedly top-heavy, she was also quite pretty. I hoped she was willing to audition in the same manner as so many other girls had been. I was eager to sample that body.

Yeah, that's right. I'm a porn producer, or pornographer, or whatever you want to call it. In the age of digital photography and the Internet, there were hundreds of others like me, happy to provide sex of the digital variety to the masses for a small monthly fee. It was a very lucrative business, and there was no shortage of girls who were willing to perform for the camera, combining their sexual appetite and source of income. Depending on who you talked to, we were all either slightly below... or slightly above... pimps and prostitutes. Either way, I didn't care.

The blonde took a seat, looking quite nervous, but not enough to leave. I looked at her bio.

"Seneca Avion. Nice name. Is it real?" I asked.

"Does that really matter?" she asked back.

"Not really, no. Almost no one in this business uses their real name, so don't sweat it," I told her. "If you do end up working for us, we will need your real name for our records. Social, birthdate, all that legal stuff. Gotta put a name on the paycheck, you know?"

"Of course," she nodded.

"Local girl?" I asked, probing deeper.

"No. Back east," she smiled, relaxing a bit more.


"Twenty," she answered.

"Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to be an actress of this sort?" I prodded, hoping she'd open-up a little more, and be herself.

"Okay, well, um... I'm five-foot seven, one hundred and twenty five pounds, 34DDD-23-36..." she offered, recapping the data on the paper in front of me. Her huge blue eyes wandered around the room, and she bit her plump lower lip, as if looking for the answer to the other question. "I like sex. I like sex, a lot. I guess I just figured this was as good a way as any to make a lot of money. I'm young, and might as well use it while I've got it."

"Mmmmm hmmm," I smiled, having heard it all before. Every girl in this business starts out like this. I like to fuck, so I get paid to do what I like. They don't see the other end of it. Adult movies are still movies. There's more to it than just showing up, dropping your panties, and letting some stud give you an orgasm. Lighting, camera angles, takes and retakes, and retakes, and retakes, and getting fucked for hours and hours every day you work. It becomes a job, no matter how much you want it to stay fun. There are a select few who can truly enjoy getting pounded by multiple guys every day, having their vaginas ravaged by huge, porn-cocks over and over. Those women have long, superstar careers, but give up their life in exchange.

I mean, how can you have a normal anything, when so many people recognize you after seeing you get fucked a thousand times? Even changing your name can only do so much.

"34DDD, huh?" I noted, looking directly at her chest. "Very nice. Natural? And no, that doesn't matter either. There's a market for boobs of all sizes and types, but bigger usually is better."

"Good," she giggled, jiggling her breasts slightly. "I'd hate to think I wasted my money. No, they're not all natural, but they are mostly me. Just thought a little more fullness might be good. Would you like to see them?"

My, my, she is relaxing, I thought. I usually need to ask at least once to get a girl to show her tits. She must be proud of them.

"I'd love to," I smiled.

This room... My 'office'... was really quite small. It was the smallest bedroom in the house, a house we rented, and made available by the 2008 downturn in the real estate market. Foreclosed on by the bank, it had sat empty for years, until I offered to rent it. I guess they figured getting something for it was better than just paying taxes.

Anyway, it was a big house, with five bedrooms, so we had the ability to use different sets for our shoots. This room, being the smallest, became mine, and held only my desk, a few shelves, and a small leather couch.

My casting couch, if you will, and that's where Seneca was sitting, looking very good. She was dressed to show off her attributes. Smart girl. Shorts that could have been painted on hugged her hips, showing off both her long, smooth legs, and flat, smooth midsection.

But, we'd get to that part of her body later. Right now, I was focused on her chest.

She was wearing a cropped t-shirt, which her breasts stretched tight, letting the bottom hang loose below her bust. It was a sexy, peek-a-boo look, but also easy to remove. She simply grabbed the lower edge, and peeled it upward over her head, tossing it aside. That left only her bra, which was quite nice, in its own right, a lacey number that was filled to capacity by her big, round tits.

Without further ado, she reached behind her back and unhooked the bra, letting it fall in her lap.

I was rendered speechless. In this room, and the others in the house, I had seen hundreds of pairs of breasts. Small ones, big ones, real ones, fake ones, and even huge ones of both varieties; Asian, Black, Caucasian, and every other ethnic blend. I'm not saying Seneca had the nicest tits I'd seen, but they were good.

Okay, they were really, really good. One might say damn near perfect. Very full, and round, yet with a natural shape to them, and just enough sag to hide the augmentation. Tits like Ava Addams, or Jayden James, both of whom had been in this house to do some work. Unfortunately, stars like that don't have to audition, so I didn't get to sample them. I merely drooled over them like everyone else.

This busty vixen, on the other hand, I was definitely going to try out.

"Very nice, Seneca," I nodded, when my power of speech returned. "Can you give me a little bounce?"

"Sure," she giggled, and shook her shoulders. Then she did a vertical move, raising up before dropping her cute butt on the couch. Her breasts moved like jello, jiggling, bouncing, wobbling, swaying... all the moves the camera loves. "How's that?"

"Very good," I nodded again, feeling my dick begin to swell. I picked up the camera from my desk and took a few shots of her sitting there topless. She didn't even flinch, obviously comfortable showing herself.

"Would you mind removing your shorts, as well?" I asked.

"No problem," she smiled, quickly standing and dropping them down her legs. She wore no panties, and after kicking away the shorts, she remained standing in her high-heeled sandals. She did a slow turn, letting my eyes roam her body, which was lean, smooth, and flawless. A small tuft of pubic curls was all that remained on her sex.

"No tattoos?" I observed, and she shook her head. "Most girls have at least one, nowadays. Some have more ink than a biker gang. I find it a bit distracting. It's refreshing to see a girl who's not hiding behind that shit."

"Thank you," Seneca smiled, still standing naked before me.

I took a few more pictures of her. Clearly, she had self-confidence. Clearly, it wasn't the first time she'd been naked in front of a man. Clearly, she knew what had to be running through my mind.

"Seneca, you know what's entailed in working for us, yes?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," she smiled. "I have sex, on camera, with men. Women, too, if need be. I've done it before."

"That may be oversimplifying it, but yes, that's right. You're comfortable with that? Oral? Multiple guys? Anal? Some of our guys are pretty big. Can you handle that?"

"Well," Seneca giggled, "I've sucked more than a few dicks, and had a few threesomes. As far as anal goes, I don't know if 'comfortable' is the word, but I've done it, and enjoy it. And big dicks are my favourite."

