Auntie's Panties Pt. 04


Danny, Vonnie and Shelagh have been having fun. Let's check in.


Somehow, I survived the next week, despite the best efforts of Vonnie and Shelagh.

Vonnie confined her activities to my grandparent's house. Since they were still away, she kept me busy with odd jobs around the house, and more pleasurable jobs afterward. Her role as instructor became less and less obvious, as I learned the lessons, and she enjoyed the benefits. It was lots of fun, but exhausting.

Shelagh, on the other hand, was just as likely to instigate sexual activity in our house as anywhere else. She did come and join Vonnie and I for a day-long romp again, but seemed to take more pleasure in ambushing me at home. We repeated our downstairs powder room session a few times, and she was constantly teasing me, trying to induce an erection. Don't get me wrong... My sister was a dynamite partner, and her ability to deep-throat my cock was beyond heavenly. I was definitely enjoying having such a willing bed mate in the next room. A little too willing, occasionally.

She definitely had a taste for the dangerous side of sex, and that danger was abundant at home, in the form of Mom. Merely having fabulous, incestuous sex wasn't always enough for her. Doing it with Mom nearby seemed to turn her crank to even higher levels, and I didn't find it as much fun as she did. To me, it was more terrifying than exciting.

Take today, for example. Mom had an early dental appointment, and she was out the door before I got up. Nothing terribly unusual about that, as it had happened often enough in the past, but this was the first since I became my sister's favourite plaything. I woke to a strange, if spectacularly enjoyable sensation. My morning erection had attracted Shelagh's attention, like a bee to a flower, and she was buzzing on it happily.

"What the...?" I mumbled, my head a swirl of morning fog and sexual arousal. "Shel, are you crazy?"

She shook her head, and continued to suck my cock like a demon. I could picture Mom walking in any second. My imagined versions of her reaction ran the gamut, from merely dropping dead due to a heart attack, to coming back with a knife and cutting off my favourite piece of anatomy.

"Relax, little brother," she directed in her big sister voice, rising to her knees. She reached up, and skinned off her nightie with a theatrical flourish. When she spoke again, it was in the voice I hadn't heard before our recent transformation from siblings, to lovers.

"Well, maybe don't relax too much," she purred, grasping my slippery cock with one hand, and guiding it inside herself. "Especially this part. He should remain tense, and at attention, for as long as I need him."

"But Mom...?" I protested.

"Dentist," she groaned, dropping aboard fully. "We have at least an hour, so I'm gonna fuck this gorgeous piece of meat for as long as possible."

While it was certainly a wonderful way to start the day, I was having mixed feelings. My cock was having the time of his life, whether buried deep inside Shelagh's pussy, or being blown by her very talented mouth, but the rest of me was slightly conflicted.

Right now, my cock was running the show, so that conflict was pushed aside for the moment. Instead of protesting further, I laid back and enjoyed it. Believe me there was plenty to enjoy. Shelagh's cunt was dripping wet, hot, and blissfully tight. Then there was the visual extravaganza of watching her from below. Her hair was flying, causing her beautiful face to play hide-and-seek through the sexy, red waves. When visible, her eyes burned with desire, escalating my own.

And in case you think I forgot about her chest... well, think again. The defining attribute of all our family's women, her big boobs were doing the dance that I had fallen under the spell of, bouncing and jiggling before my appreciative eyes. She read my gaze, and leaned closer, giving me oral access to those lovely orbs. My lips went to work, kissing whatever I made contact with, while searching for a nipple to latch onto. Once I found one, I sucked hard.

"Oh, fuck, Danny. That's it! Go for it! Suck my tits, baby brother! You know how I love it," she moaned, grinding her pussy down against the base of my cock.

I was truly enjoying this morning get-together, but somewhere in the corner of my view, I could almost see the clock counting down to zero, the point at which we had better be done, showered and looking completely innocent, before Mom returned home. Picture the series '24', and the sound of that clock clunking mechanically, and you get the idea. It was, to say the least, a distraction.

A distraction Shelagh was enjoying to the max. Normally (if that word can be used to describe a situation as bizarre as this), I would wake up with a morning woodie after a night of arousing dreams about Vonnie or some other fantasy woman. I knew from experience that getting myself off after that prolonged excitement was pretty quick, yet today Shelagh was getting a long, deep ride, and I wasn't even close to cumming. She was, but my cock stood resolute, buried up her dripping cunt.

This should in no way be construed as a critical comment about my sister. Far from it. Shelagh was a very beautiful woman, a fabulous fuck, and the world's best cocksucker. Her pussy was warm, wet and welcoming, not to mention tight, and her big tits were right in my face for my viewing and sucking pleasure. Shelagh had it all, and was giving me the use of it, but the fear factor of getting caught was keeping me from appreciating her as much as I should have.

The fear of getting caught might not be the only distraction that was effecting me. Recent time with my Aunt had given rise to some confusing feelings in me, and equally confusing signals from her.

"God! Fuck! I'm cumming, Danny!" My sister gasped, grinding against me harder. "Don't stop sucking my tits! It's so fucking good!"

Shelly had always been such a good girl, so prim, proper, and stylish. Who knew she had a vocabulary that included such directives?

Who knew she was so willing to put aside the taboos, and fuck her brother?

Who knew she was so fucking good at it?

As her orgasm waned, Shelly dropped her substantial chest to rest on mine, panting heavily. Seconds later, she wrapped herself around me, and rolled us over.

"Your turn, little brother," she giggled, smiling up at me. "Gimme that big dick hard. Be selfish, and get yourself off. Just one request?"

I had adjusted my position, and was ready to fuck her senseless, despite the looming countdown. I looked down at her pretty face, and nodded.