"Okay then," I shrugged. "I suppose there's nothing left but the screen test."

"Mmmmmm," she smiled.

I picked up the tiny video camera from the desk, and put its strap around my head, pushing the button to power it up. I rolled my chair back, making room for her to perform.

"Seneca Avion audition, take one," I nodded, gesturing to my crotch. "Blowjob. At your convenience, Seneca."

This was, of course, a logical part of the process. If a girl wanted to become a porn actress, then I needed to see her in action. I needed to know if she was any good.

I needed to be convinced.

Most young prospects simply dropped to their knees, and did their best to make their case. A few decided they didn't want it that badly, and left. Seneca had obviously thought this through, and was ready to perform for my camera. She looked up at me, and smiled.

"Before I begin," she said softly, "I'd just like to say that you look silly with that thing on your head, but I'll ignore it. Do you prefer your blowjobs wet and sloppy, or neat?"

"It's your audition, honey," I laughed. "Your choice."

"Mmmmmm. My choice," she moaned, rubbing her face against the bulge of my erection. Her blue eyes looked deep into mine. "Feels like a nice cock. Very thick, and big."

"Why don't you get it out, and check?" I suggested.

Seneca didn't reply. Instead, she simply unzipped my pants, and reached in, coming out with a handful of stiff meat. She sniffed my flesh, and patted the head against her cheek.

"Just as I thought," she whispered. "Long, and thick. You don't mind if I cut the dialogue, and get right to it, do you?"

"No script for this scene," I smiled. "You do it your way."

I looked down again watching her hand slowly pump my cock, while she stared up at me. Her eyes were huge, made more so by her skillful application of makeup, and there was an innocence about them. Wide-eyed, almost childlike, but in complete opposition to her body, which was clearly built for pleasure. Still, there was something about those eyes. I was trying to decide if they were familiar, or if it was just the hundreds of other girls who had sucked my cock in audition that were blurring together... when she kissed my dick, and swallowed it.

"Mmmmmm, that's it," I moaned, as her lips slid downward. I tried to keep my directorial comments to a minimum during these initial sessions, so I could evaluate the girl's natural abilities, but, damn... I love my job! How many blowjobs are enough? Just a few more, that's how many.

I had been lucky enough to be blown by so many women, of various colours, shapes, and sizes. While a few had failed to get me off, for whatever reason, most had given me the great pleasure of basting their tonsils with cum. I had a feeling Seneca was going to easily be in the latter category.

While the camera on my forehead recorded the scene for posterity, I simply sat back to enjoy her attention. She was good. She was real good. My dick is a little longer and thicker than your average bear, but she took it, no problem. Obviously not her first rodeo.

Despite her previous comment about 'getting right to it", Seneca took her time. She didn't just use her mouth and bob her head furiously. She enjoyed the task. More than that, she made sure I enjoyed it, too, playing up to the camera and me. She didn't hurry, trying to get it over with. Her style was slow, and teasing.

My kind of girl. If I wasn't twenty-five years older than her, I might want to keep her for myself. Then again, why should age be an issue? Then again, again... maybe I should wait until that bridge appeared before I crossed it.

In the meantime, I was on the receiving end of some pretty impressive oral action. Perhaps she was just a precocious twenty years old, ahead of the curve in experience. Maybe she'd just been studying, watching some of her predecessors on tape give head, and choosing her favourite methods. Whatever the source of her skills, she wasn't holding back.

Seneca held my cock in her right hand, palming my balls with her left while she stroked me smoothly. She was moaning softly, enjoying the warmth of my hard shaft against her skin, and would lick me from root to tip periodically, lubricating her hand for more manual pleasure. She sucked my balls, and ran her tongue under them, across my perineum, before moving back up to suck the head, pulling it slowly deeper into her mouth. She was able to inhale a little more than half my length before I felt the resistance of her throat. What wouldn't fit in her mouth was being caressed and squeezed lovingly by her hand.

Occasionally, she would shift her position slightly, tilting her head to let more of my rod slide deeper. She managed to take another inch or two, which felt incredible coupled with her tongue and hand action. With every passing second, Seneca Avion moved higher on my 'best blowjob ever list'. She really was just that good.

Most of the time, these audition recordings were just for fun. We would occasionally view them again, and critique the talent. This one might actually get posted, though. Seneca was playing to the camera, and the POV nature of the shoot would make every guy who viewed it feel like she was sucking them, personally. I was living it, and it was good.

She had me deep in her mouth now, bobbing her head rhythmically. Every half dozen strokes or so, she would go full depth, then pull back. Her hands were busy, pulling and milking my cock, while she rested the head on her tongue. She moaned, and whispered filthy directives, all while staring straight into the camera's single eye.

"Mmmmm, yes, such a nice cock. I just love sucking a big, hard cock, until it shoots a load of hot, sticky cum for me to swallow. Do you like it? Does it feel good, my tongue on your balls, my mouth sucking you deep into my throat? Are you getting close to giving me a nice, gooey reward?"

This chick's a natural, I thought, as she resumed her actions, now sucking harder, trying to get me off at last. It was working. I could feel the warm tingle beginning. She bobbed her head furiously, saliva dripping down over my balls.

"Gwockk! Gwockk! Gwockk! Gwockk! Gwockk!" I heard as she gagged herself on my shaft. "Come on, you fucker! Cum in my mouth! I want it! GWOCKK! GWOCKK! GWOCKK!"

"Oh, fuck!" I grunted, as my cock twitched, spewing gobs of semen into her mouth. She backed off, jerking my shaft eagerly, and milking every drop out my balls, into her sucking mouth. Once she had it all, she released me, and sat back, smiling for the camera.

Seneca opened her mouth wide, showing me the pool of my semen inside. She pushed her tongue forward, causing a small wave of pearly glop to drip over her lip. She caught it with her finger, then let it trickle back into her mouth. She closed her mouth again, and swallowed, moaning as the whole mess slid down her throat.

Finally, she opened wide again, showing an empty mouth to the camera.

"Delicious," she grinned, licking her lips. "Now, let's see if we can get you up again, so you can fuck me. I'd like to see how this big thing feels in my pussy."

"Oh, shit, Seneca," I moaned, as she drew my slightly softened noodle back into her mouth. The viagra had its effect, and before long she had a fully hard dick to suck. Satisfied I was ready, she rose to her feet, and moved back to the leather couch. She laid back, and spread her legs wide.

Other than that small triangular patch of fuzz above her clit, her pussy was as bald as a billiard ball. Bald, but dripping wet, and a stream of juice trickled out of her pussy as she pushed two fingers into herself. Her labia pouted open wide, swollen with arousal.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille," she smiled, fingering herself deeper. The movement of her arm shook her breasts, adding fuel to my fire.

In seconds, I was kneeling between her thighs, with my cock pointing straight up her juicy snatch. I leaned in, spearing her in one smooth stroke, until her legs wrapped around me. I grabbed those big jugs in both hands, and began to rock my hips forward and back, sliding my penis in and out of her tight young pussy.

"Yes! That's it! Fuck my cunt with that big dick!" she growled.

Part of me... the director portion... was making mental notes about my new starlet. Gives one helluva blowjob. Check. Obviously doesn't mind spending money to get value, because these tits are among the best money can buy. I gave them a good squeeze, confirming that opinion. Oh yeah. Definitely top shelf surgery. Check. Looking down to where my cock was stretching her pouting labia wide, I added to the notes. Pussy, nice, tight and juicy. Check. Likes to fuck? Well, she's vocal enough, so I'd say yes. Check.

"Yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me deep! Fuck me hard!" she demanded. Her blue eyes were wide open, looking sweet and innocent, in direct opposition to the clearly sexual design of her body, and the desire in her words. "Gimme that cock! I want more! I wanna cum!"

Yes, she was very good. While I hadn't checked the footage yet, since I was still wearing the camera, I'd have to say she was a very photogenic fuck. That face, those tits, that body, and of course, the clutching, oozing cunt between her legs; all in one very enjoyable package, that didn't just lay there when you fucked her, instead being an active and energetic participant.

I may be the director, but I can take suggestions, too. She wants more? She was going to get it. I had a good grip on her narrow, girlish waist, and was pounding her little pussy furiously, setting her big, beautiful tits dancing before my eyes. She had one hand busy on her clit, making the approaching orgasm a team effort. Her squeals of joy grew in volume.

"Oh god, oh fuck, oh shit!" she screeched. "You're making me cum!" Her free hand pushed me back, dislodging my cock, while the other hand strummed her clitoris faster. "GNNAAAHHHHHNNNNNNN! YESSSS!"

I see a lot of women in this job. I fuck most of them, too. Most are pretty good at sex, but a few are spectacular. Seneca Avion just qualified for the latter list, because...

While I looked down at her suddenly vacant pussy... she squirted! Not a trickle, or a gush, but a full on, genuine porn-star spray-job, which dampened me from navel to mid-thigh. Seneca screamed, and continued to rub her pussy, sending more fluids splashing across my skin.

"Mmmmmm, yes," she smiled, closing her eyes and laying back. Her cunt twitched, spitting a final few drops, that trickled down the leather fascia of the couch. "God, I needed that."

I plugged back into her socket, burying my cock balls-deep, and stroking into her slowly.

"Any more surprises for me, Seneca?" I chuckled, reaching up to tweak her nipples, which had stood up even taller during her orgasm.

"I think that's about it," she smiled, in a dreamy way. "So good."

"Do you have a favorite position? Something that really turns your crank? It's still your audition," I reminded her, leading her to believe she might not yet have passed. The truth was far simpler; I just wanted to fuck her a while longer, and see if I could get her to squirt again. I knew she could get me to cum once more. That was a given.

"I like doggy" she giggled, coming back to life slowly. "I like the angle, and the depth, especially with a nice thick one, like yours. Reverse cowgirl is even better, so I can set the pace, and grind my cunt over you."

"Reverse cowgirl it is, then," I smiled, pulling my cock out of her slippery snatch. "Just let me set this camera to watch us."

I put the camera on the corner of my desk. My POV would soon be the back of her blonde head, so putting it there would let me get a better view when I watched it later.

After I finished having my fun, and shot my wad on her pretty face, that is. I'd be sending her directly to the sign her contract, after that. She was far too good to let slip away. The competition would snap her up in a second.

I took my seat on the smooth leather, and let Seneca straddle me, facing away. I felt her small hand reach under, and point my pole up her snug cunt. She wasted no time, and just sat back on it. I wrapped my arms around her, cupping those lovely, full, round breasts in my hands, and squeezing them firmly.

Yes, she spared no expense on those. Very nice work, both by nature and her surgeon. Very nice work, indeed.

Seneca squeaked and squealed, bouncing her ass on my lap. I could feel her juices running down over my balls. Damn, she was a great fuck. We were going to make a lot of money with her in our stable.

I tried to keep my hands down around her waist, so the camera could see those perfect tits jiggling happily while she pounded her pussy on my cock. I tried, but the temptation to reach up and hold those puppies as they shook so spectacularly was hard to resist. I held her close, whispering sweet filth in her ear.

"That's it, Seneca, honey, fuck your hot little pussy on my dick," I breathed. "The camera is watching you. Just imagine, hundreds, thousands, even millions of men, watching you while you pleasure yourself. Does that turn you on?"

"Oh, god, YES!" she gasped, bouncing faster, and faster. Her orgasm hit her hard, and she screamed, her body quaking in my arms.

"Good girl," I smiled, cupping her breasts and pinching her nipples. "It's my distinct pleasure to tell you that you're hired, Seneca."

"That's... uhhn... great," she moaned, continuing to fuck herself on my pole with vigour.

"We have something of a tradition here, when we hire new talent," I whispered, nuzzling her neck as I did. "Similar to launching a boat, we launch a career, but we don't bust a bottle of champagne over your bow. Rather, I bust a nut, over your face. Are you ready to be christened, Seneca?"

"Fuck! Yes! I'd love to have a load of your sticky gunk all over my face!" she gasped, leaning back into me, while I continued to hold her magnificent tits in my hands. "Just a minute more, I'm going to cum again!"

"I can hold it, honey," I replied, gritting my teeth. She leaned forward, and raised up, now squatting over my cock. Her hips became a blur, as she pounded her cunt up and down in desperation. At last, I felt her shake, and she froze, grinding herself down on my dick. I still had my hands at her waist, but quickly slid them up to grab her boobs, giving them a firm squeeze.

"AieeeeeeEEEENGNAHHHHN! YES! YESS! YESSSS!" she shrieked, her body shuddering through the orgasm. Her tortured breathing began to slow, and she laid back, resting against me, as the pleasure waned, and juices oozed out of her pussy.

"Was that good?" I asked softly, my lips nibbling her ear.