"I'd really like to see your cum splattered all over my boobs," she added. "I love it when my guys cum on me, and I especially love you to do it."

"If you insist," I sighed, and started to stroke into her with full length thrusts, building my pace as I went, and further adjusting my support position. It didn't take long for me to get comfortable, and within seconds I was slamming her hard, crushing her into my mattress. The bed squeaked in protest at this unfamiliar activity. I'd never done this in my room before.

"Oh shit, Danny, that's it!" she groaned, arching her back in pleasure. "Fuck me hard! Gonna make me cum again! Yes, Danny! YESSSS!"

I felt her nails on my back, clawing in desperation as she went off under me with a deep moan of enjoyment. I didn't even slow down, pounding her with desperation of my own.

Desperation to get myself off, and shoot my load all over her tits... before Mom got home and killed us both. It was pretty powerful motivation.

Her talons now scraped my ass, urging me to do her with even more ferocity.

"Hurry Danny," she snarled through clenched teeth. "Mom will be home in a few minutes. Fuck me. Fuck me like I'm a cheap hooker in an alley. Just do it, and cum on me."

I found a gear I didn't know I had, and let her have it. I was briefly concerned that my bed might not be up to the task, but that thought was pushed aside by the warm tingle in my balls. I was gonna cum, and that fact took priority.

"Oh... Jes... us... Yes... Dan... ny... Fuck... Me!" she hissed, hair flying as I bounced her off the mattress with each energetic stroke. It was time.

I pulled out. My cock was dripping with her froth, and it only took two strokes with my hand before I exploded, sending thick jets of white semen in arcs through the air.

Splattered. That's what she said she wanted, and that's exactly what she got, as cum rained down on her from above. Shelly moaned, and caught a few drops with her hungry mouth, but most of it landed on her primary target zone... Those big, heaving breasts. Stroke after stroke, I painted her with streaks and blots of hot cum, until the flow petered out. I sat back on my haunches breathing heavily, and shook the last drops on her belly.

"That's all... I have," I panted.

"Mmmmm. That's plenty," she smiled, cupping her huge rack and spreading my discharge around with her delicate hands. Her nipples were standing straight up, and little strings of cum trailed off them as they sprung back in the wake of her fingers. "God, it's so nasty. It really gets me hot."

"Shelly, honey, we don't have time for you to get hot. Not again," I reminded her.

"Right. I'll shower first," she giggled, and leapt off the bed. I watched her sexy ass wiggle out my door, and collapsed on the bed. "You can join me, if you'd like," she added from down the hall, as the water started running. "Door's open."

I only laid there for a few seconds. My brain was still functional enough to know that my room probably smelled of Shelly's pussy, so I opened the window. I inspected the bed, and other than being more rumpled than usual, found nothing incriminating. I found her night shirt in the corner, and tossed it into her room on the way to the bathroom. Crime scene cleansed.

In the bathroom, Shelagh was humming happily, and washing her hair. When she saw me through the steamy glass, she pressed her melons against the door, showing me her hard nipples.

"Now that's a great way to start the day!" she laughed.

"I agree," I smiled, lifting the lid of the toilet, and unleashing my full bladder. "Let's not make a habit of it, though, okay? I'd like to see my nineteenth birthday."

"You worry too much, little brother," she smiled, watching me pee. "Are you coming in here, when you're done?"

"Um, yeah. I'm covered in pussy juice. Mom might notice the smell in the laundry," I replied, shaking the last of the urine out of my dick.

"Good," she said softly, and slid the door open. "Do my back?" she asked, holding out the bar of soap.

This was dangerous. Getting in the shower with my sister was new, and exciting, but Mom was getting ever closer to catching us. Still, how could I turn down this opportunity?

I stepped in, and lathered my hands quickly, spreading the soapy suds across her smooth skin. My hands wrapped around, unable to resist her breasts.

"Mmmmm. You wanna do the front, too?" Shelly moaned. "Be my guest." She turned to face me, giving me full access to her chest, and I lathered those beautiful breasts thoroughly. She moaned again, and wrapped her arm around my neck. "You're hired. You can be my shower buddy, anytime." She sealed the deal with a kiss, and pressed those soapy tits into my chest. They slid around with her movements, causing some movement down below.

"Fuck, Danny! Are you getting hard again already?" she giggled, looking down past her tits between us.

"Happens every time I'm naked in the shower with my gorgeous sister," I laughed. "At least, so far anyway."

"Well, we definitely don't have time for round two," she smiled, rinsing her luscious body. "You'll just have to save it for Aunt Vonnie. I assume you're going over there today?"

"Yup," I replied, as she quite literally slid her luscious body past me out the door, and grabbed her towel. "I have no idea what she's got for me to do today. I've cleaned every window, cut the grass, repaired the screen door... Everything but build an addition. There's nothing left to do."

"Oh, I'm sure she can find something... For you to... Do," she winked, and hustled out the door, down the hall to her room.

>i?Yes. I suppose she can, I thought, smiling to myself, while I washed my own body. I had done her pussy, and her butt, and her mouth. Anything she could think of was sure to please, and I still had plenty to learn. My daydreaming was interrupted by Shelagh's voice, as she stopped back in the room.

She was fully dressed, and checked her hair in the mirror, arranging the wet locks with her fingers. My sister was just so fucking sexy.

"Okay. I'm going downstairs. You want some breakfast?" she asked. I nodded. "Good job, this morning, little brother. I had lots of fun. You're really learning a lot from Vonnie."

With that, she was gone, closing the door behind her.

Shelagh was right. I was learning a lot from our Aunt.