"Mmmmm hmmm," she nodded. "Very good. Give me a few seconds, then I'll get back to fucking you. It's your turn to cum. On my face, right?"

"It would be my pleasure," I replied, fondling those big tits that were rapidly rising up my list of favourites.

"Mine too," she smiled and resumed her motion, sliding that slippery snatch up and down again. It didn't take long for her pussy to bring me to the edge again.

"Get ready," I whispered.

Seneca leapt off my lap, and took a place on her knees. She glanced over at the camera, on the edge of my desk, and scuttled closer to it, aligning her face with the level of the lens.

Smart girl, I thought, already stroking my cock as I stood over her. She had very thoughtfully provided all the lubrication I could want, and excess pussy juice flew wildly as I jerked myself, desperate to finish. Ah, here it cums...

"OhhhHHHH, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I groaned, as the first shot spurted across her pretty face. I kept pumping, sending a second, third, and fourth salvo to join it, giving her a significant coating of pearly goo. The chamber was empty, but I squeezed out the last few drops, looking down at her blue eyes. She blew a few bubbles with my cum, then slurped it back in, swallowing happily.

There it is again, I thought. That feeling, that she looks familiar. I shook my head, sure it was just the similarity to so many other girls who had worn my cum on their faces. Yes, that and the fuzzy head that accompanies orgasm. That's why.


Seneca Avion quickly became a favourite among our subscribers, as she had that first day with me. For the most part, my involvement with her, physically, had come to an end, as I was now behind the camera while she performed with our younger male talent.

I was there right now, behind the viewfinder that is, watching our newest piece of ass. The story of this scene, if a story is necessary or interesting to you, is that our heroine, Seneca, was waiting for her boyfriend in his room. Sitting on his bed, she picks up his sweatshirt, inhaling his scent, and gets turned on. She's laying back on the bed, with her hand down the front of her pants, masturbating furiously, when his mother walks in with a load of clean laundry. Stunned, she drops the clothes, but doesn't make it all the way out of the room before her curiosity makes her stay. You can guess the rest.

So, currently Seneca had her face buried between the Mother's legs. I knew the pussy she was tasting was very delicious indeed, as I had spent a few afternoons with the actress's legs over my shoulders. She was one of our more popular MILF stars, a very busty redhead named Gina, and I also knew that the sounds she was making right now were genuine.

What? You don't think the girls fake it? Of course, they do. Most of the female orgasms you see on the internet are faked. It's just like any job, after a few years; that huge cock waiting to be stuffed into her pussy becomes a certain amount of discomfort she's willing to endure for a certain amount of money. Need more money? Take it in the ass. It's just the economics of porn.

Occasionally, though, a situation like this arises. The very enthusiastic newcomer, Seneca, was going at it full-bore, sucking and licking Gina's well used pussy eagerly, and Gina wasn't faking it this time. Her squeals of joy were legitimate. As I said, I had made her squeal like that more than a few times, when she had asked me to help her cum, a job I had done with pleasure.

"Fuck, honey, yes! Suck my clit! I'm gonna cum!" Gina grunted, grabbing two handfuls of Seneca's blonde mane and pulling her face deeper into her cunt. She twisted her body, writhing with pleasure, and setting her big, augmented tits wobbling on her chest. With a final, gutteral groan, she at last relaxed, and released Seneca's head.

The young blonde turned to face the camera, her face wet from ear to ear with Gina's musky juices. She licked her lips.

"Mmmmmm, yummy," she smiled.

"Cut!" I called, shifting in my seat. No matter how many times I had seen two beautiful women getting it on together, it never failed to get my attention. We were going to take a small break, let the ladies use the restroom, and reassemble for the second scene, where Gina was going to return the favour for Seneca, and eat her out. This scene would be a little shorter, as Gina would be feasting on Seneca's gash, with her ass high in the air, when her 'son' would come in. Presented with a naked, dripping snatch, he does what comes naturally, and strips quickly, plugging his ten-inch monster cock into his mother's cunt.

Incest, MILF, threesome, lesbian, redhead, blonde, big tits, big cock, and eventually, a cum facial... this scene was a multi-purpose masturbation fiesta.

But, that was still to be shot, along with all the connecting sequences and closeups.

"Gina? You okay?" I asked, as she was still laying back, catching her breath.

"Mmmmmm, yeah," she sighed, sitting up slowly. "Seneca, honey, that was something special. Damn, you can really lick a pussy, girl! I hope I can make you feel as good."

"Thanks, Gina," Seneca smiled, still licking her fingers. "I look forward to it."

I also looked forward to it. I hadn't yet had the opportunity to taste Seneca's pussy, other than a quick sample of the juices she had sprayed on me during her audition. Gina was in for a surprise, and I was going to be there to record every second of it.

In the meantime, Seneca took a seat in the makeup chair. There would be closeups of her face in this next scene, so she needed a few touch ups. I walked in on her while the makeup artist was daubing foundation on the side of her neck. She had adapted very quickly to life around the house, and now walked around naked pretty much all day long, so she didn't even flinch when I stopped behind her chair, admiring her breasts in the reflection before her.

"That surgeon should pay you royalties," I smiled, reaching around to cup her beauties. "Every scene, every viewing, every guy who wishes his girl had tits like this... they're all advertising for him."

"Her, actually," Seneca laughed, setting those spectacular boobs shaking. "She did do a good job, didn't she?" She turned her chest slightly, examining the angles and the movement. Everyone agreed... Nice tits.

The male talent for this scene, a young guy named Denny, walked past, his massive dick hanging soft between his legs.

"Hi, Denny!" Seneca smiled, trying to stay still for her makeup work. "Looking forward to meeting your little friend, there. Don't use him all up on Gina!"

"Oh, I've got enough for both of you," he laughed. "You're gonna feel me for days, honey."

"We'll see," she waved, as he left the area. "I don't know how to tell him this, but I've had bigger dicks than his pride and joy. I had a boyfriend once... it was like fucking a Louisville Slugger! Damn! I thought he'd tear me in half, but I liked it!"

"Is he in the business?" I asked, thinking I'd like to arrange a reunion for the camera.

"No!" she giggled. "Believe it or not, he's a shoe salesman!"

"Well, maybe he wants a career change. We could always use another guy with size," I laughed.

"Do I get a finder's fee?" Seneca grinned, winking at me.

Damn. There it was again. That nagging feeling that we'd met before. Something about her eyes, I think. I was sure I had to be getting her confused with someone else, because I'd remember meeting a beauty like her if I already had. Who did she remind me of? I suppose it was a side effect of meeting so many incredibly sexy women. After a while, they don't stand out anymore.


I have to admit, Seneca managed to do something that I'd never had done before. Never. I'd been present, behind the camera, for literally thousands of scenes, watching one beautiful woman or another get speared enthusiastically by any number of dicks. It was my job, and had become somewhat routine. Ah, it's Wednesday. Time for the gangbang, where the girl gets doubled, and takes all five loads in the face. Ho hum. It barely got a rise out of me anymore.

That is until today.

This was the second part of the girlfriend /mother /boyfriend scene, and Denny had just given his on-screen mother a thorough introduction to his hard penis. Gina had taken it like the pro she was, squealing on cue, and managing to keep her face buried in Seneca's pussy. Seneca then did her geyser impression, much to Gina's surprise and delight. All that was pretty normal, as far as I was concerned.

My interest picked up when Seneca pushed Denny on his back, and mounted him, shuddering as his cock filled her completely. She really did get off on big dicks, and wasted no time in riding him like a rodeo cowgirl. Gina played her part, acting the mother who was helping teach the girl to fuck her son properly.

Except, Seneca didn't need the help. I knew from her audition that she really knew how to fuck. The expression on Denny's face told me he was feeling it, too.

"Slow down," he grunted. "You're gonna make me cum too fast!"

"So? I assume you took a pill, didn't you?" Seneca grinned. "Go ahead and cum, stud. I'm sure going to. I like it."

We would edit their dialogue out in post, replacing it with more appropriate moans and groans. Denny looked at me, gritting his teeth, and lost the battle.

"Fuck! I'm cumming!" he hissed.

"Mmmmmm, yes, nice and warm," Seneca smiled, as he pumped her full of semen. Gina was behind her, caressing her breasts, and reached down to fondle Denny's balls as he spurted. She came up with a hand covered in her 'son's' cum, as it was squeezed out of Seneca's pussy. She held it up, for the camera, then let it drip off her fingers into her open mouth.

At this point, I knew that the script, such as it was, was out the window. Gina was ad-libbing, following Seneca's lead, and poor Denny was just along for the ride. This might be special.

"Keep rolling," I told the camera operator. "No matter what they do, just keep rolling. Stay wide. I'm going to fire up the B camera."

By the time I was up and running, Gina was laying on her back, her face buried under Seneca's butt. Her hand was busy between her own legs, and when she came up for air, her face was totally glazed with Denny's scum. Seneca was screeching, having a huge orgasm of her own.

I was moving around them, getting close as I could, capturing her expression as a genuine orgasm ripped through her. Denny was still hard, but his part in this whole thing had been reduced to laying there and letting Seneca use his schlong as a prop, because she wasn't stopping at one orgasm. She kept going, bouncing her ass furiously. Her perfect tits were all over the place. She wasn't acting today. She was just fucking, and enjoying herself.

I was also enjoying it. Seneca was fucking Denny's cock like a wild woman, and Gina was having fun in the background, fingering herself, grabbing her blonde cohort's tits, and slurping up their collective juices when available. Only Denny seemed less than pleased, although he was near to cumming again. He just didn't like being out of control.

Seneca let him off the hook when she lifted off him, her pussy dripping with her juices and Denny's semen. She positioned herself on all fours, and begged him to fuck her hard.

I was hard, myself. Harder than I could remember being during a shoot for years. Back then, it was still new, and getting to watch people having sex was exciting. Now, it had become a routine, except for days like today.

"Oh yeah, fuck me!" she moaned, ostensibly for Denny's benefit, but she was looking straight into my camera when she said it.

"Oh, shit," I grumbled. My cock was so stiff it hurt, and there was no repositioning it to make it less uncomfortable. I just had to let it out, and unzipped with one hand while my eye was in the viewfinder, watching her tits swing seductively with each slam of Denny's hips into her rump. At last, I was free, and continued to record the scene.

Seneca's eyes flitted across my stiffness, and she grinned. She came again, moaning happily, with her gaze fixed on me. It was clear she was performing for her audience, in this case, most directly me. When I reached down to stroke myself, that grin reappeared. She definitely enjoyed being watched. Little wonder she gravitated to porn.

Denny was still hammering her from behind. He was sweating like a pig, desperate to finish, but he just couldn't. She had already made him cum twice inside her, and he was exhausted. He sat back on his haunches, dripping with perspiration, his dick finally wilted from the effort.

"Sorry, boss," he shook his head. "She wore me out. I got nothing left."

"Hmmmm. Okay, get out of here," I told him. "Get some rest."

"Yeah. She's dangerous, man," he moaned, rising wearily to his feet. He stumbled away, hopefully to have a shower.

I could hardly be mad at him. Yes, he left us all hanging, but it wasn't really his fault. Being angry wouldn't solve the problem. And I couldn't be angry with Seneca. She was a force of nature, and didn't know her own strength.

"So, what? No cum shot?" Gina asked.

"How about a stand-in?" Seneca licked her lips, looking at my rigid cock. "I see a dick that might work."

"Sure. We could try it," I laughed. My dick wasn't nearly as long as Denny's monster, but nearly as thick. Framed right, it might work.

So, I went from cameraman to performer, stripping my clothes off. It would take a little fluffing to get me ready to pop, but I had two lovely ladies willing to provide their services.

Gina took the first shift, sucking me smoothly as the main camera recorded the action. She gave a nice, sloppy blowjob, and there was something very exciting about her mature mouth stretched wide around my cock. She was older, but still beautiful, and very skilled.

Still, I couldn't help casting glances at Seneca, who was watching with a big smile on her face. She was rubbing her pussy, and alternately looking at my cock, then my eyes. She even remembered the supposed storyline.

"Mmmmmm, that looks good," she smiled. "Do you like your Mommy sucking your cock? Does it feel good? Just wait until I get my mouth on that big cock. You're gonna cum, baby."

Gina relinquished her position on cue, letting Seneca take over. I remembered how good her blowjobs were, from her audition. She didn't disappoint.

With Gina cheering her on, Seneca sucked my shaft deep. I felt it hit the back of her throat, at the same point as her audition, and figured she was going to stop there, but she had a new surprise for me. She again tilted her head, and let it slide down her throat, which she had done before. The surprise came when she didn't stop, until her lips met my balls. Maybe she'd learned it from one of the other actresses, or maybe it was just a result of practice, but either way, Seneca's résumé just expanded to include deep throat blowjobs.