Including a few things that weren't supposed to be part of the curriculum.


Shelagh made a very nice breakfast of bacon and eggs, and we were both eating it when Mom arrived home. We gave her nothing to be suspicious about, just two siblings eating breakfast together. Nothing untoward.

With the meal complete, I loaded the dishwasher with the dirty dishes, gave Mom a kiss, and headed out the door towards my grand-parents' house. Shelagh was in the living room, reading a magazine.

"Say hi to Aunt Siobhan for me," she said softly, with a playful grin. "Have fun."

I gave her a silent nod, and pulled the door shut behind me. This morning's activities, thus far, had been instigated without my consent. Now, I was going where I wanted to go.

I'm not expecting you to feel sorry for me. I'm not really complaining, just saying that, if I'd been awake, I probably wouldn't have gone into my sister's bedroom and fucked her, the way she did to me. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, but I wouldn't have started it. Too dangerous.

On my way over to my grandparent's house, I did some thinking. I was wondering just how long things would continue this way. I was pretty sure that Shelagh was just using me for sex until the novelty wore off, or she found a new boyfriend. That's fine, because I was doing the same thing. I had no emotional attachment to her, other than that of a sibling.

Okay, I'd miss her spectacular blowjobs, but that was purely physical.

Vonnie, on the other hand, was my best friend, and always had been. While it was a little late to worry about things getting weird between us, I did wonder how we'd handle either of us becoming involved with someone else. I suppose we would just need to cross that bridge when we came to it. There really wasn't a manual for this kind of relationship.

Arriving at the front door, I used my key to let myself in. The house was very still, and quiet, almost as though no one was home. Wandering around the first floor turned up nothing, so I crept stealthily up the stairs.

"Nice try, honey, but you do realize I was expecting you, don't you?" Vonnie called from her room. "You can't exactly sneak up on me."

Busted. Oh well. I stopped in her doorway, peeking around the jamb.

I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. I suppose I figured we would do a few jobs first, as we had every other day of my training. Instead, Vonnie was laying in bed, tucked under the covers, looking a little bit... Sad?

"Uh oh. What's wrong?" I asked, moving over to the bed. She gave me a weak smile, and shook her head.

"Just me being me," she whispered. "Nothing to do with you. Well, not anything you did. Oh, I suppose that's not true either. Just forget I mentioned it."

"Just forget what? I didn't understand any of it," I laughed, looking down at her. She snuggled deeper into the covers, and fluttered her eyelashes at me. "What's got you down?"

"Come to bed, honey. I think we need to talk," she said, lifting the sheet.

I really didn't like the sound of that. No, I didn't like it at all. The only way I'd feel better was to get her to open up, so I stripped off my clothes, and slid in beside her.

"Ooooo, what happened here?" Vonnie asked, caressing my upper back. "Is this Shelagh's work?"

"I'm not sure. What is it?" I wondered aloud, trying unsuccessfully to crane my neck around.

"Oh, nothing. Just eight distinct fingernail scrapes," she giggled. "If she was clawing your back, you must have been making her very happy. Is that from this morning?"

"Um, yeah. She jumped me in my room, while Mom was out at the dentist. I swear, she's trying to get us both killed. She lives for danger," I mumbled.

"I see," she replied, welcoming me into her arms.

That information seemed to distract her, but her arms still felt good around me, and her chest still felt wonderfully buoyant between us. We laid on our sides, facing each other. Her face showed her deep in thought, so I waited patiently. The silence was killing me, so I finally had to start talking about something.

"You already knew Shelagh and I had sex this morning, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded, reaching back to retrieve her phone. "Your sister likes to tell me about it, every time she fucks you. She sends me a text."

Vonnie brought her device to life, and found this morning's message from my sister, then handed it to me.

Hey V. Just had the most wonderful morning of orgasms, thanks to D. He's turning into quite a stud. I hope you don't mind me helping myself to your toy, but I was horny, and he's just so fucking good. Have fun this afternoon.

"I'm your toy?" I giggled. "A stud toy?"

Siobhan caressed my face with her soft, feminine hand, and looked into my eyes.

"Danny, you are so much more to me than just a toy," she whispered. "I'm afraid that's the problem."

At last, confirmation of the feelings I had been sensing from her. I was confused.

"Vonnie, you told me that this was just about sex, remember?" I reminded her.

"Yes, I remember. I was there when I said it," she snapped, then realized it had come out harshly, and softened her tone. "Sorry, it's not your fault. I know I said that it was only sex. I was hoping that by setting that expectation up front, we could stay that way, and keep emotions out of it, but things haven't exactly gone as planned."

"What are you saying? I asked.

"I'm not really sure," she frowned. "You know how I feel about you, honey. I've always loved you, more like you were my own brother, and my best friend. We've always had a different relationship than with any of your sisters. I suppose being the only boy accounts for part of that. Now, we've added sex to that, and even though I didn't want it to, it's become a complication. At first, I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, but now that Shelagh is fucking you too, I'm sure it's real."

"What's real?" I asked, still not following this convoluted, female line of thinking.

"Jealousy," she sighed. "I'm jealous of her, getting to fuck you. You're mine. I don't want to share you. I've always loved you, but now I'm IN love with you. That's the problem."

"I don't think it's a problem," I smiled. "In fact, I'm kind of happy about it. I have feelings for you, too."

"Yeah, well... the situation hasn't really changed. Sure, we can fuck each other's brains out, and fall in love with one another, but we still can't ever be together. If it weren't for our family, everything might have a chance to work out, but they do exist. We can't hide from them," she said softly. "There's just too many of them."