"Oh fuck, honey," I groaned, looking down into her blue eyes. "That's soooooo good. Suck me, just like that. I'm gonna cum!"

Oh yeah, I was going to cum, alright, but if I just blew my load down her throat, as I was very close to doing, we still wouldn't have the money shot to close this scene. I clenched my teeth, and held back the urge to unleash the flood, for as long as I could. It wasn't long. She was just too good.

I pulled out of her suction with a 'pop', and stroked myself furiously, as Gina scuttled in beside Seneca, face tilted up, awaiting her portion of my facial deposit. She reached around and fondled Seneca's tits as well. It was all just too much.

"Uuuhhhhnnnnn!" I grunted, as the first spurt leapt out, hitting Seneca on the lips. It ricocheted upward across her face and Gina's. Another followed, splattering in a wide pattern of blobs that landed in the hair of both women. I kept cumming and cumming, giving Seneca a thorough icing with my semen, until I was finally finished. The other camera operator continued to record, as the ladies kissed each other, swapping mouthfuls of slippery male seed, while I stumbled back to sit out of frame.

"Whenever they finish, you can cut," I told him, patting his shoulder. He did finally stop, but not until Gina had stopped licking sperm off Seneca's face. It was indeed a special scene, with a special girl.

A very special girl.


A couple of days afterward, it was very quiet in the house.

Out on the pool deck, it was business as usual, and we were doing a scene where an older woman takes on two younger guys, supposedly her son and his friend. They currently had her spit roasted, with her on her hands and knees, getting one young cock in her pussy, and one in her mouth. Her big, enhanced jugs were swinging attractively from her chest. It was pretty standard fare, and I left the camera crew to finish up. They knew what I wanted.

I headed inside, going to my office to run through some recent footage, and mark it for editing. As it happened, the first scene up was the Seneca /Gina /Denny one. The one where I had personally provided the cum for the big finish facial. There was something about it that made me just sit back and watch it, more of a fan than a director. My dick certainly wanted to watch it, and grew stiffer as it went on. By the time Denny was pounding Seneca doggy-style, it was so hard, I just had to pull it out and ease the tension, something I rarely did, at least at work.

Of course, I rarely jerked off during the shoot, either, and had never stood in for a failing male performer before. Call it the Seneca effect.

So, about the time my cum was splashing across her face on the screen, its brethren were splattering onto my desktop in real time. Suddenly, I saw something on the screen that I'd missed.

And froze.

How had I missed it? How many times had I seen her, in person and on camera, yet missed it? How?

Well, they're pretty small, I told myself, searching for a rational reason why I had failed to see them.

Two small scars, nearly circular, on the side of her neck, right by her right ear. The camera only caught them because it was in close, and she had her head tilted back, ready to accept my load of cum to finish the scene. Her hair was normally in the way, but not this time.

Now, wait a minute, I thought, desperate to disprove my fears. They're scars. Lots of people have scars. They don't prove anything. It might not be her.

Even as my mind put forth that feeble defense, I knew it was wrong. There was no getting around it.

Seneca Avion, porn starlet of my dreams, wasn't really Seneca Avion. I knew that, of course, from our interview /audition. I just never bothered to dig any deeper. I usually didn't, preferring to leave a certain amount of mystery between myself and my talent. But somehow, my subconscious had made the connection, and was trying to tell me.

Seneca Avion was... My niece, Audrey!


Just on the off chance that I was way out in left field, I went to our filing cabinet, and pulled Seneca's file. As I told her during her interview, almost everyone in the porn business used a stage name, myself included, and the only one who knew, or cared about anyone's real names, was the accountant who did our payroll. As it happens, I wasn't wrong.

Indeed, Seneca Avion was really my niece, Audrey Adler.

My god. I had fucked my niece. Twice, actually. Oh, and cum on her face, also twice. Once more down her throat. I'd fondled her beautiful tits, and watched her have sex. All things one normally didn't do with one's niece.

That is, assuming she actually was my niece. There were some fuzzy legalities here. If she was born before I married her Aunt, was she really a relative? If the marriage that made me a relative was dissolved, was I still related? Should I feel guilty about sampling her young wares, some of the best I'd ever had?

Let's leave that last one alone for now.

Okay, Audrey is my ex-wife's brother's daughter, so she is definitely blood to my ex. What does that make her to me? I'm her ex-uncle, if such a term applies. Is she my ex-niece, or just a very familiar, very attractive, very sexy young woman?

All of this actually explains why I didn't recognize her, as well. First, I hadn't seen her in over twelve years. She was just a tomboy of eight when I last visited. That's when she got the scars, by running into a strand of barbed wire. She was childishly proud of her 'vampire bite' as the joke went. She was also a brunette then, just like her mother.

Which brings me to the second reason why I didn't recognize her. Her mother, whom I had tried so hard to blot out of my memory permanently. Very Italian in looks, with the dark hair and sexy eyes, she was very nicely built, not things I normally wanted to forget. If she'd never opened her mouth, we could have got along fine, with me leering at her beauty, and her just being quiet.

But... she did open her mouth. She had an opinion on everything, and was happy to share it, especially if you didn't ask. Those opinions were often insulting, and she didn't care. It was more than just a personality flaw; it was her whole personality. She was just mean, and no matter how pretty the package, she wasn't worth the work. We had several very heated arguments, which ended with me seriously considering where to hide the body, before I decided it was safer to just stay away.

I loathed her. The strange part was, so did the rest of the family, with the sole exception of her husband. He should have joined our side. The bitch robbed him blind in the divorce.

So, when a younger, blonder, much more pleasant copy of 'she whose name shall not be spoken'... the spawn of Satan and Adolf Hitler... oops, wrong version... this is the nice one. When she walked into my office, my subconscious recognized her, and threw up red flags, but I didn't catch them.

Hey! I know why I didn't recognize her...

Why didn't she recognize me?

I'd have to ask her, when next we met, which would be next week. Until then, I would watch her scene with Gina and Denny.

I'd watch my innocent niece taking Denny's huge cock, over and over.

I'd watch her face, and expressions of childlike joy, as she came, again and again.

And I'd watch as cum coated her face, which I now clearly recognized as that of my niece. My cum, on her face. The daughter of a woman so vile I wouldn't fuck her with my worst enemy's dick, blowing bubbles in my cum, and smiling.

I almost wanted to feel guilty, but I couldn't, not with the huge erection merely thinking of her gave me.

Until next week. I'd bide my time, and stroke my dick until then, and get my answers.


"Hey! You wanted to see me?"

It was Audrey, I mean Seneca... whatever. Her voice made me think about the last time I saw her.

That would be when she was eight, not last week when Denny was hammering her from behind with his giant schlong. I couldn't help seeing a little girl, taking a seat to talk to me. Guilt, I guess.

"Close the door," I told her.

She was already sitting, so she merely arched her back, thrusting those magnificent tits out under her t-shirt, and brushed the door shut. No bra contained her boobs today, and her nipples poked at the fabric, much the way her mothers' used to, before she revealed her true colours.

If you get the impression that I was a mass of confused, conflicting emotions, you'd be right. Guilt, anger, betrayal, arousal, arousal, and arousal were swirling in a tangle of feelings I struggled to control. In a second of clarity, I decided to play it cool.

"Ready for today?" I asked, coaching her. "First DP?"

"Actually, no," she smiled, then looked away sheepishly. "I mean, I'm ready, but it's not my first double penetration. First on camera, but not my first time."

My god, Audrey! You little slut! I thought. Then again, look at her example. Her mother was a serial cheater.

"I couldn't help noticing the little scars on your neck," I smiled. "Have a run in with Dracula, as a child? Say, when you were eight?"

The normally happy, playful expression on her face faded, as she realized I knew. Busted, she hung her head.

"Hi, Uncle Chris," she replied softly. "How long?"

"Have I known?" I asked. She nodded. "Just a few days. I can't believe I didn't recognize my favourite niece."

"I'm your only niece," she giggled, looking up slightly.

"Be that as it may, you're still my favourite," I laughed. "When did you know it was me?"

"First interview. You haven't changed much. I'm sure I've changed a lot, though. I don't blame you for not recognizing me," she smiled. "That's kind of the point."

"Back up. You recognized me right away?" I asked.

"Yeah. I thought you'd do the same, that's why I was so nervous," she explained. "When I realized you didn't know me, I relaxed."

"Audrey? You knew it was me, but you still...?" I stumbled, exasperated.

"Sucked your dick?" she grinned. "Yeah, I did, didn't I? It was so naughty, and hot. I almost came from sucking you, alone. Then you fucked me. I liked it. I liked it a lot."

I liked it a lot, too, I thought. My dick was throbbing. No confusion in that head. He wanted another taste of her pussy.

"So, I guess I'm fired, huh?" she pouted.

"What? Fired? Why would I do that?" I asked.

"I dunno. I guess I just figured you wouldn't want me around, reminding you of the past," she said. "You mean I can stay, Uncle Chris?"

"Audrey, you're just about the hottest thing I've ever seen," I smiled, "and you're good for business. I'd be an idiot to turn you away. Of course, you can stay. Just, stop calling me 'uncle', okay. We have different last names. No one else knows, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"So, it'd be our little secret," she smiled, standing up. I noticed her nipples were no longer poking at the fabric of her shirt. They were threatening to rip holes in it. "Our naughty secret," she breathed, rounding the desk. "No one else would know how hot it gets me, fucking my uncle's nice, hard cock."

Oh my. I can see where this is going. My niece is a very, very bad girl. MY kind of girl. Why fight it?

"Right. Our secret," I whispered, as she straddled my lap. In one smooth move, she peeled her shirt off, letting my eyes feast on her spectacular chest again. I wasn't sure which held greater appeal, at the moment... her nipples, or her luscious lips. I decided on the lips.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned, as we kissed for the first time. It was a good kiss, and got better as it went. Her soft lips parted, letting her tongue begin its hunt for mine. I was the quarry, but I wasn't hiding. Her grip on me tightened, and I reciprocated, pulling her firm breasts against me. The softness was a special favourite of mine, part of being a breast fancier, I suppose. I briefly wondered how much our little secret might be adding to the pleasure.

Audrey sat back, smiling as my eyes naturally fell to her beautiful chest.

"The scenery has changed since the last time you saw me in this state of undress, hasn't it?" she giggled.

"Just a little," I nodded. "You've become a very beautiful woman. Much like your mother."

"Now, now, let's not get insulting!" she laughed, jiggling her tits at me. "I know you don't like my mother. I'm not a fan, either. It just took me longer to see it. So, if we could keep those comparisons down to a maximum of zero, I'd appreciate it."

"Fair enough," I smiled.

"So, Mr. Director..." she purred, "... care to warm me up for my big scene this afternoon?"

"Hmmmm, that's sounds like fun," I grinned. She lifted off my lap, and quickly shed her shorts. Once she was naked, she helped remove my clothes, and pounced eagerly on my penis as soon as it became available.

Her mouth opened wide, and those plump lips slid slowly down the length of my cock. Somehow, it felt different than the previous time she did this. Maybe she was doing something different, or maybe it was me, proof that the mind was the ultimate erogenous zone. This time, it wasn't just some random beautiful woman with great tits sucking my cock; it was my niece Audrey... a familiar beautiful woman, with great tits... eagerly and willingly sucking my cock.

And sucking it soooooo goooooood. My little niece had grown up, and learned a lot. She even learned when to stop, and get down to something better.

Audrey pushed me back in my chair, and hovered over my lap, reaching under herself to guide my dick into her pussy. The combination of her spit on my cock, and her natural lubricant, let it slip smoothly inside. She settled, my shaft deeply sheathed up her cunt, and planted a sensuous kiss on me.

I could feel her hard nipples scraping up and down my chest, as she began to rise and fall smoothly on my cock. Her kiss was long and hot, showing how excited she was. It was pretty arousing, now that both of us knew who we were fucking.

Audrey broke the kiss and sat up straight, fucking me harder. She knew I just loved her tits and shook them at me, teasing me with their hypnotic bounce.

The door to my office opened, and Stella walked in. She had a handful of papers for me to sign, and put them on the desk, holding her pen in place. She didn't even flinch at catching me fucking someone in here. It wasn't the first time, but it was unusual for her to stay.

"What? Now? You want me to sign right now?" I asked, holding Audrey's ass as she bounced on my cock, undaunted by the presence of another person.

"Yes, please," Stella replied, looking at the blonde on my dick. "Hi, Seneca. Having fun?"

"Oh, yeah! So much fun!" Audrey grunted, unabated. "Have you ever?"

"Fucked the boss?" Stella finished, surprised. "No, honey. I'm married. Besides, I'm not his type. He likes them young, and top-heavy, like you."