That was true. Between grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and everything in between, we had enough relatives to form a separate jury for each of us, without overlapping. The verdicts in both trials would be unanimous, and guilty, and that's leaving Shelagh completely out of it.

I started out this afternoon looking forward to spending time with my favourite Aunt. I had planned on naked time. Sexy time. Oh, my god, that was so fucking good time. Now I was getting the naked part, but the mood wasn't quite the way I pictured it. Part of me was happy that my feelings for her weren't unwanted or unreturned, but I was conveniently ignoring the elephant.

Feelings or not, we were family, and it was hard to envision a white picket fence in our future. The best we could hope for is a lifetime of sneaking around, fucking each other in the shadows and hiding the truth from the world. It was depressing, and I suppose that showed on my face.

We were still laying in each other's arms, on our sides, facing each other, inches apart on the pillow. Vonnie stroked my hair, and kissed me softly.

"I'm sorry. I should be happy that we get to be together today, not fretting over the future," she whispered. "It's a woman thing. When we're in love, we can't help planning our lives out."

"Well, I may not be a woman, or have much experience with love, but I can tell you I have always pictured you in my life," I replied, pulling her closer. "You're not the only one who wants this to be forever."

"So, we're faced with a decision then, aren't we?" she asked. "Do we let the future ruin the present, or do we live in the moment?"

"Isn't that Buddhism?" I laughed. "Live in the moment?"

"I wasn't going for a religious statement," she smiled, her eyes dancing around my face. "Merely suggesting that we're here, in each other's embrace, with nothing better to do. We're even naked, and I for one am enjoying the feel of skin on skin." She wiggled in my grasp, burrowing deeper into my chest, and pressing her breasts tighter against me. "Do you like it too?"

Well, duh! She had reminded me that I had a beautiful, naked, busty woman in my arms, willing to partake in the logical next step, and my dick had begun to swell at the prospect.

"Mmmmm. I think you do," she giggled, her thighs trapping my stiffening erection, and squeezing it firmly. "Whatever will we do with this thing?"

"Whatever you want," I smiled, liking the way she had turned things.

"Ooooo, my choice? Well, I hope Shelagh didn't wear you out, honey, because I just might want it all," she purred, kissing me with passion. "Mmmmm, yes. That sounds good."

I would definitely agree with her. Thinking back on our few weeks together, there wasn't anything we had done that I wouldn't willingly, eagerly do again. Purely on physical enjoyment, sex with Vonnie was the best I could ever hope to have. She was my perfect woman, so what more could I want?

Which, of course, was the whole problem. She was my perfect woman, and my ultimate sexual partner. Not something I would want to give up, but something I might be forced to leave, if we couldn't find a way to be together.

There had to be a way.

For today, however, I would settle for the consolation prize, and what a prize it was. Vonnie rolled on her back, and pulled me over with her, wrapping her arms around my neck. We kissed.

We had kissed before, in every form of the act. Desperate, frantic kisses. Lusty, needful kisses. Kisses with tongues that duelled for seemingly hours on end. Even kisses which felt filled with the love we had both now confessed to having for each other. Yet these kisses were different somehow.

Warmer. Deeper. Emotional.

"Danny, I need you to do me a favour," she whispered, pecking me gently on the tip of the nose.

"Anything for you," I replied, returning the peck. My lips wandered down her neck, and nibbled at her throat.

"Are you sure? Given our situation, what I'm asking for might be difficult, after the fact," she said, a concerned look on her face. "I don't want to make things worse, but I just have to know."

"I said 'anything for you', and I meant it," I smiled. "What can I do for you? What do you need to know?"

Vonnie hesitated for a moment, as though unwilling to voice her request.

"Tell me, darling," I prodded.

She moaned softly, and closed her eyes.

"That's a very good start, calling me 'darling'," she breathed. "Okay. I was wondering, if you could... I mean, just pretend... If we were..."

"Vonnie, honey," I said softly, "just say it. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and nothing can change my feelings. Just say it."

"Make love to me," she smiled, direct and blunt. "There's nothing more I can teach you about sex, so today, I'd like you to just make love to me. Pretend we're not Aunt and nephew, just a man and a woman, totally in love. Show me the feelings deep in your heart. Show me what a future with each other might be like."

I had expected her request to be for a specific act, or particular type of activity, aimed at satisfying an unspoken desire.

Well, the unspoken desire had been spoken now, and it would be my distinct pleasure to fill the order. All she wanted was for me to let my own love for her come out, without reservation. Letting it out would be easy.

Putting the genie back in the bottle afterward? That might be difficult, but I was not going to worry about it now. I had a much more pleasurable task to take care of.

How does one begin? When the most beautiful, desirable woman you've ever known asks you to physically demonstrate your feelings for her, how do you start? She was already nude, and in my arms...

I kissed her again, gently, while caressing the soft skin of her shoulder with reverence. Looking into her bottomless blue eyes, I could see the turmoil of emotions in her. Love. Fear. Anguish. Hope.

They were easy to identify, as I was feeling largely the same thing. Kissing her once more, I could feel her lips quiver, until she simply gave in, and let out her own love. The kiss took all the tension and uncertainty out of her body, and she moaned softly, surrendering completely.

I stroked her lustrous hair while much kisses claimed her, beginning at her plump lips, and expanding outwards from there. When I reached her neck, I could feel her quivering again, but this was a good quiver. Her breathing became sharper, and she whispered her pleasure.

"Oh, baby, that's so nice," she purred. "I love it. Don't stop."

"Hmmm, I wasn't planning on stopping," I whispered back. "You wanted it all, and I'll be pleased to give it to you. This is all for you, my love. Just lay back, and let me take care of you. I'm going to make you feel so good."