"Hold on a second, Aud... um, Seneca," I said softly, patting her ass. "Let me sign this shit, so Stella can be on her way, and you two can stop talking about me, in front of me."

"Oh, okay," she pouted, stopping her movements, and lifting off my lap. She stood aside, still petulant like a child. She used to do this routine when she was little.

Meanwhile, I signed the papers, with my dick as hard as steel, and glistening with my niece's abundant juices. Stella didn't avert her eyes, simply taking it as a normal day at work. I suppose it was, in a way. She walked around this house all day every day, seeing naked women and naked men all the time. Men with erections, big and bigger, fucking women of all shapes and colours. She was used to it.

"Thank you, sir," she smiled, as I finished the last signature. She collected the papers, and paused at the door. "Carry on, you two. As you were," she added, with a giggle, more emotion than I'd seen from her in quite a while.

Audrey wasted no time, climbing aboard eagerly, and impaling herself.

"Strange woman, that one," she laughed, resuming her frenzied pace.

I thought about commenting, but it didn't seem right, to discuss another woman while fucking my niece. Very impolite.

Audrey was a woman possessed, skewering herself furiously, getting closer to orgasm by the second. Her moans grew louder, and a bright pink flush bloomed on her chest and neck.

"Gnahhhhhn! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! OH FUCK! AHHHNNNNN! AHHHNNNNN! AHHHNNNNNNNNN!" she screeched, as her pussy drooled over my balls. She was, without a doubt, the wettest, juiciest fuck I'd ever had. I liked it.

She slumped on me, resting forward with her head on my shoulder. I could feel her breasts pressing into me harder with each breath, as she slowly recovered. Taking her ass in both hands, I stood, lifting her with me, and placing her gently on her back, on my desk. I looked down at her beautiful, naked body, still impaled on my cock. She smiled.

"You know, Uncle Chris, this job is a lot more fun than I thought it would be," she giggled. "You do this every day?"

"Not as much as you'd think," I answered, grabbing her around the waist, and starting to shaft her smoothly. "Maybe more often now, though."

"Definitely! My ass, please?" Audrey moaned. "It needs a warmup, too."

"Of course, my naughty girl," I smiled, opening my left-hand drawer. I came out with a bottle of lube. I had to pull out of her pussy to reach her butt hole, and she moaned as I vacated the moist crevice. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she spread her cheeks with one hand, letting me apply a generous amount of slippery liquid to the sphincter in question. I massaged in into her ass, sliding first one, then two fingers into her butt.

"Mmmmmm, I like it," she giggled. "If my Mom could see me now! She'd be so proud!"

I laughed, picturing that incredible bitch catching me with my fingers up her darling daughter's ass. I'd have to give her the finger, too, although in a less complimentary fashion.

"How's that?" I asked, squirting a bit more directly inside her ass.

"Should be good," she smiled. "Okay, Uncle Chris. Fuck my ass. Oh! I mean, just plain Chris! Take your nice big cock, just plain Chris, and stick it all the way up my unrelated ass."

"Nice recovery," I chuckled, pointing my cock at her well-greased orifice. I fed it in, pushing with my hips. "Oh, shit, Audrey. You're so tight!"

"Mnannnnghhhhh! Oh... my... god!," she groaned, panting sharply. Her fingers hooked into her pussy, desperate to get as much pleasure as possible. "Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Oh, god, it's so good! Fuck me hard!"

There was something especially nasty about watching my cock disappear up my niece's extremely tight asshole. Add her flying fingers, and wobbling, swinging boobs, and it was off the charts. Judging by her constant moans of pleasure, I'd say that wasn't just my opinion.

So, here I was, buried balls deep in my formerly innocent niece's ass, fucking her with decidedly un-uncle-like desire, while she plunged the fingers of one hand into her aching, vacant pussy. The other hand was yanking and twisting her pointy nipples. She was moaning my name, and directives to go harder, or faster.

Somehow, when we last sat at Thanksgiving dinner, some twelve years or so ago, I never imagined that the future held this for me.

I never imagined Audrey would grow up so beautiful.

I never imagined she'd become such a nasty little slut.

I never imagined she'd...

"GnnnnnOHHHHHFUUUUCK! YESSSSS!" she screeched, and roused me from my thoughts by spraying me, again, and yet again. Her whole body clenched, she blushed almost purple, and her empty pussy spat a wide pattern of droplets all over my waist and chest.

I let her finish cumming, still amazed at the show, and kept drilling her back door urgently. She was pretty limp, but still participating, and could read my pace.

"Cum on me, Uncle Chris," she growled. "I know you like to. I know you want to. Cum on my big tits. Cum on your slutty niece's tits!"

Oh, that did it.

I pulled out of her asshole, barely in time, and spurted, stroking myself with my hand and aiming at her boobs, which she so thoughtfully held squished together. Her cleavage quickly filled with semen, which oozed over her nipples and fingers, as I shot the last few dribbles with a contented sigh. I was sure those tits would be covered again, later today, after she took on two of our guys at once, but... this image, of MY cum on those beauties, would last in my memory.

I flopped back in my chair, exhausted. My eyes fell on her crotch, where her pussy glistened with droplets of her dewy juices, and her asshole gaped open, slick with lubricant. As I watched, she sat up, scraping cum off her chest into her mouth. Innocent Audrey was dead. Long live her sexy successor.

Audrey grinned, licking my cum off her fingers. She had a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Mmmmmm, I think I'm ready to do my scene now," she giggled. "My pussy is all tingly, and my ass is opened up a bit. I should be able to take both guys now. Um, Chris, could I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead," I breathed. In my current relaxed state, I was highly suggestible.

"Is there anyone special in your life?" she asked. "A woman you spend time with?"

"Ha!" I laughed. "Hardly. In this business, it's either do without, or get with someone else who works here. I get laid plenty, but I wouldn't call it special. Just physical satisfaction. Why?"

"Well," she said softly, standing up again. She sauntered over, and sat on my lap, with her arms around my neck. "I don't know if you're aware of this, but I'm not from around here. I only really know one person, an uncle, who lives nearby. I've heard he's alone, and I don't have anyone else in my life either. It might be nice to spend some time together. Maybe dinner, or..."

"Perhaps breakfast?" I smiled, catching her drift. It might be nice to have someone as a regular guest in my bed. Maybe more than a guest.

"I can even cook," she nodded.

Forget what I said earlier about being twenty-five years older. I really might just keep her, for myself, after all.