"Confidence?" she giggled, dragging a fingernail up my back. "I like that."

"Well, I had a great teacher," I smiled, while she blushed at the compliment. "Perhaps you know her? Redhead... Beautiful blue eyes... Long legs... Great rack..."

"Hmmmm, sounds familiar," she smiled, pulling my lips to hers for a thank you. "Don't let me interrupt you. Please... Carry on!" She pushed my face back to her neck, allowing me to pick up where I left off.

I returned to my task, feeling the excitement building in her with every inch that was claimed with a kiss. I lifted onto my hands and knees, angling my body to the side, so I could reach anywhere I wanted to, and see her body reacting. My lips pecked at the base of her throat, then down and out to both sides, along her collarbones, and to her sexy, toned shoulders. I made a side trip down each arm, all the way to her red-painted fingernails, before returning to her chest.

A wicked idea formed in my head. Just because I loved her, didn't mean I couldn't tease her a little. Yes, maybe that's just what she needed.

Vonnie knew me every bit as well as I knew her. Probably better. She knew how much I worshipped her big, luscious breasts, and was likely expecting me to make those two parts of her body my next stop.

She was holding her breath, awaiting my tongue on her nipples, when I simply went straight down the middle, following her sternum from her upper chest, through her deep cleavage, to her flat tummy.

"Oh, you bastard!" she hissed, letting her breath out in a single groan of agony.

"Is that any way to speak to the man you love?" I chided, continuing to roam around her navel.

"Sorry... How about 'oh you lovely bastard'?" she giggled. I stuck my tongue in her bellybutton, causing a ticklish flinch and more laughter.

"That's better," I replied, moving closer to her primary target.

I could smell her. If you recall, that's how this whole thing started, with her providing a pair of her panties for my olfactory pleasure. I found her scent intoxicating, and with her current level of arousal rising by the second, she was positively oozing with her natural perfume. It took considerable self-control to not just reef her thighs apart, and bury my face in her juicy cunt.

Let's come back to that thought. Follow the plan.

I nibbled at the highly sensitive fold where her thighs met her tummy, and her legs instinctively spread slightly, letting more of her aroma escape, and allowing me to see how very, very wet she really was. When I moved lower still, tasting her inner thighs but not her needy pussy, she whimpered in desperation.

"You're a cruel, cruel man," she moaned, squirming slightly. I was, by now, at her knees, and said nothing in response, simply kissing my way down her shins. I arrived at her feet, kissing the tops, and her cute little toes.

I cast a glance up to her face, which was quite relaxed and placid, except for her eyes, which were watching me intently through the v-shaped gap of her cleavage. She wiggled her toes in my hands, and arched an eyebrow. I smiled, and she rolled on her stomach.

Vonnie has very sensitive feet. Very sensitive, and very erogenous. I found that out one day by accident, when we were laying around the house, just hanging out together. She had put her feet in my lap, initially to tease my crotch, and I had innocently begun to rub her bare feet. Within minutes, she was jello, moaning and writhing in escalating erotic agony. I swear, if I had continued a few minutes longer, she might have actually had an orgasm from the foot rub alone.

But, I'll never know for sure, because the clothing flew a few seconds later, and we spent an hour desecrating every horizontal surface in the ground floor of my grand-parents' house. The living room, kitchen, dining room... all were witness to physical acts that I'm guessing they hadn't seen in decades, if at all.

So now, with her on her tummy, she was literally vibrating with excitement, eagerly awaiting another foot massage. I took a place at her feet, with her legs bent upwards, braced between my knees. Vonnie giggled when she felt my cock, hard and warm, sandwiched between her calves.

"Mmmmm, that's kinky," she moaned. "I've heard of foot jobs, but a calf job is new."

"Gotta put it somewhere, honey," I said, grasping her ankles firmly.

"I've got at least three places you can put it, baby," she sighed.

"Patience, my love," I whispered. "All in good time."

A deep groan came from her, as I dug my thumbs into the bottom of her feet. They were buttery soft, almost as if her feet had never been walked on. Maybe she really was an angel, and flew from place to place on her wings. Or, maybe she just liked a good pedicure, almost as much as a good massage.

My hands worked up and down, moving from her feet to her calves and back, causing a constant stream of satisfied moans and whispered words of encouragement to fill the bedroom. I found a few spots that she seemed especially fond of, which made her lift her head off the pillow and arch her back. Her long tresses whipped back as she did.

"Fuck me! That's so fucking good!" she gasped, while I squeezed her feet, rolling the flesh between my fingers. I kept at it, kneading the soles of her feet thoroughly, while she continued to express herself with sounds that were part sexual, part pain, and part ecstasy. After about ten minutes, Vonnie was a melted puddle on the bed, completely limp. I decided to wake her up.

Rearranging our position, I spread her legs slightly, and ran my hands up her thighs. She moaned softly, and when I resumed my kissing tour of her body with the backs and inner surfaces of her creamy thighs, those moans grew louder. She was definitely still with me, and anticipating my next moves.

So, when my lips neared the moist apex between her legs, she spread them wider, and lifted her hips, tilting them to give me access to her soaking wet sex. Her breathing came in excited bursts, begging me to lick her.

"Oh, please, please, please, please..." she breathed, wagging her pussy at me.

"Soon, darling," I whispered, but resisted the temptation again. Instead, I turned my attention to another target, in the near vicinity. You can guess which one.

I grabbed her curvaceous ass with both hands, spreading the cheeks wider... and licked her butt hole, swirling my tongue over it several times. I pointed my tongue, and tried to probe the tight ring, then plucked at it a few times with my finger.

"Ooooo, oh, ooooo hoooohoooooo!" she giggled, squirming under my tongue. When I trailed my tongue upwards, and moved back to kissing, the giggles gave way to disappointed moans. She buried her face in the pillow, and screamed. "You're making me crazy!"

Well, that was the general idea. As my lips finally reached the nape of her neck, completing the lap of her body, she spun quickly under me, onto her back.

"You missed a few spots!" she smiled, pointing to her breasts, which were pointing back, crowned by extremely erect nipples. "I swear, honey, I'm about to burst!"

"We can't have that," I whispered, dipping my head, and taking her right nipple between my lips. I suckled her deeply, hearing the moan of desire reverberate through the room. Then I felt her hand, reaching under me, to where my stiff cock hung heavily. She stroked it lovingly, squeezing it tight with her dainty hand.

"Fuck! Your cock is so hard, and hot! I want it! Fuck me, please?" she asked, with a desperate sigh. "I need it inside me. Please?"

I said nothing, and simply switched nipples, leaning further across her body. She took the opportunity to angle her torso, pulling herself toward my rigid tool. I had to twist my neck to the limit to maintain my lip lock on her breast, and she did the same, getting her wet mouth around the head of my dick. We both moaned in harmony, wanting more.

That was a problem, though. Much longer in this position, and I think both of us would be needing the services of a chiropractor. Maybe I could save us the trouble. After all, there was one more spot I'd missed on my initial pass, and it was time to visit it now. I released her nipple, and stretched out, coming to rest with my face inches from her pussy.

Vonnie sensed my move, and her legs splayed wider, obviously as eager as I was to have my face buried in her sodden gash. I felt a hand grab my hair, pulling my face lower, while she adjusted her position to give me better access.

It also gave her better access to my cock, and more of it slipped down her throat, dragging a groan of delicious agony from deep inside me. Her hips were undulating, fucking the air in desperation, unable to find my tongue. I smiled, and gave her what she wanted.

"Mmnaahn! Yeth! L' m' puth!" she gasped, mumbling incoherently around her mouthful of my manhood. Fortunately, I didn't need a dentist to translate the mumbled conversation. I knew what she meant.

My Aunt's pussy smelled wonderful. Ever since she gave me her panties to sniff, I had been hooked on her feminine scent. More recently, I had tasted her, hot and fresh, and found that her aroma was nothing compared to that flavour. The whole idea of teasing her this long had been to get her wetter than ever, and now I was reaping the benefits. My tongue dipped into her swollen, dripping pussy, tasting honey that would make bees jealous.

I burrowed deeper into her, swirling my tongue around, and collecting as much of her delicious juices as possible, while sampling the warm, smooth texture of her inner folds. Having only had the opportunity to lick two pussies so far in my life, both of them blood relatives, I couldn't be sure if all women were this delectable, or if it was just my family that tasted so fine.

Part of me was hoping we could find a way to keep me from ever answering that question.

I did notice that being upside down, in this sixty-nine position, made getting at her clit a little more difficult. I was forced to flick it from side to side, rather than the up and down I used from between her thighs. Whatever the method, it met with her approval, and she was moaning loudly, sending spine-tingling vibrations running from my dick, up my back. All the foreplay led her to cum very quickly, and she dispensed more yummy syrup for me to gorge on.

She was really going to town on my cock, sucking like a demon, and fondling my balls, trying to coax a load out of me. Shelagh had been giving my Aunt some tips on sucking my cock, and now Vonnie was supremely skilled, nearly in my sister's class. If she wanted something to quench her own thirst, I would happily provide it.

Besides, it would take the edge off, letting me last longer while I made love to her.

So, while I continued to feast on her dripping snatch, and suck her clit, she squealed and slurped at my shaft. With me bridged over her, she had to pull her body upwards to suck-stroke my dick, grabbing my hips for support. That, and her increasingly loud moans and groans, had my balls tingling.

I'm not sure who actually came first. If it was a televised fuck event, we could probably have watched the instant replay, in slo-mo, to determine the order. As it was, it didn't really matter; I gushed into her mouth, and she oozed into mine.

My young Aunt swallowed, and drew out every drop she could, cleaning my cock with loving care, before she released me.

"Ah!" she smiled, licking her lips of stray semen, and patting her tummy as I lifted off her. "That hit the spot! So tasty, and low in calories, too!"

The grin on her face widened as I took my usual spot between her spread legs, planning to spend a little more personal time with her juicy, pink slit.

"Oh, my god! You're going to eat me some more?" she asked, arranging her pillow for comfort. "Are you going for a record?"

"No, I just love your taste, and I want to see how many times you can cum before you pass out," I laughed, spearing her gaping crevice with my tongue.

"Challenge accepted," she nodded, with a smile of confidence. "Do your best."

I had a feeling that I was being played, but it was a game I couldn't possibly lose. Just being here, in her bed and company, was a win.

I wasted no time, shoving my face as far between her legs as I could go. I felt the smooth skin of her inner thighs, wet with desire, sliding along my cheeks, while I wriggled my tongue into her warm depths. Her inner walls flexed, grasping my probing tongue gently, as her pussy spasmed happily.

Somehow, I managed not to suffocate, getting in just enough quick breaths between deep dives, to survive. I sucked on her clit, and fingered her pussy, breaking through her supposed resistance and getting her off again in minutes.

"That's... Three," she gasped, holding up the appropriate number of fingers, as I rose from my place between her legs. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and looked down at her pussy, which was pouting wide open, eminently ready for the next act. She was ready. I was ready.

It was time to fuck, or at least to make love with purpose. Vonnie correctly read my eyes.

"Oh, yes... I want you to take that big, thick cock, and stuff it all the way up my little pussy!" she growled, holding her legs wide apart, pointed at the ceiling. "Come on, my love. Give it to me. Let me feel it."

She grasped the base of my hard dick, and steered it to the opening of her cunt, nestling the head between her slick labia. Her eyes locked on mine.

I watched her pretty blues widen, and her lashes flutter, as I pushed inside her at last. I entered her slowly, and smoothly, in one long thrust, stretching her open as I did. Her eyes closed, and she let her head fall back.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," she moaned. "That's what I need. You fill me so perfectly, like no one ever did before."

Any comment from me would be superfluous, as she knew well that only my sister and she had welcomed my penis this way. I was clearly happy to be here.

Vonnie wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck, then kissed me softly, and let me take her at my own pace.

As I began to stroke into her gently, I was also thinking about our future together.

I loved Siobhan. There was no getting around that fact. I had loved her since I was just a little boy, and we had literally grown up together, although she did have a slight head start, and she was my very best friend in the whole world. There was nothing I couldn't talk to her about, and once I reached a certain age, she returned the favour, so I knew who had hurt her, and how. It caused me genuine pain when we had those conversations, about relationships that had failed. She was as close to a soul mate as I ever expected to find.

And now, loving her had, as she so eloquently put it, become being IN love with her. Such a small change in language, it was inadequate to convey the quantum leap of emotions involved. I couldn't do without her. It was that simple, and I had a feeling she was equally unwilling to do without me.

Normally, or so I've heard, that's where everyone starts having parties, and congratulating us for our upcoming wedding.


Small deviation from normal, our relationship. She was my Mother's youngest sister, my Aunt, but felt more like my own sister, having spent a lifetime together. Under either category, blood is blood, and that was the problem.

No parties for us. Ever. Yet, I wasn't ready to say goodbye.


This could be our last time together. It certainly wouldn't be my choice, but it wasn't only my decision. If it was our last time, I wanted to make it count. If it was our last time, I wanted to be the benchmark, against whom all future lovers paled. As she was to me.

So, I reamed her succulent pussy with slow, deliberate strokes, alternating long and short, on a random cycle. If women really did take longer to get their engines going, then I'd give her plenty of time to warm up. Then we'd take a nice, long ride.

Vonnie's pussy fit me like a glove. So snug, so warm, so wet, yet so supple and expressive, grabbing at my dick when she was feeling happy. It was clutching me now.

"Oh, Danny," she breathed, in a quivering gasp, and her entire body shook. She pulled me tighter to her, from chest to crotch, and shivered as the orgasm raced through her. It was a quiet, deeply satisfying one. Sometimes those are the best kind. "Four," she moaned, when her body relaxed, and she let me resume my motion.


I don't know how long we made love this way. As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun, and we were most definitely having fun. I do know this; by the time Vonnie was croaking "Six", we were both sweating, and she was urging me to fuck her harder, and faster.

There's another old saying... Being in love is never having to say you're sorry. I have a personal spin on it. Being in love is never having to say 'no', when she asks you to fuck her brains out.

Vonnie's bed was squeaking loudly in rhythm with my strokes, as I pounded her into the mattress. She was holding onto me like a baby koala bear, absorbing the assault with her own squeaks and squeals of delight, begging for more.

"Oh, good Jesus! Yes! Fuck me, you animal! Fuck me so hard, and deep! You're gonna make me... Oh shit! Oh SHIT! HERE IT CUMS!" she screeched. "SEVEN! THAT'S SEVEN! DON'T STOP! I WANT MORE!"

I just kept going, slamming my hips against her, thrashing her cunt with fury at her request. Words began to fail her, replaced with sharp grunts, and melodic moans. Her ankles, crossed behind my back, kicked at my butt, spurring me on through another orgasm, and another a few minutes later.

By now, I was drenched in sweat, just as the proverbial pony, ridden hard, and exhausted. I gave her a few more strokes, then ground to a halt, wheezing and gasping for air. I lifted off, and collapsed beside her, flat on my face. The room fell silent, other than tortured breathing. It took a few minutes for Vonnie to finally break the quiet.

"You know..." she panted, combing her dishevelled hair with her fingers, "... if you're trying to disappoint me, and solve our little 'I can't live without you' problem, you're failing miserably. My god! I mean... I know I didn't teach you all of that! Who? When?" she asked, gesturing wildly. "Did Shelagh teach you?"

"Ha! I don't think so! At least, not intentionally," I replied, catching my own breath. "No, Shelagh's sexual interest in me is purely selfish. She likes having a cock that's willing to fuck her, right in the next bedroom."

"Well, I'm glad she's not emotionally involved," Vonnie said softly, rolling on her side, and caressing my chest with her hand. "If we can figure a way to be together, she's going to have to do without you, because I have no intention of sharing."

"Me neither," I smiled, letting my eyes wander across her big boobs, which always looked so good stacked like this. So round, and full, I returned the favour, cupping her breasts softly.

She looked into my eyes, and pointed a finger, jabbing it into my chest to roll me on my back.

"My turn," she smiled, and slithered down to where my penis was still mostly erect, and coated with her abundant juices. She inhaled our mixed scent, and ran her tongue from my balls, up the shaft, to the large head of my cock. It twitched, and I giggled. "Oh good, he's still alive. I was afraid we'd worn him out. Remember, I said I wanted it all."

Yes, you did, I thought, watching her head bob slowly on my cock, freshening my erection. It took her mere seconds to have it ready to go, and she locked eyes with me as she straddled my hips. Her gaze never wandered, while she reached under, and pointed it where she wanted it. I felt the head press against some resistance, and knew where she was going.

All the way. Around the world. The triple play. Grand slam

In her ass.

I liked fucking Vonnie's ass. We'd done it a couple of times recently, and she really seemed to get off on it now. The fact she was putting my dick in there by choice told me she now considered it a normal part of our sex life.

She put a little more weight on me, and the first inch of my cock slipped into her. Now that it was past the entrance, more slid in as she dropped her body lower.

"God! That's such a nice, big cock, Danny! It feels so fucking good up there!" she growled, releasing her grip, and bridging her body back on both hands. She wasn't just taking it in the ass, she was taking it in the ass like a porn star, giving me a good look right up her vacant, gaping pussy while she did. She began to ride me, going deeper each stroke, until I was buried balls-deep up her ass.

"Mmmmm, yes, all the way in, baby!" she grunted. She didn't stay still long, and was bouncing on my dick within seconds. In this position, her breasts were spread on her chest, and they were doing a spectacular dance as well. Her swollen, dangling labia attracted my attention, and I reached down to tickle them.

I was just able to get my fingers into her, as awkward as it was, and curled my fingertips against her forward, inner wall. There is was.

"Oh, you fucking beast, you!" she hissed, grinding both openings down over my cock and fingers respectively. When I added the thumb of my free hand on her clit, she snorted, saliva dripping from her gaping mouth. "Mutherfucker! God, you're gonna make me cum so hard!"

She fucked herself, pounding her ass up and down on my shaft, while I kept rubbing her g-spot and clit furiously. She was panting, grunting, groaning, moaning... Just about every sexual noise you can think of. Her hair was hanging in sweaty strings around her face, and she was looking into my eyes deeply. About the time I felt my balls beginning to boil, her face virtually erupted. Her whole body clenched, and turned bright pink, as the mother of all orgasms hit.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" she screamed, as her body shook violently. "YES! YES! FUCKING YESSSS!"

I exploded inside her ass, and she did something I hadn't expected. Something spectacular.

My fingers were still up her pussy, and when her ass clamped down on my cock, her pussy did the same. The groan of ecstatic agony she let out began deep inside her, as did the spray of juices that raced up my arm, and across my chest. It was just one, long squirt, but it was a complete surprise.

Vonnie collapsed backward, gasping desperately for air, while I finished spurting up her ass. At last, we were both spent.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god..." she panted, laying limp. Her legs were entangled with mine, folded under her uncomfortably, with my dick still stuffed up her butt. I managed to free her legs, and she stretched out.

"Thank you, oh thank you, baby," she breathed. "I think you killed me."

"I think you drowned me," I laughed, causing her to lift her head slightly, and open unfocused eyes in my direction.

"Huh?" she asked, finally able to see me, covered in her spray. "Is that me? Holy fuck. I've never done that before. Sorry."

"Sorry? Are you kidding? Do it again!" I told her.

"I'm not sure I can," she giggled. "My god, Danny. That was the best, ever."

"I would agree," I smiled, and laid my head back. I was still licking my fingers, which were soaked in pussy gravy. "I don't suppose we've solved the problem though, have we?"

"Hold that thought," she sighed. My cock had softened, and been squeezed out of her sphincter, so she rolled off of me, and stood up, bracing herself against the wall. "Danny, you really fucked me up. My legs are pretty wobbly."

"Um, sorry?" I replied.

She paused her staggering gait in the doorway, and looked over her shoulder at me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't be. Anytime you want to make me feel like this, I'm game," she giggled, and continued toward the bathroom. My semen was oozing out of her ass, down her leg.

She was surprisingly quick coming back, and walking much more normally when she did. I made room beside me, and she snuggled under my right arm. A kiss completed old business.

"Thank you. That was fantastic. Now, as you were saying, we still have the same problem, don't we?" she said softly, moving on to bigger issues. "I love you, and you love me. I can't imagine my life without you in my arms, and I don't want to. We should be very happy, but there's a fly in the ointment."

"Yes, Aunt Siobhan," I nodded.

"That's right, smart ass," she giggled. "No amount of wishing is going to change that fact. We're not supposed to be doing this, and we're not supposed to fall in love with each other."

"No, but we did, and we did," I reminded her.

"Yes, I was there," she sighed. "Are you going to contribute something to this conversation, or just provide comic relief?"

"Okay. I'll serious up," I replied. "I love you, and I want us to be together, forever. Now how do we do that?"

"Just a second, there, speedy," she patted my chest. "Before we waltz off into the sunset, we need to be clear on a few things. First... Children."

"I hadn't even thought about kids," I said.

"Well, I have," she smiled. "I always pictured kids in my future, but that was before I put you in there. Now, I'd be willing to do without them, I think. Either way, we'd have to adopt. There's a reason incest is illegal. I'm not willing to risk a child's life that we wouldn't have a baby with serious defects. It's not fair. Do you agree?"

I thought about it. She was right. It wasn't worth the risk, and wouldn't be fair to the child. Besides, there were plenty of kids that needed a home.

"Yes," I nodded. "No biological offspring. I suppose we should make that an impossibility, shouldn't we?"

"I'm glad you agree," she smiled. "Male sterilization is simpler. Is that okay with you?"

"I can't say I like the idea of someone taking a knife to my balls," I winced, "but if we have to do it, I'll be brave. You'll hold my hand, right?"

"Yes, dear," she giggled. "Now, all that's left is the big problem."

"Yes," I sighed, looking at the ceiling. Maybe I was hoping for a sign from god to appear there, but nothing did. This one was in our hands, and no one was going to help us solve it. The problem itself was simple.

How do we tell them?